I'm alive!
I'm back to say that I haven't forgotten about this project of mine! I'm currently working on chapter six!
A gentle reminder: chapters will be posted as they are finished and ready for posting. So if I go silent for a long period, don't think I've forgotten about this! It just means I'm hyperfixating on something else or taking a break. But it will never mean I've forgotten about this project. I am determined to get this project all the way to the final chapter.
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mcsm-rewrite-project · 7 months
Not sure if this will stay around, but I've got a Discord server for the MCSM Rewrite Project. Originally it was for my friends and I, but I touched it up a little to make it public for anyone to join. I do this because I can't promise lots of activity on Tumblr, and it could be fun. No pressure to join, of course.
To those interested: https://discord.gg/yHvpcF9xK2
Joining will really just mean you're free to talk about Minecraft Story Mode or the rewrite project, as well as ask questions and receive immediate answers. Also, you can optionally view the outline and get the big boy spoilers if you want.
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mcsm-rewrite-project · 7 months
Making a quick post here to say that I've posted the rewrite to wattpad as well:
This decision was made mainly because I'd like this to reach a wider audience, and I'm... not sure how many MCSM fans use AO3. Anyway, I'm glad you guys have enjoyed the first five chapters! Please look forward to more in the future <3
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mcsm-rewrite-project · 7 months
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mcsm-rewrite-project · 7 months
Chapter four is now complete. Hope you guys are ready to read once I get chapter five done! I'm actually so excited to post these chapters.
Little Announcement
Just wanted to make a quick post here to say that I'll be posting the first few chapters of the MCSM Rewrite Project to my AO3 once I have chapter 5 written and finalized. This is going to take some time due to my crippling hyperfixations, however I promise I'll try to get this done soon. At least I've got the chapters planned out already, so writing the full thing will be a breeze.
Thanks for reading and taking interest in this silly little project here!
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mcsm-rewrite-project · 7 months
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Here's an excerpt from chapter two as a little teaser! Enjoy this little treat.
I am currently working on wrapping up chapter four.
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mcsm-rewrite-project · 7 months
Little Announcement
Just wanted to make a quick post here to say that I'll be posting the first few chapters of the MCSM Rewrite Project to my AO3 once I have chapter 5 written and finalized. This is going to take some time due to my crippling hyperfixations, however I promise I'll try to get this done soon. At least I've got the chapters planned out already, so writing the full thing will be a breeze.
Thanks for reading and taking interest in this silly little project here!
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mcsm-rewrite-project · 8 months
hiya, I have two questions: are you planning on formatting the arcs differently? (ie change the duration of the wither storm arc and the portal arc) and, are you planning on having Olivia and Axle be more important? Obviously I love Lukas, Petra and Ivor, but Axle and Oliva are also fun! But they haven’t been important since s1 e4
The second arc will probably be longer than it was in the game, as the worlds will be a bit different. We're trying to stay faithful to the source material, while also trying to improve parts of it and also add our own concepts to it. I'm unsure how to change any of the first arc beyond what is already written and planned, though, and the duration may be the same or similar.
As for your other question, we are planning to make Axel and Olivia more important to the story, since in the game, they were never really relevant. They just... existed sometimes? So, definitely trying to make them more relevant in this.
If you have any more questions or ideas, throw us another ask!
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What is the MCSM Rewrite Project?
It's exactly what it sounds like!
I'm making what is essentially a new version of Minecraft Story Mode. The characters will be reimagined, keeping core elements alive, but making them overall... better. I believe the original MCSM had a lot of potential, but fell flat in execution. I am attempting to rectify that, more or less, but in book format.
The Important Bit
I'm posting this on tumblr just to sort of say "Hey, I'm making this thing. I think it's really cool, and any ideas would be appreciated." So, that's that! I'm looking for some ideas. Specifically ideas for episodes 6-8.
Things I have planned and established already:
Jesse is nonbinary. It makes sense considering I'm adapting a game to a book.
The main cast are actually competent. Because there's no reason for them to act like they've never existed in this world when they've been here for forever?
Servers exist. This is most important for the second arc (Eps 5-8). I've got some information established regarding servers, but basically all that I'll say here is that they vary in game mode, how many people live there, server operators, and some of them may even be modded.
About episode six... No, I'm not doing the YouTuber cameo thing. I am using original characters for this part of the arc, specifically mine and some friends'.
What about season two? I haven't officially decided if I'm doing anything for the second season. I probably will. But for right now most of my focus is on season one. That being said, I have done some thinking on it thanks to my good friend. We'll see where it goes.
Also, custom skins are going to be a thing. Not nearly enough completely inhuman characters in this game. I've even got it planned how they create these custom skins as well.
The big threat is also different. So I sort of replaced the Wither Storm as well. The new threat is a respawned Ender Dragon, except it's much stronger and also much larger. It also tunnels the way dragons do in the actual game.
If you hadn't figured by Jesse being non-binary, this book will be very queer! I am planning to also make Jesskas (Jesse x Lukas) canon. Sorry, Jetra fans!
I think that's all the important information that I'll be putting in the pinned post here. So that being said, feel free to send me any questions, or ideas for this.
Thanks for reading and taking interest! I'd love to hear quite literally any ideas or concepts anyone may or may not have. Please, I don't bite!
I'm posting the rewrite to both AO3 and Wattpad in hopes of reaching a wider audience. I also know some people may have a preference for either site. Here's the AO3 link, and here is the Wattpad link.
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