merakiwright · 2 years
Workout WednesdAy: VR experience
Greetings Readers, The new talk about virtual reality and the Metaverse is everywhere. It’s in the stock market rooms to the art scene. It’s the new way to escape or reunite family who are far away. It has games to business, one thing I love about it is the workouts. There are various apps to download but my fav is supernatural. The headset had me thinking I was truly there. It’s one of the best…
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merakiwright · 3 years
Scenic Sunday: Non Attachments
Greetings Readers, When was the last time you traveled? It’s been a while for me. Ive visited close places lately. I’d like to take a trip to somewhere far, like Europe yet due to the current state of the world, It looks like I will be traveling online. There are plenty of online experiences that we can all enjoy. I’ll list a company at the end of the blog post that offer online experiences.…
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merakiwright · 3 years
Motivation Monday: Do what makes you feel good
Motivation Monday: Do what makes you feel good
Greetings readers, After creating a plan, then doing it, give it time to get into the groove. Rome wasn’t build in a day. Your old habits need time to go away and bring in space for new habits. Once your in the swing of things you’ll feel good. It will all feel natural. Then you’ll be able to go without a timer or alarm. Take things day by day, word by word. Find things that excite you and keep…
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merakiwright · 3 years
Sunday Funday: Art is pain, life is suffering
Sunday Funday: Art is pain, life is suffering
Greetings readers, Today is a day to realize that there is yin to yang in all things. This is the balance of the world. Expect a good and bad thing. See the light and the dark of things. Assume there is a cause and effect of things. Once you see this, the easier it is to travel through the moment. You can fight it and maybe run from your fate yet for how long is unknown. Some individuals have…
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merakiwright · 3 years
Fun Friday: Stay focused
Greetings readers, During this time we are all going through something. This earthly life has many challenges we go through on the daily. After you’ve taken the time to make a routine and follow it, it’s the time to stay focused. Focus comes with setting the tone that works for you. A way of setting a tone is to start a timer and or music when the task is to be completed, then ending the timer…
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merakiwright · 3 years
Transition Tuesday: Consistency is showcased to others
Transition Tuesday: Consistency is showcased to others
My Daily routine Greetings readers, Keep up the work. There are others that are looking at you change for the better. When you’re focused on yourself, there will be others that gravitate into your environment that fit your life. Be the change you’d like to be in the world. Also there are people who are talking about you in rooms that you’ve never stepped in. It takes three days to fully start a…
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merakiwright · 3 years
Sunday Funday: Taking time to work on self
Greetings readers, Taking time to work on yourself is so important. I took some time to work on my body, my posture and my home. Making sure that I’ve been doing my yoga and cleaning meticulously. Covid can be proactively missed by doing the work. The same with my body. Proactively stretching and eating. Have you been doing the work? Here’s some things to help you stay active. The Yoga…
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merakiwright · 3 years
Soulful Saturday: Say hi
Greetings readers, Social interaction is crucial for living with others. Someone who says hi or smiles or waves is a good person in their soul. A well rounded person. A person who knows how to co-exist. One of my jobs is to be a greeter. What I’ve learned from greeting is that people open up when you greet them. They can have a bad day and you release them from that mood. Some don’t say hi and…
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merakiwright · 3 years
Food Friday: Lentil Chili
Greetings readers, I’ve made some bomb lentil chili. “Bomb” is slang for really good. Simply heat up lentils on medium heat and cook beef to your desired temperature and there you have a great meal that I’ve been eating for two days. Meal prep is easy when you plan and it’s your energy you’re receiving. I’ve also tried this with kale for extra iron boost. Lentil chili Here’s the items I used.…
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merakiwright · 3 years
Talk-About-It Thursday: Routines
Greetings readers, Starting a hobby or routine can be a slow step up and into changes behaviors or added behaviors. It takes about 3 days to get drive for the thing your doing and 90 to set it in our brains. Lately I’ve been slipping on my routine. For whatever reason I’m back and ready as ever to do my daily work. Continuing to think as the task as a norm helps rewire the brain. Make it fun, it…
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merakiwright · 4 years
Workout Wednesday: Martial arts
Greetings readers,
Martial arts can be very good for our bodies and minds. The body can be at its fittest and the mind can gain focus and discipline with every memorization of the moves. It takes mental strength to perfect form and function. Master your mind and the body with follow. You’ll be able to push away thoughts, bodily pains by knowing how to correct your posture and be aligned.
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merakiwright · 4 years
Transformation Tuesday: You’re a prize
Greetings readers,
Know that we are all a prize. A gift to the world in all forms. Think of relationships as two prizes in one, like the lotto, you’ve both won and get to live out the reward together. See each other as a valuable asset, a partner and comrade. Also see each other as a source of growth and encouragement to further more be a prize. It’s take a village. We are in this together.
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merakiwright · 4 years
Motivation Monday: Mondays are for winners
Greetings readers,
It’s the start of a new week with much more things at its peak by Friday. Take a seat in your big comfy chair and drink that big cup of joe. It’s going to be a beautiful day and week, full of productivity and prosperity. We’ve made it another day. Gratitude for the things we’ve done and received in the weeks prior. We’ve had a weekend to revive and now it’s time to rise to…
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merakiwright · 4 years
Scenic Sunday: Trip with friends and family
Greetings readers,
Things can be crazy or cool traveling with friends and family. We learn a lot about one another while in a small space. Since some of us are already in a house most of the time, a trip can be fun to clear all heads. Just plan for the possible things to happen. Being proactive has been really important lately. Especially with the world’s recent events. Be proactive by being…
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merakiwright · 4 years
Soul Saturday: Knowing thy self
Greetings readers,
As a woman whom is still processing life’s changes, things can be hard sometimes and uncomfortable. Grow in mind, body and soul. Being pulled toward health and career. Take one day at a time. Step by step, we will get through it all as a stronger being for our human race and prosperity. I recently watched a YouTube video prediction of the years to come and it all get better…
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merakiwright · 4 years
Food Friday: Friendsgiving
Greetings readers,
Togetherness is so different now. Viewed through a screen or in person if you are living with people prior to the quarantine. Children growing up fast and people growing older. Connection is important even when we aren’t able to touch our close ones. For the ones whom do get to be with their loved ones physical, take the time to appreciate the moments. Enjoy good food rather…
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merakiwright · 4 years
Talk-About-it Thursday: Organic pads
Greetings readers,
This weeks vibe is organic organic organic. Pads are on my radar. Specifically…
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These pads feel amazing, super moisture hold and are natural to wear. My flow feels pure and no leaks even with a thin pad. It eases my mind to know I’m healthy “down there”. Non toxic feels good. Have you tired them or something similar?
Here’s a link to the all natural pads.
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