#bridgette sentibug
galahadwilder · 2 years
Felix trying to figure out whether Bridgette is a Sentimonster or just goddamn weird
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lullaboid · 2 years
au where sentibug isn’t erased and marinette adopts her and gives her a new life and identity and purpose as bridgette, thus allowing paris to continue to believe marinette and ladybug are two different people.
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papallonadaurada · 1 year
I can’t believe that after getting discount Felix in season 3 in season 5 we finally get discount Bridgette
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extremereader · 6 months
Hey, imagine the Ladybug episode of Miraculous, but Nathalie takes Sentibug, wipes her memory of the whole episode, gives her a full lifetime of memories, and essentially turns her into a regular girl, adopting her as her daughter, Bridgette, who was "a one-night stand and now her dad's dead."
Bridgette is promptly enrolled in school. Adrien introduces her as his new stepsister.
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I just had an AU idea pop into my head (oh no another one) where they give Sentibug her Amok and, instead of fighting Mayura, she runs away. Mayura doesn't immediately recall the Amok because she's no threat, but still leaves because she's still in a two-on-one fight against LB and CN.
We let Sentibug have a detransformation, but she doesn't quite look like Marinette, just close enough. Like off-brand Marinette.
Then, to make sure she stays out of range of Mayura, she finds a way to sneak over to London, hides her Amok somewhere, and takes the name of Bridgette, becoming Felix's friend.
She can still transform into Sentibug, but doesn't have a Kwami and can't use Miraculous Cure (and Lucky Charm doesn't work half the time or something). She generally doesn't, because she's scared of Mayura.
*side eyes something in the background*
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scottpetersen · 2 years
‘Bridgette The Sentimonster’ Chapter 4
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Bridgette was able to make it to the battle. She sees Ryuko and Carapace fighting against Gentleman Magician.
Apparently, Ladybug was able to give them their Miraculouses before getting taken out of the fight. Bridgette figured.
Bridgette also sees Cat Noir fighting Hawkmoth and Mayura. He looks like he’s having trouble against both of them at once. He’s fighting valiantly but when Bridgette realizes Cat Noir’s Miraculous is about to be taken, she knows it’s time she intervened.
After taking a deep breath, Bridgette makes up her mind and shouts:
“Tikki Spots On!”
The Ladybug Miraculous forms some sort of ladybug-themed armor around Bridgette rather than the other Miraculous wielders’ usual spandex. That took Bridgette by surprise. The reason why she didn’t transform earlier was because she needed to get some tips from Tikki about how the Ladybug Miraculous works. And one of the many things Tikki told her was that the type of suit it forms around the wielder pretty much depends on the wielder’s personality. And Bridgette didn’t think her personality would give her a Miraculous outfit that’s made of metal armor. But then she realizes it’s probably because she wants to protect Adrien. And what better way to express something like that than with a knight in shiny armor.
Bridgette also gets a strong feeling of empowerment as the Ladybug Miraculous outfit forms around her. She briefly wonders if everyone whose transformed with a Miraculous felt this way but she remembers now is not the time to think about that. She’s got a job to do.
Getting out her yo-yo, Bridgette launches it and wraps it around Cat Noir’s torso. Then, Bridgette pulls Cat Noir to where she’s standing.
“Thank you, Ladybug…” Cat Noir pauses when he sees that the person who just rescued him isn’t the Ladybug he knows. “Wait. You’re not Ladybug. Who are you?”
Quickly thinking up an excuse, Bridgette replies with “Oh. Just your average citizen who stumbled upon Ladybug’s earrings and realized she had to use them to help.”
“Ok then.” Cat Noir says reluctantly. “So, what do we call you? We can’t exactly use your real name while you’re in that get-up.”
“How about Scarab Walker?” Bridgette said after thinking it over.
“Ok, Scarab Walker. Since you’re obviously new at this, I’ll be watching over you through this whole fight. Consider me your feline knight in shiny armor.” Cat Noir stated.
Cat Noir then got a good look at Bridgette’s armor and chuckled somewhat awkwardly. “Which is ironic considering…”
“Yeah. I know.” Bridgette replied.
Bridgette couldn’t help but get a strange feeling from Cat Noir. It was like they’d met before.
Bridgette’s thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Hawkmoth’s voice.
“I’m not finished with you yet, Cat Noir!” Hawkmoth yelled as he and Mayura made their way to where Bridgette and Cat Noir were at.
Hawkmoth and Mayura then spotted Bridgette. Much to Bridgette’s relief, they aren’t able to tell who she is behind her disguise as Scarab Walker. Bridgette worried that if Hawkmoth found out she was actually Bridgette, he might be able to force her to give him the Ladybug Miraculous with her Amok object.
“Ah. What do we have here?” Hawkmoth said with wicked glee. “A Ladybug stand-in?”
Not liking that uncomfortable reminder of Sentibug one bit, Bridgette retorted with, “My name is Scarab Walker. Thank you very much.”
“No matter. Soon, both of your Miraculouses will belong to me!” Hawkmoth replied.
Yeesh. As Hawkmoth, Gabriel sure is melodramatic. Bridgette thought.
Cat Noir suddenly got a mischievous smirk on his face and said, “Hey. Who says only 4 can play this game?”
Cat Noir dragged a dumpster into the middle of the alleyway they were in, put his staff on it, and then proceeded to extend it.
As the staff extended, he was being launched directly at Hawkmoth and Mayura.
After his collision, the 3 of them were in the middle of the wider area where Ryuko’s and Carapace’s fight with Gentleman Magician is taking place.
Blinking in confusion for a moment, Bridgette followed them there.
Battle tactics are so not my thing. Bridgette thought.
Everyone paused for a brief moment.
Then, the real fight began.
Everyone was switching or sharing opponents left and right.
But the one Bridgette was the most focused on was Mayura.
Hopefully, I’ll be able to get through to her this time. Bridgette hoped. But she also knew she can’t reveal her secret identity here and now. So, she knows she has to play her cards carefully.
“So, what’s Hawkmoth giving you for this?” Bridgette said as the 2 of them begin to fight.
“That doesn’t concern you.” Mayura replied with a cold demeanor.
Switching gears, Bridgette then said, “If you’re in it to help his family, you should know that this is gonna end badly for all of you in the end. No matter what kinds of precautions you take.”
That seemed to take Mayura aback a little bit.
But Mayura follows it up with, “Hawkmoth is very stubborn. I doubt I’ll be able to stop him when he’s set on a course.”
Bridgette could’ve sworn she saw a tear go down Mayura’s face.
Maybe I’m getting through to her for real this time. Bridgette thought.
As Nathalie fought Scarab Walker, she couldn’t help that feeling of sadness building up inside of her after she told her about how stubborn Hawkmoth can be and how she doubted she’ll be able to stop him when he’s set on a course.
This “Scarab Walker” is really starting to get under my skin. Nathalie thought.
But Nathalie is starting to think there’s something familiar about Scarab Walker. The way she’s questioning her. That assertiveness. It almost seems like…
Nathalie then used the Peacock Miraculous to see if it can confirm her suspicions. What she’s sensing from Scarab Walker is the same as what she senses from all other sentimonsters. The feeling of pure emotion made physical. And it also feels like…
Scarab Walker is Bridgette! Nathalie realized.
Nathalie decided not to tell Gabriel. Even she doesn’t know what he might do if he finds out that this new superhero is actually Bridgette.
And Nathalie is not willing to find out.
Adrien is having a hard time handling this fight.
To him, Ladybug is almost always the brains. She’s usually able to think up ways to use her Lucky Charm to defeat the villain.
But Ladybug isn’t here right now. She got taken out of the fight thanks to Gentleman Magician.
And with her gone, Adrien feels like he has to be the one with the plan.
The problem, however, is that between Gentleman Magician’s magic trick powers and with Hawkmoth and Mayura themselves in the fray, it’s getting very difficult to outmaneuver them even with Ryoku, Carapace and Scarab Walker helping.
He’s all too aware of that and it’s very mentally taxing for him.
Wait. Outmaneuvering. Adrien thought as he started to get an idea. That’s it!
Adrien makes his way to Ryoku and tells her:
“I have an idea. Turn yourself into wind to outflank that magician.” Adrien told her. “With him distracted making the big winds disappear, you could sneak through his defenses with the little winds and knock him out.”
Ryuko’s eyes widened with a look of surprise on her face.
“What? Without Ladybug here, someone has to be the brains.” Adrien said.
“A very responsible thing to do, Cat Noir.” Ryuko said nodding her head with respect.
“Thanks.” Adrien responded with gratitude. “Now, let’s do this.”
Adrien started feeling optimistic.
Looks like this will end well, after all. Adrien thought.
But Adrien couldn’t help but watch out of the corner his eye the fight going on between Scarab Walker and Mayura.
He could barely hear what they’re saying but it sounds to him like Scarab Walker is trying to reason with Mayura.
Adrien isn’t sure how he feels about turning Mayura to the light side. But it seems like Scarab Walker is actually getting through to Mayura. So, he doesn’t think he has to intervene.
However, Adrien also knows that they’re gonna need Scarab Walker to purify the Akuma and use her Miraculous Ladybug to fix everything. So, he also hopes this doesn’t take long.
Adrien’s thoughts were interrupted by Hawkmoth swinging the sword that was hidden in his cane right at him.
Adrien was able to block it just in time with his staff.
“You won’t be emerging victorious this time!” Hawkmoth shouted.
“Oh. We’ll see about that.” Adrien said as he and Hawkmoth began to go at it.
As he fought Cat Noir, Gabriel was able to make out what’s happening with Nathalie and Scarab Walker by using the Butterfly Miraculous to sense Scarab Walker’s thoughts.
As he did so, Gabriel couldn’t help but be enraged at what Scarab Walker is saying.
He couldn’t believe that she, a complete stranger who knows nothing about his or Nathalie’s personal lives, would dare to presume anything about his private life or Nathalie’s.
That being said, Scarab Walker’s thoughts felt…strange to Gabriel.
It almost felt like a sentimonster. Gabriel knew that, at least with the Butterfly Miraculous, sensing sentimonsters felt different from sensing humans. During Heroes’ Day, when he sensed that moth creature Nathalie created from his despair, it felt like being hit by a truck. Gabriel figured that was because unlike humans, sentimonsters are emotions made physical. Fortunately for him, it didn’t take long to get used to it.
But before Gabriel could figure out who Scarab Walker is, his thinking about his Miraculous’s power to sense emotions gives him an idea.
‘…I’m Gonna Go Straight For His Miraculous…’
With the Butterfly Miraculous’s power to sense thoughts, he predicts Cat Noir’s move and stops it.
It looks like that took Cat Noir completely by surprise.
The fight continues like this and leaves Cat Noir exhausted.
The sheer bewilderment on Cat Noir’s face gives Gabriel a beyond satisfying rush. He couldn’t the evil-looking smirk that appears on his face after seeing this cat’s comedic demeanor be replaced with an intimidated look that screams that he knows he may yet be defeated.
But the rush that Gabriel was feeling was short-lived.
Cat Noir’s eyes move to the left. Then, he confidently says, “Looks like your latest Akuma is about to be taken down.”
Gabriel looks to Ryoku’s and Carapace’s fight against Gentleman Magician.
Ryuko was apparently able to sneak past Gentleman Magician’s magic curtains by using her wind power. She’s about to knock him out.
Gabriel tries to run over to assist his Akuma but Cat Noir punches and kicks him to the ground.
Ryuko is able to finish the job and Gentleman Magician out cold.
“You are beaten, Hawkmoth.” Cat Noir states victoriously.
Gabriel sighs. He was saving this as a final trick in the back pocket. But now looks like as good a time as any to use it.
Gabriel then laughs venomously much to Cat Noir’s confusion.
“Ha! Fool! Your friends won’t be able to find the Akuma object because it’s right…here!” Gabriel states as he takes out Gentleman Magician’s wand. “Abra Cadabra!”
He blasts Cat Noir with its magic. It’s causing something strange to happen.
“This wand has only one spell and it’s one that reveals all the victim’s secrets to everyone in this vicinity! It looks like you are the one that is beaten!” Hawkmoth shouts.
One of the things the spell is doing is that it’s detransforming Cat Noir.
Scarab Walker sees this and shouts, “Lucky Charm!”
It forms a giant prism that reflects the sunlight all around the area. It’s most likely gonna render all the news crews blind to what happens next.
No matter. Gabriel thought. This spell is able to bypass physical eyesight. “It gives secrets directly to the mind as well as the eyes” as Gentleman Magician put it. No sunlight will blind me or anyone else here to this boy’s secrets.
But Gabriel’s excitement died the moment the spell told him who Cat Noir is. It shocked to the point that he dropped the wand.
The boy standing there in Cat Noir’s place is none other than his own son: Adrien!
This news combined with the fact that the spell probably revealed to those superheroes that Adrien is a sentimonster shattered Gabriel’s mental fortitude and left him overwhelmed by the flood of emotions and thoughts emanating off of everyone in the area. Including his own.
‘…My Best Bud Is Cat Noir?! Never Mind That! He’s Actually A Sentimonster?!…’
‘…The Boy I’ve Been Dating Is Actually A Sentimonster?! Was I Taking Advantage Of His Probable And Literal Inability To Act On His Own Accord?!…’
‘…Gabriel’s Son Is Cat Noir?! This Will Shatter Gabriel For Sure! And The News That He’s A Sentimonster Will Shatter Adrien Too!…’
‘…Those People Are Gonna Know Adrien Is A Sentimonster! Adrien May Never Live A Normal Life Again! I’m So Sorry, Adrien! I Didn’t Keep My Promise To Protect You! I’ve Failed You! I’m A Failure Who Can’t Even Protect You From The Pain You’ll Be Feeling About Your Very Existence!…’
‘…My Son Is Cat Noir?! I’ve Been Fighting My Own Son?! He’ll Be Very Disappointed In Me! Emilie Will Be Very Disappointed In Me! Worse Yet, Those Heroes Now Know That My Son Is A Sentimonster And Will Probably Inform The General Public! No!…’
“No…no…no…ah…” Gabriel stammers as all the pain he’s feeling from his own thoughts and emotions as well as from those of everyone in the area has finally reached its climax. “AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!”
The resulting trauma caused Gabriel to pass out.
Nathalie runs over to Gabriel.
She checks his heartbeat and it confirms that he’s still alive.
She’ll have to handle the aftermath of the Agreste family’s secrets being exposed.
For now, she knows she has to get Gabriel home. She picks him up and leaves.
Bridgette feels like a failure. She’s failed Adrien in every single way possible.
But for now, she has to stop the problem from getting worse.
Bridgette uses her yo-yo to destroy every camera that the news crews brought and got them out of there before the flash of sunlight from the prism dies down. Thankfully, much to Bridgette’s relief, the news crews were out of range of that spell.
She finds the wand, breaks it thus releasing the Akuma, purifies it and finally with some help from Carapace and Ryoku, she tosses the prism into the sky and shouts: “Miraculous Ladybug!”
Everything is repaired but the memories of what that spell showed them are still there.
She then heads over to Adrien along with Carapace and Ryuko.
Ryuko looks uncharacteristically nervous.
Then, Carapace speaks up. “So, you’re Adrien Agreste. The famous model.”
“That’s me.” Adrien Agreste replied with a look of shame most likely over not being able to keep his identity a secret.
Adrien also had a look of…horror?!
Looks like that spell somehow told him about his sentimonster nature.
“Well, I can take you home if you want. I guess this is a lot for you to take in.” Carapace offered.
Adrien nodded his head saying that he would like that.
Bridgette then steps forward.
“Carapace. I think I should be the one to take him home. This happened because I was too focused on Mayura. So, it’s my fault.” Bridgette said.
The look on Carapace’s face clearly says that he doesn’t agree with the latter part. But he nevertheless relented.
“Ok, Scarab Walker.” Carapace said. “You alright with that, Adrien?”
“I think I am.” Adrien said with gratitude.
With that, Bridgette grabbed Adrien and started to take him home.
Notes: Ok. This fanfic was inspired by @unecoccinellenoire. She motivated me to make it and it was also inspired by her fanfics ‘A Nightmare In Cerulean’ and ‘Nobody’s Perfect’. Also, I decided to take a different approach on how Cat Noir would react to a new Ladybug because, in my opinion, it was handled pretty badly in the episode ‘Hacksan’.
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i-am-the-visitor · 2 years
So event at Heroes Café to celebrate @sentibug-lives’s birthday
Free coffee for Bridgette
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sentibug-lives · 3 years
thanks mom, thanks dad! (@givemeyourmiraculous) new look without the mask!
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Don't you think it's like... A little creepy that Senti-Bug is gonna have your face?
Well, sorta? But Bridgette decided that she wanted to look similar to me, and if she wants that, I'm willing to respect it.
Besides, she's rocking the look!
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nekogaaaaaaa · 3 years
I just want to see Felix with his concept design (from artbook)
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Adrien: "Oh! You look good!"
Felix: "No, I don't like this, this is giving me weird deja vu and memories which I never should have-"
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galahadwilder · 2 years
Sentibug Lives Sentilovesquare where Bridgette and Félix are in love but
Both think the other is a normal person
They’re both trying to hide that they’re a Sentimonster from the other
Both of them are really bad at it
Both of them are so caught up in hiding their nature from the other that they are both EVEN WORSE at noticing that the other is doing things that humans simply Do Not Do
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edorazzi · 5 years
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Felix actually has a LOT of friends! He just insists they don’t know each other, never reads the group chat and refuses to stay in contact whenever he leaves London to go stay in Paris. Adrien’s gushing approach to friendships is far too European.
I gave Claude a new CGI-specific look in this post (since Canon Felix looks a little different too and it’s a good way to separate the million ML AUs I keep making), and I wanted to include the rest of the Quantic Team! The show likes to go kind of gaudy so I tried to stick with bold colour-coded outfits reflecting their personalities, and I’ve seen @miraculously-pv​ putting Allan in a sporty undershirt lately which I LOVE. Gotta have it.
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Marinette’s got a long afternoon ahead of her. What are she and Sentibug (who absolutely survived and went to live her own life in London, probably with Fu and Marianne) going to do to explain how similar they look?! Practically like cousins...!
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#miraculous ladybug#adrien agreste#felix agreste#felix graham de vanily#marinette dupain cheng#bridgette cheng#quantic team#kid mime#melodie#mercury#josie's art#the bonus panels were just supposed to be little extra things but they ended up bigger than the main piece HOW DID THAT HAPPEN#anyway now the felix episode is out (even though that was a WHILE ago and i'm just lazy)#i can do that thing i said i had big ideas for but didn't want to introduce before we knew who felix was#which is BRIDGETTE IS SENTIBUG AND SHE SURVIVED AND WENT TO LIVE A NEW LIFE IN LONDON#she fell in with the quantic team (and felix) who definitely do NOT know that she's a six-month-old sentimonster from paris#then accidentally bumps into marinette later at this crucial point and they have to explain it away that they're cousins#also a subplot of everyone suspecting bridgette might be ladybug and marinette getting a little mad about it because okay it's KINDA true--#i'll make a better post about this later so all my ideas aren't lost forever in the tags of this one post#but i imagine when sentibri has control of her own possessed item (the keyring) she can change herself around a little bit#longer hair; take off the mask; getting to wear actual clothes etc; so she's not just stuck as Masked Ladybug Copy forever#but she DOES have her powers 24/7 and just doesn't use them because she's a normal girl with a normal life :V#and she IS one hundred per cent a Good Guy so even though she recognises marinette right away she won't go straight to mayura about it#mayura won't even know she's in the city; nathalie and gabriel ain't smart enough to know marinette doesn't have a cousin#and of course adrien won't recognise her because he doesn't know what ladybug looks like under the mask#THAT'S ENOUGH TAGGING FOR NOW BUT PLEASE ENJOY THIS BECAUSE I'M EXCITED ABOUT IT
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cakeleighh · 3 years
[this post is a part 2 of this]
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After picking up the key ring he subconsciously feels like he’s never alone anymore. And sentibug just likes to see what kind of things he does.
I’d like to think as sentibug continues to hover by him, she can slightly guide him to do things that she would like to experience. Like getting art and crafting supplies, since she still has some of Marinette’s qualities.
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Felix wouldn’t know how to explain his sudden urge to shop for art supplies to Adrien, so he just intimidates him into silence. Adrien was just happy his cousin is trying something new.
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ultrakart · 3 years
A (senti)bug’s life (part 13)
Summary: Bridgette learns that her new life as the mouse hero is a bit more complicated than she expected.
Read it here!
Also shoutout to the Sentibug au of @beebeebombam because I took some slight inspiration from it! In that au, she wears the Eiffel Tower charm as a hair accessory, and Bridgette does the same thing in this fic.
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snacc-noir · 5 years
Sentibug lives and is named Bridgette
“Hey, hEY- Bridge. Put it down.”
Fathering wasn’t on Adrien’s agenda at fifteen. But then again, neither was being a superhero, and neither was adopting a humanish akuma product to please his lady.
The only one who seems to be enjoying his suffering is Plagg, no surprise, his only help offering to be the audience watching him chase a battle souvenir in the mould of his dream-wife, snickering as he downs off-limit cheese rolls like pills.
Speaking of that thing, wasn’t that enough for him to take care of?
But no, it’s his turn to babysit his and LB’s sentibug child. And convenientally, with his father and Nathalie out, he has no exuse not to leap (in his civilian form) around his oversized bedroom trying to catch (a super-powered) Bridgette—as they’ve named her—from destroying everything she touches - that’s his job.
“Bridgette that’s not- no. No.”
Plagg shakes with another snicker. Adrien nails him with a look that promises no cheese.
“Do you want me to call Ladybug?”
It’s a little fazing when someone identical to said Ladybug flicks a panicked expression to you.
“Then put the piano down.”
She huffs, almost breaking the floor with the drop.
“I said put. Do it again. Carefully.”
Like an impotent child, her mouth twists bitterly and she raises the structure, setting it deliberately slow while death-staring Adrien.
She rolls her eyes. “I’m just testing how strong I am!”
“Very. End of discussion.”
Ladybug doesn’t know what to think when her eyes interrupt her evening glide, the yo-yo that’s puppeting her losing control as her innate body stutters to a splat on a two-story roof.
Her figure’s crumpled but her eyes remain locked...
...on herself?
She shouldn’t really even be here. But it’s tradition (okay?) to go past Adrien’s window each time she takes her suit out for a spin when there’s no responsibility attached.
Does the route have anything to do with her consuming crush on him? Yes. 100%. Does Marinette admit to this ever? No. And she never will.
So it’s her own fault for sneaking a glance into those grand windows that more often than not have a fleeting image of Adrien in a form of domesticity. But one thing she’s never and should never see (she wishes though) is Adrien with her.
Why... Why is she holding a piano?
Marinette blinks. One, two, seventeen times. That’s her, right? That’s- That’s Ladybug. That’s the superheroin of Paris. In Adrien Agreste’s bedroom. And not even her - the real one.
Does Chat know? Where is he? What is going on?
It’s curiosity that drags a mindless Ladybug closer. She swings to the windows, both mouth and body hanging, staring, lightly swaying, internally screaming.
The screams get louder as she focusses sight.
“I’m just testing how strong I am!”
“Very. End of discussion.”
That’s not her.
That’s Bridgette.
And that’s Chat Noir.
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