#i have mastered the eh that looks right technique
DIABOLIK LOVERS Para-Selene Vol.5 Sakamaki Laito Animate Tokuten CD
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Original title: DIABOLIK LOVERS Para-Selene Vol. 5 逆巻ライト アニメイト 各巻購入特典ドラ
Source: Diabolik Lovers Para-Selene Vol. 5 Animate Tokuten CD
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Hirakawa Daisuke 
Translator’s note: Bowling master Laito kind of threw me for a loop, but it also makes sense? Like he strikes me as the type of guy who would be unexpected skilled at a bunch of random things. In general, I’ve been really enjoying these ‘date scenario’ CDs. They actually did a good job making every one of them unique and choosing fun locations for each boy. I know the chances of us getting another DL anime are really slim, but if they do decide to make one, I really hope it’s not a season 3 based on DF or LE but a bunch of OVAs instead based on the drama CDs.
“...What’s this? There’s quite a lot of people here despite it being so late at night. I guess bowling is pretty popular. I thought I’d be able to do all sorts of fun things with my Bitch-chan, such a shame! ーー Ah! Our lane is over here. Ah! Check out the monitor over there! It actually displays our names as ‘Laito’ and ‘Bitch’! I love your name. It really stands out amongst the others! I would have loved to be able to input ‘Bitch-chan’ instead, honestly. I felt pretty bummed when they told me that I could only input up to five characters. Right, Bitch-chan?”
You frown. 
“...? You’ve been quiet this whole time. What’s wrong? Did you want me to add the ‘-chan’ as well?”
You shake your head.
“Then what’s the matter?”
You complain about him wanting to come here. 
“Eeh~? Is it really that strange? Even I feel like playing a game of bowling every now and then. There’s no ulterior motive behind it!”
You squint your eyes. 
“Oh dear. You’re still suspicious of me? ...Fine. I’ll fess up the truth. ーー We actually gave here today because I wanted to do you a favor.”
You tilt your head to the side.
“Mmh. We’re usually active at night, so most places where high schoolers like to hang out are closed by that hour, no? So we’re limited in the things we can do, right? Well, you might be fine with that, but you’re still a blossoming high school girl, so I figured that you might fantasize about the kind of cute dates depicted in shoujo manga and such. ーー I thought it wouldn’t hurt to go on a typical high schoolers’ date for once, so I started looking around for places which are open 24/7, which brings us here today. How’s that? Do you understand now?”
You nod.
“Nfu~ I’m glad. With that misunderstanding lifted...Now that we’re here anyway, why don’t we get started? I’m up first, aren’t I? Let me think...Which ball should I pick? ーー Ah. This one will do.”
“It has the same color as your hair. I’ll throw it as hard as I can, imagining its your head instead~”
You protest.
“Nfu~ Oh come on, you may say that, but I know you’re happy deep down! You love to get pushed around by me, don’t you? ...Ah! When it’s your turn, why don’t you pick a ball in the same color as my hair? I don’t dislike the idea of being at your mercy either~”
You refuse. 
“Geez...You’d be able to get so much more of of life if you just enjoy it as one of many fetishes. You’re so easily embarrassed. Fine. ...I’ll throw the ball, okay?”
Laito faces towards the lane.
“Let me think...I’m supposed to throw it leaning down...or from up top? 
You seem surprised he has never bowled before. 
“Eh!? Bitch-chan...Do you really think I’ve come to this sorta place before? Today’s obviously my first bowling experience!”
“But don’t worry! Experience isn’t what matters...It’s all about chemistry...!”
Laito throws his ball.
*Clatter clatter*
“Huh? I knocked all of them over. Is this what you’d call a ‘strike’?”
You seem very impressed.
“...Nfu~ I got praised~ Anyway, is this really so amazing?”
You nod.
“Heeh...I wonder if I am a natural at bowling? Control is key, so it might be the perfect game some someone who is very technique-minded such as myself. In that case, I’m quite curious what you are capable of, Bitch-chan~”
You frown.
“Now, now, no need to be so modest. Show me what you’re made of. Go give it a shot! ...Nfu~ I’m very much looking forward to this.”
You walk towards the lane.
“Break a leg, Bitch-chan~! Throw it with everything you’ve got!” 
You throw the ball. 
*Thud thud* 
“Nfu~ Ah-ahー I guess the excitement ended up being her downfall. What a shame. ...They call this a ‘gutter’, don’t they? I can’t believe you didn’t even manage to knock over one of them. ...Ah, come on. One more try, no?”
You try once more.
“Ahー You really suck at this, don’t you?”
You seem disappointed.
“No need to be so sad. My strike might have been just a fluke. I’ll go next, so watch me, okay?”
Laito walks up to the lane again. 
“Aah~ I guess it wasn’t just beginner’s luck! I might have a knack for bowling after all! ...In that case, Bitch-chan, why don’t you come over here with your ball?”
You pick up your ball and approach him.
“Okay! Let’s practice how to hold the ball!”
“Geez, no need to be so surprised. We came here to treat you to a good time today, so I’ll teach you very gently~ Come on, hold the ball.”
“Hmー That won’t do.”
*Rustle rustle*
“You need to stretch your arm a little more.”
You try to scoot away from him, asking why he is touching you.
“What are you saying? I’m fixing your posture! I think I proved earlier that my bowling skills far exceed yours, so don’t you think it’s in your best interest to take my advice?” 
You frown.
“I mean, it’d be kind of difficult to tell you what to do without clinging to you like this, is it? I’m positive that it’d be so much easier to teach you good posture through direct touch!”
“Come on, lean back against me and stand straight.”
“Don’t move! You want to be able to throw the ball properly don’t you?”
You tell him to move away. 
“How mean, telling me to back off! I’m only trying to show my good heart by teaching you! I mean, if you lose this duel against me, you’ll get punished, remember?”
You seem surprised by that. 
“I mean, duh? Didn’t I tell you? All games have some kind of punishment game attached to it, don’t they? You have to expect those kind of things! By the way, now that you’ve already thrown once, you’re part of the game, so there’s no backing out~”
You ask him if he would punish you right here in public.
“Fufu~ Why would you ask that? ーー I get it. You’re curious about what this punishment would entail, aren’t you~? Were you perhaps hoping that I’d suck your blood~?”
You deny it.
“Nfu~ No point in trying to deny it~ I bet you imagined my fangs sinking deeply into your fair nape, didn’t you? Aah~ I suppose I have no other choice. That wasn’t the plan, but I’ll live up to your expectations and make the punishment something deliciously painful~ Please look forward to this punishment...which will turn both your body and soul to putty~”
You try to make a run for it.
*Rustle rustle* 
“Ahaha~ Oh come on, hold up! I told you that there’s no way out, didn’t you? You better behave...or I’ll do it right here, right now.”
You immediately stop resisting. 
“Nfu~ Good girl. Besides, there’s only a 50% chance that you’ll get punished, so just remember that you could always win and try to make the best out of it!”
You sigh in defeat.
“Well then, let’s continue your lesson. Now, where’s your spine?”
“Nfu~ Found it~ Mm~
*Rustle rustle* 
“What are you saying? I’m helping you straighten your back! By tracing my fingers across your spine like this...See? You pushed out your chest which improved your stance! Try to hold this proper posture, okay?”
You ask him if he knows what hte proper posture for bowling is.
“Eh? No idea! How am I supposed to know what is the ‘right posture’ for bowling when I’m still a newbie at the game myself.”
You ask him what he has been teaching you then. 
“You’re just so terrible at this, I’ve just been giving you random points and then it was up to you whether or not you’d take my words for granted. ...Anyway, ahaha~ They’re really hard to miss when you’re standing looking straight ahead like that.”
You tilt your head to side.
“Over here. These bite marks on・your・neck~”
You squeak.
“They’re the proof of the love we share with each other every night~ It’s too bad you can’t really see them unless you move this close. I promise I’ll make them stand out even more by biting you nice and hard when we get back home, so rest assured~”
You complain. 
“You’re adorable when you pretend to dislike something. However, no losing on purpose because you want to get bitten ,okay?”
You insist that you would never do that. 
“I wonder~? You’re a naughty girl who seduces other by feigning discomfort. You want me to completely overpower you, run away with the victory and inflict pain upon you as a result, don’t you? And then you’d try to play innocent by saying ‘Oh I don’t actually want this, but it can’t be helped because I lost the game~', won’t you? ...Sure. Two can play that game. I like that sort of thing as well after all. I’ll make sure to slowly drive you into a corner...and then tease the living hell out・of・you~”
Your cheeks grow hot.
“Oh? What’s wrong? ...Nfu~ You’re flustered, aren’t you? Oh come, you are so shy~ ...Anyway, let’s get this game going! Try throwing the ball following my tips from earlier.”
You nod and throw the ball. 
“Wow~ You actually knocked them all over! I’m shocked!” 
You rejoice.
“Nfu~ Congratulations, Bitch-chan. Judging from your sheer excitement, could it be that this is the first time you’ve ever hit a strike?”
You nod.
“Mmh, mmh~ I’m happy for you! In that case, why don’t we end on a positive note and wrap up the match right here? It’s obvious you’ll lose after all.”
You protest.
“I mean, even if continue to bowl one strike after the other now, you already threw a gutter once, so you have no chance at getting ahead of me.There’s no way I’d give away the win now.”
You shake your head. 
“Ah~ We can keep going until I have a slip-up if you want, but in return, your punishment will get more and more severe, the longer the game lasts. I believe you’d be much better off admitting defeat right now and simply heading home with me. 
I’m fine with either scenario. We’re here on a date today for you after all. You can choose whether you want to call it a day right now and quickly get your punishment, or if you’d rather have me tend to you thoroughly after I’ve messed with you a little longer.”
You call him out on being unreasonable. 
“Nfu~ Exactly. I might be messed up. But you love this crazy guy, don’t you? In which case, you have no other choice but to play along with me and slowly become insane as well.”
You sigh.
“Fufu~ Since you sighed in defeat, does that mean you’ve made your choice?”
You choose to go home. 
“Nfu~ Sure. As you wish. Well then...Shall we head home, Bitch-chan~? I’ll treat you to plenty of the good stuff which you love oh-so much~”
ーー THE END ーー
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"A Prince, eh?" a mightyena grins a bit too eagerly, "Easy to say you guys have some valuables on you, huh? Look at you, wearing frills and jewellery… well! HAND THEM OVER!" The Mightyena goes for a lunge at the Espeon
Cyrus carefully sets Prince down next to them on the ground. They take a step forward, their head held high while glaring at the Mightyena addressing them.
Cyrus: "You must believe yourself to be in an advantageous position to address me in this way. I respect your gall, if nothing else. To do so and challenge me- surely you are aware of the Matan Family Servant's technique?"
Suddenly, the Mightyena runs forward and lunges- it uses Crunch! In a brief moment before, the Espeon's eyes glow. Cyrus uses Future Sight! With that, a battle ensues!
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((The rest of the battle lies under the cut!))
Cyrus: "We treat a battle as if it were a dance- and I foresee our dance ending in merely three moves."
The Espeon, caught practically monologuing, is slow to dodge away and barely manages to avoid the attack, getting nicked in the process. The Mightyena lets out a howling laughter in response. Cyrus jumps back to create more distance between them.
Cyrus: "Ngh- celebrating over such a small injury? I must say, your steps tell me that you must a terrible lead. Surely you can do better than that?"
The Mightyena growls in response, letting out a low, rough bark. Mightyena uses Snarl! Using the distance between them, the Espeon tilts their head as starry rays flash towards the assailant. Cyrus uses Swift!
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The Espeon is struck by the wave and is weakened as a result. The rays slam into the Mightyena. Both sustain damage!
Cyrus: "Hm. The key to a proper dance is taking the right steps in rhythm with your partner and following the right ettiquete- and yet you refuse to consider my movements at all... how boring."
With another snarl the Mightyena glares back at Cyrus, only to take notice of the Sprigatito laying further away. It darts off to Prince's direction, jaws open for another attack. Mightyena uses Bite! In turn, Cyrus speeds across the plain towards Prince as well, delivering a devastatingly fast blow to the Mightyena's jaws. Cyrus uses Quick Attack!
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Cyrus: "How unsightly. I was under the impression that I was your partner. If you cannot commit to a simple Battement or a Pirouette with me then I am afraid our performance is over."
Bearing wounds and taking heavy breaths the Mightyena stands. It holds its head high with a smirk, still boasting an air of confidence. A faint shadow-y glow emanates from its body, and it lowers its head in preparation to attack. Mightyena uses Payback-
In a singular moment, a vision passes through its mind- visible confusion falls upon its face as the Mightyena sees itself- defeated and fallen over on its side. Mightyena took the Future Sight attack, but it had no visible effect!
Cyrus: "Heheh. The Dance of the Servants varies from one to the next, but the conclusion is always the same. Know your place-!"
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Cyrus's eyes glow once more as light bursts from their body. Starry beams shine forth as the Espeon lunges back at the Mightyena, attacking with the full force of their body- Cyrus uses Last Resort!
The Mightyena is sent flying back after being caught off guard. Their landing shuffles up dirt and grass, with several wounds covering its body. The Espeon lands gracefully on the ground before it, taking a stance and commanding the encounter.
Cyrus: "Huff Huff... I commend you for your efforts. It is worth recognizing you for having pushed me to break a sweat. Even so, take this as your first and only lesson from me- should you even point your muzzle in the same direction as that of the Young Master, I will see to it our next dance will be far more... deadly."
The assailant scowls and stands, albeit slowly. It glances one last time at Cyrus, who turns to pick up Prince and place him on their back. The Mightyena moves slightly to launch yet another attack, but visibly admits its own defeat by turning and running off into the forest.
Meanwhile, Prince stirs on Cyrus's back. The Sprigatito yawns and stretches, speaking up in a clearly sleepy voice:
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"Mmm... Are we there yet...?"
Prince is awake and available for asks once again!
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saiyan98 · 1 year
Estelle and The Mark of Arachnid: The Trident of Poseidon (Chapter 9 + Filler about Sam's new powers)
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Chapter 9: I Gotten Myself in a Sticky Situation
Disclaimer: The following is a non-profit, fanbase series. Percy Jackson and the Olympians; Heroes of Olympus; Trials of Apollo; Kane Chronicles and Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard are owned by Rick Riordan. Spiderman or any concept of him are owned by Marvel Comics and Sony Entertainment. Please support the official releases.
Okay, so the first thing that came to my head was not something like, ‘Sam! You’re on fire!’ Or ‘Such devastation…’ (If anyone understands  THIS reference, you will be an honorary friend for life); instead, my first reaction was literally, “HOLY CRAP! SAM, YOU LEARNED ULTRA INSTINCT!”
Ugh, I got to take a break from anime, Sam as well. Anyways, Mitch got back on his feet and asked, “The hell is Ultra Instinct?” 
Before I could answer, Daniel replied, “It’s a technique in Dragon Ball that even gods struggle to master! It’s one of the most powerful techniques that Goku was able to master after Dragon Ball Super!” 
“Hold up!” I yelled. “You watch Dragon Ball?”
Daniel looks at me with confusion, as if it’s common sense.
“Who doesn’t know Dragon Ball?”
“Can you guys shut up about cartoons and deal with this first?!” Mitch yelled. 
At that moment, a murder was about to be committed. 
“How am I friends with you?” Daniel replied. 
Suddenly, a strong gust of wind was blown at us from Sam’s position. 
“I don’t care how strong she is, I beat her before, I can do it again!”
Mitch charges at her, but she dodges all of his attacks. The way she moves though was smooth and effortlessly; as if she’s just water itself. I’ve seen enough martial arts movies to tell… kind of.
“Why won’t you stay still?!” 
Daniel answered, “If it’s like Ultra Instinct… okay, not a lot of time to explain but basically she’s just really good at-”
“DODGE!” I yelled as that strong tingling sense intensified. 
Before Mitch could attack, he heard what I said and ducked down, a gust of wind flew past him and hit a tree, cutting it in half. Mitch saw the tree and shuddered at the immense power she demonstrated. 
“Okay, nerds… let’s, uh, say I believe you now. Where do we go from here?” 
Don’t quote Cell. Don’t quote TeamFourStar. Don’t quote TeamFourStar Cell.
“We just need to hold out long enough until she wears out. Though, I don’t know how long that’ll be,” Daniel explained. He’s not wrong, whatever Sam is going through, eventually she’ll have to get tired. Right? I mean that usually works in anime so I presume it should work in real life, right? 
I look behind me and see Percy, Annabeth and Chiron heading toward us. I guess Jessie told the three about my note. Eh, it’s fine. I knew it was bound to happen, I just hoped that I would’ve finished the game before I got caught. Though right now, we have bigger problems. 
“Hey Percy,” I said. “I know you're mad, but we have bigger problems right now. Sam is going berserk for some reason, and she has an immense aura surrounding her.”
Percy ran forward and picked up a shield that was on the ground. He uncapped his pen and it transformed into a sword. Sam reacted as Percy charged and sent another powerful gust of wind toward him. He blocked it with the shield, but he was pushed back a bit but still standing. 
“Damn! What power!” Percy yelled. 
Chiron was shocked and said, “It can’t be…” 
“Estelle, get back! Mitch, Daniel, You’re with me. We’ll try to wear her down and knock her out.”
“Percy! Wait!”  I yelled but the three already charged at Sam. I bet you’re thinking, ‘three boys against one girl? That’s cruel. Well, it would be if it weren’t for the fact that Sam has gotten an OVERPOWERED ABILITY AND IS DODGING LIKE A BOSS.
Piccolo would be proud. 
“Estelle!” Annabeth ran toward me and asked, “Are you okay?” 
“I’m fine, Annabeth. But, what’s wrong with Sam? She’s… different.”
“That… is Aura,” Chiron replied. 
“Aura?” I asked. “What’s that?” 
“… Aura is-”
You’re probably thinking, ‘Isn’t this supposed to be about Estelle Blofis becoming a hero? Basically, a Marvel Story?’ 
Well, yes but you see… Sam awoke something that was deemed to be considered impossible to achieve and it’s a really complex thing to talk about. Most likey, it’d take a while to explain what this Aura is. So for now, we’ll put a pin to that and focus more on the fight. But trust me when I say this, Samantha Stacy has become a Shonen Anime Main Character, no joke. After this fight, I’ll explain what Aura is, I promise. For now we’ll talk about the basics.
“-a strong energy source that dwells within all living creatures, especially the gods. What Samantha Stacy is doing is unlocking the full potential of Aura, which only gods themselves can do.”
“Woah… so she’s something special herself, isn’t she?” I commented.
Annabeth nodded, “Indeed, but it was only a theory. We never were able to confirm the existence of it. But seeing it now… It’s astonishing.” 
“Okay, but… you know what, we’ll talk about it later. For now, we need to stop Sam from hurting anyone,” I said.
The three boys tried to knock out Sam, but she was too fast and kept dodging every attack. She hasn’t even moved out of her spot, like Percy and the others weren’t much of a challenge. Suddenly, a strong wave of energy burst out of Sam and pushed everyone back. 
“Such power!” I yelled. “Just where is she getting all this power?!” 
Percy was down on one knee but Mitch and Daniel are down.  Percy kept on the offensive, but Sam was just too fast for him. As Percy tried to make her trip, she did a backflip and jumped on top of a branch of a tree nearby.
Percy cursed quietly as the rest of the campers arrived at the scene. Chiron informs everyone to stay back as Percy tries to calm down Sam. I got up and ran toward Sam. 
“Estelle! Get back!” Percy yelled but I ignored him. If fighting won’t calm her down, maybe I can. At least, I hope so.
“Sam! It’s me, Estelle! Can you hear me?” I said. 
Sam jumps down on the ground and faces me. The aura that surrounds her is immense but it’s starting to cool down a bit. 
“That’s right, Sam. It’s me, no one is going to hurt you. I promise.” 
I kept talking as I walked closer to her. Percy was trying to tell me to stay back but I looked at him with an expression that says I can handle it. Annabeth does it all the time and he listens. I may be over my head, but Sam is my best friend, and now technically my sister, so I gotta do whatever it takes to help her.
“Come on, Sam. You don’t have to be scared. I’ll always be there to help you out, remember? We’re sisters… well, technically we are now since you’re a daughter of Athena and Annabeth is one as well so- I’m getting off track. Look, just listen to my voice and be calm. I got you.”
Talking to her is working. The aura is dimming and she’s starting to wobble a bit. As I got closer, I heard Mitch and Daniel slowly getting up. Percy tells them to stay away from us as I try to calm Estelle down. Unfortunately, Daniel accidentally hit a small twig and it snapped, making a noise that startled Sam. She reacted quickly and was just about to fire another gust of powerful wind towards him. 
“SAM! NO!” I yelled as I tried to reach her hand. Then, something crazy happened. There was this green magic circle that appeared on my sleeve. As I try to reach Sam's arm to avoid Daniel getting hurt…
I suddenly shot out a ball of web fluid toward her hand, which made her miss and shoot upwards. Of all the things that happened in just a week, that was the most bizarre thing to ever occur. Monsters attacking us in a museum? Classic start of an adventure. Learning about the existence of monsters and gods? Seen enough Supernatural so I’m used to it. My family being demigods themselves (excluding my parents)? It explains everything about them. 
But the fact that I just shot out a small threadball of web out of nowhere was the strangest thing to ever happen. And to add to that, that tingling sensation keeps happening whenever I’m in combat or about to get attacked. That can’t be just a coincidence, right?
Sam’s energy skyrocketed and burned off the web in her hand and faced me. 
“Sam! Calm down! It’s me! Listen to my voice!” 
But she wasn’t listening as she now aimed her hand at me. The tingling grew and then I ducked and tried to make her trip by instinct. But Sam jumped, but it’s what I want her to do. As she jumps, I grab her by the legs and she falls down. We landed near a puddle that was nearby so we got a bit wet, but the energy around her just vaporized it completely. 
Oh man, I feel bad for the dude (or girl) that’ll break her heart. 
“SAM! STOP!” I yelled. 
Suddenly, I heard her mutter something. 
“What? Talk to me, Sam!”
“...Dad… don’t… go…” 
At that moment, I understood what was happening. Sam is still unconscious and is having a nightmare. Another burst of energy emerged and pushed me off of her. Sam got back up and charged at me. Percy was about to intervene, but I told him to stop. As Sam was about to punch, I dodged thanks to that tingling sensation. I kept dodging all of her attacks as I noticed that as time passes, her attacks are getting weaker. I can tell because of the heat, it was cooling down. If I can just get her to wake up, she’ll go back to normal. As I kept dodging, I tried to wake her up by talking. Seems like she’s still having nightmares about what happened to her father. I wouldn’t blame her, watching the only blood family you have die in front of you can be traumatizing. But I won’t abandon her. 
I noticed that those magic circles that appeared on sleeves are still there. I don’t know how I did it, but I tried to use them again at Sam’s feet.
It worked, though I figured that since it was just web fluid I thought, ‘What if it’s like Spiderman and I gotta do a certain hand signal?’ So I did the Spiderman web shot gesture and it worked. It made Sam imobile and unable to escape. Though normally, she’d just burn off the web fluid but she’s losing more and more of her immense strength. 
I just gotta hold out a little longer. Sam was starting to yell out of nowhere, it seems like her nightmare is getting worse.
“Sam! Wake up! It’s only a nightmare!” I yelled.
“Don’t… Leave me! Dad!” Sam yelled. 
The Aura grew hotter and stronger. Out of pure instinct (not the tingling one, but mine), I rushed toward her and hugged her.
“Sam… it’s okay. I’m here for you,” I said. “Remember what you told me, back in kindergarten? You said that you want to be as strong as me. Well you are, but you need to wake up and control that power. It’s yours and yours alone. You dream of having an adventure ever since you read those books. And remember Final Fantasy? Sword Art Online? Danmachi? You dreamed of having adventures like that, right? Well guess what; your dream will become a reality. And you’ll make more friends along the way.”
Sam's eyes were starting to close and the aura that surrounded is fading. Next thing I knew, she collapsed in my arms. 
“I got you, Sam. I got you.” 
She groans as she opens her eyes.
“Stella? Wha-,” Sam jolted up. “What happened?! Did we lose? I blacked out for a moment and…” Sam notices the crowd that surrounds them. “Did something happen?”
I chuckled, “Yeah, I’ll explain later. Let’s get you up.”
I got up and gave Sam a hand. 
“Estelle!” Percy yelled. 
“It’s fine, bro. She’s okay, no one got hurt… mostly.” 
Percy just stood there with a shocking expression. In fact, everyone was. 
“What?” I asked. I heard people muttering and whispering about something. “Don’t worry, Sam’s awake now. She won’t cause any troubles as soon as we figure out what the heck her powers are and-”
“Estelle Blofis,” Chiron interrupted. “It’s not Samantha that concerns us right now.”
“What do you mean?” I asked. 
I looked back at Sam and saw her with the same reaction as everyone else, except she was looking above me. 
“What is it Sam?”
She gestured for me to look up and I did. I saw a big symbol floating above me but I couldn’t tell what it was. Plus, how could I be claimed in the first place? I’m 100% mortal. 
“Sam? What god or goddess is it claiming me for?” 
“Then what’s the symbol?” I asked.
She replied.
“...A Spider…”
Suddenly, everything that was happening around me was making sense now. The Spider that bit me and disappeared; the tingling sensation on my body; the magic circles and web shooting and the crazy dream I have been having lately. And my first reaction?
“Ah… Crapbasket. Percy, do we have an Uncle Ben?! Cause I’d be very concerned about his safety right now.”
[Filler Explanation on next part. Not necessary to read unless you're curious about Sam's powers]
So… that happened. 
Well… I have some time before we can start the next scene so…
I guess I can talk about what was happening to Sam earlier. Just to clarify, this is a theory Annabeth made with the help of Chiron and the Kane Family in the past. To start, it’s called Aura, it’s an energy source that dwells within all living creatures; like the Force in Star Wars. The gods themselves have better control of it because they are the living embodiment of Aura. It’s like this, for every prayer or thoughts related to the gods, Aura energy manifests those thoughts and creates the gods. How that even happened in the first place is still a mystery, but that explains how the gods and monsters exist and why they keep coming back. The stronger the beliefs, the more powerful the being becomes. 
However, even Gods themselves cannot master Aura. It has three category types:
Mind: Basically, Aura can increase the ability your mind can handle. For example, you can be quick to adapt and can use any weapons available. Telepathy, Telekinesis, flying and other types of mind powers. IQ’s are also considered to be related to Aura as well. Annabeth theorized that Aura: Mind can increase or decrease IQ levels of a person, making them more intelligent in certain types of fields. 
Body: This type affects more on body types abilities such as superhuman strength; speed; instinct and more. It also involves powers such as transformations and breathing underwater. Annabeth theorized that the more powerful Body is, the weaker Mind will be as well. But, the person using this type will become very powerful, and may even rival gods. 
Spirit: Now this one is not in Annabeth’s expertise, it’s more of a friend of hers, Carter and Sadie Kane. Spirit does not involve body or mind but rather having some control on Aura on the area around the person. A great example of this is pretty much that it’s magic itself. The Green Mist? Symbols and Names? Sorcery and Curses? These are all types of abilities that Spirit users can use. Carter and Sadie believe that the stronger the will of a person, the more control they have on Spirit. They even theorized that these abilities can manifest as beings if such will is powerful enough.
If you want a more simpler analogy of each type its like this:
Aura: Mind = Charles Xavier/NewTypes in the Gundam Series (bunch of whiny telepathic kids committing war crimes).
Aura: Body = Shapeshifters/Inhumans or Metahumans/Transformations similar to Dragon Ball (From Super Saiyan to Ultra Instinct).
Aura: Spirit = Magicians or Sorcerers/ Stand or Spirit Users.
It’s kind of similar to Nen abilities from Hunter X Hunter. But what Sam did was almost impossible for a mortal to achieve, not even gods can master it easily. Sam used the full potential of Aura: Body which shuts down her mind and her body just reacted by pure instinct. It was basically the Autonomous Ultra Instinct from Dragon Ball Super. It was shocking for Chiron because Demigods can only use a fraction of Aura due to us being part-mortals. A demigod can use a fraction of two types of Aura while regular mortals can only use one. 
For example, a child of Athena mostly uses Body and Mind types of Aura. A psychic mortal has some power related to Mind and a bodybuilder has endurance thanks to Body. Spirit-Types are more difficult to locate since they're mostly magic wielders or Spirit users. Gods can activate Aura at ease while mortals can not. 
So… yeah… Sam basically just became a classic Anime Main Character in a modern society with monsters and gods in the shadows. Like a mixture of Supernatural, Demon Slayer, Hunter X Hunter, etc. Unfortunately, you won’t hear about her progress or adventures in my stories. She’s just starting her journey and when she’s ready, she’ll tell you all about it afterwards. Which sucks because what she told me was mind blowing! There’s not enough time to comprehend what she went through! I guess we’ll see in the future. For now, back to the story.
Author’s Note:
Sorry for the short chapter. I couldn’t think of a good way to prolong the fight and I don’t want to start the next scene until the next chapter. But I hope you enjoyed it. I also would like to make an announcement, coming soon in a future chapter in Wattpad and Archive of Our Own, I will also include a commissioned art piece of Estelle Blofis made by the same person who made the cover art for this story [@erabu-san]. I wish I could post it here as well, but it seems the website does not allow it. You can find it once I publish it (I publish each chapter in all three websites simultaneously) in AO3 or Wattpad. Same title and my author name too. I will announce it once it’s finished.
Again, I hope you enjoyed it. Next chapter will also be posted soon this month. 
here's the cover art for the story (Also made by @erabu-san):
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madraleen · 1 year
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Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba - Koyoharu Gotouge Volumes 16-23: Commentary Part 2/2 An unnecessarily long commentary with all the screams, all the musings, and ALL THE SPOILERS
-Ah, the Tokito twins met their parents too. Happy sigh I guess
-Now Tanjiro’s crying and he set me off again, great.
-A crow?! You dared kill a crow?! I freakin’ gasped!!
-Aaah, and Genya met the Shinazugawa fam. He was done dirty tho, he doesn’t get the full afterlife treatment (I see why, but still it’s notable).
-That Ubuyashiki sister slap tho, she drew blood.
-Ay ay ay, Giyu and Tanjiro met Muzan, I feel this has become a death roulette at this point. I genuinely don’t have it in me to be all “Please don’t die” anymore.
-Oh oh, one eye down for Tanjiro, that’s too soon babe no
-Yushiro, slay man, slay!
-“If it’ll help you defeat Muzan, then eat me!!” I laughed. What a good egg.
-Remember when Giyu thought he wasn’t a true Hashira, lol what nonsense.
-Man, this in anime, hearing the voices, will be torture. Like, I’m playing the voices in my head, but ofc it’s not the same.
-The hell happened to Tanjiro?!?!??!??! Side note, how fitting that after this, the next panel is Giyu, considering “he has always cared about Tanjiro.”
-Well, he can’t be dead, it’s too soon.
-Poor little master, I feel sorry for him.
-Himejima. I instantly feel better.
-GodDAMN, Sanemi, you’d think Muzan is made of jelly the way he slashed him!
-This is so freaking interesting, I never thought I’d be so engrossed in action manga stuff.
-Oh, Giyu and Murata in the same Final Selection? Cool! Murata’s been a Demon Slayer that long?
-Yes! Yes yes yes, ancient memories, yes!!
-What’s amazing is, this is a huge cast, but not once have I thought “Ugh, not this person’s backstory” or “Ugh, not this person in the spotlight.” I’m always like, YES, GIMME MORE, FEED ME, I WANNA KNOW EVERYTHING!
-Heh, the Rengoku Slayer clan goes waaaay back.
-Ooh, so Demon Slayers predated Yoriichi, but he started the breathing techniques.
-A second ago I was screaming mid-battle and now we’re in the memory and it’s all so gentle because Yoriichi is gentle and the narration feels like a caress.
-I love how Tanjiro is still not magically OP, he’s still not as skilled as the Hashira. He has Hashira moments, but the Hashira can still do more and maintain their strength and stamina for longer.
-Idk, as I read, I feel like the author really cares about these characters and their stories, I feel affection coming through, like they are loved. I hope it was true.
-Seven hearts and five brains. That’s a lot of hearts and brains.
-Imagine banishing Yoriichi from Demon Slaying, what nonsense.
-You have every right, Iguro, go get your girl - and freakin’ yes, Iguro backstory, let’s goooooo
-The Flame Hashira as in? Rengoku Senior?
-Babe, they were fifty not very good people.
-That’s a cat with a MISSION.
-The kids! The kids are here!
-The Kamado ancestors thought process: See house; get house. It’s a very tender connection they have with Yoriichi though.
-Eh? Eh? Eh? What’s happened to the Hashira? WHAT’S HAPPENED T-
-Ugh, my little baby Tanjiro, what has this awful demon man done to you :’(
-Ooh, Sumiyoshi saw the Sun Breathing forms and passed them down through the kagura dance, nice, makes sense.
-I love Sumiyoshi. I love Yoriichi. Help.
-We have a lil bit of best-antagonists-forever situation here, Yoriichi and Muzan.
-Tanjiro’s literally dancing the kagura, I cannot.
-No cats were fatally wounded in this manga.
-Iguroooo!! Tanjiro’s lil smile when he sees Iguro, help me
-Holy shit, Iguro jumping in for the kill, justice for Iguro
-We have to reach volume 22 to finally clarify how demons are made???
-What would we do without Yushiro
-When they end sentences with double exclamation marks, I feel it. One is not enough.
-I wish we’d seen a snippet of Zenitsu learning his forms before this.
-Look at the kids working so well together, I cry.
-Oh. Tanjiro lost an arm.
-Oh my heart, Giyu and Tanjiro holding the blade together.
-What victory, there’s so much story left!
-Rest in peace, Himejima :((
-Can’t... Can’t Iguro and Kanroji just get married in this life, do they have to die first, dammit? Haven’t we lost enough?
-Not Sanemi too??? What is happening! Phew!! PHEW!
-I understand that Tanjiro is dead, but also I don’t believe that Tanjiro is dead, bc there’s still too many pages, so I feel sadder for those that mourn for him rather than for HIM, because he’s simply not dead.
-Oooh! Ooooh mannnn ohooo is Muzan turning Tanjiro into a demonnnn. Kinda messed up in the greatest way that he did it because of Ubuyashiki’s speech on what lives on forever.
-I don’t know what will happen next, but thank you Giyu for not letting Tanjiro have his first kill, he wouldn’t like that if he turns back into human.
-I am laughing nervously because... because I’m oddly delighted at this turn of events. It’s just! It’s different! I like it! Just be thankful Tanjiro’s not demon-headbutting anyone yet, you gonna lose heads. Anyway, that’s one for Nezuko and Yushiro, right? Nezuko to calm him down and Yushiro to give him the drug?
-“This is the guy with the half-and-half haori! He’s our ally!!” Hahahaha, I don’t know if I’m hysterical right now or if it’s that funny, but I laughed.
-What is happening, why am I loving this so much
-Hooolly shitttt, he didn’t even listen to Nezuko??
-I’m 98% certain that Tanjiro won’t kill anyone, so I’m chillin’ and enjoying this feral Tanjiro. Love this feral Tanjiro.
-Go, Kanao, go!
-Oh no, ~Romeo and Juliet did actually die :(. Show their rebirth and reunion at least!
-Such bullshit, Muzan. “The dead” would give their life twice over for Tanjiro to live, smh.
-Tag yourself, I’m Inosuke crying over Tanjiro’s head through my boar mask.
-Oh my Kamado babies, they are smile-crying.
-Now I’m happy.
-Three months later.
-Asdfjdgkj, I love getting to know Nezuko in her human form, omg.
-I wonder what Yushiro will do with his life.
-Jesus, someone adopt the Ubuyashiki children. Giyu? Sanemi? Anyone?
-Giyu and Sanemi smiling at each other, help, why is this so soft
-Nezuko sitting on Uzui’s shoulder, HELP
-Kanao has some of her vision, and Kaburamaru, good good.
-The panel of Tanjiro and Nezuko smiling as they run to Giyu and Urokodaki. My heart is so full. I’m not crying, you’re crying.
-Can’t we leave it here at home, laughing together, with everyone else smiling peacefully where they wanted to be, why are there more pages, stop with the pages
-“He’s a pleasant but strong-willed boy” haha, yeah, that’s our Tanjiro.
-Eee, future Kamados, I cry. Great-great-grandparents omg Kanao and Tanjiro! <3
-That kick!! That’s definitely Nezuko’s descendant/reincarnation.
-That person in the twins’ background looks like Yoriichi’s reincarnation, good for him.
-Aw, the Tokitos are babies.
-I mean, Gotouge-sensei did always dabble in their AUs.
-Eyyy, Iguro and Kanroji, yessss, they’re married, THANK YOU!!!
-Shut up, I love how their reincarnations are all linked somehow.
-Baby Giyu with baby Sabito and baby Makomo, stop, this is too cute
-Centenarian Kiriya, help <3
-Aww, Inosuke and Aoi.
-Everyone that survived has descendants, I cry (they’re sort of reincarnations too though, no? The Rengoku descendant really channels Kyojuro, Sumihiko is channeling Tanjiro etc).
-Sanemi and Giyu sharing a post-war meal, help.
-Yushiro was only 35?!?!
-Well. I SURE hope Kanata doesn’t have a girlfriend! *side-eyes Toko*
-I’m very happy with the manga. When I was looking up reviews to see whether I should take up the task, one said, “I laughed and cried so much” and I remember thinking, “But I don’t want to cry...” but. But it’s so heartwarming. So heartwarming.
-A thought in retrospect: I mean, yeah, technically Yoriichi ~failed to kill Muzan, but he was also fighting alone. We have a full army AND poisons AND sunlight AND a strategy.
-Another thought in retrospect: As much as I hate the fact of it, as much as I’m never over it, narratively Rengoku’s death was one of the best decisions. The most kind-hearted, the most genuine, friendliest, the purest and one of the strongest Hashira at the time dying so early genuinely set a tone. It did not let you relax at any moment in any fight, because any moment could be The Moment. The stakes were perpetually high, and it’s hard to pull that off in a series with so many long battles over so many volumes.
-A third thought in retrospect: Even though Mitsuri is visually the most sexualized character, narratively -apart from that one pervert tailor- she’s not sexualized at all, to my recollection. No one comments or stares, Tanjiro panics, Iguro gifts her socks to make her feel better and, as far as I remember, it’s her personality that he compliments. Like, no one cares. I appreciate that.
-LMFAO WHAT THE HECK! I’d noticed that the boxed set had a few Hashira on one side, and always wondered “hm why only these Hashira,” but left it at that. NOW I’m like, “Oh Tanjiro and Nezuko are holding the death flowers,” and I REALLY LOOKED WHO was in the art AND IT’S THE DEAD! THEY’RE HOLDING FLOWERS FOR THE DEAD, HOLY SPOILER! WHAT! THANK GOD I AM OBLIVIOUS, geez!!!
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3xm-draconic · 2 years
Jojo's Bizarre little Adventure. Chapter 23: Celebrate Good Times Come On!
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Chapter 23: Celebrate Good Times Come On!
It was the day right after the Secco fight and like with all the destructive incidents that happened in and around the apartments the destroyed property was miraculously fixed the next day, this had always been weird even to the villains but they had gotten used to it by now. 
Valentine was in the living room with DIO and Diavolo helping to plan out a ‘‘stand obtention day’’ party, “so… it’s like a birthday party…but for when you obtain a stand?” Diavolo questioned with a raised eyebrow, “yes, I mean think about it Mirtillo now has a stand which makes her more powerful and able to see ours right?” DIO remarked, “yeah?...go on…” Diavolo nodded, “which means she has conquered a huge milestone in her life, afterall she had been upset during the past few days recovering from nearly being digested by Cioccolata because she thought herself weak and useless” DIO recounted “which means, like us, she defied fate!..wouldn’t you celebrate something like that?”, “...you have a point there” Diavolo nodded with Valentine in agreement.
“So what are some of your ideas for the party?” Valentine asked DIO, “well I think we should match the party’s theme to her stand, make it look like a royal princess tea party, NEFFEX looks like a tiny golden ballerina mixed with an old china teapot and a fairy princess” the vampire replied, “Squeakers will love that” Diavolo nodded.
Meanwhile at the pillar apartment…
“Mirtillo I know I promised to train you when you got better but I half to help with the party so I am leaving your training to the other pillarmen” Kars told her as he dropped her off with Wammu and Santana.
Karz looked around the apartment “...where is Esidisi?” he asked Santana “out getting food, he said he’d be back in a few hours” Santana replied from the couch. 
Karz turned to Wammu and gently placed Mirtillo in his hands “Wammu I entrust you with training Mirtillo to be a powerful warrior like us”, Wammu’s eyes widened “d-does this mean she is my apprentice?” Wammu grinned, Karz nodded “yes Wammu, Mirtillo is now your very own apprentice”.
Externally Wammu was stoic and had a calm smile when learning this…but internally he was overjoyed, Wammu had always wanted an apprentice so he could teach them all he had learned from his masters Esidis and Karz and even some of his own techniques. 
When Karz left their apartment Wammu turned to Mirtillo barely able to contain his excitement “are you ready little fluff?”, Mirtillo smiled “let’s go!” she squeaked excitedly, her little fluffy tail wagging behind her.
“Are you sure we have enough money for this?” Valentine turned to DIO and showed him the cost of all the decorations and party stuff, “don’t worry about it I’ll cover most of it” Diavolo said as he helped load the shopping cart, “...well that's a little unexpected of you Dia” DIO looked at the ex-don curiously.
“What?, can’t I spend money on Squeakers?” Diavolo huffed, “well it’s just you’d never spend any money on us like that” DIO grumbled, “you would have never risked your life for mine” Diavolo snarked back at the vampire, “...eh you have a point” DIO shrugged.  
The party’s theme was gold, white and various shades of blue, thankfully Party City had tons of stuff matching what they needed.
“Ok so we have decorations and costumes matching the color scheme and princess theme” DIO recounted, “check” Valentine said as he crossed it off the list, “Pucci texted me that he, Karz, Diego and Kira got the party food”, “check”, “Doppio is making the cake and that should be everything”, “yep it all checks off”, “hold on I want to get some things for Squeakers” Dia said as he handed DIO and Valentine a huge wad of cash, enough to cover all the decorations, “what are you getting her?” Valentine asked him, puzzled as to what the ex-don was up to, “and where were you hiding all this cash?” DIO looked at the fat stack of money completely bewildered, “it’s a surprise” Dia told him as he left to go pick out gifts.
“Ok little fluff first I want to see how strong you are, so hit me” Wammu looked to Mirtillo as he took a fighting stance, “ok Wammu but I gotta warn you NEFFEX has increased my physical strength, so I now pack quite the punch!” Mirtillo cheered as she leapt forward at the warrior of the wind.
Mirtillo’s tiny fist collide with Wammu’s chest sending a loud thunder wave of sound and sent him flying out of the courtyard, “...damn…” Santana said, his eyes wide.
“Th-this is INCREDIBLE!” Wammu thought as he sailed through the air and landed in the park, a huge cloud of dust and rubble formed from when he careened back to the earth, he smiled giddily “she hit me even harder than Joseph did, such strength for a tiny being, with proper training she’ll make a fine warrior” Wammu from under his blanket of rubble cried tears of joy.
“Tilly pleas st-stop crying…we’re go-ing to get th-there and see he..is f-fine” Santana reassured a sobbing Mirtillo “Tilly you d-did not kill him”, Santana approached the dirt mound “Wammu…you good?” he shouted at the mound, Wammu’s fist popped out of the dirt and gave him a thumbs up, “see Tilly?”
Mirtillo looked back at Wammu and screamed, crying even harder now, Santana looked to Wammu and saw he had a huge gaping hole in his chest that was sizzling and smoking “woh…”.
“WHAT JUST HAPPENED?!” Esidisi’s voice called from behind them, “Tilly and Wammu were training…Tilly hit him” Santana replied, Esidisi looked over at Wammu who was gawking at the hole in his chest “Mirtillo did that?...damn..nice job!” he congratulated her but she was sobbing hysterically, “hey it’s alright tincy Wammu’s survived worse” Esidisi again tried to reassure her, “it’s true, I once gouged out my own eyes and was fine…for the most part” Wammu told her, Mirtillo stopped crying and looked at him with a horrified expression “that makes me even more concerned” she sniffled.
“Alright the decorations are up, everyone has their costumes, food is here and Dia got gifts now all we need is dust bunny” Valentine said as he checked everything off his list, “Wammu will bring her with the other pillars” Karz replied as he adjusted his fake crown (they had all dressed up as princes and kings).
“Ok this looks bad but honestly it’s not, I barely even feel it” Wammu said as he entered the villains apartment with Mirtillo, Esidisi and Santana, “ah Wammu your ba-AHHHHHHHH!” Valentine screamed as he saw the hole in his chest, “....Wammu…how did that happen?” Karz asked him, a look of mild worry on his face, “well you told me to train Mirtillo, I asked her to hit me with her best shot, she fired away…….and punched a hole in my chest…no big deal”, the room fell silent
“...what the fuck?” Diavolo muttered as DIO’s laughter broke the silence.
The party as usual went well,  Mirtillo who could now grow to the size of a small child with the power of NEFFEX got to play video games with Santana and Terrence, she could also eat a whole hot dog and other foods that would have been 3x her size and there was even a pinata which was promptly obliterated and it’s confectionary guts consumed. 
“Alright Mirtillo I want you to open your gifts up now” Diavolo said as he handed her one of several huge boxes, “Dia what in hell did you get her?” Valentine asked him, “let her open it and find out” he shot back, Mirtillo gasped.
“THEY ARE SO PRETTY!” she squeaked as she held up a beautiful designer dress,
The other Villains (except Karz and Diego) were stunned speechless, “you bought her designer clothes?” DIO gawked as he looked at the tag on the dress, it was a Givenchy brand exclusive, “DIOR, Versace, Chanel, Giorgio Armani, Dolce & Gabbana, Marc Jacobs, Loui Vuitton, Balenciaga, Fendi, SALVATOR FERRAGAMO?!” Kira screamed “DIA HOW IN THE HELL DID YOU GET THIS?, THESE ARE EXPENSIVE AS HELL!”, “I hacked into an old off-shore account Giorno hadn't gotten into yet I had here and took out all the funds….don’t worry I didn't spend it all on Squeakers, Doppio and I still have 55,000,000$ left”, “YOU EVEN GOT HER GUCCI AND PRADA!?” DIO and Pucci yelled, Diavolo took a sip of his sparkling grape juice “what can I say? I wanna be the fun rich Uncle who spoils their niece rotten” Diavolo looked over and a very grumpy Doppio “right little bro?”.
Doppio huffed “I hope you know that most of that 55,000,000$ is going towards rent and Topolino’s school and college fund” Doppio angrily scolded his boss/big brother for being so frivolous.
“SCHOOL…EH COLLEGE?!” all the villains (except Doppio and Valentine) gawked, “yes school and one day college, Funny and I want to enroll Mirtillo in the local school now that she can grow to a bigger hight” Doppio said, “personally I think that is a great idea…and I’am not being sarcastic” DIO added, “w-what, why?” Diavolo turned to DIO shocked, “hear me out…I went to college and got a degree in law, I think giving little darling a higher education will give her a lot more opportunities in her future”, “I…got to agree with DIO, a good education is a valuable asset to have” Kira pointed out, “this will also help her make friends and have something to do besides stay in the house all day” Pucci added, “expanding one’s knowledge is a noble pursuit I can support” Karz nodded with them, “funsize could use the experience” Diego agreed with Karz, Diavolo shook his head “I guess Squeakers is going to school”.
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pearbody-squareheads · 6 months
13/03/24 (354 words)
136.571 words, 461 pages
Ehe, I made a mess... I'd be a bad gambler. Lesson learned, but I may pay the price for my caprice... it gives me light anxiety and I hate it! I hate this feeling! But at least, my efforts in HSR are bringing results. I'm at 30 pity and have 11 more days.
So, the character. Still without a name, for now, and I've been trying to figure out one for a few days, but the ones that suit him are, well, already and famously taken. Basically, he looks like jing yuan - face, hair, height, body type - and still dressed in white, but less "decorated" and no red pants. The white is... a sort of vest, like jy's, yes, but again, less decorated. Especially the upper part. And no cape, he may not fight in the frontline but it would still get caught in things during a battle, right? He's an archer. Since he needs to avoid sudden movements for REASONS he relies on the fluidity and strength of archery. And this will reveal to be vital in the final battle, as he will command the archers and Rizel the ground troops. He's got the white hair and long ponytail... white hair from a past heavy stress (Mary Antoinette syndrome, you know?), when he returned from a won battle heavily sick and debilitated and his (way too young) wife (he was 38-40ish and she barely 20)(he was forced to marry her by the king) died in childbirth few days later. He found himself disabled and with a newborn daughter to raise. Then, he did recover from that stress (and his wounds, mostly) but when it did go away, there came the age. White hair. He's now in his late 50's, loves his daughter (and his daughter loves him and that's not granted thing) and passes the time managing his lands, woodcarving and training with the bow and magic. After a poison-illness that left him unable to make quick movement without suffering pains and cramps, he turned to magic as a weapon to wield in battle. Found a foreign mage (coming from Gree's motherland!) and learned that foreign magic, mastered various techniques (of illusionism and alchemy, perception, barriers, energy transfer) and one in particular: the manipulation of light. He can create shapes of light stolen from fire, sun rays, anything that emits light, and make them move. And incinerate anything they come in touch. He got his hands tattooed in order to achieve more control over the immaterial beasts he creates, and earned a name amongst the yanigi during the battle that he lead, and won for them: the Puppeteer.
Jing yuan, jing yuan, where are you?
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justsoohi · 2 years
Flash! / Episode 6
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Shinobu: Harukawa-kun. We should reconsider the hint Anzu-dono gave to us.
I think we were originally shy, or rather fearful of others. But, as we've grown up we lost sight of that
And, one more hint—
"Squeeze your body a little to keep your emotions in check. Then, please use such an image that modestly lets your feelings overflow from your face"
If we take into account the hints that Hibiki-dono mentioned, the answer should be clear.
Harukawa-kun, if you forget anything I want you to ask me. All the hints are in this scroll!
Sora: HaHa~. You're very reliable, Shinobu-chan! Well then, let's try it right away~!
Blush..., Flash...!
Shinobu: Hm~, I haven't been able to make a "Blush Flash" yet. Hibiki-dono's advice and Anzu-dono's hints just don't seem to connect...
"Blush Flash" It seems that we're still far from mastering it—
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Mitsuru: Daaash, and, attaaaack! (hug)
Shinobu: Whoa!? I-I was surprised!?
Mitsuru-kun, why did you suddenly jump at me!?
Mitsuru: What's wrong with your wording~
The perverted masked senpai didn't tell Shinobu-chan the secret of the "Blush Flash", so I ran in right after the shoot!
Senpai told me that the two of you are skillful so he won't teach you right away~. But, I'm already tired of waiting you know?
If you're okay with me, I'll give you hints or anything you need, so let's continue right away! Let's go Let's go!
Shinobu: Eh? Umm...? Even if you say so, I'm not mentally prepared yet...!
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Sora: Oh! Please wait Shinobu-chan!
Shinobu: ?
Sora: That now looked like a "Blush Flash"! It's the same as what Daishisho~ did!
Shinobu: I-I did the "Blush Flash"...?
Hm. It is true that I was surprised when he spoke to me suddenly and vigorously, but...I don't think you can call it a "Blush Flash" just now.
You can handle your blush any time you want...that was the "Blush Flash", right?
Sora: Strictly speaking, that may be true. But sora thinks he saw the same "color" as when Shinobu-chan was embarrassed in the past.
Mitsuru: Yes yes, It was funny to see Shinobu-chan completely losing his composure now!
I think that lack of composure and feeling overwhelmed will lead you to make a "Blush Flash"♪
Shinobu: Feeling overwhelmed...
Ah. What if... mitsuru-kun you were just giving me some advice weren't you?
Sora: What do you mean, Shinobu-chan?
Shinobu: This is just my speculation, but... I think what "Blush Flash" needs is not to be shy, but to lose your composure.
Sora: lose.... your composure?
Shinobu: Yes. Before Hibiki-dono started his training, he said, "Facing one's emotions through training"
However, we didn't face our feelings and prejudiced ourselves by linking "Blush Flash" to embarrassment.
But the truth is different, I felt the same way I used to feel... a sense of inadequacy it was due to my lack of experience.
I thought that this must be what Hibiki-dono was talking about, that it was to face our emotions.
If I am reading this correctly...! Blush Flash!
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Mitsuru • sora: Whoa!
Sora: Shinobu-chan, you've finally mastered the "Blush Flash"!
Shinobu: It's all thanks to mitsuru-kun, Anzu-dono, And Hibiki-dono who gave me hints little by little.
The "Blush Flash" is a technique that is created by combining a lost sense of composure with an embarrassing action.
I was just thinking of all the difficulties that I have been facing and thought about the case in Okinawa the other day, and many other things.
By doing so, will give you an expression similar to the "blushing face" that people imagine.....
With the gesture that Hibiki-dono taught me, I acted as if I was blushing
Precisely, because the fake surpasses the real one I was able to create a more authentic gesture. This is the essence of "Blush Flash"...☆
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Wataru: Amazing! Yes, that was the secret of the "Blush Flash"!
Shinobu: Whoa!? Hibiki-dono is behind me!? How long have you been here?
Wataru: Fufufu, It's not polite to ask, is it?
Even so. As expected of Shinobu-kun. You've already found the answer
Acting is all about gestures, whether or not you're really blushing is secondary.
Losing yourself, your eyes glancing away.. you quickly hand over the gift trying to convey your heart—
That sequence of actions, even if you don't actually blush you get the illusion that you are... That is the skill you show as a stage actor....☆
Moreover, If you can turn on yourself with a series of actions, it's a secret technique that kills two birds with one stone!
This is the essence of "Blush Flash"— I thought you were dexterous to begin with, but I never thought you'd master it in a day♪
Shinobu: Ah....so that's what you meant.
Sora: HaHa~! Both Daishisho~ who created "Blush Flash" and Shinobu-chan who found the answer are amazing♪
Anzu, is it okay if you become Sora's practice partner again? Sora wants to try the "Blush Flash" like Shinobu-chan and the others too~♪
Ehehe, thank you♪
Think of a thought that makes sora lose his composure, and using the gesture that Daisho~ taught me to make.... hmm...
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Shinobu: Oh, Harukawa-kun you were also able to do a "Blush Flash"!
Sora: Hi Hi~! Sora also learned "Blush Flash"!
Shinobu: Our multiplayer victory... No, it's a victory for everyone!
But pride will destroy you, Keep the feeling of this technique in your memory and be prepared for the real thing!
Sora: Yes! Let's be a better team on the day of the shoot ☆
Shinobu: Ok. Since it's decided the two of us will continue practicing together!
On the day of the shoot, we will surprise the cameraman-san with our new technique. Nin Nin☆
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sunfish-studies · 3 years
✄・・・ Feathery Ink [Karasuno Manager Series]
➜ Pairing: Karasuno x Manager! Reader
➜ Warning: none
➜ Notes: This is a separate series from Crisp Leaves. Similar to Crisp Leaves, manager in this story will be portrayed as a girl. She will be tall. This is just my appreciation towards tall girls, you guys are amazing.
Previous:  ‹ Greed › | Next:  ‹ Illusionary Hero ›
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It’s finally summer vacation training camp!
After the fight, Hinata and Kageyama weren’t really talking to each other–Coach Ukai even separated them during practice, Hinata in team B while Kageyama in the other. When practice was over, Kageyama was working on his tosses with Yachi’s help while Hinata drive elsewhere with his bike to practice on his own.
“Ah, he’s with my grandpa.” You asked where on earth did Hinata go, and that’s your answer from Coach Ukai. Apparently, Hinata was training with the previous Coach Ukai at their home. That left you with managerial duties and some extras like buying supplies for the training camp.
The injury you received of course was noticeable by the team–it almost send both Tanaka and Nishinoya into rampage, but you quickly said it’s not a problem and it would heal in no time. While you could make up some excuse for Daichi, Sugawara, and Ennoshita, you couldn’t with Shimizu. With a stern look from, you finally spilled the beans and she promised not to tell anyone.
While Kageyama wasn’t talking to Hinata, he’s definitely talking to you more now–along with walking you home if you chose to stay at practice longer. With that, you learn more about him and how he’s undoubtedly a volley ball dork through and through.
The time you had to depart from school to Tokyo for the training camp at night, he offered to picked up from your house so you could walk together to school.
“C-can I sit next to you…?” the raven-haired boy asked. Of course, you agreed wholeheartedly since Yachi will be sitting next to Shimizu and sitting alone didn’t seem to be fun. At first, you talked about some mundane things and watched a few videos saved in your phone before falling asleep leaning to each other.
And it incurred the wrath of both Tanaka and Nishinoya when they realized. Thankfully, Ennoshita was quick to shut them up by slapping them on the head and Daichi glared at them menacingly for causing a ruckus.
“Well, the grand guest finally arrived,” when you carried the big bag filled with your essentials outside the bus, it was immediately gone from your hands. Kuroo plucked it from your grip so he could carry it instead, sending you a small smile.
“Kuroo-san, it’s been a while.” Greeting the older boy, you stepped to the ground.
“It’s nice knowing you stick to your promise,”
“Well, it’s impossible for me to not join the training camp. And,” you looked up to the building upon the stairs. When it was in Nekoma High School before, this time training camp was held at different area–however, you didn’t complain because even during summer, the place was cool with many trees surrounding and breeze swept by. “Why are we in a different place? I thought it’s being held only in one place.”
Kuroo hummed. “It’s a tradition for training camp during summer vacation happened in Shinzen. This place is cool, so it’s great. Why? You wanted to be cooked under the sun instead?”
“I’d rather not.”
“Hinata! Did you grow any taller!? Oh! Otohaku-chan!! You’re looking pretty as always!!”
“Lev, shut up.” Kenma scolded.
“[NAME]-CHAN!! Make sure to cheer for me, alright!!”
“She won’t, Bokuto-san. And please don’t call her by her first name when she didn’t mention you could.”
Thank goodness, Akaashi had a say because you didn’t know how to reply that without wanting to upset Bokuto in the process. The first match was Karasuno against Fukurodani and it didn’t go well–your team splendidly didn’t sync because everyone went to try the new moves their practicing, resulting they had to take a new kind of penalty.
Along with Yachi, you watch as everyone sprinting uphill. And it didn’t happen only one time, every time they lost a match, they had to do one before walking down and downing their drinks. It went until the last practice–which they splendidly managed to lost.
“Hitoka-chan, could you look over Kageyama-kun and Hinata-kun in my place,” you whispered to your best friend, referring to the duo who’s clearly itching for practice but couldn’t exactly say it clearly as they still in bad terms with each other.
“Yeah! I was thinking about that too!” the two of you nodded in determination.
“Uhm, [Name]-san,” Yamaguchi called out to you, rubbing his nape sheepishly. “I want to practice serve, could you watch over?”
Smiling you nodded, “Sure Yamaguchi-kun! Let me get my notes first, okay?”
The taller boy blinked in confusion. “Eh? Notes? What for?”
“To look over your progress overall,” you kneeled down to put on your outdoor shoes. “I’ll be back as soon as possible.”
“O-oh, okay.” Yamaguchi could only reply that as he didn’t know how exactly–he knew he shouldn’t be flustered or feeling special, but he couldn’t help to feel warmth bloom in his chest. He knew you were an attentive person, and it’s nice to know that applied to everyone on the team even though you’re mostly stick with Kageyama, Hinata, or Yachi.
Jogging towards the sleeping quarters, you could’ve arrived faster to pick up your notebook if Bokuto’s call didn’t halt you from doing so.
“OOH!! [NAME]-CHAN!!” he called out from the third gym. You noticed that he wasn’t alone, Kuroo and Akaashi’s also there and surprisingly Tsukishima. From that, you concluded that Kuroo must have something to do with it–probably taunting the blonde into joining. “Could you throw us some balls!?”
“Eh?” you blinked. “But, I have to get some notes for practice-“
“Just a few, come on!” Bokuto didn’t even give you a chance to explain–instead, he dragged you by the wrist.
So here you were, arranging an apology speech for Yamaguchi while throwing some balls for Akaashi to set. That and giving Lev some glances to check if he’s still alive or not on the floor. The setter already apologized to you in Bokuto’s place, but you immediately dismissed it since you didn’t mind either.
“Geh!? Otohaku-chan!?” Lev must be exhausted seeing as he barely noticed you’re in the same area.
It amazed you on how Bokuto still managed to kill the spikes viciously after series of practice match all day–his stamina is top-notch, nothing less from one of the best players in the country. Watching Bokuto’s spikes meaning also watching Tsukishima tried to block them.
Not once did he managed to successfully shut one out, but with Kuroo’s finally joining the cross was killed almost in an instant. While Bokuto is a formidable opponent in attacking, then Kuroo would be terrifying in defense. No wonder Coach Ukai was making him a great example for a solid blocker.
Tsukishima is indeed smart and calm as he read the opponent’s movement, but,
“Your blocks are pretty weak.” You flinched as Bokuto blurted out what you had in mind regarding Tsukishima’s block–and it sure pissed the taller blonde off. “Your arms are so frail that I’m scared I’m gonna break them. You need to stop the ball like you mean it!”
“I’m still a growing boy!” Tsukishima replied, clearly trying to hide his annoyance. “I’ve just started gaining muscles and getting taller!”
“Talk like that, and the little shrimp is gonna hog all the glory.” Kuroo remarked. “You guys play the same position, right?”
Ouch, you couldn’t help but thought. That hits the sore spot.
“I don’t think it can be helped,” Tsukishima said with a smile after a few seconds of silence. “The difference in natural talent between me and Hinata is too great.”
Before Kuroo could argue, the players of Nekoma began piling into the gym and Tsukishima finally managed to excuse himself successfully this time.
“Looks like you stepped on a mine, Kuroo-san,” Akaashi commented.
“You pissed him off,” Bokuto dragged. “At long last, Kuroo-kun, the master of provocation, has failed.”
“Well, I wouldn’t have thought that.” The black-haired captain sighed.
“Thought what?” Bokuto questioned.
“Karasuno’s shrimp is definitely strange and a threat, but in terms of technique and experience he’s like a baby bird. Plus, he’s really short. I never would’ve thought guy with glasses, who’s far taller and much smarter, wouldn’t only think they’re not equal but actually think the shrimp is above his level.”
Sighing for the second time, he rubbed the back of his head before giving you an apologetic look. “Sorry, I pissed off your middle blocker.”
“I don’t think you pissed him off,” you couldn’t exactly say that it’s fine because it’s not your place to do so. “But you did hit a sore spot, Kuroo-san.”
“Otohaku-san, shouldn’t you get going? We’ve hold you long enough from you whatever you want to do.” Akaashi reminded.
“That’s right, then I’ll excuse myself.” You bowed down and walked towards the exit–you immediately retrieve your note before finally helping Yamaguchi with his serves after being held for some time.
The next day, you’re helping Eri, Kaori, and Yukie cutting watermelons given by the parents from Shinzen High School. Surely, on this hot summer, sweet and cool watermelons would make anyone’s mouth began watering. It was also a great short break for the boys as they enjoy the watermelon while sitting on the grassy hill beside the gym.
“Do you want extras, senpai?” and just like other managers, you distributed the watermelons while asking if the boys wanted seconds or not. This time, you’re offering a few that’s still on your tray to Tanaka, Daichi, and Asahi.
“Ooh, don’t mind if I do, [Name]-chan!” Tanaka reached out for another slice.
“Me too,” after him, Daichi also took a slice from your tray.
“I’m okay with mine for now,” Asahi politely rejected your offer. “How about you eat some too? It’s quite a hot day.”
“I’ll go it after everyone’s seconds are done,” you remarked, intending to circle around the separate crowds for the nth time but Tanaka quickly interrupted.
“Everybody has their share already! I’m sure they don’t mind.” Your upperclassman commented. “Besides, our beautiful manager deserves to have rest!”
“Somehow, it doesn’t correlate…” Asahi muttered, smiling nervously.
At the end, you ended up sitting down beside Asahi and munching on a slice of watermelon. Your upperclassman was right for one thing–enjoying the fruit in a hot summer day was a great way to cool down, you instantly felt refreshed.
“Sorry, by the way.” The four of you looked up to the call, seeing Kuroo approaching and out of blue apologizing. Surely, your upperclassmen were confused with this except you.
“About what?” Daichi questioned.
“I think I might have pissed off your glasses guy yesterday.”
To make it clearer, the cat captain sat down with his back towards you and began explaining the situation occurred the other day–you admired how both parties didn’t once interrupt nor getting things heated up, they knew this wasn’t something big and could be resolved by just a simple apology.
“Wow�� Tsukishima actually helped out with free practice even if you cornered him into it,” Daichi hummed in understanding.
“Your manager too, but that’s Bokuto’s idea,” you didn’t know why on earth Kuroo decided to brough it up but seeing your upperclassmen were nonchalant about it (except maybe Tanaka, though he was quickly being shut up by Daichi) it’s also not a big deal.
“So, what did you say?”
“I provoked him and said he was going to lose to your shrimp over there.”
“I’ve definitely noticed that Tsukishima seems to feel inferior to Hinata somehow.” Asahi remarked, probably remembering a few words Tsukishima said to him.
“I’m not sure if this is relevant, but my sister mentioned someone tall named Tsukishima also joined the volleyball team during the Little Giant times.” Tanaka mentioned, surely this is new to all of you because Tsukishima wasn’t the type of person who talks about himself much.
Daichi’s head perked up. “Tsukishima has an older brother?”
“Oh, I’m not sure.” Tanaka quickly replied. “They could’ve just had the same last name and not be related. Do you know anything about this, [Name]-chan?”
“I don’t, but if I know, I think it’s not my place to tell since Tsukishima-kun would undoubtedly be annoyed because of it,” you answered, which made Tanaka hummed in agreement.
“Hey, we’re about to start!” Sugawara called out.
You didn’t know about Tsukishima having a sibling or not, however,
“This is just a club. Why do you put so much into it? It’s because you put so much into it that you suffer later.”
You couldn’t help but think it’s somehow related to what he muttered the night before.
Yet again when the sky softly bathed in orange glow, Karasuno had to pay their losing with penalty–you along with Yachi and Shimizu also Takeda-sensei and Coach Ukai watched as the boys bolted uphill accompanied by yelling (well, this was mostly Hinata, Kageyama, Tanaka, and Nishinoya).
“Here,” you offered a water bottle for Kageyama. He couldn’t even reply a ‘thank you’ from how harshly he was panting and you could only sympathize with him–more than five matches in a day plus penalties were rough.
“Thanks,” the raven-haired boy finally rasped after downing probably a half of the water from the bottle. You also handed him a towel so he could wipe away the sweat dripping down from his temple.
“So, how’s training going?” you finally asked, which triggered a sighed from him.
“No progress.” The frustration was getting to him definitely–while you were only watching for some time since Yachi’s already there to help him, you understood that Kageyama failed more than he succeeded. He knew he was getting nowhere and time was short, if he’s not geared up it will be a problem.
“I can’t give you any helpful advice but I think you should practice under Coach Ukai’s watch,” you mentioned, and Kageyama listened carefully. “He probably has ways that could help you. You couldn’t do this on your own Kageyama-kun, you need guidance.”
Nodding firmly, he replied. “Yeah.”
“I can’t wait to see your toss,” you then added, giving him a smile. “It’s going to be amazing for sure. You did pinpoint toss to Hinata all this time.”
The boy fell silent for a while, and you almost regretted saying those words–did you somehow step on a landmine? Did you piss him off? Did you touch the nerve-
“I promise to get done and you’ll see it.” The negative thoughts were gone from your mind as you stare at those blue eyes filled with determination. You found yourself smiling at his promise.
“I will be waiting then.”
“Sensei, what do you think of Tsukishima?” Coach Ukai asked your advisor while the five of you were watching the match between Karasuno and Ubugawa.
“I think he’s taking this seriously,” Takeda-sensei answered, although rather confused from the question.
“How about you, Otohaku?” and you didn’t expect to be involve in the conversation also.
“Uhm… he’s doing his work, but lack of effort? I think he’s not giving his all.” you replied but somehow became an unsure question in the end.
“You’re right,” Coach Ukai remarked. “I feel like Tsukishima gets a passing grade but never tries for 100%. I’m not asking for him to become more passionate, but if he’s not going to give his all, I’m gonna have to change regulars. I need players who can win a match on the court. He’s the tallest and essential to the team. If Tsukishima could become a strong blocker, our defense level would go up a lot.”
“I see,” Takeda-sensei nodded in understanding.
Not long into the game after Tsukishima served, there’s a collision between Daichi and Nishinoya for the ball–at first, it was nerve-wracking because if one of them was hurt it could be bad. However, seeing that the two dismissed it as if it was nothing was relieving.
“Everyone’s so motivated.” Yachi commented.
“Everyone’s more motivated now than I’ve ever seen them before,” Shimizu frowned in worry. “But sometimes it’s almost scary. Collisions like the other day can definitely lead to major injuries.”
Another spike went through but received perfectly by Kageyama, the ball bounced to the air and Tanaka was the second one to get it, passing it immediately to Asahi.
“It’s a little short,” you muttered, noticing the ball was hovering near the net–exactly to where Hinata was. From how he’s staring at it, he’s most likely to steal it–but then he tensed up, snapped his head to the side to give Asahi a stare and stayed in his place in the end.
“Let him know the ball is yours.”
You stared as Asahi successfully killed the ball even with three blockers–grinning from how he stole a score and holding them team together so it wouldn’t become lawless. The attempt was enough for you to let your shoulders relaxed.
“Maybe I didn’t need to worry after all.” Shimizu sighed in relief.
Asahi turned to face you, giving you a smile and an outstretched fist–you immediately returned it with the exact same gesture.
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frootloopscos · 2 years
This is my first post on Tumblr so bare with me here 😅 this is the first chapter to my new Twst x Demon Slayer crossover thing. this is also on wattpad under the user FrootLoopscos
I own nothing
This chapter includes parts from the prologue: chapter 1: Stranger Walking, chapter 2: Ceremony Breaking, and chapter 3: A Dismissive Ranking
The first thing that the demon slayer noticed when they awoke was a large rattling noise. 'What's that noise?', they thought to themself before hearing a voice. "I better hurry up and find that uniform before someone spots me...ughhh this lid weighs a ton! Grrr... Try this on for size hgyahhh!!!" The young demon slayer's eyes widened as they saw a bright clash before blue flames started to lick up the box they were in. "Is this a blood demon art?" They asked as they tried to reach for their sword only to find this box was too small for them to try fighting back. Then the lid? to the box opened, or did it fall off? Doesn't matter, what does is the fact they heard that voice again as they now were able to reach for their sword only to find it covered by a cloak? What happened to their Haiori? This wasn't good, they had gotten that Haiori from him! They tried to focus back in and looked back to the demon they were to kill only to find...a cat? "A cat demon?" They asked themself aloud as they looked down at the 'demon' "Eh? Demon? I'm no demon! I am the great grim and I will become the most powerful magician! Now give me your uniform!" "Uniform? If you're referring to my demon slayer uniform than no way! Hey! Get away from me!" The young slayer said as they backed up slightly from the creature that was apparently not a demon. Eventually they turned around and began to run. They ran out of the strange room and through several corridors until they got to a library? why where the books flying?! "Did I get away?" The slayer asked themself looking back only to see the cat-like creature and their eyes widened as it spoke again. "Foolish Human! Did you really think you could slip away from me? Now, unless you wanna get burned to a crisp take off that uniform!" "I told you to leave me alone! But if you won't then you leave me no choice." They said, reaching for their sword, having undone the cloak while running making it easier to do so. (They we're very glad to find they were still wearing their demon slayer uniform underneath said cloak, however still worried on where their Haiori was.) "Flame Breathing, ____ For-" They were abruptly cut off and unable to use their breathing technique as the creature was suddenly whipped? and cried out in pain, "Me-YEOW! That hurt! What gives?" A new voice spoke it sounded male, "consider it tough love. Ah, I've found you at last. Splendid. I trust you're of the this year's new students? My, were you ever eager to make your debut." "Debut, but I'm already a de-" the young slayer was cut off by  the crow-masked male, "and bringing a poorly trained familiar with you?That is a clear violation of the school's rules." "That demon is not mine! Only Tanjirou is allowed to travel with a demon, and that's because master allowed him too!" The demon slayer tried to defend themself, "yeah! As if I'd ever serve some lowly human!" the demon cat said, agreeing with the swordsman. "Now let me go!" However the masked male did not seem to believe either of them as he hurried the young adult off to the 'mirror chamber' as he called it. The tall man explained along the way that they were at 'Night Raven College' and apparently magic existed here. That would explain why they got the fire confused with a blood demon art...The male introduced himself as the headmage of the college, Dire Crowley, the demon slayer had their suspicions about him still though, magic wasn't a thing! Right? Though if they thought about it, blood demon arts and even breathing techniques that they use back home can be considered magic to the village people. 
They shook their head realizing they were caught up in their thoughts and realized they were back in the room they woke up in. They looked around and realized that there were several other people among them, and they all were wearing the same cloak as them. They all seemed to have been bickering previously before they entered the room. The demon slayer blinked a few times, before scanning around to see if there might be any demons nearby. The closest to resembling one seemed to be the creature that was still currently in Crowley's whip. They let their guard drop slightly and sighed quietly, then they were pushed in front of a mirror. Their brows furrowed as the mirror spoke "state your name," the only thing the demon slayer could think was 'is this another demon?' However they decided to go along with what it demanded and spoke, "(Y/N) Uzui." "(Y/N)..." The mirror repeated, "the nature of your soul... is unclear to me." That seemed to make everyone in the room freeze and look at (Y/N). "What did you just say?" Crowley asked the mirror, maybe there was a mistake? "I sense no magical power from this one. Soundless, shapeless, vacant. Therefore, no dorm would be appropriate." The mirror stated, everyone began to bicker about this and (Y/N) scowled, they just wanted to go back to the butterfly mansion and see their friends, dad, and moms again, they didn't even know where they were! Crowley began to speak again but (Y/N) just began to block everything out until they hear him say "cannot even use magic?" (Y/N) looked to him, "cant use magic but i can use flame breathing and a bit of sound breathing when I use two swords" Their words seemed unheard though as Crowley began began to question how this happened. (Y/N) just decided to go into their thoughts of home again though they almost instantly regretted it as the next thing they knew, the creature was free from the whip and lighting fire around everywhere. One person screamed about how their butt had been set on fire, and then it took off. Though, two others who seemed to be named 'Azul' and 'Riddle' took off after it, using pens? to fire magic spells? at it. That is until the creature cornered himself and 'Riddle' used some sort of magic to put a collar on the cat.
The cat struggled to get the collar off and seemed to be unable to use it's magic anymore. The red-headed boy explained that the collar would disappear from it's neck once it was removed from the campus. "(Y/N)!" Crowley yelled at the enby, causing them to flinch slightly from the unexpected volume despite it being quite loud the entire time in the room. "Was I not clear that you are expected to take responsibility for your familiar?" "I told you already, it's not mine, only thing I have close to him is my kasugai crow..." They seemed saddend bringing up this crow of theirs, had it traveled to this world with them? They hoped so, maybe at least one thing they were familiar with so they didn't feel so alienated... "I-it's not yours?" Crowley asked them, they shook their head "I've never met a demon similar to it in my life, and even if I had, the only demon slayer allowed to travel with a demon is Tanjirou." Crowley hummed in thought "if that is true, than I shall have it expelled from campus. I shall even spare i from being served as dinner." The demon slayer made a disgusted face, "why would you want to eat a demon?" they mumbled to themself. Crowley then ordered someone to dispose of the demon creature, much to it's complaints and just like that, it was gone. Crowley then concluded the orientation and ordered the leaders to take students away. (Y/N) watched as one by one, all the students filed out of the room until it was only them and Crowley left. The male then turned to you, "well (Y/N), this is a most unfortunate turn of events...unfortunately, you will not be attending Night Raven College, and will be going home." You followed instructions given to you and stepped in front of the mirror once more, thinking of your home. Slaying demons with their teammates, enjoying food with their dads and moms...well, dad and moms now...they thought of the butterfly mansion, where they wanted to return to. "Oh Dark Mirror!" Crowley shouted, "Return this soul to where it belongs!" The Dark mirror was silent, then it spoke, "there is no such place. No place in this world where this soul belongs." (Y/N)'s eyes widened, "W-what do you mean? I can't go home? I have a family! I have duties as a demon slayer!" They tried reasoning with the mirror to no avail, "so....this is a completely different world?...Am, am I in a messed up nightmare?" Crowley then asked them where they're from and they explained that they were from Japan, Crowley didn't seem to understand. He then ushered them to a library where they could research this 'Japan'.
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angelamajiki · 4 years
Can I request something?!
We try to escape Overhaul but he catches us but as a punishment seeing as we don't like him he gives us to Rappa so he can do what he wants to us for a week and in the end we go back to him and he has you never wanting to even step out your room.
Is that fine? Anyways stay safe, drink water, wear a mask, and keep up the great work!
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PARINGS: Rappa x AFAB! Reader
CW: yandere, watersports, noncon, facefucking, teasing, manhandling, scumbag rappa
AN: thank you nonnie!! <33
Kai had caught you trying to escape. Or rather, Rappa was the one who actually caught you, laughing and jeering at your cries and the pounding of your small fists on his back. Your captor was not amused in the slightest as his henchman emerged into his office with you tucked a little too snuggly over his shoulder.
“Caught your lil’ scrub tryin’ to escape, boss.” Rappa cackled, sitting you down on the chair in front of the yakuza leader’s desk. “Damn, does she squeal like a pig.”
He clapped his hand over your shoulder, squeezing it affectionately. The man had taken a liking towards you, meaning to say that he enjoyed watching Kai dole out punishments for when you tried to escape or otherwise upset him, which wasn't hard to do.
“Yes, she does.” Kai sighed, brows furrowed deeply in irritation. “What am I going to do with you, pet? Do I not provide for you, care for you? How can I get you to behave, hm?”
Tapping a finger against his forehead, he signed and closed his eyes, slumping back in his chair, hands folded in his lap.
“I’ll never stop trying to escape because anywhere else is better than being here with you, Overhaul.” You spat venomously, squirming under Rappa’s tight grip. The man behind you just chuckled darkly.
“Say, boss...if the little lady here is so unhappy with you, why don't you put her on loan to someone for the time being? Let ‘em show her how good you are to her, eh?”
Kai quirked a brow at Rappa, immediately picking up what he was throwing down. He had half a mind to punish Rappa as well for his blatant display of insubordination and to dare to think he’d willingly give up his precious pet to him like she was a mere stray.
Ah, but the man did have a point. His pet needed to be taught how kind her master is, and Rappa is the perfect opposition to do so. A degenerate at heart, his underling, was rowdy, filthy, and above all, a bigger sadist than Kai was.
He knew the man loved nothing more than to watch him spank the poor thing until she was a sobbing, blubbering mess of “I’m sorry, Kai!” gasping and panting for air like she was on the verge of death. What a drama queen he had on his hands. But he treated you like a queen nonetheless, but your attitude was simply out of control at this point.
“I think Rappa’s right, dear. Why don't you spend the week with him? Take a break from me if I’m so intolerable.”
Ice ran through your veins as Rappa unceremoniously scooped you up from your chair, opting to throw you over his shoulder. Kai’s chuckle and Rappa’s jeers mixed with your protests as you squirmed and squealed in his monstrous grasp.
“I thought you said anywhere else would be better than being with me. Remember, this is the choice you made, darling.”
“Rappa, you're dismissed.”
With a wave of a gloved hand, your fate was sealed. The bulkier man nodded and smacked a large hand over your ass.
“You and me? We're gonna have some fun, little piggy.” ——— •
Settled on Rappa’s bed, if you could call a sparsely covered mattress that hadn't been washed in god knows how long a bed, your nerves were set ablaze watching the man undress. And he certainly made a show of it, flexing his muscles and winking at you all the while.
“Like what ya see, sweets?” He groaned, striking a pose in front of you in nothing but a wife-beater and a pair of boxers. Oogling couldn't be helped; the man was built like Adonis. Strong, fierce, and big. Much, much bigger than you were.
“I hope so, cause I definitely do.” He smirked, licking his lips as he stalked over to you. “Don’t ya about a thing, little piggy. Papa’s gonna take real good care of ya”
Climbing over you, he pinned you to the mattress with one hand and used the other to feel you up.
“Yeesh, yer stiff as a board. Maybe a little game will help loosen you up, piggy.”
Fingers crawled their way up to your torso and to your mouth, leaving a searing heat in their wake. His fingers snatched your tongue from your mouth, shoving themselves down your throat to choke you.
“This little piggy wants to choke on my cock.”
His insenstant cooing and grinning had your stomach turning in knots, helping the fingers in your throat gag you even further. The thumb pressed down on your tongue before spitting a glob down your throat.
“This little piggy wants to be squeezed real tight.”
The sing-song tone in his voice only served to heighten your fear. Of course, the bastard thought this was all a game to him and you his toy.
His grin only got wider as his hand crept down your throat and ghosted itself there, barely touching before lunging. A panicked yip flew from your mouth as he pinned you by your throat.
There was hardly any pressure, just a cage of fingers keeping you locked into his impossibly firm grip. The hand was more than large enough to circle your neck. You smell the grim on his fingers, the labor of his love for the Shie Hassaikai.
“Almost got ya, piggy!” He teased, licking a long strip up your cheek. God, his breath stunk.
“Keep up now; the fun’s just starting.”
His fingers seemed to leave a trail of grime as they traveled down to your exposed breasts. They groped and gripped at your tender flesh without finesse or technique. So rough and worn from all the fighting he does. Your right tit was cupped in his hand before he gave it a hard squeeze.
“This little piggy wants to be milked.”
Onto your left, giving your nipple a good tug and pinch.
“This little piggy wants to be sucked.”
Your squeals and cries only made him laugh harder, grunting when you squirmed against the leg in between your thighs.
“Aw, is baby girl gonna cry? Cause I’ll give you something to cry about.”
Every touch of the pads from his fingers made you even sicker than before. You could feel every place he touched, the disgusting filth they left in their wake. The continued down your stomach, stopping to tickle you softly on your sides.
“W-What are you doing?!”
Your laughter couldn't be contained as he got rougher and rougher, chuckling along with you as he pressed his face close to yours.
“Stop it! I-I’m going to pee!”
“Good. That's what I like to hear.” He grunted, pressing his elbow hard into your bladder all while tickling you. Shame and piss flushed out of you as he groaned, grinding his knee up against your wet, sloppy cunt.
“Look at that! Piggy’s finally rolling around in filth where pigs belong.”
“I can't wait to make a mess of you.”
Humiliation flushed your face and your body, feeling even more disgusted as you felt your own piss on your lower body.
Rappa stood up and took a good look at you, admiring his handy work. A flushed, tearful expression that could be fucked up even more, his favorite face to see. Especially on someone as beautiful as you.
Sitting you up, he sat behind you and took your hair into two separate ponytails before trying them off.
“There, perfect for gripping.”
A rough push landed you on the floor, naked and afraid. One hand grabbed both your ponytails at the same time and steered you to be seated facing his crotch.
“Open wide, piggy.”
You shook your head, already feeling humiliated enough for one evening.
“Are you deaf? Open up, you bratty little bitch. Don't make me ask again unless ya fancy fighting me instead.”
Now that was a truly horrifying thought. The man could quickly kill you with a single punch and let Overhaul bring you back to life, only to do it again and again. Those men, especially Kai, had no qualms about taking your life when you decided to misbehave.
Considering your choices, you cut your losses and nodded, opening your mouth slowly and braced yourself for a brutal facefucking.
The man sunk himself into your throat, sitting there when he bottomed out. His hips twitched as you choked and gagged around his massive dick.
“Yeah.” He groaned, pulling out only to slam back in. “That's what I’m talkin’ about. Finally got ya to shut your mouth and put it to good use.”
Hips thrusting, he set a brutal pace into your mouth. Heavy balls slapped against your chin as your spit and tears made a mess of your face. He paid no mind to your shaking and struggling, only moaning when you choked particularly hard.
“Guess I gotta let ya up to breathe, huh piggy?”
Pulling himself out, he gave you a few seconds to cough and gulp in the air before nudging his way back into your warm, wet mouth.
“Can’t spoil you too much now.” He chuckled.
One hand gripping each ponytail, he tugged them tight and fucked your mouth with vigor. His hips slammed against your cheeks, sure to leave bruises as they started to sputter.
“Y-You’re just so cute, piggy. I can’t last long when you look at me like that.” He grunted, pulling your hair even tighter.
His cock hurt your throat horribly. You could feel the burn of every stroke and spasm into your mouth, tears streaming down your face even more from the pain. Your hair felt like it was going to be ripped out from the sheer amount of strength he was pulling it with.
His thrusts increased in pace as he chased his orgasm, opting to hold the back of your head flush against his crotch when he finally did cum. Making sure to swallow every last drop, Rappa didn't let you up until he was completely finished.
“Such a good girl for Papa.” Rappa jeered, picking you up off the floor by the throat and pressed a sloppy kiss to your mouth.
Tossed onto the bed, he spread your legs wide and pressed a thumb to your dripping hole.
“And this little piggy wants to get fucked all night long.”
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grudgegolem · 3 years
I worked quite hard on this :’) it was fun
Rough script;
Ms P: Spy, Pauling here. I've taken Pyro on the ferris wheel three times and they're getting restless. Can you check on the status of the other mercs? I need that contract completed A S A P.
Spy: Scout, what are you doing?
Scout: What's it look like I'm doing? I am owning this game! Look at all the prizes I've racked up!
Spy: Yes, you are a master at knocking down bottles. Yet I fail to see the prize we are after.
Scout: Oh yeah, they don't got that at this game. But look, Sniper's been camped out at the shooting gallery way longer than me. Why not bother him?
Spy: Bushman, don't you get enough of this back at the base?
Sniper: That shooting is for business. This here is strictly for pleasure.
Spy: Fine. Have you at least secured the prize?
Sniper: Yeah, nah. All they've been giving me are cigars. But maybe Pyro would--
Spy: Absolutely not. Ms Pauling would be most displeased.
Sniper: Fair point. Solider and Demo can take them.
Spy: Where are they?
Sniper: Last I seen them, they were taking turns dropping each other into the dunk tank.
Spy: C'est le bordel! Ugh... Peu importe, I don't see either of them winning any prizes anyway. Engineer, please tell me you haven't been playing this... whatever this is, all afternoon.
Engineer: What, they don't have skee ball back in France? You're missing out. I've just been refining my technique. Now I'm about to get top score.
Spy: Very good, then you will acquire the prize for Ms Pauling?
Engineer: Oh yeah, that thing. Nope. But not to worry, Heavy's working on it.
Spy: What is going on here?
Medic: In order to vin ze game Heavy must ring ze bell.
Heavy: Stupid, stupid game! They call it game for strong man. Nobody is stronger than me! But still the bell will not ring!!
Scout: Hey tons of fun, why don't you pass that hammer over and let a real man show you how it's done? All right, here we... gaahh!
Medic: Ho ho. Most embarrassing.
Engineer: Take it easy, boy. This just might need a bit more finesse. A robot hand won't hurt neither... ergh! Tarnation, it must be rigged.
Medic: I have an idea zat might vork.
Heavy/Engineer/Scout: CHARGE ME DOC
Heavy: YAAHHH!!
Spy: Hahahahaha, yes! And now the prize!
Heavy: Here, doctor, is for you, thanks to great teamwork.
Medic: Danke, kamerad. Eh... vat is it?
Engineer: You got yourself there a kewpie doll. Cute little thing.
Spy: Merde! You imbeciles! Did you not know what the prize was before you started playing?!
Sniper: Hey you mob, I got the goldfish.
Scoout: Nice going, pally!
Spy: You said they only gave you cigars!
Sniper: They did. I found the game we needed and traded the carnie there a heap of them for this little guppy.
Engineer: You got any of those stogies left?
Sniper: Bet your life. Let's get Soldier and Demo and have us a smoko.
Ms P: Good work guys. This is sure to make Pyro happy.
Various sound effects sourced from freesound members, tf2 sound effects and voice clips from tf2... lol
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hongism · 3 years
the little things - c.san
↣ pairing: san x reader; poly ot8 x reader ↣ genre: sfw, fluff, slight angst, fantasy au, witch ateez au ↣ wc: 3.3k ↣ summary: one of your favorite things to do is look at the stars with san ↣ warnings: none !
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“You’re out rather early.”
You don’t turn towards the source of the voice; just hearing him speak is enough of a clue for you to know exactly who it is. Although, even if he hadn’t spoken, you’re sure you would have known from the flutter of wings that resounded before his arrival.
“The stars are prettiest right before dawn breaks,” you sigh, hugging your arms a bit tighter around your knees. Your new companion moves forward and comes to a stop beside you. He doesn’t sit down quite yet; for a while, he merely stands at your side and stares up at the same sky hanging above your heads. The time is roughly four o’clock in the morning — a late night for you and an early morning for San — but your words hold true. The glimmering stars are tucked behind fluffy and luscious clouds that seem to herald coming rain, and they shine against a midnight blue background that seems infinitely deep.
San sinks down to sit beside you at last, tossing his legs over the lip of the stone wall you’re perched on, and he sways his legs in rhythm with an unknown melody. You squeeze your knees as you press your cheek to one of them, enough to have a clear view of San’s pretty side profile against a landscape of green pine trees and shining stars.
“I thought you were out here to look at the stars,” San whispers. He glances at you out the corner of his eye. There’s no malice in his speech, just a hint of teasing, and you can’t keep your lips from quirking into a smile.
“I’m looking at you instead.”
“I should be the one looking at you, little star.” San turns his chin to face you, and his dimples flash as he grins back through the hazy moonlit night. “Our precious star,” he murmurs before reaching a hand out to trace over your forehead, slipping down to your temple then to your cheek and dragging the pads of his fingers over your skin in an unknown pattern.
“Why are you up so early?”
“Waiting for Hongjoong,” San says through a sigh. His hand retracts as quickly as it made contact, and you can’t pretend to be oblivious as to why. Things are always… harsh for San when Hongjoong is gone. It’s much worse when it’s a job like Hongjoong’s current one where the witch has to be gone for weeks at a time. Then San becomes quite volatile and hard to deal with — it only makes sense when a familiar is separate from his master for so long. Seonghwa tries to do damage control every time, tries to use techniques that normally help his own familiar Yeosang calm down, but they never work for San. Hongjoong is the only person and thing that can quell the anxieties and worries and stress that flow through San’s veins in times like these. And seeing as they are a bonded pair, it makes the connection of sharing emotional states weaker. They can’t share emotions this far apart, and that weighs heavily on San’s shoulders after being so used to sharing his heart in such a way for so long. Even if Hongjoong has a tendency to cut San off from feeling the brunt of his negative emotions, there’s still a lingering knowledge that the other is right there, just within grasp.
Not now, however.
San has gone three long weeks without even a breath of a whisper from Hongjoong.
And tonight (this morning? Today? Whatever time it may be) the witch is supposed to return. San’s nerves must be getting to him if he’s out this early because usually he would curl up in Hongjoong’s bed and await the witch there, presenting himself like a neatly wrapped present for the other to unravel with warm kisses and soft touches.
San clenches his fingers blindly around the lip of the wall.
“Tell me a story?” You inquire out of the blue. Your eyes shift to look up at the sky again. San huffs out a weak laugh.
“What kind?”
“Hm, how you and Hongjoong met?”
A risky choice, maybe, but you know how near and dear that tale is to San’s heart, and how much comfort it brings him in simply thinking of it. So it is also a very wise choice on your behalf. San’s lips twitch into the shadow of a smile.
“You’ve heard it so many times already…”
“I’ll give you something in return,” you coo, reaching out to pinch the skin around San’s elbow. He yelps like a kicked dog and offers up a deep pout that has you ready to tease him further.
“Seven kisses.”
“Seven?” You echo. Confusion slips into your tone. You can’t recall any significance to the number seven, nor can you remember whether it’s supposed to have special meaning.
“One for each time I’ve told you this story,” San murmurs, leaning forward to press a quick kiss to the tip of your nose. You scowl at the faint sensation as a laugh nearly escapes you, but you manage to bite it back enough to smile again.
“I always forgot how good a crow’s memory is.”
“Ravens remember well too, little star.”
You poke your tongue out between your lips in his direction, and San merely laughs at your expression before shifting closer to you. He loops a hand around one of yours, pulling it away from the leg you have propped up on the rock wall, then he loops his fingers through yours.
“Several hundred winters ago, this land we live in now held very different values and laws. The people were cruel and brash, only using their fists and crude weapons to handle gathering food and protecting their women and children. No one imagined there was any other way of doing things — the people knew nothing of what gentle prowess magic could offer.” San glances over at you, drawing a laugh from your lips when he makes eye contact with you. You shake your head ever so slightly.
“I didn’t mean for you to give me the version that’s in books and legends…”
San dares to giggle at that, and a moment later, he’s shifting his position so that he can rest his head against your thigh and look up at the stars like that. You have to push your other leg down to accommodate the shift, and once San is comfortably staring up at the sky with you, he begins speaking again.
“I was alone. It wasn’t something new; I was used to it at that point. Ravens don’t have the longest lifespan, and I was still a young familiar at the time. I had no owner or master. My mother’s master left our nest after she passed, leaving me with two sisters who were sick and close to death. They were too ill to shift to their human forms, so I couldn’t bring them to an apothecary or village. Ravens are seen as bad omens after all; had I brought them to a town, they would have been killed on the spot. I spent some time going between our nest and the nearest village, stealing food and medicine where I could because I couldn’t afford it. I worked some too, little odd jobs here and there, but it was a lot of delivery work. Made it easy to steal thankfully. Then… well, one day, I got too bold and tried pickpocketing a high-ranking guardsman. He was some lieutenant or something like that, I don’t remember. Too many years have passed since then. But I got caught trying to lift some coin off him in a bar, and he grabbed me by the arm and dragged me out to the streets. He was planning on killing me right then and there with no trial, but some short little witch came stalking up without a care in the world and knocked the guard on his ass. He was going on and on about how rude it is to grab random people off the street like that.”
“Of course he would,” you murmur, a bit of fondness slipping into your tone. “Don’t let him catch you calling him short though.”
“Eh, he’ll survive. In any case, when the guard tried explaining that I was trying to pickpocket him, this witch extended a hand to me and asked if I needed help. I naturally said no because I didn’t think I could trust him, then took off running. I went back to my nest in the hopes of finding my sisters and telling them to get out of the area, yet when I got there, they were already gone. It had been nearly two years since my mother passed, so they were well enough to do things on their own at that point, but they’d never up and left like that without warning. I couldn’t do anything but stay and wait for their return. We’d gathered some food and supplies, so I was able to live off of it for several months before needing to depart for more again. The entire time, not once did my sisters return. They just… disappeared into thin air. I waited every day, wondered when they would come back, and some nights I would stay awake all night flying around the area in search of them.”
“That part always breaks my heart,” you whisper. Stretching a hand down, you drag your fingers along the curve of San’s cheekbones then his jaws, torn away from the stars as you look at the familiar.
“Why? Had it not happened, I wouldn’t be here.”
“I know but…”
“But Hongjoong found me,” San continues through a smile. You huff but let him finish the story, pointedly ignoring the curling grin he sends your way. “After a few months, I started noticing magical residue near my nest. And sure enough, that little witch from before was setting up camp nearby. I did nothing at first, watched him from afar for a while, then I got brave enough to try to lift a few things from his camp. That turned out to be quite the mistake because he caught me within three seconds of setting foot into that camp. And yet… instead of threatening to kill me or harming me, the little witch simply asked if I was alone. ”Are you alone? Do you have anyone with you? A master? I feel your magical energy yet it doesn’t seem normal. You must be a familiar. Where is your master?“ When I said I had no master and was on my own, the little witch was… hm, I would say he was both confused and concerned. Said it was no good for a familiar to go without a master. Without one, I would die within a few years. He suggested that I hurry along with finding one, and I explained I had absolutely no one else in my life.”
“And after that?”
San hums to himself a bit, bringing his hands up above his head as he stares at the night sky. A delicate little smile graces his pretty lips and squeezes his dimples out, but he doesn’t speak any other words for quite some time. The next voice you hear doesn’t even belong to him.
“After that, I invited San to spend some time in my care and work an honest job for me before going on his way to finding a master.”
You twist your neck towards the source of the voice, finding the witch standing a little ways away from the wall you and San are currently seated on, and he grins through the moonlit night at you. San jolts upwards at the sound of his master. The smile that splits his lips is so broad and heartwarming that it feels too intimate to look at, even for you who shares in their love for one another. It’s different for them, and you know that, even if it’s just a different strain of the same love, it’s different nonetheless. San hops off the wall in one swift move, closing the distance between his and Hongjoong’s bodies within seconds.
“As it turns out, we were…we did quite well together. And thus, here we are,” Hongjoong says as he lets San press his nose into the curve of his neck. “I’m sorry I was gone so long. Had to make a few extra stops along the way to gather some supplies. How was he?” Hongjoong directs the words to you, watching with careful yet loving eyes as you pull yourself down from the wall as well and step closer to him and San. The familiar will be like this for a while; unmoving and unresponsive as he soaks in Hongjoong’s presence again and drowns himself in the sensation of having all those feelings doubled once more. Hongjoong will try to ease the burden as much as he can for both their sake, and you’ll do what you do best: taking care of both of them when it gets to be too overwhelming. While Seonghwa and Yeosang (who don’t go a long time without each other anyway) don’t have to deal with this type of ordeal, Hongjoong and San always do. Hongjoong thinks it has something to do with how frequent his trips are, or perhaps the lingering sensation of separation anxiety that San suffers from given his past. Either way, it makes their reunions that much more emotionally taxing and intense. Even you, who has not a drop of magical ability in your body, can feel the sheer power radiating off them both right in this moment.
“You came home at the right time. He was getting antsy,” you murmur back, reaching up to comb your fingers through the long hair at the base of San’s scalp.
“Next time I’ll leave you all with a bit more of a safety net.”
“Or you could come back sooner.”
Hongjoong nearly rolls his eyes, and you catch the way he stops himself just beforehand. The annoyance in his features is nothing serious, only something because he’s heard such words a hundred times over.
“No doubt you haven’t slept yet?” He inquires, trying his best to make his way to the door of the coven’s home. San proves to be quite the obstruction, as it seems, and Hongjoong has to hoist the slightly larger man up enough to loop his legs around the smaller’s waist. Hongjoong grunts from the added weight but manages to carry San the rest of the way with no other complaints. You trail along beside them, taking care of opening the door and grabbing Hongjoong’s satchel once inside.
“Welcome home, my sweet starlight. I see our star and bird found you before I could.” Seonghwa is the first to greet the three of you upon stepping inside. You only notice Yeosang’s sleek black cat form slinking around the hearth witch’s ankles when you’re helping Hongjoong out of his shoes.
“Mm, they were waiting outside,” Hongjoong mumbles into the chaste kiss Seonghwa delivers to his lips. Seonghwa also places a sweet kiss on the back of San’s head before Hongjoong steps around the taller man, continuing to carry San as he goes.
“Mingi fell asleep in your bed last night, so don’t be surprised if you find him there,” Seonghwa calls out over his shoulder. You stretch up to your tiptoes in front of him, half-expecting the kiss that he presses to your lips a few seconds later, but the sudden appearance of Yeosang’s human form popping up on your left is much less expected. You nearly jump out of your skin, and probably would have if not for Seonghwa placing a steadying hand on your hip.
“You haven’t slept either,” Yeosang comments, nose pushing hard against your cheek. You click your tongue against the roof of your mouth.
“No need to lecture. I’m going up with them, don’t worry.”
“I’ll come by after Jongho heads out for morning work.” Yeosang smiles a little before turning on his heel and heading back into the kitchen, no doubt where Jongho waits. Seonghwa huffs out a laugh but sends you on your way without any more conversation. You catch him slipping back into the kitchen as well just as you start climbing the stairs behind Hongjoong.
“Did San fall asleep already?” You ask after the man. You can barely see the familiar’s face from how hard he has it pressed into Hongjoong’s neck, but his eyes seem to have fallen shut at some point. He’s either basking in Hongjoong’s presence as much as he can or he’s entered a pleasant state of unconsciousness with Hongjoong’s warmth around him.
“Almost. He’s calming down some though. I’ll put him in bed with Mingi then take a bath. Care to join?”
“Such a temptress,” you snort to his back.
“I’m only joking, my dear. Keep San and Mingi company while I’m washing up for me instead? We can bathe together another day.”
“Of course darling,” you murmur, drawing a hand across his shoulders once the two of you reach his door. “Be quick though. Mingi will want some time to cuddle before he joins Jongho for yard work.”
As Seonghwa warned, Mingi is already curled up into a tight ball in the center of Hongjoong’s bed when you enter the room. It’s not hard to move his lanky limbs to the side to make room for San, and when Hongjoong eases the familiar down to the mattress, Mingi immediately takes to curling his body around the smaller man like it’s an act of pure instinct. San nuzzles into the touch, releasing a content little hum. You feel a hand brush the small of your back and jerk to look Hongjoong in the eye. Turns out, it was only a way to distract you because he captures your lips in a quick kiss that tastes a bit of honey and cinnamon. You have no time to savor the taste, however; Hongjoong pulls away just as quick and mumbles something about being quick to clean up. You bring a hand up to touch the spot where his lips just were. The smile that overtakes your face is one you can’t hold back, and now it’s your turn to be content and happy as you pull the sheets back to join Mingi and San under the covers. A large hand clamps down hard on your waist, tugging you flush against San’s chest.
“Where’s my kiss?” Mingi’s voice rises through the silence, thick and groggy from sleep. You reach around San to smack him as gently as possible on the arm.
“Go back to bed.”
“Joong home yet?”
“Mhm, he’ll be in bed in just a bit.”
“Good,” Mingi sighs. He settles back into the mattress, maintaining his hold on you around San’s body, and you twist just enough to lean over the sleeping familiar.
“Kiss,” you murmur, and Mingi rushes to meet you halfway with a cheeky grin. “Okay, now sleep. You don’t have long before you have to be up.”
It doesn’t take long for you to fall asleep wrapped up in that embrace, and even when Hongjoong does finally come to bed, he doesn’t stir you from sleep except for the barest sensation of lips against your forehead. You might hear him mutter some loving words to all three of you, perhaps lingering a little while longer on San because he knows the familiar needs that reassurance and comfort right now more than ever, but once he settles down and tucks your head against his chest, a wildly comfortable and deep sleep overcomes you.
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pekotranslates · 3 years
Traces of Two Pasts: Episode Tifa - pgs 40-52
Disclaimer: Also, I started this for fun so that my friends who don't have access can read it. I'm just another fan like you. With that said, I do try to be as faithful to the original source material as possible, and for those of you who can read Japanese, please support the author by buying his book.
Not everyone agreed with Chief Zonder's decision. The elderly—a major force in the village—began to make noise. They seemed to take a liking to Zangan's longevity exercises, and regretted not being able to memorize what was taught to them. They wanted someone to check if their poses were correct, and wished to learn the remaining exercises he was supposed to have taught them.
The village chief paid a visit at dinnertime.
"Hey, Tifa..." he said with a sullen expression. "Will you teach the old folks how to do Zangan's exercises properly?"
"Why Tifa?" her father asked. She just knew he would ask.
"Because Zangan named her. Told me that if we ever needed someone to mentor us, Tifa would be qualified. Said that she had the most controlled form* out of everyone who gathered there that day.
Kata, which means “form” in Japanese, is the term used to describe specific sequences of motion that are used to practice technique and execution in martial arts
It pleased her knowing that someone spoke of her like that when not in her presence, but it also caused her to be slightly embarrassed.
"Zonder, don't get my family involved."
"Aw, c'mon! I'm already in big trouble as it is. The old folks just won't let it go!"
"Hmph!" Brian Lockhart snorted. He enjoyed seeing the village chief squirm. She couldn't tell whether or not they actually got along with each other.
"Tifa, what do you think?"
"I'd just be teaching the elderly people those exercises, right? If that's all there is, then I'd like to try."
"Tifa..." her father began, but he swallowed back his complaint. He knew that it wasn't good for her to have too much time on her hands. "Well, if you're gonna do it, then do it right."
While preparing breakfast, Tifa heard a knock at the door, and opened to a woman’s face she barely recognized. It was an elderly woman called "Mon Amie" who was an aunt of sorts to Chief Zonder. Her hair was pulled back into a bun so tight that it looked like her eyes were being pulled straight up!
"Good morning to you. It's been a long time, Tifa. I heard that Zonder told you all about it. How about 2 gil per hour?"
"Sorry?" She had not heard about any renumeration.
"Well, you are thirteen now. Not a little girl anymore, so that doesn't cut it for you, eh? Alright then, how about 4 gil?"
"No, I don't want any money."
"That won't do. We are taking this very seriously, and you will be properly paid for your work."
No matter how much Zangan trusted her, would she really be up to the task? But, being able to earn her own money sounded very appealing, as if a whole new world had opened up to her.
Mon Amie took Tifa's silence as her wanting to bargain for higher wages.
"6 gil."
"Alright. 6 gil it is then."
"Brian never did leave the village. He wanted to keep Thea all to himself." Mon Amie suddenly brought up her parents during their exercise routine at the public square.
"Really?" said Tifa, adjusting Mon Amie's arm posture. She needed to get her to straighten her back and push out her chest a bit more for the desired result.
"She was quite the popular one, that child."
It wasn’t very pleasant hearing her mother being called "that child", yet Tifa encouraged her. Listening to the elderly tell old stories was a part of her job. The responsibility she felt from receiving wages tempered her patience.
"You should leave the village," said Mon Amie suddenly. "Doesn't it sound like fun going around to different places with Master Zangan?"
"It sure does."
"Alright, you don't have to play along with me. No need for you to learn things like that. Just think about it carefully, okay? Something needs to change for women here in Nibelheim."
Tifa silently nodded as she propped up Mon Amie's arm.
"There weren't any women around in my day who held this kind of thinking. But that Strife girl”—she was speaking of Cloud's mother—"tried to leave. Not sure if it's because she hated it here, or if she dreamed of going to the big city."
Mon Amie abruptly altered her pose, ruining her base form.
"To the traditional Nibelheim women, she seemed pretty unconventional. We all refused to accept her ways, but secretly felt the same. Even though we scolded her, deep down inside we were cheering her on. We even felt jealous of her for carving out her own path. Perhaps she changed something in us, little by little.”
Tifa lifted up Mon Amie's knee. "Up high like this. Thank you."
She supported Mon Amie as the woman’s body rocked back and forth.
"But Claudia remained in the village, didn't she?" said Tifa.
"Well, that’s because she fell in love. You see, a man traveled here. Claudia was helping out at the inn at the time. She must have been taken in by the outside air he brought with him. And he was a pretty fellow. I’m sure you see it when you look at Cloud. That boy got the best of both his parents!”
“But, just like the wind, he just couldn’t keep still. Not sure if Cloud learned how to walk yet, but around that time he told her he would go to the mountains, but never came back. They found his belongings though. His body probably got eaten by monsters. You were lucky you didn’t meet the same fate.”
Tifa braced herself. Was she going to bring up that incident?
“Cloud egging you on to climb Mt. Nibel… Maybe that was in his blood.”
Mon Amie’s body began to sway. Tifa had stopped holding onto her causing her to lose her balance. She couldn’t regain her footing in time, and fell flat down on her backside.
“Alright then," said Tifa. "Now let’s use the opposite leg. Please lift up your knee.”
Tifa held out a helping hand to her, but Mon Amie refused and got up on her own.
“Quite strict for a pretty face.”
“That’s because I get paid 6 gil to be.”
Before long, she became more attentive. She noticed Mon Amie lifting up her other knee, but it was at the wrong height again. While Tifa helped her to adjust, Mon Amie said, “You really don’t remember anything? You know, about that accident you got into?”
She was eight years old when she got into that accident on Mt. Nibel. Cloud was with her. The villagers chose to believe the story based on Emilio and the others’ testimonies, and nothing else could be said about it. Tifa really couldn't remember what happened.
"No, unfortunately not..."
Whether the elderly came to her for exercising or just to chat, it was tougher than she had imagined. Her father laughed at her and said he wouldn't have anything to do with them, even for 100 gil.
They never listened and were set in their ways, even the ones who kept away and smiled modestly at her. They just had a different view on things, and sulked if nobody paid them attention.
The topics they discussed also surprised Tifa, and sometimes hurt her too. She disliked whenever they brought up how her body looked so grown. There would be someone who sensed her discomfort or resentment, and would try to change the subject, but then it would turn into whom she should be with and things of that nature.
So, all things considered, Tifa preferred hearing them going on about herself rather than her father’s failed romances, or whom her mother used to hang out with before she got married to him. To the elderly townsfolk, her father and others his age were still “the village youth”.
After her day finished and she was about to go to sleep, she thought to herself that maybe there would be a time when she would be the one telling someone else about what happened today, or about some news she heard from another person. Telling the same stories over and over again, everyday just like the next, until she, herself, became just a relic of an era in village history.
“They confused me at first, but I got used to being around them, and then it wasn’t so bad anymore. That feeling of wanting someone to talk to—Everyone has that,” explained Tifa.
“So that’s where you learned to entertain guests? From spending your time talking to old folks?” asked Barret.
“Possibly. Maybe that did me good. More and more of the elderly signed up, and they started calling their morning gatherings the ‘Calisthenics Club’.”
“It’s like that at Seventh Heaven too,” said Barret with some intensity.
Aerith urged him to talk.
“It used to be just a small shop owned by this one gramps, but when Tifa started working there, the business picked up. Men crowded the place. Know what I mean, Red?”
“What I’m more interested in is what happened to Zangan afterward? I can sort of imagine based on your fighting style, Tifa...” said Red XIII.
“You’re right. There was a little more that happened before I got to where I'm at.”
A month passed after the start of the Calisthenics Club. All morning Tifa would teach the exercises and set aside time for her reading and arithmetic. The afternoon she'd go to the mountains and work hard towards building up her strength and stamina, and then would return home before sunset so her father wouldn’t worry. At night she would examine Zangan's writings and practice her form, reviewing the materials over and over again so as to not overlook anything.
One day, she received a letter from Emilio. He wrote about the fast-paced lifestyle in the big city, and told her about everything he found perplexing: arguments he had had with people, things he ate, the social inequality, and their differences in moral values.
“But whenever I get discouraged, it’s you I think about, Tifa, and then I imagine that day when I’ll come and get you. I'll write to you sometimes and teach you about the city, so you won't be so confused when that time comes.”
Who do you think you are? That's how she honestly felt reading the letter.
Zangan appeared, acting as if nothing had happened. He knocked on the door just in time to greet her father and asked for his permission to call Tifa out, and then led her to the river where they first met.
“Master Zangan, please let me be your student. I want to be stronger.”
“That’s exactly the answer I was looking for, but what’s the matter, Tifa? I sense your impatience. Why are you in such a hurry?”
“That’s not it!” she replied, but felt self-conscious. “No… It’s because I got that letter from my friend.”
“What kind of letter?”
“I think it’s because I don’t want to lose. I don’t want to lose to anyone who left the village.”
“Hmm. My hand-to-hand combat techniques are not meant to be used to make you feel superior to others.”
“I know.”
“No, you don’t. But the answer to that can only be found through diligent study. All right. I will acknowledge you if you pass my test.”
“Show me everything you’ve learned from Volume 1. You’ve been practicing, haven’t you?”
Tifa performed a sequence of forms from the physical training method.
“One more time, from the beginning.”
This time Zangan interrupted with instructions.
"Check the book to see the direction your palms should be facing."
Tifa crouched down over the book and flipped through the pages. The form was wrong from the very start. Should have been above not below.
“I was wrong.”
“Try again.”
When she extended both hands and slightly shifted the direction of her palms, she felt a different set of muscles tingling.
“Everything from the Book of Secrets must be obeyed. Don’t try to interpret it another way or decide that your way is better. While disciplining your body, you must learn to be faithful to your decisions. If I take you in as my student, you will become stronger. So, you must cultivate your mind to control that power. The greater and stronger the power to handle, the greater the responsibility of its owner. Do you understand?”
The second time around, Zangan pointed out any minor mistakes she made. Each time she would have to go back and confirm with the Book of Secrets before advancing, which made things take twice as long. Fatigue built up in her arms and legs.
“Alright, now relax and close your eyes. Focus your attention and check the condition of your body. Does it hurt anywhere?”
“My upper back… I wouldn’t say it hurts but it feels like it’s burning...”
She slipped her right hand underneath her left armpit until it touched the lower part of her shoulder blade. Digging her fingers into it felt good.
“Hmph!” Zangan gave a satisfying nod. “That’s your shoulder blade. What you’re pressing into is the trapezius muscle. Surrounding it is your deltoid, infraspinatus, psoas minor and other muscles. The second volume will teach you how to train each one of those muscles on your back,” he said, while holding out a booklet to her. It was Volume 2.
“If you want to live your life with pride then pay close attention to your back. Squeeze your shoulder blades together, chest out. Walking through life with a beautiful posture is also part of your training.”
“Got it.”
“Let’s get started. Well then, onto Volume 2, No. 2-1-1, scapular push-ups.”
Zangan immediately prostrated himself on the ground, and lowered his chest. Tifa hastened to follow his example.
“All you're doing is supporting your whole body with your arms. Concentrate on your shoulder blades. Rotate them outwards—protract, retract, protract.”
It was her first time experiencing those movements. How was she supposed to move to protract her shoulder blades? She couldn’t picture it in her mind. Glancing over at Zangan she noticed he was rotating his shoulders outward, something her cat, Maru, often did.
“You look like a cat,” she said.
“Right. There’s a lot we can learn from cats.”
She focused her attention on her scapula, going up and down, until the repetition of movements were drilled into her body. Zangan rose and watched over Tifa for some time before clearing his throat.
The movements were subtle but still made her perspire.
“That’s because the muscles across your back are wider. Moving them increases the blood flow and raises your temperature, so that’s why you’re working up a sweat.”
After completing Volume 2, Tifa was sweating profusely. She felt unthinkable pain throughout her whole back.
“Alright, any questions? If you do, now’s your chance.”
She wanted to say, yes, but nothing came to mind at the moment.
“If not, then we’ll move onto Volume 3.”
“Huh?” she couldn’t help but shout. Her whole body was screaming in pain. Zangan ignored her and continued.
“Volume 3 is for chest and abs. We’re going to train your front body. The pectoralis major muscle is roughly divided into three parts: upper, middle and lower. There are several different ways to effectively train it, but I’ll teach you the basic concepts.”
“At your age, your overall motor skills are complete, and in that regard, you excel. You haven’t had any special training, have you? If so, then you must have been born with this. Treasure it.”
“I will.”
She felt energy pour into her body. Perhaps listening to Zangan talk with a relaxed mind helped her to recover from fatigue.
“After a while, we’ll concentrate on building your muscles. But you will not be using any equipment except your body. We won’t be using barbells or dumbbells until you’re much older. Besides, our Zangan-ryu hardly finds them necessary. That is because I prescribe individual fighting styles that suit each of my students. You don’t need arms built like logs or a bulky chest. What you need is to build up a fighting style that will utilize those reflexes, that body, and your speed. Well, what do you want to do? Shall we call it a day?”
“No. Please go on.”
She didn’t want to disappoint the first person who had managed to earn her respect.
“Yes, that’s the spirit! Alright. But we’ll stop here for today. Let’s call this current level of fatigue your limit. Keep it in mind. You have a long way before you can try to challenge that limit to surpass it. Continuity is more important now than ever.”
On their way back, a realization came over Tifa regarding Zangan’s test. It didn't annoy her. If her father tried to make her work like that she’d probably stop talking to him for three days in a row. With those thoughts in mind, she walked her teacher back to the inn.
“Say hello to your father for me.”
As she stood in front of her house she could smell the scent of spices in the air. Spices that her mother liked to use in her best recipe. It was her father’s favorite dish, but since Tifa didn’t really like it, it was hardly ever served at the dining table.
She opened the door and said, “I’m home.”
“Welcome back.” Her father, dressed in an apron, peeked out at her from the kitchen.
“This smell… Huh? Is it mom’s?”
“I was really craving it... Oh, but I made something else for you.”
She was filled with remorse. She didn’t like the way he looked or the tone of voice he used when trying to gauge her mood, but it was all her fault for making it that way.
Novel by Kazushige Nojima
Translated by pekotranslates
Proofread by Eerie
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kym2020 · 3 years
Shuffle × The Numbing Noir Neige
La Mort chapter 1
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Rei Sakuma
Oh, did you miss me because of this cold weather? Oni-chan will spoil you as much as you want~♪
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<One day in mid-January>
Ritsu Sakuma
Hu~. The lesson was hard today too...
I'm tired~. I'm already exhausted. I want to take a rest in bed soon
『Speaking of which, Mikarin said he was off today, right? Since I'm tired from work, I'll let him spoil me...
Ehe, Mikarin. I'm back~♪
I'm tired today so spoil me a lot. ha~♪
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Rei Sakuma
Oh, did you miss me because of this cold weather? Oni-chan will spoil you as much as you want~♪
How should I spoil you? Patting your head or hugging you which is it~♪
Ritsu Sakuma
Rei Sakuma
"Ha" In other words, hugs are also good!
Okay, Ritsu-kun~♪ your Oni-chan will hug you a lot~♪
Ritsu Sakuma
Woah. Hey, stop...
Oi, don't get so clingy to me!  I don't remember forgiving you Anija!
I mean, you said it before that you won't come to my room, what are you a bug, so annoying and unpleasant!
Rei Sakuma
If this happens again, I have to call some cops...!
¹*Gyu, gyu! I'm sorry for the trouble Ritsu-kun. Chokeholds works in me...!
Mika Kagehira
Hmmm, Ritsu-kun is master at chokehold!??
What happened, brothers should get along with each other~?
Ritsu Sakuma
Mikarin, can you explain why is Anija inside my room?
No. Strict measures must be taken against perverts who illegally trespass other's territory
If this stranger comes into my room without any reason, I have to take appropriate measures
Mika Kagehira
I did it. I forgot to tell you about this. It seems that there is something Sakuma-senpai want to tell you about
Ritsu Sakuma
What does he want to tell me...
Rei Sakuma
Um. Then, let go of me first from this chokehold...
I was late to convey the message to you because of your technique. The other day, you probably auditioned for "P Organization"
That young lady Anzu told me to tell you the result.
Ritsu Sakuma
The audition. Oh, is it result of the audition for La Mort out?
The schedule of ES-sponsored idol projects is unusually fast, isn't it? But if you want to convey the result, there is ²"Hall Hands".
Because Anzu is busy, she ask Anija's help even if she didn't have to?
Rei Sakuma
Apparently, the role I received is so easy to act
Turn out the roles we receive are opposing roles
Ritsu Sakuma
Anija, I'm sure he was getting the same role as me. I didn't expect to see him the same time...?
Rei Sakuma
I thought that way, but it looks different to the director's eyes.
On the day of that audition, I had a separate consultation. I want to try the lead role
So, when I try to act, it seemed I won the lead role
I didn't expect it, but this time the plot is about "Shinigamis" wearing black. This is also a relationship between brothers...♪
Ritsu Sakuma
This is not a matter to laugh about..!  Why do I have to play with Anija!
I can wear a ³mask in variety shows and other scenes that appear on the surface.  When it comes to acting, I'll have to meet you for days...
Uh, I don't like being friendly with Anija...but I hate you clinging to me while in filming area!
Rei Sakuma
Well, don't be so pessimistic.  Perhaps the director has spotted that Ritsu-kun is tsundere to me?
In any case, she asked me to convey the message with hope.  It is good to think about whether Ritsu will accept or reject it.
It's a role that you won by competing with me.  I think it's your responsibility to decide
Ritsu Sakuma
Eh~. I feel like because of Anija my enthusiasm is broken
Alright then. Anija should go since he's done with his errands. You're not free, right?
Rei Sakuma
Um. I'm was about to go
……Oh yeah. While I was waiting I was looking around your room, and I'm not impressed seeing you throwing magazines to trash
It's bad for the global environment if we don't reuse paper properly?
Ritsu Sakuma
Geez. What global environment? Don't suddenly say something sensible
I mean, don't look into people's rooms without permission. What would you do if it was an erotic book?
Rei Sakuma
What. Ritsu-kun is a grown-up boy now...!  It's a treat today~♪
Ritsu Sakuma
It's traumatic for some people, isn't it?
Rei Sakuma
Well then, I'll bid goodbye. I'll wait for a good reply
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.  It's been a long time since we had a conversation, but I'm joking
Ritsu Sakuma
Geez. Whenever I talk about my personal life and get involved with Anija, nothing good will come, right Mikarin?
Mika Kagehira
Hmm. Oh, me...?
Yes. It's difficult for me to explain, but I wonder if a family is like that
Isn't a relationship where you spend time with each other and bother each other? I grew up in an orphanage, so maybe I just think so
Ritsu Sakuma
I think it's out dated to bothered each other because your a family
Well, it's terrible, I won't talk about it. I don't want to be known as the younger brother of that "Rei Sakuma", because me and Anija are both human beings
Mika Kagehira
Are you planning to refuse the acting offer? I feel like it's a waste, but...?
Oh, you said before the audition, Ritsu-kun didn't you? "If I win the role in the audition, I'll brag to Anija as much as I can"
Ritsu-kun has won the role, so you should be proud of it
Ritsu Sakuma 
Hmm~. Well, that's right. It's rude to refuse the role I have decided
Yeah, I won't think about it for now, because no matter what choice I make, I feel like I'm being pulled by Anija
Fu fu. It's a waste of time to think about Anija any more, and I wonder if Mikarin will give me a "revenge spoiling"
So, bring the sweets to my mouth~♪
Mika Kagehira
Ahaha. You're really a spoiled child huh? Ritsu-kun
I'll spoil you as much as you want~♪
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tl notes:
¹*Gyu gyu, a crying sound I think?
²"Hall Hands" (ES SNS/Chat room)
³ wearing a mask/hiding true personality
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Mind giving us some more Yuuki Mishima content?
Fists of Purpose - 2
~Ten Years Ago~
*Jin Kazama and Ling Xiaoyu stand in a doorway, looking in on a five year old boy hesitantly playing with blocks as though he's never seen anything like them before*
Jin: There's no doubt?
Xiaoyu: None. I'm- I'm sorry Jin.
Jin: Damnit, how the Hell does something like this even happen!?
Xiaoyu: ...Jin, with everything we've been through... is that even a serious question?
Jin: Point. It's just... I swore...
Xiaoyu: You swore that the Devil Gene would end with you. I guess these guys had other ideas.
Jin: How did Umbrella Corporation even get ahold of my DNA?
Xiaoyu: It's hard to say. As the Gaming Multiverse gets bigger threats can come from any angle.
*Jin stares at the little boy like he's looking at a ghost*
Jin: Well... just... get rid of it. Put it up for adoption and get it out of my face.
Xiaoyu: Jin!
Jin, turning to leave: It's too dangerous to be kept around me. Get rid of it!
Xiaoyu, grabbing him by the arm: Jin, this isn't some company you can buy off! This is your son!
Jin, wheeling on her: I never wanted to have it!
Xiaoyu: Well he's here!
*silence reigns between them for a moment before Xiaoyu puts a gentle hand on his shoulder*
Xiaoyu: Jin... you could never be Kazuya.
Jin, laughing bitterly: Can I not? It's always the same with us Mishima men.
Xiaoyu: I thought you were Kazama?
Jin: Kazama may be my name, but it's Mishima blood in my veins. You know how it goes for us, how we screw things like this up.
Xiaoyu: But it doesn't have to be Jin. You could break the cycle. Right here and now.
Jin: I- I don't know how.
Xiaoyu: Be for him what your mother was for you.
*Jin stares a the child for a long moment. He takes a hesitant step forward. Then another. Then he is crouching beside the child.*
Jin: ...Hello.
*The Child just stares at him.*
Jin: Do... uh... do you have a name?
The Child: Mishima.
Jin: *winces* No, uh, that is your surname. What is your name.
The Child: Mishima.
Jin: You do now have a name?
*The Child shakes his head*
Jin: Would... would you like one?
*The child hesitates but nods*
Jin: ... ..Yuuki. Do you like that name?
Yuuki: Yuu-ki. Yuuki. Yuuki Mishima. *he smiles for what is perhaps the first time* I like that.
Jin: I am glad.
Yuuki: And who are you?
Jin: I am- I- I am... *he summons up his courage* I am your father.
~Present Day~
*A black limousine pulls up to Ryu's dojo and Jin gets out. He approaches Ryu, who is meditating on the porch.*
Ryu: Jin.
Jin: Ryu.
Ryu: Yuuki is in town with that... talking... cat... thing.
Jin: Good. *He sits across from Ryu* I am here for an update on his progress.
Ryu: I see. *he finally opens his eyes* Would you like some tea as we talk?
Jin: No. Just talk.
Ryu: *snorts* Very well.
Jin: Don't get smart with me, hobo.
Ryu: No matter how the wind howls. the mountain cannot bow to it.
Jin: Just. Tell. Me.
Ryu: Very well. Your son is making great strides in the basics of the Ansatsuken and we are beginning to move into more advanced forms and techniques.
Jin: And?
Ryu: And?
Jin: The Devil Gene you bumbling bufoon!
Ryu, unshaken We have not activated it as of yet. He requires more self-discipline before we venture into that territory.
Jin: And how, pray tell, will he get that.
Ryu: With Time and Dedication. I provide the first and he provides the second.
Jin: And how long do you think that will take?
Ryu: That depends.
Jin: On?
Ryu: On how soon he can find a true purpo- *Ryu starts as though he's been struck*
Jin: What the- *Ryu suddenly stands*
Ryu: The Dark Hadao... he is here.
*In town*
Yuuki, finishing his sushi: Ahh, gomen. That was lovely Mona-san
Morgana: Heh, don't mention it kid. Good food makes any situation better.
*There's a buzzing from Yuuki's pocket*
Yuuki: Eh? Ah. *he pulls out his phone* An update on the Phan-site.
Morgana: Yer still runnin' that thing?
Yuuki: Yeah! Ever since the Galeem Cataclysm the Phantom Thieves have become celebrities and the Phan-site has been going off.
Morgana: Oh yeah. Joker and his pals have been real frustrated they can't use any of that fame without unmasking.
Yuuki: Yeah... I hope I can join them once I master my Devil-
???: Mishima-san?
*Yuuki starts at the familiar voice and turns to them*
Yuuki: S- Suzui-san?
*Sure enough, Shiho Suzui stands before him at the entrance to the Sushi Bar*
Yuuki: Shiho- I mean- Suzui-san! I- uh- I didn't know you were- Hi!
Shiho: You may call me Shiho, Mishima-san.
Yuuki: I- uh- okay. But only if you call me Yuuki!
Shiho, nodding politely: Very well, Yuuki.
*There's an awkward silence*
Yuuki: Uh... would you like some sushi, Suzu- Shiho?
Shiho: I- I wouldn't want to impose.
Yuuki: It wouldn't be! I- I mean. It's fine. Mona's paying!
Morgana: I'yam?!
Shiho: I- well- *her stomach gurgles at that very moment* I suppose I am hungry. *she sits beside them*
Yuuki: So, uh, what are you doing out here, Shiho?
Shiho: Mother thought It would be good for me to get out of the city after- after everything.
Yuuki: Oh. Yeah. That, uh, that makes sense. How- uh, how's that been going?
Shiho, actually smiling a little: Well, actually. I like it out here. And my therapist has been very helpful.
Yuuki: Cool.
Shiho: Is... is that why you're out here?
Yuuki: Oh, uh, kinda. I'm actually training at Ryu-sensei's dojo up in the forest.
Shiho: Really?
Yuuki: Yeah. I- I wnated to learn how to protect myself after, you know, everything.
Shiho: Right... I keep forgetting... Kamoshida had many victims.
Yuuki: ... Your... uh... your mom sounds great!
Shiho: She is. She's been wonderful through all this.
Yuuki: Wish I knew who my mom was. And if she was half as cool as yours.
Shiho: Still, I'd kinda like a father who's one of the richest men in the world.
*They both laugh and some of the tension is eased*
Yuuki: Uh... Shiho... would, uh. Would you like to... walk to the river once we're done here?
*Morgana get's up*
Morgana: Eh-heh. I getcha. I'll give you two some space. *he lays a credit card on the bar* Put whatever they get on there.
Shushi Chef, in a very tired voice: Whatever you say, talking cat.
*Morgana leaves*
Shiho: Well, actually, that sounds lovely.
~Across the street~
*On a bench across the street, Akuma sits, pretending to read a newspaper*
Akuma, mentally: He is truly new at this, if he cannot sense me this close. Perfect to be molded.
*He watches Yuuki and Shiho finish their sushi and walk away. After a moment, he follows them*
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aio-rya · 4 years
Silver Chef Uniform — SR Card Story
Part 2
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Let's make beef stew 2 ~Silver Edition~
Ghost Chef: This time I would like to introduce... Ta-dah! 「Electric Pressure Cooker」!
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Silver: Electric pressure cooker...!
I see. If you use the pressure cooker, you can significantly reduce the stewing time.
Moreover, if it's an electric type, it also has a timer function. It seems you don't have to worry about burning the ingredients even if you take a nap.
Ghost Chef: Well... yes, that's what it is. It seems you told me everything about it before I could explain you.
Silver: It's the frst time I've used appliances for cooking.
Riddle: Eh! For first time? Even I, who don't cook often, have used the microwave oven.
Silver: Of course I know it exist but... Since I came to this school, I had the school cafeteria so I didn't had a chance to use it.
In the Valley of Thorns, far from having a microwave oven, most homes doesn't have gadgets themselves.
Riddle: So life is based on the premise that you can really handle magic... It's hard for me to imagine that.
However, if you live in the Valley of Thorns, your magic will improve even more.
Silver: If you have the magical power and ability, I don't think there could be any inconvenience for life in my hometown.
Ghost Chef: Well, Silver. Put the ingredients inside the electric pressure cooker.
Select "Beef stew" from the menu displayed on the panel and turn on the switch to start cooking.
Silver: Twenty minutes left...
Ghost Chef: That's how it works. Now, let's relax and wait for it to boil.
Silver: Is it okay to not look at the cooker?
What about stirring it?
Ghost Chef: It's okay since you set it fine. Otherwhise, if you play it badly¹, you'll fail.
Let's leave the pressure cooker and make some Demi-Glace Sauce.
Silver: The sauce making finished unexpectedly early. Should I wash the pot and knives we used?
...the pot....
Ghost Chef: Ah! Hey, Silver!
Silver: Huh, dangerous. I was about to fall asleep. You noticed right away.
So, what should we do now?
Ghost Chef: I was taken away from the show a while ago, so let me explain how to use the pressure cooker.
Silver: Yes, please.
Chef Ghost: There are many menus registered on the electric pressure cooker but you don't have to make eveything acording to the recipe. By changing some ingredients and seasonings you can cook any dish you want to.
For example, there are ingretiends being simmered right now, right? If you add tomato juice instead of the demi-glace sauce, the tomato stew will be completed.
Silver: ....... Tomato juice is my father's favorite.
Using tomato juice instead of sauce...
Father might like it and eat it.
~ ~ ♪
Silver: What kind of sound is that...?
Ah, have it finished cooking?
Ghost Chef: Open the lid of the pressure cooker, be careful not to get burned.
Silver: Yes!
This is...
Both, meat and vegetables are well cooked. How is it that soft in just 20 minutes?
Ghost Chef: Now, let's get it finished.
Silver: Season with a little amount of ketchup and the demi-glace sauce we made earlier, is that it?
Ah, it's delicious!
...... okay, it's done.
Ghost Chef: Isn't it pretty? Now, let's take it to the judges.
Silver: Ah, no matter how tough it appears, I will ensure my own victory.
Ghost Chef: No no, you are not a dueling.
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???: Are you the one who cooked, Silver?
Silver: Jamil, I often hear from Kalim that you are good at cooking.
One of the most talented people at school... Would I be able to beat you?
Jamil: What the hell are you playing to? Well, I'll get it right away.
The taste is... Yeah, it's ordinary.
Silver: Ordinary... But...
Jamil: Ingredients are well cooked such as meat, that can be evaluated, it's so soft that it crumbles just by putting it in your mouth.
Didn't it take a long time?
You might fall asleep on the way...
Silver: Ah, I was worried about that too.
In fact, I was drowsy while the boiling process. I was able to do it well thanks to the chef letting me use an electric pressure cooker.
That's why the stew time was shorter. I managed to survive without sleeping.
Jamil: I'm surprised.
I thought "Master Chef" was a program aimed to improve cooking techniques... Students who have problems with their skills must been given a tool to avoid failure. And by that I mean, studying.
Silver: Oh, he taught me a good way to make up for my own immaturity.
If you fall asleep, you can set the timer so that you won't burn food. Besides, when time is over, music will be played and you'll be able to wake up with that sound.
Jamil: How did you came with the idea of ussing an electrical pressure cooker instead of an alarm clock...?
Silver: I can't just rely on tools, but... I think it's necessary for me now.
Jamil: It was a nice feast². It's a delicate matter to know how much of technology you can use, but it was an edible taste.
Silver: It wasn't a complete vistory but I did scape the situation of a miserable failure?... Let's continue to devote ourselves.
Ghost Chef: Good work! You did it without falling asleep until the end.
Silver: Ah, speaking of which. I want to make some tomato stew and that cabbage rolls father taught me. Did I forgot my drowsiness on the way because I was thinking about that?
Ghost Chef: Imagine the faces of people who will eat deliciously and think "I'll do my best to make it today!"
Silver: I see... cooking is the most important way of thinking.
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1 — That could be a literal translation of the expression, what the ghost Chef means is that if Silver worries too much, things won't have the desired result.
2 — What he literally said was 「ごちようちま」 [Gochiyôchima] which is literally translated as "Feast" and is a polite way of thanking or complimenting to your host about food.
「Part 1 here」
I just have a comment: I cried with this translation and with Silver's voice lines which I will translate tomorrow 'cause I haven't slept in 24 hours.
The love he has for Lilia is bigger than anything in the world. Even bigger than his narcolepsy and, as I felt with his voice lines, is bigger than his very own memories from before meeting Lilia.
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