madwomanfromthewoods 21 days
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Ena. It means gift from God.
I would love that name but unfortunately I do have intimate relations with the woman of that name. I have claimed her several times and made her mine enough times to haze her memory with a blissed out exhaustion that only lulls her to slumber. How she softly pants and tries to keep up with my ferocity & willingly loses her sanity & her own mind over & over & over to me.
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madwomanfromthewoods 1 month
??: Yeah, i just throw my wife's hommedate lunches away, they taste disguting, when i come back, i just say they were amazing, what about you?
Naruto: BITCH My wife wakes up at three A.M. to make me lunches, i'll eat them wether i like it or not and ask for seconds!
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madwomanfromthewoods 1 month
Writing prompt number 1 - "Iif i have too, i will " Sasuke Uchiha. By the way, he's a bit out of character, but yeah.
"You will get engaged someone else" That sounded like a demand not a question, and hearing it felt like swallowing a rock. You sighed and met his obsidian gaze that contained fustration.
"He's not good enough for you. I am"
You sighed and ran a hand through your hair. If you said you'd be happy with the arrangement your family made for you- just so you wouldn't be with Sasuke, they reached out to the wealthiest Family and unfortunately, after having a look at you, their son -nothing but an asshole- agreed. Just the thought of marrying him caused and digust to bubble within you, the way he carried himself, the way he acted as if he owned you caused you to shrudder involuntary, howevever, you also thought of your parents. Your mother would have a heart attack if she found out, and your father would disown you, yet your heart craved only one man that's sitting in front of you. Sasuke Uchiha, it was a battle you couldn't win.
"It's not about him" You sighed. "It's about my family. I don't want to upset them, Sasuke"
"And it's worth to ruin your life? Worth giving up on me, on us ?" Sasuke snapped, then walked closer and grabbed your wrist, not tight, but firm and pulled you against himself, where you melted, a strong scent of santal wood, mixed with citrus and spice of pepper slipped in your nose. Instictively, you arms wrapped around him as he placed his forehead against the crown of your head. You never wanted this to end.
"If you love me" Sasuke whispered. "You will run away with me, now, and take my name at the court house, [Name]"
Your cheek heated up like an oven and you swore your stomach did a backflip there and then as well as sink. You raised your head and looked at him, with both pleading and hope. The dream of being married to him had been haunting you ever since you fell for the man in front of you, the thought of them never happening left a bitter taste on your tongue, why can't your parents just accept the man you love? You sighed and lowered your gaze.
"No you don't" He held your chin and made you look at him again, his eyes glinted with determination, he then kissed you, too short for both of your likings. "If i have to, i will kindap you. You don't steal my heart, break it and get away with it, [Name], you always think of your parents, what yourself? Are you always going to be the submissive daughter? Pathetic, choose your happiness,choose me"
"Sasuke" You breathed out, heart pounding against your ribcage as if trying to get out of your chest, tears welt in your eyes. If it was not him, who else would it be? You've never imagined yourself with other men other than him, he had your heart as you had his, and while you loved your parents, it was Sasuke with whom you wanted to spend eternity with. "Let's go"
And then he kissed you before he helped you exit through the window and sneak out past the drunken guards, you laughed like a child as you two ran far away while holding hands while Sasuke smirked, the court house was not far from here. You were grinning to your ears and your heart flutttered in both excitement and adrenaline, however, that grin faded when at the court house, you spotted the Uchihas, both Patriarch and Matriarch, along with Sasuke's older brother, you glanced at Sasuke only to see him having color drained from his face.
And just then, Mikoto Broke into laughter laughter, Itachi smiled and even his father had a, warmer demeanor, you and Sasuke looked each other with confusion.
"Well?" It was Fugaku's voice that broke out then, having the same sternness, but gentler. "Those papers won't sign themselves"
"You knew?" Sasuke finally spoke, still as shocked as ever.
"Thanks to a certain birdie, we knew" Itachi replied, Sasuke grumbled.
"Naruto... that idio-"
"It's not nice to keep a lady in waiting, You know" Mikoto teased, grining to ear. Sasuke's cheeks turned red, then without a replied, walked with you upstairs, where you both signed the papers, Sasuke then pulled out three rings from his pocket, two plain ones and one ruby ring, your breath got caught in your throat seeing the ring. Sasuke slid it onto your finger - the promise ring, and the second one who made the promise truthfully, you smiled as it was your turn, and so now, you became husband and wife in union.
Suddenly, the door bursted open, making your bones leap out of your skin, it was Naruto, along with more people whom held drinks and food. "Sorry for being Late!" He grinned, Sasuke sighed though he wasn't actually annoyed, you chuckled as the celebration went on, Sasuke offered a small smile and kissed your brow.
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madwomanfromthewoods 1 month
Kakashi would randomly pop your tity out while you're cuddling
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madwomanfromthewoods 2 months
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team 7 +
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madwomanfromthewoods 3 months
Why do I feel like Shisui would have the worst taste in women ever? Bro could see a walking red flag and be like "I can fix her"
And Itachi would go : "She will ruin you"
Shisui : "i'd let her"
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madwomanfromthewoods 3 months
Okay, here is a random opinion that will get me hate.
If Sakura was a man chasing after Sasuke, and Sasuke was a woman, guess who will get all the hate? Fem Sasuke. And i will forever die on this.
Meanwhile male Sakura will be all hyped up, and named as a hero, and would get comments like.
"It's always the nice guys bro 馃様" shit like that.
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madwomanfromthewoods 3 months
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No cause...Itachi is known to be most sweetest, caring and respectful man to ever exist being the filthest motherfucker ever when the two of you are alone - He smacks your ass, does the "can you bring me a towel?" Shit, chokes you, teasingly degrading and praising through it - Just imagine him whispering in your ear with that sexy voice. AJABSHSSHSHEHEUEHEHHEHERHHEEHHRHEHRHRHRHEEHEH
Makes dirty ahh jokes and teases you.
But he only shows that side to you, and you only, everyone things of him as this perfect guy who can do nothing wrong 鉂わ笍
I gotta go shift so i can get railed, byeee 馃拫馃拫
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