mihadahmedd · 2 years
Is it better to make a post or an article on LinkedIn for Content Marketing Purposes?
The best way to make the most of your LinkedIn presence is by using a combination of both — but it’s important to know the difference and use them correctly.
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Posts are for short updates and sharing content from other sites. Most people use posts to share links to content like blog posts and news articles, both from their website and industry publications. Posts can also be brief updates (much like Facebook statuses) with text and a photo, but this type of update is unlikely to have an impact on your content marketing efforts.
Articles are lengthier pieces of content (much like blog posts) that are published directly on LinkedIn’s publishing platform. They include a headline and multiple paragraphs of information and can be formatted using headings and bulleted lists. Articles are typically at least 300 words and could stand alone as blog posts.
Both will show up in your followers’ newsfeeds and are virtually identical as they scroll.
For example, this is an article that I have published directly on LinkedIn:
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… and this is an article that I have shared from my blog:
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The two are virtually indistinguishable in users’ feeds, as the only difference is that articles are published “on LinkedIn.”
If a user clicks an article, they’ll be able to read it directly on LinkedIn’s publishing platform. If they click a piece of content shared in a post, however, they’ll be taken to the site where it was published.
So, Which is better for Content Marketing?
It depends on what your goals are for the piece of content.
If you’re looking to build your audience and influence on LinkedIn, articles are the way to go.
If you want to drive traffic to your site (and rank for keywords related to a specific topic), publish the content on your own site and share it in a post.
And if you want to develop a well-rounded online presence, do both. A balance of LinkedIn articles and links to outside content is the best way to build your network on the platform while driving traffic to your site.
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mihadahmedd · 2 years
What is Inbound Marketing?
Inbound marketing is a strategic approach focused on attracting customers through content and interactions that are relevant and helpful—not interruptive. 
It is similar to traditional marketing, but rather than pushing a company’s message out through paid advertisements, inbound marketing uses search engine optimization (SEO), social media, email, and other digital tools to attract and retain customers.
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Inbound allows companies to create a more personal connection with their target audience by providing value and encouraging interaction instead of focusing solely on broadcast advertising.
Inbound marketing is a strategy that attracts customers to your business through content, email, and other forms of advertising. Instead of buying ads or sending out mass emails, inbound marketers focus on creating valuable content on their websites and social media platforms. Inbound Marketing is a buzzword for today’s generation.
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mihadahmedd · 2 years
What are the best ways of using LinkedIn for Content Marketing?
Social media is a very strong platform for performing marketing actions. Sharing and posting content on social media channels gives it a boost and makes it viral soon enough. 
The considerable point is that content is worth enough to be passed in the hierarchy and made viral.
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LinkedIn is one social media channel to enhance your professional aspect a lot. For this, your content should match the professionalism to get a better response. It is not a social media like Facebook where you share your personal life thoughts.
LinkedIn promotion is not a single-step process, a warm-up is necessary. Get your account ready first and then start the content sharing, as you need good viewers who understand your thoughts and appreciate them.
HOW TO USE LinkedIn?
Strong Updated Profile
Your profile describes you and hence it is very important to mention all possible professional details in an impressive way. It is not possible to create a non-traceable fake profile, so be genuine if you do not want to lose.
Professional Connections
Understand your work and your position and accordingly make your connections. More connections help generate more business links and a whole new set of eyes on you. LinkedIn shows you options to connect to new people, based on your recent activity, profile, and current connections.
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mihadahmedd · 2 years
Why is Social Media an Important part of Inbound Marketing?
Social media is an important part of inbound marketing. It gives brands a way to reach their target audience, and learn more about them. Social media is also a big part of brand awareness, which can help with conversions and other goals.
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For example, LinkedIn is great for B2B companies because it lets you connect with professionals who might need your product or service. Of course, there are many social networks you can use like Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and more.
But it’s important to choose one that resonates with your audience (or multiple ones if your goal is to reach as many people as possible). In some cases (like sales) social media may be used for connecting directly to potential customers on a 1-to-1 basis.
Social media can help you build relationships with customers:
Social media is a great way for you to stay in touch with your customers, and it’s also a great way to find new customers.
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Social media helps you build relationships with influencers in your industry, which can help you reach out to them when you launch a new product or service.
It’s also a great place for employees of all levels to share their expertise on the latest news and trends in the industry, as well as connect with other professionals who share their passion for business.
It can also help increase traffic to your website:
Social media can help you increase traffic to your website. It’s one of two ways inbound marketing works, and it’s extremely important.
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You can use social media to drive people back to your site, by getting them to click on links or download content that will take them there. Driving traffic back to your site is a great way for you to get new customers who are interested in what you have to offer.
It also helps build brand awareness by letting people know how awesome your business is.
Search engines reward social media activity:
Social media is a positive signal to search engines that your site is active and well-linked, which can help you rank higher in search engine results.
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mihadahmedd · 2 years
How To Expand Your Business Through Social Media Marketing in 2022?
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Always Stay Consistent
You might be wondering why it’s so important to be consistent. The answer is simple, consistency builds trust, and without trust, you will never have a loyal customer base.
If you’re not consistent in your messaging or the way you present yourself on social media, then how can anyone trust that what they see now is what they’ll see tomorrow or next week?
Customers want continuity from their favorite brands; otherwise, they feel like there isn’t any rhyme or reason behind what you do online.
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Don’t Forget About Your Audience
This rule applies to every aspect of social media marketing—whether it’s understanding how your audience communicates with each other through hashtags or knowing how serious they take certain posts (i.e., if someone shares an article about how much money their company made last month, most people won’t care unless they are investors).
Understanding who will engage with each piece of content will help determine whether posting it was worth the effort in terms of ROI (return on investment). Don’t forget this!
Branding is a form of identity that is created in the mind of the customer. It’s about creating a unique and memorable experience for the customer, having them walk away with a positive impression of your brand, and building an image that fosters trust and confidence in your company or product.
Branding isn’t just one activity or strategy; it’s something you need to consider throughout all aspects of a business’s operations.
Build a Stronger Community
1. Invite people to join your community.
2. Encourage them to share their thoughts and ideas.
3. Try to get them to interact with each other.
4. Create a community that is fun to be a part of.
🎯Read the full article: www.MihadAhmed.com
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mihadahmedd · 2 years
What Are Some Great LinkedIn Content Marketing Strategies In 2022?
LinkedIn is one of the great social media platforms for Content Marketing.
It’s a valuable platform for establishing your brand as a thought leader and business expert in your industry, as well as for directly reaching an audience that can become loyal customers.
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If you are a LinkedIn member, you can become a content marketer on the platform.
About five years ago, LinkedIn opened its publishing platform to all participants, allowing them to publish their blogs directly and promote their content on LinkedIn’s network and beyond.
Although LinkedIn is primarily a B2B social media platform, it can benefit from being published on both B2B brands and B2C brands. Virgin executives (including Richard Branson), GE, and Microsoft published on LinkedIn.
🎯Read the full article on: www.MihadAhmed.com
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mihadahmedd · 2 years
How does Video Marketing work on Social Media?
Many people ask themselves how does video marketing work on social media?
Video marketing is a great way to introduce yourself and your brand, but it’s important to make sure you get a few things right first. The simple answer is that once you upload your video onto a social media platform, it will reach out to everyone with an interest in its subject matter.
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Once it has built up momentum, it will be shared over and over again – all thanks to your viewers.
Let’s take Facebook as an example of how video marketing works on social media platforms like Facebook. Videos uploaded to Facebook can be shared by other users after they have been viewed, liked, or commented upon.
If these videos are of high quality and if they offer interesting content then they are likely to spread like wildfire across multiple social media platforms such as Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, etc., boosting awareness of your brand or business exponentially.
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mihadahmedd · 2 years
Video Marketing for Businesses in 2022: Why You Can’t Ignore It
Video marketing has been growing in popularity over the last few years and has proven to be an effective and engaging way to reach audiences online.
With the rise of social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and more, video marketing has been growing by leaps and bounds and it shows no signs of slowing down in the next few years.
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Video marketing can help you connect with your audience in ways that traditional text-based posts can’t always achieve, which is why businesses everywhere are taking advantage of it to get their products and services out into the world in new and exciting ways.
Using video marketing to promote your business has never been more important than it is right now in 2022.
🎯Read the full article on MihadAhmed.com/Blog
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mihadahmedd · 2 years
Top 3 benefits of Conversational Marketing
Conversational marketing isn’t a new concept, but it has become less popular compared to batch-and-blast marketing like email blasts, cold calling, and SMS bulk messaging.
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However, these 3 benefits prove conversational marketing has an essential place in every marketing program:
1. Conversational marketing builds customer relationships:
Conversations build and nurture relationships. Powerful Super Bowl ads, witty billboards next to the highway, and clever social media campaigns don’t.
2. Conversational marketing solves customers’ problems:
Conversational marketing listens to the issues before offering solutions. When you send an email campaign boasting a 25% discount on summer shorts, you’re assuming the customer needs shorts and wants them at a low price.
3. Conversational marketing provides free market research:
Focus groups and large surveys aren’t cheap. Take advantage of conversations with your customers. Listen to what they have to say. Customers aren’t afraid to talk about their grievances and desires. Instead of blowing them off, take these data points as free market research.
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mihadahmedd · 2 years
What are some examples of Social Media Integration?
According to Ruben Quinones, vice president of client strategy at Path Interactive and adjunct at the NYU School of Professional Studies, social media integration is a marketing strategy that allows you to leverage social channels as an extension of your existing branding and marketing efforts, or as a primary vehicle.
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This can, and should, be done in a number of ways.
Consumers like to use different forms of communication, so it’s important to cater to each preference, said Kibler. If you don’t have specific platforms, or they aren’t integrated, your authority and reputation may be viewed poorly.
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mihadahmedd · 2 years
What is Social Media Integration?
Social media integration helps accomplish some key goals, including increasing your brand reach and awareness. It also encourages engagement with your website and helps build a bigger audience on social media.
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Rather, Social Media integration is seen as an interactive process that enables same-level information exchange among the audience and the brand, creating a long-lasting feedback communication process and giving the brand a total engagement approach.
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mihadahmedd · 2 years
Why Conversational Marketing is a good way to reach people in 2022?
The Three Pillars of conversation marketing are the best way to reach people is because they create KNOW, LIKE, and TRUST.
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People buy from people they know.
People recommend people they like.
People are return buyers from people they trust.
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mihadahmedd · 2 years
What is the History of Conversational Marketing?
Fifty-one years ago, the world of marketing looked different.
Most marketers were doing some sort of advertising. TV commercial ads, sponsorship, public relations, social media, and direct mail ruled the day. 
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If you were a marketer, you would probably be involved in some sort of advertisement buying, pirating, creative, or some form of the press release. Maybe you’ve worked to support deals or to negotiate for sponsors.
Today’s marketing world is vastly different. The marketing department may still have copywriters and designers today, but it includes social media experts, paid search experts, video production, SEO, and (of course) “growth hackers”.
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mihadahmedd · 2 years
What is Conversational Marketing?
Conversational Marketing puts conversations between brands and their customers at the heart of the online buying journey. Conversational Marketing is a well-known marketing technique that relies on real-time discussions to engage visitors and convert leads.
This form of inbound marketing strategy focuses on personalized interactions with customers rather than one-way communication.
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Conversational marketing is chatting with your customers in real-time. Whether it’s on your website, or through Facebook, or another service: you’re answering customers’ questions directly, in real-time.
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