maya-04 · 4 years
The world can break and rot yet he still spins nadly on
He will never stop moving and stirring even after we all go
They say god gives the hardest of battles only to his strongest warriors, yet so many people struggle nowadays that you can't even try to determine the true battles from the merely minor problems.
So let's just do like the world, and spin madly on.
It's just like in Psychology - an event and a reaction -
One event can stimulate different reactions
Or three different events can stimulate the same reaction, thought or emotion.
It's all relative, Einstein said, boy was he right
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maya-04 · 5 years
Pieces - Tagatha AU one shot
".... You call my name, I come to you in pieces, so you.. can make... me whole.."
He is afraid, broken, hurt.
He never thought he could feel this way, not after getting hurt by people he loves so many times, he never thought he would trust someone like this ever again.
He's afraid she'll turn out like everyone else....
She would never do that, though, she loves him.
He is the first person to see beyond her mask, he was the first person to know all of her secrets.
And she is the only one who knows all of his.
"I'm not as good as everyone thinks, I'm not the same as I used to be, Tedros,"
"It wasn't your fault, Agatha, you didn't kill him, he killed himself"
"But I knew how he felt and what he wanted to do - I could've helped him, I should have been there to save him but I wasn't, I wasn't there to save him!"
"You didn't know where or when he wanted to do that, there was no way for anyone or even you to know what he was going to do and how"
"But I was there the day before, I could've stayed there with him instead of leaving him alone!"
"But you would have to leave eventually, right? He would still be alone for long enough to manage to kill himself, there was no one that could save him!" He shouted that, hoping she'd realize it wasn't her fault.
Agatha was quiet for a while after that, like every other time when she has a nightmare about her ex boyfriend, Tedros knows how they loved each other and that he shouldn't be jealous - it's been three and a half years since he died, and a year and a half since they started dating.
The thing is.. He knows that if it wasn't for Diego killing himself, they would still be together, probably engaged and about to be coronated as Gavaldon's King and Queen, he and Agatha were each other's firsts in everything, and he remembers how hard it was for Agatha to move on.
"I just.. Miss him, he was supposed to be the one I married and we had so many plans together, we had our entire life ahead of us and then... I can't stop thinking about that, I didn't think I could love someone in a way that's even slightly close to how I loved him but then we started getting closer and you were much nicer than I thought when we just met and then we started dating, I just feel so guilty that I'm actually happy with you when he died more than three years ago but I am happy and I'm afraid what we have would go away just like what I had with him and I can't and I don't want to lose you too, I love you"
Now Tedros was quiet, he couldn't believe that, she loves him!
After all this time he loved her when she was with Diego and then when he died she loves him too!
He understood how she felt, he really did, he had his own share of loss - his mother's leaving, his father's death, most of his friends turning out to be traitors who only wanted to be his friends for his title and even his ex girlfriends Beatrix and Sophie after her who sworn they really loved him but didn't, apparently, and then losing Diego - his best friend alongside Chaddick and Tristan..
He also knew Diego was Agatha's best friend before he met him and he remembered how hard it was for her when he died, how he sworn to Diego's parents and Agatha's family he would try his best to keep Agatha safe and happy like Diego had, and know he learned he kept his promise - he makes her happy!
"God I love you too, you don't even know how much, I would never leave you, I promise" he told her as he hugged her.
They talked about it later and made a promise to each other - they would continue with telling each other everything, and they wouldn't leave each other, not like this.
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maya-04 · 5 years
Can someone make one-shots out of this please? Or should I?
Things older married Tagatha do
- fight over blankets
- bake cookies at 3am while dancing and singing off key in the kitchen
- try to responsible adults who  R U N  A  K I N G D O M  but they still get really excited at their birthdays and spend months planning for the other
- have arguments over whether a bear or a lion would win in a fight and getting really angry with each other and not speaking for a week
- fight over the last slice of cake and the chef is like protecting the cake because he spent so long on that cake and he should have known because these two are so immature why did he let this happen AGAIN
- cover up their hickeys with their royal wear (like formal capes and dresses and suits) but everyone knows anyway
- Tedros won’t let Agatha get about of bed and cuddles with her all morning
- they T R Y to get painted for the royal portrait but they can’t because they can’t keep a straight face and eventually the painter gives up and Agatha is pretty sure it’s the best picture they have of each other
- sneak out of the castle at night and go stargaze until Merlin finds them asleep in the grass together
- during royal meetings they have no idea what’s happening because the other is making funny faces and they CANNOT LAUGH THIS IS TOO SERIOUS
- Tedros goes on long hunting trips and always hug-tackles Agatha when he gets back
- they go on royal trips all the time and every place they go they get like some souvenir or something every time
- Tedros gets to be really tall and holds things over Agatha’s head and watches her get angry and he thinks it’s so cute and she hates it and usually kicks his shins but that won’t stop him
- Tedros uses really cheesy pick up lines and Agatha is like “geez we’re already MARRIED”
- Tedros is kinda vain at times and Agatha is just like “Reaper, sic em”
- Reaper and Tedros rivarly continues so Tedros gets a dog, probs a golden retriever, just to spite Agatha and to his surprise the two love each other, he is very angry
- Tedros still mad that they don’t have nicknames and insists Agatha call him “Teddy” or “Teddy Bear”
- its raining so Agatha drags Tedros out into the courtyard and they jump in puddles and splash each other with water and end up rolling on the cobblestones laughing until Guinevere has to pull them insides because “for goodness sake you will get a cold at this rate”
- Merlin makes them hot chocolate and they laugh in front of the fireplace and give each other whipped cream mustaches
- Agatha likes to curl up in big, comfy chairs and read in the sun until she falls asleep so when Tedros can’t find her he checks all her favorite reading spots and carries her to bed
CAN YOU JUST PICTURE TAGATHA BEING SUPER CUTE AND MARRIED I’m sorry I just have a lot of feelings for these two someone help me please
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maya-04 · 5 years
What if? Ending of Endgame part 1
So my writing probably sucks but whatever..
What if Steve didn't go back to be with Peggy?
Bucky pov:
The time we spent in the soul realm was horrible, everyone was frantic and crying was heard from all around, but I knew there was still hope, I knew that those that hadn't dusted wouldn't give up, I knew Steve would never give up.
A few months later, or years? Time doesn't seem to really move here, that weird doctor,I believe Stephen was his name? Suddenly started acting weird and then there was this explosion and everyone seemed afraid of what was going on when those portals appeared all around us.
Not knowing what to do, I tried to find Shuri or Sam or T'challa to see if they know what to do when Sam just went through and disappeared from view, like other people who did the same.
I then looked at T'challa and knew what we should do, we then went through as well and that's where I saw him: Steve was walking alone towards that ugly big grape's army when Sam said something that made him stop, he then looked around and he and those who weren't with us looked around as well, searching for their loved once, Steve finally saw me and smiled, I smiled too.
After the battle
The funeral was sad, I didn't really know Tony but I wanted to be there for Steve and Tony's family, we all wanted to be there.
After the funeral, Steve wanted us to talk, we found a corner and sat there.
"You know what I'm going to do, don't you? After I return the Stones, with the shield and everything else" and I nodded, knowing he'll probably pass the shield to Sam and almost certainly going back to be with Peggy, I knew he wished to have a life with her.
"It's the obvious choice, isn't it? After all that has happened" I said and he nodded too, like he knows what I'm thinking about, which he does.
He was about to say something when Bruce called us and we knew it was time.
When we got there, Steve still seemed like he wanted to tell me something but didn't know how, so he just hugged me, took the Stones and Mjolnir and traveled back.
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maya-04 · 6 years
When Agatha is both things which makes her the ultimate future queen of Camelot even more!
““Of his future princess, his father would say, ‘Look for the girl who is truly Good.’” Merlin sucked loudly on the lollipop. “I, on the other hand, said, 'Look for the girl who will give you a good kick in the rump.’””
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maya-04 · 6 years
IW - epilogue
:No one's pov
After Thanos vanished Peter to the soul world along with the others, Tony was determined to defeat Thanos more than ever, now that the boy he loved as a son turned to ash right in his hands.
"We have to find a way to defeat him, we cannot let him get away with this" he stated, after Thanos collected all the infinity stones, the remaining avengers got together to try and find a way to defeat Thanos.
"But what can we possibly do? Now that he has all the infinity stones he is practically invincible" asked Steve worriedly, especially after watching his best friend, the man he had loved even after 70 years, turns to ash, as if he lost faith of ever finding a way to defeat him and bring everyone back.
Several minutes pass and turn into hours of brain storming as every possible idea that comes into their mind becomes impossible, an idea seems to appear in Thor's mind and he shares it with the rest of the group.
The idea appears to come from an old Asgardian tale that sounds stupid and impossibly risky at first but eventually they decide to try it, given the fact that it's the only idea that might actually work.
It takes about a week to make the plan and when they finish organizing they go to defeat Thanos and to bring all the people he vanished back to their world.
Tony pov:
We are now after Thanos, I hope Thor's idea will work, I never thought I could miss someone the way I miss the kid, I just want to see him safe and sound.
We finally find Thanos and we start executing our plan and fight Thanos' army and after we manage to dispose of them, we start fighting Thanos.
Our battle lasts for a while and Thor finally comes with magical sword from the tale and when Thanos vanishes him too, I take the sword in my hand and use it to stop him, for the kid, for my son.
:Steve pov
Tony takes the sword in his hand to fight Thanos and the fight lasts for what seems like forever when the odds are actually for Tony's favor until he actually manages to takes the gauntlet (?) out of Thanos' hand, he throws it in my way and when I'm about to catch it, Nat catches it and Tony manages to use the sword to make Thanos fall and weaken him, we manage to bring everyone back from the soul world when suddenly Thanos gets up and makes the sword fall from Tony's hand and Clint sprints to take the sword but before he manages to grab it Thanos gets to Tony and kills him right when the Spider boy appears....
:Peter pov
It's been a really long time since this big monster sent us all to the soul world, I hope Mr. Stark isn't mad at me for coming to space with him.
I became close friends with Bucky and Groot and I really like this Mantis girl, I'm currently talking to Bucky and his telling me everything he remembers about the war when he fought alongside Captain America and his feelings for him, which he never confessed when suddenly I feel weird and we appear in what seems as our world and when I see it, I can feel anger running all over my .body and I'm losing it, this eggplant is going to pay for it
Bucky pov:
Peter runs right to Thanos like crazy when he takes the sword from Clint and fights Thanos even though he doesn't even know how to use the sword, when I finally spot Steve I run towards him and we hug, for what seems like forever but it's nice to be in his arms, I tell him I want to talk to him when we get back home and ask him what they want to do to defeat Thanos and when he tells me their plan we run towards Peter to help him against Thanos, and to avenge Tony.
:Thor pov
We start helping the spider boy to fight Thanos and it lasts for a while when the wizard tells me he knows what to do to defeat him, we find Wanda and Groot to execute his plan.
He takes the sword from the kid and I use it to kill Thanos myself, as the wizard uses his powers when Wanda uses hers and together we finally defeat Thanos and when we do, the wizard takes the gauntlet (?) to use the power of the stones to try and resuscitate Tony.
It takes a while when suddenly he starts coughing and we know it worked, the kid immediately hugs him and when Tony understands what happened, he hugs him back and when they pull apart we return to earth.
A couple of weeks later
:Natasha pov
It's been three weeks since we defeated Thanos and thing have been going wonderfully – me and Banner got together, so as Steve and Barnes, Peter joined the avengers under Tony's guidance, Thor and Loki went to gather the remaining Asgardians to recover their realm, Wanda and Vision are planning to get married soon and the guardians went back to space after they promised to come to visit once in a while, except for Quill and Gamora that decided to stay on Earth (after we resuscitated Tony, Strange used the power of the stones to bring Gamora and Loki back), Clint returned to his family and learned his wife was having twins! The girl will be named Natasha, like they said in the beginning.
So yeah, things have been going really good, hopefully it will remain this way forever, or at least for the next decades.
So the idea is inspired by a comment on this pin in pinterest about the reveal of the name of the next Avengers movie where it said how Tony is going to risk his life,dying as a result of it, bringing everyone back from the soul world and Peter's reaction to it, credit for the idea goes to SkewyThePedestrian, I hope you will like it. 
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maya-04 · 6 years
I really like the women in the Black Panther so I just had to reblog it 😂
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“If you weren’t so stubborn, you would make a great queen.”
“I would make a great queen because I am so stubborn.”
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maya-04 · 6 years
So... Yesterday was the prom and basically last time I saw most of the people from my class after the graduation show (we put on like this meeting 20 years after graduation while impersonating certain teachers and students, including the principal), homeroom graduation encounter, along with the diploma of the grades/scores we got this year (my annual average was 87, I'm still in shock about this,I also got a diploma for excellency,even more shocking) and I just thought of this last year out of 12 years of studying and how fun it was (in some parts), like field trips, delegation to Germany, breakfasts and other activities in comparison to exams and worse: Bagrut exams(in Israel the version for finals is Bagrut, big exams about everything we've learned in this certain subject, majors/electives/mandatory, and we have to reach at least 21 points in the bagrut diploma, which we'll get only in a few months while most or at least half of us will already have started their military service which is a must for almost every 18 year old in Israel).
During this year I had this constant fight inside my head regarding whether I want to graduate already (and then army awaits, IDF, more specifically) or not because I don't want to grow up even more (can someone just put me back in kindergarten? Please?), but it's part of life and I hope that as this weird, a little bit messed up, crazy, a little bit antisocial or introverted, bookworm, Disney fanatic that I am, that things will end up fine without crying to my mom or friends that I wish with all that I am that the military service will end already or to not wish for things go even faster because life is a (hard, exhausting, overwhelming, annoying but also fun, peaceful at times and tolerable if it's with the right people) journey that needs to be explored with patience till
beautiful ending, whether if the end gets you at the age of 30,67,84 or even 100, it's something to make the most of and I really hope we all have great and happy life and I know this post is even longer than I planned but I just have a lot to say apparently 😅,and even if now things are hard, intolerable and you wish it to stop, things always change for the best, so hold on, you can do it, a lot of people believe you can make it and want you to be present in their life, so do you, don't give up and.. That's it, I guess...
Now have some of the collage(?) I worked on till late last night as a summary of (part) of my school activities from this last year:
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maya-04 · 6 years
Masterlist of Book Recs
They’re separated by Genre and the Genres are ordered alphabetically!
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Note that most of these are Young Adult, but there are some Adult books here and those come with their own warnings. Google the books before you start reading. <3 
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maya-04 · 6 years
Epilogue of SAB
So I started writing this epilogue about Switched at birth a couple of days ago, if someone would like to read it, here's the link:
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maya-04 · 7 years
HIMYM - alternate ending
~No one's pov~ After Ted and Tracey finally met, they decided to take it slow so they can get to know each other better, and they did, not even 6 months later and whoever saw them in public immediately thought they were one of those couples that have known each other since high school that everyone knew as a couple that will last until the end. Six months later (a year after they met), Tracey found out she was having her and Ted's first child, and through out the whole nine months, Ted always helped her, and it stayed that after Penny was born, they seemed even more connected after that, same thing happened when Tracey was pregnant with Luke. As the years passed, they managed to stay in contact with Lily and Marshal, Barney and Robin (who also seemed the happiest they could ever be together), and all six of them grew older as they watched their children growing up together, trying to guess what kind of adults they turn out to be in the future, who their first love will be, first heartbreak, first kiss, what they might choose as a profession for their future. More years have passed, and the children turned into the great adults their parents knew they can be, and just like their parents, they stayed together... One day, when Penny and Marvin had their first child, Ted and Tracey had one of those long conversations they used to have and realized they could never be happier: they had two wonderful children, one beautiful grandchild hoping to have more, and the most important thing - they had each other, and they knew they would always have each other, until death comes between them.. But even death couldn't come between them, because at the ages of 90 and 84,Ted and Tracey died with a difference of only few hours, side by side, more peaceful than ever, knowing they have had the best life they could have had. The end (I apologize if I wasn't grammatically correct or didn't spell something correctly)
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maya-04 · 7 years
What about Ted Mosby? Scott McCall? Stiles?
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maya-04 · 7 years
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So.. In a few days the new part/season of Teen Wolf is back and I did two collages(yeah I like doing such things) and I guess it's pretty clear who my OTP is in teen wolf, do you watch that show? And if you do, who are your ships? Who is your OTP?
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maya-04 · 7 years
Isn't it what all of us do? We keep thinking about the future, looking for mistakes we did, that other people did, we feel fear from the future, fear of change, we are way too worried about life and its mystery that we don't always notice the fact that time just.. Flies away somehow and that we should be concentrated in the present and just find the good things we have in life
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maya-04 · 7 years
Even when taking your lumps ♪♬
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♫  EV’RY guy here’d  l o v e  to be you, Gaston !  ♫
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maya-04 · 7 years
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maya-04 · 7 years
(H) from the other side
There are 3 responses to hearing “Hello”
a.) it’s me
b.) My name is Elder Price
c.)is it me you’re looking for?
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