mbtimyths · 3 months
MBTI as songs from Bo Burnham “Inside”
ESFJ – Content
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ENFJ – Comedy
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ISFJ – Facetime With My Mom
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INTJ – How the World Works
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ISFP – White Woman's Instagram
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ISTJ – Unpaid Intern
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ENTJ – Bezos I
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ESTP – Sexting
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INTP – Look Who's Inside Again
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ENTP – Problematic
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ISTP – 30
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INFP – Shit
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ENFP – Welcome to the Internet
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ESTJ – Bezos II
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INFJ – That Funny Feeling
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ESFP – All Eyes On Me
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mbtimyths · 3 months
The Sexual Behavior of the 16 Myers-Briggs Personality Types: Introverts
according to socionics, divided by subtype
[extroverts here]
ISTJ-Si: Erotically sexually inventive; value beauty and aesthetics; will not bare monotony. Know how to introduce the elements of games into relations. Are sensitive yet inclined to apathy; need a moderately reasonable and lenient partner capable of rich fantasy and variable behaviors.
ISTJ-Te: Doubt their feelings and yet are erotically daring and initiative taking. Think more of their partner’s sensations than of their own; strives for new sexual techniques. Need an optimistically disposed person capable of encouraging them and being absorbed by interesting prospects.
ISFJ-Si: They are very sexual, inventive and diverse in their intimate plans. Although appearing soft, they persistently display initiative in the approach. They need someone capable of winning their respect and admiration through uncommon abilities – these will aid for a long time in preserving their interest.
ISFJ-Fe: Values frequent sexual contacts. Frequently inconstant in their feelings, but very attentive to those whom they love. At first, they can be tormented by uncertainty, then, intrigued, they are able to take the initiative. When interest in their partner lessens, he can be energized with mild jealousies.
ISTP-Ti: Often show concern about their partner and provide them with pleasant gifts and trifles. Require a sensitive, delicate partner, since they are straight-line/simple in sexual contacts and sufficiently restrained in the positive and negative expression of emotions. Their partner should yield to their persuasions and strive to satisfy all of their requirements.
ISTP-Se: Thoughtful and initiative-taking in care, but uniform in the erotic. Know how to make compliments and establish close contact. Need a sexual, emotional, and romantic partner, whom does not find them boring; a flexible diplomat who knows how to discharge their emotions and is an easily appeased and forgiving person.
ISFP-Fi: Capable of taking initiative if their partner finds it difficult, but only if partner will confidently reciprocate. Have many concealed complexes, which they find difficult to free themselves from; because of these they may seem cold in regards to their erotic feelings. Require both romantic and practical proofs of love, and an emotionally confident partner.
ISFP-Se: In relations they are tactful and attempt to fulfill the desires of their partner. Need a partner that’s not overly demanding; they should be economic and aid in the creation of comfort, order and welfare. Partner should be responsive to their pleasures but more so to their attachments; otherwise they may possibly break relations, ignoring any compromises.
INFJ-Ni: Romantic, elevate themselves in feelings and dream about a great and prolonged love. Appear sexually timid, but their aim is for sexual harmony and the reaching of spiritual and physical perfection. Require a volitional, decisive, active and energetic partner, who possesses feelings of humor and inspiring confidence.
INFJ-Fe: Strongly emotional and they express their emotions easily. Are coquettish, enticing, and dress with taste. Know how to provoke their partner’s initiative. Love sexual games and prolonged preparations. Need a strong, loyal, practical, sensitive and initiative-taking partner; and sufficient support in their lives.
INFP-Fi: Erotically are yielding and shy, await the initiative of another; unpredictable and predisposed to fantasies, inclined to improve sexual relations. Needs a partner who is economic, practical, precise, concrete in words and able to interpret the intentions of others. Honest, they desire a partner with a strong nature that commands a feeling of debt.
INFP-Ne: Aim for aesthetics, harmony and perfection in sex. Wounded, they greatly depend on the emotional state of whom they love. Require proofs of love; need someone initiative taking, optimistic and confident in their self and feelings. In sexual life are slaves of their partner’s demands.
INTJ-Ni: Erotically act somewhat unsure, over-anxious and careful. Need prolonged care or sexual preparation; may somewhat “torment” their object of affection in order to achieve greater emotional incandescence. Need an optimistic and diplomatic partner, who knows how to persuade and is capable of scattering self-doubts. Tendency to await initiative from others.
INTJ-Te: Give freedoms to partner but does not appreciate extremes and will try to stabilize relations. Enjoy emotional preparation and different sexual techniques. Need a partner who encourages their private ventures; a volitional practical person who strengthens the family/household’s welfare.
INTP-Ti: Desire constant stable relations. Find it difficult to display initiative with contacts, however, this difficulty fades when they are confident with their feelings. Attracted to those that reach for them through pleasant food, comfort, sexual initiative, concern for their health and fulfillment of their requirements.
INTP-Ne: Attentive and internally emotional partners. Willing to take the sexual initiative, but also careful and farsighted. Erotically are affectionate and tender; aiming for new impression. Intimate relations require more than trust and sincere concern, need variety in sex in order to raise their moods.
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mbtimyths · 3 months
The Sexual Behavior of the 16 Myers-Briggs Personality Types: Extroverts
according to socionics, divided by subtype
[introverts here]
ESTJ-Te: Artless and persistent in relations, are erotically straight-line/simple. Place matters above emotions and capably demonstrates coldness; therefore needs a patient, self-possessed partner, someone reasonable, kind, economic, industrious, and loving of humankind.
ESTJ-Si: Erotically are initiative-taking and sexual. Require a moderately coquettish, romantic partner, whom willingly responds to their erotic initiatives; someone modest, reliable, restrained and emotionally diverse.
ESFJ-Fe: Very emotional and prone to idealize their object of love. Distrustful and suspicious, their aim is for stable relations. Constantly attempt to attract others interest to themselves.
ESFJ-Si: Often take the initiative in sex. Are attentive and thoughtful, knowing how to provide pleasure; emotional yet diplomatic with contacts. Rather demanding, their aim is new impressions and they are inquisitive in sex; willing to experiment. Their partners should be resourceful in expressing responsiveness to their feelings.
ESTP-Se: Are sexually daring and energetic; animated in interaction and possessing feelings of humor. Are sexual and diverse in both moods and erotic reactions. An imperious and demanding partner, but can be thoughtful and affectionate. Require an attentive, loyal, and reliable partner, whom will remain utterly submissive to their initiative.
ESTP-Ti: Their emotional expression may appear somewhat forced as they prefer to await the initiative of others; afterwards are tender and attentive with an aim of improving sexual techniques. Have need of someone reasonable, flexible and diplomatic. Their partner should be affectionate, attractive, merry and optimistic.
ESFP-Se: They are particularly impatient, aim for the physical realization of their emotions. Encouraging, but remain a little indeterminate in their desires. Are erotically inventive, touchy, wounded and capricious. Need a wise, patient, yielding person, who knows how to pardon them while remaining moderately critical.
ESFP-Fi: A soft yet persistent partner. Can display sexual initiative or await it. They require a sober, reasonable and industrious person, who knows how to ensure respect for their household; meanwhile they can care for the rest.
ENFJ-Fe: Erotically do not enjoy displaying initiative. Inclined to analyze the behaviour of their partner. With those, whom they love, are sensitive and thoughtful. Need a serious, imperturbable, proper and self-possessed partner.
ENFJ-Ni: Inclined to idealize their object of love. For them sexual reciprocity occurs in a contradictory fashion not predictable by their behaviour. Have need of a moderately emotional, thoughtful, persistent and initiative-taking partner who knows how to quiet them, encourage them, and inspire them with confidence in their feelings.
ENFP-Ne: Want reciprocity and harmony in sexual relations. An idealist and romantic – they search for love and perfection. Are distrustful and constantly analyze their own feelings along with those of their partner. They bloom next to a sensual and attentive person, capable of encouraging them and freeing them from doubts.
ENFP-Fi: Erotically inventive when positively reinforced by their partner. Tendency to lose restraint when angry means they need a reasonable and patient partner; then they become natural, sincere and direct in their emotional expression. Stable relations require someone energetic, reliable, with business sense and the ability to know how to explain things.
ENTJ-Te: Try to conduct a simple, healthy sexual life, predominantly with one partner whose satisfaction is important. Need someone diplomatic, sensitive and responsive, who is serious, moderately emotional and capable of understanding them. Partner must be lenient and also know how to diversify erotic impressions over time.
ENTJ-Ni: Inclined to frequently change their sexual impressions or partners. Impatient, with a tendency to hurry events; they are prone to hurry sexual relations, assigning an accelerated rate. Initiative-taking, daring and value reciprocity; but touchy and impulsive. Will find support in an economic, sexual and reliable partner.
ENTP-Ne: Sexual interest tends to bear a periodic nature. With them it is necessary to show tolerance, modesty and restraint. They must firstly be provided with respect and confidence, in regards to their feelings, and then they will easily show initiative and enjoyment.
ENTP-Ti: When they are confident in love are initiative taking, affectionate, and take care to satisfy their partner; always improving sexual techniques. They need a decisive, emotional and sexual partner, capable of quickly convincing them of their feelings and providing reciprocity.
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mbtimyths · 4 months
Carl Jung once proposed that intuitives may have more sensitivity to smell than other personality types, especially dominant intuitives, because like their preferred cognitive function, smell is subconscious. This got me theorizing that perhaps each personality type has a unique sensory sensitivity. So, based on Jung's idea, I humbly propose:
Sensory Sensitivities of the 16 MBTI Personality Types
Perceivers: Touch
Perception operates in the here and now, as does touch. If something is not within grasp at the same time as you, you can't feel it. Touch senses force and largely operates on an instinctual level. It is subconscious yet concrete, like perception. Perception makes us jump, like feeling a surprise touch.
Thinkers: Sight
Thinking apprehends the here, but not necessarily now, as does sight. You can only see clealry what's near you at a given time. Sight detects danger within vicinity and prompts inhibition. It is conscious yet concrete, like thought. Thought makes us pause, like spotting a snake.
Feelers: Sound
Feeling functions in the now, but not necessarily here, as does sound. You can hear something coming before it is there. Sound gives away incoming threats and stimulates impulse. It is conscious yet abstract, like feeling. Feeling makes us arouse, like hearing a scream.
Intuitives: Smell
Intuition emerges beyond the here and now, as does smell. Sometimes the first thing that hits you is the smell, and it lingers long after. Smell provides warnings in the form of insight. It is subconscious and abstract, like intuition. Intuition makes us understand, like smelling a rat.
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mbtimyths · 7 months
Cishet normie: I hope my baby's a boy so I can support his sportball team :)
Me, Queer MBTI Enthusiast: I hope my baby's an ENFP so I can support their inevitable exploration of the other teams
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mbtimyths · 7 months
entp says "you could kick a baby" & infj replies "i could kick a baby, but consider the emotional toll"
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mbtimyths · 8 months
Do any other INFJs with ADHD find that the way you see, understand, and navigate the world is constantly at odds with the way others do?
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mbtimyths · 10 months
What do you think about the ISTP x INFJ pairing?? How do you think their dynamic could be?? Thank you! 💕
Hi Anon!!
Well lucky for you, I am an INFJ who had a 2 year relationship with an ISTP. I've reflected on our time as partners in these posts:
How ISTPs can do better when paired with INFJs
How INFJs can do better when paired with ISTPs
My (INFJ) relationship story with an ISTP
and for fun, a meme.
I hope these provide some insight! However, I suspect you were looking for less of a personal reflection and moreso a socionics analysis, so here's that:
Each the reverse inverse of the other's ego, ISTPs and INFJs are partners and playmates. In the expanded theory of Myers-Briggs, this pairing is known as "Supplement", and in Socionics its denominated "Activation".
This pairing can resemble complements; however, these relations are somewhat less fulfilling (hence "supplementary" rather than "complementary"). Activation relationships are often romantic if both partners find each other attractive. These relationships are often very easy to start, as both partners share either extraversion or introversion. Introvert activation relationships appear reserved.(a)
When presented with the same scenario, Supplement pairs will begin reasoning from different angles but ultimately follow the same logic. It's like racing the same track but starting from opposite sides of the loop; they arrive at the same conclusion by retracing each other's path, ending up in agreement but for different reasons.
For ISTPs and INFJs, this is likely to lead to both mutual appreciation and fascination. They find each other's perspectives useful for connecting the dots. Their constructive rapport and unique affinity makes them good partners in both work and play; while they don't quite balance each other like yin and yang, they do fit together and finish each other, like yin and upsidedown yin.
While INFJs seek external harmony, ISTPs value internal consistency. The INFJ will be intrigued by the ISTP's mental frameworks, and the ISTP will be compelled by the INFJ's holistic analyses.
As a couple, the ISTP and INFJ will remain somewhat mysterious to each other, yet one will always meet the other where they are at. As two developed individuals, they will naturally have each other's backs. Where the INFJ struggles to structure their world the ISTP will step in to help, and where the ISTP lacks insight into their choices the INFJ will offer wisdom.
However, as two undeveloped individuals, the ISTP and INFJ will easily slide into codependency and contempt. The INFJ will resent the ISTP for their unwillingness to engage in emotional labor, and the ISTP will feel burdened by the INFJ's avoidance of technical labor.
To avoid these pitfalls, the INFJ will have to get their shit together, and the ISTP will have to face their wounds. The INFJ may benefit from a coach, and the ISTP needs a therapist, rather than each asking the other to fulfill that role for them. Once they address these personal liabilities, they can flourish into a fruitful interdependence where they find safety, stability, and deep trust in each other.
Thanks for the request, feel free to send more asks in the future!
(a) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socionics
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mbtimyths · 2 years
I'm having a tritype crisis. I'm unsure if I'm 496 or 497
I think I have both 6 and 7 things
I'm always afraid that I'm losing my life, I'm losing possibilities. I want to have adventure (even tho I don't follow my desire, and when I do it I just go extreme) when troubles come most likely I will runaway
But, at the same time, I'm always questioning myself, others, the world itself. I'm constantly looking to feel secure, and I'm most happy when I feel protected.
So Idk hahhaha
Hey! So first off, I noticed the tritype descriptions I usually link others to have become inaccessible. Here they are on another website.
Second, it's pretty obvious you have a self-preservation instinct. This is why you're most happy when you feel protected yourself. It also seems that your desire for security comes from a discomfort with uncertainty. 6s combat fear of uncertainty by always having their defenses secured; meanwhile, 7s combat this fear by always having their escape secured.
To me, the fact that you feel guarded about the world is a symptom of your instinctual variant and is a feature of all "head" types. Any enneatype may question themself– this is not necessarily the distrust or skepticism characteristic of a 6. From what you've presented here, it doesn't sound like you have evidence indicating that your go-to strategy for dealing with fear is to hide from it or to seek it out, as a phobic and counterphobic 6 would do respectively. But you explicitly stated that you will run away from it, which is the "escape hatch" phenomena of a 7.
Imagine you are a medieval warlord. A 5 would feel protected knowing the strategy of the enemy cavalry and how to counter it. An 8 would be preparing his foot soldiers to defend the fortress, more concerned with winning the battle than with safety. A 6 would feel protected knowing their fortress is impenetrable, but a 7 would feel trapped in this fortress unless they know the way out. If you're a 7w6 (which I suspect) the strength of the fortress would comfort you, but knowing you have a secret tunnel under the fortress would reassure you. And vice-versa if you're a 6w7.
In general I see 497 as a more likely combo than 496. This is because if you are a 4w3 and 9w8, your 7 is also likely to have a dominant wing 8. However, if you're 4w5 and 9w1, 6w7 makes sense because your 6 would have a subwing 5. It's more likely for types to share wings than to not. If you relate to 5 or 8 in the medieval example, your head type is likely adjacent to it.
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mbtimyths · 2 years
description of Entj 864?
In my head, this is the archetypal ENTJ that highkey wants to fight everybody but lowkey has noble reasons for this. 8 defends, 6 reacts, 4 rebels— so they're pugnacious, testy, and somewhat insolent. On the flipside, they believe fiercely in justice, loyalty, and truth. ENTJs are already 10/10 intense but ENTJ 864 is 11/10 intense. They may seem like they want to tear the world down, but this is because they are foundationally optimistic that the world can be rebuilt into something better. So externally this ENTJ will probably look like a debater and advocate with a flair for drama and subtle aesthetic.
If the full tritype of this ENTJ is 8w7 6w7 4w5, this ENTJ 864 will regularly run away from their problems and rationalize their behavior. In contrast, if the tritype is 8w9 6w5 4w3, this ENTJ will have the confusing behavior of picking confrontations that inconvenience others yet shutting down when they feel discomfort themself. They'll be quite self-aware but will make sure others know nothing about them.
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mbtimyths · 2 years
your blog has helped me so much you have no idea, thank you so much for everything <3
Aww, it means so much that you'd reach out to say that. Don't hesitate to let me know what has been helpful so I can post more things like it in the future! My asks are open for all things MBTI (or, most things at least lol)
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mbtimyths · 2 years
The 16 types as rest
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mbtimyths · 2 years
Reference: MBTI Metagroups
Receptive - Alpha - intp/entp/isfj/esfj
Responsive - Beta - infj/enfj/istp/estp
Assertive - Gamma - intj/entj/isfp/esfp
Acceptive - Delta - infp/enfp/istj/estj
Adaptive - IJ - infj/intj/istj/isfj
Active - EJ - enfj/entj/estj/esfj
Reactive - IP - infp/intp/istp/isfp
Impulsive - EP - enfp/entp/estp/esfp
Humanitarians - NF - infj/enfj/infp/enfp
Pragmatists - NT - intj/entj/intp/entp
Researchers - ST - istj/estj/istp/estp
Socials - SF - isfj/esfj/isfp/esfp
Guardians - SJ - isfj/esfj/istj/estj
Artisans - SP - isfp/esfp/istp/estp
Idealists - NF - infp/enfp/infj/enfj
Rationals - NT - intp/entp/intj/entj
Visionaries - NJ - infj/enfj/intj/entj
Generators - NP - infp/enfp/intp/entp
Arbiters - SF - isfp/esfp/isfj/esfj
Logicians - ST - istp/estp/istj/estj
Tacticians - TJ - intj/entj/istj/estj
Analysts - TP - intp/entp/istp/estp
Diplomats - FJ - infj/enfj/isfj/esfj
Evaluators - FP - infp/enfp/isfp/esfp
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mbtimyths · 2 years
Pairings Tuesdays
(In which Xs are the same letter and Ys are the opposite)
Week 1 - XXXY
Week 2 - XYYY
Week 3 - YXXY
Week 4 - YYXY
Week 5 - XYYX
Week 6 - YYYY
Week 7 - YXYX
Week 8 - YXXX
Week 9 - YXYY
Week 10 - XXYX
Week 11 - XYXX
Week 12 - YYYX
Week 13 - XXYY
Week 14 - YYXX
Week 15 - XYXY
Week 16 - XXXX
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mbtimyths · 2 years
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The paradox of each personality type ☯️ Join @sosyncd today to meet your perfect personality match 🧡
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mbtimyths · 2 years
we all know about astrology lesbians, but i'd like to submit for your consideration: mbti bisexuals
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mbtimyths · 2 years
Mbti personality test is just zodiac signs for burnt out gifted kids
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