mbooredayyye · 2 years
All she sees is black and all he knows is flawed. I can never think ahead but I'm always overthinking. I can't call it autism or ADHD or they'll think I'm asking for sympathy. I want them to understand but I'm too far gone for them to see me beyond my cracks. I'm made of cracks, invisible blood fingers clutching at broken shards, clutching them to my chest, and accidentally piercing my head over and over. "Defend me!" I scream in my heart. "Stop her!" "Help me!" "See I'm not just wilfully flawed!" Instead, I bite my tongue, my lip, and my cheek. I clench my fist and tighten my jaw till it hurts. I know pain like I know I'm black. I know pain like I know my failures. I know my flaws like I know my favorite colors. What I don't know is how to be better. When I'm doing what I love I lose track of time and by the time I do, she's already found another crack, and I pierce my heart again. How do I swim above the negative when I'm in constantly stormy seas? I sit in the eye for now but like a storm, I always look out for the chaos to return. I wait to see myself break, crumble into a ball and bite myself till I bleed. If I bleed will they see me? Will they see the human and realize that my brokenness isn't something I wanted but was given.
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mbooredayyye · 2 years
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Decided to share some of my Canva work because they were catching dust in my gallery. Boop!
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mbooredayyye · 2 years
I hope every writer who sees this writes LOADS the next few months. Like freetime opens up, no writers block, the ability to focus, etc etc you're able to write loads & make lots of progress <3
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mbooredayyye · 2 years
Random post at 10:59 pm
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I don't distinctly remember what this was about, but I am curious about the type of car Vincent drives and if he's the type of vamp to collect them over the years or just have one until it breaks down and moves on to another.
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mbooredayyye · 2 years
All I'm hearing is excuses...if you're gonna talk the talk, then walk the walk sucker🥱🥱
How did it feel talking a big talk and being your most powerful self after consistently drinking lovely's latent blood and still getting absolutely demolished by vincent in seconds after he found yall 🤨 🎤
I had just gotten blasted by a fucking lightning bolt from someone who didn't have powers three seconds earlier! It wasn't a fair fight!
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mbooredayyye · 2 years
Here comes the rain
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Finally meeting the infamous Kody...wish me luck???
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mbooredayyye · 2 years
yall, i was listening to the inversion audios again, and fuck. i love vincent but i love angst more SOOOOOO, what if lovely denies being turned???
Vincent’s pov:
Watching as Lovely hit the ground made me realize, they’re dying. Shit. I quickly rush over to them, kneeling next their body, and pull them close to me.
“No no no no, look at me, look at me”, I gently grab their face to look at me. Fuck, they look so tired from fighting. Their eyes slowly flutter shut and open again, looking up at me.
“Vincent-“ cutting them off, i shake my head, they are so tired.
“You’re gonna be okay, Lovely”
(There’s the audio cut from character to character lol)
Third person pov:
Vincent held them closer to him, wanting to feel the warmth they had given him so many times before, it was slipping away.
“Hold on, Lovely,” his voice broke, tears running down his face while looking at him lover. “its okay, it’s gonna be okay”
He slowly and carefully laid them down on the ground next to him, getting on his knees and placing his hands gently on their wound. They slightly winced in response.
“You’re gonna be okay” his voice slightly above a whisper, they could barely hear him. Lovely stared up at Vincent, admiring him for trying to stay strong but they could tell this hurt him, more than anyone who had never met the lovers could imagine. They were perfect for each other. “We can fix this”
They knew better, magic couldn’t fix this. Vincent’s hands still rested on Lovely’s injury, he tried his best to heal them but he knew it wouldn’t work like he wanted it to, but it had to work. He couldn’t let them die, not now and not like this.
He struggled with healing them before Sam showed up, peering down at Vincent, blood covering his hands, shirt and the tears that would stain his cheeks, then at Lovely, the Lovely considered as part of his family. Their clothes were stained, blood covered the ground around them, and they were pale. Very pale.
Vincent leaned back on his knees, retracting his hands from Lovely and looking up at him, tired and scared, “Sam.”
“Oh God”
“The healing isn’t… the healing isn’t working, why isn’t it working?” He looked from Sam to Lovely to his bloody hands and back up to Sam.
“Because we are under a physical attack,” he kneeled down on the other side of Lovely, looking at their wounds. He looks back up into Vincent’s eyes, “the shade was still draining life force”
Sam had to tell him, Vincent had to know. Vincent’s breathing became heavier, looking down at Lovely, who was starting to drift away. “Vincent,” Sam grabbed his shoulders to he looked up at him, “Vincent, healing can’t fix this, no one can. Healing can’t replace life that was taken”
“The-then the only way i can..”
“They don’t have long. If you’re gonna do it, it needs to be soon, very soon”
Vincent nodded as Sam stood up and moved farther away from them, giving them space while still being their for Vincent.
He kneeled back over them, looking into their tired eyes. The same eyes he looked at and fell in love with. They same ones he’d watched close as they slept in his arms.
“Lovely? Lovely, I know we haven’t talked about this much, we’ve avoided talking about it,” he pulled their cold hand to his face, leaning into their touch, “I didn’t think we would have to decide like this..” His voice broke off at the end, looking at Sam quickly, who only nodded reassuringly at him, before moving his eyes back to Lovely. “I’d thought we’d have more time”
He closed his eyes, letting out a deep breathe he didn’t realize he was holding. “Do you want this? It’s forever. I love you, and I will spend eternity at your side if you’d let me, but I won’t do this unless it’s what you want. It would be a new life…” his voice drifted off once again before asking a final time, he was hopeful they would say yes, “do you want this? Do you want me to turn you?”
Sam had focused on the shades around them, making sure they wouldn’t get a surprise attack.
Their eyes closed before looking back up at him, it had been about thirty minutes since they gotten wounded and they haven’t spoken since then. They slowly shook their head ‘no’. Vincent looked shocked and saddened by the response, “Lovely, are you sure?” They nodded ‘yes’.
“Im.. sorry…” they tried to leaned up toward him for one final kiss, they felt so weak and fragile. Vincent leaned down, moving his arm under their head and pulling them closer, capturing their lips in his one final time, before their eyes closed and they become colder than any vampires skin. Vincent laid their body back down, waiting for them to move. They didn’t deserve to die, they deserved the best life imaginable. His head rested on their chest, somewhere he had placed it so many times before. Normally, their hand would play with his hair, combing it, braiding it, anything. But now, it was still, their hand rested at their side.
Vincent let out a loud, aching scream. Sam immediately turned to look at him, running to him and carefully pulling him from Lovely’s body. Sam had become close with Lovely when they met and their friendship grew, they were like his younger sibling, someone he would protect with his life.
Sam started to walk away with Vincent, crying and screaming into his shoulder.
When the Inversion ended, Vincent sat with Sam and Darling, talking about everything. Vincent was trying not to focus on the bodies being dragged away, trying to listen to the conversation. Darling didn’t ask about Lovely, they both cared about each other so much. Vincent looked at one of the bodies being dragged and Darling notice his stared and followed it, it was Lovely, his Lovely…
This was kinda ass but it’s also 1:30 AM
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mbooredayyye · 2 years
so...I'm new but I hear there's a fan club for lovely...how does one join such a club?
Hi hello my name is Morgan, and I'm glad to inform you I am the president of Lovely's fan club, nice to meet you sir.
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mbooredayyye · 2 years
So much to see. So little time.
Just joining a fandom and discovering all the lore that you need to catch up on BEFORE you scroll through posts just so you can avoid spoilers then discovering the intense, intricate web of how everything and everyone is somehow connected.
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mbooredayyye · 2 years
Hi hello my name is Morgan, and I'm glad to inform you I am the president of Lovely's fan club, nice to meet you sir.
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