minyardlovebot · 4 years
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jean & jeremy. for best results, pls look at this while listening to watermelon sugar by harry styles
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minyardlovebot · 4 years
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When you look at me And the whole world fades I’ll always remember us this way
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minyardlovebot · 4 years
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-shinsou hitoshi-
pt 5 / bnha series
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minyardlovebot · 4 years
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here, have some andreil for the soul
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minyardlovebot · 4 years
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minyardlovebot · 4 years
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minyardlovebot · 4 years
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富豪刑事 Balance: UNLIMITED
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minyardlovebot · 4 years
ok idk i just have a lot of problems with this so i wrote out everything i wanna day here. first i wanna say that you’re allowed to enjoy whatever character you want to (tragic in some cases but w/e) , but that doesn’t mean you should shit on other characters just to make yours seem better? how low do you have to be knowing your character is so horrible that you have to bring down other characters to make yours seem likable .... honey.
anyway. so, the foxes as a whole are brought together as people who need a second chance in life because of how shitty their lives turned out. environmental factors growing up play the majority factor of how we all turn out. of course that doesn’t excuse everything, but it should always be considered. i’ll start with andrew. if you’ve read aftg you know everyone around him knows what pisses him off, and is constantly warned about things that will set him off (but choose to push anyway - and sometimes yeah he gets violent and sometimes it’s really unnecessary, but the warning and knowledge has always been there.) there’s no excuse for the drugging, it’s a really gross way to trust people, and i’ll never agree with it. aaron’s entire abusive situation revolves around abuse from women. andrew knew that, and so in my opinion it’s natural for andrew not to like aaron and katelyn’s relationship, but even knowing that aaron and katelyn were secretly a thing he never tried killing her but go off. yeah he didn’t go about it healthily, but he never had the intention of murder when it came to katelyn. now neil’s list. if neil didn’t kill the people who were after him while he was on the run, HE WOULD HAVE BEEN KILLED HIMSELF. are you saying you’d rather neil be dead? and of course he didn’t interact with other people outside of the foxes. for a while he barely interacted with the foxes unless he had to. he has trust issues and didn’t want the attachment because until tkm when the fbi let him start over he was convinced he would have to go back on the run eventually. now, i will say this and say it right: Riko Moriyama is an abusive (it’s also implied that he sexually abused the perfect court too) asshole who made the effort to get Neil found which caused him to be kidnapped and almost killed. Riko knew what would happen. Riko tormented Neil. Riko tormented Kevin and Jean for years. Riko deserved to die. Period. End of story. As for Nicky, tbh idk I don’t have strong feelings of hate , but he’s not the best. Valid points there. Though, his empathy for everything that happens in trk and tkm make him better than Aaron who’s reaction to everything happening was to ask Neil is he was only dating Andrew because he knew Andrew was raped and thought he was easy. But onto Kevin’s list. when you play a sport you’re gonna get yelled at when you do something wrong. but the other foxes also yell back. when they don’t yell back they use kevin’s yelling and criticism to fuel their game. everyone knows kevin loves exy more than anything else, that’s not a valid reason to put on this list. also, kevin (probably) didn’t know neil got kidnapped. the (probably) reason andrew choked him out was because kevin is the only one who knew what they were facing with. we don’t know why it came to that so shut the fuck up. renee literally said “i’m a bad person trying to be good” about her past. that’s such a low blow, god. she continuously tries to do better that literally isn’t a bad thing. as for allison, you’re telling me is aaron made the same remark about a loved one who’d died you wouldn’t smack the shit out of him? because i would! i would do more than smack him , i’d deck his 4’10 ass into next week. the foxes all insult each other at all times ever, jesus the FANS insult the foxes come on, she’s not special. lastly, matt’s. kevin deserved them period, who cares. matt is a saint. don’t come for matt. we love him. (: Aaron Minyard said that Andrew and Neil’s existence wasn’t something to be proud of. He’s constantly ‘yikes bye’ anytime anything gay is even breathed. He’s a straight up asshole who doesn’t care about anyone aside from what can be beneficial for him. Don’t excuse his shit by acting like he’s not one of the lower characters of this book. No one said the rest of the Foxes were’t problematic, but we do think he’s not the best one either. Get over it, like, Just say you’re an apologist and go.
“aaron minyard is the worst fox” sounds fake but ok
oh i’m sorry, you don’t believe me? well bud here have some reasons the other foxes are problematic™
literally carries knives around which would be fine if he didn’t regularly pull them out and threaten people with them.
regularly shoves and hits nicky. sure, you and i both now there’s reasons that he is the way he is, but it doesnt excuse his violence. 
there’s also the taking people to a club and drugging them because he doesn’t immediately trust them thing. 
the whole “you can’t date anyone and if you do i’ll want them dead” deal
regularly attacks people both on meds and sober need i honestly list the specific events
fuck it lets list some
attacking katelyn in the library, choking out allison, choking out kevin, i could go on
has definitely killed people on the run (cool_motive_still_murder.gif)
“i called you a fucking cripple” bruh
neil literally stone cold curving everyone who isnt on the exy team
if you can go on and on about how aloof and cold aaron then logically this here is up for judgement too
thought allison deserved whatever she got from andrew after she hit aaron
to him the only way to get back at riko was murder
i hate riko too sharon but do i really have to say again what jake peralta said so well
kissing assaulting neil to drug him
flirting with other guys despite having a boyfriend
i know he has a List™ but neil, matt, and guys at the club aren’t on it
genuinely believed andrew was better off manic and high than sober
all the predatory jokes (i.e. getting neil drunk enough to “swing”)
the probably countless times he’s screamed at the others in practice for not being up to his standard
im paraphrasing but he tells neil he shouldnt come out about his relationship with andrew because it will jeopardize his career sooo
“what about the line up” dear god
“it wasn’t a major loss” dear. god.
the general insults out of practice. dude’s literally an asshole.
andrew choking the explanation out of him after neil disappears implies kevin wasnt going to tell them that neil had literally just been hauled away to be tortured and killed
murdered a guy and doesn’t regret it
also sidenote i doubt Renee would be all that happy you goblins think Aaron is irredeemable
slapping aaron
bucko if you think someone giving you attitude is grounds to dish out a bitch slap pls reevaluate yourself
the way she talks to the monsters is super nasty like. she’s not friends with them yea i get it but damn some of the comments and insults? allison girl calm down they’re people too
on that point treating people like animals just because you don’t understand them is Not Good so jot that down
punches kevin like 7 times c’mon dude
Now, before you get your knickers in a twist: this is in no way a post encouraging you to hate any of these characters. This is simply to show the lapse in logic surrounding hatred of Aaron. It’s highly biased to hate on Aaron for saying shitty things and being aloof or insulting when we only see him the the narrow and unreliable perspective of Neil - we only know what he knows and sees and how he feels about it while reading. You don’t have to like Aaron. You don’t have to love him. He doesn’t have to be your favorite character. Just consider that hating on him doesn’t make sense when other character do much of the same things he is condemned for, as well as having their own flaws. Aaron has a checkered past tragic as any of the other foxes, so he doesn’t deserve the vast amounts of hate so many are so quick to dish out (and fans of his are even less deserving of hateful messages and the like they often receive).
All the foxes are flawed, are problematic, do bad or questionable things. Aaron isn’t the only one who says or does shitty things, so hating on him doesn’t make sense. Stop sending hate to people who like Aaron. Reconsider how you see him. Have a grand day, i guess, too.
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minyardlovebot · 5 years
me thinking about how andrew gave neil a key and called it home and expected neil not to fall in love with him
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minyardlovebot · 5 years
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Bong Joon-ho on the specificity and universality of Parasite (2019)
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minyardlovebot · 5 years
Neil’s brain thinking about Andrew
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minyardlovebot · 5 years
this is andrew minyard’s cat
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minyardlovebot · 5 years
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Virginia Woolf, The Waves
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minyardlovebot · 5 years
do you have to be so loud 🥺
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my favorite anime concept is the one with a caring boyfriend who save his partner from his own chaos
everyone say thank u midoriya, gon, eiji, hinata
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minyardlovebot · 5 years
Neil has never seen Jurassic Park
Like any of them
He hasn't even heard of them
When Matt finds out he is VeRy upset
(Matt obviously loves all the Jurassic Park movies)
He tells the girls and they are less shocked but still feel bad
Cause like
Neil never had a childhood
So they pop popcorn and get candy and ice cream for Andrew
They get out all of the Jurassic Park movies that Matt obviously owns on cd
They get all the foxes together to watch
Neil is confused as to why movies about animals that are long dead are so important
But he sees that Matt cares
And he loves his bro™
So he doesn't question
They spend all day watching them
The snacks are eaten and Matt glances and Neil frequently to make sure he's reacting properly
Andrew eats his ice cream with his back against the arm of the couch and puts his legs in Neil's lap(they are sitting on Matt's couch with the foxes in chairs and bean bags around them)
All is well in fox tower
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minyardlovebot · 5 years
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in which neil finally gets an iphone
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minyardlovebot · 5 years
Allison Reynolds - Keishin Ukai
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Jeremy Knox - Yu Nishinoya
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Jean Moreau - Kei Tsukishima
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That’s all I’ve got! Enjoy! and feel free to add on!
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All for the Game characters - as - characters from Haikyuu! ;
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Neil Josten - Shōyō Hinata
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Andrew Minyard - Kenma Kozume
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Kevin Day - Tobio Kageyama
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Riko Moriyama - Tōru Oikawa
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To be continued ↓
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