missallover · 10 years
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A few weekends ago Nicholas and I spent our Sunday morning garage sailing and we ended up finding a 3-pack of Kodak Gold 200 film for a loonie. A few weekends before I had found a Cannot 28 for eight dollars at a secondhand store. I was thinking, “well…maybe.”
I took a photography class my junior year of high school and still remember the dark room being one of my favorite places during a period of time that was anything but calm and quiet. I was able to relax ninth period—in the dark room or escaped outside to the football and soccer fields to take photos.
As with many things in life at that age (the thankful exception being writing), I thought I was bad at it so I stopped.
Nick gave me a great basic tutorial on the camera and sent me on my way. The light meter didn’t work, so it was quite a bit of guesswork when taking the photos, but mostly added to the fun. We developed the roll I shot yesterday and I am happy with the above results. 
It’s nice to be a bit older and understand that, whether you’re good at something or not, you do not have to give up things you enjoy.
Hope all of you are enjoying your summer travels—to local coffee shops or beyond—and I am looking forward to making sure I share a bit more of mine. Here’s to trying new things, and new old things, as we go.
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missallover · 11 years
This weekend, Nicholas and I took a trip up-island to Cumberland. In exchange for doing a bit of a write-up about our stay for his cycling website, we were given a complimentary stay at a local hostel. Nicholas rode his bike the whole way and I drove Rex, his Toyota FJ. It would be a lie if I didn't say that this 1) made me feel pretty tough 2) brought back some of the feelings of capability I have gotten when driving in foreign countries.
He set out a couple of hours before me in hopes that we could arrive to the town around the same time. About a forty minutes drive from the hostel, I saw him stopped at a bridge and was able to get out and take some photographs of him cruising by. For my part, I stood on a bridge and shouted about how happy I was. 
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I arrived about an hour before he did and settled into an adorable deli and cafe called Tarbell's. I was met, once again, with lots of Canadian kindness from the owner. Nicholas joined me soon after, we gave his bike a good wash, and took a drive to nearby Comox Lake.
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We ended the evening with a dinner date at the Waverly Hotel before settling into our room with some cheap Canadian whiskey.
In the morning, we got up early and wandered the quiet and empty streets until The Wandering Moose coffee shop (located in an old post office!) opened. The streets were so quiet and peaceful, even at 8:30. I ended up standing in the middle because, I realized, I could. Pacific northwest fog made its usual haunting appearance.
Just across the street from the coffee shop was an old library...for rent. That took care of the last few minutes of waiting. Peeking in the windows at the bookcases and circulation desk had my head spinning with ideas for things to put inside.
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Very happy with our quick weekend trip away. This island is full of so many wonderful places.
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missallover · 11 years
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Some of my favorite places and views from the last six months.
1. Early morning fog & field. Just outside of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
2. Winter beach. Presque Isle State Park, Erie, Pennsylvania.
3. Little people, big places. Cathedral Grove, Central Vancouver Island, British Columbia.
4. Away we go. Ships sailing. Victoria Clipper, Strait of Juan de Fuca, between Washington and Victoria.
5. The long and winding road trip. Somewhere in Oregon.
6. Englishman River Falls. Vancouver Island, British Columbia.
7. Red barn, touch of snow. Somewhere near the New York and Pennsylvania border.
8.  Every day a protest. The White House, Washington, DC.
9. Crouched in Pacific awe. Whidbey Island, Island County, Washington.
10. Pick-up hockey. Hoyt Lake, Buffalo, New York.
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missallover · 11 years
I am in the middle of my third "visit" to Vancouver Island. My first trip was for five days, my second for ten, and, as of today, I have been here for thirty days. One full month in one of the most beautiful places I have ever been.
The best part about being here for so long is that I don't feel the usual pressure to hurry up and see as much as I can. I am able to talk long walks in the Nanaimo neighborhood where I am staying some days and take road trips to other areas of the island on others. 
Yesterday, I asked Nicholas to take me to the ocean when he got out of work. He usually finds a new place to take us each time and I always tell him that this one is my favorite. This is the most beautiful place I have ever seen.
It is easy here, for a girl who grew up in an east coast city, to feel that each little moment with the ocean and all of this nature make for "the most" something multiple times a day.
Over the weekend, we took the long and scenic route to Victoria through Port Renfrew. Port Renfrew is on the west coast of the island, facing open Pacific waters, and provided me with the crashing waves I have loved since my first visit to the ocean in ninth grade.
Despite the pouring rain, we made the hike to Botanical Beach.
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I was hoping to see a starfish, as I have never seen one before. Unfortunately, there were none making any appearances. There was all of the Pacific Northwest open and inviting grey, though.
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Our weekend ended in Victoria, where there was finally some sunshine after the rain. 
Sebastion Park was our destination yesterday. We settled into a square of beached-washed wood to read and take in the water and skyline.
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Eventually tiring of reading (it took about thirty-two seconds), I went out onto the rocks that extended into the water, heading directly towards a large Blue Heron standing his ground on the furthest reaching rock. About halfway out, I saw bright purple out of the corner of my eye. I ran back to get my camera, shouting "I found one!" as I ran back towards the beach. After capturing the single starfish clinging to the side of a shallow pool several times, I noticed he was hanging out with about fifty crabs. Then I noticed something else--starfish were EVERYWHERE.
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Not just one starfish, but hundreds. Happiness was redefined, or at least retouched, for me.
Just before the sun set, we left. Nicholas started talking to me about the cycling book he had been reading while I explored the beach when he noticed me shutting my eyes, needing a moment to take everything in. The sound of seals calling to one another as the waves met the beach. Finding my first starfish while a blue heron and hulking mountains looked on.
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Soon, this will hopefully be home.
Before I opened my eyes in the passenger seat, I allowed myself one more sweeping statement, "I don't think I will ever get sick of these views." 
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missallover · 11 years
Triptease to enchanting Budapest.
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missallover · 11 years
Hey guys! Planning any travels or adventures soon? I'd love to hear about it.
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missallover · 11 years
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Vancouver Island, British Columbia Round Three.
1) Overlook somewhere between Victoria and Nanaimo
2) Happiest photo: Nicholas Kupiak
3) Rain soaked photo: Nicholas Kupiak
4) His eye
5) Purple and blue skies
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missallover · 11 years
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Missing Europe very much today.
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missallover · 11 years
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Vancouver Island. Vancouver Island! What a beautiful place. I am lucky that I have a tour guide, photographer, and boyfriend in Nicholas to have made the experience as incredible as it was. Although being shown around by someone who lives there was a huge plus, it is hard to miss all of the beauty the island has to offer—rain forest, ocean, lakes, mountains, trees and so much more, including incredibly friendly residents. There are some destinations, like the Azores, where I feel you can simply show up and find the trip of a lifetime. I would describe Vancouver Island in the same way.
A bit more info for Americans making the trip...
»As I previously mentioned, a roundtrip flight to and from Seattle was nearly $300 less than a flight directly onto the island. It gave me the opportunity to see a little of Seattle and allowed me to take an enjoyable (and inexpensive) ferry ride over!
»From Seattle I took the 2 hour and 45 minute Victoria Clipper ferry ride into Victoria. The roundtrip ticket cost me $119 and I used my passport. During the cooler months the ferry only runs once a day, so I spent the night at an AirBNB accommodation before departing in the morning. The ride was smooth (they offer a motion sickness pill for a quarter), with a friendly and attentive staff as well as an easy boarding process. Ticket holders board by number, starting with seats 1-50. If you order tickets early (I booked mine about a month in advance), you are able to board first and pick the seat with the best view! It was a bit like a mini-cruise…duty free, snacks, and meals on board…plus, free coffee and tea. There is also an outdoor deck, which I seemed to be the only crazy enough person to go out onto in the rain and cold! Taking the ferry was a comfortable and relatively inexpensive "scenic route" through the Puget Sound to Victoria.
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missallover · 11 years
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A little of being a tourist in my own city. Spent my Saturday exploring Founders Park with an Instagram meet up group, then made a visit to the Stabler-Leadbeater Apothecary Museum (yay for free museum day!), and last, some quality time at my friend Katie’s inspiring space…all in nearby Alexandria, Virginia.
I try not to take for granted that I live by so many beautiful places and fascinating things. Alexandria is ten minutes away, Baltimore is 45, I can be climbing a mountain in Virginia in about an hour, Richmond is a two hour drive, and the list continues…not to mention all of the Smithsonian museums and many monuments I have free access to every day.
I try to travel and explore locally as often as I can and it usually only costs me the metro fare or contributing gas money to a friend!
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missallover · 11 years
As I left Europe I said “up next” was west and it is. Tuesday I leave for Seattle and Wednesday I arrive by ferry to Vancouver Island.
This particular journey began in early June before I left for Europe. I had my eyes set on the west coast and Vancouver Island in particular. That a very wonderful man lives there has only sweetened the deal. I recently explained my stomach and chest as being a butterfly cage these days.
Some quick tips:
-Seattle is expensive! I booked through Airbnb to save myself money and to have a local’s guidance for my brief trip…always my two biggest driving forces behind using wonderful Airbnb. My Seattle host is even being kind enough to drive me to the ferry in the morning!
-Booking a round trip flight directly to any place on Vancouver Island was very expensive. Booking a flight to Seattle and then a ticket for the ferry was much, much cheaper…and I get to take the scenic route! When I am booking travel I always look for alternatives—is there a city close or closeish that is cheaper to fly into with an alternate way (bus, train, ferry) to where I want to go? Often there is and it saves you hundreds of dollars.
-Be open to the possibility that the person you want to be with is not where you are. Don’t allow that to be a barrier.
I look forward to posting photos soon!
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missallover · 11 years
From Amsterdam
Well. I’m back in Amsterdam after six days with my host Mary in Helmond, Netherlands.
I spent a quick night in Amsterdam last week at a ridiculous party hostel, but I could tell from my quick walk to there from the central station that I would like the city. I arrived by train this afternoon (I really love the train rides, wish I had traveled more this way) and didn’t do much other than take a couple hours walk along the canal. It is quite picturesque here. I stopped to write in my notebook on a park bench facing the canal next to a woman painting the scene with water color. It was very peaceful. The weather was quite warm here today and everyone seemed to be very happy about it. Lots of boat rides and people floating along.
I am very sad, sad enough that I cried for the first time in a while, that the Anne Frank house is sold out. Ever since the fifth or sixth grade I have been interested in her story. The prospect of going to her house was the leading factor in my decision to come to Amsterdam. Imagine, then, my feelings of stupidity when I didn’t think to book tickets in advance. I’ve tweeted them (ugh) and will show up early tomorrow to see if I can’t find a way to secure tickets. I pre-purchased tickets to the Van Gogh museum today, which I am sure will be nice.
Helmond was a beautiful little town. Cute Dutch houses, lots of fountains and parks. Mary was a wonderful host. She took me on a tour my second day by motor scooter. I don’t think I have laughed that much in a while. Something about the wind in my face and Mary’s silly commentary. She has a habit of saying “1…2…6!” before beginning things. She was very kind to me and a comforting and comfortable person to be around. I was able to meet her son on the last day, who is similar in age, and I can see that her goodness has extended to him, too.
I told my mom and dad that the Netherlands has probably been my favorite country I have visited so far and that remains true. The people are very kind, things are very efficient and clean, art and creativity are focuses and strong points, and…there is AC! Not everywhere, but more than most places I’ve been in my travels. I’ve tried not to be a spoiled and entitled American girl, but I do miss my air conditioning…
It is hard to believe this is coming to an end. I took a look back at some photos on Instagram and the “5 weeks ago” in the corner put time into perspective some. I’ve been traveling for quite a while. I think it will take me a good deal of time to unpack it all (literally and figuratively!) My hope is that I will be able to print and publish a second chapbook based around this time. Hoping for all good things.
Up next? A Sunday night departure, an eight hour overnight layover in Iceland, then another eight hour layover in New York (hopefully a hug from my best friend there worked in!) A week in DC and then home again, home again, jiggity jig to Buffalo for three weddings of people I love. After? This bird is headed west…
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missallover · 11 years
On the train to Amsterdam Centraal
I didn't like Berlin. If I say it to the blog it makes me feel less bad about it. I'm sorry, Berlin. Hello to you, Amsterdam.
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missallover · 11 years
Thank you to everyone who sent me suggestions for things to do. They were mostly for Berlin and Amsterdam and I'm finally at that point in my trip. (Thanks to the people who sent lots of Barcelona tips, too! I wish I could have done more...) Looking forward to the Sunday flea market that was suggested for me tomorrow and seeing some tulips in the Netherlands soon! Can't believe there are only eight days left...
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missallover · 11 years
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Berlin Berlin Berlin.
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missallover · 11 years
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Vienna is my favorite city so far in my travels and I'd venture to say that it is tied with New York for my favorite ever. So full of culture and beauty. Will be very sad to leave here and Sigrid tomorrow morning. She has offered me the place to stay again for one or two months in the winter and I'm going to do whatever I can to be able to come.
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missallover · 11 years
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This happy little fool.
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