millionsofmaxime · 1 year
I'm back! sorry for the radio silence, I was on vacation but now I'm back in school :')
as for the poll I hope to upload the fics sometime this week, I'll post the link here for you guys.
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millionsofmaxime · 2 years
So I have a first chapter of Everything is Nothing to Someone complete, however, it's for the PLA part (lets call it FBH) which is very much not first chronologically.
I also have the first chapter of Dead Set on Nothing finished which is also not first chronologically but you can definitely understand if it came first so...
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millionsofmaxime · 2 years
“I will not! I shouldn’t expect a kid like you to understand!” 
“You realise that fairy-type pokémon would still be immune to dragon-type moves and all fairy-type moves would still be super effective against dragon-types, right?” Alain interrupted.
“THAT’S– that’s not the point,” Iris huffed.
“Then why curse out the Professor? If anything you should thank him for figuring it out so you can work around it.”
“Yeah, but because of him I now have to deal with people mocking us dragon-type trainers with a floating pair of keys,” Iris whined.
“Klefki’s aren’t even native to Unova…” Alain didn’t understand Iris.
“Exactly! How am I supposed to defend myself against a pokémon that I’ve never heard of?” Iris frowned.
“It’s called a pokédex? If you connect it to the internet you can learn about pokémon outside Unova.”
“I don’t have a pokédex!”
“Why not? Every trainer gets one for free from the professor?”
“I didn’t get a pokémon from the professor!”
“You don’t need to get a pokémon for a pokédex!”
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millionsofmaxime · 2 years
Augustine approached the person holding the sign with his name on it.
“You’re Cynthia?” he asked, hoping that he had said what he thought he said.
“Yes, Augustine, right?” Augustine nodded. 
“It is nice to meet you Cynthia.” the two proceeded to walk away from the airport in awkward silence.
“So…” Cynthia cleared her throat, “why Rowan? From what I hear you would have done great with any professor?”
“The professor here studies something very interesting, the evolution of pokémon is something I need to learn about to confirm a theory of mine” Augustine explained, “also learning anything about the research of Professor Laventon will be good.”
“What’s your theory about?”
“Secret.” Augustine grinned.
Cynthia huffed, “I’m no thief, I won’t steal your research.”
“Still secret until I get more proof.”
A small excerpt of The Sycamore AU from chapter 1, I literally just wrote it so excuse the quality.
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millionsofmaxime · 2 years
Pair of the Pack
It's said that the Zorua and Zoruark of the past had stronger illusions than the one of the present.
Akari has always been curious to see if this was true, imagine a world where she could take more than one hit before her illusion burst.
Rei had always wondered if perhaps there was a time or place where he could reasonably tell someone of his nature and not expect immediate rejection.
Akari was a pet to her mother, and a party trick to her friends, she would be teased and knocked down by her bullies. Waiting for the day she may evolve and no longer be the cute baby, to be respected for what she is and the power she holds.
Rei was feared by the village, not really known by his superiors, with his own instincts betraying him, keeping him stuck in fight or flight. Fearing the day he may evolve and harm everyone who's shown him kindness.
And neither get what they want, but at least they get to try.
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millionsofmaxime · 2 years
No but look, Dick’s gen swears every time someone says Dick’s name, so technically they win
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millionsofmaxime · 2 years
Augustine & Cynthia: *doing the science* Rowan: You guys woke up at 5:30 in the morning just to do more experiments? Augustine: *silence* Cyrus: *silence* Rowan, finally figuring it out: ...You two never went to sleep, did you? Augustine & Cynthia in shame: Yeah...
Diantha: You can track Lysandre? Augustine: Of course I can. If the NSA can do it, so can I.
Cynthia: Why don't I like this person? Riley: I don't know. Maybe it's because they keep stealing your thunder. Cynthia: Maybe it's because their name is "Augustine". Don't you find that utterly ridiculous? Riley: No. Cynthia: That's because your name is "Riley".
Cynthia, Entering Riley's room: Augustine did it again. Riley: Peace disturbance? Cynthia: What no- Riley: Arson..? Cynthia: NO, JESUS CHRIST, HOW MANY- Riley: uh....Attempted murder? Cynthia: NO, THEY ATE ALL THE FOOD IN THE FRIDGE, BUT WHAT THE FU-
Augustine: Cynthia has no survival skills, their need to win has replaced them. Riley: That can't be true! Augustine: Watch this. Augustine: Hey Cynthia, race you to the bottom of the stairs! Cynthia: *Throws themself out a window*
Riley: Ladies, gentlemen and Cynthia, I want to show you the greatest thing your eyes have ever beheld! Augustine: A llama? Riley: No. Augustine: A baby llama? Riley: No! Augustine: A baby llama with a little hat on? Riley: NO!
Diantha: Augustine won’t come out of their room! Lysandre: Just tell them I said something. Diantha: Like what? Lysandre: Anything factually incorrect. Diantha, shrugging: If you say so. Augustine, arriving moments later: Did you just say the sun is a PLANET?
Lysandre: I hate you sometimes. Augustine: Well according to this picture Riley drew of us holding hands that's not true. Lysandre: Augustine, you drew that. Augustine: It doesn't matter.
*Riley is comforting Augustine* Riley: Stop crying because it’s over. Start smiling because Lysandre is someone else’s problem now.
Lysandre: Thanks for not telling Augustine what happened. Diantha, dumbfounded: I wouldn’t even know where to begin trying to explain this.
Augustine: Who wants to make fifty bucks? Cynthia: How? Augustine: I need someone to take the fall. Cynthia: What did you do? Augustine: I can't tell you. Yes or no, no questions asked. Riley, from the other room: Oh my god. Augustine: ... Riley: OH MY GOD! Cynthia: Make it a hundred. Augustine: Deal.
Cynthia: It’s funny how well you and Lysandre get along. Didn’t they hate you at first? Augustine: Lysandre hates everybody at first. It’s their way of reaching out to people.
Augustine: The best way to gain someone's undying loyalty is by saving them from a perilous situation. Lysandre: So you're just gonna wait until Riley is in danger and save them? Augustine: Of course not, I'm going to create a situation that puts them in danger and then save them. Lysandre: ... Lysandre: You're insane.
Augustine: Two years ago, I married my best friend. Augustine: Riley is still mad about it, but me and Cynthia were drunk and thought it was funny.
Diantha: We can’t tell you because you’re not a member of the club. Augustine: What club? Lysandre: The hating Augustine club. Augustine: …The fuck? I should be the leader of that club!
Cyrus, singing to the tune of I Kissed a Girl: I killed a guy, and I liked it- Cynthia, whispering: Should we call the exorcist? Lysandre, also singing: The taste of his cherry chapstick. Augustine, appalled: Call the exorcist.
Cheryl: Ducks are better than rabbits. Cynthia: What? Rabbits are adorable. Have you ever been in a fight with a duck? Ducks are jerks. Cyrus: Duck is delicious! Rabbit is all gamey. Cynthia: We’re not talking about flavour, Cyrus! Cyrus: Flavour counts! Cynthia: Who carries around a duck’s foot for good luck? Anyone? Lysandre: You wrap yourself in a comforter stuffed with rabbit hair. I’ll wrap myself in a comforter stuffed with duck feathers! Who’s cozier? Cynthia: Okay, but- Lysandre: NO, NO, NO, NO. WHO’S COZIER? Cyrus: Then why don’t we take a rabbit, a duck, stick ‘em in a cardboard box and let them fight it out! Cynthia: BECAUSE IT’S ILLEGAL, CYRUS! Cyrus: ONLY IF WE BET ON IT, CYNTHIA! Cheryl: I- Jesus-
Cynthia: So, are they your friend or... Augustine: They’re like Cheryl, but if Cheryl was ordered to be around you. Cynthia: Oh, so Riley. Augustine: Precisely!
*Everyone is playing a board game together* Riley: I will put 'A' down to make 'A'. Cheryl: I will add onto your 'A' to make 'AT'. Cynthia: I will add onto your 'AT' to make 'RAT'. Augustine: I will add onto your 'RAT' to make 'BIOSTRATAGRAPHIC'. Cynthia: *flips the board*
Cheryl: I truly believe that water can solve all your problems. Cynthia: Weight loss? Drink water. Augustine: Clear skin? Drink water. Riley: Want to get rid of someone? Drown them.
Augustine: Why do you act like we’re three year olds? Riley, exasperated: WHY?!? Riley points at Cynthia: YOU TRIED TO HYJACK A CAR! Riley points at Cyrus: YOU NEARLY JUMPED 20 FEET OFF A CARPARK! Riley points at Augustine: AND YOU ATE MULTIPLE DRIED LEAVES AND ROCKS OFF THE GROUND! Riley: AND YOU ASK ME WHY????
Augustine: Oh god, they texted you ‘hi.’’ punctuation only means one thing, Rowan. They're mad at you. Rowan: No, it's Cynthia. They're just being grammatically correct! *meanwhile* Cynthia: And then I used a period so they'd know that I'm mad at them. Riley: A period doesn't say 'I'm mad', it says 'you're dead to me'. Cynthia: I stand by my choice.
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millionsofmaxime · 2 years
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I get a lot of feelings from these scenes!  
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millionsofmaxime · 2 years
Augustine: All of a sudden I got a random burst of energy, and I think it's my body's last hurrah before it completely shuts down.
Augustine: Anybody got any crayons so I can color in my Ph. D.?
Augustine, opening a Capri Sun: Guess I'll drink my sorrows away.
Augustine: Hello Cynthia! Cynthia: Augustine: You might be wondering why I’m taped to the ceiling
Riley: Bye Augustine! Bye Cheryl! Bye Cynthia! Bye Cyrus! Bye Augustine! Cheryl: You said ‘bye Augustine’ twice. Riley: I like Augustine.
Augustine: If the thought of something makes any of you giggle for longer than 15 seconds, you are to assume you’re not allowed to do it.
Cynthia: I’ll be famous one day, but for now I’m stuck in this house with a bunch of morons.
Agustine: Alcohol is delicious! ...I mean, MAlicious. Sorry guys, I’m really drunk right now.
Cynthia: Which is correct, seven and five IS thirteen, or seven and five ARE thirteen? Augustine: Neither. Augustine: Because it's twelve.
Riley: You're alive. Augustine: There's no need to sound so disappointed.
Riley: Why would you think any of this was a good idea? Augustine: Probably because I’m insane with a long history of violence. Riley: Augustine: I don’t know how you keep forgetting this.
Cynthia: Let's all agree that going up the stairs on all fours is actually the best experience on earth. Augustine: Conversely, going down the stairs on all fours is actually the most terrifying experience on earth.
Augustine: Did you win? Or just not die? Augustine: Either way, hooray. Lysandre: ...Is "no" a valid answer? Augustine: The hooray is redacted and you frighten me.
Augustine: If I die, you can have what little I own. Riley: Wait. What do you mean "if" you die? Augustine: My unending existence is fuelled by pure spite, that of which the painful experiences of life have rendered me full. Riley: Riley: *Sighs* Let me call your therapist again.
Cynthia: You know what I’ve realized? Riley: Some thoughts are better left unsaid? Cynthia: Nice try, anyways-
Augustine, cowering in fear: What do you want from me?! Riley, standing in front of Augustine: *bites into the whole KitKat bar like a heathen* Augustine, crying: Please...stop...
Cyrus: Are they stupid? Cynthia: Yes, but they prefer to be called Augustine.
Rowan: I hope you have an explanation for this. Augustine: We have three actually- Cynthia: Pick your favourite.
Cynthia: *gets a text* Oh! It’s Augustine. Rowan, excitedly: Did they get me the stuff? Cynthia: Yeah, they say they got you the clown costume, the power drill, and 12 gallons of blood. Rowan: Wow! Where’d they find 12 gallons of fake blood? Cynthia: You wanted fake blood? Rowan: Cynthia: I’ll go call Augustine.
Rowan, watching Augustine do something stupid: Cynthia, you're officially only the second highest risk here. Cynthia: Hell yeah! I'm gonna— Rowan: Don't finish that sentence, you'll move back up.
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millionsofmaxime · 2 years
“Sharing is caring y’know?” 
“We’re thieves?”
“Maybe you could ask your uncle to supervise?” Roy suggested.
“Yeah but he won’t let me do anything dangerous,” Wally exclaimed.
“You’re not supposed to be doing anything dangerous, that’s the point!” Roy reprimanded.
“But it’s fun,” Wally whined.
these are either the funniest or stupidest lines I've ever written and I deserve a reward either way
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millionsofmaxime · 2 years
Meet Sycamore's team
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This is not finished so please ignore the broken eyes :)
in the games in Sycamore's 2nd battle he fights you with the Kantonian starters, which means canonically he has those 3 pokémon (he also fights you with their pre-evolved forms but then gives one away so I doubt he actually ever fights with them except with new trainers so they can choose). I've always found it odd that he never used a Kalos starter so in The Sycamore AU his team is literally just starter pokemon
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millionsofmaxime · 2 years
Augustine Sycamore's Part: Everything is Nothing to Someone
Augustine is an interesting child, a boy who dreams of fairies, a boy who's always seeing something you can't but never sees what you can. He researches under Professor Rowan along with Cynthia but he never seems particularly interested in what Rowan is saying but continues to claim that Rowan was his preferred professor to study under. Augustine is most certainly a dark child, with false ideas about his friends' deaths and their causes. Augustine's eyes were so bright and full of hope, so why could they not recognise their friend?
This takes place way before Dead Set on Nothing and by far has more time invested in it, technically this takes place over three fics but Everything is Nothing to Someone is the main one. This Au also ends up in Legends: Arceus and any other Legends game to come, maybe I'll make one of these for the Legends one but that's only once I post more. Hope you guys like it :)
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millionsofmaxime · 2 years
Alain's Part: Dead Set On Nothing
Alain, traumatised and plagued by something he can't recall nor see, goes on a journey to Unova, meeting and travelling with Ash Ketchum on a suggestion from Professor Sycamore. Of course, going on a journey to learn more about Mega Evolution won't fix his trauma. In fact, travelling with Ash just seems to make it worse, especially when Alain is so certain that Ash was involved in some way.
This is what started The Sycamore AU, Alain gaining memories of trauma that hasn't happened yet... or has it?
this will span throughout the BW anime and XY anime, maybe a bit of Sun and Moon and Journeys
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millionsofmaxime · 2 years
There were three known facts about the universe, the sky is blue, the grass is green and Wally West is just about the nicest person you could ever meet and can do no wrong. So why is Wally is currently stealing some precious rocks from a museum? Wally knew he wasn’t the sneakiest and he certainly wasn’t the fastest but was determined not to get caught, least of all by his uncle but stealing was just so damn fun! He couldn’t not do it.
A small preview of the Momentum Equals Power AU. I hope you guys like it :)
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millionsofmaxime · 2 years
Momentum Equals Power AU
This is a Villain!Wally AU, but it also serves as a sort of role swap with Hartley Rathaway (Pied Piper).
In this AU Wally, despite being surrounded by so many heroes, goes down the path of villainy. Despite what The Team thinks, there is no manipulation or grand plan or secret alliances going on, simply someone who wants to run and crime provides the perfect motivation.
In this AU Wally tries his best to hide his crimes from everyone he knows while also being hunted by everyone he knows, how fun!
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millionsofmaxime · 2 years
The Sycamore AU
Fun fact: I adore Professor Sycamore and I also adore Alain (who is a Sycamore and you can't convince me otherwise!).
The purpose of this Au is to expand on the Professor's past and give him a lot of Trauma. This will include giving him more than two friends and showing his life in Sinnoh and maybe what happened even before he started studying under Professor Rowan.
The second purpose of this AU is a Black and White and XY anime fix it with a focus on Alain and how his presence may have changed the story, while also hopefully making the BW anime more bearable. And before anyone asks, yes, this part was inspired by 'Dripping like a Saturated Sunrise' and if you're interested in this then I recommend you check it out.
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millionsofmaxime · 2 years
Welcome to my blog!
My name's Maxi, or Millions, or any variation of the two. I use She/Her but I'm also fine with They/Them.
This blog will cover mainly my headcanons and AU ideas, I might even write fics for some of them :D. This post will update as new AU's get added but for now, it's fairly limited and confined to Pokémon and DC, as I'm part of more than two fandoms, I will add more AUs for different fandoms as time goes on.
The Sycamore AU an expansion upon Professor Sycamore and Alain's characters
Pair of the Pack AU Akari and Rei are Zorua from two different time who envy parts of the other's lives, they don't get the parts they want
Momentum Equals Power AU a role swap with Hartley Rathaway and Wally West
P.S. any 3D render not reblogged is made by me unless stated otherwise, thanks :)
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