mahougirlmutualaid · 2 years
($15/100) ($15/600)
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Hello. This is a really disturbing update. The basics of the situation are that while I was gone for a week dealing with my landlord, who was threatening and harassing me and trying to force entry, Yazid was facing a much much worse landlord situation. He was admitted to the hospital for acute and severe illness on 2/12/22.
It seems (this is alleged and has not been proven legally but there's a LOT of evidence for this) that the landowners INTENTIONALLY POISONED HIM. This kindly, sweet orphanage caretaker who's kids need him so badly. Right as he's getting to finish school, a dream of his. All over $40 of the rent being late, too. I can't even fathom doing that.
The hospital is now denying Yazid treatment unless he pays for it. In total, he needs $)600, but he believes ANY amount can help, he thinks if we get about $100 they'll come around and be willing to wait, because that's how things usually work with hospitals in his area of Uganda.
Yazid already has had many health problems, which you can read about in other posts and updates, like liver failure, malaria and typhoid repeatedly, broke his leg and kept working on it, and straight up almost died from exhaustion once because of how hard he works. This has all been in just the past year and a half-ish. His body can't take anymore of this abuse. He's exhausted, in pain, sick, and terrified.
Please, if you have ANYTHING ANYTHING AT ALL to spare, you can make this situation go from impossible to something the orphanage and the volunteer staff can actually push and get through.
So please, help us get Yazid his treatment, if you can. Share this page. Share our update. Spread it to loved ones, followers on the Internet, to coworkers, helpful groups you know of, even total strangers you can find online while browsing, seriously, anyone!!!
I know talking to strangers online is hard, so I'll be posting a premade message in the Carrd you can copy and paste. There's also pages of proof linked there, but feel free to ask me or Yazid (contact info on carrd) any questions. We can give you every type of proof you ask for.
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mahougirlmutualaid · 2 years
the GoFund//Me is actually called Help Save God Provides, since we aren't finished making the new and updated one!!!
PLEASE please help. They may take him back if he brings $100.
I am so so so upset and disturbed by this, Yazid doesn't deserve this at all. it's so scary. I was gone for a week due to my OWN landlord threatening me too, I am so upset I haven't been here to help any of that time.
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Hello, this post is going to be different from the usual ones about the orphanage. My friend Wesonga Yazid was poisoned. He was rushed to the hospital where the doctors told him he had been poisoned, and they had to give him their most expensive medicines possible to treat him. We aren’t sure of how/when specifically he was poisoned, but we believe it is the rent owners of the orphanage Yazid cares for, because they are always very cruel when it comes to paying the rent.
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Because of the cost of the medicine the doctors are not giving him any food, and the price of the medicine needs to paid. If you are able to spare any money at all it would be incredibly appreciated!!
$0/$600 for the medicine
Wesonga Yazid is the caretaker for an orphanage in Bugiri, Uganda named God Provides Orphanage and Ministry, which cares for and schools over 50 orphans as well as struggling families.
If you want to learn more about Yazid and his orphanage check out @mahougirlmutualaid
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mahougirlmutualaid · 2 years
please reblog!!!!
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Hi everyone, the God Provides Ministry and Orphanage in Uganda is need to pay rent and get treatment for the owner Wesonga Yazid’s damaged knee. The rent is due this Thursday or else the 50+ orphans will be removed with nowhere to go. Maddie, the main coordinator for volunteering for the orphanage, has sadly been very sick and also needs to take care of her family, so she hasn’t been able to be online as much as she’d like to be. So even just a dollar would be helpful and appreciated, especially because of the conversion rate! If you can’t donate please please reblog, it’s free and can help reach someone who can!
$10/$200 for rent
$0/$150 for Yazid’s knee
Wesonga Yazid is the caretaker for an orphanage in Bugiri, Uganda named God Provides Orphanage and Ministry, which cares for and schools over 50 orphans as well as struggling families.
If you want to learn more about Yazid and his orphanage check out @/mahougirlmutualaid and @/yazid007
Cash App:
Venmo and PayPal:
Tags are for attention!!
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mahougirlmutualaid · 2 years
URGENT: The orphanage I volunteer for needs help with rent ASAP or they will lose their home.
gof/und/me (if possible please use another method to donate, as GoFu/ndMe takes a long time to process donations!)
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God Provides is an orphanage/resource center for the needy that I've been volunteering with for almost three years now. Right now, they're in trouble.
Their rent is due on the first, and we've been unable to raise almost any money for it.
Their landlord has been extra aggressive lately, repeatedly shouting abuse at Yazid, the caretaker, in front of the children and really scaring them, so there's no wiggle room this time. Yazid also recently badly injured his knee, making it hard to work. As he is the main caretaker, this is a big impediment.
Their rent is $200, and to treat Yazid's injured knee would cost $150. So far, one of our volunteers was able to pitch in $25, but that's it.
I wish I could help more myself financially, as I usually try and chip in, but I am unfortunately facing my own eviction right now. Health and family emergencies have left me little time to search for and find donors. :(
With them working on their farm project, and other ways to become self sustaining, it would be a huge shame to see this progress cut short. God Provides is a special place that not only houses children, but raises them well, educating them and, Yazid hopes, filling them with faith in their futures. They also find ways to support the rest of the community in Buguri whenever they can. The organization stands for something special, and I never want the community to lose them.
Any amount is a huge, huge help. Whether that's one dollar, or a hundred, or anything in between, it will change the future of the orphanage and the community surrounding it! Also, it'll really make me smile.
Proof of this situation can be found in this carrd (please excuse the mess while we work on our finished website), throughout this blog, and on @mutualaidminutes . You can contact Yazid on discord at wesonga01#0356 or on Instagram at wesonga_01 and ask for any proof you need! You can also message me with questions or any proof you'd like to see. I'll be posting receipts for each donation going into Yazid's account, so you can have peace of mind! Ask for any proof you need to feel comfortable and we'll provide it.
Thank you everyone, and happy new year!!
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mahougirlmutualaid · 2 years
we are now at $65/100
only $35 left!!
carrd for more info on Yazid and his orphanage here!!!
please, everyone, spread as much as you can!! I've been working with this lovely man for years and he's so dear to me, I could not stand for this to take him, not after he JUST graduated, and the orphanage was starting to expand and get more help. Yazid deserves to live!!!!!
Please help!!!
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Update: 50/100 $ reached. Just need 50$ more!!!
This man works for an orphanage called God Provides in Uganda. He is the hardest working man I've ever known. He is extremely ill with both typhoid and malaria and has been for about three days now.
They don't have any money and he was only able to get one treatment that my family paid for but unfortunately we don't have any money left that we can donate. He recently was able to graduate from college despite all the hardships he faces. He will be up for days while starving to walk to the villages and beg for help because they have nothing to eat most times and can hardly ever make rent.
This man has a future and the children need him, please do not let this be the end of him!
Even sharing this would be a big help and a huge difference. Please find it in your heart to take a moment to share this, tell friends about it or consider donating.
Thank you and bless you
Here is their Twitter as well:
If you have any questions feel free to message me or @mahougirlmutualaid or @lemontoastcloud
Thank you!
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mahougirlmutualaid · 2 years
please please please reblog everyone. Here's a guide to finding donors with simple messages, there's even a template. They're in desperate times especially with me having to leave (yazid very lovingly wrote about how he wanted me to take a year break due to all the stress I am under and my MS looking more and more like it may be degenerative. My hands have gotten significantly damaged from typing so much every day) because I was the one with the most free time, I did a big bulk of the work on this part of fundraising. I'm helping work on the campaign to make them self sufficient (Help God Provides Thrive!) and then leaving at the request of my team mates and of my family who has watched me get sicker and sicker. If you want proof you can also message my brother Lucas who's blog I'll put in the replies, unfortunately part of the illness is my memory deteriorating so I need to look it up.
Much love everyone. I'm sorry I can't be more there for everyone. I feel like such a failure in God's eyes, because I wanted to help the orphanage so much more than I've been able to. I have so many plans and ideas. But I know I need to take care of myself too, especially if I only have a limited time to live. (not THAT limited, but still, very much younger than I would pass otherwise.)
More proof is including the video that caused everyone to tell me to go on break, and permits will be uploaded on @mutualaidminutes and on our carrd.
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Hi everyone, the God Provides Ministry and Orphanage in Uganda is in a dire situation. They are desperately in need of food and need to pay rent, which is due on the 31st but the owner Yazid will try to get an extension. 50+ orphans need to be fed and to pay the rent to keep a roof over their heads. Maddie, the main coordinator for volunteering for the orphanage, has been very sick and needed to stop due to her health especially since it could be degenerative. So even just a dollar would be helpful and appreciated, especially because of the conversion rate!
If you can’t donate please please reblog, it’s free and can help reach someone who can! Thank you 🙏
$0/$200 for rent
$0/$300 for food
Wesonga Yazid is the caretaker for an orphanage in Bugiri, Uganda named God Provides Orphanage and Ministry, which cares for and schools over 50 orphans as well as struggling families.
If you want to learn more about Yazid and his orphanage check out @mahougirlmutualaid and @yazid007
Cash//app: https://cash.app/$savegodprovides
Ven//mo: https://venmo.com/savegodprovides
Pay//Pal: https://www.paypal.me/MMcclain507
Go//FundMe: https://gofund.me/c4f99aaf
Tags are for visibility
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mahougirlmutualaid · 2 years
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Hi!! The God Provides Ministry and Orphanage in Uganda has rent due every month, and the time for it to be paid again is closing in at the end of this month, which we need $200 for. Because there are so many orphans (50+), food comes and goes quickly and needs to be bought in bulk to feed everyone. So the orphanage needs $400 for food to feed the kids for a longer period. They currently do not have any money for food and unfortunately none of us in the team have money to send right now ): So even just a dollar would be helpful and appreciated, especially because of the conversion rate! If you can’t donate /please/ reblog, it’s free and can help reach someone who can!
$0/$200 for the rent
$0/$400 for the food
Wesonga Yazid is the caretaker for an orphanage in Bugiri, Uganda named God Provides Orphanage and Ministry, which cares for and schools over 50 orphans as well as struggling families.
If you want to learn more about Yazid and his orphanage check out @/mahougirlmaddie and @/yazid007
Cash//app: https://cash.app/$savegodprovides
Ve//nmo: https://venmo.com/savegodprovides
Pay//Pal: https://www.paypal.me/MMcclain507
GoFu//ndMe: https://gofund.me/c4f99aaf
Tags are for visibility!
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mahougirlmutualaid · 2 years
Need IMMEDIATE Help To Afford Life Saving Second Dose of Renal Failure Treatment
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(Hi, this is Maddie, Mia typed almost all of this one for me again because my coordination problems are getting worse. This is why I haven't been online lately.)
Unfortunately Wesonga Yazid, the owner of the God Provides Ministry and Orphanage (the nonprofit we have been working with the last two years, and are opening a neighboring chapter of), has been struggling with the complications and after effects of kidney failure for a long time now, after he's gone into failure twice. This is something my Mom almost passed from, so I know firsthand how serious it can be. He didn't bring it up for a year because he didn't want to draw attention or worry us, but he's too sick to be able to hide it anymore. We were able to get him his first dose of medicine but now he desperately needs the next one by this Saturday, something his doctor emphasized. He's doing very poorly and the medication needs to be taken within a certain time frame to work effectively. Yazid is my best friend, to the point we plan on him coming to live with me for a while someday so we can work more together. I can't bear to see anything bad happening to him.
We've been able to scrape together half of it after Yazid sold his bike, but we still have half left to save! That's still really possible!!! If you are able to donate anything at all it would be incredibly appreciated and would go towards saving a man’s life, if you can’t then please please please reblog! No matter how many followers you have. Even if you have one, that might be the one who gets it seen by someone who can help. Reblogging and sharing is seriously what makes the biggest difference, it's the PRIMARY thing you can do to change this.
If 25 people donated $10 we would have the amount and if 100 people donated just $2.50 we would also reach our goal! These numbers are hard to reach. But, sharing the post and getting it traction makes it entirely possible, as we've absolutely had luck like that. So please
(If you are able to donate, if you are all can please do it somewhere besides GoFundMe! GoFundMe takes 4-7 days to process a donation, and we only have two days to raise this. If you're worried about the safety of your donation and how reputable it is I can also send you Yazid's mobile banking information.)
You can read the recent GoFundMe update for a more detailed version of what’s going on. Yazid also has an account at @yazid007, and you can get more information on our (under construction) landing website here. If you want to write him directly, he is frequently active on Discord wesonga01#0356 to write or call.
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mahougirlmutualaid · 2 years
Should I start making gifs for the volunteer server 😂😂😭
i love using the discord gif search and finding lore gifs from other servers
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mahougirlmutualaid · 2 years
I'm going to be offline more than usual for the next 4-5 weeks because I'm studying hard for my GED and spend most of the day doing that. Trying to get into college and be able to help my family out more!
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mahougirlmutualaid · 2 years
anyone able to spare a couple dollars? i want to get dinner for me and my mom
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mahougirlmutualaid · 2 years
remaking this post bc it got some notes but i got no help from it at all. my rent is due on the first please help me keep a roof over my head. thank you in advance, i appreciate it!
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mahougirlmutualaid · 2 years
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I still desperately need help with my account!!
Wednesday, July 27th: Hi everyone, I’m Gemma, a bi, mentally ill and disabled woman, who is in desperate need of help, as I'm still really struggling to get by and make ends meet due to my account being overdrawn.
As many of you are already aware from my previous posts, I have been struggling financially these past few months due to my welfare benefit (Universal Credit) being under review, which is due to my worsening mental/physical health and the UK’s controversial changes to how benefits are assessed and assigned. And at the moment, I'm currently struggling to get by, as my application for Disability (PIP) was declined, despite recently being diagnosed with PCOS & MDD, and due to awaiting DWP assessments, my debt from overdue bills is piling up which is making it difficult for me to get by on a day-to-day basis.
And I know this is a huge ask, and I'm completely heartbroken to be asking for help again, but I'm not due to receive my welfare of £317 until the 29th, but it isn't enough to cover these fees along with my rent, utilities, bills and groceries. Additionally, if I can't cover these overdue fees by the time I receive my welfare on Friday 29th, my benefit will be cut in half.
If anyone could spare any amount to help me, even if it’s just £1/$1/€1, it would literally save my life, and sharing defiantly helps just as much. Thank you all so much for your help!! ❤
@thebibliosphere @shencomix @mayakern @pmseymourva @dduane @justsomeantifas @soloveitchik @tariqah @decisiontoleave @venus-macabre @kibumkim @prisonhannibal @taffybuns @lady-feral @lesbianb @official-lucifers-child @kipplekipple @gaylor-moon ❤
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mahougirlmutualaid · 2 years
just now seeing this but absolutely happy to reblog!!! @princessofm if you need a friend or help running a GoFundMe etc feel free to message me on any platform, my username is the same on everything. If you want my discord just let me know ^_^
I was abused as a child, and really feel empathy for you, my heart just stings for you as a fellow domestic abuse survivor. So if you need someone to talk about this with I'll understand your situation at least a little bit!
Escaped from my abusive household and molester evil father ‼️#needhelp
#Tw ‼️‼️
hit me a 📩 for p4ypal
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Hey everyone, due to my abusive household and molester evil father, i need to move out as soon as possible, im trying to get a second job currently something hopefully with tips (serving/bartender jobs) or just higher paying in general. i currently only make $560 a month (which seems like a lot but my area is expensive, i’m being paid less than minimum wage without any healthcare so it comes out of pocket for me) and won’t be able to save enough for a down payment to get in, after that i’m sure i’ll have enough to cover rent if i find another job.
With unexpected bills and such, i hardly have enough to eat after the first week since i’m not allowed to eat at home anymore.
As of right now, i dont have anyone to ask for help. here’s a photo of some bruises i receieved from my father although i dont regularly endure physical abuse, but im met with financial and emotional abuse daily. anything i recieve will go straight to savings and hopefully to a new place for me to go to.
thank you for reading ❤️
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mahougirlmutualaid · 2 years
You deserve safety, security, and love. You have always deserved that and will always deserve that.
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mahougirlmutualaid · 2 years
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Please read! The orphanage is in big trouble!! (0/100 or $345 for rent included)
Hello!! This is Maddie. I work as a fundraising organizer for an orphanage called God Provides in Uganda. Recently we had two children be hospitalized because of malnutrition, and we really want to make sure this doesn't happen again. However, donations have been dwindling, and we're in an emergency again, with no food. I had been using my own money this week to feed them, but I just don't have the money anymore :(
One of our major donors cut contact (not making fun of them just being factual) and that's taken a big hit on us. And, with my seizures and MS getting worse, it keeps becoming harder and harder to look for donors and find help. We're trying hard to become financially independent through several projects, but so far, we're just not there yet.
So, if you have anything to donate, please please do! Only a dollar can feed three children there. It means A LOT. Any leftover money will be put towards rent, since we also are having a hard time raising that. Thank you for everything. I know I always say this, but seriously, I get teary writing these posts, because I'm so worried for the kids and grateful for donations.
To learn more about our situation, and get proof, visit our carrd, or my mutual aid blog!!
the biggest help you can do is to reblog this post, and then message others about reblogging it!! That's been my tried and true method for finding help. There's a template for messages about this in the carrd.
Thank you so much, it means the world 😭
-Team God Provides, Emi, Mia, Simon, Lucas, Maddie, and of course, Yazid!!
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mahougirlmutualaid · 2 years
(Hi, this is Maddie!! I'm currently getting tested for COVID bc I'm really sickbso mia wrote this one for me. thank you mia!!!! @lemontoastcloud )
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The God Provides Ministry and Orphanage run by Wesonga Yazid in Uganda has to pay rent every month, and it is once again that time. This means the orphanage has to give $200 to the rent owners or else the orphanage will have to be forfeited. Last time, there wasn’t enough money to feed the children and an orphan named Ritah had to go to the hospital. Luckily she is alright now, but we do not want a repeat of that situation and want the rent to be secure so the children are as well! If you have any money to spare for this situation it would be greatly appreciated, even if it’s just $1. If you’re unable to donate then reblogging is also super helpful. The home of 50+ children is at stake! Thank you so much for reading this. There's lots of proof and other information shared on our carrd.
If you want to learn more about the God Provides Ministry and Orphanage, please check out @wesonga007 and our carrd!
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