maro-and-makaria · 1 year
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The University of Barcelona's Medicine Faculty has temporarily installed a giant heart made by the Catalan artist Jaume Plensa, with the building's columns acting as the ribcage.
The objective of this work of art is to raise awareness about cardiovascular illnesses, which are the leading cause of death worldwide.
The work is titled El cor secret (The Secret Heart). The heart measures 13 metres tall and 10 metres wide, and weighs 150 kg. It's made of synthetic materials and painted by hand. It had previously been shown in Germany in 2014 and was supposed to arrive to Plensa's home city sooner, but it was delayed because of covid. Instead, in 2020, Plensa donated one of his famous head sculptures to this same building, to thank medicine professionals and students for their work during the pandemic.
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maro-and-makaria · 1 year
Hundreds of years ago, the bright yellow fur of a Pikachu used to be considered a sign that the trainer was fortunate or noble, so many royal families used to own them by the dozen. This is the reasoning for so many old coins having Pikachus printed on them, as well as an explanation for the many circle-cheeked “pikamon” that became domesticated in that time.
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maro-and-makaria · 1 year
Very possible, I'm afraid. Wild Litwick are never to be blindly trusted, and Trevenant tend towards the vengeful and strange.
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Trevenant: It can control trees at will. It will trap people who harm the forest, so they can never leave.
Litwick: While shining a light and pretending to be a guide, it leeches off the life force of any who follow it.
Phantump: According to old tales, these Pokémon are stumps possessed by the spirits of children who died while lost in the forest.
Happy Halloween~
Support me on patreon
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maro-and-makaria · 1 year
I only have one Pokemon and she's territorial.
type specialists are so crazy to me. how do you stay focused on one thing for that long??
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maro-and-makaria · 1 year
The idea that Pokémon is a contraction of the English “Pocket Monsters” is blatantly untrue when put under any kind of scrutiny; the poke element is a Japanese rendering of Pokkim (”Undermountain”), a term originating from the Ainu dialect of Sinnoh, who believed that the creatures spawned from the depths of Tengansan (Mt. Coronet). It is due to this primordial connection that the Ainu held rock and ground pokémon in particularly high esteem, specifically Rhyhorn, who they honored as the “first” pokemon. It is only with the later settlement by the Yamato people that we see the cultural ascendance of “heavenly” pokemon - Dragon, Flying, Fire, Electric, and Water.
In the Kofun period, as the early Japanese courts adopted Chinese culture, plant-type pokemon rose to social prominence, as Chinese philosophers glorified plant-type pokémon for their value in cultivating land, sustaining civilization, and promoting social harmony with their aesthetics (and, as would be later understood, chemical manipulation of the human brain). For this reason, the bulbasaur, a ubiquitous pokemon in China, was adopted as the chief pokemon of the Japanese imperial courts, despite the creature being alien to Japan. Later Japanese emperors would enshrine the mountain-carving Korean Blastoise and, much later, the European Charizard as equal symbols of Japanese cultural reach, but Bulbasaur always held the position as the primal pokemon of Kanto.
This “plantmania” did have a literally toxic knock-on effect, as the Kanto population of plant-type pokémon are entirely poisonous, unlike those found in other regions (including the imported Sinnohan Tangela; note that Tangela only dwells in a patch of grass near the aging port of Pallet Town, and in the Safari Zone). This led to a disproportionate amount of power concentrating in the hands of the psychic-training mediums in Kanto society, including the notorious “shadow regime” of the Itako of Mt. Osore.
Due to the psychic stranglehold on Kantese politics, the people were unusually ignorant of Ghost-types (with their existence only confirmed with the Sylph Co.’s work at the end of the 20th century), and Dark-types had been completely exterminated from the region despite their presence in neighboring Johto (with the dark variants of Kantese pokémon establishing roots in Pacific Island chains such as Alola).
Oda Nobunaga introduced Steel and Dark-type pokémon into the region in his attempt to unify Honshu and wrestle power from regional psychic priesthoods; While these types remained in Johto, their population never stabilized in Kanto and faded quickly after Nobunaga’s death in Honnō-ji at the hands of Akechi Mitsuhide‘s Portuguese Charizard Kapadokya.
At the end of the Kofun period, the Emperor established a rule to curb similar excesses; the peasantry could only own normal and bug Pokemon, while those of the merchant class could use water and flying, and no more than three. The other types, especially the “heavenly,” were the domain of the nobility; a noble could train up to six pokemon, but they must be of the type of their house. The Dragon-class was the sole domain of the Emperor and his household, who alone could raise pokémon of any type, without restriction. The Dragon-class privilege was later extended to the shogun in the Tokugawa period, leading to the eradication of the Fairy-type from Japan, with most local varieties of those species bred into normal-types.
This legally enforced connection of the poke to the symbolism of the noble and imperial houses lead to their conceptual merger with the Japanese system of heraldry, the mon.
In the Kamakura period, Johto became a major cultural and commercial center, as its rich soil allowed the production of Apricorns, which could be ritually altered with carving and mercury inlaying to seal away pokemon in a small, weightless space. These sealing spheres allowed the development of a far more efficient and mobile pokémon warrior class, leading to the ascension of the pokésamurai and a strong ronin underbelly, with Minamoto no Yoritomo generally acknowledged as the first pokemon master.
In the Meiji period, these noble houses’ type-monopolies were disposed of, and pokémon training was reorganized into the Gymnasium system of continental European origin.
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maro-and-makaria · 1 year
Guess who got plane tickets to Galar 🤭
Everyone, what's some things I should visit while I'm in Galar?
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maro-and-makaria · 1 year
Make sure you get a Shuppet that's trained well, though!
If you stop having as many negative emotions they can sometimes get frustrated and hungry because they're used to more food then they're getting and act out. Make sure you have it trained well and don't just let it free-feed on you all the time.
Alternately, I suggest this to literally everyone, but Shuppet. It snacks on negative emotions, so they're a great support mon.
You're right! Why didn't I think of that? Oh, that's definitely going on the list.
Ooh, Munna too, probably!
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maro-and-makaria · 1 year
ooc: sorry for the inactivity gang - my college semester has started, and Maro has kind of fallen by the wayside :(
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maro-and-makaria · 1 year
ghost type trainers be like 'This is Spooky he's such a sweet boy he tries to scare me to death every day and ate my aunts soul ^-^'
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maro-and-makaria · 1 year
((yeah sorry I have to be the one to make this post but I saw some shit a minute ago that I need to fucking address))
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((to all the minors reading this post, let me make something 1000% clear:
If an adult wants to do even mildly sexual roleplay with you and insists that they'll "stop if they go too far", that is predatory behavior. "Too far" is an adult knowingly roleplaying sexual content with a minor full fucking stop. You, as a minor, cannot give consent to an adult, and any adult that insists you can is a predator.
@ask-uwu-girl has nuked all of the sexual RPs with Devi from her blog since being called out for this shit by other community members so I really don't have anything more than this to show you but let me be clear: this is not a safe person for minors to be interacting with. This is what a predator looks like.
To all the adults in the community: please keep an eye out for this stuff. This was happening in public and it took all day for anyone to catch on. If you want to RP suggestive content between other adults in the community, that's fine. Keep it properly tagged, don't let minors engage with it. Basic courtesies. But it's our responsibility as community members to make sure this shit stays between adults. Check ages before engaging in sexual content with another blog, and if you see an adult engaging in sexual content with a minor, call that shit out immediately. Do not let it go unseen or unnoticed. Do not be a bystander to a predator in broad daylight.
sincerely, I am so goddamn tired.))
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maro-and-makaria · 1 year
Commissions are open!!
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Hi! If you're interested in commissioning me, here's my updated prices!
*Extra characters: what I mean by this is, if you want an extra character, go by the listed price for how you want them to look to figure out the cost. For example, if you want one character full-body shaded and another halfbody flat color, that would be 155$.
*Backgrounds: A complicated background, like an actual scene, is going to be 100$ minimum, but it might cost more depending on the level of complexity and detail you're looking for. DM me if you want a complex background and we'll talk about it.
Things I will draw:
Kink art*
Things I won't draw:
Content that expresses bigotry or hatred towards a group of people.
*I don't have a problem with drawing gore but I might refuse a commission if I don't think I can execute something to my satisfaction.
*I don't have an issue with drawing kink but I may refuse a commission if I feel uncomfortable with or that the idea would trigger me. No judgement, though! If this is the case I'll let you know up front.
Examples of my work:
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Note: I don't own all these characters, I'm only using these images as illustrations of my style.
If you're interested, you can message me here on Tumblr or email me at [email protected].
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maro-and-makaria · 1 year
Hi! I'm fundraising for my club again!
We need to raise
In order to be able to host a speaker, Darrel Ray of Recovering From Religion at Sacramento State!
On October 12, 2023 we will be hosting Dr. Darrel Ray from Recovering From Religion! This is our chapter's first event and we would love to have Dr. Ray visit our campus and discuss his work at Recovering From Religion and the psychological implications of religious trauma.
Dr. Darrel W. Ray is author of four books, two on organizational team issues, The God Virus: How Religion Infects Our Lives and Culture which explores the social-psychology of religion and his latest book, Sex and God: How Religion Distorts Sexuality. He has been a psychologist for over 30 years, practicing counseling and clinical psychology for 10 years then moved into organizational psychology and consulting. He has been a student of religion most of his life and holds a MA degree in religion as well as a BA in Sociology/Anthropology and a Doctorate in psychology. You can learn more about this movement at www.recoveringfromreligion.com.
If you are interested in donating, you can follow this link or the QR code below to donate!
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maro-and-makaria · 1 year
I've wanted to visit Galar for a while, to be honest! When I was a kid I was enamored with Hero Zacian.
I'd like to see the Rose Tower...brb looking up plane tickets
Well, rowlet chick update @maro-and-makaria !
All their brown feathers are coming in very nicely and they don't look like weird gray fuzzballs anymore lmao.
The pumpkaboo spends a lot of its time following around the rowlet chicks, and I find it ridiculously cute. It doesn't even really need to be in the nursery, but it seems content being treated like just another one of the chicks. They're always playing and sleeping together 💛
Mama Skylar has just kinda accepted that the pumpkaboo "learned to fly" earlier than her other chicks lmao.
I'll have to start working on getting these guys homes!
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maro-and-makaria · 1 year
Something's off today. Makaria has been agitated all day. Anyone know what's going on?
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maro-and-makaria · 1 year
You know, I do have some vacation money saved up...
Well, rowlet chick update @maro-and-makaria !
All their brown feathers are coming in very nicely and they don't look like weird gray fuzzballs anymore lmao.
The pumpkaboo spends a lot of its time following around the rowlet chicks, and I find it ridiculously cute. It doesn't even really need to be in the nursery, but it seems content being treated like just another one of the chicks. They're always playing and sleeping together 💛
Mama Skylar has just kinda accepted that the pumpkaboo "learned to fly" earlier than her other chicks lmao.
I'll have to start working on getting these guys homes!
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maro-and-makaria · 1 year
Hey my comms are open!! And I want to try drawing Pokemon!
15$ minimum*
*if you want something like Scream Tail I'll do it for 10$
Payment through PayPal!
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maro-and-makaria · 1 year
So I went to read the Kids Online Safety Act, thinking that it couldn't possibly be as bad as what people are making it out to be, I mean I'm a lawyer and expert in statutory interpretation, it can't be that bad, right?
Oh no. KOSA IS that bad. It will literally eradicate queer people online.
The bill says that a "covered platform" - broadly defined as "anything on the internet a minor might use" which is literally the entire fucking internet- has a "duty" to protect minors from anything that might harm them, including "sexual exploitation" and other undefined terms
It also gives state attorneys general the ability to sue to enforce it.
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So here's exactly what's gonna happen:
Wacko republicans, as they've been doing with increasing force this year and last, are going to sue any and every website in existence, saying that the mere existence of LGBT people online constitutes sexual abuse of minors. And websites are gonna be so afraid of not doing the most that they'll just axe all LGBT everything.
Like. Republicans have been calling all LGBT people groomers and child molesters for years. The lead Republican literally admitted this bill will be used to attack trans people.
This bill is BAD bad. I'm appalled that democrats are lining up behind what is clearly a republican Trojan horse to eradicate LGBT people from the entire internet.
Call your senator
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