molly4u-blog1 · 5 years
It's me ! 😂❤️
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molly4u-blog1 · 5 years
Love for food..... ❤❤❤
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molly4u-blog1 · 5 years
let me be your knife u can either hold me and love me or kill yourself and others
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molly4u-blog1 · 5 years
Hello pals !! lets kick out your Depression
wwI don’t know if you are reading this or not but if u are then let me tell u that i cant help u get out from this ,i can only give directions so that you can win this situation 
so their are times when u want to give up everything and u feel like “why the hell am I living?” everybody at some point of time experiences this ,I myself have gone though this , and actually that’s the reason I WANNA HELP U OUT .
these are the 5 ways you can fight your depressed ass ....... lets get into this pals.
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1)   okay so the first thing to do is to stop saying “why me ?”
There is a reason for everything , maybe you are the one who is even more strong than others , u gotta deal with it as this is what the philosophy of karma says , “what you sow , so shall u reap” , according to scientists depression is one of the reason why so many rapes , crisis , murder are happening inside the world.
almost 95%of the world is depression and the other 5% are prone to depression . things these days are getting even more worse , the only thing to do is to start accepting yourself and your karma , i know that its a bitch but this bitch is going to teach u lessons.
now coming to yourself i would suggest you to start accepting your fate. You can either accept it or change it .
2)  why do you care ? why can’t you just let go ?
yeah. why do you care ? stop fighting the people outside, they just know you , not your heart , mind and thoughts. I don’t know that you are understanding this or not but i wanna say that you are wrong pal , for proving people and explaining them the reason behind your sadness, the more you prove and repeat those sentences you will become even more depressed, they will understand or maybe not , you won’t know but you will surely end up being tired and even more melancholic 
the reason I am telling you to not explain much is because when you try to explain them , you are not explaining them you are just validating and justifying your reason to yourself because these things act like subliminal messages or negative thoughts to the brain or the subconscious mind, the brain will think that you want yourself to be sad and depressed and then it will produce certain hormones that will increase your depression even more so try to think positive.
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yeah just like that !! :D
3)  you either have some problems with your physical or hormonal health.
Levels of certain hormones, such as those produced by the thyroid gland, can be factors in depression. In addition, some symptoms of depression are associated with thyroid conditions. The same is true about conditions related to the menstrual cycle, such as premenstrual syndrome (PMS),premenopause and menopause.
Because there is this connection between depression symptoms and other medical conditions, blood tests are often ordered to avoid a misdiagnosis. It is important to note that you can have both depression and thyroid conditions at the same time. It is also possible to have depression and menstruation-related symptoms.
i have given this information from: https://www.webmd.com/depression/guide/depression-the-thyroid-and-hormones#1
for further information you can go to this link and check it out 
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4) you are allowing yourself to be depressed , stop doing that now !!! 
you: i never allowed, it comes automatically.
me: how do you know that it comes automatically? if u know it then of course you have allowed it to get inside you. that’s the truth,accept it dude!!
yeah its just like that , you must be having these thoughts now , “ what a crazy psycho bitch she is ” .
I get it pal , but actually that’s the crazy truth and reality of depression,it never ever comes automatically, u allow it , its just like happiness, like for eg if i get a new car next month , i would be happy but what if i just take tension about the prize, warranty, or its gonna have scratches or the worst that i may meet with an accident during my drive, so now i will get depressed instead of happy by thinking unnecessary thoughts about something.
stop allowing it to control you, if something is happening in your life then just think about the positive side, every bad thing has something good in it, if its not there then that’s a sign that you yourself have to find a reason to be happy. you will get a million reasons to be sad without finding it, but just one reason in a million reasons is just enough to burn the depression,but you have too take some efforts and find it.No matter how bad your life is just find a fucking reason to be happy , even if its a small one , like seeing your cat or dog play, having a wonderful day at work ( well that’s quite tough ) but u see that our daily lives have a lot of wonderful things which we don’t even notice and that’s the reason we end up being sad.
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look how happy Mr Froggy is !! u gotta be like that though not jumping like him hahaha ! :D
5) maybe you are way too sensitive to evaluate your own emotions and control them by yourself 
It’s definitely true that we all have our sensitive moments. You’d be hard-pressed to find someone who hasn’t been devastated by a breakup or saddened by harsh criticism. But for HSPs, the bad news is that their physical and emotional experiences are always processed at such a constant, high intensity, that it can really shape their lives—often as much as gender and race do—and often in ways that don’t adhere to the expectations of an extroverted society. Things like job performance, friendships, and romances can be greatly altered when one feels all these stimuli so deeply.
If you, like myself and 20 percent of the population, fall into this category, you likely often feel isolated because you’re unable to enjoy (or even simply tolerate) certain tasks and activities in the same ways that your peers do. The good news: this isn't because you're disdainful or just plain difficult. Recent research has shown that these reactions are actually due to a slightly different chemistry in the brains of HSPs—notably, increased blood flow in the areas that process emotion, awareness, and empathy. So while your aversions may be difficult to accept at times, it’s important to understand that this is truly just the way you’re wired, and you honestly probably aren’t quite as weird as you think.
so always remember guys that you are not alone, just keep going and stay happy , i have copied this information from https://www.mindbodygreen.com/articles/i-am-a-highly-sensitive-person-heres-what-i-wish-more-people-knew-about-hsps
hope this helped you to fight back depression !! i am glad to help y’all.
hope you are satisfied !! :D
bye guys ...... see ya later
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