mcytsrebloggerlol · 1 year
Okay but like, c!Eret sending a suit to the reader's room (regardless of gender) so that the both of you could match with monochromatic accessories and walking out in the moonlight after a ball, when everything has calmed down and the remainder of the guests are quieting down and sitting while their carriages arrive. They take you down a stepping stone path to a balcony that looks over a cliff to part of the land they rule over. They take your chin between they're fingers and tilt you up to look at them and just smile down at you, leaning over to kiss you gently, slipping their crown onto your head, keeping your lips close and whispering to you about how one day they'll make you rule next to them and how amazing you'll look in regal attire.
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mcytsrebloggerlol · 1 year
BBH: Oh, fiddlesticks! That really ruffles my feathers.
(Y/n): [Crying] Please, just say fuck.
- - -
Philza: Good morning.
(Y/n): Good morning.
Techno: Good morning.
Wilbur: You all sound like robots. Why don’t you spice things up a bit?
- - -
Sapnap: What if we swore more?
(Y/n): Titties!
Dream: (Y/n), that’s not a swear.
(Y/n): Fuck you.
- - -
Dream: I can’t feel my leg.
(Y/n): [Stabs his leg]
Dream: [Screams in pain] WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!?
(Y/n): You’re a liar!
- - -
Tommy: How do you think you can stop me?
(Y/n): I’ll tell Phil.
Tommy: You sick bastard.
- - -
Take these while I work on actually writing longer posts :)
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mcytsrebloggerlol · 1 year
What People in the SMP Would Get You for Christmas
Dream: Rings. Idk i feel like he would either get you a bunch of small cheap rings, or one really expensive diamond ring.
Georgenotfound: Shoes. George would be the kind of guy to tell you not to buy the shoes you want so he can get them for you instead
Sapnap: Makeup. Like george, he tells you not to buy stuff so he can get it for you instead.
Quackity: Whatever you want. He would probably take you shopping and be like “go pick something, ill pay.”
Karl: He would DIY it. He’s the kind of guy who would make those kits for you to have a movie night or full of stuff thats your favorite color.
Wilbur Soot: He would give you his clothes. To prevent you from stealing it, he’d give it to you. AND he’d buy you fuzzy socks.
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mcytsrebloggerlol · 1 year
Stick n Poke Headcannons
My requests are always open!! Shoot me one!
Reaction to you telling them you gave yourself a stick n poke. Not that i'm encouraging you to get one and if you do reallly want to make sure you do the reasearch and get good starile supplies. This is V self indulgent. Let me live.
All platonic
Characters: Wilbur, Phil, Techno, Tommy, Tubbo, Dream, Sapnap, GeorgeNotFound, Quackity, Karl, Nihachu, Ranboo, Fundy
Warning: needles and stabing mentiond
Word count 450
Starts doing the laughtm
DiD iT hUrT
Yeah Will it’s a tattoo
Shakes head
Thinks it’s neat but is defo surprised
‘Let me watch if you do it again’
‘Not that you should do that but…’
Definity tells chat if you do a stream with him
Chat y/n tattooed herself over the weekend…
‘you WHAT???!’
Concerned Dadza
You have to assure him multiple times that you were super careful and used professional ink and needles and starile everything
Thinks it’s cool once his concerns are thoroughly addressed
‘Make good choices child’
Definitely doesn't register at first
Give him a moment
‘Wait… you like… did it yourself??’
Doesn’t really care
Freaked out
Takes a long time to calm down
‘Wait like, actually’
‘The fuck’
Will bring it up
‘Says the person that repeatedly stabbed themself’
‘Wait actually?’
‘That’s so cool!’
Immediately asks for pictures
Wants to hear you talk about the process
‘How’d you decide on the design’
Really cool about it
Will jokingly suggest he should get a bee tattoo
Probably asks you to explain how and when and why
Will laugh at you if you at all suggest it hurt
We all know he’d be a little bitch about getting one tho
‘You should get the smile tattooed’
‘Wait no I was kidding!!! Do NOT do that!!!’
‘No way’
Immediately like pics or it didn’t happen
Thinks its really cool
Would toy with the idea of you giving him one but is too indecisive
Does not believe you
You can send him pictures of it
Pictures of the supplies
Video of set up
Takes him like a month to realize its real
Thinks you’re doing a bit
Then you show him your set up
‘Oh my god wait you’re serious’
Chaotic reaction
Karl Jacobs
‘How did you manage to do it???’
Doesn’t understand how someone could tattoo themself
‘But it hurts tho!’
Very confused but in awe of it
‘Let me see!!!’ -^o^-
Impressed with how well you did
Some concern
Makes sure you were safe
Over all thinks its cute
‘I am very concerned’
‘y/n i feel like this was a poor choice’
Evenly concedes that it does look pretty pog
Tells chat about it
‘y/n tattooed themself and it looks really cool but... poor choice.’
‘Chat do not encourage them’
‘y/n no…’
Takes him like a minute but then decides it’s actually kinda pog??
‘It looks pretty good’
You know you spent hella time on it
‘How does that, like, work??’
Rollercoaster of emotion
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mcytsrebloggerlol · 1 year
Tommy, Wilbur and Quackity communicating with Australian!reader friend
Summary: the boys told you to act as Australian as possible
First off
You normally tone down everything when speaking to people, so they can understand you easier
But then these guys were like “yOu dOnT sOuNd AuStRaLiAn”
oh boy.
Quackity scrEAMS
Tommy falls off his chair laughing
Wilbur just sits there, jaw wide open
“Yeah?? What do you want mate.”
They can’t stop laughing
it continued.
Tommy got lost, and Wilbur asked if you knew where he was
“Fuck if I know. Middle of Woop Woop.”
In the end, Quackity made a song out of everything you said
Hearing “A DINGO ATE MY BABYyYyYy” in autotune was SO funny.
safe to say, you’re never living that stream down.
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mcytsrebloggerlol · 1 year
Sibling HC’s pt. 1
Included : Dream, Sapnap, Georgenotfound, Quackity, Karl Jacobs, Nihachu, Minx.
Warning : swearing
Note : I miss my brother so here’s me making so many sibling HC’s, more parts will be added and you’re in your teens in these :)
You’re the middle child between Dream and Drista.
Since he’s introduced you with your real name before, chat calls you Y/n.
You met Tommy with Drista.
It wasn’t that crazy on your end, you did swear at Tommy a few times but Drista carried the roasting and chaotic energy while Dream supervised you two. You three in one stream is just a chaotic mess, but chat loves it.
“This is the real Dream team, me, Y/n, and Dream.” “Duh. I mean Sapnap and George wish they were us.”
You appear in Dream’s streams more because you would bring him food if he was streaming and bring Drista food if she was busy with school.
You’re like the parent sibling, providing your siblings food if they were busy or haven’t ate in a while.
You’re probably hypocritical and when you’re working hard you probably don’t eat much so Dream does the same and provides food for you too. Dream’s very protective over you and does what he can to be a supportive brother because you’re supportive and very kind to him.
Manhunts are fun, you come in to give him food and he’s screaming. You just simply put some fruit and crackers on his desk along with a bottle of water and walk out unfazed. Manhunts wouldn’t be the same without a clip of him yelling thanks to you.
But honestly outside of his cc side of his life, he’s usually hanging out with you a lot.
You’re doing work? He’s laying on your bed on his phone or talking to you.
You’re reading? Drista is reading with you and Dream is probably editing.
You’re just relaxing? He lays at the foot of your bed or is on your floor and you two talk.(sometimes you try to kick him off the bed in a joking manor)
Very chaotic yet chill.
You’re younger than him and he’s very protective of you.
“Y/n if someone gets you mad, what should you do?” “Ignore them.” “NO! We’ve gone over this, you weave their shit and knock them out.”
You two are like ying and yang sometimes, you’re kind and calm and then he’s all loud and agressive.
But 100% a softie and is very calm and caring when you’re around.
There are very old clips of him and you, he was like 13 and you were maybe like 7, he’s either apologizing for you suddenly interrupting his friends or making you say hi.
You guys go on a ton of drives while vibing you some music, you both have a very good music taste and his fans loves your Spotify playlists.
One day on stream he makes you play on the dream smp, you accidentally burnt something bad made him with lava, you were just trying to burn an empty bottle.
Makes you remake it /hj
When he moves to Florida you’re sorta like fuck what do I do now because he was your person who you could hang out with 24/7.
So you find yourself listening to his playlists while going on bike rides. You’re sorta sad but it’s not like you’re mad at him or anything, just through personal experience when someone you’re used to living with for a while moves out you’re sorta like: fuck 😀
He calls you a lot while streaming to check up on you because your guys’ mom told him that you were sorta sad.
“Chat they won’t answer my calls!” “DUDE IM IN A ZOOM CALL WHAT DO YOU WANT??”
Forgets that you’re an hour behind and still in school.
You watch as many streams as you can or he puts you in discord calls so he can catch up with you and stream can get Y/n content.
To be honest I feel like he’d be very private about you since he doesn’t share like much about his life.
So when he says he has a sibling everyone is shocked.
Makes you talk on stream for a second but keeps you faceless.
The most chat saw of you was during mcc when you came in to get your guys’ new cat.
“I’m taking them away so they don’t go deaf, thank you very much.”
You guys are very chill off stream and you guys probably play music and play with your pets when bored.
It was snowing and you two both went outside and started to throw snowballs at each other.
“Guys it’s really snowy out look-” he gets hit with a snowball by you in the middle of his sentence.
“Y/n’s literally acting like a child-” “I am a child, idiot!”
You’re very kind to him and helpful when it comes to his colourblindess, you also help him create some outfits.
“Chat even though I can’t see purple, Y/n said it was a nice color on me so I’m wearing it because they made this outfit. I was told that if I didn’t wear it they’d stop helping me. I gave them a hard time with wearing purple.”
100% a mod in his discord like Ro.
Closer to him since you’re a year younger.
You both yell at each other in Spanish, which chat- the ones who understand it- loves.
You’re also a mod on his twitch, you love to ban people when they hate on you, giving them a message saying ‘HAHA IM A MOD, KARMA YOU BITCH’
Very chaotic and explicit
You two go on a ton of bike rides
Makes you play scary games with him and he’ll scream and you just look at him unfazed because you’ve seen him stream this level many times and knew it was coming.
Tommy is honestly scared of you because you started arguing with him but instead of English you were speaking Spanish and he couldn’t understand so he just screamed and ran away.
Meanwhile Alex is laughing his ass off next to you.
Jackbox is crazy, you beat him in quiplash while he beats you in mad verse city.
Monster seeking monster is really funny because you two get paired for a second.
Q : Ew I literally hate you /hj
Y/n : bitch shut the fuck up i legit CARRY your account /hj
Everyone it’s convinced it’s George and Dream-
Once it’s revealed that it’s you two, people upload it everywhere and are like “they’re siblings your honour”
Makes you fucking confused because you guys are ?? But then you remember that people aren’t convinced you’re siblings LMAO
Karl Jacobs
You get introduced after Shaun Jimmy gets introduced.
Chat thinks Shaun’s laugh is like Karl’s? Nah yours is more like his.
You two accidentally laugh at the same time and his friends are confused, like did Karl just echo?
If you’re female chat nicknames you Karla because you’re like the female version of him.
Calls you a lot on stream to either annoy you or just vibe with you.
“Y/n Dream insulted me-” “Karl I’m legit in the middle of track practice you’re gonna get me kicked off the team, anyway hope you feel better I gotta go.”
He comes to your track meets and cheers you on.
You two definitely just chill and watch tons of Cartoon Network things.
He looks at chat like 😐 because you just dipped.
Definitely makes you meet Corpse to see your reaction.
The only reaction is you telling Corpse that you have a friend at school who has a deep voice too and that it’s cool.
You’re honestly such a sweetheart and chat loves you as much as they love Karl, they know that if you were to stream it’d be a very calm and happy place.
Your style is really cool also.
I think that you’d be closest to his sister so whenever he asks you to drive over and visit and you’re busy hanging out with your guys’ sister, he goes to Twitter “crying”.
Also from like the short clip of his sister on that Mr. Beast video she seems so kind, like his family just seems like the family you can get along with easily.
First name on tales of the smp if you’re on an episode. He makes sure you’re the main star.
Definitely does a stream where she’s dying your hair.
You two are so calm and your energy just bounces off one another.
Zuko is curled up in your lap and you’re scratching his head gently.
Your English isn’t the best so you speak German sometimes and Niki translates it. You also have a thick German accent so it’s hard for them to understand you.
Does minecraft hardcore with you.
Art streams with you!
Off stream you two vibe a ton.
Plays music together.
Does art together a lot too.
You two love to just go on Pinterest or Instagram for ages and get obsessed with types of art styles
She definitely has a playlist on her Spotify dedicated to you
You have two Spotify playlists decided to her, Niki and Y/n’s jams, for Niki.
For a second people thought y’all were dating
You can make Niki laugh so hard, y’all have so many inside jokes and a special type of humor.
Very protective of you.
When streaming with you she’s her usual self and you’re quiet. Chat finds it funny.
She has you come in an episode of e-girl rejects.
Loves to do cosplay with you.
Probably dyes your hair on stream also.
You’re both very explicit.
You become a mod in her twitch and you love banning people and just giving them petty messages because they were being assholes.
Schlatt likes to annoy you also, but you know how to block him out.
“Hey Y/n-” “they just left the room.”
Your Irish accent is very thick and sometimes Minx has to “translate” what you say.
Drunk streams are fun, she likes to do your makeup while she’s drunk.
You two have been best friends since you were little and the friendship hasn’t changed.
There isn’t one photo of just you guys in your parents house, you two were always together.
Some think you’re twins but you’re not.
You accompany her during long streams, cleaning and bringing her food, just so she can focus on streaming and not everything else.
Her kittens just love you.
Best uncle, aunt, family member to her kittens right here.
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mcytsrebloggerlol · 1 year
cuddles with technoblade
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Keep reading
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mcytsrebloggerlol · 1 year
howdy!! may i request cc!tommy with a little sister who also streams like him, maybe like 14-15 ish age? have a lovely day
yes of course! thank you for the request and i hope you have a lovely day as well<3
cc!tommy x f!reader
i also decided to do it as hcs, but if you want me to make this a full fic, let me know!
sister who streams hc
tommy started youtube before you (obviously, as you’re four years younger than him)
but you always thought being a youtuber would be so cool to pursue
so when tommy started streaming, you decided that you wanted to do that too
though you didn’t tell anyone
you just wanted to do your own thing, and watch tommy from afar
and soon enough, tommy becomes more and more popular
and obviously with him not wanting the public to see anyone of his family, he kept you guys secret
and even when you streamed, you made sure to keep it down to not raise suspicion
you even went as far to be a faceless streamer just to make sure no one knew you were tommy’s sister
you didn’t want anyone to think you were trying to steal his fame, though you knew he wouldn’t think that
but what you didn’t know, is how he would react to you streaming
you knew he wouldn’t be mad or anything
it was just the nerves since you had been hiding it for so long
you really enjoyed streaming
and you loved all the friends you had made through streaming
though the Inevitable came, and tommy found out one day
again, he wasn’t mad
he was more proud than anything
then he wanted to do streams together, acting as if you weren’t siblings
and it worked!
he introduced you to his stream, saying that they had met because tommy watched a couple of your streams and reached out
the first stream you did together was a horror stream, and thank god that your walls are somewhat sound proof
you both screamed so loud during this
your parents probably would have thought that you both were getting murdered if the two of you didn’t say you were streaming
and then tommy asked you to be in a mod video
that’s when tubbo realized that you were tommy’s sister
he had met you in real life, and he thought your voice sounded familiar
he just put two and two together
and then all of tommy’s friends found out
which caused dream to add you to the smp
and then you and tommy decided that you both needed to tell everyone that you were siblings
you decided you were going to face reveal on your own stream
and then you’d go to tommy’s to do a q&a
everyone was shocked
except for the people that were like ‘omg how did you not know?? they sound so alike’
so now you’re invited to go with tommy to see all of his friends
they’re your fiends too
though they didn’t realize that you were tommy’s sister at first
you and tommy celebrate milestones together
like when he hit ten million
or when you hit five million
you really had nothing to worry about
tommy is glad that the both of you have something in common, other than video games
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mcytsrebloggerlol · 1 year
please write about irl phil adopting a young reader, maybe theyre touch starved, or didnt have the best home life so hes just being soft, helping them look after themselves and stuff :cc
(The fact that my dream today was about Phil adopting me and that i have daydreamed abour this scenario for the past week is really helping me with this)
☾ Philza adopting young reader ☽
!Warning: Talking about bad home situation!
The first time he interacted with you was on an mcc in which you were in a team with Techno, Ranboo and him
After you asked if you were allowed to call him 'Dadza' he immediately was like "Yes this is my child now and no one will hurt them or else i will riot"
When the four of you hung out in a vc after the mcc he asked if he could be mod in your chat because he wants to be able to ban weird people from your chat
The two of you slowly started hanging out together more through the smp and other events
In that time he started noticing how you weren't really able to take care of yourself and how you joked about childhood trauma and such
"We're gonna have talks when i visit you alright kid?"
Your parents wanted to get to know him first before letting you go to visit him and when he talked to them he already found them kinda suspicious
When you finally visited him (meeting up with a bunch of streamers including tommy, tubbo, wilbur etc.) he had pulled you aside one evening because he wanted to have a talk with you
With his comforting aura he managed to get you to open up about your home situation and how things weren't that great which completely broke his heart
As soon as he has your permission to tell Mumza he'll talk with her about adopting you and honestly she likes you just as much as him so she'll definitely say yes
After getting everything done with the law stuff and finally adopting you he was so happy to finally to see you feeling save cause of not living with you parents anymore
Makes sure you drink enough water and eat at least 3 meals per day
Mumza and Dadza teach you how to cook and other stuff like that
Will also ask if you want to have a therapist and stuff like that
Overall just so much wholesomeness
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mcytsrebloggerlol · 2 years
c!Technoblade x sbi!sibbling Reader
A/N: I've been meaning to post this all week and just haven't gotten around to it. Anyway, hope you enjoy!
Warning: sensory overload
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The chilled air nipped at your exposed arms as you sat on the roof of your older brother’s cabin. It was a particularly chilly night. A snow storm was passing through and large snowflakes kissed your flushed cheeks. You wiped at your nose, sniffling softly. You were for sure going to catch a cold, but you didn’t care. The houses below you were loud. You could hear Wilbur yelling at Tommy, then a loud crash coming from the tunnel that connected Techno’s house to Philza’s. Then you could hear Phil yelling.
You occasionally went through periods of time when you were sensitive to certain senses. Right now you were feeling particularly sensitive to sound, and the only way to escape your rambunctious family was to retreat to the roof. You brought your knees to your chest and hugged them tightly. You were slowly dissociating, vision going hazy. You covered your ears and squeezed your eyes shut.
“Y/N?” a gruff voice called out behind you, but you didn’t hear it. “Are you ok?” When you didn’t respond, the man stepped closer to you. Technoblade was a big man, tall and muscular, and he was afraid he’d fall through the roof if he moved the wrong way. He crouched down beside you and rested a hand on your shoulder. “You’re going to get sick.” His hand brushed against your neck and he pulled his hand away. “N/N, you’re freezing!”
Techno froze when he heard your small whimper, flinching away from him slightly.
“I’m sorry,” he muttered, slowly pulling his giant red cloak off of his shoulders. He gently draped it over your shoulders, pulling the hood over your head to keep you warm. Techno pulled you under his arm and into his side. “Is something wrong?”
You whimpered again and pulled the cloak tighter around you. “Sound.” Techno hummed in understanding. 
“Oh, I see,” he said softly. “Would you like me to take you down to my basement? You can’t stay out here any longer, and it’s hard to hear down there.”
“I can’t move,” you answered again. “‘M too cold.”
“I’ll carry you.” Your brother picked you up gently, then slowly made his way back to the open window that he used to get to the roof. He stepped into the study room, then the hallway. He walked down several flights of stairs and opened the spruce door to the basement. There was a narrow hallway, and on one side was an opening to the storage room. The other side was a small gathering room with a fireplace and a few seating places.
Technoblade lowered you to the couch before turning around. He pulled a flint-n-steel from his inventory and lit the fireplace across the room. He then crouched in front of you again.
“Is this better?” he asked softly. “Is it quiet enough?” You nodded slightly, tugging the cloak tighter again.
“Yeah, thanks Tech,” you murmured.
Your older brother smiled gently and pushed some wet hair from your face. Feeling how cold you still were worried him and he frowned. “You’re so cold. And pale.” He stood again, his form towering over you. “I am going to ask Phil to help me get a change of clothes. Is it ok if I leave you here for a moment?” You nodded again and watched the piglin hybrid leave the room.
He returned a few minutes earlier with dry clothes in his hands. He held them out to you. “I’ll step out for a moment so you can change.” 
When you settled back onto the couch, Techno stepped back into the room. He was carrying a large, fluffy blanket, tossing it over you before sitting beside you. You crawled over to him and buried yourself into his side. He let you settle down before wrapping an arm around you. The two of you stayed like this until you had calmed down further. Techno was right when he said that you couldn’t hear anything from his basement. Your senses were returning to normal and you no longer felt anxious and on edge. 
“Phil’s gonna come down here soon,” Techno hummed softly. “He’s worried. As he always is.”
You let out a soft huff as a laugh. “It’s ok. I’ve calmed down now. Thank you, Tech.” Your brother rubbed your arm gently.
“You’re welcome, kiddo.” He hesitated a moment. “It, it happens to me, too. Sensory overload, I mean. So, I guess I know how to help with it.”
You wanted to respond but was interrupted by a soft knock. “May I come in?”
You peeked over your shoulder to see your father, Phil. Technoblade gave him the go-ahead to come in, and the older man crouched down in front of you and your brother. He ran a gentle hand through your hair.
“Hey, honey,” he cooed softly. “Y’alright?” He frowned slightly. “Ender, you’re cold.”
“I’m alright,” you answered. “Tech helped me.”
Phil smiled up at his eldest son. “Yeah, he’s good at that when he wants to.”
“Can I stay down here for a bit longer?” you asked quietly. “It’s quiet. And warm.”
“As long as you need to,” Techno answered. “I like the company.
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mcytsrebloggerlol · 2 years
Being Besties with Tommy and Tubbo
Hello! This is a platonic!Tommy x platonic!Tubbo x gn!reader irl. I decided to write these as headcanons because I have lots of ideas lol. As well as, this is kind of a ramble post so if you get confused, I’m so sorry lol. I hope you enjoy!!
Masterlist here
Being best friends with them would be so much fun and so chaotic at times
You three met because of streaming
You know how Tommy met Tubbo because he raided him with 20 viewers?
I imagine you two meet the same way where he raids you while you’re streaming. 
Tommy introduces you to Tubbo and the three of you become inseparable. 
So Tubbo and Tommy live like 3 hours away from each other
So I imagine that you live in the middle of them so that it’s an hour and a half trip either way to go visit your best friends. 
You three are so chaotic together and it scares everyone around you
Keep reading
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mcytsrebloggerlol · 2 years
family dynamic sbi x sibling!gn!reader
you’re the oldest sibling and tattoos are littered all over your skin. whenever you comfort one of the boys you tend to notice the little things they do with your tattoos.
tommy: would colour in your tattoos with markers to calm himself down. he’s done it so much now that he doesn’t ask anymore, instead he just grabs your arm and starts colouring in (not that you mind). one time he accidentally used permanent marker and got yelled at by philza, it took 3 days to come off.
wilbur: would be resting on your shoulder and asking you about your tattoos and what they mean. his favourite tattoo of yours is the roman numerals on your wrist because it’s the date of his birthday. you two definitely have at least one matching tattoo, one of them being audio waves of each other saying “it’s meant to be.”
techno: would be laying his head in your lap while having a conversation with you and tracing the tattoos on your resting arm with his fingertips. you guys wouldn’t have matching tattoos, instead you guys have matching piercings.
tubbo: the first person he goes to when he needs comfort is tommy but sometimes tommy can’t help so instead, he goes to you. much like tommy, he would also use markers to draw on your skin. instead of colouring in your tattoos, he’s adding on designs. he draws bugs next to your flower tattoo and constellations next to your moon tattoo.
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mcytsrebloggerlol · 2 years
little blade ↠
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↠ platonic!technoblade x fem!reader ; fluff
↠ masterlist
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prior to mcc 4, no one really knew who you were
you started streaming in 2018 when you were about 14
(you’re around tommy & tubbo’s age for practical purposes)
you streamed for essentially no one for a while
you only got a few thousand followers on twitch in early 2020
mostly because you started posting highlights from your streams to youtube & tiktok
you established yourself as someone who’s soft & babie irl but completely merciless in-game
it’s very contradictory & very fun to watch
you could two-hit kill a two-person team in bed wars w/o a second thought then spend the next few minutes apologizing over & over again
you signed up to participate for the first 3 mccs but only got in for mcc 4
you were in the green guardians alongside petezahhutt, michaelmcchill, & vikkstar123
you were nervous
very nervous
but you buckled down & trained like crazy, w/ & w/o your teammates
soon mcc rolled around
you were just a little bundle of nerves
you couldn’t calm down for the life of you, poor thing :(
but you still compete absolutely beautifully
you sweep the competition & just do so so well
you score top 5 in every event
there’s this compilation of other people reacting to seeing your name pop up at the end of every game & just being like “who even is that they’re killing it”
you & the rest of the green guardians land first place after the 8 events
(yes i’m changing what actually happened deal with it)
so your team & the purple pandas compete in dodgebolt
here’s where you really shine
bc your signature play is a bow
you are a beast with a bow
you get out phil & techno first round but tommy gets you & the pandas end up winning
second round, your teammates get out quickly & it’s a 3v1 between you & the other team
you’re just like “ok here we fucking go come on”
wilbur’s gone
you go for techno (the biggest threat) next
you shoot him out & he’s just raging because “THIS CHILD I’VE NEVER HEARD OF IS BEATING ME AT MINECRAFT WHAT IS THIS”
then you land a shot on tommy
but phil gets you out right after
you’re all (´•̥ ᵔ •̥`) but your team is just hyping you up bc you did so well like wtf
(pete) y/n coming in with the carry!
(vik) let’s go y/n!!
(michael) don’t be sad, y/n; you did so well!
& everyone else is kind of just like “who tf is this child & why is she so doing so well???”
so purple pandas end up snatching first place overall
but second for your first mcc?
that’s poggers, dude
you’re just chilling trying to calm down after that intense dodgebolt game
(you) oh, hello yammy. guys, yammy’s clicking at me this is so cool i used to watch her videos-
(michael) Y/N!!!!
(you) yes?
(michael) you’re first individual!!
(you) ………you wot, mate
you run to go check individual
& there you are
y/nl/n_ with 4419 points, about 100 points more than technoblade
more than-
you’re just staring up at yourself in shock then slowly turn to find technoblade already staring @ you
that’s fucking terrifying jfc
you hide behind a wall & hope he leaves
this is so cool & like wow you’re a god but also oh no you’re on scary man technoblade’s bad side
you get so many more viewers after mcc 4 it’s crazy
you really start popping off
it’s only about a week after mcc 4 when you finally have to face the consequences of your actions
@technothepig tweeted: @y/nl/n_ i demand satisfaction. duel me, coward.
what the FUCK
that’s TERRIFYING oh my god
@ph1lza replied: techno, don’t threaten young women on the internet.
@technothepig replied: i. demand. satisfaction.
@tommyinnit replied: i agree with techno. fight him, coward. @y/nl/n_
@ph1lza replied: please don’t encourage him
you plan things out & actually end up doing a rip-off 1v1 mcc
techno’s got the rest of the sbi spectating but you don’t really have any streamer friends so you just show up by yourself w/ no posse like:
hi o/
phil feels bad & hops on a call with you when the games start to keep you company
you win skyblockle by shooting techno off into the void
you win build mart as well
techno wins survival games
tgttos: techno wins
rocket spleef: you win
battle box: techno wins
hole in the wall: techno wins
parkour warrior: techno wins
dodgebolt: you win
normal dodgebolt rules don’t apply, so techno wins but barely
you’re a good sport about it; you have no qualms with losing to Technoblade
but after that, techno actually stays in contact with you
you become pretty good friends weirdly enough
he thinks you’re an impressive player & you’ve got this innocent, blunt sense of humor that can just make techno lose it
you are the ultimate “looks like they could kill you, would kill you,” “looks like a cinnamon roll, is a cinnamon roll but would still kill you” duo
y’all are an iconic duo in no time as you two stream together
you leave no survivors when playing sky wars
viewers can’t help but feel sorry for those who go up against you honestly :(
people start calling you “little blade” (。>‿‿<。 )
words cannot describe how much you love that nickname
at first techno was like “that’s cringe” but then he started calling you it ironically & we all know where that leads
uh huh
he calls you little blade unironically now mf uwu
mans is soft for you (& philza) only
it’s well into the smp timeline when you join the dream smp
like, you joined just after the manberg-pogtopia war
techno’s off living in the snowy biome & you join like
hi! o/
you see techno’s on when you first join & want to go find him, but you’re kind of forced into a tour of the server by quackity & karl
quackity’s being himself & karl’s trying to contain him and failing
good content good content
you’re being shown around l’manberg when technoblade shows up out of nowhere, kills quackity & karl, threatens that he’ll canonically kill them if they try to make you join l’manberg, & tells you to come with him
so you do
he takes you to his new base & says you can build a house near his
he even helps you build
the favoritism is strong with this one
everyone knows you’re his favorite
even techno consciously knows you’re his favorite
but he would die before admitting it
not really
in his own streams he’s mentioned how great you are
(techno) y/n is… she’s seriously so great. she’s an awesome friend. she checks up on me & reminds me to take care of myself. she’s seriously-… she just messaged me on discord. oh god, is she watching this?
n/n sent: hey! i’m in class rn but make sure to drink water during your stream <3
(techno) …is this god telling me to be a better person? …….no one clip any part of this. no one tell her i said any of this. pretend it never happened
in the lore, you always have techno’s back
his reasoning- if a little extreme- is always sound
you & phil are like the only people to not just use him omfg you three make the fans wanna cry 。・゚゚・(థ Д థ。)・゚゚・。
the butcher army tries to kidnap you & use you as bait to trap & kill techno
but you kill half of them & escape the rest & run off to warn techno
you & dream end up helping him escape & off you went back home
when tommy showed up during his exile, techno was just constantly comparing how nice you are to how annoying & inconvenient tommy is
top tier comedy
(techno) i adopted one child who set the bar too high & now no one will ever live up to the expectations y/n has set- TOMMY STOP EATING MY GAPPLES
you don’t go with techno & tommy when they sneak into l’manberg for the festival
you do however, show up out of nowhere to have techno’s back when tommy goes back to tubbo
what a fucking legend you are
loyalty like you would not believe we love to see it
the next day, you, techno, dream, & phil lay waste to l’manberg
after doomsday you really haven’t done much lore-wise beyond being a good concerned friend for ranboo
(btw you’re good friends w/ ranboo; you, tubbo, & ranboo are a *chef’s kisses* trio)
all in all
technoblade is your big brother
you two are honestly best friends & get along really well
people love your two’s relationship because you seem like polar opposites but get along really well
a wholesome friendship
Keep reading
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mcytsrebloggerlol · 2 years
being a member of the dream team ↠
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↠ platonic!dream team x fem!reader ; fluff
↠ masterlist
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you ↠
social media ↠
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reputation ↠
my dear reader
are the internet’s sweetheart
everyone adores “that girl from the dream team” even if they don’t know much about you
your screen name is “okayy/n”
& you are an absolute ray of sunshine
you’re known for being a sunny presence & just being completely adorable
you’re kind & friendly & just such a great person ☺️
and you have three gremlins for best friends
everyone who meets you literally (not really but yeah kind of) falls in love with you
there are many youtube videos
you’re anonymous & all your social media icons are fanart of your minecraft skin
you’re about a year younger than sapnap & the youngest of the dream team
(the other 3 didn’t know how old you were for a while after meeting you & when they found out they made a big scene then went back to normal like nothing happened lol)
you’ve been active online as a streamer since about mid-2019 & have been in dream’s youtube videos for about as long
you also post your own youtube videos but you’re more active on twitch
Keep reading
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mcytsrebloggerlol · 2 years
Philza with a winged reader
Warning: talks of losing wings, mild depression / little Angst and Fluff
Pairing: Philza x Gn! Winged! Reader Dream Smp Au!
Summary: How Philza would be with a winged person like himself!
Requested: Yes!
A/N: I'm so sorry I didn't get this out sooner. My mental health took a turn for the worse and I'm trying my best to get stuff out to you guys. I hope you enjoy these headcanons.
-When Philza meets you, he's so starstruck. Another winged person! He hasn't seen one in years, he thought he was the only one-
-So right off the bat he wants to get to know you. He finds himself smitten by you. Maybe call it his bird instinct but he likes you. He wants to know if you had the same troubles as him. Did you learn to fly yourself? Did you fall a lot? Did you get picked on for your wings? He wanted to know everything, and he shared his stories too
-quickly became friends and he enjoyed spending his time with you! :)
-Flying moments (dates). He goes up in the sky with you and while you guys fly gently in the air, he tells you about his favorite stars in the sky. And he flys super close to the water near the snow biome with you sometimes splashes the water in your face to play with you
-Races! He first challenges you to a flying competition. Basically, who's the fastest. Techno keeps the count and the loser has to do the other person's house chores.
-As a sign of endearment, he lets you touch his wings. And lets you clean it up. If he ever comes home from a long journey, one where he had to fly a lot. He would let you massaged the skin around his wings. And he would do the same if you allowed him to
Normal feathered wings:
he enjoys how you guys match, even if your wings aren't the same color as his. He enjoys seeing a feathery winged person. And he knows how to take care of them the best! So you know your wings will be taken care of if anything happens.
Bug like wings:
he likes to study the bug-type wings you have. Butterfly, beetle, ladybug, bee. Doesn't matter which type of bug wing you have. He picks up old and new books and spends hours upon hours researching your wings.
He likes them a lot as you look so different. And he tells you that you have the prettiest wings.
-enderdragon wings:
Oh wow! Are you part Enderdragon? He's so amazed! He has seen the Enderdragon millions of times and he has never seen anything like you before. You amaze him,
And he spends so long looking over your wings. They exactly resemble the ender dragon he fought so many times. And he feels so happy you let him study your wings.
-Bird dates! Or just bird activities.
-I headcanon birds kinda stick near Phil cuz he has wings like them. And that he feeds them from time to time. So he'd bring you along and feed the birds with you
-Now let's say Phil has a little crush on you. The boy knows he'll never say anything about it. If he could, he would be quiet about his crush on you till he dies
-But he can't help but show off his wings to you, his heart swelling up with pride and joy when you compliment his wings
"Oh Phil they are so lovely!"
His cheeks became a dusty pink as he rubbed his neck nervously. His smile was large and his wings fluttered. "Thank you (Y/N)."
-he tries not to be jealous, he doesn't get jealous but when he does it's bad. He'll go up from behind you and puff out his wings. He's trying to intimidate the other person into leaving.
-It works cuz they go running for the hills when they see a scary bird man glaring down at him with his wings puffed out
-He chirps and sings with you. And he scares you a lot so he can hear you chirp really loud. But you do the same to him. It's a little game you two play
-for the songs. You both whistle little tunes to each other. And it's during the most random parts of the day. Cooking, crafting, exploring, anytime during the day!
-Technoblade gets mad at the two of you cuz you guys wake him up when it's really early
-He always uses his wing to pull you close to him. Especially when it's cold. He likes to keep you close and warm
Note: after the first explosion with L'manburg, it was confirmed Philza's wings were destroyed. So he can no longer fly.
-After his wings were damaged, he'll go into a bit of a depression. He doesn't know if his wings will heal again. Give him some time, he doesn't mean to but he cant help but feel jealous that you can still fly
-If your wings were damaged too, he'll help you heal. You guys could both heal and accept the fact you can never fly again.
-You guys help each other feel pretty after losing your wings. Either covering it up with robes or saying words of encouragement to each other but he's so upset that you lost your wings. He wanted to see you fly forever and he feels so guilty.
(A/N 2: I didn't know how to end this-)
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mcytsrebloggerlol · 2 years
type — fluff
pronouns — IF any, i used they/ them but mentioned y/n as a future wife in wilbur’s
warnings — none
summary — reader falls asleep on their partner on stream
includes — awesamdude, dream, eret, fundy, george, karl, niki, quackity, sapnap, wilbur
- wouldn’t really mind
- starts smiling really hard and looks so damn adorable but facecam is off
- actually gets up to put you in bed cause you’ll get a terrible back pain, if you keep laying on top of him
- mentions it to chat quickly and starts a conversation about you with them
- chat doesn’t notice cause how would they
- they notice how he gets unusually quiet a lot though and ask
- “oh yeah, y/n has been sitting on my lap and they fell asleep”
- doesn’t talk about it any further”
- he needs both his hands for minecraft but he’ll pause for a second to squeeze you slightly while giving you a kiss on the cheek
- loves being affectionate when you’re asleep so much
- stares at you in admiration
- chat is jealous of both of you
- “please do not take any pictures of them while they are sleeping!”
- hugs you so tightly and places kisses on your head every few seconds
- starts talking to chat about how much he loves you and how good you’ve been to him
- she’s treats you so well that no one even dares to call them a simp
- “i won’t wake them because they’ve been having a very stressful week. i hope you don’t mind them staying”
- bruh
- at first chats ready to call him a simp
- plants multiple kisses on your forehead
- but then he grabs an air horn
- atp get ready to move out cause he won’t let you get ten peaceful minutes of sleep
- “fundy, i hate you so fucking much!”
- you leave the room to go sleep and he’s satisfied
- awkward af
- he wouldn’t know what to do and awkwardly stare from you to chat to monitor and back to chat
- calls dream but he can’t understand his wheezing and ends the call
- also calls sapnap and quackity who give him idiotic advice ( waking you up with loud sounds, dropping you to the ground ) or just laugh at him
- he kept his hands on your thighs the whole time
- ends the stream because wanting to make you feel safe confuses him too much
- would get so giddy that he almost wakes you up
- takes 100 pictures and tells chat to clip and stuff
- will turn your face away from the camera tho
- you’re sitting on his lap sideways, your face buried into his chest and his arms pull you close to him
- puts his head as close to yours and repositions it everytime he feels too distant
- quackity bullies him for being a simp but in a loving way ofc
- tommy tries to yell through karl’s headphones to wake you up
- notices you being asleep pretty soon and stares
- “stunning, am i right chat?”
- after about ten minutes she starts waking you up
- she begins kissing you softly and ends up poking your cheek until you finally wake up and glare at her
- “you’re very cute when asleep but please don’t go back to that state again”
- also asks chat to not take any pictures of you because it’s a little creepy once you think about it
- stares at chat the way he does when he’s really excited about something as soon as he realizes ( y’know what i mean )
- tries not to make a huge deal out of it but inside of him 🦋🦋🦋
- your front is turned to him so he doesn’t have to worry about chat taking screenshots
- hugs you SO tightly and pats your head while mumbling “poggers, poggers, popping off right now”
- chat obviously bullies him and he starts pouting before getting aggressive
- dumbass wakes you up with his yelling and feels actually bad
- apologizes while laughing about it but in his alex voice
- he texts you midstream and tells you to join him
- he doesn’t say why but secretly he doesn’t want you to fall asleep without him, since it’s already 4am
- you walk in and stand next to him like 🧍🏻but he silently pulls you on his lap
- you reposition yourself the way you feel the most comfortable and just sleep
- chats going crazy because they see him whisper stuff into your ear and call him a simp because they’re annoying like that
- “fuck you, i love my partner. where is that a bad thing?!” “at least someone simps back for me”
- gets so defensive and ends after thirty minutes to get you to bed before he can accidentally wake you up
- it is your chill stream actually
- will call tommy and ‘teach’ him stuff
- “see, tommy. this is how you treat a partner. learn from me”
- “you disgust me, wife haver”
- suddenly starts talking about how he actually wants to marry you someday
- tommy stays silent, melting innerly but it’s tommy so don’t expect him to admit that anytime soon
- “wilbur, listen to me, friend. you may want to get them off stream now and go to bed. i would divorce you, if i was them, wilbur!”
- listens to the child for ONCE and ends the stream
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mcytsrebloggerlol · 2 years
Blood for the blood god.
o7 Technoblade. He may be gone but his legacy lives on.
It’s going to be hard for awhile. Take care of yourselves. It’s okay to distance yourself from Techno centred fics and media - I myself am likely going to avoid the MCYT fandom for a few day as I process. I encourage you to do what’s best for you.
Technoblade never dies. May he live in our hearts forever.
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