mmxbts-blog · 6 years
₮ⱧɆ ₲ⱤɆ₳₮ ĐɆ₵Ɇ₱₮łØ₦ (BTS Discord group roleplay)
Hello, MeU is here to bring out the first world of this blog.
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BTS Apocalypse + HighSchool AU! Roleplay
“The life of high-schoolers is always boring; the same faces, the same atmosphere, the same schedule… Isn’t there a way to make things just a little bit entertaining? That wish itself will forever haunt everyone’s mind.”
This roleplay is going to involve some mature themes, as well as fantasy and romance. First of all, you need to be comfortable with triggering themes, such as blood, murder, horror, weapons, violence, etc. Romance is going to be a main as well, so it’s not going to be only ‘horror’ related.
How many people do you need?
As for now, the roleplay will start when all BTS members are taken and also all 7 OCs places are taken. I won’t accept more than 7 OCs so if you want to participate as one, please quickly do so! 
Free BTS members: Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon, Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook.
Free OCs spots: [x] [x] [x] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] (4 places)
How do I apply?
As said in the title, is a discord roleplay, so you need to have a discord account and after that, fill this form. I’m going to read thoroughly the forms and let you guys know if you’re in. 
How many people can I control?
Just two;
A BTS member and an OC. Of course, that’s the limit, as you can be only a BTS or only an OC. It’s your choice! However, when all BTS members are taken you can only be an OC and vice-versa. 
I have more questions!
Feel free to ask! I’ll be more than happy to answer everything.
Even if you don’t join us, please reblog this so other ARMYs can see. Thank you :) I’ll be waiting for your applications!
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mmxbts-blog · 6 years
₮ⱧɆ ₲ⱤɆ₳₮ ĐɆ₵Ɇ₱₮łØ₦ (BTS Discord group roleplay)
Hello, MeU is here to bring out the first world of this blog.
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BTS Apocalypse + HighSchool AU! Roleplay
“The life of high-schoolers is always boring; the same faces, the same atmosphere, the same schedule… Isn’t there a way to make things just a little bit entertaining? That wish itself will forever haunt everyone’s mind.”
This roleplay is going to involve some mature themes, as well as fantasy and romance. First of all, you need to be comfortable with triggering themes, such as blood, murder, horror, weapons, violence, etc. Romance is going to be a main as well, so it’s not going to be only ‘horror’ related.
How many people do you need?
As for now, the roleplay will start when all BTS members are taken and also all 7 OCs places are taken. I won’t accept more than 7 OCs so if you want to participate as one, please quickly do so! 
Free BTS members: Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon, Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook.
Free OCs spots: [x] [x] [x] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] (4 places)
How do I apply?
As said in the title, is a discord roleplay, so you need to have a discord account and after that, fill this form. I’m going to read thoroughly the forms and let you guys know if you’re in. 
How many people can I control?
Just two;
A BTS member and an OC. Of course, that’s the limit, as you can be only a BTS or only an OC. It’s your choice! However, when all BTS members are taken you can only be an OC and vice-versa. 
I have more questions!
Feel free to ask! I’ll be more than happy to answer everything.
Even if you don’t join us, please reblog this so other ARMYs can see. Thank you :) I’ll be waiting for your applications!
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mmxbts-blog · 6 years
HC: Yoongi as... Jumin! [MMxBTS]
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A/N: The third character of this section! Hobi is coming out now. I’ll tell you guys more about him below. Please remember this is a “Crossover version” between BTS and Mystic Messenger, so he’s not going to be completely Yoongi nor completely like Jumin. He’s going to have a little bit of both. Without further do, the rest is below! Hope you guys enjoy it. (I apologize for any grammar mistake!)
Also, the proper credit for the Mystic Messenger template is from queen-val in Deviantart! I’ll leave here a link if you guys are interested in obtaining it and making your own OCs or anything!
╰☆☆ 𝐸𝓂𝑒𝓇𝒾𝑒☽ ☆☆╮
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Yoongi is Jumin! He, like Jumin, is the second oldest of the RFA
So, let’s go from the start!
Yoongi was born rich just like Jumin. So he had to deal with everything Jumin dealt with as well
You know, the entire fake smiles, the entire ‘being able to do anything because everyone kisses the floor he walks in’
And of course, like Jumin, that made Yoongi become “cold”
He, different from Jumin, doesn’t have that much of a bond with his father
Not that it means they don’t get along, it just isn’t as strong as Jumin’s bond with the CEO Han
So, we know Yoongi can be salty and he also can have a sharp tongue when he wants
However, all this environment taught him to learn how to control his tongue and his harsh stare when needed
Of course, he’s way harder than Jumin when it comes to telling someone to fvck off
Okaaaay so. His childhood friend is Namjoon! They meet just like V and Jumin, at a very young age because they both were rich and lived nearby
Yoongi was actually very surprised at the changes he saw in his friend when he grew up to be such a calm and understanding man
When he met Rika, he was as cold as ever with her, considering everything he had gone through with women and all
But of course, Rika wasn’t a gold digger. He didn’t really show a calm side with her, but he acted a little shy yet with an attitude like “low-key cares”
Yoongi, just like Jumin, would find himself falling for Rika’s pureness
Of course, he’d immediately close his feelings and tell himself to forget about it.
He believes firmly Namjoon and Rika are destined
So, yeah, about the pet Rika gives him... Is actually not a cat! It’s a dog! And of course, called Holly
After Rika’s suicide, Yoongi decided to be the ‘strong one’, to be the one that showed the group they had to move on
But of course, he was as broken as everyone else was. If not worse
He decided to hide everything through Holly. His mascot becoming a representation of Rika, a way to give ‘her’ everything he wanted to 
Yoongi, however, different from Jumin, would be a little more responsible for his work and wouldn’t let little things stop him
Different from Jumin again, Yoongi would be a little more loosen up and would actually have better communication with the “RFA” members
He’d joke around, roll his eyes at Jin’s dad jokes, use more emojis lmao, u know, the chill Yoongi we all know
He’ll be a little more understanding of the ‘outer world’ rather than just being a rich boy that knows nothing about getting food by your own hand
As I said before, he’s a workaholic so Hoseok wouldn’t have to worry about getting loads of ‘Yoongi’s work’ because Yoongi will probably do it himself
So, moving onto the timeline of deep routes, yas
This time, Yoongi will definitely act just like Jumin did when the strange entered
Formal, cold and direct to the point. “Username MC? Please introduce yourself.”
However, with Namjoon’s decision, he’d argue just a little bit more
Like Jumin, wouldn’t be easy to win over unless you understand his world and don’t treat him like he’s a ‘cold/harsh rich boy’
When the Sarah thing happens, he’d be so damn annoyed, ISTG
I do see Yoongi just directly telling his guards to take her out of the house cuz he wasn’t having that shit
He’ll have a little more of rage about it than Jumin, but would be able to solve it just as amazingly
He wouldn’t probably get all overwhelmed with feelings with the MC, but he’d be very direct and honest with what he’s feeling
He wouldn’t probably propose as soon as Jumin, but would probably think about it after the party ended and maybe some months later
and yes y’all, he knows other recipes asides pancakes HAHAHAHA
YOONGI’S EMOJIS WOULD BE THESE: (”Phrases” his emojis would say)
“Do you know C&R?” (The iconic ‘do you know BTS’ line but changed... With a maybe smile emoji or smug)
“Swag” (A winking emoji)
“Why is everyone so weird today” (A confused emoji or sighing emoji)
*Insert little air-y laugh* (Laughing emoji ofc)
*Insert that little cute sound he makes for ‘crying’* (OFC Crying emoji ftWW)
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In general, Yoongi would be a Jumin but a little more relaxed and more savage if that’s even possible haha.
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mmxbts-blog · 6 years
HC: Hoseok as... Jaehee! [MMxBTS]
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A/N: The third character of this section! Hobi is coming out now. I’ll tell you guys more about him below. Please remember this is a “Crossover version” between BTS and Mystic Messenger, so he’s not going to be completely Hoseok nor completely like Jaehee. He’s going to have a little bit of both. Without further do, the rest is below! Hope you guys enjoy it. (I apologize for any grammar mistake!)
Also, the proper credit for the Mystic Messenger template is from queen-val in Deviantart! I’ll leave here a link if you guys are interested in obtaining it and making your own OCs or anything!
╰☆☆ 𝐸𝓂𝑒𝓇𝒾𝑒☽ ☆☆╮
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Now Hoseok is Jaehee!! Let’s start with him now. 
In age he’s like Jaehee in the term that they’re both not really in the middle but yet not the oldest either
The entire accident the family of Jaehee had, is the same with him
He grew up practically on his own and is naturally a hard-worker
So he did graduate early as well like her
However, he practiced dancing behind his ‘parents’ sight
So he learned to dance on his own and going to classes with money he earned in his own part-time job
However, the pressure of society is really high in Korea, so he had to obtain a stable job after graduating from college
He did so, but that didn’t stop his dreams of dancing and maybe, someday, be like just those idols he sees in TV
“I’ll work hard so I can be someone like that!”
Is way more positive than Jaehee about his needs and what he wants
Also, Yoongi IS strict but maybe not as Jumin
So that kind of help
He first met Jin on a dancing class he had
Jin was really bad at dancing, he remembers it really well
However, he had such a strong impression on stage, that it really impressed him
And after he joined the RFA because of Yoongi, he got to know him more
He saw his struggles and everything, of course, he admired how even after all that, he was now an independent man living with his dreams
He wanted to be like that as well
So more than being a ‘fanboy’ of Jin, he just looks up to him
Of course, he doesn’t get all the dad jokes and his narcissism like Jaehee does nor does he know EVERYTHING about him
But he does care and isn’t afraid of showing how much he looks up to him
When he met Rika, they didn’t really have that much of a strong connection
He thought it was really beautiful of her to care so much for the ones in need and decided to help on his own as well
He knows how it feels to be in need and have no one to help after all
He wouldn’t really be a ‘perfect assistant’ like Jaehee
He would actually know when to talk and when to tell Yoongi to slow it down because that would affect not only him but the entire company
He’s pretty reliable tho!
If Jaehee has a coffee liking, Hoseok has a dancing liking
So while Jaehee uses her time watching Zen’s DVD, Hoseok uses it to learn dances and create his own
Jin would know he was really good at dancing and would tell him to just try on agencies
But Hoseok wouldn’t really know if he was ready for it
When Rika decided to end her life, he was so shocked
Like, he for real cried so much
How could a person that used to help so many decided to end her life? Why? And why he didn’t notice somehow? Was it because he was busy seeing the smiles everyone gave him so he didn’t notice their insides screaming?
He was affected more in the way that he couldn’t do anything, more than the fact that she left somehow
After all, they weren’t that close
Okay soooo
When this entire RFA hacking stuff happened, he was so dang scared
Like, no joking there, remember how Yoosung was having all kind of typos and stuff? That’d be Hoseok
Yes, he wouldn’t be the serious assistant that would ask immediately for answers 
He’d be careful though, he’d act all cheerful and happy, but he won’t really believe in the “MC” at first and he’d be wary
Maybe he’d ask a little with Taehyung but would obtain NO answers from him, asides the entire “she’s not a bad person, believe me”
When the “MC” proved she wasn’t bad and started to show him care and make him follow his dreams, he never felt more supported in his entire life
He’d quit his job, but Yoongi wouldn’t feel as ‘betrayed’ as Jumin
He kind of knew it was going to happen sometime and is actually happy Hoseok is following his own dreams
He’d then probably debut as an idol finally! And well, let’s say he wouldn’t really friendzone the MC...
HOSEOK’S EMOJIS WOULD BE THESE: (”Phrases” his emojis would say)
“I hate snakeu” (With the annoyed emoji)
“I’m your hope, I’m your angel!” (The smiling emoji)
*Insert hella loud laugh* (The laughing emoji ofc)
*Insert aegyo sounds* (The blushy/winking/cute emoji)
*Insert the screams he did at the BTSvsZombies thingie* (The surprised/scared emoji)
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In general, he’d be a SUPER POSITIVE SMILING SUNSHINE kind of Jaehee, still hardworking as ever.
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mmxbts-blog · 6 years
╰☆☆ General Links ☆☆╮
This blog is slowly growing, so there may be some stuff that doesn’t connect with anything! 
╰☆☆ 𝐸𝓂𝑒𝓇𝒾𝑒☽ ☆☆╮
MMxBTS Crossovers: 
Original Crossover (BTS as RFA members):
Kim Seokjin as...
Min Yoongi as...
Jung Hoseok as...
Kim Namjoon as...
Park Jimin as...
Kim Taehyung as...
Jeon Jungkook as...
BTS Masterlist
Mystic Messenger Masterlist
Anon ships
Mysme ships
BTS ships
Crossover ships
Mysme theories
MMxBTS Crossover theories
Cheritz universe theories
Admin talks
About Emerie
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mmxbts-blog · 6 years
HC: Jungkook as... Yoosung! [MMxBTS]
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A/N: The second character of this section! Now it’s Jungkook’s turn. I’ll tell you guys more about him below. Please remember this is a “Crossover version” between BTS and Mystic Messenger, so he’s not going to be completely Jungkook nor completely like Yoosung. He’s going to have a little bit of both. Without further do, the rest is below! Hope you guys enjoy it. (I apologize for any grammar mistake!)
Also, the proper credit for the Mystic Messenger template is from queen-val in Deviantart! I’ll leave here a link if you guys are interested in obtaining it and making your own OCs or anything!
╰☆☆ 𝐸𝓂𝑒𝓇𝒾𝑒☽ ☆☆╮
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Jungkook is Yoosung! Just like him, he’s the youngest
Okay so, let’s start from the very start (duh)
Cuz with Jin I got a little messy haha...
Okay so, was just like Yoosung in his studies before meeting “RIKA” 
He’s naturally a responsible kid
After Rika ‘suicide’, he did got really hurt over it
After all she was his mentor, the one he looked up for
so he started to get depressed, but different from Yoosung, he didn’t show it
Also he didn’t blame Namjoon from it either
...He blamed himself for not noticing it sooner, that she was this depressed to do such thing
Even more with that episode he saw in Rika with the whole Sally accident
He’d hide this fact, act like he was just silently grieving for her but as if he was completely ok after some months
But he wasn’t and he created alone his own theory that maybe, just maybe, she didn’t die and she was alive
Of course, Jin would notice with the help of Namjoon and Yoongi
So the oldest will do everything they could to make him feel better
They’d tell Taehyung to install secretly LOLOL into his computer somehow
They knew Jungkook was actually a game addict but stopped when he started high-school to ‘concentrate better’ because of Rika
Of course, he still loved to game and they knew it
So they helped him with words and wisdom
So Jungkook was able to deal with his pain and move on, still feeling guilty somehow, but better than before
So, as I said, Jungkook is naturally responsible 
so he wouldn’t just procrastinate all day with LOLOL like Yoosung
He’d have the balanced life of a college student that sacrifices sleep to be able to do his college work and play LOLOL
Of course that leaves him extra tired always
Even though he’s really active and has a lot of energy, this would probably make him tired enough so he doesn’t think of anything sad or Rika related
That’s how he’s been living his days in college. He made himself busy with two things 
Right! He has never had a girlfriend. And you guys must ask why? Well, pretty easy. He’s shy with girls!
It’s not like a super-extreme-fear or anything, he’s just a little awkward
However, if he gets to know them, he can then become his usual self in no-time.
Actually has both male and some selected female friends, but since he’s too oblivious, he doesn’t notice when a girl is actually interested in him
Moving onto the normal time-line of casual routes
He won’t be as easy to gain as Yoosung lmao
He’d appreciate kindness and will probably feel better if he was understood more than stimulated to game more
Also, he’s way different from Yoosung in one thing
He’s actually the one that pranks the others! And not the other way around!
Except with Taehyung, as they both joke with each other so they’re like ‘on the same league’. 
He won’t really directly compare the MC with Rika, but will firmly believe that way somehow
He UNDERSTANDS the main point as to why that’s bad, so he would understand Jin when he points that out
It’s going to be way easier for him to understand that point and of course, apologize and find out his real feelings, but he’ll be a little shy to confess
He’s really brave, so when this entire bomb and hacker thing happened, everything got into his head
He didn’t want to lose ‘MC’ so he immediately wanted to take action. Take her to his house so he could protect her himself. Of course, Taehyung couldn’t really reveal any info of the apartment
When Jungkook wanted to go with him though, he accepted faster than 707. Because Taehyung knew Jungkook could protect himself just enough.
JUNGKOOK’S EMOJIS WOULD BE THESE: (”Phrases” his emojis would say)
“Oh man, holy sh---” (Surprised emoji smh)
*Insert his loud laugh* (Laughing emoji)
“Uuuhhh...” *You know, that uhm sound he does when thinking deeply* (The typical “...” or “?” emoji)
“Hyung!” (Angry/Screaming emoji)
“Be quIET!” (U know, the smug emoji)
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In general, he’s a way more mature Yoosung that puts the blame on himself and brave.
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mmxbts-blog · 6 years
I love you c: ╰☆☆ 𝐸𝓂𝑒𝓇𝒾𝑒☽ ☆☆╮
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0 notes
mmxbts-blog · 6 years
HC: Kim Seokjin as... Zen! [MMxBTS]
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A/N: So, for this section, the first character we have Jin! I’ll tell you guys more about him below. Please remember this is a “Crossover version” between BTS and Mystic Messenger, so he’s not going to be completely Jin nor completely like Zen. He’s going to have a little bit of both. Without further do, the rest is below! Hope you guys enjoy it. (I apologize for any grammar mistake!)
Also, the proper credit for the Mystic Messenger template is from queen-val in Deviantart! I’ll leave here a link if you guys are interested in obtaining it and making your own OCs or anything!
╰☆☆ 𝐸𝓂𝑒𝓇𝒾𝑒☽ ☆☆╮
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Jin as Zen! He’s actually the oldest of the group, different from Zen that’s like in the middle.
Different from Zen itself, even though he does take care of having a balanced diet, he still eats whatever he wants as well. 
Sometimes he changes his user to “worldwide handsome” and everyone just sighs
Jin’s family is actually rich! But he decided to be a rebel and follow his dreams
So the main reason as to why he dislikes rich people is because they make him remember the way his parents didn’t support him
His parents didn’t say anything bad about his looks
He actually is very mature and he can control his feelings quite easily but tends to use humor and stupid jokes to brighten up the mood
As the oldest, he feels quite responsible about what happens with everyone, so he wants to seem approachable to them all
He feels a little disconnected with Yoongi because Yoongi IS rich just like his parents and his usually ‘idgaf’ way of acting gets a little on his nerves
Still, they don’t really bicker that much
Jin is mature enough not to put all the blame in Yoongi
Different from the actual Zen, he gets made fun of sometimes!
Anytime he enters the chatroom, the others stop typing away cuz they know he’s probably going to say a dad joke
So they’re busy facepalming even before he has said anything
He’s known by their fans for doing a lot of ‘hearts for everyone’ kind of fanservice
Hoseok admires him so much, no jokes there
Mirrors do break with him as well
He’s a little more interested in technology than Zen so he actually has a nice laptop and changes his phone when it’s necessary
Is still allergic to cats!
He DOES KNOW how to ride motorcycles but isn’t really that much of a fan because he’s still a little bit scared of it
“What I’m going to do if I scratch this beautiful face? Is going to be the end of the world!”
He has physic dreams but his healing abilities are normal like everyone else
He became famous first because a girl took a picture of him waiting for the bus and everyone then started to ask who he was
That’s when his face became popular on the internet but was anon for a long time
Until well, he became a little more famous with his musicals and everyone started to notice it was him
And oh god, it did gave him a big boost to his popularity
His popularity is like Zen’s. Is a little big but is not out of the ulzzang/musical actors fans.
I see him having an IG full of his pictures and stuff lmao
His user? Easy. World-wide_Handsome_ (Because wordwide_handsome was taken so, yeah.)
Jin, different from Zen, his house address was leaked instead of him just putting it on his fanpage. 
His hair color changes from time to time, depending on his roles, however, he tends to stay blonde.
Is probably the one that freaks out the most when all this hacker thing happens
Is honestly so shock
He used to be really good friends with Namjoon as well, so all this situation just really stranges him
He’ll still put on a brave face and try to deal with any danger “MC” is into
But will still be hella scared and will probably scream a lot, haha...
Another different thing from Zen is that Jin actually knows how to use his kitchen! 
So he wouldn’t have “MC” eat junk food or anything. Still he’d enjoy taking her to that fish-shaped bread stall
He’d probably freak out more than Zen when all this Echo girl stuff happens
“Miss... Aren’t you a little too young to be saying things like that????”
Of course, since he’s older, he’ll probably have a worse time than Zen itself because of the media
but will deal with it with the help of everyone
The entire ‘beast’ thing would remain, except he’d only say it as a joke most of the time
Because Jin actually knows how to control himself with no problem
Of course, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t feel attracted to the MC
JIN’S EMOJIS WOULD BE THESE: (”Phrases” his emojis would say)
*Insert windshield laugh* (For laughing emoji)
“I’m world-u-wide handsome” (For winking/stars emoji)
“Money~” (With a smug face like “7u7″)
“Yah!!” (Screaming/Angry emoji ftw)
*Insert that humming he does when he eats delicious food* (For an emoji eating or smth idk HAHAHHA)
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In general, Mysme Jin is a Zen with a little more self-control on his emotions and a joking nature.
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mmxbts-blog · 6 years
Did you get mysterious messages? [MysmexBTS]
Hello everyone! Let me introduce myself, I’m currently the only admin here: Emerie (or you could call me “Em”) and I decided to start a new project here in tumblr for this year! First of all, I must apologize if you find any grammar mistakes in my writings because my first language isn’t english, so I’m so sorry!
As many of you may have already noticed, this blog has a certain theme to follow: “BTS x Mystic Messenger”. Many of you are probably confused (even more if you don’t know what’s “BTS” OR “Mystic Messenger”). In short words, BTS (Bangtan Boys) is a K-pop boyband with 7 members and Mystic Messenger (Mysme/MM for short) is a mobile messenger game where you ‘chat with potential lovers’ or an “Otome game”. 
I decided to bring two things I love the most and combine them with another one (which is writing). I want to make this blog as a new universe, as if to say: What if...? The Mysme characters where actually BTS? OOOR, what if, the Mysme plot was actually changed into a BTS Chatroom? OOOR, WHAT IF! BTS and the Mysme characters changed places?? How would they be/act/react/etc.??
To be honest, what I really want to do right now is to start a fanfiction; one that includes something from both universes, it could be an Mysme!AU or a crossover. Something that isn’t necessarily affected with a certain plot, but something that’d fluctuate with YOUR decision. I want to make strange theories, imagines and write a lot about headcanons I’ve had in my mind ever since a long time ago but didn’t really took the time to write it down. 
So, that’s it for the intro of this blog I guess! I’m still starting and I’m probably a mess right now haha. Of course, this blog will listen and read to users requests, or just talks in general (about both the theme of this blog and just random stuff tbh! You can send me ‘potato’ 100 times and I’ll get hella excited). I’ll start taking requests after I release the rules and general concept of this blog, so look forward to it! That’s it, hope you guys enjoy this blog!
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╰☆☆ 𝐸𝓂𝑒𝓇𝒾𝑒☽ ☆☆╮
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