mi5chief · 3 years
“Buttchain” is an art project that uses blockchain to record every time someone takes a seat, creating an immutable ledger that traces its lifetime. Using the encoded unique signatures, the chair creates a piece of art for each person.
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mi5chief · 3 years
In Parable of Gravity, artist Casey Curran (previously) assembles a vast garden of delicate kinetic blossoms amidst an expanse of deterioration. The sweeping landscape, which is on view at Seattle’s MadArt through April 17, positions Curran’s pulsing plant forms atop 20 towers of wooden scaffolding that line the gallery space. Coated in a thick layer of mud, the tallest structures scale eight feet at the outer edge of the installation, where a human-like figure appears to hover in the air. The anonymous body is covered in the flowers, which are made from laser-cut polyester drawing papers and powered by cranks and small motors.
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mi5chief · 3 years
Incredible Audio-visual Gallery Mix ft. Temporal by Intriguant and Flex
Produced by Louis Quek a.k.a. Intriguant, Temporal is a performance set in the Supreme Court Foyer that combines music with visual projection. Drawing inspiration from the Gallery’s architecture, the aim of Temporal is to create an immersive atmosphere that fuses elements of time and space for online audiences. This 30-minute set will present a unique perspective of Supreme Court Foyer as it transforms into a mesmerising and psychedelic backdrop. Temporal features new music from Intriguant, with visual projections and lighting design by Flex. 
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mi5chief · 3 years
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mi5chief · 3 years
Low Island - Don't Let The Light In
Don’t let the light in is a music video that was initially created in 3D. The frames were then worked through a 2D color separation process and sent to a risograph printer. The frames were then scanned and finally sequenced back in the computer to make the final music video. All the set transitions have been created using Artificial Intelligence (GANs).
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mi5chief · 3 years
Experimental Film Resonance by Joyce N. Ho The word 'resonance' holds meaning in both sound and astronomy. It describes the intensification and enriching of a musical tone by vibration and when orbiting bodies exert regular, periodic gravitational influence on each other.This is an improvised exploration of these ideas, created through intuition and spontaneity.
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mi5chief · 3 years
Can Drugs Take The Place of Religion?, by ShawnaX and Pablo Lozano
A new brand campaign for The New Yorker; “The Right Question Changes Everything.” The campaign celebrates some of the most important New Yorker articles and boils them down to their central questions, to celebrate the breadth of topics tackled by the publication, provoke curiosity, and introduce this essential writing to a new generation of readers. COLLAB with CNX, Shawna X, and Pablo Lozano - this team paired the stunning imagery of ShawnaX with the eye popping story by Jia Tolentino; “Losing Religion and Finding Ecstasy in Houston". Building a bright and powerful journey of bold imagery and trippy movement. Sound on, lean in.
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mi5chief · 3 years
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mi5chief · 3 years
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mi5chief · 3 years
Update on my Crypto Art (NFT) Journey
This post is inspired by the wonderful animator Al Boardman, whose work I have written about previously, and a complete virgin to the crypto art experience he tells me.
One of the reasons I have not posted recently is because I have been waiting for approval to try to sell my work on Known Origin, one of the top NFT* sales platforms.
(The circled spot is my Etherium wallet id…the key to getting paid)
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The three top platform are Superrare, which is by far the largest, Maker’s Place, which is about half as big as Superrare, and Known Origin, which is about half the size of Maker’s Place.  This is in overall sales volume.
You have to apply and be accepted to these platforms.  Because of the extraordinarily big sales last fall by Beeple** (among other things) there is a mad rush to get into this, as people see that there is money to be made.
So all three of these top platforms are completely overwhelmed with applications.  I was luckily accepted into Known Origin, but have been waiting since Jan 16 to be enabled to actually sell my work.  It appears that this will happen next week.
But there is a catch:  Because of the rise of Etherium, the crypto currency that NFTs are based on (and second to Bitcoin in terms of value) the price to post work, appropriately called gas, is extremely high, and it can cost an artist up to $140 or more to publish, or mint, their work as an NFT.  Just a few months ago it was ~$30….so this is causing problems…..as artists are slowing down and and really carefully considering if they actually want to spend $140 to potentially sell something.
I take as evidence of this as a note that Known Origin sent out to its new artists asking why they are not ‘minting’ their first work yet?  The answer seems obvious.
Update on Cent
Part of my journey into this space is spending time on Cent, the platform that pays you to just chat.  I have been doing that every day, commenting on art that people are posting and generally doing what I would do on Twitter…maybe just a little bit longer writing…but just social media stuff.
My account has grown significantly, as you can see.  This is simply artists appreciating me taking the time to evaluate their work, or me commenting and adding to threads about art and other things.
This to me is proof of the blockchain revolution.
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Here is why:  I have been writing this blog for two years.  I do it because I am passionate about the topic.  It is not about money.  Still…money is nice…and other people get money for things like this, so I added a ‘buy me a coffee’ link about a month ago.  Not a single person has bought me a coffee (tear)….
But here is what I believe about that.  If it were as easy to throw me some money…or buy me a coffee….however you want to put it, as it is in Cent….I am sure some people would have done that.  After all, I have almost 2000 readers of this blog, and I keep getting more almost every day.  So I know it has some value.
But in Cent, to do something like that, you do not need to go to another place and put your credit card in and register and all that stuff….In Cent you just click on a little button and it automatically adds money to the author of that post.
Really.  Click click…money from me to you.
It transfers a tiny bit of Etherium from one person’s account to the other person’s account.  Completely frictionless.  It assumes you both have an Etherium wallet…something that is quite simple to do.
This will change things I think.  A lot.
*Non-Fungible Token.  This is the distinguishing characteristic of crypto art and will use this instead of the bulky and somewhat inaccurate term ‘crypto art’
**Beeple sold his work on Nifty Gateway, not listed as one of the big platforms for complex reasons….but also an important platform.  This space gets complex quick
If you have found this content valuable considering getting me a cup of coffee
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mi5chief · 3 years
icosahedron 20210205
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mi5chief · 3 years
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mi5chief · 3 years
Bespoke Light by Ihsu Yoon
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mi5chief · 3 years
“June Orbs” is an audiovisual live performance and installation made by compositing multiple animated lighting structures by EYE_ON VJS
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mi5chief · 3 years
High in Heaven - Behind the Scenes
Directed by Hobbes and operated by Firefly, the video features a 300-foot-tall realistic face that lip syncs to the vocals using facial capture data to drive 200 drones. “High in Heaven” captures the essence of the new media and is yet another exciting step forward in the application of art and technology. 
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mi5chief · 3 years
A curious visual exploration journey into the world of mountain bikes and it’s elements.
For some time I wanted to bridge my two passions, which is my creative side and the love for bikes. This film is the result of experimenting with different elements.
Music & Sound Design: White Noise Lab
Process film - vimeo.com/460066114
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mi5chief · 3 years
Digital Sculptures Visualize Chirps of Amazonian Birds in an Audio Responsive Artwork by Andy Thomas
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