merthurficrecs · 3 years
Hi, do you have any jealous merlin fics? Thank you!
all I need darling (is a life in your shape)
“I’m going to propose,” Arthur said.
Merlin nearly crashed the car.
Across a Dream
Arthur repeals the ban on magic almost as soon as he becomes king, but things don't really change for Merlin. He knows that if Arthur ever found out about the lies, he'd never be forgiven. So he keeps his magic hidden just like he did before. Then to mark the one year anniversary of the repeal, Arthur hosts a ball. Merlin decides to disguise himself, and go to the ball as Emrys to keep an eye out for his friend. The idea is only partly motivated by jealousy.
In which the Camelot Rumour Mill is at it again, and Merlin is in no way jealous of Arthur's latest conquest. Not at all.
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merthurficrecs · 3 years
Hey! Sorry if it’s already been requested but touch-starved!Arthur fics? Especially with Merlin helping him it’s just *chef’s kiss*
And He's Still Left with His Hands
Hand-kissing is a gesture indicating courtesy, politeness, respect, admiration or even devotion by one person toward another. A person should only kiss the hand of someone who’s of the same social status or higher.
The comfort of your touch
Arthur is yearning for the small moments of physical contact that he shares with Merlin.
(Please) Hold Me
The king, feeling the burn of his lover’s eyes, shifts so that he can face him. The candles have been blown out and the fire has slowly diminished over time and so all he can see is his silhouette, looking almost like an imagination, unreal.
But then Merlin hesitantly reaches out to caress his hair and suddenly he’s real, not just his imagination. He’s real and he’s here and he’s touching Arthur, out of everyone else he could touch. He shivers, reveling in the feeling of someone touching him, finally, after so many years.
Arthur and Merlin literally sleep in the same bed together for the first time.
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merthurficrecs · 3 years
Hiii, do u have any merthur Hogwarts AUs?
Arthur Pendragon's Formal Investigation into the Strange Matter of Aithusa and Merlin
Aithusa was Merlin's pet. A white, fluffy, lithe cat that had an uncanny habit of appearing wherever Merlin was. Arthur was also convinced that she was a dragon in disguise.
AKA A Hogwarts AU in which Aithusa is maybe a dragon is disguise and Arthur is getting a headache.
leaves on a pear tree (the you're so young remix)
“The magic,” Merlin says. “Isn’t it funny that it’s you with it this time around instead of me? Imagine what Uther would say.”
Merlin Emrys and the Legend of Excalibur
The Minister is dying, the Wizarding World is experiencing a coup, the most powerful Seer in a century is getting visions from the past, and Merlin is just trying to get through his Sixth Year without murdering Arthur Pendragon.
Merlin: The Hogwarts AU.
A Beast of Burden
All Merlin has ever wanted is to make sense of the power that bubbles beneath his skin — and then Albus Dumbledore comes into his life. The answers, Dumbledore claims, lie within the walls of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. But Merlin soon learns he has bitten off more than he can chew.
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merthurficrecs · 3 years
do you have any simpleton arthur fics from 4x12? 🙏🙏
can't stop the rain
“Sorry to have been a disappointment, Merlin,” Arthur says. “I’ll try harder in future.”
He means it. Merlin says his is a thankless job, and Arthur isn’t a very good king if he doesn’t treat his servants well. Not that Merlin is just another servant — he is so much more.
never to be remembered
This is a missing scene between Merlin and simpleton!Arthur, at the night before Arthur wakes and forgets everything while under the enchantment.
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merthurficrecs · 3 years
Hi, I was wondering if there was any 1940’s Merthur fanfics?
Just A Dream
Merlin is a ballet dancer in the 1940s, until one day a dark secret is discovered.
Murder at the Manor
It's close to Christmas time and, because of the weather, Merlin Emrys' car stalls in a ditch. Fortunately, he is rescued by one Arthur Pendragon, who gives him a lift and offers to share his accomodation. Forced to put up at the Cornwalls' manor house for a night, Merlin is determined to make the best of his mishap. But the owner of the house never materialises, and his hostess acts oddly indeed. When a death takes place, Merlin starts getting suspicious.
Everybody Goes To Gwaine's
In the midst of a world torn apart by the war for magical rights, an old love, Merlin, turns Gwaine's life upside down when he appears at Gwaine's Casablanca nightclub with his new partner, the famous freedom fighter Arthur Pendragon. A Merlin/Casablanca fusion.
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merthurficrecs · 4 years
Hi! How are you? I was wondering if you knew any fics concerning 5x08? About the scene in which Arthur ask Merlin about "his girl" and why is he "limping". I've been searching for something, but couldn't find anything.
I found this!
Why Don't You Tell Us All About Her - Arthur just can't seem to let go of the whole "girl" thing after Gwen mentioned it earlier that day. Gwaine confronts Arthur about his teasing, thinking it is a cruel attempt to show Merlin he doesn't return his feelings. Misunderstandings and revelations ensue.
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merthurficrecs · 4 years
just came across an incredible fanfic called The Purple Tunic. it's a magic reveal/love revelation story that's so well-written, in-character, and sweet. thought you might want to read and recommend. it's on Ao3 by John_Faina :)
The Purple Tunic :)
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merthurficrecs · 4 years
hiii! i’m vry new to the merthur fandom. Do you have any recs of fics I should read to get started, (like fics that are popular in the fandom and all that)?? (preferably longer fics)
(i apologize for my english also, its not my first language😅😅)
Your English is perfect! Here are some Merthur fics that I personally believe are a MUST read, if anyone has any others feel free to comment them :)
The Student Prince - A Modern day Merlin AU set at the University of St Andrews
The Great Merlin Bake Off - Because someone said, "What if it's Merlin, but they're on Bake Off?" AKA: The GBBO AU. It was bound to happen at some point.
Radioman - The reason SAS Captain Arthur Pendragon can't keep a communications specialist in Team Excalibur because none of them are good enough. And then Lieutenant Merlin Emrys gets assigned to his squad, and Arthur does everything he can to prove that Merlin isn't good enough, either. Except he is.
Arcane Asylum - For the last twenty two years Uther Pendragon has been waging war on magic. Now his son Arthur has been framed for a magical crime and sent to the prison for magic users. Arthur is instantly targeted by the inmates, but mysterious top dog Merlin takes him under his wing. They form a bond, and Merlin decides to help Arthur clear his name.
The Tournament of All Magicks - Merlin was flattered to be invited to compete in a magical tournament to crown the sorcery champion of Albion. Accepting the invitation probably wasn't his brightest idea.
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merthurficrecs · 4 years
Hi, do you have any Cinderella AU fics? Modern or contemporary? :)) thanks for all the recs!
Here’s some that I found! :)
At the Stroke of Midnight...Things Will Mostly Be the Same
A loose retelling of the Cinderella fairytale. Upon Agravaine's insistence, Arthur has thrown a ball in search of a queen for Camelot. The problem is that he's already in love with his manservant. And Merlin shows up to the ball.
Arthur dances with Ambrosius all night long.
Learning Curve
Merlin and Arthur are not from the same social circles, but by a strange coincidence had them meet one night during Arthur’s father’s masked ball. Now Arthur is hell-bent on finding that man that turned his life upside down but Merlin’s reluctant to meet the man for fear of getting hurt.
Scheming friends will bring these two men together but lies from another could tear them apart.
Across a Dream
Arthur repeals the ban on magic almost as soon as he becomes king, but things don't really change for Merlin. He knows that if Arthur ever found out about the lies, he'd never be forgiven. So he keeps his magic hidden just like he did before. Then to mark the one year anniversary of the repeal, Arthur hosts a ball. Merlin decides to disguise himself, and go to the ball as Emrys to keep an eye out for his friend. The idea is only partly motivated by jealousy.
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merthurficrecs · 4 years
Hi! I love your blog and what you do!💜 I was wondering if you have any fics where Merlin tells Arthur that Balinor is his father in The Last Dragonlord?
These are the only ones I can find where the reveal happens in that specific episode ❤️
son of a dragonlord
“What is wrong with you today?”
Outside the Border
In the aftermath of the confrontation with Kilgharrah, Merlin returns to Ealdor to tell his mother Balinor is dead. Arthur tails him.
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merthurficrecs · 4 years
Hey do you have any good Merthur fics in where Arthur is back from the dead? Also sorry if this is the second time you got it, Tumblr glitched so I don’t know if you got this the first time.
Do Not Go Gentle
Sometime around the end of the eighteenth century, he starts using his name again.
Everywhere at the End of Time
Merlin's a bit forgetful.
He always thought it would be a dramatic day – the day that Arthur came back.
In reality it is one thousand five hundred sixty-seven years before Arthur comes back. And it happens on an unremarkable Tuesday in June, of absolutely no significance and no lingering effects on a magical level.
You Are My Home
Arthur returns to a world that is nothing like the one he once knew and struggles to process all that he's lost during his slumber in Avalon. Merlin has carried the guilt and pain of the past 1500 years with him through every second of his immortality. They both have issues to work through, but this time they can work through them together.
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merthurficrecs · 4 years
Hello, do you happen to have any hurt/comfort fics that will make me cry? I've been craving some good angst but I'm an emotional and overly empathetic muffin and I also need a happy ending. Got anything to help me out?
I gotchu
see you in the sunlight
Merlin tells stories about his life. Arthur listens, but doesn't understand. That is, until he does.
The World I Built for You
If I told you to execute Mordred, would you do it? Merlin wondered, losing himself in the blue of Arthur's eyes. Can I save you like this, even if it damns me?
The Second Time Around
There's no world where Arthur wouldn’t recognise Merlin. Unfortunately, it's not the same the other way around.
by the sword
To save Arthur, Merlin manages to prise victory from the jaws of defeat, but once the war is over he faces a much more personal battle.
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merthurficrecs · 4 years
Hey I really love the fics you recommend. Do you know any good modern merthur reincarnation AU?
When routine bites hard, And ambitions are low, And resentment rides high
Morning of a maths GCSE exam and Arthur is incredibly stressed, Merlin comforts him
glow in grey
“Arthur,” Morgana declared, gulping down too much wine at once in order to prepare herself for the bone-chilling announcement, “is bringing his new boyfriend over tonight.”
lilac blooming perennial and drooping star in the west
Arthur and Merlin grow together, grow apart and find each other again
Never Have I Ever Kissed You (But I Want To)
The crux of the matter is Arthur has never kissed Merlin. Really. He would remember.
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merthurficrecs · 4 years
any good jealousy fics, arthur being the jealous one? before confession. not modern. thanks :)
dream guy
A night at the campfire leads to antics concerning crushes. Merlin, in an effort to hide his growing feelings toward Arthur, describes someone completely opposite Arthur. All seems to go back to normal, at least until the walking persona of Merlin's description comes to Camelot for the chance of becoming a knight.
A Smudge of Flour
Arthur starts noticing Merlin has smudges of flour on his cheek in the mornings. While trying to come up with plausible explanations, Arthur discovers he really doesn’t like some of those explanations.
why can't you see? (you belong with me)
In an attempt to woo Merlin, Arthur grows his hair out. It has absolutely nothing to do with Gwaine.
A Smile is its Sword
Merlin thinks he's being suave. Arthur thinks he's being subtle. Both are failing.
Merlin has a new pet; it doesn't like Arthur very much. The feeling's mutual.
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merthurficrecs · 4 years
hiii! do you have some fanfic in which arthur finds out that merlin’s emrys? i mean, not just a magic reveal, an emrys reveal
Have you Heard
The knights keep hearing various (dramatic) rumors about the great and mighty Emrys. Everyone is such a gossip. Merlin is trying not to have a heart attack. Lancelot is loving life.
"So," Arthur says, "are you powerful, then?"
"Um," Merlin says. "I can hold my own."
Arthur snorts. The day Merlin can hold his own, he'll eat his sword.
Who the Hell is Emrys?!
Merlin didn't expect the spell to go so absolutely, magnificently wrong. So of course it did. And now apparently every magical being in all of Albion could see the stamp of ownership - clear as day - on one Arthur Pendragon, King of Camelot. And even worse, now there was a very pissy Arthur Pendragon, King of Camelot, searching far and wide for the sorcerer Emrys.
To the World we Dream About
After embracing his role as Emrys, Merlin finds himself consumed by visions and balancing too many secrets.
Captured with Arthur and the knights because of a massive misunderstanding, Merlin has to figure out how to save the people he cares about the most while also preserving the future of Albion.
It may be time for a few things to come to light.
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merthurficrecs · 4 years
Got any famous!arthur fics you’d recommend?
Rainbow Laces
Arthur Pendragon, Albion United’s captain and star striker, wears rainbow laces for Merlin and then surprises him completely.
Big Shot
Merlin watches Arthur's rise to fame, from the beginning of his acting career in dog food commercials, to his peak in big-shot Hollywood movies.
Call it 'Destiny'
Merlin somehow finds himself hosting the latest morning breakfast show, Wake Up Britain, with none other than Arthur Pendragon. Of course, they hate each other on sight and bicker constantly, then they realise they're just a little bit in love with each other.
Pull You Into Me
Arthur is rich, famous and miserable. One evening fate leads him to Dragon Books and to Merlin. What follows is a year of love, heartbreak and hope.
Now That I'm Rich They Give Me Coffee
Arthur's a rock star, Merlin doesn't live under a rock, Morgana's badass, and Will is the worst best friend ever.
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merthurficrecs · 4 years
hey! do you have any good modern au fics where merlin has magic? (preferably long fics!) thanks!
Yesss, here ya go :)
You've Got Your Reasons
Arthur is the perfect flatmate -- he pays his rent on time, works so much that he’s not even home half the time, and is totally okay with Merlin’s magic. Best of all, Merlin is pretty sure that Arthur has a crush on him -- that is, until he stumbles across a list of things that Arthut hates about him.
Merlin is upset of course, but he pushes aside his feelings to focus on being a better roommate so that Arthur will renew their lease for another year. Most of the things on the list aren’t that hard to correct … so how come Arthur seems to get more and more annoyed as Merlin improves his behaviour?
Arcane Asylum
For the last twenty two years Uther Pendragon has been waging war on magic. Now his son Arthur has been framed for a magical crime and sent to the prison for magic users. Arthur is instantly targeted by the inmates, but mysterious top dog Merlin takes him under his wing. They form a bond, and Merlin decides to help Arthur clear his name.
Puppet Strings
Contrary to popular belief, Arthur isn't actually a moron. The jury's still out where Merlin is concerned.
The only thing anyone's sure of is that it's all moving much faster than initially anticipated - but this suits Gaius just fine.
The Magic Comes but Doesn’t Go
Arthur visits Le Cirque des Rêves and stumbles upon the tent of the circus illusionist, Merlin. After the initial meeting, they somehow found themselves twined together tightly. Unfortunately, the circus traveled frequently, sometimes to different continents.
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