#makaria the chandelure
maro-and-makaria · 1 year
Taking Mak on the train again, which is always a gamble.
She's perfectly safe to be around, but Giratina help me, does she hate being in her Pokeball in public. Mak, I say to her. You're huge. Trains are not large. Please.
And she sometimes goes into the ball, but she loves to pop out in the middle of a train ride. She just wants to look out the window, but people don't really like having her appear suddenly. Sighs.
At least we're Unovan? With one of the Subway Bosses having his own Chandelure, it's made people relax around her a little bit more.
Her royal highness is demanding I get out of bed on time, so brb. Will let you all know if she gets us asked to leave again.
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friendball-irl · 1 year
Hey, you're also based in Unova, right? My Chandelure has been freaking out the whole day, do you know what might be happening? (- @maro-and-makaria) (OOC: Maro doesn't know about the apathy arc) (thought it might be fun to imply a Wide range of effect? The ghosts of Unova are noticing something's up...)
Eh, something, something, Muted Lunala, y'know, that stuff.
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maro-and-makaria · 1 year
In another episode of "Makaria is vain as a peacock", she saw me working on an art piece and has decided it's really important that she gets the same kind of patterns painted on her arms that I was sketching for the background. I know this because she tried to steal my paintbrush to try and paint them on herself.
There has never been a Pokemon worse at levitating things than she is.
And that's why I'm scrubbing paint off my Chandelure's glass this afternoon.
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maro-and-makaria · 1 year
Woke up from a dead sleep to find Makaria hovering above me.
Mak, I say. It's the middle of the fucking night.
And my beloved Ghost who does not need to sleep just continues to hover there. So I get up to give her a closer examination, see if she's okay.
She has a tiny scratch on one of her left arms. That's literally the issue.
This Ghost woke me up from a dead sleep for this.
Ugh, going back to bed. It's lucky I bought some Steel restorer last week - remind me to make a post about the overlap between Steel type and Ghost type care at some point.
(for anyone unaccustomed to Chandelures - they literally get scratches all the time, it's just a minor aesthetic thing. Like acne on a human, it doesn't hurt them. Mak is just VAIN.)
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maro-and-makaria · 1 year
One thing I constantly hear from people when they meet Mak for the first time is, "Doesn't that thing set things on fire?"
This is a risk with other Fire types, and with Chandelure that fight competitively. Naturally, however, Chandelure flames don't burn the physical world - they burn souls.
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maro-and-makaria · 1 year
Getting ready to take the seeds to the post office to see how to have them sent to you safely and Mak keeps trying to take the package to see what's inside 😭 she's not great at levitation so it's easy to not let her have it but it's making putting my boots on take forever.
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maro-and-makaria · 1 year
[Selfie of someone laying in bed. The picture is taken at an extremely awkward angle because the person is clearly trying to capture in frame the two-foot tall Chandelure that is sitting on its chest. What can be seen of its face looks extremely tired.]
Someone decided she wanted to cuddle.
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maro-and-makaria · 1 year
That's a thing with having people around - Mak responds to my emotional state so much that if I get uncomfortable around someone, I'll sometimes have my Ghost in their face looking to chase them off. This sometimes works out okay, but sometimes I'm upset about something else and then I have to explain to my Ghost that it's not the person she doesn't like! I just have negative feelings sometimes!
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maro-and-makaria · 1 year
Grass is probably the type I know the least about, second to Fighting. I know Fighting is a really popular type but I don't run in competitive circuits, okay! My Pokemon likes to watch TV and go mushroom hunting in the woods with me, she's not really a Fighter.
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maro-and-makaria · 1 year
so one thing you have to do with a Chandelure is to polish their glass. Chandelure glass has a tendency to try and get clouded and covered with wax from the Chandelure's candles, and it doesn't make them feel pain, but you have to clean them or their glass can get cracked and weak and THAT hurts them.
Guess who knows this (I KNOW she knows this) but still tries to avoid getting polished as much as possible like a kid trying to avoid brushing their teeth?
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maro-and-makaria · 1 year
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Someone's happy.
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maro-and-makaria · 1 year
Makaria is being so brave about getting Steel restorer paste on her arm and not whining about it at all. (Lying)
Have you ever seen a Chandelure make a whiny face? Once you have it's unmistakable.
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maro-and-makaria · 1 year
pro tip for insomniacs: find a Ghost in the woods and teach it Rest with a TM
yes by combat rules Rest wakes you up eventually but with proper training you can teach your Ghost to put you to sleep for longer!
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maro-and-makaria · 1 year
Something's off today. Makaria has been agitated all day. Anyone know what's going on?
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maro-and-makaria · 1 year
i think if I didn't have a Chandelure my dream would be a Yamask but I DO have a Chandelure so that's off the table. Some Ghosts can coexist (Frillish and Dhelmise get along great) but Yamask and Chandelure are not one of them. The last thing I want to do is bring a Ghost into my house only for my candelabra to eat it.
Like, I think if I told her not to she would TRY not to, but I don't have enough faith in Mak's self-control to risk it. I could see her covertly taking sips from the poor creature until it gets sick or something.
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maro-and-makaria · 1 year
The other reason I'm wary of getting another Pokemon is I'm still not sure of how good Makaria would be around them unsupervised. She's good around other people's Pokemon when we're out in public, and she's good around other trainers, but I can't say for 100% she wouldn't try and eat another Ghost I got.
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