miyakyakchan-blog · 5 years
i didn’t know i need this until now
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Teanmoon’s Tea Party |  Birthday Set
To celebrate @teanmoon‘s birthday, @quiddity-jones, @deetron-sims, @applezingsims, @historicalsimslife, @magnolianfarewell, @javabeandreams, @femmeonamissionsims, @sjane4prezcc, @simxnoire and @martinessimblr collaborated in making a couple tea inspired treats for our Magic Tea!
This set includes 38 items, with most done in our Victorian Palette. The majority of items are base game compatible unless stated otherwise. Enjoy!
Download and info are under the cut!
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miyakyakchan-blog · 5 years
god i can't relate at all
10 Subtle Signs Someone Feels Attraction Towards You | Psych2Go x Grace Gando
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miyakyakchan-blog · 5 years
this is why i don’t text ppl lmao
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miyakyakchan-blog · 5 years
oh my god
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so true , so true =D
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miyakyakchan-blog · 5 years
so gorgeous! definitely using!
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Le Nid Douillet
A simple family home, no cc, playtested and fully furnished. No move objects needed.
I still play in this house, I share it before a storm destroys plants or other :p
3 Bedrooms - 3 bathrooms
Lot Type: Residential
Lot Size: 30x20
Price: § 102.967
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miyakyakchan-blog · 5 years
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Modern Day Mulan <3
CC list and CAS video can be found here [xx]
Download her here [xx]
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miyakyakchan-blog · 5 years
Three months ago our bodies were so tangled up that our movements became as one but now we couldn’t even get near each other.
(via ninetysevenweeks)
“Funny,” I spoke softly, chuckling to myself as her eyes darted to mine. “That’s how it started too.” I smiled, tilting my head as I looked at her. “You two wouldn’t even stand each other,”
“Couldn’t even touch each other without getting into an arguement.” 
“I.. know.” She huffed, resting her head on top of her knees.
“I-I’m afraid.. that we lost our spark.”
We sat in a silence before I sighed, leaning back as I looked up at the ceiling.
“When I met Jake.” I began, she looked at me as I squinted my eyes at the wall.
“I thought he was the most absoulute douchbag of the century,”
“He was a total pinhead.” I laughed to myself, she smiled back at me before frowning back at the floor.
“At one point in time,” I continued, biting my lip as I looked at her, before looking back at the wall.
“After multiple arguements over the most irrelevant things, now that I think about it-”
“I thought to myself.”
“Is this it?”
“Is all of what we worked hard for-”
“The best and worst moments-”
“Over?” I inquired, my voice cracking as I stared at the floor, my eyes watering up.
“And so you see-” I wiped my tears before continuing,
“I realized the day before,”
“That it isn’t the you against him.”
“It’s you and him, against the problem.” I spoke softly, I looked over at her as her eyes widened, her eyes darted to mine before she opened her mouth to speak.
“T-Thank you!” She cried, shaking my shoulders before she got up and left, darting towards the exit.
I smiled softly at her, before I sighed and threw my head back. I looked at the dream catcher that hung above the wall before walking over to the bar.
It was going to be a long, long night.
But that’s okay.
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miyakyakchan-blog · 5 years
I hugged her goodnight but if only I knew it was a goodbye I would’ve held on tighter. Maybe then she wouldn’t be gone.
Maybe if I had kissed her more and told her that I loved her, she’d still be here. // ck.writes (via ck-writings)
“And maybe even then I could’ve protected her.” He whispered, looking at his hands as he fiddled with his thumbs. “Don’t worry,” I interrupted, smiling sadly at Jay. “We’ll get her back,” He looked at the ground, leaning his head back as his sage blue eyes danced to the sad rhythm of the music. 
“We’ll make them pay.”
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miyakyakchan-blog · 5 years
wheres the lie tho
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miyakyakchan-blog · 5 years
All the Gen Z kids stand up for the national anthem
Gen Z
Road work ahead?
I smell like beef
I just wanna stay in bed
And look at my memes
Its an avacodo
But i thought you were american
Worried about the future
Im pretty sure i fucking cant
With this hurricane katrina
Is it hurricane tortilla
Or actually it’s hurricane florence
The apocalypse is before us
And we’re all afraid of North Korea
And the inevitable end of the world
And the teachers over work us
And society overpressures us
And we watch vines at three AM
We will all end up brain dead
But the conspiracy theory says
That either its all a simulation
Or the nations being run
By some celebraties with guns
Or we’re all being cloned
So it doesnt matter
That im done
Guess ill have my fun
With my useless compilations
And my youtube obsessions
And my caffiene addictions
Because we’re the sleep deprived
Technology revived
Meme addicted
Individuality restricted
Broken nation
Fucked up generation
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miyakyakchan-blog · 5 years
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The Fine Arts are so under appreciated….
Parents don’t want their children to go to school and to follow their dreams because they think artists don’t make any money. Who do they think makes all the art for Disney, Pixar, or big animated/cartoon movies? Illustrators!
Who do they think takes all the pictures for magazines, National Geographic, and advertising companies??? Photographers!
Who do they think makes those big beautiful memorials and statues that you see in cities and such? Sculptors!
Who do they think creates all the beautiful wonderful variations of art that we see around the world today? Artists!
Whether it be in music, illustration, sew, knitting, sculpting, acting, fashion, painting, graphic design, digital art, or any creative art form those people are still Artists. And these people contribute so much to our society, which without them would be dull and colorless. So why not take that step into embracing your passions. Why not take that leap of faith?
Is it because parents will ask “Well do you think your good enough to be an artist for Disney? A good enough Musica in for Juilliard? A good enough sculptor? Painter? Pianist? Artist? Are you as good as this guy? That girl?”
And the answer to these questions is yes; if only you’ll let us.
Most parents won’t support your dreams. I know my father sure as hell doesn’t support mine. And this is because they don’t think you’ll make any money.
He says “Well think of the money. Once you go to college for twelve years earn your doctorate you’ll have all the money you need to pay somebody to teach you art as a hobby.”
Well why? Why go through twelve years or schooling just to hire someone to teach me what I love after working HARD for something that I DON’T LOVE.
Listen to me.
Forget the money.
Forget the fear of your parents and loved ones judgement.
Forget the laws of society that say that you can’t make it in this world following your dreams.
Because it’s not true.
It’s a damn lie. All of it.
You like to sew? Well guess what, there’s 7.2 billion people out there who could be your potential customers. Sew handbags, sew backpacks, pants, shirts, duffles, anything and everything. And do it with passion. Because I swear to you that if you like something, there are others out there who like it too and who will be willing to buy your product.
I’m not saying drop out of high school and become an actor or a singer or artist. Because that is one sure way in today’s world to be unsuccessful. But what I’m saying is to have a plan B.
Go to a Liberal Arts college of you wish and double major. Your passion and something that if it doesn’t work out in the moment you’ve got something to keep you stable. Something to keep you happy whilst you get back on your feet. But do not just drop everything for your passion. Because that is reckless, and recklessness leads to disaster.
Live your life for you.
Become successful in YOUR own way.
You don’t have to be a doctor, athlete, or a celebrity to be successful (not that ANY of these are bad in any way). You can be a successful artist and still prioritize a plan B.
Mines is the military.
That is my plan B. If all else fails and my father absolutely refuses to accept me going to a liberal arts college, I’m going to the Air Force and not wasting money or time on something I don’t feel passionately about. And this is me. You don’t have to join the military, but you need to be smart. And you can’t get caught up in the moment. You have to play the game the right way or you WILL become the stereotypical “starving artist”.
My point is.
Go to school.
Do well.
And go to college and do what you want to do. Don’t let your parents plant seeds or doubt and fear into your mind. Because though they mean well. You will be the one regretting not following your passions working in a stuffy cubicle/office working from 9-5 and unhappy for every waking moment in the future. Not your parents. But you. Because when your parents see you happy. Doing what YOU LOVE, they should have nothing to be upset about.
And if they are. Well then they don’t deserve to be apart of your happiness.
Follow your dreams and live your life. Because I promise you all the people holding you back now, will be nowhere when your stuck and sad in a miserable job/career doing something you don’t wanna do.
Money is paper.
Literally fucking paper.
And no matter what your parents say, your professors say, or society says, it CANNOT BUY YOU HAPPINESS! It never has. And it never will.
Find what makes YOU happy.
Find what makes YOU wake up with a purpose.
Find what makes YOU strive to become the best you possible.
And never EVER let it go. Don’t let them fool you into believing that the Fine Arts are a “waste of a degree”. Because your passions and interests are worth it.
Just remember whose life you wanna live.
Yours or theirs.
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miyakyakchan-blog · 5 years
Wow. Just wow.
PSA TO ALL PARENTS:If you do raise kids remember this: the tighter the leash, the further they run when it snaps.
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miyakyakchan-blog · 6 years
Feel bad for anybody who didn't get the sarcasm in this.
How to be progressive! 😘
1. Make sure you tell every homosexual that being attracted to someone’s sex is disgusting!!🤢🤮
2. Spread the word that sexuality is fluid and being attracted to one sex just doesn’t exist! 🤓
3. Obviously we’ve got to get rid of all those troublesome female only spaces!! But leave the men’s spaces alone!! 🤗
4. Got a child who’s uncomfortable with the strict gender stereotypes that they get saddled with based on their sex? Well slap some puberty blockers on that sucker, send them to get cosmetic surgery, and give them new pronouns that come with different gender stereotypes!! Problem solved! 😋
5. Penis repulsed lesbians? Oh boy well you better head to therapy quick! Can’t have you thinking dick is gross!! 😷
6. There’s men who get off on hurting women? Well that’s okie dokie because that’s their kink and we progressive folk don’t shame anyone for anything! 😍
7. Men want to purchase women’s bodies knowing 100% they can’t do anything about it or go to the police? Obviously this is a great thing! And we should do everything in our power to make it legal!! 😍😍
8. Is there someone who doesn’t agree with your beliefs? Well tell that person to go die in a ditch! If you’re feeling really bold send them a rape threat! Make sure that nobody ever questions your ideology! 😉
9. Are there folks pointing out the violent people within our community? Well obviously their trolls duh! Because our community and movement is filled with angels! 😇
10. Most importantly! Are there articles about violent, perverted trans women? Make sure you let everyone know that these aren’t real transwomen! But never let anyone assume someone’s gender identity because that’s a big no no! 😇🤫
Little additions:
-make sure people respect the pronouns of rapists and pedophiles!
-any study that goes against what we believe is obviously fake! 🤓
-don’t bother reading anything that isn’t specifically from us and god help you if you reblog something from a “terf” or a radfem! 😡
-if you exclude anyone from your dating pool then you’re a terrible person! 🤬😡
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miyakyakchan-blog · 6 years
【MMD w/ xNellix】  → Collab Motion ᴴᴰ 【Download ✘ Link】
Miyakyakchan posted a video on 12/1/18 at 2:56 p.m
『 MMD✘Collab 』 → Ain’t My Fault ᴴᴰ 【+Motion DL】
↠Video made by: me (Miyako)
↠Video Uploaded on: 12/1/2018
↠Video Made on: 11/31/18
↠Subscriber count: 894
Download Link:
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