mean-allodyke · 1 day
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here are my pride nails hehe 🫶🏻
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mean-allodyke · 24 days
Tumblr Top Ships Bracket - FINALS
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This poll is a celebration of fandom and fandom history; we're aware that there are certain issues with many of the listed pairings and sources, but they are a part of that history. Please do not take this as an endorsement, and refrain from harassment.
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mean-allodyke · 29 days
btw thanks for the answers to this but I found out I dont have yellow either so I just bought an orange polish 💀 anyways expect lesbian nail art soon
@ all artists on here: which colors would you mix to get the orange in the lesbian flag??
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mean-allodyke · 30 days
Tumblr Top Ships Bracket - FINALS
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This poll is a celebration of fandom and fandom history; we're aware that there are certain issues with many of the listed pairings and sources, but they are a part of that history. Please do not take this as an endorsement, and refrain from harassment.
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mean-allodyke · 1 month
@ all artists on here: which colors would you mix to get the orange in the lesbian flag??
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mean-allodyke · 2 months
trying to make new friends is so stressful like they may seem cool at first but how do i know they agree with my non-negotiable opinions on important things without me interviewing them thoroughly about them right away
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mean-allodyke · 2 months
nothing annoys me more than when people say that labels are stupid or that sexuality is fluid.
you don’t have to label yourself but saying labels are stupid fully discredits the their role in queer history and the community’s they still make.
same goes for sexuality is fluid. your sexuality may be fluid and it might be for a lot of people but i think it’s been said to lesbians so much that it’s just become annoying. it very much gives “you’ll meet the right man one day”
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mean-allodyke · 3 months
Hi my birthday is today (march 19th) ok that's all bye ily 💖💖
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mean-allodyke · 3 months
Hi my birthday is today (march 19th) ok that's all bye ily 💖💖
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mean-allodyke · 4 months
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mean-allodyke · 4 months
fun facts about bisexuality
Bisexuality includes trans people by definition
 The “bi” in bisexuality refers to the fact that bisexuals experience attraction to genders like and unlike their own. The sum of genders like and unlike one’s own is all genders, including nonbinary ones.  
The bi in bisexuality doesn’t refer to “attraction to afabs and amabs” or “attraction to feminine and masculine presenting people”. Bisexuality includes trans people in a way that respects their genders. STOP SMOKING CRACK. 
Bisexuals don’t inherently have a preference.
Artificial terms like “pansexual“ and “omnisexual” are unnecessary specifically because bisexuality already includes attraction to all genders with or without a preference. 
Split attraction model-derived coinages like “bi lesbian“ have like, five mutually exclusive definitions, all of them biphobic, lesbophobic, and transphobic and for that reason are also completely useless. 
Defining bisexuality as “attraction to two or more genders”, in addition to being utterly ahistorical, undermines our commonalities with gay people and lesbians (the fact that we’re attracted to people of the same gender) and conflates us with straight people. 
“Polysexuals” who aren’t attracted to people of the same gender are just straight and shouldn’t be grouped with bisexuals. 
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mean-allodyke · 4 months
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mean-allodyke · 4 months
hiii so I have a problem
I need to write an assignment for uni and idk what topic to choose lol.
it has to do with either multilingualism or speech impairments/disorders
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mean-allodyke · 5 months
lesbians I love you forever I know the level of lesbophobia online and in real life can be so disheartening but there are so many of us who love lesbians and lesbianism and the complete exclusion of men in our sexuality and we don't feel trapped in a box or like we're holding back some weird inherent urge. you will find your people and be happy. I promise 💝 and just for the avoidance of doubt I explicitly include trans women in lesbianism.
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mean-allodyke · 5 months
at the risk of stirring up controversy… some of you are getting a little too comfortable saying “all sexuality is fluid” :/ like yeah sexuality in general is fluid, sure, of course, but some of you are really out here preaching that no one is fully gay. which is. homophobic. like you guys get that right. if what you’re saying can be boiled down to “maybe you just haven’t met the right man yet” but dressed up in woke language, that’s just straight up classic homophobia. some people are 100% gay (or straight). and if that’s incompatible with your worldview… maybe you should re-examine some things.
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mean-allodyke · 5 months
I don't know who they are [the people buried]. Every time I pass by here, I stop and say hello. We found them weeks ago lying and covered in their own blood in the middle of the road, two young men in the flower of their youth seemed as if they are sleeping. We buried them in the eastern region of Al Saraya.
I am sorry to all the unidentified martyrs. I am sorry to every martyr we did not bury till now. I am sorry to all the martyrs we couldn't register the names of or save their pictures. I am sorry to every martyr who offered his soul for the land [Gaza/Palestine] and wasn't given his own grave to rest in. I am sorry to my friend Refaat @/itranslate123 who has been under the rubble for 40 days and still is. I am sorry once to the martyrs we know, and a thousand times for those we don't.
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The idea of having a loved one killed and buried without my knowledge is terrifying. However, it is the reality of many Palestinians who bury unidentified martyrs, and the Palestinians who cannot find their family members and do not know whether they're still alive or not. We must keep talking about Palestine, and we must keep exposing the crimes of the Israeli occupation!
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mean-allodyke · 5 months
weird how just saying that authentic asian food is not exclusive to the us gets you so many angry comments
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