malfoymuch · 2 years
okay,, i’m sleep-deprived but— possible plot:
draco x bookworm reader
OR draco x ravenclaw! reader
draco discovers that the reader has a hobby
apparently, they’re a sucker for classical literature
mainly revolving around romantic classics
at first he makes fun of it— doesn’t really get it. why read a complete book about two protagonists too stupid enough to acknowledge their problems or each other—
but he’s interested in the reader
so he reads a book or two,, no biggie
maybe even a few
complains to (more than likely zambini) the atrocious plots such as romeo and juliet
yet, he still finishes it off (he’s not a quitter)
memorizes scripts/plays/lines
plan to impress the reader is in pursuit
haven’t figured out an ending since i’m mapping it out here............... but it seems fun to write lol
tell me your thoughts and maybe i can draft ;)
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malfoymuch · 2 years
lmao how the hell am i legal now.....................
how am i supposed to be an adult...................
i still have to sing the abc’s while i’m alphabetizing my books..................
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malfoymuch · 2 years
tempted to write again, whether new or from my drafts—————
so,, fluff or angst?
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malfoymuch · 3 years
finally updated my masterlist— now i just gotta post new ones and edit the drafts on here 😅
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malfoymuch · 4 years
Hopeless Romantics
Request: Hello love! I loved petty rivals! Would you consider writing a second part?
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Slytherin!Reader
Summary: After a near-death Quidditch incident, Draco becomes the target of some juvenile teasing, leaving the formerly unconscious Y/N terribly confused. (Sequel to Petty Rivals)
Word Count: 3.4k
Warnings: Brief usage of swear words.
part one
a/n — I’m so happy y'all enjoyed Petty Rivals enough to request a part two. I hope this gives the storyline enough justice. Make sure to read part one first! (link provided above)
tags: @bi-andready-tocry
Numb. That was all you felt as your eyes slowly crept open, adjusting to the harsh light.
You found yourself sitting on the uncomfortable hospital wing bed. Eyebrows furrowed in confusion, you attempted to bring to mind the string of events leading to your arrival here. The last thing you remembered was being in the middle of a Quidditch game, and the surge of determination as you reached for the Quaffle.
Ah, yes, I got hit by the Bludger, you recalled with a slight grimace.
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malfoymuch · 4 years
Sneaking out and Shooting Stars
pairing: draco malfoy x slytherin!reader
word count: 1.7k
warning: just kinda a cute little short thing u know
summary: draco wakes you up in the middle of the night to go watch the meteor shower 
requested by: anon!
A/n: first day of my fic a day thing! (lets just ignore that its technically 2:00 meaning that technically its actually saturday)
this is SOOO CLICHE but u know, im a sucker for writing fics that end with like a cheesy one liner hehe
plus my terrible effort at a title (im so bad with titles it hurts)
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You woke up suddenly from a very strange nightmare. You had accidentally eaten a bird and instead of it going to your stomach it got lodged in your head. It would peck at the inside of your skull. 
You shivered slightly at the thought and tried to go back to sleep but the pecking from your dream continued. Confused you slowly got out of bed, scanning the room for the source of the sound. Your eyes locked with a jet black owl pecking on the window of the Slytherin girls dormitory. 
“So that’s why I had that weird-ass dream,” you muttered under your breath. Pansy grunted at you tell you to shut up. You made your way over to the bird, trying your best not to wake any of the other girls. 
“Come here,” you cooed as you opened the window. The black bird hopped onto your arm and dropped the letter in its beak into your hands. You slowly opened it as the bird hopped off your arm and out the window.
Hello Y/n,
Meet me in the common room. There’s a meteor shower tonight and I desperately want you to see it. 
Please come,
Keep reading
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malfoymuch · 4 years
hi love !! thank you so much for tagging me !! i really appreciate it :))
((i also want to apologize beforehand ‘cause smh i accidentally posted this to my main rather than this blog))
Name: Alexandria or Alex
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pan
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Favorite Animal: I don’t really have a favorite animal?? But at the same time I haven’t really gave it much thought,, I love all of them. If anything,, personally I’ve grown fond of the ʻōʻō bird, which no longer exists in Hawai'i.
Current Time: 20:16 (8:16 PM)
Cat or Dog: Wholeheartedly I love both,, and have had both...but I think I’d have to lean more towards dogs
Dream Job: Unfortunately I have absolutely no idea. To me, I don’t think I know exactly what I’m good at or absolutely love to pursue for a long-period of time. My past options were writing, and anything mixed with mathematics and science. Maybe even forensics?? 
When I Made This Blog: Honestly, I don’t remember. I think when I first posted though, it was in June of 2018. It’s been a pretty long time, I think, and I’m amazed how far I’ve improved and gained over the years !!
I’ll be tagging a few, but do know you’re not obligated to do this, and you don’t have to if you don’t want to ;)
@beauxbatons-babe @teheharrypotter @obsessedwithrandomthings @dracosearlgreytea
Thank you @mxl-foy for tagging me!😅
Name: Aleisha Fernandes
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Favourite animal: I'm a bird person
Current time: 22:16 (10:16 pm)
Cat or dog: neither :/
Dream job: Archaeologist or Photographer
When I made this blog: I started my Tumblr account in March
A few people i’d like to get to know (you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to!) Sorry if I tag anyone who has already done this!
@iliveiloveiwrite @drawlfoy @malfoymuch @silversslytherin
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malfoymuch · 4 years
Could you write a Draco x reader where they are best friends since birth. Draco gets a ring that is a family heirloom and the ring will not come off the person if the Malfoy who gave it to them it their soulmates unless they are married or something and the reader jokingly puts it on but it doesn't come off. You can ignore this if you're not taking requests I just thought it would be cute
hello !! thank you so much for the request, it was fun to write, though i did become stumped a little ☺️ i changed a little though, just to say it ahead of time. other than that, thank you again !!
hope you enjoyed it love !! <3
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malfoymuch · 4 years
if it is a dream [draco malfoy; soulmate au]
Pairing; Draco x Reader,, Pansy x Draco (friends),, Pansy x Reader (friends),, Pansy x Theodore
Genre; Fluff? Overall, yeah...
Word Count; 3.5k+ (with extra)
Request; @andreasworlsboring101
Warnings; unedited
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“Draco! Draco, dearie, can you come here, please?” Draco’s mother, Narcissa called from the main room of their Manor. Draco bolted down the stairs, throwing his toys onto the bed as he skipped down the stairs, his hair swept messily to one side as he straightened himself in front of his mother.
“Yes, mommy?” Draco asked, brightly grinning up at his mother as he watched her near him, smiling as she fixed his hair.
“Your hair, Draco. It’s a mess. You’re lucky you’re father isn’t paying attention,” she lightly scolded, though Draco knew that she didn’t mean it-- it just meant that he had to be more proper and presentable at times when his father was around.
“Draco, my boy. We wanted to give you something, or at least show you at least,” his mother whispered, kneeling down and gasping her son’s shoulders softly, grinning at him. “We think you’re old enough to be responsible, aren’t you, my boy?”
“Of course I am, mum. I’m a big boy,” Draco announced, puffing out his chest eliciting a heartfelt laugh from her. She nodded, her lips tugged high into a smile.
“Draco.” His father’s voice boomed, startling both Draco and his mother for a second before they greeted him happily.
“Your mother and I thought it was time to present you with this,” Lucius handed his son an ebony wooden box, intricate designs hand-carved throughout the box, all leading to the lock. His father then handed him what seemed to be the key, and suddenly, Draco began to feel his hands tremble as he turned it counter-clockwise until he heard a faint ‘click.’
Gulping, his hands came to the top of the box, and pushed it back, until the hinges fully supported it. His eyes immediately scanned the inside, until his eyes landed on a ring.
Draco picked it up gently, terrified that he’d drop it. The ring was too, delicately sophisticated. The band was twisted and cool, the texture and pattern reminding Draco of a snake; he soon noticed the snake’s head, curved over the prong, until his eyes finally landed on the head of the ring. There, was the Malfoy’s family crest, surrounded with a backdrop of black with pristine and steady strokes of emerald. He was captivated, swirling the ring in his hand.
“It’s our family heirloom,” his mother had told him, “The ring will attach itself and hold on to your soulmate, the one you’re destined to be with.” His eyes grew in disbelief as he stared at his mother, his eyes sparkling.
“Is it true? Soulmates? Do they really exist?”
“Of course, my boy. It’s a very special ring, so you must promise that you won’t lose it.” Lucius’ voice reasoned, staring down at his son softly. “One day you’ll find them… a soulmate or whoever you wish to propose to,” his father explained further.
“But it’s not something to play around with, and randomly put on people’s fingers, it must be taken care of. It’s our family’s, after all.” Draco nodded as he put the ring on his ring finger, feeling the ring begin to tighter around his finger, the snake staring at him cheekily before resting back on the prong.
A sudden knock startled Draco before his mother ushered him out of the room happily.
“Hurry! That must be the (L/N)’s!” His mother announced, Draco smiling as he could hear giggles from the other side of the door. Opening it widely, he waved excitedly at you, waiting patiently for your parents to greet each other and come inside. As soon as they did, he tugged his mother’s dress, pleadingly looking into her eyes.
“Mother, can I play with (Y/N) before we eat? Just for a little bit?” He begged hurridly as he bounced a bit, knowing that his mother would probably agree, whereas his father would’ve refused based on his behavior. She sighed, before slowly nodding.
“Okay, but just for a little bit, all right? Supper will begin any minute now,” she rushed, making Draco grin. He pulled you along with him, running up the stairs before his father could realize where they were going. Closing the door to his room, he turned back at you, pointing at his hand.
“You won’t believe what I just got!” He whisper-screamed to you, watching as your eyes light up as you grabbed his hand to get a better look at it.
“A ring?”
“Not just any ring, (Y/N). It’s supposed to lead me to my soulmate… if they put the ring on and it doesn’t come off, they’re destined to be with me.” Automatically, you grabbed the ring and stared at it, before Draco pushed your hand away, shocked.
“What’re you doing!?”
“I wanna tryyyyyyy, pleaseeeeeeee.” You nagged, “I wanna be your soulmate, Draco.” Draco shook his head, moving his head behind his back as he stepped away from you.
“No, not yet, I’m too young.” He retorted childishly, his cheeks filled with air as he looked away from you, his face turning pink. You gasped, before grabbing his hands with yours.
“Then promise me then!”
“Promise you what?” He asked almost immediately, afraid of what you’d say.
“Promise we that in ten years from now, I’ll get to try it on! To see if I’m your soulmate or not!”
“And if we’re not?” He asked concerned, raising his eyebrow at you as you bit your bottom lip, in deep thought, until another idea sparked. “Then if neither of us finds our soulmate by a certain point, we’ll marry each other.”
“Are you insane? I can’t just marry my best friend!”
“Of course you can, people do it all the time. Most people were best friends before they were a couple, Draco. Or at least, that’s what my parents always say,” you finished with a shrug of your shoulders.
“If you don’t want to, though, it’s fine.” Draco watched as you failed to keep yourself happy, your expression slowly turning saddened and bleak. His heart tugged a bit as he growled under his breath, intertwining his tiny fingers with yours.
“Fine! Ten years from now, we’ll be… sixteen? Seventeen? We’ll do it then,” Draco shouted, stunned that your expression had altered so quickly, hugging him tightly before pushing him away.
“Yeah, sure. Pinky-promise.” He groaned, lacing his pinky with yours before the calls from both your parents were heard from bellow.
“We should probably get going,” he stated, making you nod. As you both hustled down the stairs, you quickly whispered.
“Remember, you can’t break a pinky-promise, or I’ll be mad.”
Draco and you had been friends from as long as he could remember, probably since birth, honestly. The two of you were constantly clinging onto one another, whether it was for comfort or to simply annoy the other… you both were inseparable as the years dragged on.
“Draco Lucius Malfoy! It’s time!” You scolded at him, attempting to tackle him to the ground in order to steal the piece of jewelry on his finger. He dodged at the last possible second, however, grinning from ear-to-ear as he watched you trip.
“Better luck, next time, love.” He teased, sticking his tongue out and playfully sending a wink your way. You immediately flushed bright red, blowing away a strand of your hair before charging towards him once again.
“Draco Malfoy! You made a promise that I get to try on the ring! Let me, already!” You scolded, your finger jabbing into his chest as you tried to reach for his hand, but he seemed to be much quicker as he waved it in all directions. He then took the initiative to remove the ring from his fingers, placing it in the palm of his hand and tauntingly waving it in your face, before extending his hand as high as he could.
“I don’t see why you’re so obsessed with this ring, (Y/N). Or the promise, you should be focused on something else,” he tried to persuade, knowing that you weren’t listening to a word he said. “Besides, it hasn’t officially been ten years, since then… you still have another month or so.”
“Oh shut up, will you? Just give me it!” You interjected, jumping to try and grab his hand. He twirled around you and smirked, ruffling his hair as he steadied the ring back on his finger.
“Unfortunately, class begins soon… guess you’ll have to try later--” his sentence was cut off short as he began to run, you trailing behind him in a frenzy towards your class; his laughs echoed the hallways as students made sure to clear a path, avoiding eye-contact with him and you (pretty much because you threatened to hex anyone who got in the way as you were running).
Normally, you wouldn’t have even batted an eyelash towards his heirloom, or bring it up in a conversation. But as the day got closer, it kind of started to bring a sense of uneasiness to you… the promise. The scenarios playing in your mind as you slept, or daydreamed through some of your classes.
But it made you think. For once, it was odd. To imagine your future as a sixteen-soon-to-be-seventeen-year-old, nonetheless with your best friend. He must’ve thought it wasn’t big, but it definitely was to you. You weren’t an idiot at the age of seven, you knew what you were getting into when you made that promise. Hell, you even wrote it in a little journal you had afterward, it wasn’t hard to deny it. You fancied Draco.
For years, so the thought of being his soulmate made you feel excited and absolutely terrified. Pansy had often reassured that all would work out, and things would pan out the way it should… but it still bothered you. As much as you tried not to, it was the only thought that remained.
Maybe I should just forget about it, he’s probably someone in mind anyway, you thought as you slumped in your chair, it wouldn’t have been the first.
“Hey! (Y/N), are you even paying attention?” Pansy nudged your shoulder, asking through her teeth, her eyes widening as she forced you to look down into your textbook before the professor noticed you were spacing out.
“Still obsessing over Draco?” She whispered, resulting in a bitter laugh to emit from you. Pansy had had an overwhelming obsession with Draco for the first few years until one day, it seemed the message of him not reciprocating her feelings had become clear, and then she changed.
Much better, if you were being honest. She had her own personal glow-up and was focused much more on devoting time reflecting and helping you.
“Maybe you should pretend to lose interest? That might make him give it up,” she suggested, “Or just steal it from him? You know, unexpected--”
“How am I supposed to steal it? It’s on his finger, Pansy,” you jeered, continuing to write utter nonsense in your notebook as you stared at it with intent, hearing her sigh loudly. “I don’t know, but you have to do something, maybe even tell him… ever given that a thought?” She questioned, staring at you concerningly as you shifted under her gaze uncomfortably, trying to stir your attention away from anything but the topic at hand.
“I don’t know…” you dragged on, making eye-contact with Draco from across the classroom, seeing him happily sending you a smile; you tried your best to return the favor, however, it seemed a bit forced, causing Draco’s to waver.
Oh, bloody hell…
“Well, now he knows something’s up,” Pansy piqued, giving you a knowing gaze as she gave a quick glance at him, before grabbing your hand to prevent you from writing any longer. “You have to do something, I’m not saying you should steal the ring or stalk him, but do what your heart tells you to do, when the time comes.” You smiled softly as you grabbed her hand, uttering a sincere ‘thank you’ before returning to your work.
Pansy gazed back up at Draco, seeing his concerned gaze towards you before mouthing to Pansy a series of phrases, and answering them swiftly before you had the chance to notice.
Draco had no idea what was going on with you. One minute, you were giddy and incredibly engaged in your own world, the next you were shouting at him about his promise and the ring, and then you give him a pathetic attempt of smiling at him… and suddenly he had no clue what was going on with you.
He’d been talking to Pansy lately about the issue, but she’d either reassure that everything would be fine or give the curt response: “Go ask for yourself”
Normally, Draco would’ve given a snarky response back, but she’d always managed to run away before he could press on more about you.
“What happened to (Y/N), Pansy?” He asked through gritted teeth, “You make this so much harder than it has to be.” Pansy raised a brow at him, amused, twirling the strands of her hair with her finger.
“Someone’s not happy…” she taunted before shrugging her shoulders. “Unfortunately, I can’t tell you.”
“Why not? Aren’t you her best friend?”
“Aren’t you?” Pansy countered quickly, watching Draco’s mouth hung open, before closing silently. “You two have known each other longer than I have; if you think something’s wrong ask (Y/N) yourself.”
“I can’t if (Y/N) won’t talk to me,” he pressed on, staring at his friend’s eyes as he grabbed her wrists. “Please, I need to know--”
“Draco, do you fancy (Y/N)?” Pansy inquired, removing his hands off of her, settling them back on her lap as she stared at him knowingly. Draco frantically shook his head at her, ruffling his hair in the process.
“Where did that question even come from, Pansy? Have you gone mad--”
“No. But it seems you will, soon. Why won’t you let (Y/N) try on the ring? A Malfoy sticks by their word, don’t they?”
Draco’s mouth became instantly dry, struggling to form any coherent sentence as his ears began to grow bright. Pansy’s eyes glimmered in realization.
“You’re afraid (Y/N) isn’t the one, aren’t you?” Draco remained silent as she titled her head to meet his gaze, to which his gaze moved away again. “Or are you afraid (Y/N) is the one?”
“You’re deranged, Parkinson.”
“Perhaps I am, but the one thing I’m not Draco… is a coward.” She grunted, resulting in Draco staring up at her, shocked. Pansy was a female that often spoke her mind and criticized others, but not him. She certainly changed.
“You’ve been friends for ages, Draco. And even when I was too “preoccupied” with you I still knew it; (Y/N) won’t be around forever, and if you don’t act soon someone will sweep them off their feet because that’s what they deserve. And you’ll never know the truth,” Pansy flicked his forehead, making Draco whine at the impact. “You’re incredibly dense, sometimes. I wonder what I saw in you…” Draco’s eyes trailed down to the floor, before a sudden laugh shook, startling him.
“But I know (Y/N) sees it… saw it longer than I had, maybe… besides, I got myself… someone. So go get yours.” Draco’s eyes stared up at his long friend, staring at her both thankful and apologetic.
“Oh stop with the sappy look, will you? I’m not telling you to confess and I’m not asking for pity. But when the time comes… do it.”
A few weeks had passed since then, and your nerves had remained calmer than ever. It seemed Pansy was right, and being able to dial down on your turmoil was as simple as clearing your mind… from all of the thoughts of his heirloom.
Of course, you took that route. Instead of confessing to him… and Pansy had egged you to pursue him while respecting your decision. It just seemed easier, you noted, to distract yourself for a while.
“Why are you spacing off, again? Someone caught your eye?” Draco quipped, staring down at you. You rolled your eyes as you readjusted yourself on his lap, giving him an irritated look.
“Does it matter? Even if I was, it’s none of your business,” you ended while sticking out your tongue, noticing Draco’s eyes had slightly clouded at your remark.
“I should probably leave soon, Umbridge will be scouting soon…” Draco murmured, as you let out a frustrated growl.
“Oh yes! The sadist, who only lives to ruin student’s lives… I find it concerning that she’s so fascinated in kids…” you whispered the last part, Draco letting out a hearty laugh. “Pipe it down, I heard she has eyes and ears everywhere,” he added on, the both of you snickering.
“Watch out, she might hide under your bed too, I wouldn’t put it past her.” Draco grabbed your hand and squeezed it as he let out another laugh, the cool metal of his ring sending a shiver down your spine. As it died down, he released your hand, before his eyes traveled down to his hand, and his ring. He removed his other hand cradling your head and removed the hoop slowly.
“Here, a deal’s a deal.” You let out a huff, knitting your eyebrows as he dropped the ring into your hands.
“Why so suddenly… well, I guess I’ll try it. After all, you’ll probably be getting it back.” The statement broke your heart, but in reality, it seemed fit to say. And Draco cracked a smile, so he must’ve been hoping it to happen too.
Sliding the ring on your finger, another shiver sent down your spine, your eyes lost in the details of the loop. Your breath hitched suddenly as you paused your movements, watching for something to happen. A sign.
Looking up, you saw Draco staring just as intensely as you had at your hand, the curves of his mouth downward and grim.
“See? I told you,” you sighed, reaching for the ring again and attempting to tug at it.
However, as you tried, you realized you couldn’t take it off.
“Uh… Draco? Can… Can you give me a hand?” You pleaded nervously, his eyes widening as he adjusted his position, panicked.
“Yeah, of course.” He responded, gently grabbing your hand in his, his fingers hanging over the ring, deep in thought, before he dropped it, staring at you.
“(Y/N)... it won’t come off,” he said quietly, a small smile dancing on his features.
“How would you know? You didn’t even try,” you tried to defend, grabbing the ring again and tugging it. This time, the ring had gotten looser, only for the snake to hiss at you, its jade eyes leering. You removed your hand almost instantly, letting the creature hum in content before slithering itself around you again, this time, a bit tighter than before.
“This has to be a dream, it can’t be real… can it?” You gaped, thinking that you were daydreaming again. Hallucinating maybe?
“I don’t think it’s a dream,” Draco started, his thumb playing with the ring on your finger, a bright smile plastered on his face as he stared (almost) lovingly at it. “But if it is…” he intertwined his fingers with yours, staring into your eyes with a lovestruck gaze.
“I don’t ever want to wake up.” He paused, before leaning down to capture your lips with his.
“I think it’s better than any dream, actually.”
Months later, your head was resting on Draco’s shoulder, as he seemed to be engaged in a conversation with the boy across from him; Theodore Nott, Pansy’s boyfriend, who looked to be a decently charming Slytherin, though he was extremely opinionated with whatever they were conversing about.
“Sorry for asking, but I’ve been a bit curious about the ring on (Y/N)’s finger?” Theodore suddenly inquired, making you lift your head up to see Draco had been playing with the ring on your finger the whole time, twirling it rhythmically.
“Oh, isn’t it obvious? We’re engaged.” He smirked deviously, a gasp coming from you as you pushed him away, laughing. “Yeah right--”
“Aren’t we?”
“You didn’t even propose!”
“Don’t you have a ring? I can’t give you another one, this one isn’t coming off--”
“You didn’t ask and we’re still in school! Plus it’d be nice if you at least made the effort to ask--”
“Do you want me to ask? I can do it, plan it out if you want…It’s not like my parents would disapprove… my mother’s absolutely smitten for you.”
“That sounds nasty.”
“You know what I meant by that.”
“Even cuter, Theo, they’re soulmates…” Pansy whispered to him, as both of you bickered with one another. Theodore nodded in understanding, leaning down to Pansy’s ear. “I assume you helped… I don’t think Draco wouldn’t have done it anytime soon otherwise.”
“I can hear you,” Draco announced, pink dusting his cheeks as he sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck, “And I would’ve eventually… though I’m glad Pansy helped…”
“Of course I had to,” Pansy smiled proudly, “And look how it turned out. I’m great at what I do.”
“You mean not minding your own business?”
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malfoymuch · 4 years
on the fourth-floor balcony [draco malfoy]
Pairing; Draco x Reader
Genre; FLUFF, it’s literally just fluff
Word Count; 1.48k+
A/n: Another inspired fic from the moon, but this time it’s just a massive amount of sugary fluff so i hope you enjoy!! i’m officially done with school!! hope everyone’s doing okay and stay safe!!
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Your eyes wandered all around the view as you stared out into the glorious horizon of the night, from the fourth-floor balcony. Truthfully, you would’ve much preferred the view from the Astronomy Tower, however, tonight it seemed someone had barricaded the front entrance and the stairway, dwindling your mood until the idea sparked into your mind.
The fourth-floor balcony was famous for the group of Hogwarts couples that hang out daily, basking in the sunlight whenever they could… the thought alone made you gag, but you couldn’t deny that the view was spectacular.
The sky tonight seemed to be presented on a black canvas, swirls of purple and blue painted masterfully in precise, intricate strokes. The moon had even decided to come to the show, bright and full with its craters on display. The trees swayed gently as a breeze swept by, a shiver blissfully running down your spine, as you edged closer, your feet dangling off.
You peered over your legs and stared at the statues, along with the bushes neatly trimmed and placed, if you weren’t guaranteed to die you would’ve loved the feeling of jumping off. To know the rush before landing, but of course, it wouldn’t have been safely, so the thought was instantly diminished.
The world seemed to get lovelier, the higher you gazed from. Some day, you wanted to know what it would feel like to stand from the top of a mountain, the top of a massive building, staring at the world below. You’d probably never do it, for fear managed to stop you a few times when the thought came by. Still, it was an adventure that seemed to be fully engaging and promised much more.
You wished you could see it all. The world, everywhere.
“Bloody hell, don’t tell me you’re going to jump, are you? Or you know, fall!?” Someone screamed suddenly, startling you as you whipped your head towards their direction. Another gust came by as you stared at the figure in front of you, a smile on your face.
“Of course I wouldn’t jump, Draco. I always joked I wanted to go out with a bang, but not like that.” You reasoned, giving him the weirdest look as a laughed coursed through your body. “What’s a guy like you doing out so late? Don’t tell me you were going to bring some girl here, were you? Because unfortunately for you, I’m not going to leave.” You finished, making it Draco’s turn to let out a breathy laugh.
“Don’t worry, I came alone. I just wanted to enjoy the view, that’s all. I wouldn’t be here, but the Astronomy Towers--”
“Yeah, I know. I would’ve been there too.”
You’ve run into Draco a couple of times during your years together, there wasn’t any heavy tension between the two of you, though. It just seemed to be pleasantly carefree, whenever the two of you miraculously bumped into each other, it was just calming.
There was never a dull moment when the two of you spent time together. Laughter, jokes, a few stumbling encounters even, in the beginning, it was abnormal how easy it was to open up to one another; or how just being with the other helped, silently watching the stars.
It’d only happen a couple of times, but every time it happened it just lulled the both of you.
“Why don’t you sit?” You offered, patting to the spot next to you, grinning. Draco’s eyes widened as his face flushed pink, hands in front of him as he waved them frantically.
“I can’t possibly, I might… you know… fall,” Draco muttered, making you giggle uncontrollably as you remembered the times Draco had tripped over air as he greeted you.
“Stop it! It’s not funny! And don’t laugh, or else you’ll fall!”
“Oh how cute, Draco cares about me.” You noted, pointing at him as you winked. Seeing him about you retort, you quickly removed your gaze from him and glanced back at the sky, swaying your feet even more.
“It’s sweet, Draco. It shows you care,” Your smile grew wider, knowing that he was probably just gawking at you. “And I appreciate that you care, Draco. Because I do too.” You turned back to him, “Sorry if that sounds like a confession.”
Truth be told, you did like Draco. Deep-down you knew. That was the reason why it was so much easier to open up to him, to trust someone, and notice their qualities. Both good and bad. Yes, it hurt a bit. To know that he probably liked someone else, was interested in someone else, and that was fine, really. Right now, at this point in time, your feelings of wanting something more could be put aside, because more than anything you just needed him to be there.
“It… It’s fine,” Draco stuttered again, ruffling his hair as his eyes slowly wandered to you.
He watched as you smiled gently at him, your eyes dazzling, the reflection of all the galaxies in the universe twinkling breathtakingly. Your hair swaying along with the wind, face upward towards the sky once more.
Honestly, you took his breath away.
Everything you did seemed to be majestic. And it was so odd, to think about. Considering the fact that all of your conversations were in the dead of night, under the stars about the most randomest of topics. Most would think of his crush as absurd, but it was just there. He couldn’t take his mind off of you, he stumbled over his words constantly when he was near, and his feet.
His eyes were constantly locked onto your figure during class, observant when it came to the little quirks you had, surveying you in the Great Hall as well.
He’d only tear his eyes away when Blaise of Pansy had questioned him, wondering what exactly had gotten him to be so spaced out. To cause his attention to be so diverted onto one thing, consistently.
“I wouldn’t have minded if it was a confession, though…” he muttered to himself, causing your head to quickly spin.
“Sorry, what did you say?” you pressed quickly, seeing Draco’s face flush even brighter than before, scrambling over his words for an answer.
“I didn’t mean it-- I mean, I don’t think you heard correctly-- maybe, it’s--”
“Okay, Draco. Don’t pass out on me, your face is red. I was just wondering if you said something, is all.” You informed him softly, watching as his face slowly became less panicked, and his face toned-down a color or two. He brought himself closer to you, his feet scraping against the ground as if he was the heaviest object in the world at the moment.
He held onto the pillar tightly as he swiftly flew on leg over the rock railing, sharply inhaling as he did so. He planted his other foot firmly on the ground before his hands came up to support him by clenching the rails, staring at you.
“I’m not as insane as you to let myself completely hang off the verge, but enough to do partly while safe.”
“If you’re afraid of heights or dying you could always lean against the pillar beside me, you know,” you told him scooching closer to help him. “You didn’t have to sit down with me.”
“Oh shut up, would you? I did it, all right? Doesn’t that matter?” Draco defended himself, no longer holding on to the railing but fiercely staring into your eyes, his breath hitching as his mind registered how close you were to him.
“Of course it does, Draco. Thank you and as a token of my gratitude--”
Draco cut you off as he dove forward, his lips crashing onto yours, innocent and gentle. His head started spinning, his stomach doing flips as you melted. He firmly grabbed her and the rail, terrified that he’d fall off any second from feeling this light and weak. As they parted, his eyes glowed as he nervously laughed.
“Sorry, I--”
You pulled him back in, smiling as he immediately responded, this time taking the courage to firmly kiss you, cheekily nibbling your bottom lip in the process. Pulling away, you gave him the biggest, brightest smile he’s ever seen.
“Will you go out with me? I know it’s a bit late to ask but--” he laughed before you quickly pecked his forehead, stopping his ramble.
“Yes, Draco. I’d love to, now let’s get off the rail before we fall off.” He reacted in no time, already off and offering you a hand to help yourself. When he knew you were all right, his hands wrapped around you, slowly making their way down to rest around your waist as he brought you closer, laughing a bit.
Leaning down, he kissed your lips again as he rocked gently, you following his lead, under the moonlight, on the fourth-floored balcony.
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malfoymuch · 4 years
Could you do an imagine loosely based off of lyric “I don’t want your body but I hate to think about you with someone else.” By the 1975. Like maybe the reader and Draco just broke up and to get him angsty she starts canoodling with Harry and Draco gets upset and confronts her or something. Idk. Do whatever you want. You’ll make it great no matter what you do😌💕
hello !!! hope you liked it !! i took the lyrics tho i kind of altered it a bit as it progressed, thank you so much for the request !! 
~ alex <3
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malfoymuch · 4 years
somebody else [draco malfoy]
Pairing; Ex! Draco x Reader, Harry Potter x Reader 
Genre; Angst and fluff (a bit dramatic too, honestly)
Word Count; 3k+
Request; @braelynn-j Could you do an imagine loosely based off of lyric “I don’t want your body but I hate to think about you with someone else.” By the 1975. Like maybe the reader and Draco just broke up and to get him angsty she starts canoodling with Harry and Draco gets upset and confronts her or something. Idk. Do whatever you want. You’ll make it great no matter what you do 😌💕
Summary: Draco and you had left the relationship as a “couple” on a good note. But now that you’re confirmed to be with Harry after just two weeks, Draco doesn’t understand really why he feels “lonely.” This fic is geared towards Draco, and his self-like journey to what he truly desires...
A/N: First off, thank you so much for the request, love !! I’m sorry it took a bit of time, I wanted to try and create a way for it to be more original and express the emotions that are lacked rather than the person, as they split. However, I must tell you that Draco and the reader DO NOT get back together as a couple, because I didn’t really that would be best throughout the story. I took a bit of my own little spin on the lyrics, so I apologize if this wasn’t really what you expected. 
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     His eyes dropped to the corner of the desk, noting each curve of wood and crack of the platform, including the interesting textures of the wall near it. Lately, Draco had been much more observant through his everyday life, whether it may be staring off into space or a casual conversation with a classmate. 
     Noticing the world around him, and people’s tendencies. As they lie or slither in a small insult. How they present themselves, or how they act when they are happy. The casual nose crunch, eye crinkles, the curve of one’s mouth as they express emotion. 
     It seemed Draco had lived in a completely different world. Much more keen to the world he had not been so consciously aware of. It made him set a much more barricaded version of himself, a much more attentive adaptation of himself. 
     Now, not all aspects of it were bad. But the more he noticed, the more lonely he realized he’d become. 
     Some would already say when a couple splits it gets quite lonely, perhaps even worse than it was before. The longing for them again, the regret of letting go-- of how it ended. 
     But for Draco, he didn’t quite know. It seemed that he wasn’t really knowledgeable when it came to feelings, especially ones that weren’t conveyed often. Draco’s relationship with you hadn’t even been an uproar of much, just the mutual understanding that things weren’t going well-- and that the pressure may have been overbearing at this point in time.  
     So regretting the way he let you go was out of the picture, because he felt proud that he hadn’t just snapped and screamed… but listened and gave a response when it was his time… like you taught him. 
     No. No, it had to be a different reason. 
     It had only been two weeks, and to be honest, he wasn’t in the best condition. He kept a distance from the world, a safe one. A noticeable barrier that everyone must endure, and if they managed to break it down-- they’d earned his trust. 
     He’d done it before. 
     And you passed. Without knowing, or doubtful of what was to come afterward, you did it-- knowing he needed someone. 
     So… maybe that’s what angered him, and made him feel lonely. And the rumors of you canoodling with Harry-- and moving on so quickly, made him feel more alone. Harry, he was an okay-type of lad. He wasn’t exactly the worst, but not the greatest… 
     He didn’t want to know the things you did with Harry. He didn’t care, honestly. It was the fact that since you left, it was just a presence missing, a feeling missing… perhaps reassurance? Hope? 
     A sense of belonging… 
     Draco didn’t want to get back together (or at least, that’s how he felt), he wasn’t heartbroken like the entire Hogwarts student body envisioned him-- in fact, it just gave him a new reality of how empty being a Malfoy was… how isolated he is, suffocating every corner he turned-- new faces to see, new people to meet and make an incredible impression on, more responsibility? 
     For the first time in a long while, Draco had finally felt the weight carrying him down, by everyone around him. 
     How easy it was for his family to convince him to be the new heir, molding him as if he was a piece of clay. It was only so many tries before the clay started to harden… and crack. 
     But when you came in, it was he was a fresh new canvas. A newly created, lively young boy, eager for both you and the world. It gave him a purpose, to know that someone had taken the time to appreciate him as a whole-- someone he knew that if he broke down, would piece him back together, and vice versa. 
     So, in a sense, he didn’t like the fact that Potter now had that chance. And he didn’t. And it angered him more at the mere thought that Potter might only think of you as a source of comfort for a short timespan. Who knows, maybe he did brew feelings in the last two weeks and did take it seriously?
     He wasn’t a jealous ex, or at least, he doesn’t think he is. Because he knew you were happy with Harry, and that was fine. Draco wasn’t dying to have your body next to his, but much rather, your words. 
     He had lost one of the best, major influencers in his life… it may be a bit dramatic, but he certainly thought so. So yes, he was upset. He was very much upset, to see you move on so quickly, and be happy. 
     But in the end, there was nothing he could do. He was satisfied enough the things didn’t blow up in front of his face, so that was that… wasn’t it? 
     “Draco? Are you all right, mate?” Blaise Zabini questioned, nudging his shoulder against Draco’s, making his head spike up from the desk. 
     “Did you say something? Sorry, wasn’t listening…” he mumbled back, his eyes soon trailing to the corner where you were talking to Harry and his friends, laughing and smiling brightly. 
     “I was asking you how long has it been since you’ve last eaten… you look like a ghost buddy… you should probably go get rest or head to the hospital wing. Madam Pomfrey can get a good look at you--” 
     “I’m perfectly fine…” Draco groaned, leaning his head back down on the desk, ignoring the spinning of his head. 
     “Mate, do you ever know how stupid you look? You look like you’re on the verge of passing out… you can’t ever keep your head up can you?” 
     “I said I’m fine… belt up,” he dragged out the vowels, placing his forehead against the cold temperature of the wood, breathing in sharply. 
     “You don’t have to be so uptight about it,” Zabini huffed, “I was just asking you a question… it’s not my fault you’re all hung up over (Y/N)--” 
     Suddenly Draco grabbed the collar of his robes, pulling him from his seat, his eyes blazing. Draco ignored the sudden pause of everyone’s movements, their attention now directly on his as his grip tightened, tugging his “friend” closer. 
     “The reason I’m like this isn’t because of (Y/N), all right? Get it through that thick skull of yours that my life doesn’t revolve around a single person, and no one does for you either. So quit being a pompous ass and hold your tongue, before I chop it off,” Draco demanded, shoving him roughing into his seat. As he did so, his eyes darted towards the classroom, and his eyes immediately stared into yours. 
     His mind felt hazy, his vision clouded as it began to lighten and see duplicates of everything. All he could vaguely see was a hand jumped out towards him, with the sound of someone calling out: “Draco!” 
     Draco woke up with a nasty pain in his lower back, groaning as a headache had also taken force. His eyes screwed shut for a good while, the sunlight blinding him momentarily, the rays shooting him down. He laid back onto the bed, cussing under his breath as he knew where he was. 
     Hogwart’s bloody hospital wing… 
     In an attempt to spring from the bed and leave before being noticed, he felt a hand resting on his, and his mouth turned dry. There, dozed off beside him on the bed… was you. 
     But why? 
     You had Harry. Harry and a bunch of other friends that you could’ve seen, spent time with, instead of being next to him. Cuddling up next to your new boy as you shared a series of laughs with, telling jokes about your past… so why were you with him? 
     An ex, his ex, laying next to him, in such a godly uncomfortable position. Your back so badly hunched over, arm under your to provide a sliver of comfort to the awkward way your body was caving. Unknowingly, his hand flipped over, holding yours, his thumb rubbing small circles on yours-- a small gesture he had always done, for both you and him. 
     “I don’t think I miss being boyfriend and girlfriend with you,” he started, not knowing what had gotten over him. One of his spurs of the moment. “Perhaps I’m saying this because I found out you were with Potter… and to be honest, I was not the happiest man in the world when I found out. But I’m happy for you-- so why do I still feel lonely?” 
     “I think… I think I’ve finally noticed just how easy the world seemed to be, with you in it. Maybe this whole time, you were a distraction? In a good way, from the world? And… and when you left… I don’t know what happened? I’ve noticed so many more things than I noticed before…? Like just how much a prick people were, and how Zabini seems to lies through his teeth until he ever so slightly flares his nose? Or how Pansy right eye crinkles more than other? I don’t know where I’m going with this…” he chuckled, his throat hoarse, but he pressed on. 
     “I don’t know what’s going with me, but maybe, after our splitting… it’s helped. And I won’t deny that I do miss you, but of course, I wouldn’t really manage to voice it out loud, though I think you’re well aware of my glances from across the classroom. You’re happy with Potter, rebound or not, I’m okay with it. Because it means that you’re glad, and that’s all I’ve ever wanted…” a sniffle came from Draco, and another laugh passed through his throat. 
     “Oh great, I’m getting all emotional… and you’re not even up, I’ve gotten so emotional it’s rather irritating. I won’t ever tell you this while you’re awake, but thank you, for everything. Another thing I did learn from all of this, is that I should probably eat, I’m starting to get frightened of myself with how bad I managed to look.” He smiled brightly, looking down at you. 
     A small smile passed through your lips as you softly giggled, and Draco’s immediately dropped. 
     “Bloody hell, you were awake? The whole time? The whole time? You didn’t bother to say anything ‘till now?” He jeered, his mind blown that he had confessed his feelings, and you heard everything. “And why are you even here? Shouldn’t you be with your boyfriend? Potter?” 
     “You know, you don’t have to be so grown-up all the time? It’s okay to tell me about these kinds of things, especially when they concern me?” You teasingly taunted, cracking your neck from your position as you raised a brow. 
     “You sound like you’ve had a sudden awakening of the world, and I don’t know if that’s exactly great… And I came here because you weren’t doing well, Harry can manage on his own.” You rolled your eyes, dismissively raising your hand in the air as you laughed. “I wanted to check up on you, and to talk to you.” 
     “There’s nothing really left to talk about,” Draco stated, shrugging. “I’ve said everything I wanted to say.” 
     “But I didn’t.” You replied smoothly, scooching over more towards Draco, taking your hand in his again. “I know we’ve ended things, and I’ve… fairly quickly went to Harry. But do know it was because he offered me emotional support, and I need to know if you have that too, Draco.” 
     Draco’s heart pounded in his chest and your words and then sank. Plummeted. 
     No. He thought. Of course, he didn’t have someone to talk to… you were that person he thought always would, and could. 
     “Of course,” Draco laughed, neglecting the brewing feeling within him, “I’ve always managed… this time will be no different.” 
     “It is different, Draco. The difference is you’ve been skipping on meals or having occasional blackouts, and honestly, I blame myself for you being like this every day,” you said, starting to tear up. Draco instantly leaned forward, wiping the small droplets. 
     “How is this your fault? We both ended it on a good note, (Y/N). Honestly, I’m amazed we did--” 
     “Draco, did you want to end the relationship?” 
     “Yes, it would’ve been best for both of us. We were having a fallout. We were slowly losing it a bit with everything going on, it was the best option--” 
     “Draco, who have you talked to, since we’ve broken up?” Draco’s mouth creased into a frown as he huffed. 
     “I’ve talked to multiple people! There’s Zabini, Pansy, Crabbe and Goyle…” 
     “No, Draco. I mean who have you talked to, all of this.” You gestured to his red face and puffy eyes. “Who have you talked to, about all your emotions, Draco? Draco, do you have someone to talk to?”
     Draco’s head hanged low as he stared at the bedsheets, his eyes moving anywhere but yours. No. 
     His hand clasped yours as he stared deeply into your eyes, mouth tugging into a small smile. 
     “I’m doing okay now, (Y/N). And I will be, now that I’ve talked to you about it… though I thought you were asleep,” he ruffled your hair. “But do know, if Potter tries something I’ll duff him up a bit, y’know… as friends. One friend to another.” A small cough passed through your lips as you shook your head, your smile still growing. 
     “Well, if you ever need me, Draco. I’ll be there, especially now. Because now I need to make sure you eat.” You mocked, pinching his hand a little, shocking him as he let out a painful laugh. “Oh, knock it off, alright? I learned my lesson…” His voice dragged out, before his eyes soon lowered to his hands intertwined with yours. 
     “You should probably get back to Potter, he’ll be worried soon… visiting hours are technically over soon--” 
     “You sure are quick to try and get rid of me, aren’t you?” The question was meant to come off as a joke, however, Draco seemed startled. 
     “No! It’s not anything like that… you have your own life, and other people in it. Besides, we’re not together--” 
     “Doesn’t mean I can’t be there for you, right?” You reasoned, bending down to try and meet his eyes once more. “I may be Potter, but that doesn’t mean we aren’t there for each other. You haven’t lost me, Draco. I still care, whether we’re together or not.” The right side of Draco’s lips shifting up, tilting his head to the side as he spared you a glance. 
     “I don’t think Potter will be happy with that, I wouldn’t really be.” 
     “Who cares what Potter thinks? Or anyone else? As long as both of us know that it’s nothing like that, does it matter?” 
     “I guess not,” Draco laughed, his arms raising up as an act of surrender. “But I will not be responsible if he gets slugged out of the blue.” A surprised gasp was heard as you tackled Draco, slapping him (not harshly) on his shoulder and chest. 
     “I don’t him hurt… unless he deserved it,” you whispered the last part, barely audible. Draco’s eyes grew as he leaned a bit closer, smirking. 
     “What? What was that? I don’t think I heard you correctly,” he teased, his hands coming up to grasp your shoulders gently, leaning in. Your face flushed in embarrassment as you covered your face, shoving him away from you. 
     “Nothing! I said nothing!” 
     “Ya right,” Draco muttered, his hand tickling you to your side, making a loud gasp and a series of laughs to follow through. This continued for a few moments more before you had enough. 
     “Alright alright! I said if he deserves it you can do it…” you said frustrated, punching him in the air as you rolled off the bed and back into the little stool. 
     “I’ll make sure he deserves it first, and then make sure he knows he deserved it,” both of you laughed as he attempted to say it in his an intimidating voice. Leaning against his pillow, silence ensued as he stared at you. And the gears in his head turning again. 
     For a long time, it seemed that Draco had kept himself in the dark, hidden from most. But you were there, for him. 
     No, he didn’t miss your “couple” relationship with him. He didn’t need the hand-holding, kisses, or any real contact from your body. Not like that, at least. 
     It was just the feeling… the feeling of feeling at home, for once. The thought of knowing someone was always there, beside you, to emotionally give you support. It was in a way, a sense of belonging, not to the person, but the world. 
     There are all different types of relationships, Draco learned. Friendship can be just as powerful or more than having a spouse, because the love is still there… but maybe it’s overlooked.
     Because in the end, both relationships are founded on love, respect, and caring. 
     Being with someone as a couple and being with them now as a friend gave Draco much more insight than he could ever imagine. About his friends, the world around him, his family. He didn’t need to completely break ties with you, after it all, he would just be as he always had--
     Draco didn’t need you to come to back to him. He didn’t want to “win” you over from Potter. As he said, it was a mutual ending of the relationship… being together in that sense just wasn’t working. But it seemed to have that type of friend might last. One that was always there for each other. 
     And Draco was perfectly okay with that. He didn’t need to hold you in his arms romantically, cuddling and professing your love to each other. 
     No, he just needed a friend. 
     The thought of you with somebody else, now, was fine. 
     Because you could be with somebody else, in that type of relationship, but at the end of the day, he knew he still had you. 
     (Y/N) (L/N), both his ex and best friend. 
    And he wouldn’t have it any other way, at the end of the day. 
Hey!! Hope you enjoyed the story. For this one, I think I just really wanted to put in detail that Draco’s desire wasn’t exactly their relationship as a couple, but the relationship of feeling at ease, and at home. I wanted to express (though I think I did kind of poorly) just how important a friend could be, one you could trust, much more than simply having a significant other. It’s the mutual understanding of one another, and supporting them through everything they do. 
It also brought me to the part where couples who split can still be friends, and sometimes that type of “love” just doesn’t work, but another one can rise. In this case, Draco seemed lost and disgusted more of the fact that he had thought he lost that feeling of home, and Harry becoming (Y/N)’s new sense of a home. Where in reality, he realizes being open and confronting her opened his eyes. I didn’t want them to end up together in the end ‘cause I didn’t think it would feel right, but for them to grow by accepting that they’ve split, and Draco’s just longed for someone to understand him rather than a partner. 
I hoped you enjoyed it!! This probably has to be one of my favorite written pieces, strictly because I didn’t make them end up together in the end. And targeted Draco’s emotions in a piece rather than the reader. Thank you once again !! 
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malfoymuch · 4 years
nyctophile [draco malfoy]
Pairing; Draco x Reader 
Genre; Fluff
Word Count; 1240
A/n: I wrote this because I love “lost-words,” and I love the moon. So, I wrote both together, so I hope you enjoy. I was wondering if anyone wanted my last fic, “The Peculiar Girl,” to be a series? Or should I create one? Thank you and I hope you stay safe!!!! 
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It was therapeutic. 
An escape you relished in; complete solitude with no one but the stars above. To welcome your presence, silently. As billions of lights flickered down upon the world, the moon in all its glory, radiating such a fair glow to the world below. 
The cool breeze that passed, enough to send a quick shiver down one’s spine if they lingered. 
Even in the worst of days, you could look up into the darkness, and felt warmth. Despite the colder weather, the night had just been more relatable. 
The sun was appreciated for everything, the world’s orbit, the growth of plants, the smiles it can emit, the laughter that soon follows. But the moon was briefly taken into account, for the imperfections of its craters, and it’s “bleak” color. 
Oh, but if they had only looked closer. 
For the moon was more beautiful than the sun and with it, contrasted the darkness. Even with its imperfections, it gleams with beauty and all its various phases. Not only that, but it stands alongside its friends, all the stars in the cosmos. Truly, the moon deserved so much more. 
Any distress seemed to vanish as you strolled through the garden, knowing very well you could be caught. Honestly, you were shocked that you hadn’t been caught years beforehand, but you knew that someone was watching. Whether it was a professor, a student, or even the Dumbledore himself, but you could feel it. 
Now, as a fifth-year, you were shocked when a letter had been gifted to you in regards to being chosen as a prefect. Its responsibilities being listed within the context and procedures taken for certain matters. 
Truth be told, you weren’t exactly doing your job as a prefect, most of the time. What could you say, the moon entranced you, it was alluring. 
And tonight, it was a full moon. 
With its large, blue ring encircling it. The existence of the color around it was a question that had been plaguing your mind for as long as you could remember. 
As you finished your quick check-around, you winded up back to the courtyard, where you sat and admired the sky with your undivided attention. 
Today hadn’t been completely hectic, in your opinion. Fifth-year was a vital year for all Hogwarts students, and most were completely swamped and engulfed in stress, exams seemed to be all that mattered. 
That, and gossip. Which never seemed to end, when it came to the students in Hogwarts. And lately, everything had revolved around by once again, Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy.
A Chosen One and a Prevailing Prince. 
It seemed to fit, segregating once again, between who was “good” and who was “bad.” It seemed that Slytherin had developed poor character over time, whether it may be from one in the house or its prejudice. In this case, you couldn’t choose a side, unlike most. 
You hadn’t really known either of them remarkably well. Only what rumors had suggested and all you could hear from an earful away. 
From all that you heard, it seemed both were much similar then people have realized. In a way, they are both misunderstood and falsely conveyed themselves within society, for whatever reasons. To be frank, the only two reasons they must hate each other is because of their house, and the way they both rubbed off each other. Clearly wrong. 
Closing your eyes, you slowly inhaled, enjoying the cold, refreshing air. A bit of mist had begun to form, bringing a small smile on your lips. 
“I assume you’ve finished your rounds?” A voice interrupted your thoughts, the ends of your mouth only lifting. “You are correct, how pleasant for you to finally join me. I was wondering when you were going to come out.” 
You didn’t need to look behind to sense a sudden emotion of embarrassment and horrified. 
“B-believe me, I most certainly… was not staring at you.” The voice defended, stumbling over his words. The statement made a soft giggle pass through your lips, as you bent over to delicately trace the veins of a fallen leaf, before turning around to see him. 
Draco Malfoy. 
“Oh, Mr. Malfoy. How delightful for you to join me, have you finished your rounds for the night?” You inquired, a small smile formed as you saw the pink in his ears. 
“I-I’ve done most, I was going to do a few more before I saw you,” Draco replied, coughing. “May I ask, what’re you doing here?” 
“I’m always here, if you must know.” You started, fumbling with the leaf in your hand, “I’m simply intrigued with the night.” 
“What’s so grand about the night?” The question came out a bit harsher than Draco expected, but nonetheless, curious. 
“Many things,” you spoke out in a whisper, tilting your head up. “Take a look for yourself.” And in that moment, he did. 
And the words within Draco, left him. All his questions. 
As he gazed at the inky canopy of darkness, dabbed with an infinite amount of glistening stars, swirls of slight colors somehow appearing on the midnight canvas. 
You took the time to stare at his expression, his sudden absorption in the sky, it was at that moment you felt like you knew him. He seemed just as fascinated with the sky as you did. And for a minute, you wondered how quaint he was, perhaps just as much as you? 
Did he also seek freedom? 
A moment, where time froze, and all seemed all right. 
“You seem to be enjoying this,” you mocked, finally getting the boy to tear his gaze away from the atmosphere and towards you. “What do you think?” 
“What do you I think?” He repeated. 
“Yes, silly. Of above? What do you think?” 
Draco’s eyes twinkled as the course of light had changed, and shifted to a single, yet powerful beam of light towards you. Your figure glowed, and for the first second time that night, he felt hypnotized. 
“It… it’s captivating,” he mustered out, taking another look. “It’s compelling somehow as if it’s--” 
“--Drawing you near.” 
“--Drawing you near.”
You grinned again, watching Draco’s face light up as he laughed. 
“You come out here, every night?” He asked as he slowly approached you. Nodding, you turned your attention fully to him, and a sudden feeling of delightment enveloping you. “Every day, since I could remember. Now that I’m a prefect, it only aids my infatuation… funny enough, you seem to be infatuated just as I.” 
Another smile dawned Draco’s face as he gazed into your eyes, soon noticing that those too, hold pools of universes he was eager to explore. It seemed to be almost nostalgic, the sudden meeting between the two of you. 
“Perhaps I am, and I have you to thank.” As he extended his hand out, he grinned. 
“I don’t think we’ve ever formally introduced ourselves throughout our entire conversation. I’m Draco Malfoy.” A rich laugh came from yours, your hand clasping his in a gentle, delicate handshake. 
“Honor to meet you, Malfoy. I’m (Y/N) (L/N).” 
“Please, call me Draco.” 
“And why should I?” 
“Because we’re well-acquainted now, aren’t we? Both charmed with the sky?” 
“Very well, a pleasure to meet you Draco. I hope we have more of these moments in the future.” 
“Me too, (Y/N).”
Within a single night, both of you had become not only bewitched by the sky… but each other. 
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malfoymuch · 4 years
is distance learning killing anyone rn ??
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malfoymuch · 4 years
A Dreamer Like Me [draco x reader]
Pairing: Draco x Fem! Reader
Genre: Fluff
Prompt/Inspiration: music (in general) and me 
Word Count: 617
A/N: Maybe a series!!! Only because I’m absolutely in love with this write now. It reminds me of me. Thank you for the support loves !! Hope you enjoy it !! 
Summary: What happens when a girl is in a world of her own? Head in the clouds? Maybe it’s for the greater good, after all, she’s made Draco zealous in a matter of no time. He’s captivated by her, but is there a part of her she’s hiding from the world? Something that she can’t express? 
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“Do you like being a Malfoy?” 
The question shook him to his core. He didn’t know it was possible, to be asked such a question. How could it be that the simple phrase stunned him. His gaze wandered down to the girl, her face bright and full of wonder, patiently waiting for his answer. He laughed. 
“Of course! I am undeniably proud of being a Malfoy,” he pronounced, straightening his posture as she hummed. 
“Changing the subject, I see…” she announced, a small smirk forming on the corner of her lips. His face furrowed. “If I may ask, how am I changing the subject?” 
“I never asked if you were proud of being a Malfoy, but do you like it? As in, your happiness, Malfoy. Are you happy being a Malfoy?” She inquired, watching him like a hawk. His throat had become unspeakably dry, a frog of some sort lodged within his throat where he couldn’t find the answer. 
“I’m sorry, I must’ve come off as rude. That or incredibly insulting,” she quickly forced out, chewing on her bottom lip nervously. “My habit of mine has begun to get a bit out of hand.” 
“Habit?” He immediately pestered, ignoring the distant looks from his peers as he focused on the girl in front of him. Her eyes widened. 
“Oh yes… I’ve just, developed a strong fascination with people. It’s something I’ve come to do, watch them, wonder how they are… it’s a bit irritating to most people.” 
“Are there different types of people?” He asked, fully engrossed with her obsession. Her smile grew. 
“Oh yes, all sorts of people! Types I never knew really existed until I began to talk to them, you’d be surprised of the number of threats I’ve gotten for speaking,” she laughed, but the statement made Draco’s head spin. 
“I know what you’re thinking, threats? Let’s just say, there’s more people who’ve I encountered that consider my habit a bit too peculiar. I’ve been compared to be as “out there” as Luna Lovegood.” 
And that was when he knew her identity. Ms. (Y/N) (L/N). The anti-social student that dreamed too much, and questioned everything in sight. Most had correlated her with being outright insane and annoying, but strangely enough, he found her presence calming. 
For a young girl to be so sure of herself and yet not. Her captivating orbs glowed as she ranted about the world, her passion, and brightness beyond anything he’s ever seemed. Yet, there seemed to be a dark side of her, something she didn’t quite want the world to see… 
“Oh dear, I have to leave.” She announced suddenly, beginning walk in the opposite direction. For some odd reason, Draco panicked. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll come to see you again.” She spoke softly, her eyes shining through the dark night, the moonlight lighting up her frame. 
“Why?” The question left Draco’s mouth before he completely processed it, watching her pause, turning to face him. 
“Did you know there’s a man on the moon?” She yelled, her voice ringing throughout the corridor. Draco’s face twisted in confusion as he gazed up, staring at the full moon, in all its glory. 
“That’s why,” she said, making Draco turn his attention back on her, seeing her eyes glimmer. 
“Because you’re different, Draco. You’re like me.” 
“And what exactly are you?” He yelled back, knowing that he could get in an excessive amount of trouble for being out so late. 
“A dreamer.”  
And with that, she scurried off. Leaving Draco in a lopsided grin, his eyes slowly trailing back to the milky glow of the moon, its shimmering glow already reminding him of the peculiar girl, filled with questions.
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malfoymuch · 4 years
oml @regalillegal thank you so much !! 🥺 i got so emotional reading this and it made my day so thank youuuuu 💕
@socontagiousimagines @anti-socialish-writes @dracodarlingdraco @sserpente @newtynewtnewtimagines @themarauderstheoutsidersandpeggy @luna-xial @fantasticnewtimagines @writethe100 @the-fandom-life11 @the--sad--hatter @xoxodameron @blondeblackwidow @imagines-for-the-fangirls-soul @commander-writergirl @ravenpuff-hc @angelkurenai @helaintoloki @irndad
(sorry if you got tagged again but like y’all are amazing and talented and 🥺 i love your works)
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Because of the recent fuckery happening, I would like to start a thread where we just tag our favourite people! I’ll start!
@isitstraightvodka , @wildbeee , @harry-writings , @shelivesindaydreamswme , @harryandthatgayvodka , @avhrodite , @haaarry , @jawllines
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malfoymuch · 4 years
OMG The 2nd part is 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻
thank you so much !! 🥰 i’m glad people were pleased with the second part !!
- alex <3
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