maribelletrash · 6 years
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maribelletrash · 6 years
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when ur whole crew doesnt know a damn thing
125K notes · View notes
maribelletrash · 6 years
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668K notes · View notes
maribelletrash · 6 years
mmmM chicken?? i like the sKINS!!
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maribelletrash · 6 years
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205K notes · View notes
maribelletrash · 6 years
hey so protip if you have abusive parents and need to get around the house as quietly as possible, stay close to furniture and other heavy stuff because the floor is settled there and it’s less likely to creak
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maribelletrash · 7 years
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hands down the best twitter story ever
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maribelletrash · 7 years
How do you fall in love with yourself?
The same way you fall in love with someone else. Acknowledge the bad, embrace the good, and grow.
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maribelletrash · 7 years
ok so there’s a game me and my friends play called “don’t get me started” and basically someone gives another person a random topic and they have to go on an angry rant about it and it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to us at parties and car rides so I highly recommend playing sometimes with your friends
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maribelletrash · 7 years
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maribelletrash · 7 years
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can this be a thing on tumblr too?!? #BlackWomenSmiling
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maribelletrash · 7 years
i love summer but only as a concept
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maribelletrash · 7 years
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I N C R E D I B L E 
89K notes · View notes
maribelletrash · 7 years
i love summer but only as a concept
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maribelletrash · 7 years
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This is my @jjba-secret-santa piece for @maribelletrash <3
I took a look at your blog and noticed you like fire emblem so I decided to make a crossover: Narancia as a villager and Trish as a troubadour (in maribelle’s outfit), I had a lot of fun coloring and with the idea in general so i hope you like it as much as i did making it! 
Have a lovely celebration on New Year and my best wishes for 2018!!
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maribelletrash · 7 years
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there’s something so peaceful with resting your feet in the sand and watching the sunset
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maribelletrash · 7 years
JJBA Secret Santa
Hello @ladyjotaro , I had so much fun writing some jotakak for your secret santa! Sorry for the unoriginal plot and absolute fluff of this piece, but sometimes it’s just what’s needed in the holiday season! Without further ado, I hope you enjoy your present!
It’s December 1st, and Jotaro narrows his eyes into a tight glare at the loud festivities in the shopping complex. The last place he wanted to be was at the crowded and bustling shopping centre, with people darting this way and that, pushing people others out of the way to find the best presents as the Christmas rush came to a close. He was honestly just thinking of buying Kakyoin some cherries and calling it a day; he didn’t really believe in spending a limb on a big present all for some obligatory secret santa activity the class decided would be a fun, festive way to wrap up the year and its festivities, but when his mother got wind of his plans (how did she even find out about the secret santa? And of the crush he had on his own friend he’d met that summer?) she suggested coyly to get his read haired friend something that would really show him just how much he meant to him if it were that hard to tell him upfront.
After letting out sigh, he turned his cap down and left the room, heading for his ownto pick up his wallet. He wondered just what in the world he would get Kakyoin. He liked sumo, yes? Perhaps...no, just giving him some tickets would be nice, but not the present he was looking for. Besides, he doubted he’d enjoy standing around the loud jeering crowds, even if the wrestlers put on a good show. He needed something more...thoughtful, something that would do the talking for him...He thought of delievering such a mystery present to Kakyoin at school and blanched. There’s no way he could pull of delivering any heart-felt handmade chocolates or roses or-damn, what did his mum think he was gonna give to Kakyoin? He decided to have a wander around the shops to get ideas, or just browse the shops idly until something popped up. Groaning, he shut his door silently and walked over to where his mother was taking washing down from the line.
“I’m off,” he tipped his hat slightly, and his mother grinned at him.
“Going to find something for Kakyoin? I’ll have dinner ready for you when you get home. Good luck!” She waved farewell and gave him a beaming smile and he sighed, waving her off and walking out. He hoped her intuition was a mother’s thing, and that it wasn’t just that he was such a readable character that she knew straight away what he was thinking.
What he didn’t think to do was to offer his mother come with him-she was often a good deterrent for his usual troupe of girls, who were now tailing him, their voices ringing in his ears as he grunted in annoyance. She also would’ve picked the perfect gift; one that he’d probably look at briefly but pass over as too expensive or to small. He may be able to find a gift for her this way, though. He had been too busy with all the catching up he’d had to do after the events of Egypt, and the couple of months after that his grandfather advised he take off from school to process everything that happened and fully recover to think of the upcoming seasons festivities.
As Jotaro entered the complex, he realised with a frustrated sigh that he had no idea as to how he would begin his search. Should he just try all the shops and hope that something would catch his fancy? Or go to the stores he remembers the two frequent and find something worth buying there? Figuring he’d have more luck with the latter, he marched off in the direction of the home living store. The girls that had been following him had grown, and his patience thinned at their noise.
“Where are you off to today, Jotaro?”
“Can I help you with anything?”
“Hey, don’t be so presumptuous! It’s not like he just came in here with no idea what he was buying-“
“Get lost, damn it! You’re really starting to annoy me, all of you!” He yelled, turning to them suddenly. A couple of passerby’s stared as the girls turned their attention to him. Letting out a forlorn sigh, the first one nodded, the others following suit.
“Good luck, Jotaro! Hopefully I’ll see you soon,” The last one called out to him, only to get jabbed by the girl next to her. There voices finally faded into the other sounds in the shopping centre, and Jotaro adjusted his hat and continued walking until he reached the shop he was looking for. 
Before his Egypt trip, he doubted he’d be seen dead in a store like this, but if that trip had made him slightly more open to doing little things for his mother. There was no laser eye beaming vampires in the home and living store that he had to be afraid of, so he took a deep breath and stepped into the store, gritting his teeth as he heard the bubbly voice welcome him into the store.
“Welcome!” The assistants, while gaping at his large, intimidating figure still managed to speak. The soft, joyful music that flowed from the speakers seemed to undermine his presence even more, and his eyes scanned the store for something that his mother would appreciate and found the kitchen wares section. It was last month that he’d broken his mothers tea set, an accident, yes, but the sounds of his mother letting out a string of coughs turned his blood cold and terrified him to the very core.  He still felt guilty even though his mother smiled and told him it was no bother, insisting she was just coming down with a cold while fussing over his bloody hands.
He browsed the selection, surprised to see that it would take quite a chunk out of his spending money to replace the whole set. His mouth set into a frown, he carefully examined the set, deciding that the cherry blossom set, although typical, was one his mother would probably enjoy the most, and looked very similar to the one he had broke. He considered complaining about the price, as he placed the tea set on the counter carefully, tipping his hat slightly.
“Ah, an excellent choice, sir,” the lady at the counter glanced at him under her spectacles for a moment before looking away quickly when she was met with a harsh glare. Her face lit up when she scanned the set.
“A-And it’s 30% off! That’ll come to 335 yen, sir,” He opened his wallet, paying for the items quickly, nodding once when the shopkeepers assistant asked if he’d like it wrapped. Walking out, he dipped his hat once more, feeling his cheeks burn. If the old man were to see this...he didn’t think he’d ever live it down
Jotaro, after checking the time to realise he’d spent the last two hours in a search for a present for Kakyoin with almost no luck. Although Turbo Racing was expensive as it had only recently come out, and as he hadn’t heard anything from Kakyoin that tipped him off to him owning the game, he thought it wouldn’t be a present wasting space on the mantelpiece. But Kakyoin would avoid bragging about games and his favourites to Jotaro, who had no real interest in video games. Not to mention...as reluctant as he was to admiring his feelings to Kakyoin, his near death had shaken Jotaro. It had been eating at him enough already, wondering if his friend fancied him the same way he did, and he wanted to tell him; he didn’t really want to think of what would happen if he got rejected, and he wanted to think he had a fighting chance at Kakyoin returning his feelings. He noticed the way his eyes would linger on his slightly, or the way his eyes would light up as he saw Jotaro when he was walking to school. He asked the man at the register for the game, and the shop assistant gave him an apologetic smile.
“We don’t have any more of these in the store anymore, but I can put the game on order for you?” He ground his teeth, and the man behind the counter grimaced as if excepting impact. Instead, he waved him off and walked out. It probably wasn’t a gift his mum would buy his father, anyways.
To say he was a little annoyed that he went all this way and still ended up without a present for Kakyoin was an understatement. He was starting to seriously regret agreeing to the whole “Secret Santa” business.
His mother had other ideas up her sleeve, but he barely considered getting Kakyoin the fluffy teddy bear holding a heart before he yelled that there was no way he was going to be seen giving him that before walking out of the living room in a huff. He sighed, placing the tea set on his desk and grabbing out a cigarette from the pack in his pocket, heading out to the garden outside of the house. Maybe if he thought it over for a while he’d find a present. Thinking back to the game store, the man did say that there were other stores he could try, as unlikely as they may still have stock. It wasn’t until his mum called him in for dinner that he realised he’d snapped his cigarette in half, and picked the pieces up, taking them to the rubbish bin with a curse before joining his mum. 
They ate in comfortable silence, until Holly jumped a little from her seat.
“Oh, I just thought! Kakyoin likes those racing games, why don’t you get him the new one?” He looked up with a raised eyebrow and sighed.
“You don’t think I haven’t tried that yet?” She peered at him slightly, and smiled again.
“Have you tried the other stores? It might be further out, but I’d bet Kakyoin will know-“
“Good idea.” He cut her off before she finished that sentence. He learnt that yelling at her did little to change her babbling on about her sons first love after she first found out and wouldn’t stop talking about it all day. She smiled, and as she spoke again as she poured some tea into her cup.
“Ahh, I wonder if I’ll get something nice under the tree this year...you know, I’ve already wrapped some presents, they’re under the tree now...” Jotaro let the frown that had been set on his face to relax as he ate his food quietly, giving his mother the occasional nod or shrug when she posed a statement to him and enjoyed the food his mum had made. No doubt the next day would prove almost as challenging as this one, and he resolved to having a relaxed evening so he would be more prepared to deal with it than he was today.
The day of the Secret Santa reveals was here, and begun with several girls from his homeroom catching him on his way to school and arguing about who he got and what he’d give them. After yelling at them to be quiet, he continued to school, spotting the very boy that his present was for.
“Ah, good morning, Jotaro,” Kakyoin called out, and joined flank with the tall delinquent, a small bag in his hand along with his normal school bag. Jotaro gave him a nod, and glanced at the bag for a moment.
“It’s today, right? The Secret Santa gift giving. I hope so, I wouldn’t want to spoil the surprise of my present,” Jotaro gave him a nod, and Kakyoin looked over to Jotaro.
“Did you bring a present, Jotaro?” He cleared his throat before answering. His fangirls wouldn’t shut up once they heard him, but they were bound to find out eventually.
“Yes, it’s just a little small,” Kakyoin gave him a bemused expression.
“I wonder what you got them, Jotaro.” He smiles to himself and tipped his hat slightly.
“I wouldn’t want to spoil the surprise of my present, Kakyoin,” His companion blinked twice before answering, a soft smile on his face that paused him slightly.
“That’s very true, Jotaro. Well, I suppose I won’t have to wait long, shall I?” His words were slightly muffled by the loud exclamations of the growing crowd of girls behind him.
“Did you hear that? Jotaro got his Secret Santa a present!”
“I hope he got something for me...”
“Don’t be silly! You have horrible luck, it’ll probably be one of his friends if anything!” The school bell ringed three times over, and Jotaro let out a sigh before setting his shoes away and making his way to class.
As class begun, the teacher stopped through their lecture and called everyone to attention.
“You may give your gifts to your secret santa at any time during the day, but make sure to tick your name off when your present has been given to you so that we know everyone has given their gifts out!” The teacher gave Jotaro a look before looking to his book and allowing the class to chatter a bit before he asked them to quiet down so he could resume the lesson, and his eyes looked for anything but his teacher, and his eyes found Kakyoin, or the back of his head in front of him. Suddenly, he turned around, catching his stare. Jotaro ground his teeth, but kept his blank stare, and Kakyoin’s voice joined the hum of murmurs within the class.
“Jotaro, would you mind if I joined you for lunch today?” If Kakyoin didn’t spend his afternoons at the arts room finishing off his project, or Jotaro wasn’t beating up some poor soul who decided to sour his mood, they would spend their lunches together and chat about miscellaneous subjects that happened to cross their mind, or nothing at all and just watch as the students went about chatting animatedly or playing sport. He enjoyed Kakyoin’s company, and he’d been saving money from the number of cigarettes he’d saved from his company, so he didn’t ever deny Kakyoin’s company. Whether he knew this or not he wasn’t sure of, but Jotaro has the strangest feeling that his friend knew exactly the answer-yet he asked to hear his gruff agreement of “I’ve got nothing better to do” and catch him quickly averting his gaze. He wondered whether his seemingly transparent disposition came from his mother, and whether or not she had as much trouble with it as he did. Just as Kakyoin smiled (a smug smile, Jotaro realised and sighed.) and just as he was about to answer, the teachers voice cut through the class, and he turned to pay attention to the teacher. Jotaro had to will his eyes not to bring their gaze back to the boy as he fought of the flush in his cheeks, and muttered his now infamous one-liners. A part of him hoped that Kakyoin would hear it and grin, and that the teacher would catch him and send him a look of warning as he continued his lecture in his dry, monotone voice.
The lunch bell chimed, and even as he’d faced a relentless vampire that was hellbent on ruling the world and his underlings, yet his heart was pounding as he walked out, holding his present in hand. He walked the halls that were now filling up with students with care, trying to avoid any of his usual adorers on his way outside.
“Eager to get out, Jotaro?” By the time he was halfway from the school, he heard his friends voice calling out and turned around, giving him a nod to the bench that was shaded by the impossibly old tree. The game that was stuffed into his jacket seemed to burn in his pocket, and he silently wished Kakyoin would hurry up so they could get this over with and he could light up a cigarette.
“Didn’t want to deal with those bit-women,” Spitting out the term with as much venom as Jotaro did then probably didn’t sound very respecting, but it was certainly an improvement that even his grandfather had noted. Kakyoin shot him an amused smile and brought out his lunch along with a box with simple yet elegant wrapping. Jotaro expected that anyone who he was dropping that off to would instantly know it was him, but said nothing as Kakyoin raised his eyebrow at him.
“What?” Jotaro frowned at the boy, who gestured to the present that had slided out slightly from Jotaro’s pocket.
“I suppose I shouldn’t have expected a big present from you, Jotaro. Do you want to stop by the lockers after lunch to deliver our gifts?” Jotaro coughed twice and took the game out, handing it to Kakyoin. Looking out to the tree, he cursed himself for not keeping his cool as he muttered
“Actually...It’s for you,” Kakyoin’s eyes widened slightly as he inspected the wrapping.
“That’s...convenient,” Kakyoin chuckled a bit as he unwrapped the present. He blinked, twice, and then turned to Jotaro with that smile that made him turn his gaze so Kakyoin wouldn’t see his cheeks rising in colour.
“Where did you get this? I’ve been looking everywhere for it,” he sounded excited, which was good news; he was glad he wasn’t giving Kakyoin something he already owned.
“I found it in a small store out a couple of towns back. Don’t lose it or anything though, will you? Took me two days to buy the thing...” Jotaro was surprised at himself for holding a decent conversation with Kakyoin, judging on the fact that he’d been holding his tongue for the past couple of days to prevent being suspended by one of the teachers who had given him one last chance to get his act together or face consequences. Besides, he’d much rather tell the truth to Kakyoin then his mother when she next saw him.  It seemed Kakyoin wasn’t expecting to be so forward, and spotting the pink in Kakyoin’s cheeks gave him a slight smug satisfaction.
“Thank you, Jotaro, really,” He set down the gift before continuing, but Jotaro’s eyes were still on the present, specifically the card that stuck to the cover of the game.
“I wonder who will be bringing you a present, hmm?...Jotaro?” The said teen coughed again in the break, this time nodding to the card.
“My, you’ve even written me something...” Kakyoin seemed to stare at the message for longer than Jotaro expected as his sentence trailed off into silence, and he started to regret even agreeing to his mum's idea in the first place. But as hard as it was to admit to himself, let alone the very person he loved; when he saw Kakyoin’s warm smile as he nodded in reply to the card and asked him what time would be best for him, he knew it was worth it and offered his date a small, rare smile of his own.
At least all the trouble he’d been through had its own way of working out in the end.
I’m sorry if this sounds a little ooc, I tried to do as best as I could! I set it in an AU where Kakyoin lives, and set it as almost the climax of a slow burn between the two. I like to think that after everything that’s happened in Egypt, he’s so glad to see his mother happy and recovered that he’s willing to demonstrate a little more respect for Holly. I hope you enjoyed this, and Merry Christmas!
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