masterlouistf · 6 months
I'm so sick of having to be responsible for other people. I just wanna be a stupid cum-gushing stoner himbo.
It's my fantasy to have a special strain of weed that everytime I smoke, it permanently bloats my balls, making them permanently overproduce so much cum and testosterone and making me so horny that I can't even think, doing my IQ and reducing me to a gooning pothead himbo.
Advent Calendar - December 6th
I never really thought of myself as the adventurous type. With my head buried in algorithms and codes, my life as a computer science student at the local university was anything but exciting. That is until today, when I stumbled upon something quite out of the ordinary in my holiday advent calendar. The traditional chocolates had been replaced by unique surprises each day, and today's treat stood out - a small pouch filled with weed that emitted a strong whiff of peppermint, it also looked a little bit like a Christmas tree which was a nice touch.
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Intrigued by this unusual find, I cautiously inspected the contents. Now, I'm not completely unfamiliar with weed; I had tried it once in the past out of sheer curiosity. I vividly remember the mellow high and occasional giggles that followed. However, this peppermint-scented variant was an entirely different league.
The scent was intoxicating, to say the least, creating a wave of both bewilderment and curiosity. I had never encountered anything like this before. As I held the pouch, the peppermint aroma seemed to cast a spell, drawing me in further. With a mixture of doubt and intrigue, I found myself pondering over the unusual effects this strain might induce. Could it be stronger, more potent than anything I had tried before?
With a mix of trepidation and curiosity, I decided to smoke it. As the peppermint-laced smoke filled my lungs, a wave of unexpected sensations began. The scent was indeed hypnotic, drawing me in further with each breath. At first, there was just a faint tingling sensation around my groin, subtle but undeniably present. Then, as if out of nowhere, a surge of raw, intense horniness exploded within me.
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I wasn't prepared for the intensity of it, the way it seemed to consume my thoughts and make everything else fade into the background. It was as if my mind was being clouded, the once sharp edges of my intelligence dulled by the overpowering wave of desire. At first, I fought against it, trying to hold on to my rational thoughts even as they slipped further and further away. But the horniness was relentless, its grip on me tightening with each passing second.
The urge to give in became overwhelming, the promise of mindless pleasure too enticing to resist. Gradually, I began to succumb to it, allowing the primal instincts to take over. The initial struggle was replaced by a growing sense of surrender, my once sharp mind now shrouded in a blissful fog of arousal.
As the intoxicating effects of the peppermint weed took hold, my body began to change in ways I couldn't have imagined. Firstly, my arousal seemed to intensify with each passing second. It was as if a never-ending surge of lust pulsed through my veins, making the simplest of thoughts clouded by explicit images and urges. My pupils dilated, the once sharp edges of my vision becoming hazy as if I was perpetually lost in a state of pleasure-filled daze.
But it was the physical changes that truly took me by surprise. I could feel a heavy weight starting to form in my groin, the unmistakable sensation of my balls beginning to swell. They grew larger and heavier, sagging prominently with the sheer abundance of cum and testosterone they were now producing.
Every step I took, every movement I made, the swinging of my heavy balls served as a hypnotic rhythm that fueled my growing arousal. And the precum, it seemed to flow endlessly from my overproductive cock, a relentless stream of sticky pleasure that coated my skin. The feeling of it was velvety smooth and enticing, a constant tease that left me wanting more.
Physically, the changes were becoming more pronounced. My once lean frame was now taking on a different form, the slight musculature of a stoner replacing the skinny build of a computer science nerd. The well-defined lines of my arms and chest hinted at a subtle strength, a result of the relentless munchies and munching I found myself indulging in. My body, once devoid of any real muscles, was now adorned with a lanky, lean physique that exuded a distinct aura of musky arousal.
As the weed's effects continued to exert their hold, I could feel my once sharp mind becoming clouded, the complex thoughts and academic knowledge gradually slipping away. In their place, a singular focus emerged - the relentless pursuit of pleasure. Every thought, every action revolved around this basic instinct, the once intricate workings of my intellect replaced by a primal simplicity.
 "Mmm, I like...feel good," these were the words that now dominated my thoughts, a simple and crude expression of the all-encompassing desires that filled my blank mind. I could feel my once extensive vocabulary dwindling, the complex sentences making way for a more straightforward, almost childlike manner of speech. The once intellectual discourse was replaced by a single-minded repetition of basic needs and desires.
I reached down, my large hand gripping my thickened cock, slick with the constant flow of precum. Each stroke felt like a jolt of raw pleasure, the kind that bypasses rational thought and goes straight to the primal core. I could feel the weight of my heavy balls, their persistent sag now serving as a hypnotic rhythm that fueled my growing arousal. My other hand wandered over my lean torso, the subtle strength of a stoner evident in every curve and line. I leaned in, inhaling deeply, my nostrils filled with the unmistakable scent of pit musk - a heady mix of sweat, weed and testosterone that served as an intoxicating aphrodisiac.
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As the haze of the weed clouded my already dulled mind, my actions became solely focused on pleasure. The relentless edging sessions, the hours spent in a state of mindless bliss were a testament to this singular pursuit. Each touch, each stroke was a worship of the changes that had taken over my body, a celebration of the unrelenting desires that now defined me.
I gooned hard, the hours blending into a continuous loop of raw pleasure. My once sharp mind was now a blank slate, every rational thought replaced by a simple, crude need for mindless pleasure.
Finally, I could feel it building, a relentless wave of pleasure that seemed to emanate from the very depths of my being. Each stroke, each touch was a step closer to the edge, the promise of release hanging heavy in the thick, hazy air. And then it hit me, I finally succumbed to the ecstasy of release, a jolt of pleasure so intense that it seemed to shatter the very fabric of my senses.
The first rope of cum erupted from my overproductive cock, the force of it hitting me like a physical blow. It was thick, creamy, and unrelenting - a relentless stream of pure bliss that coated my skin in its velvety warmth. I could taste the saltiness of it on my lips, the earthy aroma of musk serving as a constant reminder of the raw eroticism of the moment.
And it didn't stop, the waves of pleasure were continuous, each climax more intense than the last. The cum, it seemed endless - a testament to the overproductive nature of my heavy, sagging balls. It dripped down my body, a tantalizing tease that left me wanting more. Each wave of release was a crescendo of pleasure, the world around me fading into nothingness as the singular focus on my pure, unadulterated ecstasy took over.
With a primal need, I scooped up the thick, creamy cum that adorned my skin. Each finger that dipped into the smooth texture was a deliberate motion, a way to prolong the raw pleasure that the simple act evoked. I could feel the weight of the cum in my mouth, the taste a heady mix of salt and - thanks to the weed - an unmistakable pepperminty sweetness. It was something I savored, each deliberate movement of my tongue a celebration of the raw eroticism that now defined me.
As I lay down in the puddle of my own cum, the surrealism of the moment hit me. And as I succumbed to the comforting embrace of sleep, the relentless high of the weed and the lingering taste of my own cum served as a lullaby, each sensation a promise of the raw pleasures that awaited.
As a side note I really fucking hate tumblrs porn ban, I’ve had to delete 3 pics already from this story just to get it live
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masterlouistf · 6 months
Advent Calendar - December 5th
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The sweet aroma of peppermint mocha fills the air as I pry open the day’s compartment in our advent calendar. Instead of the usual trinket, a set of cards with intricate designs and bold lettering rests inside. “Daring Desires,” I read aloud, my brow furrowing in confusion.
Ryan, his hazel eyes alight with curiosity, tilts his head to get a better view. “Sounds mysterious,” he remarks, a playful smirk dancing on his lips. He’s the charming one, our resident scholar with a razor-sharp mind and an effortless wit.
Nate, our athletic friend with an impressive physique and an unfaltering confidence, gives the cards an indifferent glance. “Might as well give it a go. Could be interesting,” he offers nonchalantly, his voice showcasing a tinge of his usual cocky confidence.
As for me, I’m Jack, the introspective artist who often fades into the background of our group. Unlike Ryan and Nate, I’m not as quick to embrace the unknown. The peculiar set of dares in front of us holds an air of uncertainty, giving me an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach.
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The first few dares from the cards were innocent enough, light-hearted suggestions like speaking in different accents or doing funny impersonations. Ryan did a surprisingly good Russian accent, and Nate’s impression of a chicken had us in fits of laughter. The atmosphere in the dorm room remained relaxed, the initial unease I felt slowly dissipating as we delved deeper into the game.
As we continued with the dares, the cards seemed to grow warmer in my hands, emitting a faint glow that went unnoticed by Ryan and Nate. The harmless nature, while momentarily soothing, couldn’t mask the niggling feeling at the back of my mind – a silent warning that things were about to change in a way none of us could anticipate.
“I dare you to flex for the next two minutes, showing off those impressive muscles,” Ryan reads out the next dare from the cards, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
Nate, ever the athletic one with an enviable physique honed through numerous hours at the gym, takes on the challenge with a cocky grin. As he flexes his biceps, the outline of the once bulging muscles starts to diminish, the definition fading away bit by bit. “Wait, what’s happening?” he exclaims, the initial pride in his display turning into confusion and then growing distress.
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His voice, once laced with a confident resonance, now quivers with uncertainty. “This isn’t funny, guys. Something’s wrong,” he says, the worry in his tone mirroring the panic in his eyes.
Nate reads out the next dare, his usually deep voice now reflecting a hint of worry. “I dare you to recite the first ten digits of Pi, slowly and without any pauses,” he says.
Ryan, who’s known for his sharp intellect and quick wit, takes a moment to gather his thoughts, the once keen eyes now clouded with confusion. “three... point... Um… uh…” he stammers, the effortless charm in his demeanor replaced by a growing vulnerability. The digits of Pi, a subject he could effortlessly delve into with an air of authority, now seem to elude his grasp, each number slipping away like grains of sand from a faltering hold. His once crystal-clear mind, a repository of knowledge and vibrant ideas, now resembles a foggy labyrinth of uncertainty.
Meanwhile, as his intellect diminishes, physical changes start to manifest on his once-slim frame. His clothes suddenly seem tighter as his muscles begin to swell, stretching the fabric and straining against the seams. His jawline becomes more pronounced, the chiselled features reflecting the beginnings of a more masculine visage. The once boyish charm gives way to a rugged appeal, the potential for intellect overshadowed by an intimidating physicality.
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Nate, initially preoccupied with his own transformation, notices the changes in Ryan. The subtle aroma of sweat fills the air as Ryan, his new athletic physique glistening under the dim dorm room lights, becomes a captivating sight for Nate - who can’t help but stare with a mix of awe and desire.
Ryans distressed demeanor seems to lessen as the changes continue, a faint smirk finally appearing on his lips as if savoring the nascent thoughts in his once-brilliant mind. But it's the growing bulge in his pants that captures their attention. The wet spot forming as a massive cock snakes down, the outline unmistakable even under the thick fabric.
“I dare you to speak in a thick, exaggerated chavvy accent,” Ryan reads the next dare aloud, a sly grin playing on his lips.
A wave of unexpected boldness washes over me, my usual reserved nature giving way to a sudden surge of confidence. “Alright lads, ‘ere we go,” I say, my voice deepening and gaining a rough edge, each word rolling off my tongue with an uncharacteristic flair. The transition is noticeable; the crisp, articulate accent I once possessed replaced by the raw, unrefined cadence of a chav
As the transformation takes hold, my thin, wiry frame starts to change - the once lanky physique turning lean and sturdy, the result of a growing confidence and self-assuredness that’s uncharacteristic of my usual self. My clothes, tailored for a slimmer silhouette, suddenly feel tighter - the fabric straining against the bulging muscles that now define my transformed body.
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“I dare you to pleasure me and Ryan." I say aloud. The words hang in the air, their weight tangible. Nate, with his new lean twinkish frame, gives a knowing smile - the glint in his eye hinting at the unspoken desire lurking beneath the surface.
Seizing the perfect moment, I confidently pull Ryan into my arms, embracing his muscular physique. Our lips meet in a dominating kiss. I take ownership of his mouth, tasting, exploring, every corner of it with an authority that leaves him helpless. I keep him wrapped under my spell of dominance, while the dimly lit room whispers unsaid stories of this newfound intimacy.
The taste of mint and warmth trigger an electrifying surge through my body, leading me to deepen the kiss further, my tongue marking the depth of his mouth. His responsive moans, echoing in my mouth motivate me to kiss him even more passionately. His submissive demeanour and how easily he submits to my desires, speak volumes of his jockish simplicity, making him all the more desirable to me.
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Meanwhile, Nate, reduced to an obedient submission with his new-found lust, yanks our pants down abruptly. The change in Nate turns him into the perfect submissive twink, readily obeying to fulfill our desires. Almost instantly he realizes how much he enjoys it, a side to him he had been unaware of until now. His eagerness to service us, making the experience even more intoxicating.
A new sensation floods my senses as Nate, after wetting his fingers with saliva, wraps his firm grip around our throbbing cocks. The cool touch of his fingers stirs a bolt of pleasure that shoots up my spine, leaving me to gasp into Ryan's mouth. Nate starts stroking us, his rhythm fluctuating between slow and sensual, and fast and filthy. His movements are effortless, the perfect pressure and pace to keep us hanging on the edge. His lower lips wrap around our lengths by turns, sucking with all the sexy clumsiness he gives off now. His tongue whirls and teases our sensitive tips, making Ryan and I groan in unison.
Flexing my pumped biceps and sporting a cocky smirk, the change in identity feels like the perfect power trip. I grip Nate's tousled hair forcefully, positioning him to take my throbbing dick inside his mouth. He whimpers softly as I push into his warm cavern, each thrust growing more and more aggressive.
The feel of his wet lips wrapping tight around my shaft, his tongue sweeping across the sensitive underside, sends jolts of pleasure up my spine. His muffled moans vibrate against my length, intensifying the sensation. I don't hold back, letting my instincts take over, thrusting in and out of his mouth with a rhythm that has him gasping for air every so often.
Enjoying the sight of my dominance, Ryan starts to position himself behind Nate. His thick cock at the entrance of Nate's tight hole. With a firm and steady push, Ryan slides inside him, causing Nate's body to jerk forward, inadvertently taking my dick deeper into his mouth.
Thrashing against the onslaught of pleasure, the room fills with guttural groans and heavy pants. The sensation of Nate's warm mouth engulfing me, combined with the sight of Ryan fucking him relentlessly from behind sends me into an overdrive of ecstasy. I grip tighter on Nate's head, using his mouth as my personal toy, as I edge closer and closer to a powerful climax.
The silence in the room is overridden by the symphony of our loud groans as we all reach the climax together. Ryan's possessive growls echo in the room as he fills Nate's ass with his load, his hips stuttering from the force of his release.
Simultaneously, the sight of Ryan unloading in Nate and the sucking contractions of Nate's mouth around my cock tests my restraint until it snaps. The pleasure weaves through my body in a forceful wave, rippling out from my cock into the warmth of Nate's mouth. My head drops back as I release my hot milky load down his throat, the texture of my spend causing him to gulp and swallow rhythmically.
With the simultaneous feel of our thick hot cum marking his insides, Nate finds his own release. His untouched cock spurts out string after string of his cum onto the sheets beneath him. His body spasms with the intensity, a loud garbled moan escaping him around my spent cock still in his mouth.
The room fills with an intoxicating, musky scent of fresh, hot cum, marking the end of this erotic dare, just like the cards foretold. And even though our bodies still tingle from the climax, a strange satisfaction courses through our veins. We three, completely transformed and spent, lay exhausted, and yet exceptionally content in the aftermath of our shared ecstasy.
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masterlouistf · 6 months
Advent Calendar - December 4th
As December arrived, I eagerly anticipated venturing into the realm of magical possibilities with the advent calendar. The fourth day gifted me a peculiar necklace with an exotic charm. Without hesitation, I fastened it around my neck, the cool metal sending a shiver down my spine.
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Later that evening, I lounged on my couch, scrolling through Instagram. A picture of a muscular guy caught my eye – his biceps bulging with raw strength. Intrigued, I studied his arm minutely, admiring the taut muscle and prominent veins. With a wistful sigh, I muttered under my breath, "I wish I had those biceps."
As soon as the words left my lips, I felt a strange sensation coursing through me. The biceps on the Instagram model seemed to inflate right in front of my eyes, growing larger and more defined. However, to my shock, I realized that the growth was happening on my own arm!
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Embracing the surreal transformation, I lifted my arm and brought it close to my face. The musky scent of it enveloped my senses, the heady aroma of sweat and pheromones emanating from my new bicep. Without hesitation, I leaned in and sensually ran my tongue along the taut muscle, savoring the salty taste of my own skin.
Eager to explore the transformative capabilities of the enchanted necklace, I opened TikTok and began my quest for the perfect physique. Scrolling through, I chanced upon a jaw-droppingly handsome male model, his chiseled features exuding raw magnetism. Intrigued, I tapped on the screen and in a bold move, uttered, "I want his face" as if that's the most natural thing to do.
As the model's face appeared in front of me, his sharp jawline, perfectly sculpted cheekbones, and piercing hazel eyes became my reality, the once ordinary features of my own face permanently replaced by the striking attractiveness of the model. Each glance in the mirror now revealed a visage that epitomized rugged allure, a stark contrast to my former self.
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Excited by the prospects of further transformation, I fixated on the next aspect of my physique – my abs. With a deep breath, I uttered, "I want his abs", fully aware of the consequences. The ordinary flatness of my stomach was instantly overcome by an intense pressure, the muscles beneath growing, expanding. Soon, I was left with a set of massive, chunky abs that exuded raw power, distinct cum gutters framing the rugged terrain of my abdomen.
I slowly ran my hands over the newly acquired landscape of my abs, feeling the firmness and definition beneath my touch. The massive muscles rippled with each movement, a testament to raw strength. I couldn't resist the temptation as I teasingly traced the lines of my cum gutters, each groove eliciting a surge of arousal. My body pulsed with newfound desire, the eroticism of my transformed physique becoming an intense source of fascination.
With the same audacious resolve, I directed my attention to the alluring attributes of the hot gay Latino model. "I want his ass," I declared, savouring the thrilling anticipation of the change. In an instant, my once average rear was transformed into a perfect, perky mound of muscle and temptation - its roundness and firmness exuding an irresistible allure.
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Next, I focused on the model's thick thighs, and with a simple "I want his thighs," the transformation took place. My own previously thinner thighs filled out, becoming robust and solid with defined muscles, embodying the strength and virility of the latino model.
Lastly, I set my sights on his feet. "I want his feet," I commanded, and immediately felt a tingling sensation in my own. When I looked down, I saw that my feet had grown larger and more rugged, in perfect resemblance to the ones displayed on the screen
With my transformed physique on full display, I felt a mix of arousal and fascination consuming me. I started to stroke the length of my cock. Each flex of my new muscles, each defined curve was a testament to the irresistible allure of physical prowess. As my breathing quickened and my strokes became more urgent, the eroticism of my transformed body intensified, becoming an integral part of my escalating pleasure.
In a bold move, I decided to seek an upgrade for my disappointing 3” cock. I came across a profile of a hot guy online. His cock was a sight to behold - a 12” cut python, thick as a beer can. The sheer size of it was mesmerizing, each vein and ridge hinting at the raw power it held. The overwhelming contrast to my own modest length made the desire for the upgrade even more urgent.
With a mix of curiosity and desire, I decided to transfer the hot guy's colossal member onto myself. "I want his cock," I rasped, the words hanging heavy with anticipation. As the wish took effect, my own meagre length began an unprecedented growth spurt, the sensation almost overwhelming in its intensity. However, the pleasure of the growth was abruptly halted when a cold metal cage formed around the newly enhanced member, leaving it caged, throbbing and totally out of reach.
With my new, oversized cock straining against the confining cage, the need to release the pent-up desire became all-consuming. The cage, tight as it was, acted like a relentless cock ring, intensifying the throbbing ache of arousal. Every attempt to touch myself was futile as the solid metal obstructed any sensation, leaving me in a state of maddening frustration.
Desperate for release, I grabbed my girlfriend's dildo and plunged it deep into my ass. The sensation was electrifying, the tightness of my hole welcoming the intrusion with uncanny familiarity. Each thrust of the dildo sent waves of pleasure coursing through me, the relentless rhythm pushing me closer to the edge of ecstasy. The forbidden pleasure of fucking my own ass, the knowledge that it must've belonged to a gay guy before, only added to the raw, primal arousal. Each powerful thrust was met with an equally intense desire, the overwhelming experience becoming an intoxicating mix of pleasure and forbidden desire.
The intense pleasure culminated in an explosive orgasm, the sheer force of it taking me by surprise. My oversized cock, clearly not having experienced release in a while, unleashed a massive, unrelenting torrent of cum, the restrained spurts pooling and overflowing within the confining cage. The warm, viscous cum seeped through the metal bars, oozing seductively onto the glistening expanse of my new, chunky abs and the densely packed curls of my pubes. The sheer amount of cum, the raw eroticism of the act, and the knowledge of the forbidden only served to amplify the already overwhelming intensity of the experience.
The rush of cumming was wild. My new huge cock throbbing in its cage, as my hot cum seeped out, covering my rock-hard abs. Lying there, spent, made me think. All that body worship, all that desire, it was all about men. Even when I tried to think of my girlfriend, I felt nothing. But when I thought about my own cock, my own ass, the pleasure was intense. I was getting off on the same things a gay man would. This was much more than a body transformation. The necklace had changed what turned me on. It had made me gay. And the thing was, I didn't mind at all. I enjoyed touching my hard muscles, my big cock. It felt right. It felt like... me.
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masterlouistf · 6 months
Advent Calendar - December 3rd
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As I stand in front of the mirror, I can't help but admire my own reflection. The way my muscles ripple and flex is a testament to the countless hours I've spent in the gym. I'm Josh, the quintessential muscular jock. With my chiseled features and confident demeanor, I'm the epitome of rugged athleticism.
In the midst of my self-admiration, my eyes are drawn to the advent calendar on the wall. It's an odd addition to my room, given my usual disdain for anything remotely whimsical. Yet, there it is, standing out like a sore thumb against the backdrop of weights and sports posters. Each compartment holds a different surprise, and I've been idly indulging in its contents as December progresses. Little did I know that today's discovery would change everything.
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Today, however, there's something different in the calendar. Instead of the usual protein bars or energy drinks, there's a small, peculiar-looking cookie. It's colorful and almost whimsical, completely at odds with the rest of my room. I pick it up, eyeing it with suspicion. This doesn't look like something I'd normally eat, especially with my strict diet and workout regimen. But then again, a little deviation won't hurt.
With a shrug, I take a bite, expecting the taste of artificial flavors and excessive sweetness. Instead, there's a burst of vibrant, indescribable flavors that seem to dance on my tongue. Before I can process this unexpected sensation, everything around me starts to grow larger. The weights, the posters, my once towering mirror - they all loom over me, mocking my shrinking form. The disorientation is palpable, as if my entire being is being compressed into a smaller, confined space.
As I continue to shrink, my world becomes a dizzying blur of motion and sound. Before I know it, I'm tumbling through the air, landing unceremoniously on a wooden surface. It takes me a moment to gather my scattered wits, and as my surroundings come into focus, I realize that I'm on Owen's desk.
Just as I'm registering this surreal turn of events, Owen walks out of the bathroom. His size, especially in comparison to my shrunken state, is staggering. Clad in nothing but a pair of well-worn, stained, skin-tight boxers. His skin glistens with a sheen of sweat, and the pungent aroma of his musky body fills the air, creating a palpable sense of musk and sweat that's impossible to ignore.
"Oy, what's this then?" Owen's voice is gruff and laced with a heavy accent, his chavvy inflections adding a rough, unrefined edge to his words. He smirks down at me, his blue eyes sparkling with a mixture of amusement and cocky arrogance. "Seems like the mighty Josh has been reduced to a little dolly, 'asn't 'e?" His tone is mocking and condescending, clearly relishing the opportunity to assert his dominance over me in this unexpected turn of events.
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With a rough chuckle, Owen reaches down and effortlessly picks me up, his fingers wrapping around my shrunken form with a firm, almost possessive grip. He brings me up to his face, his hot, rancid breath washing over me with every word he speaks. "You're gonna be my little toy for now, innit?" His voice is a low growl, the roughness of his tone adding to the overall predatory aura he's exuding.
Before I can react, he shoves me unceremoniously into the tight confines of his briefs. The heat is suffocating, every breath I take filled with nothing but the overpowering scent of his musk. I can feel the rough texture of his hairy body pressing against me from all sides, the dampness of his sweat-soaked skin leaving a slick film on my shrunken form.
Owen's verbal commands are relentless, each word laced with an unmistakable air of dominance. "Cuddle up nice and close, I want ya to get real familiar with me bits," he sneers, his tone leaving no room for argument. Reluctantly, I comply, pressing myself against the musky, hairy expanse of his balls. The overpowering smell of his sweat and musk envelopes me, each inhale a dizzying mix of repulsion and a strange, primal arousal.
As the minutes turn into an eternity, Owen's verbal demands become increasingly explicit. "Now give us a little kiss, don't be shy," he teases, the roughness of his voice sending a shiver down my spine. With a mixture of revulsion and resignation, I press my lips against the musky, hairy expanse of his balls. The taste is salty and bitter, the texture rough and entirely unpleasant. But the taste of pre in my mouth is even more overpowering. Each dollop that hits me makes a sound, as he smacks his lips together, taunting "josh do you recognize the taste? Its my precum, all for you"
As if I haven't endured enough, Owen's next command is the most degrading yet. "Right, time for the main course," he sneers, his tone filled with sadistic amusement. "Get in there." He gestures to his cock, the flaccid member looming in front of me like a grotesque monument. The smell hits me first, a nauseating combination of stale piss, old sweat, and something even more pungent that I can only assume is old cum.
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The taste of precum is still lingering in my mouth, the bitter, salty flavor making me gag with every desperate breath I take. With a resigned sense of dread, I tentatively start to climb inside Owen's cock, the slippery walls closing around me with a sickening squelch. The texture is slimy and repulsive, the walls lined with a sticky film that makes my skin crawl. The overpowering smell surrounds me, each inhale a suffocating mix of noxious odors that only serves to further fuel my growing sense of revulsion. It's a sensory overload that's almost too much to bear.
Just when I think things can't get any worse, Owen starts to pump himself, his rhythmic movements creating a relentless wave of motion that threatens to engulf me entirely. Each thrust pushes me deeper into the nightmarish depths of his cock, the walls closing in around me with an unyielding grip. The sticky film becomes even more pronounced, a sickly sheen that coats every inch of my shrunken form as if to mark me as nothing more than a mere plaything for Owen's sadistic pleasure. The smell only grows stronger, a noxious cloud that hangs heavily in the air.
Owen's words only serve to further fuel my growing sense of despair. "That's it, squirm around in there nice and good," he taunts, his voice a low growl that's filled with a cruel kind of satisfaction. "I want ya to feel every inch of my cock, to know that you're nothin' but a filthy little toy for me to use as I please.". As his thrusts become faster and more frantic, I can't help but wonder if I'll ever escape this nightmarish reality.
As if in a cruel crescendo, Owen's movements become more frantic, the rhythm of his thrusts becoming erratic and desperate. The squelching sound grows louder, each wet squish a sickening reminder of the nightmare I'm trapped in. And then suddenly, the walls around me begin to contract, the once flaccid member now going rock hard." That's it, boy," Owen grunts, his voice filled with a mixture of triumph and sadistic pleasure. "You're gonna take it all, every last drop."
Then, with a force that's almost violent in its intensity, the first wave of cum hits me. It's a rancid torrent, the putrid taste overwhelming my senses as it fills my mouth and nostrils, making it hard to breathe. Each subsequent wave is worse than the last, the sheer volume of his load smothering me with a suffocating embrace that's almost too much to bear. The taste is sickening, a vile mixture of salt and something else that's entirely repulsive.
As the last of his cum oozes out, I'm left coated in a thick layer of the vile substance, the smell of rancid cum and musk clinging to me like a suffocating shroud. Owen simply chuckles sadistically at my plight before getting up and putting the underwear back on, the slick texture of cum making it difficult for me to breathe or move. The heat inside the underwear is oppressive, the dampness of the fabric further adding to the overall sense of discomfort and suffocation. I'm stuck in a hellish purgatory, the pungent smell of musk and cum constantly assaulting my senses as I lay there helplessly, unable to do anything but wait for Owen's return.
"Please, Owen," I beg, my voice muffled by the fabric of the underwear. "You said you'd let me out. Please, I can't take this anymore. It's hot and suffocating in here, the smell is overpowering and I'm starting to feel sick. You have to let me out."
But Owen simply grins, his blue eyes glinting with a malicious glimmer of amusement. "Not yet, mate," he says, his tone casual and unconcerned. "I'm off to the footie with the lads. Gonna get you nice and musky and hot inside there, then if you get me off again later I might put you in the draw overnight." With that, he gets his footie gear on and strolls out of the room.
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masterlouistf · 6 months
The Advent Calendar - December 2nd
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I flip open the tiny door labelled "December 2nd" on my advent calendar. Inside, nestled in a bed of fake snow, there's a sprig of shimmering mistletoe. It's charming, I suppose, but there's something peculiar about it that I can't quite put my finger on.
With a shrug, I hang it above my front door, clueless about the unexplainable magic that pours from it, overlooking the faint otherworldly glow radiating from the plant. A subtle scent fills the air, hinting at its enchanting effects. It's unique, a scent that's hard to forget or ignore.
The next morning is when everything changes. As I open my door, the UPS delivery driver is there, his grin bright and cheerful. There's a scent that comes with him—raw yet subtly sweet with a mix of musk and wood making his cologne a captivating ensemble. Muscles rippling against the confines of his tight, brown uniform, he steps across the threshold and into my space.
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Before I can think, his lips are on mine, and it's like a forceful storm making landfall. The flavors in his mouth leave me stunned—mint, coffee, and the faint sweetness of a glazed donut. As his tongue forges ahead, it’s apparent that I'm helplessly caught in a whirl of uncontrolled lust and desire.
I try to push him away, but it's futile. His strength overpowers me effortlessly. I'm pinned in his strong arms as they harshly keep hold of me, the scent of his musky cologne, intensified by the magic of the mistletoe, intoxicating my senses.
As my shock turns into submission, his hands wander over my body, ripping off my clothes like they're nothing more than tissue paper. He then lowers his own trousers, his thick, pulsing erection stands proudly, it reeks of sweat and fresh precum did earlier. His underwear, worn and sweaty, remove any chance of protest when he forcefully stuffs them into my mouth. The taste is overwhelming—sweat, fresh precum, and a hint of deodorant.
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Then he takes me, his hardened cock thrusting deep into my tight hole. I wasn't prepared for this; the sudden intrusion feels like I'm being split apart. His thickness spreads me wider than I’ve ever been, filling me to the brim. It's a nightmare, the burning sensation of him stretching my hole sending shockwaves through my body. But amidst this hell, something happens that I can't comprehend, I feel my cock straining. The idea of me being aroused in this situation disgusts me, yet I can't ignore the throbbing sensation between my legs, my erection standing contrary to my repulsion.
And then, the driver releases his load. His body shudders as thick spurts of his heat shoot deep inside me. It feels hot against my ravaged insides, the feeling too intense to bear. Under the weight of his relentless assault and the heat of his release, I cum too. It happens unexpectedly, my body betraying me at this vulnerable moment. My release shoots far up on my chest in a pathetic rope, with the rest just oozing out and dripping lazily from the tip of my erection.
As abruptly as it started, the driver pulls out of me and gets up, his strong, muscular frame glistening with sweat. In a daze, I watch as he simply turns around and walks away, leaving me on the floor, disoriented and sore.
Moaning, I spit out the disgusting fabric still gagging me inside my mouth. My body feels sore and violated. Yet, despite everything that occurred, there's a veil haziness over my memories. It's like a piece of the puzzle has been wiped clean.
Desperate for some familiarity, I fall back into my daily routine. The simmering sound of bacon frying and the rich aroma of coffee brewing begin to fill my kitchen, grounding me back to the present. Tomorrow my cousin from the UK is supposed to visit, a distraction I'm eager to welcome.
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masterlouistf · 6 months
The Advent Calendar - December 1st
It was just a regular day working out at home for Mike, a hot jock with a muscular physique and a confident swagger. His routine was always the same - working out, checking himself out in the mirror, and a sweaty wank. But today was different. Today, he received a mysterious package in the mail - a magical advent calendar. The note attached to it read, "Open one door a day for a magical surprise!"
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Intrigued, I decided to open the first door... and out popped a small vial filled with a shimmering blue liquid. Without hesitation, I drank the entire potion in one gulp, expecting some kind of enhancement to my already perfect body. But instead, I felt a strange tingling sensation all over my body, and then everything went black. When I regained consciousness, I found myself in a completely different place. It took me a moment to realize that I was in a dog's body - my dog's body, to be precise. I tried to speak, to scream, but all that came out was a series of barks and whimpers.
My body was an epitome of masculine perfection - every inch of my being exuded raw, unbridled power. The musky scent of my own sweat hung thick in the air, mixing with the heady aroma of my masculine pheromones. Beads of sweat glistened on my tanned skin, accentuating the definition of my chiseled muscles. From my bulging biceps to my rock-hard abs, every muscle seemed to pulsate with a life of its own. The veins stood out in stark relief, showcasing the sheer strength and power that my body possessed. And then there was my cock - long, thick, and already semi-erect. It seemed to throb with a rhythm of its own, as if it was eagerly anticipating the pleasures that were to come.
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As my old body continued to revel in its own musk, it brought its arm up to its face and took a deep sniff of its own armpit. The look of pure bliss on my face was unmistakable, as if it was savoring the pungent aroma. Then, without any hesitation, my tongue darted out and started to lick its own sweaty armpit. The dog in me, trapped in my human body, could only watch in disbelief as my own body performed such an intimate act of self-pleasure. The sight was both humiliating and incredibly erotic, and I couldn't deny the fact that I was getting turned on by the sheer kinkiness of it all.
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The taste of its own sweat seemed to drive my body wild with desire, and my tongue explored every crevice of its armpit with an almost feverish intensity. It was as if my body couldn't get enough of its own taste, and the way it licked and sucked on its own armpit suggested a level of self-indulgence that was almost obscene. The look of ecstasy on my face only intensified as my body continued to pleasure itself, and the sheer intimacy of the act was enough to send shivers of arousal down my spine.
Still trapped in the dog's body, my senses were overwhelmed by the sight and smell of my own body as it continued its self-indulgent display. After it was done with its armpit, my body brought its hand up to its chest and started to grope its own pecs. The firmness of the muscles under its touch was evident, and the look of sheer satisfaction on its face showed just how much it enjoyed the sensation.
Then it moved down to its ass, giving the cheeks a playful squeeze before running its hand over the firm, round mounds. Each touch seemed to elicit a low moan of pleasure from my body, and the way it massaged and squeezed its own ass spoke volumes about its self-appreciation.
But the real showstopper was when my body's hand finally reached its cock and balls. The way it shamelessly grabbed and fondled its crotch, feeling the hardness of its erection and the weight of its heavy balls, made it clear that my body was in a state of pure, unadulterated lust. It seemed to revel in the sensations, giving its cock a few slow strokes while it continued to play with its balls. The look of desire and longing on its face was evident, and it was clear that my body was thoroughly enjoying the attention it was giving itself.
My body's final act of self-indulgence was something that completely took me by surprise. It bent down, and to my utter shock and arousal, my body's mouth made its way to its own cock. The initial lick was slow and deliberate, as if my body was savoring the taste of its own pre-cum. Then it started to take more of its cock into its mouth, bobbing its head up and down in a steady rhythm. The moans of pleasure that reverberated through the room were unmistakable, and it was clear that my body was thoroughly enjoying the act.
The way my body deep-throated its own cock, the way its tongue expertly teased every inch of its length, the way its lips wrapped around it in a tight, wet embrace - it was a sight to behold. The raw, unbridled passion with which my body sucked itself off was nothing short of mesmerizing, and I couldn't tear my eyes away from the erotic display.
After a few tantalizing minutes, my body couldn't hold back any longer. It released a primal grunt of pleasure as it came hard, shooting ropes of cum into its own waiting mouth. The sheer intensity of its orgasm was evident, and the way it eagerly lapped up its own cum like a thirsty dog only added to the raw, animalistic nature of the scene. Then, with its cock still glistening with traces of cum, my body continued to pleasure itself with its tongue, nursing its spent cock with an almost loving tenderness. The way it licked and kissed its own length, paying special attention to the sensitive head, suggested a level of self-indulgence that was almost obscene.
As if in a trance, my body continued its self-indulgent display. It was as if time had stopped for my body, as it kept pleasuring itself in various ways - from groaning and flexing its muscles to nursing its cock with its tongue, all while it is still covered in cum. The sheer intensity and duration of this self-pleasure was astonishing, as if my body was completely lost in its own world of pure, unadulterated lust.
The scent of sex and sweat hung heavy in the air, creating an intoxicating atmosphere that seemed to fuel my body's desires even further. It was a heady mix of musk and masculinity, and the hypnotic rhythm of my body's movements only added to the erotic allure of the scene. The reflection of my body's glistening form in the dim light of the room was like something out of a sensual, erotic dream - every curve and contour of its muscular physique seemed to be accentuated, as if the room itself was paying homage to my body's raw, unbridled power.
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As the clock struck midnight, the magical effect of the potion wore off and I found myself back in my own body. Except this time, I was still in the same position - my mouth full of my own cock, and my body on the brink of another intense orgasm. With a primal roar, I came hard, shooting a massive load of cum into my own waiting mouth.
All I could taste was the disgusting taste of my own sweaty cock, the sticky remnants of cum, and the lingering tang of armpit sweat. It was a taste that was simultaneously repulsive and yet strangely arousing, and it served as a constant reminder of the surreal experience I had just gone through. The initial shock and confusion had given way to a strange sense of arousal, and as I lay there with my spent cock in my mouth and a huge load of cum on my tongue, I couldn't deny the fact that I was getting turned on by the sheer kinkiness of it all.
The taste of my own filth seemed to linger on my tongue, and the overpowering musky scent of sex and sweat still hung heavy in the air. It was a sensory overload that was both repulsive and yet strangely alluring, and as I lay there in a state of post-orgasmic bliss, I couldn't help but revel in the sheer depravity of the moment. It was a taste and a scent that would stay with me for a long time, serving as a constant reminder of the kinky transformation I had experienced - thanks to the magical advent calendar that had promised a 'magical surprise' every day.
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masterlouistf · 7 months
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I walk into the grungy public toilet, my confident stride faltering momentarily as the strong stench of urine hits me. The dim, flickering lights cast an eerie glow, illuminating the dilapidated state of the place. My focus, however, is on the task at hand as I move towards the urinal.
Before I can unzip, a figure steps out from the shadows, blocking my path. It's Danny, the leader of a group of menacing chavs. His sneer is intimidating, and the glint of his piercing adds to the palpable sense of danger. "Oi, pretty boy, what are you doing in our space?" His mocking tone cuts through the grimy silence, and I instinctively straighten up, my muscles tensing.
"Just need to take a piss, then I’ll be on my way," I reply, trying to keep my tone assertive. However, the encircling presence of Danny's gang and the subtle threat of the flick knife in his hand makes me acutely aware of the dangerous situation I'm in.
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Danny steps closer, his rough hand grabbing a fistful of my hair, forcing my head back to expose my throat. "You don't speak unless spoken to, got it?" his voice carries a dangerous edge, and the pungent smell of his unwashed body - a hypnotic mixture of musk, sweat, and cheap cologne - overwhelms my senses. He pushes his hand under his crotch, a lewd smirk on his face as he pulls it out, glistening with his musky, pre-cum soaked scent. "Smell it," he orders, the command laced with a menacing undertone. I try to resist, but the sheer force of his dominance and the mind-numbing effect of his musk weaken my willpower. The heady scent hits me, a potent mix of earthy musk and a salty tang that’s impossible to ignore. I inhale deeply, my body betraying me as a shudder runs through my frame, the scent igniting a primal desire within me.
As I inhale deeply, my senses reel under the intoxicating effect of his musk, my mind blanking out, my gaze fixated on Danny's crotch. "He likes it, he’s a filthy queer," one of Danny’s friends jeers, the words sinking into my muddled consciousness. The once overwhelming scent of Danny's musk begins to evoke a different response within me, the initial confusion giving way to a twisted form of arousal. My nostrils flare, my breaths coming in short, eager gasps as the musk acts like a potent aphrodisiac, stoking the flames of a forbidden desire I never knew existed within me.
My mouth waters, my tongue darting out to tentatively taste the mix of sweat, skin, and the unmistakable tang of cock cheese coating his glistening hand. The metallic taste of his salty, musky essence is impossibly addictive, and I find myself lapping at his hand eagerly. Each swipe of my tongue is a fervent, worshipful gesture, the degrading act of licking his filth amplifying the shameful pleasure coursing through me. The chavs roar with laughter, their cruel taunts blending into a cacophony of degradation. "Look at the filthy cunt, lapping up his master's stink like a fucking dog," one of them sneers.
My face burns with shame, the humiliation of my degrading task contrasting with the perverse thrill that coils deep within me. The intense feeling of being dominated, humiliated, and used is a heady cocktail that sends a shiver down my spine, my rock-hard length straining against the fabric of my jeans.
The chav's jeers echo in my ears, but the once-offensive words have transformed into a hypnotic chant, each iteration reinforcing their absolute control over me. "Come on, pretty boy, show us how much you love our filth," Danny states, his words a lewd demand that I find myself obeying instinctively. The vinegar-like tang of their salty armpit sweat assaults my senses, the pungent odor a heady mixture of musk, grime, and the faintest hint of deodorant.
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With each ticklish lick, the grime coating their skin becomes a perverse delicacy, the acrid taste eliciting an eager response. The chavs' unrestrained laughter fills the air, their mocking demeanor amplifying the shameful ecstasy of my debased actions. "That's it, worship our pits like a good little fag," their taunts fueling the flames of my deviant desire. The musky, sweat-drenched taste of their skin becomes an addiction, each pass of my tongue a fervent worship of their overpowering masculinity.
The chavs’ unruly grins accentuate their dominating presence. They roughly push me to my knees, each shove an exhibition of their brute strength. Immobilized, I waver in a surreal realm where their will rules supreme. Their zippers echo in the dingy confines, heralding the unveiling of their cocks. The stench of stale piss, mingled with the overpowering aroma of musk and pre-cum, permeates the air, creating an atmosphere that is both disgustingly repelling and bizarrely enticing.
The sight of their engorged members, coated in a sheen of pre-cum and grime, is both hypnotic and repulsive. Each member is a distinct embodiment of masculinity, the musk emanating from them a tangible force that leaves me dazed. It's a heady mix of earthy odors, an intoxicating aroma that tantalizes my senses even amidst the filthy surroundings.
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"Let's see how much of a fag you really are," Danny sneers, pushing his cock towards my mouth. His dick is unwashed, a thick layer of grime coating the length, and the strong scent of musk and pre-cum wafts towards me, assaulting my senses. My mouth waters involuntarily, each whiff of his rancid odor sending a shiver up my spine. The robust flavor of his sweaty, unclean member hits me like a ton of bricks, a heady mix of musk, salt, and an underlying tang that’s impossible to ignore.
Every inch I slide deeper, the filth coating his cock becomes a perverse delicacy, each salty drop of pre-cum a sinful treat that I eagerly lap up. The chavs jeer and taunt, their crude gestures and lewd comments adding to the surreal debauchery of the scene. "That's it, swallow our stinking cocks you filthy cunt," one of them growls, his tone demeaning yet oddly arousing.
As Danny's powerful thrusts become erratic, I sense the imminent release of his pent-up pleasure. With one final, forceful thrust, he groans loudly, his thick, ropey streams of cum shooting into my mouth. His cum is rancid, a pungent mix of bitter and sour flavors that assault my taste buds. I gag, the repulsive taste threatening to overwhelm me, but I steel myself, knowing that I have no choice but to endure this degrading act.
Once Danny has emptied his load, he withdraws his spent member, the glistening tip leaving a wet trail of his filth. "Don't you fucking dare swallow, keep that mouth open like a good little fag," he commands, his tone leaving no room for disobedience. I comply, my mouth hanging open in an explicit display of submission.
The other chavs waste no time in taking advantage of my vulnerable state. They gather around me, their lewd grins and crude gestures a mocking display of their dominant roles. One by one, they start jacking off, the obscene sound of their rough hands on their hard lengths filling the dingy air. The acrid smell of sweat and pre-cum becomes overpowering, a heady mix of musk and masculinity that heightens the depravity of the scene.
The first chav steps forward, his thick member glistening with pre-cum and the grime of his unwashed state. With a guttural groan, he ejaculates, his hot, sticky cum landing in my open mouth. The taste is repulsive, a vile mix of salty, bitter fluid that threatens to make me gag. However, I force myself to endure, the perverse thrill of degradation mingling with the sheer humiliation of the act.
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The other chavs follow suit, each ejaculation a degrading display of their dominant roles. Their cum is a revolting mixture of bitter and sour flavors, the thick, viscous fluid coating my tongue and throat in a nauseating embrace. Along with the cum, they also spit in my mouth, each glob of saliva a contemptuous display of their disdain. The chavs revel in their power, their harsh laughter and crude comments fueling the perverse atmosphere of degradation.
After the chavs have exhausted their vile debauchery, Danny steps forward, a lewd grin plastered on his face as he looks down at me, a pathetic, cum-drenched wreck. "Right, pretty boy, here's the deal. You can only swallow all that filth in your mouth once you've wanked that tiny cock of yours and added your own cum to the mix," he says, the words a crude command that leaves no room for negotiation. His gang chuckle in agreement, their mocking gazes drilling into my humiliated form.
The sheer depravity of the order fills me with a sickening mix of revulsion and perverse desire. The events of the night, the overpowering dominance of the chavs, and the mind-numbing effects of their musk have left me in a state of twisted arousal. Despite the shame and humiliation, I find myself obeying, my trembling hand fumbling with the button of my jeans.
As I begin to masturbate, the chavs eagerly watch, their taunts and jeers a brutal reminder of my disgraceful state. The pornographic images of the night flash before my eyes, each lewd detail fuelling my perverse arousal. The taste of their filth in my mouth, the humiliating tasks I was made to perform, and the overpowering scent of their musk all blend into a dizzying montage, intensifying the fervent strokes of my hand.
My arousal peaks rapidly, the intense humiliation igniting a primal desire within me. With a guttural groan, I reach the brink of release, the pleasure-pain combination heightening my senses. The chavs’ crude taunts and lewd gestures merge into a symphony of debauchery, each note amplifying the shameful ecstasy coursing through me. With one final, desperate stroke, I climax, my hot, sticky cum shooting onto my hand.
The chavs cheer, their mocking laughter a perversion of the usual post-orgasmic bliss. I hesitantly bring my cum-covered hand to my mouth, the salty bitterness of the fluid a stark contrast to the vile mix of their cum, spit, and pre-cum. With a sense of resigned obedience, I add my own filth to the already repulsive concoction, the act a final, degrading reminder of my submissive state.
Once the task is completed, Danny orders, “Alright, filthy boy. Swallow it.” I quickly gulp it down. "You did good today, but you've got a lot more to prove. Meet us back here tomorrow night, and make sure you clean up nicely before you come. We want you looking your best for us,” he says, his tone a menacing reminder of the perverted dynamic that now governs my existence. Then he kicks me hard before laughing with his mates as the sounds of their footsteps echo off the damp walls, leaving me alone in the filthy, empty public toilet.
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masterlouistf · 7 months
Hi, I am tired of being a nerd, could you maybe make me more like a chav?
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I glance up at the shop sign once more, "Mystique Apparel," before stepping into the ominously dark interiors. The lighting inside is dim and eerie, causing a shiver to run down my spine. The shop seems empty but as I walk to the center, a man suddenly appears out of nowhere, grinning widely.
He's ruggedly handsome, with piercing eyes that seem to look right through me. "Welcome," he drawls, his voice deep and hypnotic. "I'm Ezra, the owner of this establishment." I nod hesitantly, suddenly feeling out of place in my nerdy attire.
Ezra’s eyes roam over me, and a smirk curls his lips. "You're here for a change, I see," he says, more as a statement than a question. I nod mutely, not trusting my voice. He gestures towards the dressing room at the back.
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As soon as I step inside, I notice a set of clothes laid out for me. They’re not what I expected at all. Instead of the trendy, fashionable clothes I had in mind, there’s a tattered hoodie, a pair of baggy track pants, and some worn-out sneakers. I frown, unsure of what Ezra is getting at. Nevertheless, I strip out of my own clothes and awkwardly put on the ones provided.
The moment the fabric of the hoodie touches my skin, I feel a strange tingle spread through my body. It’s as if a wave of relaxation washes over me, and all my worries and inhibitions seem to melt away. I find myself slouching, the hunched posture coming naturally as I become more laid back and carefree.
Next, I put on the track pants, and it’s like I’m hit with a sudden surge of horniness. My hand goes to my crotch, cupping the bulge that has grown there. It’s... sizable, to say the least, and I can’t help but give it an experimental squeeze, a lecherous smile spreading across my face. The once modest bulge in my pants seems to grow larger, the fabric stretching to accommodate my ever-increasing size.
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Finally, I slide my feet into the dirty sneakers. The pungent odor that hits my nostrils should repel me, but instead, it ignites something within me. A desperate desire begins to build, a yearning for the musky, sweaty scent of the shoes. I bring one foot up to my face, inhaling deeply, a moan escaping my lips. The taste of leather and grime on my tongue is surprisingly... arousing.
As I stand there, lost in a haze of pleasure, I can feel my intelligence slipping away, bit by bit. Complex thoughts are replaced by simple ones, my sharp wit dulled into a foggy blankness. I don’t even notice the changes in myself; all I can think about is the next hit of pleasure that I crave so desperately.
Eventually, the door to the changing room creaks open, and Ezra steps inside. His eyes immediately go to the obscene bulge in my pants, a predatory glint in his gaze. “I see my little project is coming along nicely,” he remarks, his voice oozing with arrogance. I simply stand there, a vacant look in my eyes, the once intelligent spark completely gone. “Should we test out your new... attributes?” he says with a smirk, reaching out to grab hold of the track pants, pulling them down to reveal my aching, weeping cock.
The sight seems to trigger something in me, and I lunge towards him, my mouth seeking his in a bruising kiss. He eagerly returns it, his tongue tangling with mine, and I can taste the faint hint of cigarettes and something else... something musky and distinctly erotic. Without breaking the kiss, he shoves me down to my knees, and my hands immediately go to the dirty soles of his shoes, my tongue lapping at the filth with an almost animalistic fervor.
His hand tangles in my hair, pulling my head back as he spits right into my face. The warm glob of saliva drips down, and I can’t help but let out a groan of pleasure, my tongue darting out to lick it off, the salty taste making me even more ravenous for him. Then, he shoves his cock in my mouth, the taste of it is overwhelmingly musky, a mix of sweat, pre-cum, and that distinct dirty flavor that seems to drive me wild with lust. I eagerly suck him off, the noises obscene in the confines of the small changing room.
As Ezra reaches his peak, he grabs the back of my head and shoves his cock deeper into my mouth, his hot, musky cum shooting straight down my throat. As I swallow his load, something changes inside me. My memories start to shift and warp, rewriting themselves into a new narrative.
I remember growing up in a rough neighborhood, being the dumb, easy slut that everyone used and discarded. I was too stupid to do anything else, my days filled with empty-headed horniness and a desperate need for someone to control me. And then Ezra found me, a lost stray wandering the streets. He saw the potential for a good fuck toy in me, and he took me in, grooming me to be his perfect chav slut.
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As I come back to my senses, the taste of Ezra’s cum lingering in my mouth, I find myself grinning dazedly up at him. "Fuck, boss, that was amazing," I mumble, my speech slow and slurred, the remnants of my former intelligence completely erased. All I can think about is the next hit of pleasure, the next command from my dominant owner.
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masterlouistf · 7 months
I sat at my desk, trying to focus on my theater script, the words blurring in front of me. My roommate, Connor, was doing his usual post-workout routine, flexing and grunting in front of the mirror. "Hey, Parker," he called, his voice a deep, rumbling baritone that never failed to send shivers down my spine. "Catch."
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Before I could react, something landed on my desk with a soft thud. I looked down and my eyes widened in shock. It was one of Connor's jockstraps, still damp with his sweat.
I turned to Connor, my face burning with embarrassment and anger. "What the hell, Connor?" I spluttered. "Why would you do that?"
Connor just smirked, his hazel eyes dancing with amusement. "Thought you could use some motivation to finish your play," he said casually. "And maybe a little reminder of what a real man smells like."
I could feel my cheeks burning even more as I tentatively lifted the jockstrap to my nose, inhaling deeply. Connor's musk hit me like a sledgehammer, strong and intoxicating. My head spun and I felt a jolt of arousal course through me, my cock twitching in my pants.
"Jesus, Connor," I muttered, my voice shaky. "You reek."
Connor chuckled, his tone teasing. "Oh, I know you love it, Parker," he said, taking a step closer to me. "You've always been a little too interested in my workouts and my... scent." He emphasized the last word, his smirk growing wider.
I felt a surge of anger and arousal mix in my body, my mind clouded by Connor’s potent musk. "Fuck you, Connor," I snapped, my tone more petulant than angry. "I don't want your... smell."
Connor just laughed, the sound rich and deep. "Sure you don't, Parker," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "That's why you can't seem to stop sniffing my jockstrap."
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I realized then that I had been absentmindedly sniffing the jockstrap the entire time, each inhale making me more and more lightheaded. The smell of Connor's sweat and musk was overwhelming, but instead of making me gag, it only made me harder and hornier.
My cock was straining against the fabric of my jeans, aching for release. I glanced down and saw that a wet spot had formed, the outline of my erection clearly visible. I quickly dropped the jockstrap, my face flaming with embarrassment.
Connor noticed immediately, his smirk growing into a predatory grin. "Looks like someone enjoyed my gift," he said, his voice low and suggestive. "But that's nothing compared to what's coming next." He took another step closer to me, his imposing frame towering over my smaller, more slender one.
I swallowed hard, my mouth suddenly dry. "What do you mean?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.
Connor didn't answer with words. Instead, he grabbed the back of my neck with one hand, pulling me in for a rough, possessive kiss. His lips were soft yet demanding, his tongue plunging into my mouth with a force that left me breathless.
I tried to pull away, but Connor's grip on my neck was relentless. He deepened the kiss even further, his other hand coming up to cup my chin, effectively trapping me in his embrace. I moaned into his mouth, the sound muffled by his aggressive kiss.
Connor pulled back slightly, his lips swollen and red from our heated kiss. "You're mine now, Parker," he said, his voice low and dangerous. "That jockstrap was just the beginning. " " You are mine now, Parker," he declared, his tone commanding and possessive.
I was still lost in the dizzying effects of his musk, my brain foggy and my body aching for more. The feeling intensified when he pushed me down onto my desk, my scripts and notes scattering in all directions.
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Without a word, Connor grabbed the back of my head and guided it towards his armpit, burying my nose in the ripe, sweaty hollow. The overwhelming stench hit me like a tidal wave, making me groan in pleasure. Connor's masculine scent was intoxicating, a heady mix of sweat, musk, and something undeniably primal.
I inhaled deeply, the world around me fading away as I became lost in Connor's powerful aroma. It was as if his scent had seeped into my very being, clouding my thoughts and overwhelming my senses. All I could think about was the heady smell of Connor's armpit, the salty tang of his sweat and the maddeningly addictive musk of his skin.
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I licked and kissed his armpit, tasting the saltiness of his sweat and the rough texture of his skin. Connor groaned in approval, the sound sending a fresh surge of desire straight to my aching cock. "That's it, Parker," he growled, his voice rough and edged with lust. "Taste me. Worship me."'''
I complied eagerly, my entire being focused on worshipping Connor's masculine scent and the hot, sweaty expanse of his armpit. I licked and kissed every inch, savoring the taste and the feel of him. Each touch, each taste only fueled my growing arousal, the relentless fog of his musk pushing me further and further into a state of mindless bliss.
Connor's grip on my neck tightened as he pushed my head further into his armpit, his other hand trailing down my body until it reached the wet spot on my jeans. He squeezed my erection roughly, making me gasp against his skin. "You like that, don't you?" he asked, his voice thick with desire. "You like being controlled. Owned."
I could only moan in response, the pleasure and pain of his touch sending sparks of ecstasy through my body. I was completely under his spell, his musk and dominant presence erasing any coherent thought from my mind. All that existed was Connor and the all-consuming need to please him.
He pulled me away from his armpit, my mouth leaving the warm, salty skin with a soft pop. I whimpered at the loss, my entire being craving more of him. But before I could process anything, he roughly pushed me to my knees, my face now level with the bulge in his tight, sweat-soaked workout shorts.
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I could see the outline of his thick cock straining against the fabric, and the musky smell of his crotch hit me like a punch to the gut. My hunger for him, for his scent and his touch, was overwhelming – a desperate, almost painful need that clouded my senses and made me ache with desire.
Connor's voice jerked me back to reality. "You know what to do, Parker," he said, his tone leaving no room for argument. "Make me cum."
I didn't need to be told twice. I eagerly reached for the waistband of his shorts, pulling it down to free his throbbing erection. His cock sprang free, the head glistening with pre-cum. Without hesitation, I leaned in and took him into my mouth, my tongue swirling around the sensitive tip.
Connor let out a guttural groan, his hands coming up to grip my head, controlling the pace of my movements. I bobbed my head up and down on his length, each pass of my lips and tongue eliciting a louder groan from him. I could taste the salty tang of his pre-cum, the musky sweetness intoxicating and addictive.
The intensity of the musk took over my senses, clouding my mind and pushing me further into a state of primal desire. All I could think about was Connor – his taste, his scent, his control over me. It was as if his musk had become a drug, an all-consuming addiction that I couldn't escape from.
Connor's movements grew faster and more erratic, his grunts and groans filling the air. I could tell he was close, the tension in his body and the urgency of his thrusts a telltale sign. I redoubled my efforts, taking him deeper into my mouth and swirling my tongue around him with more force.
And then it happened. With a loud, guttural shout, Connor came hard, his hot, salty seed shooting straight down my throat. The taste of him was overwhelming, the musky sweetness of his cum making my head spin. I eagerly swallowed every last drop, my own cock straining against the confines of my jeans.
Connor pulled me up roughly, his lips crashing onto mine in a rough, possessive kiss. His taste, the mix of his own musk and his sweet cum, was intoxicating. Our kiss was a wild frenzy of lust and hunger, the remnants of his powerful orgasm still lingering on our intertwined tongues.
When he finally pulled back, his hazel eyes were dark with desire. "You're mine now, Parker," he said, his voice a low, menacing growl. "Completely and utterly mine."
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masterlouistf · 7 months
Not sure if this is from what i watched or just something a though of, but are you open to the idea of doing a story revolve around a cursed leather jacket that the soul of a ruthless criminal trap in it. once someone put on the jacket the soul in the jacket would possessed the body. once taken off the victim would be back to normal and no memory of when he was possessed. the leather jacket one day would into the hand of a police officer. one night after putting on the jacket, possessed by the soul in the leather jacket, start commit crime.
I love these kind of temporary possession, personalities shift type of story, sadly there aren't many.
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Officer Sam was the epitome of a blond-haired, blue-eyed Adonis. His strong jawline accentuated his square chin, and his piercing gaze could disarm anyone. He was an accomplished police officer, excelling in physical fitness and combat training. His muscular physique and commanding presence made him an object of desire for many in the precinct.
One stormy night, as Sam finished his shift, he noticed a peculiar package on his desk. Unwrapping it, he found a dark, vintage leather jacket. Its rugged appeal and musky scent intrigued him, and without a second thought, he decided to try it on.
As Sam slipped the jacket on, the leather clung to his muscular frame like a second skin. Instantly, a surge of confidence and power coursed through him. His usually disciplined demeanor gave way to a cocky swagger as he admired his reflection in the precinct mirror. Then, without warning, his eyes glazed over and he slumped to the ground in a sudden blackout.
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I immediately felt the power of Sam's body. His muscles were like iron, and I couldn't resist running my hands over his chiseled chest and abs. The scent of leather mixed with Sam's musky natural odor was intoxicating, and I found myself drawn to his armpits. The combination of sweat and leather was a heady aphrodisiac.
I slid my hands down to Sam's groin, feeling the bulge growing in the tight police uniform. The fabric strained against his growing erection, and I reveled in the knowledge that I was in complete control of this beautifully built man. I unzipped his pants and released his throbbing cock, marveling at its size and hardness.
The ghostly control had an eerie twist to it. While Sam’s body was under my complete command, his consciousness seemed to dimly perceive the events, his thoughts clouded by a fog of fading awareness. It was as if his mind was being held captive in his own body, forced to watch and experience everything I did. And truth be told, I enjoyed every bit of Sam's body, every inch of muscle, every drop of sweat, and every moan of ecstasy I coaxed from him.
After pleasuring myself enough I set out to town. Entering the dimly lit gay bar, Ramon exuded an aura of dominance in his crisp police uniform and the ominous leather jacket. His presence turned heads as he confidently strode in, the glistening badge on his chest catching the low light. The musky scent of leather seemed to linger around him, adding to his mystique.
His eyes scanned the crowded room before they locked onto a hot jock, whose intense gaze immediately signaled his interest. The jock, with his defined muscles and inviting smirk, seemed drawn to the commanding presence of the uniformed officer.
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Ramon sauntered over to the jock, exuding confidence. "Well, well, what do we have here?" he purred, his voice low and seductive. The jock grinned, clearly enjoying the attention. Without a word, Ramon pulled the jock into a passionate kiss. The jock's surprise quickly turned into reciprocation as he deepened the kiss, their tongues intertwining in a sensual dance.
Breaking the kiss, Ramon whispered, "I like a man who knows what he wants." His hand slid down the jock's chest, feeling the firmness of his muscles before stopping at the growing bulge in his pants. With a knowing smirk, he groped the jock's cock, feeling its hardness and the heat emanating from it. The jock let out a low growl, his eyes dark with desire as he eagerly responded to Ramon's touch.
"How about we continue this somewhere more... private?" Ramon murmured, his hot breath caressing the jock's ear. The jock nodded eagerly, his own desire evident as he took Ramon's hand and led him out of the bar, the leather-clad officer following behind with predatory grace.
In the jock's apartment, Ramon wasted no time. He pushed the jock against the wall, the strategic placement of his muscular body preventing any movement. Their lips met in a fiery kiss, their stubbled chins creating a delicious friction. Ramon's tongue dominated the jock's mouth, exploring every crevice and claiming it as his own.
Breaking the kiss, Ramon forcefully pushed the jock to his knees. The jock, caught in the whirlwind of desire and command, eagerly obeyed. The sight of the uniformed officer towering over him, the leather jacket exuding dominance, was undeniably arousing. The jock's hands moved to unbuckle Ramon's belt, his anticipation evident in the urgency of his movements.
As the jock freed Ramon's throbbing cock from its uniform confinement, a low growl of desire escaped his lips. The jock's plush lips wrapped around Ramon's shaft, his tongue skillfully exploring every inch. He was a master of his craft, each expert flick and suck eliciting a guttural moan from the officer. Ramon's hands found their way to the back of the jock's head, his touch gentle yet commanding, guiding the rhythm of the oral worship.
The jock, lost in the heady mix of submission and desire, worshipped Ramon's cock with an unyielding hunger, his own arousal evident in the growing bulge straining against his tight jeans.
Ramon's imposing presence was magnetic, and the jock's excitement palpable as he awaited Ramon's next move. With a deft flick of his wrist, Ramon produced a pair of handcuffs, the metal clinking ominously in the dimly lit room. The jock's muscle-bound arms were quickly secured to the sturdy bedframe, his range of motion severely restricted.
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Flipping the jock over, Ramon admired the expanse of his taut, muscular back. The jock's skin glistened with a sheen of sweat, a testament to the raw desire that radiated from every pore of his being. Leaning in, Ramon whispered in a low, authoritative tone, "You're mine now. Completely."
The jock shivered in anticipation, the leather of the handcuffs digging into his wrists adding a not unpleasant edge to his excitement. Ramon, still adorned in the dominant uniform and the intoxicating leather jacket, positioned himself between the jock's spread legs. There was a predatory gleam in his eyes as he teasingly ran his pulsing shaft along the jock's inviting crevice, the tantalizing contact eliciting a guttural moan from the eager jock.
With a feral growl, Ramon plunged into the jock, the raw, unyielding force of his entry making the jock's body convulse in a heady mix of pleasure and pain. The jock's muffled cries were testament to the overwhelming intensity of the experience; each powerful thrust from Ramon's commanding hips drove the jock further into a state of ecstasy. The room was filled with the primal sounds of flesh meeting flesh, the intoxicating aroma of sweat and leather adding an extra layer of carnal allure to the scene. Ramon was a master of controlled aggression, his dominant persona leaving an indelible mark on the jock, both physically and psychologically.
Ramon's climax was imminent, the raw, unadulterated pleasure of the jock's tightness driving him to the edge. With a primal roar, he released himself deep into the jock's muscular ass, each pulsating spurt a testament to the intensity of his desire.
As he pulled out, the mixed scent of sex, sweat, and leather filled the air, creating an intoxicating atmosphere. Ramon's authoritative presence didn't waver as he gave the jock's ass a firm, possessive slap, the sound echoing in the room as if sealing their shared experience.
Rolling the jock over, Ramon wasted no time in taking the jock's throbbing cock into his mouth. The lingering taste of his own essence mingled with the jock's musky flavor, creating an intoxicating combination. The jock, who was already incredibly horny from the earlier events, couldn't contain himself. The overwhelming sensations coupled with the sight of the uniformed officer servicing him eagerly pushed him over the edge. With a guttural moan, he erupted into Ramon's mouth, each spurt of his release eliciting a primal response from both men.
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Using a nearby sock, Ramon expertly gagged the jock, the cotton material effectively muffling any potential noise. A few strips of duct tape secured the gag in place, ensuring complete silence.
With the jock rendered immobile and silenced, Ramon deftly picked up the jock's phone. He navigated to the payment app and transferred a substantial amount of cash to himself. A satisfied smirk graced his features as the transaction went through, the jock's hard-earned money now in his possession.
Next, he deftly removed the jock's wallet, the leather in his hand a tangible reminder of his dominance. The jock's identification, credit cards, and cash were all carefully pocketed, leaving the jock completely at his mercy.
Walking over to the jock, who was still restrained to the bed and squirming in a mixture of arousal and distress, Ramon leaned in close. "Thanks for the fun, but duty calls," he said with a smirk. The jock's muffled protests fell on deaf ears as Ramon turned to leave, the sound of the heavy leather jacket amplifying his powerful strides.
But before he left, a wicked thought crossed his mind. He grabbed the jock's vibrator, its sleek design a stark contrast to the raw masculinity of the room. Without a word, he turned it on to its highest setting and plunged it into the jock's exposed ass, the jock's muffled moans reaching a fever pitch as the intense vibrations took over his senses.
With a final smirk, Ramon left the jock in a state of helpless pleasure and distress, the persistent hum of the vibrator a cruel reminder of his presence. The scent of leather lingered in the air, a physical manifestation of the commanding presence that had just left the room.
Sam's head was pounding, the events of the previous night a blur. As he groggily sat up, the taste of cum and the lingering smell of sex assaulted his senses. Confusion and disgust washed over him as the realization of what might have happened slowly dawned.
His hand instinctively went to his mouth as he tried to scrub away the taste, the gritty texture a haunting reminder of the unfamiliar act he had engaged in. Standing up, he felt the stickiness of dried cum on his body, the remnants of a night that his conscious mind couldn't recollect.
As he reached the end of the bed, the sight of the foreign phone and wallet jolted him back to reality. His brows furrowed in confusion as he picked up the phone, the notification for £10,000 deposited into his account flashing on the screen. Sam's eyes widened in shock, the implications of the large sum and the unfamiliar possessions sinking in.
Dread settled in the pit of his stomach as the pieces slowly started coming together. He must have gotten drunk, done things completely out of character, and blacked out with no memories of his actions. The gravity of the situation hit him hard.
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masterlouistf · 7 months
Could you turn me into a huge roided bodybuilder? I’d love to be Indian or Middle Eastern too if possible but if not that fine. I just want to grow massive. 💪💪💪
It's a Friday night, and I'm at my usual spot at the bar. The dim lighting, pounding music, and the scent of alcohol create the perfect atmosphere for me to unwind after a long week. I'm sipping on my drink when I feel a presence next to me. I glance over and see Amir, a Middle Eastern jock who's a regular at the gym where I work out. He's muscular, handsome, and exudes raw sexuality.
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"Hey," he says with a charming smile. "Mind if I join you?" His deep voice sends a shiver down my spine, and I quickly nod, trying to hide my excitement. I've had a huge crush on Amir ever since I first saw him at the gym, but I've never had the guts to make a move.
We chat for a while, and I can't help but steal glances at his perfectly chiseled jawline and the way his bulging biceps.
I manage to gather my thoughts and muster the courage to ask him, "Amir, can you flex for me?" His smirk widens, and without a word, he slowly raises his right arm. The fabric of his tight t-shirt stretches taut against his bulging bicep, the definition and size of his muscle becoming more prominently displayed.
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"Can I kiss it?" I ask, my voice barely a whisper in the midst of the pulsating music. Without a word, Amir grabs me by the back of my head and shoves my face into his musky bicep. The heat and scent that emanate from his skin are intoxicating, a heady combination of sweat, cologne, and raw masculinity. I take a tentative lick, testing the waters. To my surprise, he doesn't seem bothered. Encouraged by his lack of resistance, I plant a series of greedy and lustful kisses on his bicep. The taste of his salty skin is earthy, primal, and I can't get enough of it.
After a little while longer I’m starting to feel a bit tipsy from the drinks, “Kiss me like you mean if, hottie!” I drunkenly slur.
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Almost immediately the weight of his muscular body pushes me down, he pounced on me grabbing my face with his strong hands. His touch is rough, yet strangely tender. I can feel the callouses on his fingers, a testament to the hard work he puts in at the gym. His lips crash onto mine with a force that leaves me breathless. They're full and soft, a stark contrast to the rugged masculinity he exudes.
The taste of his mouth is intoxicating. It's a mixture of the beer he's been drinking, the minty freshness of his toothpaste, and something uniquely him. There's a rawness to it, a primal flavor that leaves me wanting more. His tongue darts in, exploring every corner of my mouth with a hunger that mirrors my own. It's relentless, possessing, claiming me as his own.
Suddenly, he leans in close and whispers in my ear.
"I want you to suck me off," he says with a smirk. His boldness takes me by surprise, but I'm not complaining. I've dreamt of this moment for so long, and now it's finally happening. He grabs me by the shoulders and pushes me down onto my knees.
"Get to it," he commands, and without hesitation, I take his cock into my mouth. The taste is...unexpected. It's salty, sweaty, and oh so musky. It's clear that he hasn't showered after his intense gym workout, but I find myself getting more and more turned on by his primal scent.
His thrusts are forceful, almost brutal, and I struggle to take him all in. But the feeling of his thick length hitting the back of my throat is oddly satisfying. I can feel myself getting harder with each thrust, my own cock straining against the fabric of my shorts. It's as if his dominating presence has awakened something primal inside me, something that craves submission and pleasure.
After what feels like an eternity of bliss, I can sense that he's getting close. His thrusts become faster, more urgent, and then with a loud grunt, he cums hard into my mouth. His hot load fills me up, and I eagerly swallow every last drop. I can feel the power of his cum surging through my body, and then...everything changes.
I suddenly find myself in a different place, a different body. I look down and see that I'm now in Amir's body, my own muscular physique replaced by his. I can feel the weight of my cock hanging heavily between my legs, still slick with the remnants of my own cum.
I can't resist the urge to explore every inch of it. I squeeze and grope his bicep, feeling the rock-hard muscle under my touch. The mere sight and touch of it make me feel a sense of power and dominance that I never experienced before.
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My other hand roams down to his sculpted chest, tracing the outline of each sinewy muscle. I can feel the defined ridges under his skin, the result of countless hours spent lifting weights at the gym. The musky scent of his sweat lingers on his body, and I inhale deeply, relishing in the raw masculinity that exudes from him.
My new cock, still slick with the remnants of our earlier encounter, twitches with excitement. I wrap my hand around it, the familiar girth and length sending jolts of pleasure through my body.
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“Are you done? Shut up and stand still” Amir, in my body, smirks down at me with a look of pure satisfaction. I freeze up, unable to speak or move, terrified I’m forced to just listen.
“Listen up, boy. There’s a curse on that body of yours,” Amir says with a grim look on his face. “It's powerful. It’s gonna make you obey any man’s command, no matter what. You're gonna be a toy, a plaything for anyone who wants a piece of you. And let me tell you, it’s a living hell.”
He pauses for a moment, as if lost in a painful memory. “I was in your position before. Tricked into sucking off that cursed body of yours. And now look at me, trapped in a never-ending cycle of servitude. Every guy who comes to me at the gym thinks he can do whatever he wants...and I have to take it. A curse, a body toying with me constantly."
With a bitter chuckle, he continues, “And now, I’ve passed that curse on to you. You’ll know what it feels like to be at the mercy of every man who comes your way. You’ll crave their commands, their touch, their power over you. But I think I’ll keep this hot body around to serve me”
"From now on," Amir, in my old body, commands with a devilish grin. "You'll never be able to get hard or cum again, but you'll always be extremely horny." With that, I feel a strange sensation coursing through my body. My once proud member goes limp, the hardness vanishing without a trace. My balls seem to shrivel up, devoid of their usual weight. But in their place, a burning desire takes hold, my libido going into overdrive. But more than that, I know that now that I can never cum again I am trapped, I’ll never be able to leave this body if I can’t get a guy to swallow my cum.
"Now," he continues, that smirk never leaving his face, "How about you service my new cock, then you’re coming home with me to be my new fag?"
There's no hesitation as I immediately drop to my knees and eagerly take his rapidly hardening length into my mouth. The taste is familiar, the rough texture of his skin against my tongue, the diminishing musky scent, all serving as a reminder of the dominance he now holds over me. My actions are desperate, eager, as if trying to prove a point. I suck with a fervor, each bob of my head a silent plea for his mercy, his control. This is my new reality, a life of servitude and submission, and have to embrace it wholeheartedly whether I want to or not.
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masterlouistf · 7 months
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I'm a pretty good looking straight guy for a nerd, I'm always working out, eating well, and the occasional hookup, just none of the women near me were as hot as the vr pics and vids online. When I heard about a new kind of VR that hooks up to your brain, I knew I had to try it out. The idea of being able to play games and see those anime girls in person as if I was really in them was just too tempting to resist. I scoured the internet for any information I could find and finally got my hands on one. It was exactly what they said it was. I guess I should have been suspicious when it didn't come with any instructions or games, but I was too excited to care. After a bit of tinkering, I managed to download a hack that let me use the VR for other purposes, specifically to watch porn and feel like I was the person in the porn.
I loaded up my favourite video on PornHub and as soon as I pressed play, something strange happened. Instead of the video I had chosen, a gif popped up.
There's a sudden beep and for a fraction of a second, everything goes black. When I come to, I realize that the world around me is no longer virtual; it's real, in every sense of the word. I'm no longer me. I'm the person in the gif, the guy getting fucked by two other guys. Panic sets in but I can't move, I can't even open my mouth to scream.
I'm immediately hit by a wave of revulsion and disgust. The guy in front of me is a towering mass of muscle, his body glistening with sweat. His every thrust is filled with aggression, ramming his enormous, thick cock deep into my throat. I can feel every inch of him, stretching me, making me gag. The taste and smell of his precum and sweat are overwhelming, filling my senses completely as he's choking on his massive member. I feel sick, the taste and smell making me want to gag but I'm trapped, forced to endure every second of it.
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The other guy isn't any gentler. He's pounding my ass with such force that it feels like he's trying to split me in two. His grunts and groans mixing with the sound of flesh on flesh as he relentlessly drives his cock in and out of me. I'm completely at a loss as I'm just stuck, feeling every part of their aggressive use of my body.
Nobody cared about me or what I wanted. The guys just keep fucking me, their pace becoming faster and more relentless. Their cocks strain, ramming down the back of my throat hard, making me gag and choke even more. Finally, they moan in unison and I feel and taste their cum, shooting down my throat. The taste, the smell, the feel of it is beyond disgusting. It's salty and bitter, with a strong musky odor that fills my senses completely.
I'm repulsed by it, wanting nothing more than to spit it out and be rid of it. But the body I'm in loves it. It savors every drop, rolling the cum on their tongue and swirling it around the guys' cummy head. I'm completely at their mercy, forced to endure every second of this humiliating experience as I'm being used again and again.
My mind is in turmoil, the conflicting sensations overwhelming. On one hand, I'm filled with revulsion at the taste and smell of their cum. It's disgusting, and I want nothing to do with it. But on the other hand, the body I'm in is in complete ecstasy. It's savouring the cum, rolling it around in its mouth and moaning in pleasure. I can feel its cock twitching and throbbing, a massive load ready to shoot. The intense horniness of the body is all-consuming, pushing all other thoughts out of my head.
As I felt the familiar sensation building in my groin, a wave of pleasure washing over me. I was about to cum, every muscle in my body tensing in anticipation of release. The guy pounding my ass was hitting all the right spots, his cock filling me up so completely that it felt like nothing else existed. I was lost in the moment, every other thought driven out of my mind by the overwhelming pleasure that was coursing through me. Then, just as I was on the verge of release, everything went black.
When I came to, I was back at the start of the gif. The taste and smell of their precum still filled my senses, their cocks still buried deep inside me as I was being fucked hard. The musclebound guy in front of me was still there, his aggressive thrusts shoving his massive member down my throat, choking me once more. And the taste and smell of their cum was still as repulsive as ever, a constant reminder of my degrading situation.
But the worst part was that I was still horny. The pleasure of nearly cumming was fresh in my mind, teasing me with its absence. I wanted it so badly, my body aching for release. But I was stuck, forced to endure the same humiliating ordeal again. I became a gooner, my entire existence focused on the feelings and sensations in this body. I completely zoned out, becoming one with the overwhelming pleasure. Two days of non-stop fucking, sucking, and being used like a sex toy. The only relief came when the battery finally died on my device. The sudden disconnection was jarring, my mind struggling to process what had just happened. The first thing I noticed was the pain. My dick was aching, the relentless edging having taken its toll.
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But it was nothing compared to the agonizing pain in my balls. They were swollen and sore, the constant stimulation driving them to the brink. And then there was the cum. I was covered in it, every inch of my body lathered in sticky, dried up loads. It was in my hair, my eyes, my mouth… everywhere.
It was then that I realized what had been happening. My body had been cumming every 20 seconds in response to the gif. The relentless edging and denial had left me on the brink of madness, my mind and body completely out of sync. The pleasure was there, but it was all in my body. My mind had been numb to it, trapped in a state of pure agony and frustration.
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masterlouistf · 7 months
A swift knock at my door sends my heart racing. I already know who it is - Jared, the stoner fuckboy who has turned my life upside down. Despite my straight-laced nature, I can't resist him. As the door creaks open, Jared’s smirk greets me. “Hey, Ben. I need some cash,” he says without preamble. My logical mind tells me to refuse, but my body moves automatically. I grab my wallet and hand over all the cash I have. Later, as I sit at my computer trying to code, I can’t focus. All I can think about is Jared, his glistening muscles and those mischievous eyes.
He’s like a drug and I’m addicted. I've never felt this way before. It’s not just his carefree attitude or his intoxicating scent of weed and musk. It's something deeper, something primal. He has a power over me that I can't explain. Every time he comes over, I lose myself. It’s like he hypnotizes me. All my inhibitions vanish and I become his willing drone. He doesn't just take my money; he takes control of my mind and body.
I remember the first time we had sex - raw, animalistic, and totally unlike me. He didn’t ask, he just took. And I let him. I craved his dominance, his rough hands all over me. I wanted him to use me for his pleasure. And he did, over and over again. Even now, as I sit in my apartment, I can still feel his touch, his lips on mine, his scent lingering in the air.
This routine has continued for weeks. Jared comes over, takes what he wants, and leaves. I go back to being the straight-A, goody two-shoes CS junior. But something has changed. I can’t focus on my studies anymore. All I can think about is Jared and his next visit. I know he’s using me, but I don’t care. I want to be used. I want to be his ATM, his cumdump. I want him to take everything from me because in return, he gives me something I’ve never had before - purpose.
I’m no longer the nerdy, introverted guy who blends into the background. When Jared is around, I’m his. I do whatever he wants without question. Whether it’s sucking him off or giving him my savings, I do it willingly. I’ve even used my coding skills to hack into the school’s system and change his grades. Now he’s top of the class, while I’m struggling to pass. And I’m ok with that.
Physically, I look different too. My once lean, toned body has softened. I have a slight belly now, evidence of the late-night pizza and beer binges Jared introduced me to. My once sharp mind is foggy from the constant weed smoke that lingers in the apartment. And my once pristine apartment is now a mess, with empty pizza boxes and beer cans strewn everywhere.
As for my sexuality, that’s changed the most. I used to be straight, or at least I thought I was. But Jared has awakened something in me. I crave his touch, his taste. I want to be with him in ways that I never thought possible. And the best part is, he wants me too. He’s not just using me for his pleasure; he genuinely enjoys being with me. He’s introduced me to a whole new world of kinks and fetishes that I never knew existed. I’ve become his willing sub, eager to please him in any way he desires.
Tonight, as Jared enters my apartment with a devilish grin, I know he’s up to something. "Hey Ben, you know you love it when I’m here,” Jared says with a smirk, his hand instinctively reaching for the bulge in his jeans. “Now be a good boy and get on your knees.” I obey without hesitation, knowing what he wants.
I’m mesmerized by the fleshy folds of Jared’s armpits - the dark hair, the glistening sweat, the pungent aroma. He knows I worship them and he takes full advantage of my weakness. “Come here, boy,” he growls, his voice low and commanding. I obey without question, sinking to my knees in front of him. He roughly grabs my hair and pulls my face into his pit, making me inhale deeply. The strong, musky smell hits me and I moan in ecstasy. It’s intoxicating, overwhelming. I can feel my cock twitching in my jeans, desperate for release. But I don’t dare touch myself without his permission.
“Clean me, faggot,” Jared orders, pushing my face even deeper into his pit. I eagerly obey, licking and sucking every inch. The taste of his sweat is salty and tangy, and I can’t get enough. It’s like a drug to me, addictive and all-consuming. I want to stay here forever, lost in the primal act of worshiping my master.
Suddenly, Jared pulls me away and shoves me to the ground. He stands over me, his massive frame blocking out the light. “Open up,” he commands, his voice leaving no room for disobedience. I obey, reluctantly opening my mouth. He hocks a thick loogie and spits it in, making me gag. “Swallow it,” he orders, a cruel smirk playing on his lips. I struggle but eventually, I comply. The taste is bitter, sour, and it makes me want to throw up. But Jared is watching, so I force myself to swallow every last bit. It’s degrading, humiliating, and yet…arousing.
Finally, his cock springs out, already hard and leaking pre-cum. The pungent smell of weed and musk fills the air as I take him in my mouth. I savor the taste of him, slightly bitter with a hint of sweetness. He groans in pleasure, his hand gripping my hair tightly. “You’re such a good little cock-sucker,” he rasps, his voice low and husky. “You were made for this, weren’t you? To worship me, to please me in every way possible.”
As he face-fucks me, I can feel the familiar fog settling over my mind. All thoughts vanish, except for one - Jared. His pleasure becomes my sole focus. As he reaches climax, he grabs my head and forces me to take all of him. I gag but he doesn’t let up. He fucks my mouth until he’s done, leaving me breathless and dazed.
As I sit on the floor, trying to catch my breath, I realize that this is my life now. I exist solely for Jared’s pleasure. I’m his willing beta, ready to do whatever he wants, whenever he wants. And I wouldn’t have it any other way. His cum in my mouth is the seal of my destiny. With each drop of it, I know I’m forever changed. I’m no longer the straight-A student or the ambitious coder. I’m Jared’s cumdump, and I couldn't be happier.
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Ben, the 4.0, goody two-shoes Computer Science junior, lost himself everytime the stoner fuckboy walked into his studio apartment and made eye contact with him. It's like everything left Ben's mind in a single flick of the wrist when Jared unceremoniously barged into his apartment. Everything Jared said or wanted to do, Ben would do so willingly, no questions asked, and he wouldn't even remember about Jared after he left until Jared is back once more to Ben's surrounding. The stoner really succeed in messing up Ben's head and savings as he drained the willing beta out of its monthly allowance to finance his insatiable needs for the good life. He's seriously planning to get his hands on a brand new car, maybe it's time he should use Ben's circle of friends and see which one he can drain and use like a cum dump when his regular bitches bored him
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masterlouistf · 7 months
A fairly vague simple prompt but straight jock roommate who is always boasting about how hot girls find his body, is slowly changed to enjoy wearing less/nothing or wearing specific clothing/gear just a large change in his usual dress and being oogled by guys, especially his roommate.
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It all began when Jason, my straight jock roommate, wouldn’t stop bragging about his physique. He'd flex in front of the mirror, always talking about how the girls couldn't get enough of his bulging muscles and chiseled abs. Honestly, it was getting old. That’s when I decided to take matters into my own hands.
I had recently acquired a mysterious serum, one that promised to ‘enhance certain desires’. Whether by design or accident, I'll never know, but I started slipping it into Jason’s protein shakes. At first, I didn’t notice anything different. Jason continued with his usual routine, hitting the gym and bringing home girls, much to my chagrin.
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However, over time, subtle changes started becoming evident. Jason’s demeanor shifted. He became more touchy, always finding excuses to brush against me or playfully slap my butt. He’d also started wearing less and less around the apartment, strutting about in nothing but a tight pair of briefs. I couldn’t deny the effect his increasingly sculpted physique was having on me, and the serum seemed to be amplifying that effect.
One evening, I returned home to find Jason sprawled on the sofa, completely naked, engrossed in a pornographic magazine. It was like he was showing off his body to me. And to my surprise, I was incredibly turned on. The serum was definitely working in mysterious ways.
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As I tried to sneak past him, Jason called out to me in a casual tone. “Hey, man. Check this out,” he said, pointing to his rock-hard member. “You ever seen one this big?” It was such a blatant display of his newfound exhibitionism that I couldn't help but be taken aback. The old Jason would have never done something like that.
I stammered out a response, but Jason just smirked. “You know you want it, dude. I’ve seen the way you look at me.”
It was true. I couldn’t deny my growing attraction to my straight roommate. His dominant, cocky attitude was like a drug, and I was falling under its spell. I found myself unable to tear my gaze away from his glistening muscles and the impressive size of his manhood. That’s when I noticed the serum’s effect on myself. This overwhelming desire to submit, to worship his body, it was like the serum had flipped a switch, turning me into his willing plaything.
Suddenly, the sound of Jason’s deep voice brought me back to the present. “Hey, why don’t you come over here and help me out?” he said, his smirk turning into a seductive grin.
I hesitated for a moment, the old part of me resisting the changes brought on by the serum. But the new desires that the serum had instilled in me won out. I walked over to the sofa, my gaze fixed on Jason’s naked form. Without a word, I dropped to my knees in front of him, fully embracing my new role.
The next few minutes were a blur of pleasure and submission. I eagerly did whatever Jason wanted, and he made sure to take full advantage of my willingness. It was like he was making up for lost time, exploring every inch of my body with a newfound hunger. And as he finally finished, his essence merging with mine, I knew that I was changed forever.
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Now, Jason struts around the apartment permanently naked like he owns the place, which in a way, he does. His dominant attitude is even more pronounced, and he never fails to remind me of my place. But I don’t mind. In fact, I love it. The serum has turned me into his loyal, obedient plaything, and I couldn’t be happier.
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masterlouistf · 7 months
Always having to answer stupid support requests sucks. I'd like to be the big boss for once. An alpha who controls his subordinates.
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I look at the Chronivac on my desk, contemplating the potential power it holds. As a technical support worker for Chronivac Inc., I'm well-versed in its capabilities and functionalities. I've seen countless people making silly mistakes while editing others, leaving them in ridiculous states of being.
I sigh, feeling annoyed by the sheer foolishness of our customers. I know I'm not supposed to, but an idea begins to form in my mind. Why not use the Chronivac on myself? I could become the embodiment of all the qualities I desire in a man.
I reach for the device, my heart starting to race with anticipation. I secure the Chronivac around my wrist and activate it, the soft hum of energy filling the air. The holographic display comes to life, showing the familiar sliders and buttons that control the editing process.
With a smirk, I start adjusting the sliders, reveling in the power at my fingertips. I change my height to 6'6", making my presence known and imposing. I increase my muscle mass, my biceps and pecs bulging with raw strength. The transformation is both gradual and immediate. I can feel my body responding to each adjustment, getting larger, more defined, and incredibly arousing.
My cock, already thick and heavy, gets an upgrade as well. I make it permanent semi-hard, a constant indication of my insatiable sexual appetite. Stamina is next, and I crank it up to maximum. I want to fuck for hours on end, effortlessly pleasuring myself and others with my relentless thrusts.
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As the transformation completes, I step back and admire my new form in the mirror. I'm a hot jock alpha CEO, exuding confidence and dominance in every inch of my being. My voice is deeper, commanding attention whenever I speak. The men in the office are drawn to me like moths to a flame, their gazes filled with a mix of fear, admiration, and desire.
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In particular, I have plans for the old CEO. With a few adjustments, I turn him into my cum-hungry twunky personal assistant, a perfect counterpart to my new role. He looks at me with a mix of lust and submission, and I can tell that he's eager to fulfill every desire.
I give him a demanding kiss, my tongue exploring his mouth possessively, before pushing him down to his knees. He obediently takes my thick cock in his mouth, his deepthroating skills evidence of his prior experience.
As he starts to work, the image in the mirror confirms all the changes. I'm a whole new man. The thought of what's to come in my new life brings a wicked smile to my face. I'm no longer the mere support worker who fixes other people's dumb mistakes. I'm the one in control now, and I plan to make the most of it.
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masterlouistf · 7 months
Genuinely unsure if this idea is a story I read forever ago and can't find anymore, or just inspo from so many reads, but anyways...
Essentially, the idea is that an average looking dude goes clubbing. However, at the club he ends up in they serve beverages that alter men's physical appearance, turning them into perfect built jocks. On top of also playing music that alters their minds, making them into incredibly horny and attracted to other bros in the club, ending on a fun time on the dance floor ;]
Thanks for all the stories you give us, you're amazing! And sorry if this whole prompt is just a story I forgot exists!!!
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I am standing outside the nightclub, the neon lights casting an eerie yet enticing glow. I feel a mix of excitement and nervousness as I step inside. The music’s thumping bass reverberates through me, guiding my every move on the dance floor.
Moving towards the bar, I catch the eye of a striking bartender. His intense gaze feels like it’s piercing right through me. “You look like you could use something special tonight,” he purrs. I nod, intrigued. “Sure, surprise me,” I reply with a tentative smile.
The bartender’s smirk suggests he knows something I don’t. He starts making a drink, the clinking of ice and the hypnotic beat of the music blending into one. A mysterious blue liquid is poured into the glass, the drink taking on an iridescent sheen under the club lights.
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"This is our special for tonight – the Hung Hunk," the bartender announces, pushing the drink towards me. "On the house, for a cutie like you."
I take a sip, and suddenly, a jolt of electrifying taste surges through me. It’s sweet, tangy, and it feels like every nerve in my body is awakening.
As I stand there, I start feeling... different. A subtle yet undeniable change takes over me. My once lean form starts to bulge with new, taut muscle. I can feel the tightness of my suit against my burgeoning physique. The cloud of my earlier sharp mind starts to feel simpler, more primal.
I let out a contented groan, the sound deeper, more resonant than before. A lopsided grin appears, replacing the charm of my previous demeanor with a newfound cockiness. With each passing moment, I feel more and more like a different person - a dumb but undeniably attractive hunk.
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The crowd takes notice, their hungry gazes lingering on my chiseled physique. Hands reach out, exploring my broad chest, defined abs. My dull-witted self has erased any inhibitions, and I find myself reveling in the attention.
I start dancing, my movements becoming bolder, more exaggerated. I throw off my jacket, my now glistening body on full display. In my altered state of mind, I simply assume this as my natural state.
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The onlookers are drawn to me like moths to a flame, their desires stoked by the pulsating energy I exude. The men are intoxicated by my aura of unapologetic masculinity their touches lingering, possessive. They grasp at my biceps, running their hands over the mounds of muscles that flex enticingly with each movement. Their lips find my skin, peppering light kisses along my chest and shoulders.
I welcome them eagerly, my primal instincts driving me to seek more – more pleasure, more intimacy. The club becomes a playground of debauchery, the rampant sexual energy palpable in the air. It's a symphony of moans, grunts, and the seductive melody of flesh meeting flesh.
Thanks for this prompt, it was a really fun one to work with!
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masterlouistf · 7 months
Hey, I’m looking for some story ideas. So if anyone has any prompts or ideas please feel free to send an ask.
Only caveats are:
- it’s not a commission so please don’t be too specific in terms of what you want from the story listing a kink or two is fine, try to keep it to a prompt to get the ideas flowing rather than loads of specific kinks and how you want it to end etc.
- stories about well known celebs are ok but please don’t ask for small creators/friends etc as they won’t have a massive online presence, so I’m not comfortable writing those publicly.
I don’t have anonymous asks turned on because you get a surprising amount of hate on them when they are.
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