#Welcome back!
sweetmage · 4 months
I have watched so many blogs turn from DA blogs to BG3 blogs and now I am watching them all turn back again. Like autumn leaves or whatever
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franzkafkagf · 2 months
Hold up…. Aegon has to flee to Essos because if he stayed he would be killed. He has only one ally (Larys), who is kinda manipulative towards him, he has to stay there for a while to strengthen his power while someone else sits on his throne, so he needs to quickly regain his strength and he will need an army/more allies with which he will eventually return to take back his throne, and he probably (hopefully) also returns with his dragon.…….
Aegon II 🤝 Daenerys Targaryen
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shittysawtraps · 4 months
Had to take an extended tumblr break, came back, and I was so glad to see you're still active. Keep being amazing, and don't forget to feed Hoffman, he gets cranky if he doesn't get his afternoon snack and nap. 💜
We're very happy to have you, friend!
-Mod Sam
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wowowowow, i just realized you've returned! welcome back <3 silly question but in the master post(is that what it's called), would you ever link the art of the ROs you've done? no worries if not!
Hi! I'm planning to do a little revamp of the master post soon (probably after I finish this update) so it'll have a nice face lift with artwork and new visuals etc etc. So it'll be done in due time!
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ladylooch · 7 days
✨ What You Missed This Summer ✨
Timo & Emma:
Second Chances
Cute lil Insta edit for Lio's birth!
Mack & David:
Birthday Suit
Now & Someday
Farmer Spa
Lio & Savannah:
Best Thing I’ll Ever Do-
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Lucie & Connor:
The 3 times Connor almost kissed Lucie & the 3 times he did.
You, Me, and Mexico Part 1
You, Me, and Mexico Part 2
A Visit to Manchester
Liv & Luca:
Afterthoughts and Alcohol
Afterthoughts and Misunderstandings
Afterthoughts and Accountability
The Aftermath of Us
We also split up Lio & Lucie into different series pages and a new tag. It was a long time coming, and a labor of love but you can find Lio & Sav here. Then Lucie & Connor here.
Also, in personal news, I moved! I live in Colorado now 🥹
Wondering what is coming soon? Check out WIPS here.
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hi R! I haven't been around much so idk if ur doing doodles rn but when u do them next, would u draw lewis and daniel getting ready for the met together with their respective outfits 🥺🥺
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"Oh you're going to love it!"💛
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werewolfsister · 7 months
”Return to Sender“ (1)
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Start from the beginning?
Submit your OC?
Welcome back, to Part 2!
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cinamun · 9 months
I have sooo many posts to catch up on 😩…just wanted to hop in and say I’m officially a mommy now 🥹🍼
OMG!!!! SIS!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I was wondering what was happening to one of the finest Reading Room™ co-captains!!
Ratchet Readers™!!!! Come wish our sis and our newest member of the RRR/BBC a hearty congratulations!!! So happy for you boo!
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thats how your baby gon be in the corner of the Reading Room eating the meat off the lemon pepper wings!
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With S3 fast approaching, I’m a fan coming back into the fandom after a long period of absence. I want to confess how happy I am after seeing the S3 poster with only Wilmon and that they did not include August, Sara and Felice. Still doesn’t top S1 poster but it’s a huge improvement over the S2 with the 5 mains in the classroom
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oceantoyz · 8 months
@goobersplat is back!!!!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎊🎉🎉🎉
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projectamulet · 2 months
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PROJECT AMULET 82 - Chapter 2
First | Previous | Next
Also read on ComicFury and Tapas!
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rainbow-beanie · 1 year
Looked up if someone could experience trauma at a young age from someone leaving, cause that was definitely something that happened to scratch, (idia moving away, presumably leaving him alone) and:
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“Can leave people feeling anxious and worried about their own physical and emotional safety” thinks about how last episode scratch was trying REALLY hard to convince people he has a “rock star personality” aka asking if they think he’s cool, and unintentionally or not desperately seeking their approval.
“Children worried about how their basic needs will be met may suffer from from anxiety and have a pronounced need for control over what’s happening around them.” The whole scene in the first episode where Molly first moved in and how he reacted is a very important aspect of his character. The moment he realized the mcgee’s were moving into HIS HOME he immediately wanted them out, cause he didn’t want anything to change on that moment, he’s scared of change, it TERRIFIES him, and when he was unable to convince Molly to move out he sits curled up in the corner of the room.
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And when that didn’t work he tried to flee out the window (unfortunately because of the curse, that didn’t work.)
(Also this is not a diss at Molly, she was completely unaware that what she was doing was stressing scratch out, she was just too focused on decorating her new room on her new home, something that she probably did multiple times. Molly had trauma too that involves her and her family moving around her whole life. Point is Molly and scratch both have trauma, and it’s up to them to work through it)
Him having anxiety is a very important thing we (and when I mean we I mean the fandom) found out shortly after in the mind aired, what with a monkey being in his mind, which could be a reference to “monkey mind” in which it was first taught over 2,000 years ago by the Buddha, he described the human mind as “being full of drunken monkeys, constantly screeching, fighting, chattering, distracting, and generally creating mental chaos” which is a perfect representation of anxiety. And perhaps adhd, but I’ll probably need someone that has it to say whether or not this is true.
Point is, scratch being anxious is something that has been very prominent on the show, the first instance being in turnip twist where he was extremely stressed out cause of the ghost council breathing down his neck about his scare reports (something I’ll never forgive them for btw)
Anyway, thanks for coming to my Ted talk
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thinplacesradio · 9 months
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a snowy, tree-lined residential street, lit by a yellow streetlamp on the right and and the warm glow from the houses. the image is distorted by VCR static. white text reads:
listen here, or anywhere you find your podcasts. transcript under the cut:
[static, radio tuning]
[Traveling Sales Rep: Don’t touch that dial! We’ll be right back, after these short messages.] [static, radio tuning]
Hello and welcome to Thin Places Radio. I’m your host,
and it is the middle of the night. But don’t worry. You’re not alone.
[Thin Places theme] 
[soft street noises] [crickets]
I’m coming to you one foot in front of the other from my studio, which is what I like to call the darkened street with the careful orange glow of street lights rising up above and around you as you walk home from your shift, wired headphones trailing down from your ears. Your hands are in your coat pockets. You didn’t turn any music on before you left, but you’re not gonna do it now, either. There’s something about the moment that it doesn’t seem like you can interrupt. 
You’ve been at this job for a month, now, and you’re starting to feel like you’ll never get the hang of it. Every time you clock out, your head’s too full, and your neck is too sore. But you’re telling yourself a lie. Not that you mean to. It seems true right now, on this street corner, as you hurry across to the other side. But it isn’t. 
[owl hooting]
Everybody feels like this at the start of something new, even if it’s exciting, and even if you’re good at it. [crow cawing] Your hands will become surer. Things will become second nature. You’ll be the person the next new person asks for help, and you’ll help them. I promise. It’s all already happened. 
So… what is Thin Places Radio? Well, you can call in about anything strange that you’ve got going on in your life - feelings, omens, premonitions, hauntings.
Are you having relationship trouble?
Have you been feeling lost in a big city? 
Have you felt the presence of your lost loved ones near you? 
When the veil between worlds is thin, we get closer than ever to the strange and the unexplained - but also to each other. Call in, get it off your chest. Lines are open.
[click] [voicemail:]
Hey, long time listener, first time caller. I don't really have a story. I just wanted to maybe ask a question. I recently moved, and I'm from the deep South, a very very small City, and I moved to a much bigger city far away. More people than I've ever really been around in my whole life, if I’m being honest. And if I'm being honest, I don't really have many friends here, and I've never felt more alone. But your voice is very comforting, and you seem so nice, and I'm - I guess I was wondering if we could be friends? That's all. Thank you. My name’s Adrian, by the way, and I hope that we can call each other friends. Thank you.
Hi, caller, thank you for listening, and for picking up the phone to finally call in. I could use a friend, too, these days, even though sometimes it doesn’t feel like I remember how to be one, with all these gaps in the person that I used to be. But there are ways to introduce yourself even when you don’t know your own name, or where you came from. 
Hi, Adrian, I’m talking to you as all the people that I used to be, but forgot. I’m talking to you as myself. [searching music] I like Doritos, but I hate jerky. I love what I do, even when it’s hard, and I know that I’m heading somewhere, because I’m trying to do it. I love listening to these calls, and I love you, too. 
Everybody feels like this at the start of something new, even when it’s exciting. Everybody feels like this, but nobody feels it exactly like you do, right now, what you brought with you on purpose from where you came from and what you left behind, and what you tried to leave behind but brought with you, by accident, because you didn’t know how not to. 
You say you recently moved, and I want to tell you that time will help ease the loneliness, because I think that it will. But you’ll also have to do what you’ve done, right now, with me - reach out to somebody else. And you’ll have to do it over and over. But people will reach back. I promise. There will be a voice on the radio when you need it. And on your voicemail, and at work, and at the park, and in a hundred other places, too. 
And you’ll still feel that loneliness press up against you like the crowds do. You’ll bring that with you, too. That’s okay. There’s something in that feeling that tells us how to be human, too. I think I know that best of all. 
I’m so happy to call you my friend, Adrian - and I know so many other people will be, too. I know they already are. 
There is a crane fly somewhere in the garage , buzzing its large, ungainly body against the floorboards, the lights, when someone happens to turn them on. The crane fly, unlike the human, is a child its entire life - months or years - and an adult for just a few weeks. It will live in this garage for six more days. It will die on a shelf beside a dusty hammer without passing along its line. It will not consider this a failure because it does not know how. To a human being, it is a week’s nuisance. To the crane fly, it is everything. There is something beautiful in its spindly awkwardness, if you look. Please, notice it while you can. It won’t hurt you. Watch it fly. 
[crane fly buzzes]
[click] [footsteps crunching]
When you turn the corner onto your own street, tonight, the image strikes you like you’re seeing it for the first time, even though you’ve lived here for a while. You’ve seen this collection of buildings, the small tree fighting its way up, the signs in your neighbor’s window. But something about the way the moon shines over all of it, the wind stirring around your collar, makes you stop to look at it. [footsteps pause] To say, I'm going to take a picture here, in my mind, so I can remember it when I’ve left. The shadows across the street. The red brick. The cluster of irises growing… up -
The - 
Oh. Iris. [breath in] Iris… I know that name. I remember it.  
I don’t think it’s mine. But it’s somebody’s. Maybe a friend. 
[footsteps start again] [click]
Thank you for listening, callers, and thank you for calling, listeners. I hope you feel a little bit lighter. I know I do. As always, our number is 717.382.8093. That’s 717.382.8093. Until next time. I’ll be here.
[static] [Traveling Sales Rep: visit us at the - diner just off -] [Various Garbled Voices: the - road - provides - the - road - provides -]
Thin Places Radio is a podcast written by Kristen O’Neal and produced by Kaitlin Bruder. The voice of Your Host is Kristen O’Neal.
Tonight’s voicemail was left for us by Adrian. Editing and sound design are by Kaitlin Bruder, and the music tracks you heard in tonight’s episode are: the Thin Places theme, by Miles Morkri, and Umeed by RANA. If you have a question to ask, a story to tell, or a suggestion for the host, give us a call at ‪(717) 382-8093. The lines are always open.
[Thin Places Theme outro]
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Welcome Back!
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Hola de nuevo jeje. Bueno, tenía ganas de hacer este AU desde hace un tiempo. Aún sigo organizándolo, diseñando y creando la lógica de este AU, pero para que tengan una idea es como la descendencia de los ya conocidos vecinos; Wally, Julie, Eddie, Frank, Barnaby, Poopy, Sally, Howdy y Sunny (a este último no lo conocen muchos. Era un ex personaje de Welcome Home, pero fue descartado, pero en mi AU volvió para quedarse c;).
Wendy, hija de Wally con Julie, la protagonista de Welcome Back!, siempre junto a su mejor amiga Annie, hija de Frank y Eddie. Viviendo aventuras y descubriendo nuevas cosas junto a sus amigos, los vecinos y su familia ¿Que puede salir mal? Home fue incinerado por Frank y Wally ya no es molestia ni tiene control sobre nada ni nadie ¿Verdad?, no es como si la maldita casa fuese a querer buscar venganza por quienes la quemaron ¿o si?.
Tal vez tengas dudas pero aun ni siquiera yo me las e respondido x"D, aun seguiré trabajando en este AU.
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Hello again hehe. Well, I've been wanting to do this AU for a while now. I'm still organizing, designing it and creating the logic of this AU, but to give you an idea it's like the offspring of the already known neighbors; Wally, Julie, Eddie, Frank, Barnaby, Poopy, Sally, Howdy and Sunny (not many know this last one. He was a former character from Welcome Home, but was discarded, but in my AU he came back to stay;).
Wendy, Wally's daughter with Julie, the protagonist of Welcome Back!, always with her best friend Annie, daughter of Frank and Eddie. Living adventures and discovering new things with his friends, neighbors and her family. What can go wrong? Home was burned by Frank and Wally is no longer a nuisance or has control over anything or anyone. Right? It's not like the damn house is going to want to seek revenge for those who burned it, is it?
Maybe you have questions but not even I have answered them x"D, I will still continue working on this AU.
Créditos/Credits: @partycoffin
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*throws a piece of papet at someone randomly*
LimL!Etho: What was that for?
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lesbonym · 6 months
Hello there, back after a hiatus and was thinking of tying you down on your belly and using my strap on you, biting all over your back and kneading your breasts and ass. Just pounding into you till you beg for relief, for release, for just the slightest bit of mercy. I'd grant it - briefly, of course. Then untie you and roll you over, have you lick the strap clean of your juices, stroking your hair as you do, watching you close: my good little pet ☠️
Bet you'd love to watch me squirm against the restraints just for you, moaning as you stretch and fill me so well. My body trembling and shaking just for you while I beg for a break. I'd cover your strap in all my juices and then clean it up so well. Wanna be perfect for you
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