makeascenemedia · 7 years
I'm sitting in a cafe on my day off, I've been here for a while, I've eaten, people watched, evesdropped, updated my laptop, posted on my Instagram accounts, and spent far too long on Google looking for ideas for my next tattoo. Which I'm getting worked on two months from now. I came here to work on a script. And yet here I am. writing a blog post instead. I keep putting it off and at the same time, I've resigned myself to do it. I keep saying it's now or never. I live in a small town and I don't want to end up like so many, working in, some job, until I'm old and can't anymore. I want to be proud of what I did with my youth. Even if I spend it chasing dreams I never achieve, I want to try. But I don't. I don't work on scripts. I don't storyboard. I just, don't. It kills me. But what if you don't like what I make? What if I'm terrible? What would be the worst that could happen? What is worse? You judging me for what I make, or me judging myself for never starting? What will hurt worse?
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makeascenemedia · 8 years
Working on scripts...
Sometimes it's hard to work on scripts. Right now I'm writing this instead of dealing with the three or for scripts I have to complete, or the numerous ideas just waiting on me. I say it's still for a good cause. I have to update you and keep you informed but I know deep down its just an excuse to not focus on what I need to. I'm working on getting better at it. I have time set aside in the day to work on something for LMAS, but when the time comes I will often put it off because I thought of an idea or thought about a scene and I never sit down and actually write. So. Wish me luck because I'm going to try to work on one now!
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makeascenemedia · 8 years
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Sometimes getting away from the normal places helps. Coffee shops are a godsend. I love to go to a coffee shop, sit down, plug in my headphones and listen to the chatter and the hustle and bustle turn into soothing classical music. There's some sort of feeling it provokes to hear these strangers being drowned out by music made so long ago.
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makeascenemedia · 8 years
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That moment when the script you're working on makes you sound like a killer...
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