mermaidvenus · 11 years
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It's not, honestly. But it'll go away with the tides, as many other things tend to do.
The water is very rough today.
That doesn’t sound very nice..
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mermaidvenus · 11 years
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Maybe you're not looking hard enough
Where is everybody?
I’m bored…
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mermaidvenus · 11 years
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You know, like stomach rumbles. only without the hungry bit. 
The water is very rough today.
How do your insides feel anything?
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mermaidvenus · 11 years
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mermaidvenus · 11 years
The water is very rough today.
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It's making my insides feel strange.
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mermaidvenus · 11 years
Almost everyone I have been threading with is gone now :'c SO, I'd be ecstatic to para with anyone, and with any plot at all. Message me!
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mermaidvenus · 11 years
OOC // I'm bbaaaaacckkkk c:
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mermaidvenus · 11 years
Venus smiled. Even if he wasn't completely sincere, he still didn't have to apologize.  "I see no problem with coming on strong. Believing in something is a powerful thing. I could have only expected you to defend your position." She looked at him, granting a reassuring smile, bigger than the one she had donned only moments earlier. 
"Tell me a story, Olyver," Se said, looking forward again. The demand was completely unlike Venus, but she was having fun with this new merman. She often listened to the stories told by the other mermaids, but she had only had the pleasure of being told one excursively a few times in her life, all told by her mother. Venus loved stories. 
The Belly of the Ship || Venus & Olyver
As soon as he heard the tone of Venus’ voice, Olyver felt bad for offending her. He hadn’t meant to, but he had been so taken aback by her words that he hadn’t been able to hide his confusion. What did she expect? It wasn’t common for mermaids to want to “become" human, and Olyver didn’t quite understand why anyone would want that. The life of a mermaid was good. Better than a human life, at least. The oceans were a thousand times more beautiful than land, and mermaids were gentler creatures than humans, if you didn’t count the sirens.
"I’m sorry," he sighed, “Apparently I can come on strong sometimes. No, I don’t understand. But hey, I don’t have to, right?" His words weren’t truly heartfelt, he was still baffled by her unusual wish, but he didn’t want to seem rude or unkind. He couldbe a bit too stubborn and honest. That’s how he liked to put it, stubborn and honest as opposed to arrogant and mean, which was how the mermen and mermaids who didn’t like Olyver usually worded it.
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mermaidvenus · 11 years
His attitude was as much amusing as it was confusing. Weird mermaids voodoo? She smiled, her lips curling inward in an attempt to contain the laughter that was begging to be let free. He eyebrows furrowed and her eyes squinted before she finally let it all out. She gripped the ship once again, much harder now as her body was shaking. It may have been partially the nerves that were making her laugh to hysterically  but in the moment she couldn't be sure. 
She was catching her breath after laughing before speaking to him once more. "You don't know shit about us, hmm?" She began, "Well, here's some basic knowledge." She pulled away from the boat about two feet, exposing her tail, not caring if it put him on edge. "We have tails, you see?" With a flick of her lovely appendage, she began circling the boat and was back in her original position in a matter of seconds. "We breathe both water and air," She took a deep breath of the crisp ocean air to demonstrate something that he obviously already knew, and then did the same below water, dunking her head. 
"And we typically enjoy humans. Some in different ways than others..." She trailed off at that, realizing that it may have been a touchy subject. She changed it immediately, coming closer to the boat now, her arms crossed, holding her up as she rested her chin on them. "And me? Here's some basic knowledge- My name is Venus, and I agree with you. Everyone's blood would be much happier if it stayed safe inside of us."
If It's Blue Go Through || Avery & Venus
Avery watched attentively at the girl below, trying to make out what was going on in her head proved difficult and gave him all the more reason to be all the more wary. When she spoke up again it was not the words she uttered that surprised him, it was the way she had said them. Of course he had assumed that she was following him, isn’t that what mermaids did? They were the predators who hunted and he was the merely the unsuspecting prey. Avery cocked an eyebrow at the mention of pirates and hunters. Again, he had come in to contact with neither of the sort and rightly so, as it was far from one of his priorities. 
“‘My tiny ship?" Avery scoffed. He knew she didn’t mean it in any offence, but his ship was his baby, its the thing he loved the most aside from his mother. “Well then, sweetheart" he began, rolling his eyes. “I do apologize that my possibly fatal fall could have ended up in one tiny minor injury for yourself." he replied bitterly. Avery could tell the annoyance of the days events was starting to catch heavily upon his mood, and he grit his teeth in slight protest. “Look, I’m sorry, but it looks like the both of us here are a little confused. I don’t know shit about you mermaids, and for all I know right now you could be pulling some weird goddamn mermaids voodoo on me and I wouldn’t be any the wiser." he said before coughing unintentionally into his shoulder. Avery ran a unsteady hand through the front of his hair while blocking the bright early sun from his face. He looked back again at the girl floating at the surface of the water. “Let’s just call it a day and everyone’s blood will stay exactly where it’s supposed to be. How about that?" 
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mermaidvenus · 11 years
Venus felt very comfortable in the presence of this mermaid, the feeling growing and blossoming with each word. The other mermaids weren't exactly rude, but they often enjoyed each other's company more than her's. She blamed her age but she secretly prayed it wasn't something else. Something permanent. Venus loved talking. She loved connecting with people, and her heart was soaring at chance to do so now, with a mermaid who she so rarely saw with anyone else. 
"No, I was inked by one, once!" She laughed, covering her mouth, hr eyes lightly closing as the chuckle rocked her body. Although she hated squids, it was one of her favorite anecdotes. Venus sighed at the mention of the holidays. She often wished she could be a part of the celebrations.  "I've seen children on the shore at night once, with sparkling flames at the tip of what seemed like very thin branches. They were all laughing, so I don't think it was dangerous. That's one of the few celebrations I've seen, though." Venus would feel her eyes twinkling under the stars with wonder. She looked to them, the stars, their gentle light illuminating the skies as the branches had on that night, not too long ago. 
Whisper at Night || Venus & Contessa
Though she resisted the urge to laugh, Contessa did still smirk at Venus’s reactions. Excitement, curiosity, then disgust. Squids were hardly disgusting, in Contessa’s mind. A bit leathery, hard to catch, but not at all disgusting. “Do you not like zhem?" she asked, circling her once. Venus seemed, quite honestly, nonthreatening in her entirety. Contessa had not seen someone so young and innocent in a while, not up close anyway.
"Zhey do, yes. Different ones, on different days, but yes." Her smile changed, from playful to far away. She missed those holidays, where she could rest on a dock and watch the celebrations. “I do not know what zhey do here, ‘owever. I have never gotten to watch."
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mermaidvenus · 11 years
YAY! EVERYONE IS BACK I'M SO EXCITED AND MY DASH IS SO LIVELY!  AHHHH FHDSIUAGHNYVDUAGBFYUDSHLFKJAS. Anyway, I'll get back to all my new replies tomorrow c': Welcome back everyone <3
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mermaidvenus · 11 years
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can you hear them sing? turn loose the mermaids
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mermaidvenus · 11 years
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mermaidvenus · 11 years
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Is that so? I've never seen such a thing! What a fantastically dangerous occupation for one to make a living off of. [She smiled, pausing for a moment]
Ever been hit by a bolt of lighting? It feels like your soul leaves your body for a moment. It's almost as if you're watching it happen to yourself. Believe it or not it's kind of freeing in a way- assuming you don't die, of course. [She knew her scare tactics were probably not going to work, but she had to try something.] How long have you been involved in such a dangerous profession?
Of course, nothing!
[Nina raised her eyebrows at the woman’s comments, her smile faltering for just a moment. Quickly thinking on her feet, she looked to the beach behind her.] Oh, I like a little danger too! My business is to wait for lightning to strike the sand. Makes beautiful glass pieces, when sand and lightning mix!
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mermaidvenus · 11 years
I'm not sure what that creature is, but doesn't it look lovely? I'd love to see one up close... 
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mermaidvenus · 11 years
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I don't know about you, but I like a little danger [Obviously, she thought to herself. This was very unlike Venus. What had gotten into her?] Business? It seems an odd time and place, so near the sea...
if you don't mind me saying. The fish are all hiding from the storm, so I doubt you're a fisherman... or at least not an experienced one  [Venus winked, and smiled at the woman. She prayed that her trembling wasn't as obvious as she thought it was.]
Of course, nothing!
Eh, he would beg to differ. [Biting her lip, Nina smiled wider, her cheeks hurting from the effort. She didn’t know exactly what to do next; perhaps this was a normal person, but her gut was saying otherwise. If Oliver was with her, she would feel more confident, but he wasn’t, and she had to find some way to make this work in her favor. She attempted to evaluate what she could do as she brushed away the water running down her face.] Yeah, it must be—until lightning strikes right by you. Oh, I’m out here doing some business!
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mermaidvenus · 11 years
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