mcaroonzy · 4 years
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mcaroonzy · 4 years
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Continuation - https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/81841788  I tried very hard on this work. I would be very glad for your feedback and your attention! Thank you! (This is according to AU Madoka. There it does not play a special role. But I’m just in case, because Diane is the same height as King and the words about the magic girl appear)
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mcaroonzy · 4 years
I got something really cursed you guys but I’m gonna make you hear it:
AU where Kyoko is Doofenschmirtz and Sayaka is Perry the Platypus
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mcaroonzy · 4 years
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All of Kim Chi’s looks for Anime Expo: Charlotte decapitating Mami, Monokuma & Sakura
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mcaroonzy · 4 years
21... Takeru, Hikari, Jou 👀 Now suffer
Prompt 21: “He’s a bad kisser.” 
Another goofy one-shot featuring tricksters Takeru and Hikari, a confused Jou, and savage Mimi. I hope you like it because this one took me on quite the adventure. Also, I have no idea what the inside of Sora’s house looks like, so I made it up. 
Send me a prompt!
It didn’t long for Takeru to grow bored of studying. He felt bad because Hikari had spent hours creating flash cards and drafting study cheat sheets for the two of them to ask practice questions. Their mathematics midterm was tomorrow, and Takeru felt like all he had done for the past three days was stare at numbers, talk numbers, and fill his brain with numbers. There wasn’t any more room, so he let his mind wander.
“Earth to Takeru,” Hikari said from behind a flash card. “I just asked you a question.”
Takeru blinked. He was so over studying that he was ignoring his best friend. That was it. He couldn’t answer any more questions. He reached over and plucked the card out of Hikari’s hand and tossed it aside.
“Forget about that. I have a question for you. What do you think about Koushiro and Mimi?”
“As a couple?” She pursed her lips in thought.
Less than a week ago, Koushiro had finally summoned the courage to ask Mimi out on a dinner date, which was the best news Takeru had heard all semester because he had been privy to both sides of their disorganized love story. Koushiro was convinced that Mimi only liked teasing him, while Mimi claimed that Koushiro only thought she was pretty, not dateable. With the miscommunication gone, their new status as boyfriend and girlfriend was the talk of the high school. Preppy girl and awkward nerd? As a writer, it was almost too cliche for Takeru. As a friend, he couldn’t find words to describe his happiness.
“They’re cute together,” Hikari concluded. “You can see how they each give each other butterflies. It’s all over their faces.”
“Yeah, but I bet Koushiro is terrible at kissing,” Takeru said.
“Then it’s a good thing he has Mimi.”
It started out with Takeru being bored and seeking excitement. It turned into both of them pushing the flash cards, study sheets, and pens out of the way so they could pour all of their focus into determining which of the Chosen were good kissers, besides their brothers because, well, gross. Takeru saved one pink flash card, exed out the math problem, and on the back started a list with everyone’s name. They could either get a G for good or B for bad.
“Okay, so we decided on B for Koushiro,” Takeru said, making note.
“Definitely, he has no idea what he’s doing,” Hikari agreed. “And Mimi is a G. She’s probably the best out of everyone.” “I can see that. Daisuke?”
“A lot of enthusiasm, maybe a little sloppy, but overall a G.”
“Too much enthusiasm. Borderline chaos. B.”
Takeru laughed. “Yes. Iori?”
They both answered together, “Bad.”
“What about Ken?” Hikari asked.
Takeru held the pen to his lips. “I’m going to say G. He’s got the hair and that shy suaveness about him. No doubt he knows what he’s doing.”
“Agreed. Sora?”
“She’s had enough practice with Yamato to be a G at this point,” Takeru said. He faked puking motions and Hikari giggled.
“Okay, last is Jou,” Hikari said.
She answered “G” the same time Takeru answered “B.” The two looked at each other.
“Explain yourself,” Takeru said. “This is Jou we’re talking about. He can’t take five steps without catastrophe following him. He’s a walking disaster with two left feet. He’s a bad kisser.”
“I don’t know,” Hikari began. “I think there’s a lot about Jou we don’t know about. Besides, he’s a doctor. It’s a prerequisite that all doctors have intense romances, filled with dramatic backstories, gruelling conflicts, and passionate kisses.”
“Hikari, you watch too many TV shows.”
“I’m not changing my mind.” She stuck her nose up.
“Neither am I.” He crossed his arms.
“Whoever’s wrong owes the other ice cream every Friday for the rest of the school year.”
And that was how, born from Takeru’s boredom and evolved from their silly kissing chart, Takeru and Hikari began “Operation: Discover if Jou is a Good or Bad Kisser.” It was a delicate and challenging mission. It meant bringing all of the Chosen together to maintain secrecy, but that was the easiest part. All Takeru and Hikari needed to do was talk to Sora, separately, each conveying to the older girl how they missed spending time with the group, and how they wished it were possible to gather everyone. “But it’s too hard,” Takeru told Sora with a sigh, and “There’s no way it could work,” Hikari told her, lip trembling.
If there was one thing Takeru and Hikari knew, it was that Sora Takenouchi could and would do the impossible, and she did. Somehow, between the twelve Chosen, she managed to find a three hour time slot the following Saturday night where everyone was free that coincided with Mimi’s parents being out of town, and she didn’t take no for an answer. There was no better woman for Yamato than her. Takeru was sure of it.
He and Hikari planned the next phase of the operation during their free times at school the week before, and Hikari came prepared for any prying eyes. If Daisuke, Miyako, or any of the others happened to come too close, she flipped their bullet list of ideas over to show a myriad of colorful math diagrams.
Their plan was idotic, humiliating, and absurd. It was never going to work, yet they had come too far to back down.
Hikari was up first. As Sora and Mimi left the living room to pop popcorn, pull cookies out of the oven, and pour sodas, Hikari tapped Jou on the shoulder.
“Do you have a minute I could ask you a medical question?” she whispered
“Sure, what’s going on?” Jou asked.
“Um, can we go somewhere private?”
“Of course, Sora’s bathroom is right down the hall.”
The older boy was already showing concern. It was almost mean, but taking advantage of Hikari’s deficient immune system had been her idea, so Takeru rolled with it. She snuck a glance back at the blond, who gave her a thumbs up. Not long after Hikari and Jou got up, Takeru followed.
He passed Sora and Mimi bustling in the kitchen.
“Hold on, sweetie,” Mimi called. Takeru froze in the middle of the hallway. “Hikari said she needed to show Jou something in better light, so they’re in the bathroom. It should only be a minute or two.”
“Oh, thanks,” Takeru said, laughing shakily. “I’ll just wait outside for them, for the bathroom.”
Mimi scrutinized him for a moment, but to Takeru’s relief, the oven timer went off and she flew back into the kitchen. He crept down towards the bathroom. He stopped only to take a small plastic ornament out of his pocket, clipping it to the overhead light. Plan B was in motion if necessary.
The door was slightly ajar, and even though he could hear Hikari and Jou, he wanted nothing more than to be a fly on the wall inside.
“I don’t think you have anything to be worried about,” Jou said. “It looks like a normal mole to me, but if anything changes, call me, and I’ll set you up with an appointment in dermatology.”
There was a pause and Takeru held his breath. This was it, this was it, this was it.
The door flew open and Hikari bustled out, head down, but she would’ve had to bury herself like an ostrich to hide the crimson flush painted across her face. “Thanks, Jou,” she mumbled. She refused to look at Takeru on her way back to the living room, only giving him a short shake of the head.
So that was a bust.
Jou came out next like a deer caught in headlights.
But it was Takeru’s turn now.
“Everything okay?”
Jou twitched and stammered when he saw the blond.
“Did Taichi send you?” he asked with a gulp.
Takeru blinked, tilting his head. This was too good of a side-quest to pass up, so he smiled like a beam of sunshine and raised his eyebrows at the older boy. That was enough to send Jou into a full frenzy.
“I don’t know what happened. One second she asked me about a mole, the next...Takeru, I thought she was going to kiss me!”
‘Coward,’ Takeru thought. Aloud, he said, “Oh really?”
“You’ve got it wrong,” Jou said, clasping the blond’s shoulders. “I don’t want to kiss Hikari. Ever. I’ve never liked her that way. Taichi would kill me if I even thought about it. But I think she likes me that way. I don’t know what to do. I’ve never broken a girl’s heart before. What if she’s crying right now? Taichi is going to kill me.”
Takeru stifled a laugh and held back his own tears. He just needed to last a few more seconds, but Jou was making it so difficult. The two walked back towards the kitchen, Takeru barely managing to hold himself together, and Jou shaking like a leaf. Takeru stopped them under the light.
“Uh oh,” Takeru said.
The blond pointed up. “Would you look at that, mistletoe. I’m not usually that kind of guy, but I’ll play along if you will.”
Jou’s shaking exploded into an earthquake, and Takeru, unable to hold it back any longer, crumpled into a fit of giggles.
“It’s May! Why is this -” He plucked the ornament off the light. “What’s going on? Am I being pranked? Is someone recording this?”
But Takeru couldn’t answer. He was arched over, holding his knees, breath coming out in short bursts in between wheezes of laughter.
“What on earth is going on here?”
Mimi waltzed towards them, hands on her hips, as if she were about to scold two children. “We’re almost ready to start the movie. Then Hikari ran through looking like a tomato, and here you two are, causing a scene in Sora’s hallway.” She looked the boys up and down. “Takeru?”
The blond pointed at himself.
“Whatever this is,” Mimi said, throwing her hands up, gesturing at Takeru’s tear stained cheeks and Jou’s inhuman grip on the mistletoe, “is certainly not Jou’s doing. Takeru? I’m not going to ask again.”
“Okay, okay,” Takeru began. “Jou, I’m sorry, and I know Hikari is too. She doesn’t like you, and we weren’t pranking you. We made a silly list about who we think would be a good kisser and bad, and disagreed on which side to put you on. Then we made a bet and tried to find out.”
Takeru thought he had explained his and Hikari’s behavior well. Besides leaving out a few minor details like ditching their study session and going over everyone else’s ranking, that was how the story went. However, Jou stared at Takeru as if he was torn between berating the younger boy or punching him in the face, and because Jou wasn’t violent by nature, he chose the former.
“You what? And you put Hikari up to trick me? And hung mistletoe up? And with everyone here? Did you think any of this through?”
“I’ll admit it wasn’t the best plan but I didn’t put Hikari up to anything.”
Jou opened his mouth but no words came out. He was too frazzled to speak. Mimi cackled, a sparkle dancing in her warm brown eyes.
“That’s all?” she asked. “Jou is a good kisser. Obviously.” She winked and skipped away.
A high pitched noise escaped Jou’s mouth.
Takeru whispered under his breath, “Dammit.”
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mcaroonzy · 4 years
46 Taichi and Sora for the prompt thing
46. “Dance with me.”
(for some reason, I am assuming, tumblr glitched and this prompt had set like 4 times and i nearly had a heart attack seeing all the notifications)
“Can you please tell me now what you are planning?” Sora asks. She attempts to lift the blindfold around her eyes, wanting to catch a glimpse at whatever Tai is doing but she does not get far. Tai’s hand wraps around her wrist and pulls it back down to her side. 
“No. Not yet. Wait!” he says. Sora can hear the smile in his voice. 
“Well hurry up. You know that it is rude to keep a lady waiting.”
There is more noise coming from Tai. The shifting of his feet on the floor, the creaking of who knows what is moving against the floorboards, and then at one point hearing a curse from Tai as he either dropped something or hitting his body against some sort of object. Sora keeps on waiting, wondering what the hell he could be doing. All day, he talked about a surprise and no matter how many times she asked, Sora never got a straight answer. What could it be now that it actually is about to happen. 
Finally, she hears footsteps coming towards her. She feels Tai’s finger against the side of her head as he pulls the blindfold off. Sora blinks back the lights has her eyes adjust to not being covered in darkness. Once she can see, she finds that Tai has completely torn up the living room and flipped it into something new. 
The couches, chairs, tables, and almost everything else has been pushed aside, leaving a large open area in the middle. What has been moved to the side has lights string across them, some of them creeping up the wall in an attempt to fill every itch in a soft, white light. Tai has also set up some flowers on the tables but she also notices a small radio on one of them. 
“What is all this?” Sora asks. She looks up at Tai, who has a large grin on his face. He sticks out his hand. 
“Dance with me.”
“You heard me. Take my hand and dance!”
Sora takes a moment to process this all. She finally accepts his over and takes his hand. Happy, he pulls her into the center of the room. Once they are in a comfortable area, Tai quickly turns on the radio to some soft playing music and begins guiding Sora in a dance.
Truth be told, Tai has two left feet. He does his best not to step on Sora’s feet. The only reasons he doesn’t is because Sora makes sure of it. She can easily take the lead but he excitedly planned this all out. She’ll let him have it. 
After some time, and some actual feet being stepped on, the two decide to stop. Before they fully break apart and take a seat to rest, Tai looks down at her. “So did you like your surprise?”
Sora smiles. “Yes I did. Thank you for that, Tai. I don’t know what made you think about it but I loved it.���
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mcaroonzy · 4 years
12 for Takari?
OOOH GOD, I really had issues over how to write this one, but I finally managed to do it. 
I think it turned out pretty well all things considered :). I really hope you like it.
Send me ask & MasterPost
I am pregnant
“She used to say that the human heartbeat was the first music that a person heard, and that every child was born knowing the rhythm of her mother's song.”
― Kate Morton
She’d been feeling sluggish lately. It was nothing out of the ordinary and she blamed it to work since she’d been having some rough days recently. She should have seen it coming when she enlisted to help out at the ER onJou’s request. The Koushiro Incident was the cherry on top of the day. Jou had decided to save his opinions out of consideration for his old friend, but she had caught him trying to keep himself from laughing several times after the whole incident was over.
Who would have imagined that coconut oil could cause so much trouble?
Yamato and Taichi had been way too drunk to remember most of the incident, but Takeru who had been the chaperone during the bachelor party had witnessed everything and she had caught him writing something in his notebook at the hospital cafeteria later that night. He hadn’t told her what it was, but she was slightly suspicious that her dear husband was actually recounting the whole incident to use a funny story to retell in the future. Fortunately, Koushiro’s little problem had been solved with some epinephrine and steroids and they hadn’t had to lament any losses.
Still Hikari didn’t remember ever feeling this off, not even during her internship time, and those days had been the most tiring of all
“You’re not looking too hot,Yagami. You okay?” Yoshinori-san, the head nurse of the ER said. 
“Yeah...I’m feeling a little tired.”
“Tired? Well, yeah. It’s been busy lately, isn’t it?” Yoshinori-san said with a nod “But you should talk to doctor Kido. There seems to be a cold bug going around. I’ve seen a lot of people with cold symptoms coming in.”
“Yes, I don’t think it is a cold. I don’t feel feverish…” Hikari said, feeling her forehead “but I will ask Jou-senpai to be sure. Thank you, Yoshinori-san.”
 Jou was sitting in his office with a face that did not hide his exhaustion; he rested his head over the desk wondering if he could spare a couple minutes of sleep when he heard a timid knock on his door. Hikari was standing in front of the door with the same tired look that he had, holding two steaming cups in his hands.
“Oh..hey…” Jou said, fixing his glasses back in place. 
“Hey, long night, huh? I brought you something and I know, I asked for soy milk...don’t worry.” she added when Jou was about to comment. Her childhood friend smiled and accepted the cup, enjoying the comforting warmth between his fingers.
“Long... That’s an understatement…” Jou coughed “Never had I imagined I’d have to attend one of my friends in such...curious condition.”
Hikari giggled.
“And even less that that friend would be Koushiro-san.”
“Yeah...I could have expected it from Taichi or Daisuke; hey even Yamato, but Koushiro?” Jou snorted, taking the cup to his lips. He had expected coffee, but to his surprise, it was tea.” Oh, not coffee today?”
“Uh...yeah, sorry. I intended to get you coffee, but the smell just made me feel sick.”
That couldn’t be right, Jou thought. He put down the cup and looked at the woman sitting in front of him with an inquisitive look. He had known her for almost all his life, and he was well aware of her fragile health. Though it had improved considerably in the last few years, worrying and sounding an alarm at the slightest hint that she wasn’t feeling alright had become a habit of his. 
“Yeah, I haven’t been feeling too well lately” she said casually. Hikari leaned on the desk and began pressing her temple. A mild headache was starting to hit her, and it was making her feel a little dizzy and lightheaded “I guess it might be fatigue. I mean, I’ve been so tired lately.”
“Well, the ER is a busy department…” Jou admitted “but still, when it comes to you...sometimes it is better to be safe.”
She somehow knew that he’d said that. Well, she’d come ready to receive an impromptu health examination from the start, so she didn’t complain.
“So...nausea?” Jou asked. 
“Yeah, pretty often lately and very sporadic.Strong smells make it worse.”
“Fever? Coughing?”
“No, normal temperature, I think?” she shrugged “I mean it's mostly fatigue, nausea, dizziness and mild headaches…”
Jou was writing down the symptoms in a notepad, when a sudden thought hit him. 
“Hikari-chan...when was your last period?”
Jou and Hikari looked at each other for a moment. SInce both of them had been working together regularly and were very professional, their expressions were serene.However, it didn’t make the silence less awkward.
“Eh...last month?” Hikari said, unsure “I can’t remember. I think I am a little late this month, but I’ve never been regular so…”
“Well, in your situation...I wouldn’t scratch the possibility. Let’s run a test, just to be sure shall we?”
The hCG test results arrived faster than Hikari had expected and Hikari suspected that Jou might have used his influences in the lab. Her friend entered the office with a stoic expression.
“So?” Hikari asked expectantly.
“Eh, yeah...I think we need to make a quick stop at imagenology, Hikari-chan.”
Hikari was speechless and for a brief moment considered pinching herself to make sure she hadn't fallen asleep in the nurses' room and was dreaming.
Jou smiled and handed her the lab result. Written in small letters  said Positive and next to the result was a scribble that Hikari recognized as Jou's handwriting: "Congratulations, you're going to be a mom!"
The events that followed this revelation were like a blur: Jo accompanied her to the imaging department, and the day's surprises (including Koushiro's unexpected visit to the ER) weren't ending.
Hikari was not only 11 weeks pregnant, but there were two small creatures growing in her womb and they both looked perfectly healthy. The girl could not contain her tears when she heard the small and rapid heartbeats of the two little ones.
“Well, look at that…” Jou grinned, as they walked back to the ER “Two little ones, huh? I can’t imagine Takeru’s face when you tell him.”
“Nor can I…” Hikari giggled, looking at the photo she was holding. A photo of her two babies.
“I can’t imagine Yamato nor Taichi’s faces either…” Jou laughed “Especially Taichi’s. I think he’s still in denial about the fact that you’re married and what that implies…”
Hikari laughed. Taichi was going to lose it and poor Takeru would be the victim, but maybe Yamato would give him a hand. She knew that once the shock had passed, Taichi would be overjoyed by the news. 
“So how are you planning to tell him?”
“I think I might have an idea…”
It was later that day, when her shift ended that she snuck into Takeru’s study and scanned the ultrasound into his laptop and set it up as his desktop image with a tiny little sticky  memo with one single sentence:Look at what we made.
She was in the kitchen when she heard the chair fall down, and patamon screeching desperately asking if his partner was ok? She simply smiled and rested her hand over her abdomen. 
From all the surprises she got that day, this was definitely the best one yet.
As usual Here’s a chibi (sorry I can’t draw ultrasounds :P)
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mcaroonzy · 4 years
109 Digimon ( I let you choose :-P)
Prompt 109: Life is a highway, and I’m always drunk. So I’m not driving.” | Featuring Taichi, Koushiro, and Jou. 
This was so hard to write at first because I literally didn’t know who to write and how to write it. It quickly turned into one of the silliest things I’ve ever created. So please have this one-shot, in which Koushiro gets poisoned but not really. Also I know my medical testing knowledge is off, please just roll with it.
Send me a prompt!
Battling Digimon in the human world was not all that it was cracked up to be, Taichi realized, hiding behind an empty car that was missing its passenger side door. In the Digital World, the only people the Chosen needed to worry about were themselves, but in the streets of Odaiba, there were pedestrians, families, children that needed to be corralled to safety before they dared to launch attacks. This opening gave the lost Digimon extra time to rampage, knocking down street lights, blasting buildings, and wreaking general havoc in its path. But Taichi knew that the value of human life far outweighed a little property damage.
Okay, maybe not a little. More like a lot.
The Digimon that he, Koushiro, Greymon, and Kabuterimon were trying to subdue was some sort of hybrid avain-insectoid that they’d never seen before. Its feather wings shimmered in the sunlight, buzzing like a hummingbird’s, and while its body was more in the shape of a bird, its head was that of a beetle, with long fuzzy antennae, sharp pincers, and giant white orbs for eyes. The problem with this Digimon was that it was fast, zipping around Greymon like a missile. Greymon was powerful but not agile. The good news was that it was intent on flying the same loop with no particular clue as to where it wanted to be instead of attacking them.
“Taichi, it’s just confused,” Greymon said, swiping up with his claw and missing the Digimon by a mile. “It thinks the buildings are a maze that it can’t fly out from.”
“I’ve got all civilians outside a three-block radius,” Koushiro said through the Bluetooth speaker in Taichi’s ear. “Kabuterimon and I are coming over to you now, and then I’ll open a gate. We just have to contain the Digimon until then.”
“Easier said than done,” Taichi mumbled.
Greymon attempted to capture the Digimon each time it flew within reach but was seconds too slow, catching nothing but air. It zoomed past Greymon, blasting through a tour bus in its frenzy, reducing the vehicle to rubble. Then, it went down the nearest side street to complete its loop again.
“Alright, change of plans,” Taichi said to both Greymon and Koushiro. “Can you open a gate on the move? We’re going to try to force the Digimon to come your way, and then Kabuterimon should be fast enough to grab it and throw it inside.”
Koushiro agreed to the plan, and Taichi and Greymon positioned themselves at a street corner. On cue, the Digimon attempted to turn the way they were blocking, and before Greymon could make contact, it changed direction and flew straight.
“You don’t have to yell,” Koushiro said. “I can hear you crystal clear through the speakers.”
“Sorry, habit.”
Taichi motioned for Greymon to follow him down the street in case the Digimon decided to turn around. It wasn’t going to get away from them this time, but to be on the safe side, Taichi pulled out his smartphone digivice and pulled up a second gate. The phone was bathed in an orange light, vibrating against Taichi’s hand. He had to admit, when it came to technology, Koushiro didn’t hold back. Being able to send Digimon back to their world with their phones was so much easier than lugging laptops around.
Taichi and Greymon stopped. They were about one hundred meters away from Koushiro, and Kabuterimon was nowhere to be seen. The Digimon buzzed between them, bouncing back and forth. After sizing up Greymon, it sped towards Koushiro, who held up his smartphone, emitting a purple light. The Digimon stopped on a dime and as it spun around in the air, Kabuterimon dived down from above, tackling it to the ground.
The Digimon screeched, struggling to break Kabuterimon’s hold. It had nearly wiggled free until Greymon entered the fray, finally able to make use of his brute strength.
“I’m coming,” Koushiro called. “Hold him there.”
Taichi also made his way closer to the heap of Digimons as backup. It became clear that they had underestimated the bird-bug Digimon’s strength because it was beginning to break its hold. Both Greymon and Kabuterimon were strained, struggling to keep it down. Koushiro marched forward, holding his phone up.
“Move out of the way!”
Greymon and Kabuterimon released their grips, the former jumping back and the latter flying up overhead. The purple light enveloped Koushiro and the Digimon in a wide dome, so that Taichi couldn’t see anything inside. It was so bright that Taichi held his arm over his eyes. Finally. With any luck, he’d be able to make it to his next class on time. The smile soon deformed when he heard a painful shriek through the Bluetooth.
The light dissipated, and the Digimon was gone. Both Greymon and Kabuterimon devolved, hovering over Koushiro. Taichi bolted.
“What happened?”
Koushiro cradled his arm against his chest, trembling. Two large pricks were visible on each side, clean through his shirt sleeve. Taichi knelt down next to him, swallowing a lump in his throat and rolling up his friend’s shirt sleeve as if his arm would fall off if Taichi was too rough. The pricks went through Koushiro’s skin, making two identical tiny holes, but instead of blood dripping out, there was only an ugly green circle around each.
“Interesting,” Koushiro mused, wiggling his fingers and examining his arm with Taichi.
“Are you okay?”
“I think I might have been poisoned,” came out in a slur.
Taichi turned his attention to Koushiro himself, the lump dropping down to his stomach. Koushiro’s eyes were bloodshot and glassy, and his head bobbed up and down like it was too heavy for him to hold up. Taichi flapped a hand in front of his face. Koushiro blinked five seconds later. Then he waved back at Taichi. So much for making it to class.
“You two keep him sitting up, don’t let him fall,” Taichi said to child Digimon. He pulled out his phone and scrolled through the contacts, hovering over the emergency number Jou had given everyone. It would connect directly to his hospital line, but You had made them all swear that they would only use it to contact him in the most dire circumstances. Even Taichi had been too intimidated by Jou’s threatening glare to prank call the number. And now, he was still hesitant to ring it, but with Koushiro quivering in the street wearing a ditzy grin, Taichi considered their situation dire.
It barely rang once. Good ol’ Jou.
“It’s Koushiro. We were sending a Digimon back through the gate but it bit him in the arm. There’s no blood but he thinks he might have been poisoned. He’s acting weird.”
“Jou?” Koushiro called. “Is that Jou? Hi, Jou! Taichi, tell him I say hi.”
“How far away are you from the clinic?” Jou asked.
“About a half mile.”
“Bring him over, I’ll meet you outside the reception area.”
“Thanks, I owe you one.”
Koushiro was still begging to say hello to You when Taichi ended the call. What the heck was wrong with him?
“Come on,” Taichi said, holding out his hand. “We’re going to go see Jou.”
Koushiro clasped it. “Great! I can tell him hi.”
Taichi pulled him up, but after taking two wobbly steps, Koushiro began leaning over to one side. Taichi grabbed his shirt collar and steadied him, but it was like Koushiro had forgotten how to walk. If he hadn’t maybe just been poisoned, Taichi would have slugged him.
“We don’t have time for this,” he groaned, squatting down to the ground. “Get on.”
Koushiro stared at him.
“Help me,” Taichi begged Agumon and Tentomon. The two nudged Koushiro over and knocked him into Taichi’s back. The older boy wasted no time in standing up.
“Weeeee,” Koushiro called, flailing his arms.
“Wrap your arms around my neck before I fall over!”
Koushiro obeyed and Taichi managed to stabilize the two of them.
“Is he going to be okay?” Tentomon asked.
“Don’t worry, Jou will fix him up,” Taichi said, more to comfort himself. “But you two probably shouldn’t come to the clinic with us. Can you get back to the office?”
“I know where he hides the spare key,” Tentomon said. “Send updates to Koushiro’s Facebook. He always forgets to logout.”
Taichi waved goodbye to the Digimon, then set off on a power-walking pace. This wasn’t like giving Hikari piggy back rides when she was a child. Koushiro was an actual adult, only a few inches shorter than Taichi. They must have looked ridiculous. He partially wanted to die from sheer embarrassment, and partially focused on getting Koushiro to the clinic as fast as possible.
At least Koushiro offered plenty of interesting tidbits.
“Taichi, your hair. It’s so...poof.”
“Taichi, I can’t feel my face.”
“Taichi, are we there yet?”
“Hi, Jou!”
“Taichi, you’re really strong.”
“Taichi, all I can feel is my face.”
“Taichi, how am I moving? Where are my legs?”
“Oh, right, you’re carrying me.”
For ten whole minutes. Whatever poison was coursing through Koushiro’s body, Taichi wanted some.
By the time he made it to the clinic, Taichi was red in the face and dripping sweat. His back and legs ached. And Koushiro was spinning in circles.
“If I do one more, I’m going to throw up!” he said.
“Nope,” Taichi said, pulling him through the sliding doors.
True to his word, Jou was waiting for them in a sparkling clean set of doctors’ scrubs. As Koushiro proceeded to say hi a dozen times, You came around to support the younger boy’s other side, and the three of them hobbled to an open room. Jou pulled off Koushiro’s shirt to get the best look at his arm, then conducted a quick examination. Koushiro giggled and tried covering himself up.
“Jou, please, a little modesty.”
“He’s broken,” Taichi whined.
“I’m going to take a blood sample. I don’t know what the results will be since it was a Digimon bite and not something like a spider or snake. On the plus side, if it was any type of serious poison, Koushiro would be in much worse shape. He’s showing mild symptoms that could be poison but could be other things. Overall he seems pretty lucid.”
“Okay, Koushiro, you’re going to feel a quick pinch and then it’ll be over. We’ll try to get you home as soon as possible.”
“Life is a highway,” he replied, “and I’m always drunk. So I’m not driving.”
Jou tilted his head, looking thoughtful.
“He’s been saying weird stuff,” Taichi explained.
“Wait a second,” Jou said. He punched the syringe in Koushiro’s good arm and drew a vial of blood, while Koushiro squirmed and mumbled something incoherent about vampires. “Listen, Taichi,” Jou continued, “I’ll be back in five minutes. I think I know what we’re looking for.”
“Wait, don’t leave me in here with him,” Taichi called, but You had already rushed out of the room. “How do I know if he’s going to be okay?” he yelled down the hallway.
“Is he going to give my blood to Vamdemon?” Koushiro asked.
Taichi stifled a laugh and turned around to find Koushiro was dead serious in his question. Then he pinched the bridge of his nose. Thankfully the time went by fast, as Koushiro was more interested in studying the pictures of various human body systems plastered on the walls.
“The knee bone is connected to the...skull bone.”
“That’s not right.”
Jou came back in as much of a hurry as he left, flinging himself to the desktop computer. He entered what seemed like password after password until a couple colorful charts and graphs appeared on the screen.
“See these?” he asked. He was calmer than Taichi expected. In tense situations, Jou tended to emit stress and anxiety.
“You know I can’t read those,” Taichi said.
“This,” Jou said, pointing to a red bar, far longer than the other ones in the graph, “is the level of opiates present in Koushiro’s blood.” He was snickering.
“He’s high?”
“Plastered. Gone. His head is so far up in space that Yamato’s jealous.”
“How did that happen?”
Jou shook his head. “I don’t know exactly. I’d have to study the Digimon that caused it. Koushiro could probably even explain it after he comes down. I imagine that the venom would have caused serious harm to another Digimon. But you were in the human world, where Koushiro is flesh and blood. Whatever poison entered his system, must have been broken down by his immune system into something safer, in this case, a pretty potent opiate.”
Taichi turned to Koushiro, who was at that moment, drawing his finger along the picture of the central nervous system, angry that “there are so many lines to follow, I don’t know which path is the right one.” Okay, so being high didn’t sound too crazy. Taichi breathed a sigh of relief and hugged Koushiro from behind.
“What do we do now?” Taichi asked.
“My shift gets out at 9 tonight. Why don’t you two crash in the waiting room? I’m not comfortable releasing him to the world. He’s mostly a risk to himself. Could you stay with him and make sure he stays out of trouble? By then, he should be back to normal. I’ll give you each a lift back home.”
“I don’t want to go home,” Koushiro pouted. “Can’t Taichi and I have a sleepover?”
He pulled out the saddest face in his arsenal, making such puppy dog eyes and looking so not like Koushiro that Taichi didn’t know whether to pinch his nose again or laugh.
“That’s fine, Jou, thanks. And yeah, a sleepover sounds good, Koushiro. It’ll be like we’re kids again.” Aside to Jou, he added, “He should not be left alone tonight.”
Jou laughed. “I’ll show you guys to the waiting room. And Taichi, make sure to properly document this experience for everyone.”
“What do you mean?”
The older boy raised his eyebrows. “Take pictures, record videos, write down quotes. The rest of us deserve to know who high Koushiro is. I doubt we’ll get an opportunity like this again. I mean, it literally fell into your lap. Don’t let us down.”
Taichi smirked.
Koushiro would remember nothing, but the Chosen each had a different picture of him that they treasured. Koushiro only pieced together what had happened when he came back into his office, and Tentomon had changed the background of his computer to one of him lying face down on the hospital clinic floor with every single couch and chair cushion stacked on top of him.
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mcaroonzy · 4 years
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Are you even kidding me right now? Pocket Koushiro? Taichi looking proud af? Stop. I love them.
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mcaroonzy · 4 years
4 + 16 with Ken and Daisuke featuring big brothers Taichi and Yamato?
Prompt 4: Who gave you that black eye?
Prompt 16: I'll kick his ass if you want me to.
I struggled to find a way to tie these two prompts and four characters together but once I did everything came pretty easy! Writing in Daisuke's point of view was awesome.
Send me a prompt!
“What were you thinking?” Ken asked, pressing the ice pack against Daisuke’s eye. He didn’t give his friend the opportunity to answer. “There’s the problem. You weren’t thinking.”
“Sorry you had to see that,” Daisuke said sheepishly. “Not what you had expected for a Saturday morning match, huh?”
“That brutality looked like it belonged more in the wrestling ring than the soccer field.”
“Haru’s a jerk. He deserved it.”
“He’s on your team. Plus, the only thing he got was a red card like you. You’re the one that came out with a bruised face.”
“I’ll admit, it started out as an act of heroism, then quickly turned into a game of survival. That guy is huge. And a jerk. A huge jerk.”
Ken sighed. Daisuke knew that he disapproved of throwing fists on the soccer field. And yes, Haru was technically on the same team as Daisuke, but he would never consider him a teammate. Haru targeted the younger players, tripping them up on purpose, hogging the ball, and wearing a sneer across his face that Daisuke wanted to wipe off. Because the fact was, Haru was a great player, the best on their middle school team. He could rival Ken in technical skill, plus he was fast. Only Taichi could probably take him. How could one person have such talent but act like used toilet paper as a person?
So after the fourth incident, where Haru side-stepped one of the seventh graders so quickly, that the poor boy went face down into the grass, Daisuke took action. While he may have gotten the last punch in, at least Daisuke had the satisfaction to see Haru’s jaw drop to the ground as Daisuke charged into his side. There was rolling and tussling, as both boys were filled with testosterone and adrenaline. That was when Dasiuke had grossly miscalculated Haru’s strength and paid the price. Naturally, both players were ejected from the game, Haru screaming profanities, their coach silently murdering Daisuke with his eyes and telling him not to bother coming back today, while the goggle-head grabbed Ken and walked to the locker room.
“Coach is going to rip me a new one,” Daisuke said, not at all afraid, but in a tone that suggested he would be mildly inconvenienced. Monday’s practice would be hell for him. Probably laps. He hated laps. Why did anyone run without a ball to chase?
“Can you see?” Ken asked, lowering the ice pack.
“Kind of, vision’s a little blurry, and my eye stings. How’s it look though? Are we thinking a few days, a week?”
“It looks like you got punched in the face,” Ken said. He titled his head. “Which you did.”
Daisuke laughed. He pulled a bag out of his locker and walked to the vanity mirrors above the bathroom stall sinks. His right eye was puffy and a rainbow of blacks, reds, and purples. He dabbed it, wincing, but overall, not disappointed at what he saw.
“Could be worse,” he said. “It’s not very big, Haru only clipped me. If it had been his full fist, that would have been a different story. But this will be easy to hide. It’ll be gone in four days, I bet.”
“Hide?” Ken asked, as Daisuke dumped the contents of the bag into the sink. A few bottles of foundation and a stick of cover up clanged against the porcelain. Ken snorted. “Are you putting on makeup?”
“It works,” Daisuke said, grinning. “If I go home with this shiner, it’s all I’ll hear about. ‘Daisuke, you need to be more careful. Daisuke, why are you getting into fights?’ No thanks. I picked up the idea after being the Digital World. I came home one night with a pretty nasty bruise on my arm after that weird insect house, so I used my sister’s makeup to cover it up. Fighting evil Digimon doesn’t come without getting banged up, so I’ve had a lot of practice. I’m pretty much a makeup connoisseur at this point. Mimi would be proud.”
“That’s actually a good idea,” Ken said.
“Don’t say actually like I’m not a genius,” Daisuke said, opening the bottles. He put a thick streak of foundation in each shade on his wrist, and began blending them with his index finger. With his eye sore and tender to the touch, and being able to only see well out of his left eye, applying the makeup was a challenge.
“Now I’ll just add a few dots of cover up for brightness, and…”
Daisuke admired his reflection. His artistry wasn’t perfect, but it was passable to fool his unobservant family. He packed up his makeup bottles while Ken squinted from a few feet away.
“It’s a couple shades lighter than your skin tone,” he said, raising his eyebrows.
“No one likes a critic,” Daisuke said. “I start to tan in the spring. Maybe I need different blends for each season.”
“Now you sound like Mimi.”
Daisuke shrugged. “Let’s get out of here.”
“You don’t want to watch the rest of the game?”
“One: coach might punch me next if I do. Two: I don’t need to see my team lose miserably.”
The two boys were about to walk out of the locker room when the doors opened from the other side. Daisuke swore under his breath, and pulled his hood as far as it would go over his head. Taichi and Yamato stood in front of them, the former livid and the latter annoyed.
“You got kicked out of the game?” Taichi asked, hands on his hips.
“I woke up early for this,” Yamato added, arms crossed.
“Daisuke doesn’t need to be rough housed by you guys too,” Ken said. He chuckled, but after seeing Daisuke throw him a glare, coupled with Taichi’s and Yamato’s demeanors changing from lecturing superiors to fussy older brothers, Ken realized what foot in mouth syndrome meant. The two older boys crept closer.
“What happened?” Taichi asked.
“What’s on your face?” Yamato asked.
Daisuke pulled his hood further down and grumbled, “Nothing.”
Taichi and Yamato shared a look, and ambushed Daisuke before he could plan an escape route. Yamato held him tight with his arms behind his back, and Taichi pulled back his hood. Ken, being the traitor that he was, watched it happen, mouthing “Sorry” to Daisuke. Daisuke merely groaned. Jun wasn’t like this. How did Hikari and Takeru put up with them every day?
“Is that makeup?”
Taichi licked his thumb and rubbed under Daisuke’s eye. The younger boy cringed.
“That hurts!”
Yamato released Daisuke and stood next to Taichi. Their scowls blazed across their faces, but Daisuke was aware that for once, they weren’t directed at him.
“Who gave you that black eye?”
“I’ll kick his ass if you want me to.”
Daisuke held up his hands and chuckled, though it came out as more of a whimper.
“It’s okay, really. It’s my fault, I started it. Right, Ken?”
Ken, who was in no way prepared to be brought back into the fold, cowered at the combined ire between Taichi and Yamato and shrugged. For once, just this once, Daisuke wished his friend would harness some of that Digimon Kaiser backbone.
Daisuke pointed his finger at Ken. “You aren’t helping.” Ken answered with a timid and apologetic smile.
After a few minutes, Daisuke explained away the older boys’ anger, expressing with various hand waving and arm gestures that he had made the stupid mistake of tackling Haru and deserved the black eye. Besides, it was only a little sore. The bruising would go away in a few days, and until then, he had the power of makeup on his side. Daisuke thought he did a good job. Taichi’s shoulders slackened, and Yamato unfurled his white clenched fists.
“I can fight my own battles,” he told Ken on their way back to Daisuke’s house after Taichi and Yamato rode off together on Yamato’s motorcycle. “It’s great they want to act all big brother-ish on me, but I don’t need them to get their panties in a twist every time someone looks at me the wrong way.”
Still, the next Monday morning, Daisuke smiled fondly at the sight of Taichi and Yamato cornering Haru outside the middle school entrance. No ass kicking to Daisuke’s relief, just some good, old fashioned stern warnings. He made sure to mentally capture the shock and fear on Haru’s face so he could remember it next time Haru dared to be a jerk. Though after this, Daisuke didn’t think that would be a problem anymore. And that was kind of nice.
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mcaroonzy · 4 years
86 for the prompt list with Takari. :)
I Finally MADE IT. The world was conspiring against me as I tried to write this. What a day. Hope this suits your likes though! 
Am I scaring you?
Scary with you is better than scary without you
-Tamora Pierce-
Takeru was no stranger to the concept of love. He had read an endless number of stories where love was the engine of the plot, giving the protagonist a motive and strength to keep going. Of course, love was not always a positive catalyst and  sometimes it gave rise to the desire for revenge, hatred and envy. In other words, it didn’t only move the heroes, but also de anti-heroes. 
For a long time, love was just a word to him; something that simply existed. There was family love, which despite its ups and downs, had always been present in his life; there was friendship that, in one way or another, was still an embodiment of love  and, then, there was romantic love. 
Ah! the elusive and ever feared romantic love; the enemy of reasoning and logic. 
In his few years of life,Takeru had yet to have an encounter with the Achilles heel of human existence. People did crazy things for love and because of love; but being a young man, in the spring of life, he had yet to experience the sting of romantic love and all the luggage that came in toll. Being honest,  he wasn’t actively interested in chasing after it. Growing up in  the shadows of an unsuccessful love was enough to make him have little faith on the prospect of such a sentiment. 
He didn’t need love or at least, that’s what he thought. Everything he had ever said about the unnecessariness of "love" crumbled down the day because of her.
Mahogany hair, pale skin, chocolate eyes and a smile that could melt the hardest heart in the world. Those words could barely describe Yagami Hikari, and for sure, they weren’t enough to make her any justice. He had always claimed them to be friends. Well, that’s what they were until one day, he stopped seeing her as just a friend. 
“ That’s love.”
“What?” Takeru said, dropping his pencil in surprise.
Hikari rested her chin on her hand and shrugged. She had just returned from buying some drinks for him and herself. Her chocolate eyes were glowing and she seemed quite amused. 
“ Love. It’s obvious that Tsukasa- kun is in love with Akari-chan.” 
Takeru released the air he had been unconsciously holding back. Hikari was talking about the characters in the story he was writing. Writing little stories had become his hobby lately, and Hikari, as a good friend, was his number one fan, his editor - in a way - and his creative consultant.
“Is it? I wasn’t writing them to be a couple though…”
“Weren’t you?” Hikari replied, tilting her head a little and passing him a bottle “But...it sounds like Tsukasa likes her…”
“As if...you’re just being a romantic looking for romance.” Takeru chuckled. He picked his bottle and took a sip of its content.
“But…” Hikari continued, picking one of the loose pages “ Tsukasa stared at Akari in silence. When was it that she had become such a power of nature? Her eyes were glowing, full of life and intensity like he had never seen before in other girls. Something about her was breathtaking and it made his chest tighten whenever they crossed paths and she smiled at him with that lovely smile of hers and her beautiful mahogany hair…Oh, you have a mistake here. Wasn’t Akari’s hair platinum blonde?”
Takeru choked with his drink. He had unconsciously written his own personal dilema into his work with out noticing.
“Either way...it is clear that Tsukasa-kun has feelings for Akari-chan, just  by judging what he feels in this paragraph.”
“What? No, I mean...why? They’re good friends, like very, very good friends….so naturally they get along and he sees her with great esteem and respect. It doesn’t mean he likes her, well, he does like but not that way...I mean, thinking she’s pretty doesn’t mean he likes her, right? Or feeling his chest tighten and those awful butterflies in his stomach, or…”
What was he doing? Takeru felt like smacking himself there and now. Hikari, on the other hand, seemed a little confused by his outburst first, but soon after she let out a soft giggle.  The look in her face was a mix of amusement, curiosity and mischief.
“Takeru-kun...haven’t you fallen in love before?” Hikari said, looking at him sympathetically.
“Me? No...of course not, why would I? I have girl friends like Sora-san and Mimi -san...like you. That’s more than enough...why would I...?”
Hikari snorted and stared at him amused.
“Well, you could have fooled me. What you wrote for Tsukasa was really well done.”
“You talk like you know what being in love is like.”
Hikari smiled mysteriously at his comment.
“And what makes you think I don’t, Takeru-kun?” she said, leaning closer to him and blinking naughtily.
Takeru’s eyes widened in shock. That was something he had not expected. Hikari and him were best friends and they  pretty much told everything to each other all the time. How come she had never ever spoken about this?
Hikari replied with a nod and a childish grin. He instantly felt his throat go dry.
“Who? You never told me.”
“Uhm, sometimes there are things I can’t tell you, Takeru-kun.” she said, smiling again “His name is a secret, especially for you.”
“That’s not fair…” he said with a pout. A knot had formed in his gut and he was feeling inexplicably annoyed “Fine. Don’t tell me…”
“Someone is moody.” Hikari chuckled “What’s so bad about love?”
“Nothing...it’s just annoying.”
“Why? Love is something precious…”
“It isn’t...it makes you act strange and sometimes it just messes up everything.”
“Just because it doesn’t turn out well all the time, doesn’t make it a bad thing.” she said “love is really a wonderful thing, you know? Just how everything seems to lighten up when you see that person come into the room, or how all worries just disappear when you talk to them. You just feel warm and protected...don’t you think that’s wonderful?”
Takeru sighed. Well, he could relate to that. Even the worst of his days seemed to improve when Hikari appeared and gave him that sweet smile she always had. 
What? Why am I even thinking this?
“Forgot that you love romantic stories.” Takeru said.
“It’s not about romance. It’s just something you know. The moment you look at each other eyes and everything just seems to be okay even if some crazy monster is chasing after you.” 
That was an interesting metaphor, Takeru thought.
“Love isn’t a fairytale, Takeru-kun. It’s not a princess falling in love with a prince charming. Sometimes it is just a friend loving another friend.”
Takeru frowned. A friend falling for a friend. How close that was to his current situation, but if Hikari ever found out, their friendship would change forever and he couldn’t nor wanted that to happen.
“Want me to tell how he is?”
“Oh, I thought you said it was a secret.”
“I said his name is a secret…” Hikari replied with a giggle. She took a deep breath and her eyes glittered as she began to describe this “mysterious boy” to him “he’s wonderful. Pretty smart and knows his words. He could probably charm his sassy self out of anything. He’s  also popular, sometimes a little too popular for my comfort, but somehow he always finds a way to remind me that no matter what, I’m always a priority. ”
So he was someone who interacted constantly with her, he thought. Takeru began to list the boys that spoke to Hikari and there weren’t two many except for himself and the other digidestined. Maybe it was someone he hadn’t met yet, but Hikari spent most of her free time with him, so that wasn’t possible.
“...He's cute. Always has been and he knows me well. Sometimes I wonder if he doesn't know me better than I do. Maybe that’s why he’s so overprotective of me...he’s been since we were little.”
Well, naturally, Takeru thought. Who, who had known Hikari at some point in his life, would not feel an inexplicable need to protect her? It was then that Takeru began to realize what she’d just said. The person she liked was her friend; he was good with words; he had a sassy and charming attitude; he knew her like no one else did and was extremely overprotective of her. Based on that description, there were only two possible options among her close acquaintances. The first one being Taichi, whot obviously was out of the options, and the second one was ...
Takeru suddenly paled. She couldn’t be…
“Am I scaring you now, Takeru-kun?”
Takeru said nothing, trying to put his thoughts in order. His mind was blank, he couldn’t come up with  any smartass comments or even speak at all.  In the middle of his confusion and stupor, he  heard Hikari snort. The girl pushed  her chair back and moved gracefully to his side. 
 Before he could try to say something, Hikari leaned in, planted a playfull kiss on his cheek and smiled again. 
“Think about it…” she said winking at him. She, then,  turned around and walked away as if nothing had ever happened.
Takeru looked at her back as she disappeared through the library’s door, still in shock and for the first time in his life he was out of words.
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 I love dropping this ugly chibis here lol
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mcaroonzy · 4 years
3 sorato ?
3. “Please don’t walk out of that door.” Sorato
(this sounds more angst but I am in a more fluff/light mood so)
Sora leans back in her chair, looking back at Matt. He is grabbing his things and shoving them into his backpack. Sora gives a small sigh, still trying to think of a way to make him stay the night. Every time she asks him he replies that he has to get up early to go get ready for a concert. He seems pretty stubborn about it. 
Matt finishes putting away his things and begins to head out the door. Just as he starts to pull the bedroom door open, Sora’s speak. “Please don’t walk out of that door.”
Matt stops and looks at her. “You know I have things to do tomorrow. I can’t really stay.”
Sora pushes away from her desk, stands, and walks over to Matt. She gently closes the small jap of the door and leans on it, an attempt to keep Matt inside. “You can still leave early from here. You don’t have to worry about waking me up. Even if you did, I wouldn’t mind. Why are you so set on leaving?”
Matt doesn’t answer. Sora can see a slight shrug from him but that is about it. She waits for him to say anything, refusing to budge from her door. After some moments of silence, Matt finally speaks. “I don’t know. I guess it is still just kind of...awkward...staying here? We only have been dating for so long.”
“Really? That’s it?” There is a slight chuckle in Sora’s voice. “I mean, I understand. But it hasn’t been that short of a time since we have dated. I think it is okay for us to start staying over each other’s houses. And besides, it already is getting a bit late. Please stay.”
Matt takes a breath. “Fine. You win. But just for right now. Next time, I don’t think I can stay over before a big day. Alright?”
Sora beams. “Yes. Now put your bag back down and sit.”
She doesn’t give him the chance to do so, though. Sora grabs his arm and pulls him to her bed. She forces him to sit down on it before she returns to her seat on the chair. 
“Are you sure you are going to be comfortable with both of us lying on the bed together?”
“Yes, I am sure. Stop worrying about it, okay? Now help me finish my homework.”
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mcaroonzy · 4 years
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Sorry Miyako lovers, I only realized I had forgotten here when the sketch was already finished. I’ll make a mental note to make her next time 
My calligraphy is sucky here, I can’t write properly on the tablet. Kill me.
162 notes · View notes
mcaroonzy · 4 years
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#college life
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mcaroonzy · 4 years
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mcaroonzy · 4 years
Hello everyone!
I don't like posting stuff thar can hace a negative implication, but this needs to be said.
It's not a secret that I'm member of a digimon server on discord, and we like to to think of thar community as a small little family so any subject that tries to harss or intimidate in anyway any of our member will certainly face the wraith of the adm and the moderators.
Today I como with a warning for all of you digimon fans. This user popped up in our server (ID 472187640209211396) and approached one of our members (a minor) and sexually harassed her. She approached us with the complaint and naturally we couldn't stay hand crossed about
The user has already been blocked and banned from our servers, but we are concerned for the safety of other discord server and their user so be careful.
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He also has his own server, so people please be careful if you encounter him or join his server.
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Servers are for fun, and the is absolutely no excuse for anyone to make someone else feel uncomfortable.
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mcaroonzy · 4 years
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This is calling me out too much
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i literally cannot stop. will reblog with the link once i’m done.
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