maria-rue-blog · 7 years
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Kids of Verona in Colors
Romeo Montague: Purple
“  If I profane with my unworthiest hand This holy shrine, the gentle fine is this: My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss. “
Purple is associated with romance, nostagia, and sadness. 
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maria-rue-blog · 7 years
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Kids of Verona in Colors 
Benvolio Montegue: Green
“  I pray thee, good Mercutio, let's retire. The day is hot, the Capels abroad, And if we meet we shall not 'scape a brawl, For now, these hot days, is the mad blood stirring. “
Green is associated with growth, harmony, peace, and protection
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maria-rue-blog · 7 years
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Kids of Verona in Colors 
Juliet Capulet: Yellow
“  Well, do not swear. Although I joy in thee, I have no joy of this contract tonight. It is too rash, too unadvised, too sudden, Too like the lightning, which doth cease to be “
Yellow is dissociated with intellect, freshness, joy, youth, and decay. 
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maria-rue-blog · 7 years
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is aKids of Verona Aesthetic
Mercutio Escalus: Orange
“  Romeo! Humors! Madman! Passion! Lover! Appear thou in the likeness of a sigh. Speak but one rhyme, and I am satisfied. Cry but 'Ay me,' pronounce but 'love' and   'dove.' “
Orange is associated with desire, sexual passion, action, enthusiasm, and creativity.  
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maria-rue-blog · 7 years
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Kids of Verona in Colors
Tybalt Capulet: Red
“Romeo, the love I bear thee can afford No better term than this: thou art a villain.”
Red is associated with energy, danger, strength, power, passion, and malice. 
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maria-rue-blog · 7 years
(mmileven on insta )
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maria-rue-blog · 7 years
Going back to fix a plot problem
…While trying not to mess anything else up:
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maria-rue-blog · 7 years
This is part of a personal project I will finish next year, hope you guys find it interesting 
Maria Rue
English 1
April 13, 2017
LGBT+ Youth: Mental, Physical, and Sexual Youth
Interesting fact, only twenty-four states and DC require that public schools have some form of sexual education in a classroom. What’s even worse, only “12% of millennials say that their sexual education classes covered same sex relationships.” (Human Rights Campaign, 2015) There are only four states, as of 2015, that require LGBT+ inclusive sex ed, Washington, California, Colorado, and Iowa. This means, that there is a large segment of the population ,that is already stigmatized, is going through life uneducated on the unique health problems that can arise as a LGBT+ youth.
There are many types of health, but I am going to limit it to three in this paper; mental, physical, and sexual. Most other types of health fall into these broader categories. I also have found that there are areas in these health types where LGBT+ people differ from heterosxual people.
I would like to start by dispelling some LGBT+ myths. Myth the first, while many people in the community do have hetrosexual experinces, this does not make them any less INSERT SEXUALITY HERE. Two, there really isn’t such a thing as a “gay personality” or a “gaydar”. That is just (typically hetrosexual) people making half-way assumptions about a person's sexuality based on tired stereotypes. Three, we don’t actually know what causes sexual orientation. Some people know they’re not-straight when they are six and seven. Some don’t know until their 50’s, everyone is different. However, the majority of people “come out” between eleven and fifteen, fifty-one percent, in fact (Dawson, 2015)
That was all the sexuality myths, here are some about trans and nonbinary people. One, gender does not equal sexuality. They are not at all connected. Not all trans people are gay, and not all gay people are trans. I can never stress this enough. Two, surgery is not most trans people’s top priority. Whether it be top or genital surgery, most people don’t have it at the top of their wish-list. Furthermore, unless you are going to have sex with them, there is no reason for you to ever ask a trans or nonbinary person about their genitals! That is unnecessary and, frankly, creepy. What if people just randomly asked you if you had a penis or vagina. Probably would make you feel a little weird, right? Exactly. Anyway, third myth, children are not too young to know they are trans. Most people have an idea that they are not their assigned gender when they are younger. These kids often prefer a style of dress, toys, and play that society has decided is masculine or feminine.
Now that those myths are out of the way. I only have one thing to talk about before I get into this paper, the Q-word. Queer, If you are older, you may know Queer as that thing weak kids in PE got called by others. This is a slur. But, it is a reclaimed slur that is an umbrella term for all LGBT+ people to use to define themselves. However, if you are not Queer, don’t use it. It’s very simple. It’s akin to calling a black person the N-word. A general no-no if you aren’t part of the community. Then, there are some people who dislike using it, just like any reclaimed slur. I will be using it throughout this paper, so be prepared to see some Q-bombs.
Now, not all Queer people have mental issues, however, they are more likely statistically speaking. It is speculated that “Discrimination may help fuel these higher rates.” (DeAngles, 2002), in an article by the APA. It’s almost like being told you and everyone like you is a screw up hurts you and your mental health, AMAZING!!! (note my sarcasm)
All sarcasm aside, the APA has found that clinical depression, GAD (generalized anxiety disorder), suicidal thoughts, suicide attempts, other mood disorders, and substance abuse is noticeably higher Queer people in comparison to hetero and cis people.
LGB people (sexuality) are “four times more likely,... questioning people three times more likely to attempt suicide as their straight peers.” (Broverman, 2016). The same article shows that “ Forty-one percent of transgender youth attempt suicide.” (Broverman, 2016). There is a lot of social stigma surrounding the communities. These statistics are recent and are about youths, high school aged students,
This is a real problem that is happening in schools all around America. I say schools because a vast majority of young Queer people report some form of bullying about their sexuality and/or gender. This bullying happens in schools. While most is other peers, some report school officials (unintentionally or not) bullying them. Seriously, what kind of sicko gets their kicks from making fun of kids who are probably already being bullied?
While mental and physical health are undeniably interconnected, there are many physical health issues people in the community worry about.
I’ll start with Trans and Nonbinary issues, because those are a bit easier for non-trans or binary people to understand. Also, there’s more of them. Point the first, NEVER DOUBLE BIND!!!!! If you're unfamiliar, binding is something nonbinary or FTM trans people will do in order to reduce their breast size. In some movies, you may see people use Ace bandages or duct tape over a sports bra, but just don’t do any of this. Use one binder and “don’t bind for more than 8-12 hours at a time.” (IRA, 2010). There are lots of things to consider when choosing to transition. There are many people who bind, but some don’t. Some people take hormones, other’s don’t. Some get top or genital surgery, others don’t. Some trans kids take puberty blockers, others don’t. Each have their own health precautions too long to list in this paper, but are important. In addition to these personal health choices, there is also violence issues. “Studies show that sixteen to sixty percent of trans people are the victims of physical abuse. Between thirteen and sixty-six percent of trans people are the victims of sexual assault.” (HHS,2014)
That was a downer, yeah? Well, the whole physical health thing doesn’t much improve with the sexuality part of Queer.
Lesbians are statistically more likely to have breast cancer and heart disease when compared to their straight sisters. They are also more likely to experience partner violence seeing as how “56.4% of gay men and women report intimate partner violence.” (HHS, 2014)
“Heart disease, prostate, testicular, and colon cancers” (HHS, 2014)  are statistically more likely to strike gay men over heterosexual men. Many men are made the target of violent attacks bases on their sexuality. They are also more likely to have body image issues which may cause them to use more steroids than the average straight man.
Bisexual women are more likely to develop heart disease, breast cancer and have higher cholesterol than lesbian or straight women. Bisexual men and women are both “more likely to use alcohol and tobacco than other orientations.” (HHS, 2014)
As a whole, the Queer populations of the nation “ have the highest rates of tobacco, alcohol,and other drug use.” (Healthy People, n.d) This is dangerous and is seen as a link as to why Queer people are far more likely to develop types of cancers and other illnesses.
In addition, gay men and trans people are statistically more likely to contract AIDS/HIV and other STDs. However, just because you’re not gay or trans does not mean you can not get AIDS/HIV. AIDS/HIV can be contracted through unclean needles, oral sex, and anal sex. Anyone can engage in activities that can cause AIDS/HIV. Always use clean needles for everything and put a condom on when having sex. It’s just good for you.
AIDS/HIV is a terrible thing, but it makes a good segway to discuss sexual health for Queer youth, and really anyone.
Here are a few basic ways to stay safe during sex. Use condoms. You can find thousands of images on the internet of people proving that a condom can hold gallons of water. Condoms can be used for any form of sex involving a penis and/or sex toys. If you have a vagina, there’s a good chance you could become pregnant if you have sex with someone with a penis, so use birth control. However, keep in mind that birth control only keeps you from getting pregnant, not from getting an STD or STI. You need to use lubricant if you are having anal sex. You should also use dental dams if performing oral sex on a vagina-haver (Yes, that’s how I refer to people with vaginas, fight me.). All information is according to Planned Parenthood.
It has also been proven that comprehensive sexual education in all forms is better for students and helps lower teen pregnancy levels. There are many reasons to have sexual education for all teens, and there are many reasons we should implement Queer positive sexual education into schools. (Human Rights Campaign,2015)
One reason is that by shutting out Queer youth from sexual education, we promote fear of same sex relationships. Many people may feel that if a school does not teach them about certain things, those things are automatically bad. Even worse, many teachers may say that being Queer is “just a phase” that a person will grow out of.
The next reason is that we reinforce heteronormativity. This is the idea that all people are straight and cis-gender, so we should just ignore all other attractions. This makes people believe that the “norm” is to be straight and cis, despite the fact that there has always, and will always be people with diverse sexual and gender identities.
Another reason is that the type of health/sex ed I am proposing would be beneficial to people of all sexual orientations and genders. Just about anything that people in same-sex relationships can do during sex, straight people can do to. Teaching this would aid everyone in a healthier sex life. At the end of the day, isn’t that what we all want?
In conclusion, I believe that Queer people should be included in school health classes. I say health because all of the things I have researched have to do with things people learn in a health class. While there are tons of great resources that Queer kids can use to help them take care of themselves, it should be taught in a class. There are so many kids who are terrified to come out, so implementing Queer health into classes would save kids from having to out themselves so they can be healthy. We would help so many CHILDREN by doing this.
Works Cited
ASHA. "LGBTQ." American Sexual Health Association. N.p., 2013. Web. 20 Apr. 2017.
CWRU. "Sexual Orientation Myths + Facts." Sexual Orientation Myths + Facts | LGBT | CWRU - Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Center - Case Western Reserve University. N.p., nd. Web. 20 Apr. 2017.
Dawson, James. This Book Is Gay. Naperville, US: Baker & Taylor, 2015. Print.
Health.gov. "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Health." Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Health | Healthy People 2020. N.p., 2014. Web. 20 Apr. 2017.
HRC. "Debunking the Myths: Transgender Health and Well-Being." Human Rights Campaign. N.p., 2016. Web. 20 Apr. 2017.
HRC. "LGBTQ Youth Need Inclusive Sex Education." Human Rights Campaign. N.p., 2015. Web. 20 Apr. 2017.
Ira. "Chest Binding 101 - FTM Binder Guide | FTM Binding, Chest Binder, Breast Binders." TransGuys.com. N.p., 07 Sept. 2016. Web. 20 Apr. 2017.
MHA. "Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender Communities and Mental Health."Mentalhealthamerica.net. N.p., nd. Web. 13 Apr. 2017
NCSL. State Policies on Sex Education in Schools. N.p., 1 Mar. 2016. Web. 20 Apr. 2017.
Planned Parenthood. "Safer Sex." How Teens Can Practice Safer Sex | Planned Parenthood. N.p., 11 Apr. 2017. Web. 20 Apr. 2017.
SAMHSA. "Top Health Issues for LGBT Populations and Resource Kit." (n.d.): n. pag. 2014. Web. 20 Apr. 2017.
TheAdvocateMag. "How Our Intolerant Society Contributes to LGBT Mental Disorders." ADVOCATE. N.p., 18 Mar. 2016. Web. 20 Apr. 2017.
Queer Vocabulary
Ally: Any non-Queer person who supports Queer people. Some examples are parents, friends, teachers, and counselors.
Aromantic: People who do not experience romantic attraction to others.
Asexual: People who do not experience sexual desire for others. Many will have sex either through pressure or desire to have children.
Bicurious: A person who experiments with their sexuality. Often done in high school and/or college.
Binding: When FTM or Non-Binary people reduce their breast size by using a tight fitting binder on their chest.
Bisexual: People who experience attraction to both men and women. Some examples include Lady Gaga, Neal Cassady, David Bowie, and Elise Bauman.
Brokeback Mountain: That movie about gay cowboys. This movie will ruin your life, but it’s so good. One of the first mainstream films about gay people. Stars Jake Gyllenhaal and Heath Ledger.
Carmilla- A Canadian mini-series on youtube based on the novella of the same name. It’s about lesbian vampires. Stars Elise Bauman, Natasha Negovanlis, Sharon Belle, Annie M. Briggs, and Kaitlyn Alexander.
Cis-Gender: People who feel they belong to the gender they were assigned at birth.
Coming Out: When a non-straight and/or non-cis person tells people their identities. This is seen as one of the most momentous occasions in a Queer person’s life.
Heterosexual: A person who experiences attraction to the opposite sex.
Heteronormativity: A worldview that views heterosexuality and cis-gender are the normal and proper way to be.
Hormones: In this case, refers to testosterone or estrogen taken by a trans person in order to achieve more feminine/masculine appearances.
Gay: A man who is attracted to other men. A gay woman is usually called a lesbian. Examples include; Neil Patrick Harris, Allen Ginsberg, and Chris Colfer.
Genital Surgery: When a trans person has cosmetic surgery that gives them a reconstructed vagina or penis.
FTM: Female to Male transperson. A person who was born female, but is male. Examples include Kye Allums, Schuyler Bailar, and Ben Barres.
In the Closet: Refers to someone who has not come out yet. Examples include NAMES REDACTED.
Lesbian: A woman who is attracted to other women. Examples include Laura Hollis (Carmilla), Ellen DeGeneres, and Carmilla Karnstein (Carmilla)
LGBT+ Myths: Myths about the community that aren’t really stereotypes, but are harmful towards the people in the community.
Mental Health: A state of physiological and emotional health.
MTF: The inverse of FTM. A person who was born male, but is female. Examples include: Adela Hernandez and Christine Jorgensen
Non-Binary: An umbrella term for people who don’t identify as male or female. Example LaFontaine (Carmillia).
Pansexual: People who are attracted to all people regardless of gender or genitalia. Example: Natasha Negovalis
Physical Health: Overall well being of the body including a level of physical fitness, non-violent actions on the body, and a stable diet.
Puberty-Blockers: A reversible medication taken by prepubescent trans people which prevents them from going through puberty at a normal rate.
Same-Sex Relationship: A relationship where the two people involved belong to the same gender
Sapphic: Relating to lesbians and lesbianism. You might see this one on tumblr.
Sexual Health: The ability to embrace your sexuality in a good and healthy way.
Stereotypes: An oversimplified and often false view of certain groups.
Queer: 1.) An umbrella term to refer to the LGBT+ community and the people in it. 2.) A slur that was reclaimed by the community that should never be used in a derogatory way.
Top Surgery: A type of cosmetic surgery which involves either removing breasts (FTM) or having a boob job (MTF)
Transgender: A person who does not belong to their assigned gender. Examples include: Chaz Bono, Laverne Cox, and the Wichowsky Sisters. 
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maria-rue-blog · 7 years
This is the thing I’m writing about tho!!
i feel like there’s this huge unfulfilled niche in the Dark Academia thing (kill your darlings, the secret history, dead poets society etc) for stories about women???? like can we have rakish girls quoting sappho and anxious genius poet girls, bespectacled, frantically tapping away at typewriters? wild girls trying to start literary movements and being dragged down by their own hubris? innocent girls discovering love and sex and angela carter? cute girls in 60s looking school uniforms investigating ~mysterious happenings~? going to class the next day hungover and exchanging knowing glances? can we just have. the thing
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maria-rue-blog · 7 years
perpetual summer mood: “give me books, French wine, fruit, fine weather and a little music played out of doors by somebody I do not know” — john keats
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maria-rue-blog · 7 years
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Some aesthetics based off of my Diverse! Dead Poets headcanons. 
Blue- Nadia (Neil) Perry
Beige/Tan/Nude- Tesse (Todd) Anderson
Red- Charlie Dalton
Yellow-  Stephanie (Steven) Meeks
Lilac/Purple- Geraldine/Gerry (Gerald) Pitts
Pink- Knox Overstreet
Black and White- All the Poets
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maria-rue-blog · 7 years
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3/3 for my Dead Poets mixes! This last set has Pitts, Knox, and the group. 
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maria-rue-blog · 7 years
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1/3 Dead Poets Mixes. PS, I done fucked up and Sleepover is by Hayley Kiyoko
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maria-rue-blog · 7 years
act I, scene IV
mercutio: [punches romeo in the face twice]
mercutio: DARK DARK
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maria-rue-blog · 7 years
Tag Nine People You Want To Know Better 
Tagged by the amazing @femdeadpoets
Relationship: Single for forever probs
Favorite Colors: Blue, Black, Grey, and White
Lipstick or Chapstick: Tinted Chapstick
Last Song I Listened To: Gravel to Tempo by Hayley Kiyoko
Last Movie I Watched: Emperor’s New Groove
Top Three TV Shows: That ‘70′s Show, Sherlock, and Last Week Tonight 
Top Three Characters: Mercutio, Neil Perry, and Loki (Dogma)
Top Three Ships: Poly Dead Poets, Loki x Bartleby(Dogma), and Donna x Jackie (That ‘70′s Show)
I’ll tag: @2nd-rate-film-school @boyfu @weavemama2 @incorrectdpsquotes
@oneorangeshoelace @crutch-y @jdronica @slamilton @spreadingthenewsies
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maria-rue-blog · 7 years
I have this on my main, but I feel the message should be shared
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maria-rue-blog · 7 years
Fem! DPS
I did ask @femdeadpoets about this, but I want to contribute too. Plus, I brought this up in my Diverse, Fem headcanons (read here)
Here it is kiddos, Nadia Perry’s Quinceanera 
- For starters, she didn’t want a big one. She and her mom fought about the size of it for three months. 
-When they finally agree on the size, they argue about the colors, and the dress, and all the other finicky little details. 
- They eventually decide on dark blue and light grey for colors,and this dress. 
-Nadia low-key doesn't know any boys, so she uses the poets and Cameron for all the dancing
- She definitely has non-poets friends, but like, doesn’t want to be with them while her mother informs her in Spanish how they are all fucking up a little, ya feel?
- I should mention that her parents are divorced and she lives with her mom. 
- She has the dance partners as such, Stephanie and Knox, and Gerry and Cameron. 
- She asks Charlie to be her escort and Charlie is so H O N O R E D (TM), that she spends just as much time freaking out about the Quinces and Nadia. 
- The ceremony is boiler plate Quinces stuff
- Her dad shows up and she is nervous to tell her dad that she’s so actually bisexual. 
- During the dance parts, Neil walks on to the floor with Charlie and Mr. Perry straight up leaves 
- Nadia looks so heartbroken when she sees her dad leave that Charlie asks her mom if they can do another entry a little later. 
- She says yes and tries to calm the family down while the Poets (sans Tesse cause they haven’t met her yet
- After Nadia calms down, Charlie fixes her makeup and they do another entry. 
- The first dance is to Como la Flor because it’s Nadia’s favorite Selena song. 
- Stephanie uses the DJ stand so Nadia and her mom can have a Mother-Daughter dance because her dad is a jerk
- Ms. Escrich (her maiden name that she now uses) starts to cry because Nadia lets her know a little bit before the dance starts
- They dance to Mama who bore me from Spring Awakening
- When the choreographed dancing is over, the poets bounce back and forth between eating and dancing
-Charlie manages to do both at the same time
- Charlie turns to Nadia at one point and and starts running  to the bathroom
- Nadia holds Charlie’s hair back while she pukes up a whole nights worth of Cuban food in a sad hotel bathroom 
- Knox helps clean her up
- The adults sort of drift away and Cameron leaves, so they have some more stupid fun
- In order to alert Stephanie that she likes her, Charlie grinds up on her to Neon Lights
- Stephanie goes about ten shades of red in 3 minutes 
- They go back to Nadia’s house when they call her mom because their room rental ended
- They gather up all of the uneaten candy, cake, and soda and take it to Nadia’s place to gorge themselves on. 
- They give her their gifts there and Nadia is on the verge of tears because her friends are amazing and so good to her. 
- It’s one of the best nights of her life
- And, if you go back to Knox’s Instagram, there is a video of the time Charlie grinded on Stephanie of a solid few minutes
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