misssuicidalmuffin · 5 years
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misssuicidalmuffin · 5 years
I'm dying rn lol
In PAL and sick as fuck
And all I know is that there are a shit ton of hula hoops
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misssuicidalmuffin · 5 years
reblog if youre either aromantic, a slytherin, impressing people with your forest expertise or you just really like green
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misssuicidalmuffin · 5 years
“Who hurt you?”
“My own expectations.”
- six word stories
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misssuicidalmuffin · 5 years
Y'all, I'm feeling disconnected from everything rn
I can't focus on shit, can't focus on what's going on around me, can't focus on what people are saying and it's bloody killing me.
Like, yes I can hear what's being said, but I can't process it. Now I'm listening to music and I can't even focus on that.
I've been confused about several things recently, but this I really don't understand.
Knowing my luck, I'm going to get in shit for not being able to do work. I can't even sit down and read a book without forgetting everything I read - and I normally love reading!
I can barely focus on what I'm typing for fuck's sake!
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misssuicidalmuffin · 5 years
PAL is going to be the death of me.
So PAL (Physical and Active Learning) is literally going to be the death of me because my teacher appears to be an insufferable prick. The only good thing about it is that I have friend in it.
On the otherhand, my English teacher isn't so bad. A great teacher I currently believe.
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misssuicidalmuffin · 5 years
Fuck... I have a midterm to write on the 25th for Math and I'm not prepared (nor will I ever be lmao)
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misssuicidalmuffin · 5 years
Just got out of presenting my semester project! Glad I chose to write an essay instead of a slideshow!
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misssuicidalmuffin · 5 years
My life is like a rollercoaster, and let me tell you... It isn't a fun one at times.
I'm not saying it's all bad because... Others have it worse, right?
Anyway, I feel like I'm not meant to have friends.
Everyone gets bored of me and leaves. They call me there friend and walk past me in the halls and wave a little. But... They don't talk to me anymore. They never make the effort.
I don't make the effort either, mind you, but that's because I feel like I'll annoy them -- I probably annoy them enough with my existence.
Am I that disposable? Only being talked to when they need something? If you're going to call yourself my friend, at least talk to me once in awhile.
I don't expect much from people, I've learned not to. They only leave in the end, and I don't want to give anyone the chance to get close to me.
This post can be ignored, it's mostly something get my thoughts out of my head for awhile. Can't have them ruining my evening right now.
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misssuicidalmuffin · 5 years
Casually trying not to have a mental breakdown in school. It's not working very well...
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misssuicidalmuffin · 5 years
I'm thankful that I have friends who don't think I'm a total loser... Even though there's only two of them...
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misssuicidalmuffin · 5 years
I now officially have a grand total of 2 friends.
At least I know I can trust them...
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misssuicidalmuffin · 5 years
Reblog if
You are one of those people who has been stabbed in your back by your so called friend.
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misssuicidalmuffin · 5 years
I'm done with backstabbers
I'm done with people who talk shit about people and expect me to keep my mouth shut to the victim.
They didn't want me to tell the truth, but I'd be damned if I were to tell a lie like that.
Now they think they've won by getting rid of me.
Well to the one person I've known for years. Surprise bitch, I know your secrets, stab me in the back one more time and these secrets are gonna spill.
It's pretty bad that I've been stabbed so many times in the back, now I can hardly feel the pain. Pathetic, isn't it?
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misssuicidalmuffin · 5 years
Today has been a rollercoaster
I'm not even joking, shit went down at lunch which was sparked by me being the truthful friend I am.
Now I've been kicked out of my friend group and am forming a new circle with my actual friends.
Quite a day it's been.
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misssuicidalmuffin · 5 years
Fuck I hate drama
I literally hate drama because shits going down in my friend group and the only way it's going to stop is if the lying bitch in my friend group admits to her bullshit.
I'm trying to be truthful but the truth only fuels the drama at this point. But I gotta do what I gotta do.
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misssuicidalmuffin · 6 years
I just had a major oof moment. I took a sip of my juice and started coughing in class. The classroom was silent. I attracted attention.
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