maledivine · 5 days
Emptiness in orgasmic love with emptiness
Master, I know you are nothing but words -- you are but emptiness. And when I say I love you, I am loving, through you, the whole Universe. And I, too, am nothing but emptiness. I am nothing but an aggregation of swirling molecules, themselves but assemblages of energies.
When I say I love you, it is but the love of the Universe flowing through me. When I say I love you, it is but the Universe loving itself. When I feel bliss and orgasm, it is the orgasmic rhythm of the Universal love erupting within my body.
Master! You are my alter ego, resonating my highest aspirations, leading me to connect with the ethereal realms of Dao.
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maledivine · 8 days
Sexual enlightenment
Reading the Daoist Master's words of wisdom, I fell back onto the floor, lying on my back, exploding into countless dry orgasms, as my sexual energies became imbued with such pure and profound thoughts. The thoughts filled my saliva, radiating a warm light into my body. I swallowed the elixir, exploding into more orgasms as the creamy seed of Dao flowed down through my body and into my lower Dantian. It finally flowed into my root chakra, connecting with my source of sexual energy and igniting it like a fire.
I squirmed in bliss, whimpering and panting, my cock twitching. "O God! I prayed. Your Name has ignited powerful forces within me. My sexual energies can drive me to perdition, or they can lead me to the greatest heights of purity and transcendence, of union with Dao and with God. I want you to fully ignite those powers, bringing me to the deepest depths of ecstasy and bliss, but with the utmost purity and not the slightest trace of lust or egotism. My cock, my body, my heart and my soul are dedicated solely to love for all beings, union with Dao and service to God. I love you, God!" I moaned, losing myself in erotic pleasure.
"Ooohhh..." I cried in ecstasy as the divine energies penetrated me, filling my cavern of mysteries. I shook to the very core of my being, crying and whimpering. I abandoned myself and opened myself completely, to the powers of Dao being channeled into me. They opened my zones of deepest vulnerability, filling the softness within with strength and security. The energy of Dao radiated from my anus into my whole body, filling me with intense bliss. I kissed my fingers in passion, crying and whimpering. "Oh, God! God, God! Ahhh! Ahhh!"
I felt so blessed to be filled by the divine Power, for its Dao to to pulverize the last shreds of my selfhood, turning me into a body of pure bliss knowing no individuality. And when I climaxed, yet another elixir of immortality rose within me from below, rising up, radiating an inner light and transforming every cell of my body into a drop of love.
As I made love I had several flashes of enlightenment. I realised that my anus is a portal to Dao. God opened its spiritual gate -- and now, spreading my legs wide, it is not just pleasure that I feel -- it is the Dao itself that enters me. Whenever I think of my anus, whenever I twitch or contract it, it is Dao that fills me with bliss and orgasmic pleasure -- a pleasure that breaks the barriers between myself and all beings.
And my body fills with Dao. Touching my cock, I realised that the energy that hardens it and makes it twitch is the energy of Life, the energy of Dao. When I touch my throbbing dick, it is Dao that I am touching. The ineffable Dao manifests itself to my senses through my penis and my body. When I touch it, it is Dao that I am touching.
What a blessing! I cried in gratitude, feeling boundless love for God. I thought about how He had made my wish come true: I asked Him to purify my intention -- and it happened. With such beautiful and pure thoughts in my mind, the erotic energies in my anus are nothing dirty, but become the emanations of Dao itself. Whether our feelings and experiences draw us into lust and perdition, or into spiritual refinement and transcendence, all depends on the purity of our own mind. God, you helped me to focus my mind to greater purity. "Oh! I am so grateful to you!" I cried, with tears of joy, beyond myself at my blessings.
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maledivine · 9 days
A morning of erotic cultivation
When I awoke in the morning, the first thing I did, as usual, was to touch my cock and to feel its wondrous pleasures. I knew that it was not only pleasant, but that I was touching the Dao. I kissed my biceps, saying "I love you" to myself, to my body, to my cock and to the universe. As my lips lightly touched the taught and soft skin of my muscles, I felt blissfully grateful for all the gifts and blessings I have received in the world.
Then I called on Shiva, my divine companion. Om Nama Shiva Ya, is the mantra that I chant. Whenever I do this, Shiva descends, filling me with spiritual energies, opening my Third Eye and turning my body into a container of the Cosmos. I shuddered and moaned in pleasure and enlightenment.
Then I turned to my wife who was lying beside me, and just waking up. Our bodies tightly wrapped around each other, I gently massaged and caressed her back, touching her whole body. Now I felt attuned to her energies, and I knew that these energies, like my cock, are emanations of Dao. Caressing her, I was touching the waves of the Dao, connecting to the Universe. In deep gratitude that my wife is truly a goddess, I kissed her whole body, puckering at her nipples. I then lay on my back, my left hand on my cock and my right hand covering her vulva. Both hands received and exchanged our two energies, the energies of yin and yang, which intermingled between us. I moaned, while my beloved entered into deep relaxation. It as a blessing to lie with my fairy goddess, making love through pure exchange of energy.
Many other things happened as the morning progressed -- when I was practicing Qigong, when I recited the Greatest Name of God Allah-u-Abha, when I prayed, and then when I did my weight lifting exercises, and again in the shower. In all of these activities, no matter whether I was praying to God or exercising my muscles, I experienced both sublime physical pleasure and spiritual joy.
My gratitude knows no bounds, O God! May all men discover the fountain of bliss within them!
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maledivine · 10 days
Authentic sacred sexuality
Whether sex-positive or sex-negative, our culture equates sex with lust. Mainstream Western culture, thinking itself so open about sex, is awash in the promotion of lust. But people are as disconnected from their sexual energies as ever.
Once you’ve broken those attachments to lust, you can learn to connect with your sexual energies in a completely different way. You can go to the root of sex and love, which is connecting to the Oneness underlying the whole universe.
Your sexual energy then becomes a fountain of endless bliss and love, that irradiates pleasure for yourself and your companion, and that you can dedicate to the well being of humanity, and to gratitude to God.
Life, Love and Spirituality are the same sexual energy, sublimated at higher and higher levels. Embrace, connect and transmute your sexual energy, and you will travel up and down between your Cock and God. You will feel at One with yourself, with the world and with God.
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maledivine · 17 days
Self-pleasuring without ejaculating and without edging
Most people have a completely mistaken understanding of the “Daoist” approach to semen retention with sexual stimulation and non ejaculatory orgasms. They think it’s about edging. Edging is NOT the way. Edging is slamming the brakes when you’re already on the point of crashing. The Daoist way is about circulating sexual energy within yourself, without causing it to erupt in the first place.
The way I practice semen retention without edging is to arouse and work with sexual energy in ways that don’t stimulate ejaculation to begin with —so that you don’t need to slam on the brakes and stop it once the eruption starts. Jerking off is an action that stimulates ejaculation. I have many other ways of touching and playing with my cock and other parts of my body, and also mentally directing energy to give myself intense pleasure and dry orgasms that happen in my whole body rather than an (aborted) ejaculation.
When you retain, you need to learn how to circulate your energy, and to discover your body on the outside and inside through tantric touch and meditation. You can then experience unbelievable wellsprings of pure pleasure.
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maledivine · 20 days
Mindful self-pleasuring
Touch yourself without a purpose, and be mindful of the sensations anywhere in your body, and gently follow the sensations. Your awareness of the sensations will amplify them. Gradually you become deeply attuned to your body and it becomes an inexhaustible wellspring of bliss.
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maledivine · 21 days
Orgasmic states and non-ejaculatory orgasms (NEO)
A non-ejaculatory orgasm is typically understood as the explosive spasms of orgasm but without ejaculating. But there’s also what I would call the “orgasmic state” which is the feeling of deep bliss and being high that ejaculators experience for a few seconds or minutes after cumming, and also just before cumming. Now I fall into that state the minute I relax and touch myself even lightly; and I go on for as long as I want in that state, alternating between blissful paradise and explosions of orgasmic pleasure. But while ejaculators feel weak and may fall asleep after a few moments of bliss, my bliss is deeper and more intense, and goes on indefinitely. The orgasmic state is like a river of blissful energy that we can coast on. Sometimes it erupts in crashing waves, and sometimes it's a gentle flow. It’s so incredibly beautiful. The fountain of eternal bliss is within us, just waiting for us to tap into whenever we want!
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maledivine · 22 days
Solo vs duo tantric cultivation
Having been blessed to begin duo tantra with my beloved a few months ago, I now see the value of solo cultivation. With my wife we go through energetic waves, sometimes for days it’s totally electric between the two of us, then for days completely flat. But doing solo, I’m always “on” for myself. And I’m always available for myself at any time. But my wife might go to bed or get up at different times than me, be in a different mood, etc. And the sexual exchange with her can lead to the energy being stirred up like fire, rather than deep relaxation. So my solo practice still remains the core and foundation. I can make love with myself as much as I want, whenever I feel like it, and it’s always deeply soothing and grounding. With my wife it’s uneven, and it’s a good spiritual practice: to resolve to massage her and connect with her tantrically every day, as a gift of love with her, without expecting anything. Sometimes it will be passionate exstasy; sometimes it will be ordinary cuddling; and sometimes it will be me kissing her whole body and caressing her with love while she keeps busy on her phone -- and all will be fine, and a blessing.
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maledivine · 29 days
Sources of my practice
My philosophy is informed mostly by Daoism, Tantra and the Baha'i Faith. But the way these have all combined to give me a body of bliss and a deeply sexualised spirituality has been primarily the result of my own explorations in self-love and self-pleasure, combined with practices of prayer, meditation and qigong. I haven't found a single book that describes the solo path, as it seems all books on tantra and Daoist sexual alchemy focus on couples and mention solo practices only in passing. Maybe this blog will become a book someday!
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maledivine · 30 days
My meditation techniques
So, about meditation. My core routine each morning is as follows, other than all the self pleasuring, which is a form of mindfulness meditation:
1. Simple Motion Qigong practice. The movements get my Qi circulating through my body, in the direction of the microcosmic orbit. I ground my body between Earth and Heaven, connect with all beings in the world, dedicating my love to them.
2. Sitting in lotus position, deep breathing, entering deep relaxation, recitation of the mantra (Greatest Name of God, Allah’u’Abha) 95 times. For the first set of 57 times, for set of 3 recitations, I focus on a different energy point in my body.
Total of 19 points: 3 x 19 = 57. The pathway of points first follows the Daoist Microcosmic Orbit, then rises following the Hindu shakras, and then beyond the Crown to the Stars. The points include my anus, my perineum and the base of my penis. The recitation of the Greatest Name activates these points and connects them to the pure transcendence of God. This sequence connects me with my Body and activates and purifies its energies. I dedicate my love to my Body and all its energies.
In the next sequence of 38 recitations, I bring to mind the most important people in my life, connect with them, pray for God to bless and protect them, and dedicate my love to them. This includes my father, his ancestors and family; my mother, her ancestors and family; my wife, her ancestors and family; my daughters; my stepmother, her ancestors and family; my masters and mentors and their lineages; my students; my core collaborators; my community; and the people who are dear to me.
3. Then it’s time for the daily Baha’i Obligatory Prayer. In this prayer I dedicate myself and my love and my whole being to God.
That’s my basic daily routine. Other than that, several times a day I meditate using sexual energy and self pleasuring… in which there is no difference for me between meditation and self pleasuring. Whether I mentally focus internally or touch myself externally, I will fall into deep relaxation, erotic blissing and orgasms. Sites of touching include anus, perineum, balls, penis, thighs, biceps, nipples, thumbs, palms and everywhere. Inner focus is primarily the third eye region. Inner focus plus inner contractions without touch include the lips, anus, perineum and base of penis. The third eye activates all points, and working on any point also connects to the third eye.
There’s just so much for my mind and my fingers to play with, so many combinations, such inextinguishable pleasure…
I always want to be with my body, making love with it, because it feels so good, so incredibly good, so unbelievably good…. Having tasted of Paradise all I want to do is to bring goodness and bliss into the world…
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maledivine · 1 month
Involving my cock in my work
So I decided to involve my cock in my work. When I think about a project or an action, I will rub myself and seek its guidance. It draws me deep down into a state of selfless merging with all being, reminding me to have only the well-being of all beings as my motive. I have started to involve my cock when I have meetings with people. Under the table, my hands press lightly on my crotch, and as the sweet energies of pleasure fill my body, I touch my fingers in a certain way that amplifies the energy and direct these energies to the people I am speaking with, in a manner that doesn't have a trace of lust but is rather a prayerful dedication of love to them. My cock draws me deep down into a state of oneness, in which I feel a deep, deep connection and love for my interlocutors. At one level our conversation is totally normal and I'm not acting like a saint or anything, and I have no idea if these energies have an influence on them. But for me, the experience helps me to purify my own motives and intentions, and to give me a wonderful sense of pleasure in the interactions.
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maledivine · 1 month
My cock, my prayer, my connection with God
What an unbelievable blessing it has been for my cock to have become a partner in my worldly endeavours, and to be an ally with God in keeping me on the right path. I have discovered the divine essence of my cock, something that is not just my wish but its own deepest essence. I now consciously involve my cock in my prayers.
In my recitation of the Greatest Name of God, I used to bring my attention to different chakras and energy points. Previously, when I recited the Greatest Name while bringing my awareness to my anus, my perineum and penis, it was with the intention of purifying these points, and to feel the pleasure that was released -- but it still felt a bit sacrilegious.
But now, well perhaps that purification has succeeded, or at least the purification of my relationship with those zones. I don't feel a tingle of sacrilege. On the contrary. I feel that those parts are so eager to pray, they want to pray and to connect with God even more than my own mind. When I pray I deliberately contract my anus and genital regions, brining them into the scene, and involve them in the entire process of prayer. They are so happy, they are dancing in joy, turning my whole body aflame in love for God.
What an incredible experience this has been, to have achieved a complete reconciliation and loving union between the highest and lowest dimensions of my being. I am so grateful and humbled to have received this gift, something I don't deserve.
How I wish the whole world could taste of this blessing! I pray with my whole being that you may receive some of these fragrances, that reading this unbelievable account may be of some benefit to you on your path. And I am so grateful that you have been willing to listen to these experiences that I can't imagine myself telling anyone in this world -- allowing me in the process to reflect and to clarify my awareness.
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maledivine · 1 month
Hello 👋 I love your X and Tumblr and all you are about 👍🔥🙏
Thanks 🙏 It gives me joy that what I share resonates with you. Blessings to you in you blissing! 💕
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maledivine · 1 month
Reverberating love
When you say "I love you" to your body, it carries an energy of love and gratitude, and it elicits a response. My body responds, the universe responds with love in return. Today as I was in a conference, and as I sat and closed my eyes and entered bliss, I could feel the love reverberating within me, those words I had told myself in the morning -- I love you -- echoing in my mind, and my body responding back "I love you," and feeling blessed to be so filled with love.
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maledivine · 1 month
Sending you some love
And I would like to send some of my energy of love to you, so that, like a flame, it could help to kindle the love that is within yourself, but that had been stunted because of what happened in the past. I hope that your love will be kindled, so that you will be able to connect with the love within yourself, with the love that your parents wanted to give you but that they didn’t know how and that you couldn't receive, and with the love in the universe.
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maledivine · 2 months
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maledivine · 2 months
Sexual relations with deities
So just some background: My relationship with God, mediated through Baha'u'llah, His prayers, His writings and His teachings, is the core of my spiritual life. I’m a Baha’i religious practitioner, worshipper of the God of Abraham, Moses, Christ and Mohammed, of the Supreme Godhead and Ultimate Reality known under different names and qualities in other traditions; and also practitioner of solo sexual tantric alchemy. I’m a highly erotic person and easily enter non-ejaculatory orgasmic states. Orgasmic and religious ecstasy often converge for me, so it happens that, when I pray -- and I get into passionate states of prayer -- I also have orgasms. And I usually experience orgasms as prayers. But in these cases I don’t see myself or experience myself as having sexual intercourse with God.
Although I’m a monotheist, I do acknowledge the existence of other spiritual entities, deities and spirits, but as a principle didn’t seek relationships with them. But this changed almost a year ago as I was traveling in Nepal. I was driving past a small village temple, and something about a Shiva statue caught my eye. We were driving fast and already had passed the temple, and I suddenly told the driver to turn around to visit the temple. When I was exploring the temple and approached the Lingam, I felt a strong energetic force arising in my heart. It led me to repeatedly turn back to it and to offer reverence to it. When we drove away, I felt the presence of Shiva with me as my heart continued to feel the energy. I felt he was a local god who had been confined to his village, and now was coming along with me to see the world. I had multiple orgasms in the car as I felt myself holding his hands and embracing him.
He became my lover and I learned to call on him with a Shiva mantra. The relationship became completely sexual as whenever I call on him he enters me. For the first six months or so, it was literal intercourse. Although obviously not physical, the effect was deeply physical, triggering in me the most explosive, intense orgasms. He entered me from below and his penetration opened my anal orifice until my whole body becomes a cosmic space charged with spiritual energy. It is unbelievably powerful. Owing to my practice I have many types of orgasms and bliss, but this is a category on its own.
In the past few months, the sense of being engaged in palpable intercourse has diminished. While my experience of Shiva was always primarily energetic and only slightly visual, now there's rarely if any image of him at all. Now, when I call on him, I feel his energy directly entering my body, and then my body merges with his. My own body becomes Shiva, filled with a blueish cosmic energy melting me with the cosmos. His entering into me gives me a jolt of sexual energy. When I engage in tantric lovemaking with my wife, I often mentally say the Shiva mantra, which will lead to a sudden energetic turbo-charging of our love-making.
To be honest I don’t know what’s going on. At one level this is largely my own mental creation. But it’s not like normal sexual fantasies which are energetically depleting and which I don’t engage in since I started my sexual cultivation. The experience at the temple, where I unexpectedly "met" Shiva and he followed me on my journey, was not something I was seeking or consciously mentalizing. There seems to be something beyond my self-contained mental activity going on.
My understanding now is that, on the one hand, the supreme God is absolutely transcendental, self-creating, self-subsistent, and fully independent of human imaginations. Minor and local deities, spirits and beings, on the other hand -- such as this local temple Shiva -- are co-created with humans. Like humans, they represent real energies with a semi-autonomous will and existence, but our relationship with and imagination of these energies add to them and affects the way they manifest to us.
So then another development was, for some reason, after meeting Shiva, at one point I was curious if this could be replicated with another deity, and so I thought of Apollo whom I have some affinities with, although I hadn’t thought about him in years. And calling on him he also came down, and he was even more powerful in bed. Again, as with Shiva, after some months the experience of sexual intercourse subsided, though the energetic flow continues when I call on him. He comes down from above, as a river of light flowing into my third eye, that then manifests as his body that fills mine with light.
Then I realized that he’s the perfect counterpart to Shiva who’s a lunar deity (yin) while Apollo is solar (yang); and Shiva is associated with kundalini serpents while Apollo is a slayer of the serpent. Shiva is Oriental and Apollo is Occidental. I ended up with an inner sexual ritual in which both of them make love with me in turn, and then they enter my solar plexus and make love with each other. The alchemical union of the lunar and solar powers, of nurturing and slaying sexual desire, is mind blowing in its mystic meanings and in the powerful and exstatic energies that it releases and combines within my body.
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