mallesponge · 3 years
The first 3 letters of your hometown + the last 3 letters of your name = your inner demon name.
I’m Kinott (which is a Vibe)
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mallesponge · 3 years
I wish people would stop saying “It’s July. Well done for wasting half a year.” Did you make someone smile in the past six months? Did you stroke a cat or throw a stick for a dog? Did you learn a new fact or teach someone a new joke? Did you laugh, cry, scream or sing in the past six months? Because if so, congratulations for not wasting your time at all.
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mallesponge · 3 years
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karasuno 3rd years
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mallesponge · 3 years
Stuff kids on tumblr better relearn
1. You are responsible for your own media experience. 
2. There is such a thing as a healthy level of avoidance towards topics that make you feel unwell or even (in a real-life clinical definition of the term) trigger you - but you are the one to actively take care of what you view.
3. Avoiding does not mean policing others.
4. You have no right to tell artists to censor themselves - you may criticize what others do, you may dislike it, that’s fine - but actively asking for censorship when you could easily unfollow or block a person just makes you look incompetent in your use of the internet.
5. Do not give people on tumblr or /any/ website the responsibility for your emotional well-being. Because these people do not even know you so no, you have no right to ask them to take care of you.
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mallesponge · 3 years
oh shoot just realised new followers might not know this so: fuck jk rowling. all my homies hate jk rowling
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mallesponge · 3 years
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Finally caved and watched haikyuu (:
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mallesponge · 3 years
“Elliot Page, formerly known as-” [GUNSHOT]
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mallesponge · 4 years
calyrex looks like a funny little dude idk why people are so mean to them omg…
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mallesponge · 4 years
The curious dance moves of the Striped Cuckoo.
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mallesponge · 4 years
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Our Third Years
Continuing my love for all the third years. I adore all of them ;; ♥ These were some of the freebies for a charm I drew for them. I’m  re-reading the entire manga atm and I just miss them ;u;
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mallesponge · 4 years
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mallesponge · 4 years
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mallesponge · 4 years
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mallesponge · 4 years
what it feels like to play pokemon ruby and sapphire on max volume
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mallesponge · 4 years
Where are you from? How did you learn to draw? Which fandoms and otps are you interested in?
1. I’m from Denmark! 🇩🇰
2. I’m self-taught and have used many tutorials, tips and tric k s from other artists to learn.. but mostly i spent a lot of time doodling and practicing, observing speedpaints, other artists’ styles/methods and using references to learn about things like anatomy, shading and stylization
3. ah well I’m not into a lot of things right now since im sorta taking a break from fandom and all that but asanoya still has a big place in my heart 😔 I don’t have a lot of other ships or shows because i have a hard time getting into new stuff lol
thank you for the questions!! ✨
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mallesponge · 4 years
What is your favorite animal?
What is your favorite genre of anime? (recommendations would be awesome too)
How do you de-stress?
1. ohhh it’s hard to choose... there’s so many good ones T—T but i really like snow leopards and crows/magpies!
2. mm I haven’t watched that many anime to be able to pinpoint a favorite genre 👀 i do think sports do it very good but adventure is amazing too.. if you’re looking for new anime I’d recommend Kazetsuyo (run with the wind) which is a sports anime about a running team that sorta has the same ‘spirit’ as haikyuu, and Mob Psycho 100 which is a supernatural/adventure anime about ghosts and being a kind person 😔
3. my fav way to destress is to lay down on my back in a dark quiet room to sorta.. get less stimulus and prevent getting overwhelmed... sometimes i put on some quiet/instrumental music. other ways include petting my cat or going for a walk in nature/where its not very populated! and sometimes i can relax with doodling mindlessly while listening to whatever music im in the mood for!
thank yo u for the questions!! ✨
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mallesponge · 4 years
1. How's life been for you since you went on hiatus? 2. Have you kept your motivation for art? 3. Have you been keeping up with the new season of Haikyuu?
1. both good and bad- i went on hiatus for personal reasons and because social media started stressing me out to the point of getting a lot of anxiety every time i logged on > < but good things have happened too and i feel better since i went on hiatus but,, there’s good and bad days, just taking it slow and one day at a time!
2. both yes and no. I’d lost a lot of motivation to draw and post art because of a burnout.. i was basically running on fumes for months until i realized i needed a break badly.. I’ve still been drawing, just a lot less since I haven’t forced myself, and I’ve been just mindlessly doodling without worrying about finishing it! it’s something I’ve been missing and.. im slowly getting the joy in jus t drawing for fun back
3. well sorta,, I’ve watched the first cour of season 4 but haven’t really started the 2nd cour yet because of,,, reasons idk lol i read the manga so i do know what happens but i still wanna watch the episodes- at some point ^^
thank you for the questions! ✨
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