Meta Post: Moving To A New Blog
Hello! Admin here!
I'm moving to a new blog (@marinette-du-pain-cheng) because I made the mistake of creating a completely new blog for this account instead of just making a sideblog.
I have a personal Tumblr which I'm much more active on, and I'll be moving to a sideblog I created for it.
I'm not deleting this blog, though! Just moving to a new one.
I hope this doesn't cause too much trouble!
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Are you baker girl's cousin?
were you aware that we were apparently cousins?
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no, i was not
Are you baker girl's cousin?
were you aware that we were apparently cousins?
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Meta Post
Hey all, Hawkmun here.
If you're having trouble checking the feed, remember to turn off Tumblrs stupid "best stuff first" feature in your settings -> dashboard options.
It might help bunch of you who also made new blogs for this, so I wanted to put out a PSA!
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Thoughts Ms. Dupain-Cheng?
Tumblr media
Too many
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I missed WHAT?!
Hello, everyone! Sorry for being inactive. I've been a bit busy the past week, but I'm back for now!
It seems I've got a whole lot of catching up to do-
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Hello, everyone! Sorry for being inactive. I've been a bit busy the past week, but I'm back for now!
It seems I've got a whole lot of catching up to do-
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uh thank you!! so are you!
Okay, but like...
What IS your type?
probably someone really sweet and creative
someone who isn't afraid of leadership and will always stand up for what they believe in
someone who is very loyal and is always there for their friends
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i hope the effects wear off soon, then
baker girl!
almost best girl
sugary sweet, spicy fighter girls
pretty clothes and tasty bread
very angry
Donut like mothman :(
I'm sorry, what??
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baker girl!
almost best girl
sugary sweet, spicy fighter girls
pretty clothes and tasty bread
very angry
Donut like mothman :(
I'm sorry, what??
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That's great, then!
If there are any other problems, feel free to discuss them with us.
This goes out to all the rp blogs.
If you think there's a matter which needs discussing, don't hesitate to talk to anyone/everyone about it.
As I've seen, everyone here seems to be very understanding, so there's nothing to be afraid of.
meta post: how does one address a potentially problematic behaviour without coming across as either a white knight or a dick?
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meta: i think the best option is to adress it politely.
in my opinion, it would be best to stay away from any sort of problems (because im a coward with a crippling mental state), but if you think something needs to be said, you can take action.
if you tell them about it and they refuse to acknowledge that they're wrong, then it's best to just avoid them the best you can and not get into any fights.
if you end up in discourse, it can often be hard to handle and may have effects on your mental health, so just stay a bit careful about it.
meta post: how does one address a potentially problematic behaviour without coming across as either a white knight or a dick?
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We could either find ways to make sure we can distinguish between ourselves, or pretend that you're my long lost twin
You should start a "Days since mistaken for a Dupain-Cheng" counter
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Don't you think it's like... A little creepy that Senti-Bug is gonna have your face?
Well, sorta? But Bridgette decided that she wanted to look similar to me, and if she wants that, I'm willing to respect it.
Besides, she's rocking the look!
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Of course I donโ€™t mind! I haven't seen you in purrson yet, so it'd be cool!
I just spotted Ladybug on the baker girl's balcony? She went inside her room
Huh, I guess she joined the "visiting baker girl's balcony on a regular basis" club along with Chat Noir
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Sorry, VIP members only <3
I just spotted Ladybug on the baker girl's balcony? She went inside her room
Huh, I guess she joined the "visiting baker girl's balcony on a regular basis" club along with Chat Noir
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After further review of your schedule with Nathalie, I've discovered a grave error in it's conception.
During dinner, I'd like to go over it with you, as due to your recent successes in both Education and Fencing, I would like to alot you a six hour daily block of "free time" for you to spend however you wish, provided you allow your bodyguard to accompany you.
Your friends, of course, can have some input as to where this gets placed in your schedule.
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