magictincan · 5 years
Bittersweet Endings
Pairing: Gabriel x Winchester!Reader
Warning(s): Heavy angst, death, use of swearing, small bit of fluff
Word Count: 1.6k
Summary: The last Winchester is pushed to her limits as she loses everything, whilst Gabriel battles with the choice of a lifetime, that could ultimately save all of the Winchesters and repair all the pain the world has dealt them. But only if he sacrifices the thing most precious to him.
A/N: I'm so sorry in advance, even as I was writing this, I could feel Gabriel's heart breaking in two and I feel awful that I hurt my favourite boy :( But, it had to be done. Don't get too mad at me, okay?
GIF belongs to @amynagata
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He was unsure what to do, head empty of any semblance of a plan. He'd never experienced an emotion like this before, never known what it felt like to have your heart ripped out of your chest before being haphazardly stuffed back in through the gaping chasm that had been left behind. He had never experienced the soundless words falling dryly on his lips, choking on his own tongue in an attempt to soothe the weighing atmosphere of hopelessness and grief. He hadn't known the feeling of drowning in so many emotions that it turned to a numb so crushing it left him gasping for relief.
Never felt as utterly helpless and human as he did right then.
Gabriel watched as the woman he'd come to call his own let out a shrill cry, cursing the heavens for the cruelty of taking away her only flesh and blood. A feeling of uselessness filled his bones as the woman turned to pleading, begging for an ounce of empathy from the almighty forces controlling their existence.
There was nothing he could do. His father had never cared enough to answer his prayers before, and this time was no different. No amount of praying could reverse the fact that he'd failed her.
“Come down here you son of a bitch! And make this right!” She shouted, waving her fist angrily at the sky, determined that someone had to be listening. “After everything, that's the least you could do! You owe it to them!” She added, gesturing wildly at the lifeless corpses of her beloved brothers. “You owe it to me!”
When no answer came, she let out another angry cry before slumping forward and letting the tears overcome her, engulfing every breath she took.
The shaking rise and fall of her shoulders seemed to jolt Gabriel out of his trance, and he cautiously placed a palm to her lower back, rubbing soft circles. Slowly, he bent down, trying his best not to startle her, like he was approaching a stray cat he'd spotted on the street. His free hand wobbled unsurely as he reached out for one of her hands which were busy hiding her face. Carefully, he pried one away from her damp bloodshot eye, causing her to look up at him as he pulled away the other from her right eye. “Gabe-” Her voice cracked as tears once again welled in her e/c eyes. She reached for him, and he understood immediately without any words and pulled her into a tight embrace.
“I'm here, darl.” He soothed, resting his cheek against her dishevelled h/c hair. “I'm here.”
Y/N choked out a sob, the tears starting back up again. “Sam, Dean…” She pulled him closer, not wanting Gabriel's warmth to leave her as her brothers had. Gabriel wrapped his arms tighter around the woman, knowing space was the exact opposite of what she needed right now. “I can't believe- I can't believe that they're gone.” She cried, feeling as though everything was crumbling around her.
Gabriel's own eyes dampened as memories of the smiles of the Winchester family flooded his brain, filling him with an overwhelming sense of sadness. “I know, I always thought Dean would go out via pie.” He added in an attempt to ease her crushing grief. Gabriel was glad when he heard her emit a small, breathy chuckle.
Sighing, she dragged herself away from him and swiped at her eyes with her palms. Her gaze turned towards her brothers’ bodies and she sighed again. “I suppose we better give them a proper send-off, before Sam's ghost tries to lecture me on angry spirits.” She joked, although there was no humor in her words.
An uneasy feeling settled in Gabriel's stomach as he watched her stand up, and begin the weighing task of moving Dean's corpse.
He'd seen that look, seen it so much more than he'd like to admit. Seen the scary calmness after traumatic events that often meant a storm was brewing under the surface of her skin. He knew bad things were coming, lurking just beyond the horizon. He knew that there was only one thing fuelling Y/N, and that was a pure and fiery need for revenge and that it would swallow her whole.
Gabriel's mind frantically spun, chanting “save Y/N” rhythmically as his brain whirled. He needed to save her from herself; he couldn't let the cloud of revenge consume her. Revenge was an ugly thing, turning everything good in your life to into just more reasons to drown yourself in seeking justice. Revenge ate at you until there was nothing left but this emotionless husk of the person you used to be.
An idea struck Gabriel, a plan already forming. He'd save Y/N, even if he had to give up everything he'd come to care about. She was worth too much to him to let her turn into someone she wasn't.
“Y/N.” The archangel called out, chin held high, earning Y/N's attention. He knew she wouldn't like his plan, she'd fight him on it, arguing that there was some other way. But Gabriel knew those other ways would only end in more suffering and blood, enough blood that it would rival that of a battlefield.
The woman raised her brows at him, wordlessly prodding him to go on. Gabriel blinked back tears and cleared his throat discreetly, not wanting to worry Y/N. Somehow, she seemed to notice and stood up to move closer. “Gabe.” She soothed, holding her palm to his cheek. Gabriel leaned into her touch, letting his eyes flutter shut, man was he going to miss this. “What's wrong?”
Tears dribbled down his cheek, which he hastily rubbed away with the back of his hand, letting out a humourless laugh. He looked Y/N in her eyes, seeing the worry present. “I love you so much.” He began, the sting of tears building again as his heart throbbed. He hated how painful this was. “Dad only knows how much I love you.” He added, voice breaking. Y/N thumbed away the tear tracks and Gabriel once again let his lids close. How could he look her in the eye and tell her what he was planning?
“Gabe, baby, you know you can talk to me.” She reassured, concern evident in her voice.
Gabriel reminded himself that what he was about to do was for her, so she'd never have to feel a pain so hurtful again. He lifted his hand to cover hers, wrapping his fingers around hers as his whiskey eyes stared into her e/c ones.
For her.
“I've got to do something, something that I know you're not going to like.” He murmured, watching the alarm light up her features. He was really going to miss her beautiful face with her pretty eyes and cutely expressive mouth.
“Gabriel-” She hedged uncertainly, but Gabriel cut her off. He couldn't let her talk him out of this, it was too important.
“I'm so sorry, but I've got to.” He choked, dragging her into a hug. “I'm going to miss you so much.”
Y/N squeezed him back. “Gabe please, you're scaring me.” She drew back and Gabriel got a glimpse at the tears forming along her waterline. “We can talk about this.” She sobbed, finally getting that this was their last goodbye.
Gabriel took a step back, out of her reach. “I'm so sorry Y/N, I'll love you forever and always.”
And with that, Gabriel snapped his fingers, changing and sacrificing everything.
It'd been exactly twenty four years since Gabriel had saved the life of Mary Winchester, resulting in the Winchester siblings growing up to live a normal apple pie life, never learning the truth about the things that went bump in the night.
As Gabriel often did on the anniversary of the night he'd saved Mary, he went out to grab a drink, and it was for that purpose, that he found himself at the local bar.
Gabriel beckoned a hand towards the bartender, letting him know he'd run out of shots. The bartender in turn held up the empty bottle of scotch Gabriel had been frequenting, shaking it at him before holding up one finger, signalling he'd be back in a minute.
The archangel sighed as the bartender ducked into the back room, watching his retreating figure. He often thought about what had become of the Winchester children. He knew Sam had become a successful lawyer, he even owned a firm and had gotten married to Jessica. He'd heard about a couple of Dean's ceremonies where he'd received medals for his bravery in the line of duty and the likes.
As for Y/N? Well he'd purposely avoided checking in on her. Even thinking about her made his chest hurt. He missed her so much. Her laugh. Her sass. Her kindness. Even the way she organised her dvd collection. Sometimes he wished he'd gotten just a few more minutes with her, but what's done was done.
Gabriel felt a tug on his sleeve and turned to look for the source and suddenly froze like a deer caught in headlights as he caught sight of a very familiar face.
“Uh hi there.” She began, glancing down and playing with her fingers. “I just saw you sitting here all alone and were wondering if you wanted some company.”
He was still in shock as Y/N looked up at him through her lashes and started to panic. “I didn't mean you have to- I don't have to sit here if you don't want.” She flushed, embarrassed that she'd just hit on a complete stranger. Her group of friends sitting at a table nearby giggled.
Gabriel finally remembered how to function and quickly jumped up, grabbing her hands in his. “No, no, no, stay.” He glanced down at their intertwined hands. “I'd like the company.” He added, smiling up at her, earning a bright smile back.
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magictincan · 5 years
Pretty Boy In A Trenchcoat
Pairing: Castiel x Reader
Warning(s): Fluff; just pure fluff
Word count: 985 (so close to 1k!!)
Summary: The reader steals Castiel's trenchcoat.
A/N: I wanted to write something so sugary sweet and pure for you guys because my next fic is gonna absolutely decimate you ;) PS, I tried to keep it as gender neutral as possible and I'm sorry if it seems abrupt; this is honestly the first time I've written in months and I cranked it out in one night. Let me know if you want to be added to my tag-list.
GIF belongs to @inacatastrophicmind
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“Cas! I'm back!” You hollered as you entered the bunker with groceries in hand, shutting the door behind you with a firm kick. “I got most of the stuff you asked for, but there was a few things they didn't have!” You added when no reply came from your favourite angel, a small smile gracing your face as you were reminded of the clerk's horrified expression when you'd asked if they had any “bee-shaped pasta” in stock.
You descended the stairs, confused as to why Castiel hadn't come out to greet you yet. Carefully, you placed down the paper bags onto the giant map table and scanned the room, searching for a glimpse of the dark dishevelled mop of hair you'd come to love.
It was weird, Cas was often found lazing about the “War Room” as Dean had put it on several occasions, feeling much more comfortable in the common areas when the boys were out on some hunt. It wasn't that he had something against the two, it was just that they teased him relentlessly whenever the two of you were in the same room, making fun of the way he kept sending longing looks your way whenever he thought you weren't paying attention.
“Cas?!” You called out again in hopes that he would just sudden pop out of thin air. It worried you when you didn't know where he was, always assuming the worst. Living with the supernatural didn't often give a hunter- well hunter in training in your case -an optimistic outlook. It was then that you finally noticed Castiel's signature beige trench coat slung over the back of one of the library's chairs. Curiously, you wandered closer, wondering why in the hell Cas would leave his beloved trench coat behind. As soon as you got close enough, you automatically raised your hand to run your hand along the fabric. God only knew how many times you'd had to wash out the random stains Cas often came back with after his solo adventures. The material was so worn down that it felt like you were running your hand over a homemade wool knit scarf.
Hesitantly, you picked it up, letting it unfold itself as you held it away from your body. It was largely oversized, but that was one of the good things about it. Oversized jackets were one of your guilty pleasures, loving the way it made you feel so small and warm, like a childhood blanket. Quickly you glanced around the room, making sure no one was around to see the next part. Satisfied Dean wasn't hiding between the bookshelves with a camera at the ready, you slipped it on and sighed in contentment.
You let your eyes flutter shut and revelled in the feeling of Cas’ trench coat hanging off your shoulders.
Castiel had offered to let you wear it several times, but you'd always felt too awkward to accept and had always brushed off his offer. In that moment, you regretted ever rejecting the chance to put on the coat. It was kind of like Castiel was giving you a nice long hug, and you honestly loved it. Cas wasn't really one to hug, only ever embracing someone when his emotions overwhelmed him. You understood that, you just wished he'd hug you a little more often.
You gave another small happy sigh. You'd have buy one for yourself the next time you were out, either that or risk the temptation to steal Cas’.
“Y/N?” You heard a voice call, causing you to freeze. “Are you wearing my trench coat?”
Your mind spun rapidly, trying its hardest to come up with a believable excuse as to why you were standing there in your friend's trench coat with your eyes closed like the weirdo you were. It was such a shame that the adrenaline had already answered for you. “No?”
You didn't need to turn around to hear the soft little snort that escaped from Cas at your obvious lie. “Oh really?” He grinned, deliberately emphasising his footsteps as he moved closer, only visible out the corner of your eye. “Then what's this?” He asked, picking at the material at your shoulder.
“Would you believe me if I said it was just a really weird shirt?” You laughed nervously, an anxious smile falling over your face as you glanced sideways at his amused expression.
He let out a small chuckle. “You're too cute sometimes Y/N.”
You turned to look at him in surprise, was he flirting with you? “I am?”
He shook his head, smile still on his face. “Yes.” He said, like it was obvious.
Your mouth fell open, making a tiny ‘o’ shape. Sure he'd said sweet little things before, but they'd never been this direct, you honestly weren't sure how to respond.
Castiel's face fell a small bit when you didn't answer. “I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable Y/N, I was just taking Dean's advice about-” He rushed out, only stopping as you'd turned to face him and put a hand on his arm. It was cute how he'd tried getting advice from Dean, it proved that he was ready to make a move. Well two could play at that game.
You shot him a wide smile, plan already formulating in your mind. “Did it hurt?”
The dark haired angel raised a brow in confusion, not quite catching your drift. “Did what hurt?”
It took all your willpower to keep from bursting into a fit of laughter. “When you fell.”
Castiel was still lost “Fell from where? Y/N you're going to have to be more specific.”
“When you fell from heaven, because man, you look like an angel.”
Realisation slowly lit his features, finally understanding what you meant. “Were you-? Are you hitting on me?”
You nodded, very proud of yourself. “Did it work?”
He was very quick to respond. “Yes.”
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magictincan · 5 years
Supernatural Preferences: How they react to you coming back from the dead
A/N: It's not a Supernatural related blog unless you've written something about someone coming back from the dead... And I've pulled a good ol' Sammy Winchester to give you this one :)
All gifs belong to their rightful owners unless stated otherwise
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Castiel: When you first arrived back at the bunker, Cas had no idea what to think. Every logical part of him screamed that it was a trick, that it was just one of his many enemies taunting him and playing with his emotions, and yet he didn't hesitate as he pulled you into a bone-crushing hug.
"I missed you so much." He sobbed, falling apart as your arms wrapped around him again for the first time in months.
"Me too, cowboy." You smirked fondly, glad to be back in his embrace.
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Charlie: The first time you came back, Charlie was understandably worried, just not in the way you'd expected. After a routine Winchester pat down and a quick game of catch up, you finally let Charlie whisk you away so that she could confine you to bed rest.
"Do you need anything else? Something to eat? More blankets?" She fussed, toying with her hands, unsure how she could help.
"Char, for the last time, I'm fine." You sighed, shaking your head with a small smile upon your face. "All I really need right now is some quality cuddle time with my favourite girl." You added with a wink in her direction.
"I can do that." She breathed.
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Crowley: It was one of those moments where Crowley had become extremely bored whilst attending to his 'kingly' duties and was drifting off to thoughts of you.
He'd tried, he'd really tried. Hell, he'd even begged the Winchesters. But not even the king of hell had had enough to bring you back.
Suddenly, the throne room's doors banged open, giving way to the fury that was you. Crowley stared entranced and wide eyed, taking in every single windswept lock of hair as you stormed towards him.
You didn't even give him a chance to speak as you yanked him towards you by his tie and kissed him, needing it more than anything else.
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Dean: Dean's reaction had been exactly what you'd expected, but still, a gun right to your face wasn't really the warm welcome you'd wanted.
"Wow, four months in hell for this? Classy, real classy Dean." You snipped, not really in the mood for the whole 'you're supposed to be dead' conversation.
He rolled his eyes. "Well excuse me for being cautious."
You snorted; Dean Winchester, cautious? Maybe you were hallucinating after all. "Look, I'll save you the time and the holy water. I'm not a demon, nor am I some weird hybrid or anything like that. I'm just plain old Y/N."
Dean's judgement wavered before holstering the gun and dragging you into a tight embrace. "You better be."
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Gabriel: Gabriel often played with creating dreams for himself, usually with a very smutty ending to help cope with the fact that you were gone. So when he came back from being just a general nuisance to find you lounging around on his suite, he skipped right past the whole 'how are you back' crap.
"Aren't you even the least bit suspicious?" You mused as Gabriel kissed the spot right under your ear, having kissed you on the mouth enough times that they'd be swollen tomorrow.
"Well if this is a dream, I don't want to miss the really good bit." He murmured, thumbing your jawline.
You sighed as he made his way down your neck, already giving up arguing over the fact he should probably have at least a few questions. He really knew how to distract you. "Fair enough."
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Gadreel:  Ever since you'd been killed, Gadreel had blamed himself. Every day he sobbed and prayed to his father, offering himself for you. Without you, he was a total mess.
When you returned to no sign of Gadreel, you enlisted the help of a reluctant pair of Winchesters. It was only after the Winchesters tracked him down that he finally realised you were back.
"Y/N! I thought I'd never see you again!" He cried, spinning you around with his arms around your waist with a wide joyous smile on his face.
You giggled, relieved to see him so happy. "Gad! Stop it, you're going to break something!"
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Meg: With Meg, she didn't know what to do with herself. Ever since she'd become a demon, she hadn't felt much of anything, until she'd happened upon you. You'd been so nice and warm, treating her as if she was a real person instead of this object made to maim and kill. Your death had changed a lot of that though, leaving her to wallow away her emotions in bottles upon bottles of alcohol.
She was a wreck when you found her lazing around on a motel couch, embracing her assumed death with open arms.
"If you're gonna kill me, just do it." She slurred, looking up from her seat with red rimmed eyes. "If not, whiskey's over there."
"Oh Meg, I'm so sorry." You whispered, kneeling down to hold her face in your hands.
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Lucifer: Lucifer had always had a rough childhood, abandonment being a common theme in his life, so when you passed on, it felt like history was repeating itself.
Rather than be angry about it, Lucifer just become a shell of himself, unable to bring himself to do anything but cry. In the words of Castiel "it was pitiful really."
You coming back wasn't something he'd given much thought to, so when you waltzed on into his suite, he was shocked enough he had no smart quip at the ready.
"Yeah, supposed to be dead. Guess death wasn't a good fit for me."
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Rowena: Having been a part of the supernatural community for so long, Rowena had already suffered so much that majority of it didn't faze her as much as it should've. That didn't mean your death didn't absolutely destroy her. It was just a few weeks after you'd come back that you finally realised how much she had been affected.
The both of you were cuddling in your bed, Rowena's head on your chest and your arm around her.
"Isn't that uncomfortable?" You asked. Rowena glanced up curiously and you nodded down at yourself and how she was laying.
She gave a cute little chuckle. "A wee bit, but I like being able to hear your heartbeat." She looked downwards, almost sadly. "It helps me remember you're here and you're real."
You pulled her even closer and kissed the top of her head. "I'll always be here."
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Sam: Knowing Sam Winchester like you did, you'd expected to be met with a million tests and a million questions, one after the other. Instead, you were met with what you could only describe as a happy puppy.
You walked into the eerily silent bunker, heavy metal door falling shut behind you. "Sammy?!" You hollered, creeping down the stairs, hairs standing high on nerves.
"Y/N?! " A voice called out excitedly, not even giving you a chance to see who it was before you were hit by a great big blur. "I'm so glad you're back!" Sam cried, cutting off all your oxygen with a simple squeeze of his arms.
"Sam...baby...can't breathe." You wheezed, tapping out.
"Sorry." He grinned sheepishly, letting you down.
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magictincan · 5 years
Supernatural preferences: How you found out how they feel
A/N: I started writing this after my crush- now boyfriend -asked me out and I had all those butterflies. Turns out writing while happy produces some pretty good fluff (not saying my writing's good or anything). So without further ado, some Supernatural preferences fluff.
All gifs belong to their rightful owners unless stated otherwise
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Castiel: Though he tries, Castiel is anything but subtle. He really seems to struggle with knowing the difference between 'brutal honesty' and 'polite honesty', so it was sometimes painfully obvious how head over heels he was whenever he complimented you. He would often just sit and stare at you while you hid your warmed face behind a book you were supposed to be reading. The first time he attempted to ask you out, he ended up giving you a speech on how much he admired you and wished he could hold and spend all his time with you.
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Charlie: It wasn't long after you both became friends that people started confusing you two for a couple. Dean often teased you about how much time you and Charlie seemed to spend alone in her room, implying that the two of you were 'researching' and 'working out your frustrations'. Eventually it got to a point where you started to wonder if her shy little smiles and frequent cuddles could possibly mean something. You decided to confide in her, being totally caught off guard when she admitted she felt the same.
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Crowley: Crowley was pretty obvious about it; fixing his posture any time you walked into the room, using big words to seem smarter when you were around, doing any and everything to hear your laugh, and even the small little gifts he conveniently had on him whenever he visited. Although it seemed he was giving off all the signals, nothing really happened until after the angels fell. With his newfound humanity, Crowley felt he owed it to you to tell you how he felt. After several minutes of him stumbling over his words, you finally decided to spare him further embarrassment by taking his hand and letting him know that you had feelings for him too.
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Dean: The eldest Winchester brother didn't really see the point in being low key about his emotions. When you've lived a life like his, you learn that some things can easily just disappear. Dean was often found flirting with you, using all his best pick-up lines. Knowing Dean's character, you brushed it off at first, only really understanding just how true his feelings were until a vamp hunt turned sideways and he dropped everything to save you from being a bloodbag.
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Gabriel: Gabriel is a firm believer of the 'rivals to lovers' trope; giving you annoying nicknames, making your stuff disappear, always taking the last slice of pizza. He often has trouble drawing the line at what is too much, which means he gets on your nerves a lot. But underneath all the jokes and pranks, is someone who cares a lot about you, enough that he'd stand up to Lucifer a million times over if it meant you were safe. His feelings were only revealed when you walked in on him having an anxiety attack after his time with Asmodaeus and he asked you to stay and hold him.
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Gadreel: This big ball of fluff is the most hopeless romantic you have ever met. Most of his knowledge of flirting stems from sappy and cliché romance movies, meaning a lot of his moves are predictable. That doesn't stop him from getting to you though, anytime he says something remotely cheesy, you melt. Gadreel was very sudden in how he confessed, taking your hand as you were seated in a diner and simpy saying "I love you". Although the use of the L word suprised you a bit, you couldn't fault him for not having the romantic experience most people have. Besides, how could you resist him?
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Meg: Meg is a lot more clever in how she flirts, sowing little compliments in almost every conversation she has with you. Though she'll never admit it aloud, any time your skin brushes hers, her mind goes blank and she forgets how to breathe. One night you were lying on the hood of your car, stargazing, when she randomly asked if she could tell you something. You laughed and told her of course. She then proceeded to tell you why she liked you, making your face hurt because of how much you were smiling.
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Lucifer: Lucifer tried his best to seem confident and impress you, making up witty remarks at every turn, not hesitating to demonstrate his power, and how he could make others bend to his will. He'd never really know what it was like to cherish someone, so he stuck with what he'd always done. At first, he didn't understand how you hadn't fallen for his 'charms', so he asked. You simply told him you already had, just that it was the more human Lucifer that had stolen your heart. The one that talked with you all through the night when you couldn't sleep. The one that wordlessly put his arms around you when you felt bad. The Lucifer that didn't need to be loud and in charge. From that day forward, Lucifer was a whole lot softer.
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Rowena: For an all powerful witch, you surely do leave her helpless a lot. She cannot resist when you're being cheesy, and she definitely can't resist you when you're protecting others. All she ever wants to do is cuddle up with you and forget every bad thing she's done. You make her want to be better, to look out for someone other than herself. The first 'big moment' you had was when you stood up for her when the Winchester's weren't being all too friendly, it wasn't until you got home, that she pulled you into a hug and cried. You simply hugged her back, understanding everything she wasn't saying.
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Sam: Sam was a lot more traditional in his approach, the perfect amount of flirting, and the perfect amount of just being a good friend. He was a little nervous when you first hugged him after a tough hunt, but over time he became dependent on his arms around you and just having physical contact with you at all times. Much to Dean's amusement, you were the one to actually make the first move, inviting Sam out for a midnight picnic in the park where you ended the night by kissing him on the cheek and telling him you liked him.
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magictincan · 5 years
Supernatural preferences: Kinks and the like
A/N: I only did some characters, mainly the ones that I felt had some good aspects to their personalities. I'm sorry if I missed your favourite (PS, tumblr's limit of 10 photos per post is stupid)
All gifs belong to their rightful owners unless stated otherwise.
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Castiel: He's mesmerised by you, he spends most of the time loving the way your eyes flicker with mischief and how you know exactly just how to bring him to his knees. You love to tease him, he's just so innocent and easy to manipulate, which makes it that much easier to get him to beg for you. His favourite thing is when you sit on his lap and look him deep in the eyes.
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Charlie: Charlie's all about having fun, if she can get a breathy laugh or a hazed smile out of you, she's happy. A lot of it is her pleasing you, but you take turns every now and then. You're often left breathless as she leaves kisses and scratches all over your thighs. That girl really is an expert in pulling you undone. Charlie also loves when you roll around and battle over who gets to be on top.
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Crowley: Behind his whole "I'm the king!" bravado is a man who needs to be dominated. He gets off on you being in charge. At first you were hesitant because you were afraid you'd say the wrong thing, but over time you've come to enjoy holding sway over him. He also has a huge thing about heavy petting and you stripping him and yourself down to nothing but bare skin.
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Dean: He has a thing for tickling, whether it's you or him, you can be sure light touches will be involved. His favourite thing is when he leaves "ghost kisses" over your collarbone and you gasp and squirm. For Dean, you writhing in pleasure and grasping at his shoulders is the only thing he needs. Another big turn on is when you cling to him like you need to be closer.
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Gabriel: Gabriel is more of teasing type. Having been more of a mischievous angel, he finds bliss in taking his time and hearing you plead for more. He spends most of his time building anticipation and bringing you to the edge, only to leave you high and dry. You don't mind though, because when you get payback, Gabriel can be certain that he'll get a taste of his own medicine. He also loves it when you call out his name, unable to help yourself when he finally gives you what you want.
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Gadreel: He's much more of a hugger than anything. The best thing you can do is pull him close and whisper how much you love and appreciate him. Gadreel loves when your eyes flutter close and he can just watch your face display everything you're thinking.
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Meg: She loves the whole aroma of everything. She loves taking in the feeling of you two together. Meg could spend the whole time breathing you in and staring at you. Her whole being feels the need to compliment you at every moment. Her favourite thing is the flirtatious smiles and lust filled eyes.
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Lucifer: Consent is important to Lucifer. At every turn he asks you if you're okay and if you want him to stop (beware though, because jealous Lucifer is a force to be reckoned with). He has a lot of self-doubt from his "darker days" and needs constant approval. Although at times it can be a little irritating, you're okay with it. A lot of what you do is sweet talk and soft kisses. Lucifer's favourite part is the murmured "I love you" afterwards as you lay there with your head on his chest and his arms around you.
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Rowena: Rowena is much more of a laid back lover, willing to just go with the flow. Apart from just lazing about and touching each other, Rowena also loves lingerie. She is unable to form a coherent sentence any time she sees you wearing something involving lace.
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Sam: The younger Winchester may seem a little shy and timid at first, but when he gets into it, he gets really possessive. Sam often growls "mine" and other nicknames into your skin, leaving hickeys and bitemarks everywhere. He loves pinning your hands together above your head as he attacks your neck with fevered kisses. Sam's favourite thing is feeling your skin on his.
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