miuna-lngblr · 4 years
How did you start learning japanese grammar?
Hello, sorry for this extremely late reply I havent been active lately. But I learned basic grammar (around N5-4 with some n3) from Tae Kim's guide to Japanese. He has a free app and pdf or you can buy the book. I wrote down notes about each topic and got example sentences using the grammar point. You could also make flashcards on Anki to help you review.
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miuna-lngblr · 4 years
Hii! Sorry if you answered this before! But I see you read some japanese novels and I was wondering where you got them from? It's hard to find books written in actual japanese where I live..
Hello! I got the books from CDJapan and Amazon JP. But mostly the first one since it can be cheaper than amazon
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miuna-lngblr · 4 years
日本語 - Law/Crime Vocabulary
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弁護士(べんごし)-> lawyer
犯罪(はんざい)-> crime
犯人(はんにん)-> criminal; culprit
犯す(おかす)-> to commit; to perpetrate  「彼女は犯罪を犯しました。」
逮捕する(たいほする)-> to arrest
盗む(ぬすむ)-> to steal
掏摸(すり)-> pickpocket (usually written in kana alone)
殺人(さつじん)-> murder
殺人犯(さつじんはん)-> murderer 「警察は殺人犯を逮捕しました。」
裁判(さいばん)-> trial
裁判官(さいばんかん)-> judge
公平(こうへい)-> fair (na-adj.) 
訴え(うったえ)-> lawsuit; legal complaint 「彼は医者に対して訴えを起こした。」 「男は公平な裁判を受けた。」
確定(かくてい)-> decision
無罪(むざい)-> innocent; innocence
有罪(ゆうざい)-> guilty; guilt
判決(はんけつ)-> verdict; judicial decision 「裁判で彼の無罪が確定した。」 「彼は有罪の判決を受けた。」
More under the cut because this might get pretty long:
Keep reading
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miuna-lngblr · 4 years
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New books always gets me excited
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miuna-lngblr · 5 years
コロナウィルス Some words related to Coronavirus:
These came up at work yesterday:
検疫; men’eki; quarantine
隔離; kakuri; isolation
喘息; zensoku; asthma (a pre-existing respiratory condition that could put you at higher risk)
紫外線; shigaisen; UV (a possible method of deep cleaning)
陽性; yousei; positive (test result)
陰性; insei; negative (test result)
接触者; sesshoku-sha; people who were in contact with someone (who was positive/had symptoms, etc.)
不可抗力; fukakouryoku; force majeure (a legal concept related to breaking contracts in the event of unforseeable emergency situations)
風評: fuuhyou; rumors
始まる vs 治まる
Hajimaru (start) vs Osamaru (finish up/wind down)
有給休暇; yuukyuu-kyuuka; paid leave
無給休暇; mukyuu-kyuuka; unpaid leave
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miuna-lngblr · 5 years
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Notebooks for kanji have finally arrived. Bought them from amazon : )
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miuna-lngblr · 5 years
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miuna-lngblr · 5 years
how do you practise speaking Japanese?
Sorry for the late reply 😭
But generally the best way to practise speaking is to call natives! I do this on the app called "Hellotalk" since I've got no natives near me that I know of. Additionally, I like to read out sentences that I'm reading or mimic what I'm watching since it helps with pronunciation. Sending voice messages in the beginning is fine if you are too shy to start calls right off the bat.
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miuna-lngblr · 5 years
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miuna-lngblr · 5 years
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Finished version
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miuna-lngblr · 5 years
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1hr 20m
I started painting something again. I've already finished it but I'll be posting the finished work tomorrow! Btw my art IG is miuna003. Follow me if you want~
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miuna-lngblr · 5 years
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I dropped this book for a while (months haha) but now I'm back at it every now and then
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miuna-lngblr · 5 years
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Happy new years!!!
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miuna-lngblr · 5 years
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Its been a while since i've posted so I'm sorry. I'm thinking of starting to study japanese again this winter break so please wait until then 🌼💖
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miuna-lngblr · 5 years
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ちなみに、Nier Automataをまたやっています!RPGが好きだったらこのゲームをおすすめしますよ。今回は日本語で!!
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miuna-lngblr · 5 years
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miuna-lngblr · 5 years
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