mateojez-blog · 7 years
So here’s what my friend @mateojez and I think is going on in Beacon Hills these days. 
First of all, let’s talk about the main villain (besides the hunters). I’m talking about ˝the thing˝ they let out of the Wild Hunt. We already wrote a theory about it being the Sluagh and you can check it out here > http://mateojez.tumblr.com/post/163691927969/teen-wolf-s06b-villain#notes
Now that we’ve watched episode 02, it just confirmed our thoughts. In one of the scenes we see spiders attacking a lacrosse player (I think his name was Erren or something like that).
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Then we see him being found skinned and dead, and we know it’s him because of the helmet.
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Finally we see him once again alive. Moreover he says ˝must’ve died˝ and I have a feeling he wasn’t just talking about his phone.
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Now, let’s talk about Theo. We saw him getting killed by the hunters in this episode.
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But before that we’ve seen him getting attacked by the spider as well, but he managed to pull it out of his body. (I guess you can’t cheat the death…twice)
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That makes me think he was already targeted by ˝The Thing˝ for a reason before hunters finished him. The confusing part about Theo’s death is: he had more scenes in the trailer. So how could he be dead? Here’s the theory.
As I said, we already wrote a theory about Sluagh being the main villain that escaped the Wild Hunt so let me just quote some parts.
˝The Sluagh is tightly connected to the Wild Hunt and in some cultures it is called the Wild Hunt. They pray upon living and dead souls.The ability of the Sluagh is to manifest as the biggest fear of the individual, but it’s not uncommon for jeff to expand abilities of supernatural beings, so it could easily have fear manipulation and inducement as abilities.˝
Sluagh was introduced in season 5A. We know, according to Valack, it can take on the appearance of the lost souls.
I know what you’re gonna say; but it doesn’t look like the Sluagh we’ve seen in 5A.
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This, my friends, is the cheap shit mask they used in 5A, probably because it was supposed to be used in just one scene and it wasn’t even worn by an actor, but by a 16 years old fan of the show who won some kind of teen wolf lottery or some shit like that. 
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Now, this is the original design of Sluagh by Jessica Short, the woman who won Teen Wolf’s creature design contest. This is what Sluagh was supposed to look like.
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Looks familiar? I believe they had to redesign the mask to look more terrifying and realistic now that it is the main villain. After all, why would Sluagh from Eichen have to look identical to the one from the Wild Hunt.
Ok, now that we’ve settled this, the question is; what does it have to do with dead lacrosse player or Theo?
Dr. Valack gave us the answer in 5A when he said that Sluagh takes on the appearance of the lost souls. I think someone has to be dead (lost soul) for Sluagh to take on their appearance. That’s why he sends spiders to kill the person first. Also, that’s why Halwyn (the new hellhound) was listening to the heartbeats while searching for the thing that escaped the Hunt, because he was actually searching for someone with no heartbeat, someone dead.
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So what I’m saying is, the lacrosse player we’ve seen in the classroom in the middle of the night was actually Sluagh who took on the boy’s appearance after he killed him. And finally what’s in store for Theo. He’s actually dead, and Theo we’ve seen in some scenes from the trailer is also Sluagh appearing as him. The same goes for Jennifer Blake (Darach) we’ve also seen in a trailer.
What do you think about this theory? Share your thoughts in comments and repost if you liked it.
In collaboration with @mateojez
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mateojez-blog · 7 years
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Teen Wolf Season 7 - Feathers of Deception - Episode 1 - The Red Feather (on Wattpad) http://my.w.tt/UiNb/6FgWpZCriF Fan made season 7 to MTV's Teen Wolf
In collaboration with @maroltkiki
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mateojez-blog · 7 years
Teen Wolf S06B Villain
The theme of 6B is fear + an escaped being from the Wild Hunt. That being is non other than the Sluagh. introduced back in 5A, the Sluagh showed Stiles his biggest fear, the secret of killing Donovan.
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The Sluagh is tightly connected to the Wild Hunt and in some cultures it is called the Wild Hunt. They pray upon living and dead souls.
The ability of the Sluagh is to manifest as the biggest fear of the individual, but it’s not uncommon for jeff to expand abilities of supernatural beings, so it could easily have fear manipulation and inducement as abilities. 
in collaboration with @maroltkiki
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mateojez-blog · 7 years
Kingdom Hearts χ Back Cover
"The world was pure darkness. but I was born into a radiant world enveloped in a brilliant light. From within that light, my master gazed upon me and smiled. Before he disappeared, the one who made me bestowed names on his 6 apprentices, and passed down the Book of Prophecies to 5 who came to be known as the foretellers. The 5 read the manuscript, and were shocked by the final entry. The fated land will be a battleground for a great war. Light will see defeat and expire, while darkness prevails evermore. They decided to  draw on the powers of the book to prevent that from happening. They harness unimaginable forces from the future to protect the light and keep the world safe from the inevitable darkness. You should know that they share the same goal, but they don't follow the same path. Don't lose sight of yours, okay?"
                                                                                    - χ Back Cover opening
            In X Back Cover we finally learned about the Master of Masters and the Foretellers. We saw what lead to the Keyblade war but also got a million unanswered questions. The lingering question is still: "Who is the traitor?", next in line is: "What's in the box?"  But let's start from the beginning.
The apprentices have names that origin from the Latin names for the deadly sins:
Ava - Avaritia (greed)
Invy - Invidia (envy)
Gula - Gula (gluttiny)
Aced - Acedia (sloth)
Ira - Ira (wrath)
Luxu - Luxuria (extravagance, lust)
Despite their names the Foretellers or Luxu don't behave accordingly. Or do they?
           When Invy and Ava got into a fight on the bridge Invy accused Ava of being greedy enough to, despite having her own union, collecting the best Keyblade wielders of other unions and training them. That showed Invys envy. Gula broke up the alliance with aced because accusing him of not doing anything to bring any of the other  Foretellers into the alliance. Acusing him of sloth. Gula showed his gluttony when he wanted Ava to give him her Lux to summon Kingdom Hearts. Ava told Invy that she saw Wrath in Ira when he askeg about Gula, but in fact Ira seemed just a bit tense, nothing special...
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So before the Master vanished he gave Luxu a Keyblade and a box. The Box has a sigil on the top saying "X SUPER". The super could stand for the remaining sin SUPERBIA (pride), but is it referring to the Master of Masters? In the part of Luxu's case, we see the Master telling him that he is the indisposable number seven. After that the Master says to Luxu: "C'mon! It's simple. You six plus me is seven. WAIT. DON'T TELL ME I DON'T COUNT!" To which Luxu responds "No... Uh, um..." If he doesn't count he can't be Superbia, if he does, it's him.  
 The Traitor
"The one unable to forgive  this distastefulness, who thought of fate with pessimism and lost true strength... The one who will misread the truth and step into secrecy. And with that one swing, the bell that tells the end of the battle will sound... and the battle will finally begin, at the destined time."
                                                                                      - Book of Prophecy, Kingdom Hearts χ
"On that fated land, a great war shall transpire. Darkness will prevail and the light expire"
                                                         - Master of Masters, χ Back Cover
"The lost page talks about the one who bears the sigil."
                                                                                      - Master Gula, χ Back Cover
The First passage tells us when the war will begin and gives us hints who could start it, the second, where the war will take place and the outcome, and the third one tells us who the traitor is.
We can find 4 people in the first passage: Aced, Ira, Gula, Ava.
Aced can't forgive the distasteful betrayal from Gula.
Ira was a pessimist about the fate and wanted to try and change it at all cost.
Gula misread the Lost page and didn't tell anyone that he had the page.
Ava confronted Luxu about being the traitor, after Luxu told her who the traitor was and attacked him, when Ava's and Luxu's Keyblades clashed the bell in Daybreak Town rang.
           Before any of the Foretellers, Luxu got his task from the Master, he got a nameless Keybade, which Luxu dubbed "No name", and a box with the sigil "x super". Luxu's task was to pass the Keyblade with the Masters eye to his apprentice and to observe the others, but to stay out if sight in the beginning. Luxu disappeared while the Master handed out the tasks to the Foretellers. And soon after the Master vanished.
The story unfolded, the Foretellers fought, made alliances, broke them, attacked each other, got angry and so on, Luxu hid the box somewhere and came to the hill where the Master talked to Ira, to watch over Daybreak Town and the Foretellers.
After Ava refusing to help Gula summon Kingdom Hearts she talked to Invy and decided that she will collect Lux like the other foretellers in order to keep the balance and stall the war. After her meeting with Invy, Ava gathered the Dandelions and she put them to the final test to prepare them for what's to come. She sent the Dandelions to the realm of Unchained and put them to sleep. In that sleep they were do relive the adventure they had so far and experience the pain and sorrow of the Keyblade war in a dream, the sadness and pain would wake them up in a new world that their light created while all the others would give their life in the war.
After that Ava stumbled on to Luxu and asked him where he was and what he was up to. Luxu explained that he has to watch. Ava didn't like the answer so she confronted Luxu on being the traitor and taking advantage of the Master's will. Luxu drew his Keyblade and told Ava who the traitor is and Ava didn't believe him. Ava drew her Keyblade and clashed with Luxu and the bell in the Daybreak Town clock tower rang marking the beginning of the Keyblade war. Luxu vanished.
Gula wanting the Master to return was going summon Kingdom Hearts, so he started collecting lux. In order to balance that all other Foretellers did the same. Luxu appeared just to put the spark needed to start the Keyblade war and Ava took the bait.
Basically, Gula filled a barrel with gun powder, Ava was used as a rope and Luxu was the spark to light up the rope.
Ava, Gula, Invy, Ira and Aced died, just like all other participants, Luxu holding the Keyblade with the Masters eye and with the box looked as Kingdom Hearts appeared and absorbed all the lost hearts into it. It wasn't shown that Kingdom Hearts was swallowed by the darkness nor was it shown that the χ-Blade was shattered into 20 pieces, 7 of light and 12 of darkness. The only person to know is Luxu and the Master of Masters. We know for sure that nor Kingdom Hearts, nor the χ-Blade or Keychain of the χ-Blade are in the box because something was in the box before the war and both Kingdom Herts and the χ-Blade destroyed after.
But let's return to the traitor.
Gula said that it's the one that bears the sigil, maybe he was talking about the Recusant's sigil.
In Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance we learn about the Recusants's sigil
"Xemnas, leader of Organization XIII, gave new names to all who entered its ranks. Each name was an anagram created from the member's original name plus the letter X.
This X is known as the Recusant's Sigil, and has manifested itself in both obvious and insidious ways throughout Sora's adventures."
Besides that, Young Xehanort told Sora that they tracked him through the sigil. So it's possible that the X or χ(chi) is used to track the box, the other possibility is that is directly linked to Master of Masters, Luxu, Xehanort or even Sora.
So the traitor is one of these people:
Master of Masers - Mysteriously vanished, hid something into a box, never to be seen, possibly tracking Luxu, everything started with him telling the foretellers of the nightmare.
Luxu - Despite being ordered to observe, he returned and provoked Ava and used her to start the Keyblade war. Or maybe Luxu opened the box, if the lost page tells about the Recusant's sigil, a sigil is a mark and recusant means the one who doesn't want to submit to an authority or comply with a rule made by an authority.
Gula - Wanted to summon Kingdom Hearts (and succeeded) despite knowing the cost
Xehanort - Despite Luxu not having a book of prophecy, Xehanort knew what is written in it. Maybe he opened the box. And inside, among other, was the original Book of Prophecy. The Masters copy, we know that there were 6 books, 5 for the foretellers and one for the Master, where he took the Lost page out. Maybe the master put a copy into the box, gave Gula the lost page and gave the book to another foreteller...
Sora - In Dream Drop Distance before the fight with Xemnas, he says to Sora: "As the Flash bears the sigil, so your name shall be known as that of a recusant."
The Player of Kingdom Hearts χ/Unchained χ - As we know the person who set everything in motion was the Master, but in reality it was the Dark Chirtiy or Nightmare Chirity. It was the one to toss seeds of doubt and distrust between the Foretellers. And as we know it belonged to the Player at the time. Just before the Keyblade war it cut the connection to the Player and said "Let us meet in another dream." And it appeared as the Anti Black Coat Nightmare boss in Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance.
So it was the players fault to some extent, it would explain why Ava was so different to the Player if the Player was from another any Union except Vulpes. Before the Keyblade war Ava talks normally to the Player, tells him/her that they should leave, but During the battle when you meet Ava she attacks you and tries to kill you.
*There are similarities between Xehanort and Gula, the both want to summon Kingdom Hearts just to find out something and hope to bring balance to the world.
I just want to know if everything was destroyed and Luxu and the Dandelions didn't have a Book of Prophecy, how does Xehanort know about the last passage on the last page?
Hope I helped someone with this. These are my thoughts, predictions and observations
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mateojez-blog · 7 years
Teen Wolf -Winter finale
           Nothing... I'm just angry. I'll soon be 23 and I watch this show. (I know many people my age who love TW, but it's not for Hayden, Mason and Corey, nor is it for Scott, nobody is that pure. At least not for that long.) I consider the terrible CGI the shows significant move. I can go past a few plot holes and unanswered questions (What is Josh? Just killing off Valack. It's not possible for Mason to be the Beast of Gevaudan, worst possible ending of 5B. Victoria Argent, the true villain of the show. SHE HAS TO RETURN. And not as a Dread Doctor, or Ghost Rider hehe). But this finale... ah... my friend @maroltkiki and I had better theories and solutions to everything by just watching an episode and a half an hour research of the Wild Hunt, the Morigan and Banshees. Yeah, point given, when you write it at first it's way harder. But after it is written, read it damn it and do some good shit.
Let's go. That awkward moment when you try to remember stiles for three months and it's in vain. The only thing was to bring accidently open another portal, and guess what, worthless. Because the only thing you need is a Corey, a good for nothing Chimera that suddenly can merge dimensions, and is practically more powerful than a Banshee. Also, he can regenerate??? Since when?? Hayden was brought back by Theo and she would've died if not for the bite, and she was a wolf Chimera. They basically should've waited for the worlds to merge to get Stiles out.
Now we come to the most infuriating part. All of them were taken by the Wild Hunt, the end, you have to break the seal and take one by one back, that re-routing bs can suck it. Or at least it would be a mean of prevention not solution. When that train left everyone should've left whit it. And don't give me that they merged the worlds so the taken people must enter the physical train. Because, we were shown that that were just bodies, Malia yelling at Peter. Also, Beacon Hills Pikachu (Liam) didn't forget Down Syndrome Selena, which is weird, because my bed and I have a bigger emotional connection then those two.
Ghost Rider Claudia's death was so sad, not because she died but because how. I don't know how... was it the scream? Because the bullets can't kill the dead. Also, was Claudia a Ghost Rider or was a Ghost Rider Claudia? What does that tell us about Lenore's son?? Yeah, Lenore, another Banshee, one would think that she would be important, but of course not.
I liked that the Sheriff, it's unclear, killed Claudia. WOW! Now that I wrote it down, Claudia was a Rider but she still had her, ghostliness/humanity in her, she put her hand on a banshee, the real/pure Riders can't harm them.
What happened to Theo? Malia is cool with Lydia and Sitles being a couple now, if you give someone that look that Stiles and Lydia exchanged at the lockers you'll get a restraining order.  Also, Malia was treated as a piece of shit again, she was just gone near the end, just like the scene in the Library in end of 5B. Liam is an "alpha" now, as predicted. And it looks like that Lydia and Stiles are leaving.
P.S. I saw that it will be another Scott oriented Season. I swear to God if Scott gets together with Malia... And also, I don't want another Soctt oriented season, give me Malia vs the World, at least it's funny. But let me say, I look forward to the fear part of 6B.
Feel free to comment. I’m leaving it open for a debate
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mateojez-blog · 7 years
Here’s what I believe will happen to Lydia in the rest of the season 6. As we all know she is a banshee, but I think there’s actually more to her then just being a regular screaming harbinger of death. The reason I think so is the unusual hints they’ve been throwing us throughout the season. For example, in conversation between Lydia and Malia, Lydia for no fucking reason mentions the name Morrigan.
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Now who is Morrigan? The Morrígan (“phantom queen”) or Mórrígan (“great queen”), also known as Morrígu, is a figure from Irish mythology. The Morrígan is primarily associated with fate, especially with foretelling doom and death in battle. The Morrígan is usually interpreted as a “war goddess”. Now here comes the important part about connection between banshees and Morrigan: In some tales, the figure who first appears to be a banshee or other cailleach (hag) is later revealed to be the Irish battle goddess, the Morrígan. That’s why I think Lydia is not only a banshee, but also reincarnation of the battle goddess Morrigan. That would explain a lot and it actually makes sense. My friend @mateojez told me even before this theory he thinks Lydia died when Peter gave her the bite, and now it fits perfectly with this theory.
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That would also explain Allison’s vision of Lydia and her hospital room covered in blood when she came to visit her.
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We believe Lydia actually died after getting a bite, and came back as banshee/Morrigan. 
At first nobody knew what she was, then they thought she was a banshee (cause she appeared as one), and now she’s gonna find out she’s actually a goddess of war. That’s why the Ghost Riders don’t wanna harm her. In this scene Liam said that Ghost Riders were afraid of Lydia…
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…but later she said it wan’t fear, it was more like a revenence.
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Interesting choice of words. The word reverence is usually used when talking about the dead and gods. They could have just used the word respect, but they went with reverence. That just confirmed my thoughts about Lydia being the goddess. She is too powerful for such a young banshee, and we’ve also seen her abilities expand really fast, from learning to fight, using voice as a weapon, astral projection, telepathy, to traveling back in time through the mirror. Seems too fast for a regular banshee.
What do you think about this theory guys? Leave your thoughts in the comment. In collaboration with @mateojez
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mateojez-blog · 7 years
Teen Wolf 6A Ending Predictions
Only two episodes left until the end of 6A. So let us begin.
Let's go over the stuff we know:
           A) The remaining pack members will remember Stiles and somehow open a portal in Stiles' room. After the door opens the will see a light and Lyda will ask: "Stiles?"
           B) Two members of the show will leave
           C) Two people will return to finish their stories
           D) Unlike 3B the story will continue between 6A and 6B without a time gap
I believe that, sadly, all the kiddies will remain in all possible endings. For those who don't know the "kiddies" are: Selena... No, wait. Hayden!, Liam, Useless Corey and Mason.
Who will leave? Lydia, Stiles, Parrish (Not likely: Malia and Peter Hale)
Who will come back? Kate Argent, Araya and Severo Calavera, Derek Hale, Jackson Whittemore (Not likely: Alison, Victoria Argent, dr. Valack, Kira)
Now let's start speculating:
After the trio remembers Stiles the portal will manifest but it will be closed. A Ghost Rider will come out of it and Malia and Scott will fight him. Hopefully, Lydia will use her banshee powers on him and kill him. After that Lydia will open the portal. Why lydia can open the portal? Simple.
In some tales, the figure who first appears to be a banshee or other cailleach (hag) is later revealed to be the Irish battle goddess, the Morrigan.
The banshee is immune to everything supernatural, including a supernatural portal that sets you on magical fire. And if Lydia is the Morrigan it would make perfect sense.
I recently made a theory how Lydia died when Peter bit her and that trauma made her a banshee and that her soul is now trapped between life and death http://mateojez.tumblr.com/post/155430294719/the-banshee-and-the-wild-hunt. 
The proof lies in the last few episodes. First Lydia brings up the Morrigan despite no one ever mentioning her, then Lydia uses the term reverence - deep respect for someone, like the dead or a divine being.
To find out more check my friends, @maroltkiki, theory about this titled LYDIA THE BATTLE GODDESS: http://maroltkiki.tumblr.com/post/156164767598/lydia-the-battle-goddess-heres-what-i-believe
After the portal is opened Scott, Malia and Lydia will enter it and find Stiles and the others. But before they can exit the will face off Douglas and Parrish. Scott, Malia, Argent and Hayden will handle Douglas and Lydia, Stiles, Corey, Mason and Melissa will deal with Parrish. Scott and Malia will somehow strip Douglas from his Ghost Rider abilities and Lydia will bring Parrish to his senses. But the other Riders will take control over Parrish. The trapped people will run towards the portal and Lydia will open it so the humans can escape it. After they all escape the portal it will close and vanish and the Wild Hunt will leave Beacon Hills for they have Douglas and Parrish. But Lydia will collapse and Stiles will catch her, at that moment she'll say to him that she loves him. Stiles will kiss her and we will get that perfect Stidia moment. But unfortunately, Lydia will die. And Stiles will cry just like Scott did over Alison. After a while Stiles and his dad will move away because all the trauma.
Liam forms his own pack with Mason, Hayden, Corey and +/- Theo
Maybe Melissa and Argent will sacrifice themselves and everyone else will live and Scott and Stiles will be brothers, living in the same house. Parrish will remain in BH, Lydia may or may not end up with Stiles. Stiles may or may not continue his relationship with Malia.
And the third option (the most boring ad cliche one) everyone makes it, but Malia decides to leave with Peter
Now, let's go back to the person who will walk toward the pack when they open the portal, it is possible that it is the villain for 6B, and that would be Kate Argent, she would be perfect, her story was never concluded, it would be awesome to see Araya and Severo Calavera again. Everyone forgot about Kate so it would be perfect to see her return with the excuse that she was closed behind a door in the Ghost train station.And as Kate attacks Scott Jackson and Derek could appear and fight her off. It can be a action packed second part of the season.
In collaboration with @maroltkiki
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mateojez-blog · 7 years
Teen Wolf - Heartless Origin of Douglas Why The Wild Hunt stayed
           This episode was informative. Also it confirmed two of my theories, and that is that in order to get Styles they have to get rid of Claudia. Does that mean that the Noah Stilinski has to kill her as he is the one that brought her back, not sure, hope so. Or even better yet, Stiles has to do it himself. Kill his mother, as Claudia and Noah have already accused him. (Noah Season 2, Claudia Season 5)
The other theory is about how the Ghost Rider use Hellhounds to break Mountain  Ash barriers.
Professor Douglas:
           We know from previous episodes that prof. Douglas is the Nazi solder from the container in the Dread Lab, we also know that he is killing people and eating their pineal glands. The question was always why? Why did the Dread Doctors take him, Why did he eat the pineal glands...?
The present:
           Today we saw many important scenes. We saw prof. Douglas stand up to a Ghost Rider and kill him. Douglas also took the Riders pineal gland and ate it and seems like turned into a Ghost Rider. His eyes turned green and he used his whip to transport Corey into the other dimension.
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Also we were shown that as Douglas killed the Ghost Riders the other Riders stopped what they were doing and went after him to take him to the other dimension or to kill him.
The past:
           "It's been a long time." Those are the words Douglas spoke with the Ghost Rider before killing him. That means Douglas met the Riders before.
The Wild Hunt is drawn to war, before, during and/or after a war.
So we go to the period of WWII, 1939-1945.
Douglas and the Dread Doctors
           In season 5 we found out that the Dread Doctors made a deal with the person in jar (Douglas). All this time I thought it was a deal that Douglas would prolong the Doctors lives in exchange of protection against the Wild Hunt. But there might be more than that.
My vision on how all transpired:
           The Hunt the Dread Doctors needed test subjects to create chimeras, but everyone failed. The subject were Jewish people from the concentration camps provided by professor Douglas. I believe he was the one in charge at one of the camps as Theo called him Hauptman (Head man). In return the Dread Doctors gave him the key to eternal life, the pineal gland. The consumption of pineal glands prolongs lives as the Dread Doctors proved it by existing for two centuries at that time. The Wild Hunt started and as soul were taken, Douglas saw the Hunt and it was going after him. Douglas is a brilliant Alpha and he figured that if he took a pineal gland of an immortal being he would become immortal himself. Just like Deucalion took the power of the other Alpha's by killing them. Douglas managed to kill a rider and take his power, his eyes turned green and he was immortal. But the other Ghost Riders came after him and took him to their dimension. As Douglas had the immortality of the Riders he managed to escape, just like Peter. But the escape left only a tiny bit of the immortality. And like Peter he was left with severe burns. The Dread  Doctors took Douglas to their Lab and put him in a coma, put him into the capsule and filled it with formaldehyde. And the Dread Doctors started extracting the immortality that is left in Douglas and started using it as a mean to prolong their life and Theo used it later to resurrect the dead chimeras. (That is why the serum was green)
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 At the end of Season 5 all of the immortality was gone and Douglas became a normal werewolf again and started healing, woke up and broke free. As he was burned and was in formaldehyde so his lungs suffered damage for which he needed to take Helium therapy.
Why the Wild Hunt stayed
           Jeff Davis said that, I believe two, characters will die. One of them is I believe the one responsible for the stay of the Wild Hunt. The one that Killed a Ghost Rider in season 5.
All humans have their pineal glands in the middle of their brain and it is the size of a pea. But there was one person who had a huge pineal gland or third eye, Dr. Valcak. The only pineal gland that was big as Valacks was the one from the Ghost Rider. That lets me believe that Valack is a Ghost Rider. But he has a real live body.
Valack’s Pineal Gland
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Ghost Rider’s Pineal Gland
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Valack said that the Doctors ruined him once. Maybe the Doctors managed to lock a Ghost Rider into a human body and restrict his power. But despite him being in a human body his pineal gland was a Ghost Riders. That enabled him to know everything and see the ones nobody could, the Dread Doctors. Also, the Dread Masks resemble the Ghost Riders faces, sown up mouth black holes for eyes. So that means that the reason nobody could see the Dread Doctors is Valacks power they stole and while creating the mask implemented that power into it. Valack managed to make a duplicate of the masks. The fourth Dread Mask. But it looks like he was caught before he could use it. During the first shut down in Eichen visited Valack and took his pineal gland to weaken his Rider inside. That's why he did experiments on Lydia, the only one able to defeat Ghost Riders because she was immune to them. But everything went wrong and Lydia killed Valack, one of the Ghost Riders and by doing that she made the Riders hunt for her, hunt for the one that is immune.
The only way for the hunt to leave might be for Lydia to die....
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In collaboration with @maroltkiki
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mateojez-blog · 7 years
The Banshee and the Wild Hunt
Why are Banshees immune to the Wild Hunt?
''Banshee howl and shriek, and if you hear their cry, you can know you’ll join the ranks of the dead that night."
Old gossips claim Banshees are the spirits of women stuck between life and death due to traumatic experiences. Their wails and howls are considered ill omens of imminent, inevitable death, though they are said not to attack the living themselves. Most often they appear in the form of pale, tear-streaked women with shriveled faces and wrinkled, corpse-like bodies.
           According to this text the a Banshee like Lyidia, Lenora or Meredith are immune to the Ghost Riders because their souls are trapped between life and death.
Lydia became a Banshee after Peter bit her, she basically died, she became a Banshee, but was week at the time. (Thar would explain Alison’s vision of Lydia in the hospital i Season 1 episode 12.)  When Lydia was near death in season 3A (When the Darach tried to kill her.) she gained more even power and screamed. Also, Allison's death, Valack experiment's and the Dread Doctors made her even stronger.
Season 1 episode 12. Lydia in the Hospital link.
Lorraine Martin, Lydia's grandmother, became a Banshee when the love of her life drowned. Yes, she had a hunch that something is going to happen to her lover but it is only after she died that she did some of her real Banshee predictions, like Brunski hurting Ariel (Lydia)
Meredith, I believe (don't really recall), lost her parents and Lorraine Martin did some experiments on her which made her powerful and turned her into a Banshee.
Lenora, lost her son and that made her a Banshee without her knowing, that was why the Ghost Riders didn't take her. After another traumatic experience, the Ghost Riders taking everyone away and her son returning as an illusion, she gained more power. That was the moment she gained her scream and space-time manipulation.
What if a big part of their soul died, but their body remained strong and their soul returned to them, it would make sense. Lydia was full of herself and basically a bitch, after the Peter incident she became open to people and less of a bitch, Meredith was fragile but after the Lorraine-experiment incident she lost it even more and became fully unsocial and broken, but on a higher plane she was superior. Lenora was delusional and disconnected when her son died and she completely lost it when she saw the Ghost Riders take everybody, but she created an illusion to aid her mental health. 
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           In the Wild Hunt Ghost Riders take people from the "life-realm" to the "death-realm". According to the legends the Ghost Riders are accompanied by Hellhounds that help them find the lost souls. As we know from season 5 the Banshee has a special connection to the Hellhound, as they are both connected to death they are drawn to each other.
The Banshee and the Hellhound have the ability to predict death and other disasters. Banshees get more visions regarding the closer future. Lydia said, in season 5, to Aiden (Valack), that they are coming for them  all. By that she meant the Dread Doctors.
The Hellhound gets visions of the distant future. As for Parrish, he had a recurring dream of carrying corpses to the Nemeton. Parrish said that in the dream he saw them all. All of Beacon Hills that is going to be taken by the Wild Hunt, just like Cannon.
The Hellhound serves as a tool to the Wild hunt as the Banshee serves as the warning before the storm (literally) and the connection between the realm of life and death.
Mountain Ahs
           The Banshee is fully immune to the effects of the Mountain Ash. But the Ghost Riders are not, they are stopped by it, just like the Oni, they have to break the barrier. But that's why the Ghost Riders have Hellhounds. The Hellhounds can burn Mountain ash by just walking through making it easier for the Riders to come to their target. Just like in real life hunting, hunters send their dogs to the fox den to lure them out and so they get to hunt it down.
           To conclude, the Banshees are immune to the Wild Hunt because their soul is trapped between life and death. They are like the Ghost Riders and the Hellhound, in between the two realms, but unlike the Riders, the Banshee and Hellhound can remain in the life realm.
Also somewhere I saw a passage of a Norse mythology text that stated that Odin's wife was a Banshee. (Odin was the main god of the Norse mythology, equivalent to Zeus) And Odin is believed to be the King of the Hunt and that he commanded the Ghost Riders, that's why the Wild Hunt is also called Odin's Hunt and he is the reason why the Ghost Riders ride the lightning. But sadly I couldn't find the text.
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mateojez-blog · 7 years
Teen Wolf - Ghosted
           Episode 6x6 just ended and it got hectic near the end. Theo is back but stripped of all the abilities he stole from Tracy and Josh. But as he was dead, or in hell,(who cares) he was unaffected by the damnatio memoriae caused by the Ghost Riders.
Theo except remembering Stiles brings up that he knows about the Wild Hunt and much more from the Dread Doctors, obviously regarding to the Nazi Alpha Professor. When Theo learned that the Riders and the Wild Hunt are still in Beacon Hills and said that they must be stuck for some reason.
That reason in my opinion is the Nazi Professor. On the preview for the next episode we saw the Professor shift into his werewolf form confronting a Ghost Rider and saying "It's been a long time."
This lets me to believe that during or at the end of WWII (World War II) there was another Wild Hunt. The Riders possibly rounded up surviving Nazis and took them. Our Nazi Professor Douglas ran from them and stumbled upon the Dread Doctors. Douglas and the Doctors made a deal; The Dread Doctors would hide/protect Douglas from the Wild Hunt as they controlled the energy, vibration and frequency and can appear and disappear and hide even from the Wild Hunt, that would also explain why the Dread Bunker was always underground (or behind a solid rock/concrete wall), while Douglas would use them to prolong their lives.
Lydia & Lenora
           We saw Lydia walk into the mirror and met Leonora and started screaming, at the time it was like one of her Banshee visions but later on when Leonora and Lydia have their screaming competition we saw both have the same vision (remembering the same thing). For Lydia it was just an illusion but for Leonora it was remembering the past. Then as they talked we learned that Banshees are immune even to the Wild Hunt. Also we learned/confirmed that Claudia is just an illusion and not real, just like Leonora's dead son. Also we saw that Banshee's and/or dead, yet very much alive Samara-like children can cause illusions just like the Dread Doctors. Malia and Scott drowning on dry land, water coming from the windows...
Can't wait what the return to the Dread Lab will bring us in the next episode.
In association with @maroltkiki
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mateojez-blog · 8 years
Teen Wolf 6x4:  Stiles’ name/return, Wild Hunt
This week's episode was good. But scarce on theory material. But you have to do the best with the things you got.
Apparently we have a separation in the pack. 
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Maybe Liam is going to become an Alpha 
Stiles' return possibility
Stiles' relics:
Baseball bat - Mentioned by Sheriff in 6x4
Lacrosse shirt - Lydia gives it to Sheriff in a trailer
           Since there is another Stiles, M. Stilinski cannot come back because the "name" Stiles is now linked to Noah Stilinskis dad. I strongly believe that the only way to bring him back is for Claudia to say the name M____ out loud, that should jog the Sheriffs memory and make it possible to bring him back. That also means that Claudia has to die. Again.
The name could be:
MAKSYMILIAN: Meaning: The greatest rival - 3B - Void Stiles/Nogitsune.
Jeff said it's a normal name but it's spelled different, usually its Maximilian.
The Wild Hunt: Who are we hunting?
           The Wild Hunt takes people, leaving only a few things behind. In one of the trailers we found out that something happened that the hunt lasts for so long. So that means that the Ghost Riders are searching for someone or something special.
In season 5 and 6 (so far) there has been a few events that could made the Ghost Riders and with them the Wild hunt stay in Beacon Hills.
A) 5Ax01 when the Dread Doctors took Kira out of the car and used a lightning rod to redirect lightning into Kira, therefore possibly trapping a Ghost Rider inside her.
B) The abominations of nature, the Chimeras.
C) Nazi Professor Douglas comes back to life.
D) Parrish
The first one was probably made in the case Kira would stay on the show, so i think that that one is not going not happen.
As for the second and third one, when the Dread Doctors created the chimeras they put something into the world that shouldn't exist. It's lost and should be deleted. But all chimeras are dead. Except Corey, he is the only abomination left. (Theo is coming back later, still dead, not for long tho.)
Professor Douglas is supposed to be very old, let's say that that season 6 is taking place in 2016, that means that it's 71 years after WWII (World War 2), and our Nazi professor was a general in Nazi Germany, that means he would be at least 26, and added to the time passed he would be at least 97, or most likely dead. Therefore he is misplaced as well as the chimeras.
Parrish is a Hell hound, a participant in the Wild Hunt and therefore after the Hunt he has to return to Hell, or wherever the ghost riders are going after.
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mateojez-blog · 8 years
Teen Wolf - 6x3 Connections theory
          Let's start off with the train and the women that Lydia sees and hears all the time. This season is a bit Nazi themed as the professor Douglas is the Nazi alpha werewolf that kept the Dread Doctors alive.
The train and the women are connected. As I watched Schindler's List, a movie about Oscar Schindler a "Nazi" who saved millions of Jewish people in Germany during WWII. In that movie the Jewish people were transported by train to the Nazi camps where they were to meet their death in gas chambers. Schindler bought two trains of people, one train filled with men and the other with women. The men arrived to their sanctuary but the women arrived at a Nazi camp, Auschwitz. If I recall correctly the a Nazi solider said:  All future stops are canceled.  In the end Schindler saved them.
So could it be that the train Lydia keeps hearing and the women she keeps seeing are connected to that solider and that train in Auschwitz? Is the Nazi solider that said that our professor Douglas?
Prof. Douglas and his killings
It seems that Douglas eats the soul, also known as the third eye of people. I wonder if that has any connection to Dr. Valack
As we know Valack used to use trepanation as a mean to get to the third eye, set in the middle of the brain called a pineal gland.  The same pineal gland that Douglas is taking from people and eating it.
As of now we have a triangle: the Dread Doctors, dr. Valack and prof. Gabriel.
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The key
           Stilinskis dad, Stiles told Stilinski to go to his dead wife and loser son. Everything would've been fine except Claudia is the one alive and Stiles, M. Stilinski, doesn't exist.
Dementia isn't the same as Alzheimer, people with Alzheimer are constantly in the state of delusion. Meanwhile, people with dementia are shifting between delusion and sanity. That means that the Ghost riders couldn't erase Stiles and replace him with Claudia because his mind was already lost at the time. You cannot reprogram something that's not there.
In other words his memory is protected by his dementia, stored safe inside his fractured  mind, chained up with chains of memories born of lies and illusions created by an illness possibly in order to conceal the horrific life he lived. A seal so strong not ven the supernatural cannot break it.
           We have to wait and see if Scott has to access Old Stiles' memory or Lydia has to connect with him a higher level to find hidden truths.
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mateojez-blog · 8 years
Teen Wolf: Ghost Riders - Stiles, Claudia, Alison
Yes, Teen Wolf started again, and for me that means theory time. Let's get started.
           The 2nd episode of season 6 is behind us and it's already hectic. Stiles is erased not any evidence of him can be seen. Until, in the next few episodes, f***ing Corey finds the Jeep, I guess.
The Ghost riders use "Damnatio Memoriae" when dealing with their victims, they take the person and every memory and object connected to them. When they took, It appears that when the next victim is targeted the people around them forget about them even while they still exist and even talk to them. After Ghost riders take their victims all their belongings are deleted from existence
           When Stiles was selected as a target everyone forgot about him except Scott and Lydia, Scott because he was with him in the house and Lydia because she is a banshee.  After Scott and Stiles split Scott forgot about him, which left us with Lydia who forgot him after he was taken. She promised him to remember him and was left alone sitting in the Jeep. That night, Lydia has forgotten Stiles but remembered the "promise to no one". The next day she completely forgot. The only thing left was a void. (This sentence is crucial)
So, lets call the thing that happened to Stiles "Perfect Damnatio Memoriae" because unlike Damnatio Memoriae from season 5 where they just scratched the name of the of a person and kill them off and that was it, this time even if you're able to prolong your life  you wouldn't be able to remember the missing person.
And here rises the question, if someone is completely erased from ever existing, how can that person be missed? You would notice that something is wrong within your memories, but that wouldn't mean that someone is missing.
Maybe the answer lies in the memories themselves, you can forget, everyone and everything, but every memory, no matter how much has changed, the memories themselves will never disappear.
In episode 2 until the very end there was no memory called "Stiles" to remember, but Malia found  a trigger in the word STYLE because HE still exists somewhere, in the deepest corners of her mindscape.
Lydia being a banshee  and making a promise to him she has a strong connection him now. She doesn't know him, at this point she never has, but still, Lydias promise to Stiles, the promise to the one she doesn't know enhances her banshee powers and lets her hear just a faded memory of him talking and at the end write the word on a piece of paper.
Thankfully, Stiles was two people in the past. He was Void, a Nogitsune that was drawn to chaos, stirfe and pain that it has created by mischief. In the end Void Stiles helped Lydia to spell STILES because Void did so much mischief and as he was a different person sharing only Stiles' body and a few memories he was the link that triggered it.
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Claudia and Alison
           The biggest surprise was seeing Claudia bringing Sheriff Stilinski dinner. That raises the question, there have been a thing that has being mentioned almost from the beginning of the show and that is that STILES KILLED HIS MOTHER.
The first time was in season 2 when Lydia under the influence of Peter "poisoned" everyone at her party and all people started  hallucinating and Stiles saw drunk Sheriff screaming and accusing Stiles of killing Claudia.
The second time was in season 5 when The Dread Doctors made everyone in the pack have illusions at the hospital and Stiles had an illusion of Claudia and he followed her to the roof where she wanted to kill herself by jumping and Stilinki was there stopping her. When she saw Stiles she told him that he wants to kill her and she attacked him.
What if that is the truth? When the Ghost riders erased Stiles every item he owned disappeared, every memory was altered and everything event that was influenced by him was changed or just didn't happen. It lets me to believe that he actually did kill her, because she appeared after he disappeared not only from the present but also from the past.
If the previous statement is true. That means that without Stiles the Nogitsune couldn't take his body and became Void Stiles and that Allison is still alive for there is no one to summon the one that killed her. Also, there was no third person to sacrifice to give power to the Nemeton and therefore no Kira, that's why she isn't mentioned.
And now we come to the plot hole. If there was no Void Stiles how did Lydia know about the mischief?
*NOTE: There are two explanations possible:
a) Multiple Universe theory. There Lydia connected to Stiles and used his memories of Void to write his name and Alison is alive.
b)They had to sacrifice someone else, someone else became a Nogitsune and killed people with mischief and Lydia connected those dead souls that died of mischief caused by the Nogitsune to the voice to who she made a promise and spelled the word STILES. And Alison is Dead and Kira exists.
But currently we didn't see Allison and haven't heard anything about Kira, which leaves me puzzled.
I would like to hear your thoughts, so feel free to comment 
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mateojez-blog · 8 years
Kingdom Hearts X Back Cover
          I'm currently working on writing down all the Kingdom Hearts games and explaining the story as if you never heard of Kingdom Hearts. To this point I've just finished Kingdom Hearts  "X" games; Kingdom Hearts X, Kingdom Hearts Unchained X and Kingdom Hearts X Back Cover. (it took me about 4 days and about 15 sheets in MS word. it a lot). Anyway,  Back Cover is not out yet so I did the best I could with the trailers and made the dialogues as I think they could've flown, the dialogues are titled "conversation 1, 2..." that doesn't mean that this is the order in which they are truly doing, just a random pick. Hope you enjoy this and stay tuned for more.
Above every line is the trailer in which that line is featured.
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           Kingdom Hearts χ Back Cover tells, just like Kingdom Hearts χ, the story of the events that led to the Keyblade War, the difference being that in χ Back Cover tells the side the Player in Kingdom Hearts χ doesn't know, and that is the story of the rift between the Foretellers and what actually led to the Keyblade War. Kingdom Hearts χ and Kingdom Hearts χ Back Cover are happening simultaneously.
Only a few thing are known about the actions in χ Back Cover. A few conversations can be put together from the trailers.
Conversation 1:
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue (PS4) - Jump Festa 2016 Trailer
Ira (Unicornis): A Lost Page... There is something missing from our Book of Prophecies.
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue (PS4) - Jump Festa 2016 Trailer
Invi (Anguis): Are you implying that the one in possession of the missing page is the traitor?
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue (PS4) - Jump Festa 2016 Trailer
Aced (Ursus): There's darkness at work, that's for sure. But I don't believe there is a traitor amongst us.
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue (PS4) - Jump Festa 2016 Trailer
Ava(Vulpeus): It doesn't necessarily point to one of us, does it?
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue (PS4) - Jump Festa 2016 Trailer
Gula (Leopardos): The missing page tells of a traitor in our midst.
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue E3 2016 Trailer
Aced (Ursus) to Ira (Unicornis): What, did you expect the traitor to give themselves up with that accusation of yours? That was foolish.
Invi (Anguis): Aced, that's quite enough.
Monologue 1:
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue (PS4) - Jump Festa 2016 Trailer
Gula (Leopardos): Even though there is a traitor, act normal and keep focus. Thrust no one but yourself.
Conversation 2:
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue - TGS 2016 TRAILER 
Aced (Ursus): I want the three of us (Ava and ??? (maybe Gula) to form an alliance.
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue - TGS 2016 TRAILER 
Ava(Vulpeus): But alliances are forbidden Aced.
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue E3 2016 Trailer
Aced (Ursus): We need to defy the Masters teachings to protect the world!
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue E3 2016 Trailer
Ava(Vulpeus): You're saying he was WRONG?!
 Conversation 3:
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue E3 2016 Trailer
Master of Masters: This World is full of light
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue E3 2016 Trailer
(...) maybe Ira came up to him or Luxu
Master of Masters: Darkness will prevail and the light expire.
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue E3 2016 Trailer
Ira (Unicornis): Isn't it our duty as Keyblade wielders to prevent this war from taking place?
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue E3 2016 Trailer
Master of Masters: Nah, not possible.
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue E3 2016 Trailer
Ira (Unicornis): We have to at least try.
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue - TGS 2016 TRAILER 
Master of Masters: You're telling me that you think the world can be saved by just seven people?
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mateojez-blog · 8 years
Kingdom Hearts - Thoughts & Connections
           Well, Kingdom Hearts is one of the more complicated games I've seen, storywise. It's also one of the games that hits you in the feels. And it offers so much fun in playing along all the Disney characters from our childhood.
An interesting comparison:
Kingdom key and Kingdom key D
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Vatican flag
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I was watching TV and there it was the Vatican flag with a golden and a silver Key on it and I find it awesome. also the Crusades were wars to retrieve, among others, Jerusalem a.k.a the holy city, or city of light at the time. (Can it be that the Keyblade war is based off the Crusades?)
Re: Chain of memories
           In Re:Com Sora, Donald and Goofy go into Castle Oblivion, and fight members of Organization 13 and go through Soras memories. Simultaneously, Riku wakes up in the basement of the castle and makes his way up the castle alongside King Mickey. Also Xion and Roxas come to the castle.
Now, people who played Re:Com and/or watched some LPs of it know that Sora uses some attacks that he didn't know in Kingdom Hearts 1. It was awesome, because Blizzard raid, Fire Raid, Aero being an attack move...
But when I think about it... Riku had his attacks from KH1 (+ Holly Burst), so did Riku Replica. Why did Sora had new moves?
I think it's the same reason why Roxas fainted after entering Castle Oblivion. VENTUS.
           Marluxia: In this place, to find is to lose, and to lose is to find. That is the way in Castle Oblivion.
Aqua, Terra and Ven can use the moves Blizzard raid, Frie raid, Aero as an attack and even Raging Storm, Firaga Burst and many more. And, as we know, Castle Oblivion is just The Land of Departure locked away by Aqua in the end of Birth by Sleep.
           Sora and Ven share the same heart therefore Sora can use the moves (attacks) Ven knows (knew... it's complicated). As Marluxia said in the begining of Re:Com: When you set foot in the castle you forgot all spells and abilities you knew. And maybe as Sora lost his abilities he found Vens deep down in his heart.
Maybe Vens heart was reacting to the castle because it knows that Ven sleeps in the Chamber of Waking.
           Xion walked into Castle Oblivion and had a reaction to Sora as she is just a puppet that has "captured" some of Soras memories, the one of Kairi. Other than that she doesn't have a reaction to the castle.
           When Roxas walked into Castle Oblivion the almost immediately fainted. If I got it right is because:
When in Kingom Hearts 1 Sora released his heart with the dark keyblade he also released Vens heart. (Why Vens heart didn't go back to Ven is beyond me, maybe it was still to week). Sora held on to his feelings even as a Heartless because it was full of light all the time. Sora has very little darkness in him from the start, he also kept Vens heart full of light in his for 10 years, and in Kingdom Hearts 1 he kept Kairis heart of pure light in him, too. Upon releasing his heart sora gave Kairi her heart back, Sora somehow kept his feelings (or Heart) but Vens heart got into Soras Nobody, Roxas. That is why Roxas looks like Ven. As Soras heart was the host to Vens heart for 10 years, Castle Oblivion was able to call Vens memories/abilities to the surface despite Vens Hert being inside Roxas.
Vens heart in Roxas would explain why Roxas collapsed in Castle Oblivion because Vens heart was in another body while Vens body was in the cstle. And it would explain why Roxas and Axel were best friends. In BBS(FM) Ventus and Lea became friends in Radiant Garden.
           Axel told Larxene that he is fascinated by Sora being able to keep his feelings as a heartless, and that only one man did the same thing before.
My guess is Xehenort/Terranort but instead of light his heart was full of darkness and a bit of light, Terras darkness,  Master Xehenorts dakness and the darkness of Xehenorts Foreteller Keyblade and a glimpse of Master Eraqus' light.
I also strongly believe that Terranort stabed himself with the his Keyblade creating his Heartles Ansem and his Nobody Xemnas in order to get rid of Master Eraqus' light within Terras Heart.
Kingdom hearts 0.2 Birth by sleep A fragmentary passage
           I think we will play as King Mickey in the Realm of Darkness for the first part of the game, seeing how he got the Kingdom key D, and later we will encounter Aqua, maybe then we will change characters from Mickey to Aqua but still keep Mickey in the party. Then see how they escape the Dark Realm and find out were Aqua was during KH: Re:Com, KH2, KH: Re:Coded and KH3D
Kingdom Hearts 3:                              
Organization XIII members (my oppinion/hopes)
In my opinion the Organization will consist of
I. Master Xehenort
II. Ansem (Seeker of Darkness)
III. Xemnas
IV. Young Xehenort
V. Mysterious figure Xehenort (BBSFM secret boss)
VI. Master Eraqus (he must come back because he is the only one who actually died, but his last words were: My own heart  is darkness!)
VII. Braig/Xigbar
VIII. Isa/Saix
IX. Marluxia (Nobody in the traler)
X. Larxene (Badass character just evil enough and the only female bad guy)
XI. Venitus
XII. Terra
XIII. Aquas Keyblade Armor (Xehenort can put his heart into Aquas keyblade armor, if his heart can wear a brown robe it can wear an armor)
           *In Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep Master Xehenort said that when the χ-Blade if forged he will open the door and Keyblade wielders from all worlds will come and fight for the light within Kingdom Hearts thus the Keyblade War will begin.
This lets me to believe that we won't have the Keyblade War in Kingdom Hearts 3,  we will fight Organization 13 members in various worlds and have the final clash of the 13 darknesses and 7 lights at the Keyblade Graveyard. The χ-Blade will be forget and will not be destroyed this time, Xehenort will open the door by using the χ-Blade and fight Sora. Sora will be victorious, Xehenort dies and Sora keeps the χ-Blade. He will try to lock the door but Keyblade wielders start arriving at the Keyblade Graveyard and the Keyblade War will begin. The Xehenort saga ended, and the next installment would be called Kingdom Hearts The Keyblade War.
I hope it is not too confusing, as Kingdom Hearts does.
Those are my thoughts and opinions so don't take them as leaks or something like that, feel free to comment.  
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mateojez-blog · 8 years
Teen Wolf Seaosn 6: Mind control - Valack returns?
           I saw an interview with Jeff Davis and he said something like this:  The season 6 plot (or something like this)  was kind of hinted in 5x16 in a dialog between two characters. And yes, 5x16 has almost only two character dialogs. Thanks Jeff!
I wrote a theory on the connection between season 5 & 6, and if you haven't read it here is the link, because this post kind of proves the theory:
I strongly believe that the dialog Jeff mentioned was the one with Lydia and Valack.
Dr. Valack: I want you to focus on this Lydia. (turns on the machine to cancel out the noise) And what other sounds you hear now push them aside. Focus on this sound (the machine produces a cracking sound).
That's it. Focus on this sound and my voice. All right, Lydia?
(Lydia sees the dead nurse Cross)
(Valack sais to her not to worry, that Cross was weak)
(Then a huge Malia/Cory and Kira/Josh segment)
Dr. Valack: Lydia. Can you hear me?
Lydia: What do you want from me?
Dr. Valack: I want your help against the Dread Doctors. (Valack starts to explain how the doctors ruined him...) People thought I was a monster when I was simply trying to open their eyes.
Lydia: Now you want me to be your eyes.
Dr. Valack: You will see things Lydia. Things that other people cannot see. You may not survive, but you might save the lives of your friends. (shows Lydia the fourth mask)
(Dr. Valack puts Lydia on an EEG)
Dr. Valack: We have to slow your mind first. There's too much activity in your brain.
We have to get from a GAMMA wave to a THETA.
Lydia: It's too loud. I  can't.  
Dr. Valack: If I try the mask now it will kill you. You have to calm your mind.(started talking about The Beast, the teenager underneath it, Valack gets his head blown away) 
           Brain activity is measured in waves and each of these waves have their frequency: ALPHA, BETA, DELTA, TETHA and GAMMA. The same (minus OMEGA) as The Monarch Project from WWII from my last theory.I found two tables:
1. Shows us the frequencies from highest to lowest: 
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A drop from hyper active state to a slow rhythmic activity could kill Lydia. That's why Valack said that she might not survive.
Also it could put Lydia into a trans like state making Valack able to take over her, and then she really could  become HIS EYES. If Valack was in Lydias head when she puts on the Dread Mask, she would become his vessel because maybe when the Dread Doctors took out Valacks eye he became unable to wear the mask and therefore was too weak (unable) to fight them. But by using Lydia as a vessel he would have the most powerful weapon.
2. Shows us brainwaves, their frequencies and functions:
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           It is thought that the 40 Hz gamma wave is important for the binding of our senses in regards to perception and are involved in learning new material. It has been found that individuals who are mentally challenged and have learning disabilities tend to have lower gamma activity than average.
           They are involved in conscious thought, logical thinking, and tend to have a stimulating affect. Think of these as being very fast brain waves that most people exhibit throughout the day in order to complete conscious tasks such as: critical thinking, writing, reading, and socialization.
           This frequency range bridges the gap between our conscious thinking and subconscious mind. Alpha is the frequency range between beta and theta.
           This particular frequency range is involved in daydreaming and sleep. Theta waves are connected to us experiencing and feeling deep and raw emotions. Too much theta activity may make people prone to bouts of depression and may make them “highly suggestible” based on the fact that they are in a deeply relaxed, semi-hypnotic state.
           Adequate production of delta waves helps us feel completely rejuvenated after we wake up from a good night’s sleep. If there is abnormal delta activity, an individual may experience learning disabilities or have difficulties maintaining conscious awareness (such as in cases of brain injuries).
           When someone mentions mind control most people imagine a magician/mentalist with a pocket watch telling you that you're getting very sleepy. People starting to act like chicken on a stage in a circus, or people start dancing on a trigger (a clap/song/wistle...) But it can also be the way to alternate peoples brain waves. Producing a frequency that can cause your BETA wave drop to a THETA and then easily gain control over the target because the target becomes highly suggestible because they fall into a semi- hypnotic state.
Will the villains of season 6 revive Valack to help them brainwash someone from the pack, to become their spy, secret weapon, or their mindless puppet. For instance, taking control over Stiles/Lydia and giving them a power boost and make them fight Scott and the pack by psychologically torturing them (Stiles could take a gun and say to Scott to surrender or else he is going to kill himself. Maybe a bit dark but it would be very interesting), or maybe they will take over Eichen (psychiatry -  brain control, electorshock...) and continue where Valack left off with Lydia, but this time they will use Meredith.
I can imagine the Nazi alpha werewolf pushing his claws into Meredith and she takes him into Lydias mind and by this he will take control over her. And it will be up to Scott to go into Lydias mind by pushing his claws into Lydias neck and defeat the Nazi werewolf inside Lydias head.
Feel free to comment.
In collaboration with @maroltkiki
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mateojez-blog · 8 years
Teen Wolf connecting season 5 and 6
           Unlike the whole season the finale of season 5  was awesome. It had multiple plot-twists, death scares, funny elements and a closure of many questions. But some still remain:
1. Why did Valack had the fourth mask?
2. What happened to the fourth mask?
3. Who painted the fresco? (thanks Argent)
4. Is Malia going to keep Belascos talons?
5. Why weren't Malia and Liam sitting at the table in the Library with Scott, Stiles and Lydia?
5. Is Cory still a chimera?
6. Where is dr. Fenris and who took him?
7. What was Josh?
           In 5x19 we saw Sebastian rip the Pathologists head of, in 5x20 we saw Marcel (aka Surgeon) die, but what happened to the Geneticist? We saw him lying on the floor and blood squirting from his neck, I guess. Could he be alive? Will we see him in season 6?
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Season 6
           Last scene of season 5 we see that Fred the Nazi has escaped his glass home and has fully regenerated himself. (by looking at the footprints)
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           Also we got a promo for season 6 in which we see a cowboy riding a horse at night. Unlike Europe the US Ghost Riders are interpreted as cowboys riding through the night with a pack of hounds hunting for souls.
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Having that in mind, this lets me believe that season 6 will feature the Wild Hunt, Nazis, maybe the Geneticist, Ghost Riders, other Hellhounds besides Parrish, and ghosts (Jeff said that it is possible that two characters may return: if we're talking about ghosts that are Aiden and Allison). It would fit with the story, Kira is now a Skinwalker, and she is gone.
5x20: Kira going away with the Skinwalkers
Scott: How long is it going to take?
Kira:  As long as it takes.
(I don't know if Arden left the show or not, but if she did, it's the perfect time to bring Cristal back, even as a villain)
"MIND CONTROL" can be heard in the promo for season 6 if reversed. But that's not all, you can hear:
A: mumbles something (It sounds like "What does it mean?" or "Where does it lead?")
B: Ja (Yes) or Zwölf Jahr(e) (12th year/12 years) or Zwölf, ja (Yes, twelve(12))
A: (I believe) Wir müssen sprechen. Mind control. (We have to talk. Mind control)
or Wir müssen speichern. Mind control. (We have to save (like a game/progress) mind control.)
If you wander why they didn't use the German word for mind control, well here it is: mind control in German is (die) Bewusstseinskontrolle.
I'm fluent in English and German but there is too much noise to understand all the words
              I think that we saw the first glimpse of mind control in the finale of season 5. When the almost dead Surgeon was called by Sebastian: Come to me!, The Surgeon jumped of the table although he couldn’t even walk by himself when they brought him to the Clinic, used mega-powerful frequency attack on Liam and was powerful enough to magnetize the all the doors and tables in the clinic to prevent Scott, Liam, Stiles and Deaton to get out.
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Project Monarch during World War II
              It was a projcet to crate the perfect killing machine, it was a secret project conducted by scientists from Britain, France, Italy and Nazi Germany.
By electroshocking, brainwashing, molesting and abusing kids, teens and adaults they wanted to achive brain control over the selected, many of them died and the survivers are/were traumatized and commited suicide.
Survivors are asked not to reed the aricle for it can trigger some memories of the events and it could lead to suiced, or them going breserk.
Stages of the Monarch Project:
Alpha α
"general" or regular programming (base control of personality, extremely pronounced memory retention, along with substantially increased physical strength and visual acuity)
Betha β
"sexual" programming (eliminates all learned moral convictions and stimulates the primitive sexual instinct, devoid of inhibitions)
Deltha Δ
"killer" programming (Subjects are devoid of fear; very systematic in carrying out their assignment. Self-destruct or suicide instructions are layered in at this level)
Theta θ
"psychic" programming (various forms of electronic mind control systems were developed and introduced, namely, bio-medical human telemetry devices (brain implants), directed-energy lasers using microwaves and/or electromagnetics. It is reported these are used in conjunction with highly-advanced computers and sophisticated satellite tracking systems. )
Omega Ω
"self-destruct" form of programming (The corresponding behaviors include suicidal tendencies and/or self-mutilation. This program is generally activated when the victim/survivor begins therapy or interrogation and too much memory is being recovered. )
Gamma γ
Another form of system protection is through "deception" programming, which elicits misinformation and misdirection. This level is intertwined with demonology and tends to regenerate itself at a later time if inappropriately deactivated
In some cases the victims got a mask put on their head and were shown flashing images to brain wash them.
Survivors claim to remember among other seeing:
·      trees
·      the Cabalistic "Tree of Life," with adjoining root systems
·      infinity loops
·      masks
·      bows
It's a big article and I'll leave the link
Now let's put this into Teen Wolf perspective
The scientists could represent the Dread Doctors
Marcel, The Surgeon - the French scientist (DEAD)
Valack, The Psychiatrist - the British scientist (possibly) (DEAD)
The Pathologist - the Italian scientist (DEAD)
The Geneticist  - the German scientist (UNKNOWN)
The article can trigger the memory of the survivors just like dr. Valacks book could trigger the memory senses of the brain to remember the Dread Doctors.
The mask that was put on the victims could be the one Valack used to put on patients in Eichen and Nurse Cross.
5x15 Amplification:
Nurse Cross: Have you ever actually put that thing on someone?
Dr. Valack: Not in years.
The stages:
The Alpha stage
All the scientists
The Beta stage
The Geneticist
The Delta stage
The Pathologist
The Theta stage
dr. Valack
The Omega stage
The Pathologyst
The Gamma stage
All scientists except Marcel (Brain washing (Valack), regeneration after inappropriate deactivation (The Pathologist and The Geneticist)
The visions of the survivors:
Trees - Forrest
Tree of life -  Nemeton
Infinity loops - ouroboros
Masks - The Dread Doctors
Bows -  Hunters 
Also when Mason was plugged in to Fred he said: Liam I can feel it in my scull. What if by "it" he meant Fred. When Mason transformed into La Bette he was still connected to Fred, o what if that transformation gave Fred power regenerate himself and break the glass. What if Der Soldat Fred is the new Demon Alpha? What if he will terrorize Beacon Hills under the control of a new Villain?
In collaboration with @maroltkiki
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