mitchell721 · 2 months
In Camp
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mitchell721 · 4 months
Marc and Alana were up early. They had to get to the “Israel on Fifth” parade. For many years, Marc was a reviewing stand assistant. He welcomed people with passes to that area, gave them a bottle of water, and a bag of Bamba, and escorted them to seats. It was the only area on the route that had bathrooms. They were porta potties. Often, when people got to the reviewing stand, their first…
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mitchell721 · 4 months
It was a party at Anat’s place. Marc, Alana, Jen, Tzipora, and Elan were there with their kids. Dan just got back from picking up some more wine and beer. All of the kids were playing. Anat was feeding Gillil. Not being shy, Alana yelled out, “Hey, Anat is that date milk she’s sucking out of you?” Marc has a friend who works on a dairy farm and knows everything about milk. Anat retorted back, “I…
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mitchell721 · 4 months
Marc and Alana went to celebrate Lag B’Omer. Marc built the fire. He was not pleased. He was a master fire builder. Too many super-religious folks got in his way. He was anxious and annoyed. But finally, some of the cute kids made him smile. Of course, Alana was there looking hot in her all-black clothes and makeup. The two of them do not like rabbis. Toss in HR and real estate people. Anyway,…
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mitchell721 · 7 months
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mitchell721 · 7 months
Diane Does Ok
Diane went out for a run. The last few months of her life have been better than ever. She hasn’t touched one drug or sipped one ounce of liquor. Her job was satisfactory. She reconnected with some old friends from high school. She went to a concert or Broadway show and bought tickets for a few Yankee games. She missed Jerry. She always would. However, she knew she didn’t even know him when she…
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mitchell721 · 7 months
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mitchell721 · 7 months
Maternity Leave?
Technically, Anat was on maternity leave. But we know she’s a nerd. She sat in her home office and checked emails while listening to “I’m Waiting for My Man” by the Velvet Underground. She loved Mr. Reed. She decided to look at the emails and not respond. Everything was being handled in her absence. Dan had a few days left of his paternity leave. Anat sent him to the store. Anat was feeding…
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mitchell721 · 7 months
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mitchell721 · 7 months
The Naming
It was a warm Thursday morning. Anat debated about doing the naming at shul or in her apartment. She was not a fan of rabbis. Marc could not stand them. Anat could have easily gotten a nice Sephardi stand-up Torah in her apartment. But she thought of her grandmother, who was devoted to her volunteer work at her shul. So, she decided the naming would be there, and the party would be in her…
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mitchell721 · 8 months
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mitchell721 · 8 months
Anat Gives Birth
Anat’s water broke. Dan was by her side. They were both nervous. Anat knew she could handle this. She did not understand how her powers would interact with the birthing process. She had no clue if it would be harder or easier. She went to the hospital. Funny, she remembers how she attacked Jen when she was giving birth to Ben. Anat was so upset that the girl who teased her in camp was married and…
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mitchell721 · 8 months
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mitchell721 · 8 months
Marc and Alana Travel Back to Camp
It was a warm winter weekend. The two woke up and decided to go to camp. They jumped into Alana’s Infiniti and quickly got to Marc’s camp. They played “Tommy” and “October” on the ride up. Marc and Alana made camp in Marc’s leanto. It was no longer where it was in Marc’s younger years. Marc started to build a fire. Alana changed into her bathing suit and told Marc to do the same. They hiked down…
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mitchell721 · 8 months
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mitchell721 · 8 months
Marc Gets Worked Up
Marc was busy at the office. All was going well. Most of his stuff was approved with minor revisions. He was gonna meet Alana for dinner. He was just in a bad mood. Marc is on many volunteer boards. He chairs one. He is tired of the dead wood. All of the boards have dead wood. Some are deader than dead. Marc was on an even keel. But at times, he thought he wanted to attack the dead wood with…
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mitchell721 · 8 months
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