Yay!!! Console Stardew update confirmed for Nov. 4th!!!!! I can finally play with my wife.
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maxwell-the-morose · 28 days
My brother calls this recession music every time I play it in the car. Technically, he isn't wrong, but FUCK does it make me feel old.
no i am not immune to early 2000s pop-punk music that fucks a little harder than everyone likes to admit
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maxwell-the-morose · 4 months
The hope I had in my body when I saw stardew trending.
Alas I must return to my sad existence of waiting.
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maxwell-the-morose · 4 months
Also sorry I feel like I'm harping on this a lot. I just actually have nothing else going on in my life.
Me and that one guy on Reddit, who keeps googling the status of when stardew will come to switch, know eachother's pain. The never ending hourly check up just hoping for some new news. They understand my plight of not wanting to start a new game other than stardew, but also feeling like we are out of options because there is no end in sight (and that's okay. ConcernedApe is working really hard and I know porting games over is more about how long it takes for Places like Nintendo and Microsoft to approve the content). But hey at least now they come up when I Google about the update instead of like a three week old Porygon article.
I did cave and finally bought Animal Crossing New Horizons. I'm confused as hell and it's stressing me out. BUT!!! It is keeping me busy and all of my friends are so ready to help me on my island :)
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maxwell-the-morose · 4 months
Me and that one guy on Reddit, who keeps googling the status of when stardew will come to switch, know eachother's pain. The never ending hourly check up just hoping for some new news. They understand my plight of not wanting to start a new game other than stardew, but also feeling like we are out of options because there is no end in sight (and that's okay. ConcernedApe is working really hard and I know porting games over is more about how long it takes for Places like Nintendo and Microsoft to approve the content). But hey at least now they come up when I Google about the update instead of like a three week old Porygon article.
I did cave and finally bought Animal Crossing New Horizons. I'm confused as hell and it's stressing me out. BUT!!! It is keeping me busy and all of my friends are so ready to help me on my island :)
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maxwell-the-morose · 4 months
I feel like a little critter shaking at the bars of their cage and pacing back and forth waiting for 1.6 to come to console.
I am being so patient, and I know he is doing his best to port it over. But I already burnt out on my other two comfort games. Now I just have to live vicariously through my sister-in-law's farm, and Google daily if there has been any updates.
On the bright side, at least now I can plan out what I need to do on the new farm.
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maxwell-the-morose · 4 months
Me and my friend were just having this conversation about how it was so easy to return to dread, but when hope returns and life starts being normal again it all was worth surviving through. This came at a great time for me. Thank you :)
i believe you can always get back to yourself. you can always soften into being again. no matter how long you might be stuck in a pattern of unhappiness, of being jaded, of feeling guarded from the world in some way. there is always a path back. give yourself a chance to find it.
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maxwell-the-morose · 4 months
The fear of God is put in me when I take the test bite of the chicken I'm cooking and it's a little under done. Will I become ungodly sick? Will I survive the night? Will he show kindness upon me and I shall avoid any illness? Or will I learn the true terror of what food poisoning is once more? I fear for my future, for I do not wish to be contained in the bathroom for 24 hours or more. I hope, no I pray, I will be fine even though I already have an upset tummy (most definitely induced by nerves).
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maxwell-the-morose · 5 months
Who makes the porn bots. Where do they come from. What do they hope to achieve.
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maxwell-the-morose · 5 months
Just got asked if I was a theater kid by a cute guy at the bar... I will never recover from this. Genuinely one of the worst accidental insults I have ever received.
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maxwell-the-morose · 5 months
Finals hath been completed once again!!! And you bet your bippy it was with two shitty group project members who contributed jack shit to the slide show, and one beloved member who I would kiss on the fucking mouth for her work. Two didn't even know about the paper needed to be submitted, or even what time we were presenting the night before our 25 minute presentation! Beloved group member didn't even do much. She just did what she said she would on time!!! Once again I am so thankful my teachers have peer reviews where I can rip group members to shreds, so they don't get the 97% for their three bullet points on 1 of 27 slides. I Fucking Hate group projects.
Anyway time to get back on the craft grind set and push out enough earrings to pay my rent!!! God speed to the rest of you with finals. May your tests be short, and your grades high.
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maxwell-the-morose · 5 months
I'm curious. Reblog this if you know how to cook
I don’t even care if it’s macaroni, ramen or those little bowls you stick in the microwave. Please, I need reassurance that most of the population on tumblr WOULDN’T STARVE TO DEATH if their parents couldn’t fix them food or they couldn’t go out to eat. 
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maxwell-the-morose · 5 months
when the essay prompt lets me get a little autistic with it
Tumblr media
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maxwell-the-morose · 5 months
I don't know why you hate this deer, but I understand the rage. This one deer keeps taking ONE BITE out of every fuckin fruit we have on our peach trees. I'm ready to learn how to fist fight a deer at this rate. He has done this shit for three years straight now, and if my heart knew anymore rage I would kill him. But alas I don't, and he will continue to eat the crop of which I desire most.
So, the deer you hate: have you considered eating him?
hunting season isn't till november
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maxwell-the-morose · 5 months
I wonder what time homestuck is going to start trending tomorrow. Egg boy's birthday always causes a big enough stir. Our discord server even has an event set for the date. Anyway Happy Early Birthday to the thing that led me to Tumblr and also started a terrible terrible AO3 addiction.
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maxwell-the-morose · 6 months
I'm well aware there is a mod to turn Elliott into Astarion in Stardew Valley, but what I need is one that turns Elliot into Gale. I simply want my unbelievably devoted and annoyingly wordy husband in Stardew. Please it has got to be a mod already. I need it so bad.
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maxwell-the-morose · 6 months
If you super boop me and i dont super boop back, i promise its just cause im on mobile
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