mommastanberry-blog · 7 months
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It was late. Much later than Draco wanted it to be when he cast a Tempus charm to check the time.
Great. Good job Draco, another sleepless night.
He pulled on his coat and made his way out of his office, realizing quickly that he was the last one left in the building. He sighed. Owning a Quidditch team was not as fun as he had assumed. The paperwork and politics were grueling, leaving Draco almost no time on a broom. He missed the days of just being on a team and flying with his friends, the rush of the wind on a cold fall day made him feel more alive than breathing.
I’ll owl Theo tomorrow and see if he's busy. We can go fly up to Hogsmeade and have a pint at the Hog’s Head.
Stepping off the lift into the atrium, and out the door, Draco could see strikes of lightning in the distance. The strength of the wind told him a storm would be here soon; he needed to get home before it hit.
Riding a bike in the rain… definitely not my smartest move.
He mounted his bike, casting a few spells to repel the wind and rain, and donned his helmet. He hated the thing, but he drove in muggle London enough that he didn’t want to risk dealing with the police. He had had enough of that for a lifetime. He shuddered thinking about the 6 months he had spent in Azkaban. He had been at risk of a 10-year sentence, but thanks to an apparent earful, and Salazar knows what else, from a very swotty and bushy-haired Gryffindor, he had been given time served and a 5-year probationary period. Once he had returned home he had written her a letter, saying all the things he could never bring himself to in person.
Never got a letter back. I deserved that.
The rain was coming down in heavy sheets making it difficult for Draco to see. He took it slow, but that didn’t stop him from nearly hitting something that had appeared in the road.
He screeched to a stop, barely missing the…
Is that a woman? What is she doing out here?
He hopped off his bike and rushed over to the woman who was soaked from head to toe. He couldn’t see her face that was hidden under a large hood, but he knew she must be a witch, as muggles didn’t typically wear cloaks.
“Ma’am are you okay? What are you doing out here?”
She didn’t speak, she just kept trying to walk away.
What is going on here?
“Miss? MISS! It is not safe for you to be out here on the road in this storm!” He shouted through the thunder.
She jerked away, and Draco didn’t know if it was out of fright or disgust. He reached for her again, and his hand snagged her hood, pulling it off. He gasped as her face came into view. It was dark out, and the rain obscured his vision, but he knew instantly that the woman before him was Hermione Granger. She refused to look up and her bushy hair was matted to her face from the rain, but there was no mistaking who she was.
“Granger?! What are you—” he was stunned silent when another detail came into view.
Her eye was swollen and black, and her brow was split open. Judging by the level of swelling Draco could assume her orbital was broken. It was difficult to ascertain the other injuries in the dark. He needed to get her to the manor.
“Granger? Listen to me, you can’t stay out here, I’m going to apparate us to the Manor. Nod if you understand me?”
It took several moments, but she gave him a shallow nod and he returned it in kind. She still hadn’t looked up at him and he worried she was going to panic if she noticed before he got her to safety, so he quickly parked his bike far off the side of the road, and placed a concealment charm on it, returning to the witch and offering his hand. She stared at it for a moment before taking it in her own, and he immediately transported them to his bedroom in the Manor. He figured it would be the place least likely to make her think of the drawing room and, therefore, least likely to trigger her more.
He sat her down on his bed, casting several charms to dry and warm her, “Granger, I need you to tell me if you know where you are?” No response.
He reached over to unclip her cloak so he could remove it, but she flinched, yet again.
Gods what happened to her?
“Listen, Granger,” he said, kneeling down in front of her, “I need you to look at me. I’m not going to hurt you, but I need you to know where you are, and I need to make sure you realize who I am. Please, I can’t help you if you won’t let me.”
It took her several minutes. Draco sat quietly as she violently shook before him, eyes pinched tightly shut. He cast another warming charm, hoping it would slow the shakes, but he knew the reality was that it wasn’t likely from the cold, but shock. He stood and began to pace, unsure of what to do to end the spiral she was going through. A thought crossed his mind and he turned towards the bathroom, retrieving a washcloth and soaking it in cold water.
Returning to Granger, who hadn’t moved an inch, he reached a hand out carefully, taking one of her hands gently in his own. Flipping it over, he placed the cold cloth in her hands, but not letting go.
“Granger, would it—”
“It was Ron.”
She lifted her head and their eyes met. Fire shot through his veins and his heart began to race.
The weasel did this?
He couldn’t decide what he was feeling; rage? How could anyone have done this, much less someone who, to Draco’s knowledge, was supposed to love her.
Was this the first time? Can’t be, its too gruesome for that. Do her friends know? Does Potter?
“Gilly!” he called, not breaking eye contact.
“Yes Masters Draco? Oh! We have a guest, why didn’t you inform Gilly?”
“Gil! I need you to tend to Miss Granger here, she is quite injured. Keep her safe, do you understand? Give her anything she needs, a place to stay, food, whatever. Understood?”
“Yes sir.”
“She is a free elf Granger, has been for years.” He said, allowing her a moment to process before taking her hand, “Where is he?”
She hesitated, clearly battling with herself on if she should answer, before quickly steeling herself, “Home. I think.”
“Where is home?”
“8 Heathgate, Hampstead Garden Suburb, London.”
He stood to leave, “Wait here.”
“Just… Wait here.”
He stumbled out of the floo and tore through the unfamiliar home. After clearing the first floor, he checked the second, searching each room thoroughly. There was no sign of the weasel.
Where is he?
His final place to check was the garden. Pushing open the door, wand drawn, he braced himself for a fight.
Fuck! Where is he?
He scoured every corner of the garden, checking bushes and behind the willow tree, before resigning to put away his wand and head inside. He paced the kitchen, trying to decide his next move, when the floo roared to life and the weasel appeared, stumbling out of the green flames. They locked eyes for a moment, Draco’s heartbeat thundering in his chest.
“What the hell are you doing in my house Malfoy? How did you even get in here?”
He hadn’t really thought about what he had planned to do, but when his eyes caught a glimpse of Weasley’s bloodied knuckles his resolve snapped. He launched himself at Weasley, on him before he could draw his wand, connecting his fist to the weasel’s nose. They tumbled to the ground in a tangled mess. Weasley was bulkier than Draco, but it was clear he had been drinking heavily with his slowed responses to Draco’s moves. He was able to mount himself atop Weasley, pinning him to the ground with his legs.
“You…will regret…this……Malfoy!” He spat between blows, blood pouring from his mouth and nose as he held up his arms to cover his face.
He paused, catching Weasley’s gaze, “Doubtful.” He spat, and the air crackled around him as he reared his fist back, allowing all his rage to course through his body, and connecting his fist to Weasley’s face one last time, before his body stilled beneath him.
He blew out a breath and stood. Using his last bit of energy, he lifted his foot before stomping it down, hearing the crunch of Weasley’s skull as it cracked beneath his boot. He was dead, Draco would bet his entire vault on it. He plopped down on Granger’s couch as he tried to figure out what to do. There was no point in running, he was already tracked due to his probation, which had been due to expire soon.
So much for that.
He sat thinking for half an hour before his decision was made, “Gilly!”
She popped up beside him, wringing her hands nervously, “Yes, Master Draco?”
“Gilly love, I need you to do some things for me, alright? I need them done as soon as possible, and please don’t ask any questions. Time is of the essence.”
“Yes sir.”
“First, I need you to go to Gringotts and transfer all my personal funds into Granger’s vault. Second, please send all the books from the library that are safe to this address, someone should have them that will appreciate them. Can you do that?”
“Master Draco, what is—”
“No questions Gilly, not right now, there’s no time. I need you to do this before the Aurors come.”
“NOW GILLY!” he shouted, sighing as the guilt flowed through him, “Please. Do as I say.”
“Yes sir.”
She popped away, leaving Draco alone again. He gave it another half hour, stepping outside to smoke a cigarette, trying to give Gilly enough time to at least complete the trip to Gringotts.
Well, I guess it’s time.
He walked to the floo, tossed in some powder and called out for the DMLE, disappearing into the flash of green.
Draco was very familiar with the holding cell of the DMLE. Concrete walls and no door; the Aurors were taught the spell to make one appear when they needed in and out, same as Azkaban. He never thought he would be back here, and yet he had decided on his own to turn himself in.
For Granger.
He tried to rationalize the rash decision he had made, but more often than not, the truth was less sexy than fantasy. He saved Hermione Granger, because he hadn’t saved her before; not that he could have, he would have been killed. This time he had a choice, and he wanted it to be the right one, no matter the consequences.
“Mister Malfoy.” A voice said, startling him from his thoughts.
“Auror Dawlish.”
“Would you care to explain to me what happened tonight?”
“I was driving home from my office, when I saw a figure on the road. I nearly hit her cause the rain was so heavy and she was wandering down the middle of the road. I stopped to help, could tell she had been through something because she kept flinching when I would try to help.”
“Maybe it was just because it was you, Malfoy.”
“I don’t think she even saw my face. She had her hood pulled down so far, and refused to lift her head to look at me.”
“What happened next?”
“She was panicked and trying to get away, but I was afraid she was going to get injured or killed being out on the road in this storm, so I reached out to grab her, and accidentally caught her hood, pulling it down. That was when I noticed it was Hermione Granger.”
“Granger? What was she doing out there in the middle of the night?”
“I had that same question, until I saw her face. She had been assaulted. So I did everything I could to calm her down so I could get her to let me apparate us to the Manor.”
“Is that where she is?”
“She should be, its where I left her once she told me it was Weasley who did it.”
“Weasley? Ronald Weasley?”
“Then what did you do Mister Malfoy?”
“I killed him.”
Sixty months and eleven days had passed since he had been sentenced to 10 years. Hermione had pulled every string she could to get him the sentence he had.
Will I ever be able to pay back my debt to her?
She came to see him often, twice a week when she was free, and wrote to him nearly every day even though he could only receive them on Sunday’s. Her most recent visit, she had snuck him a lemon drop, and Draco nearly cried with joy. He had popped it into his mouth so fast, without considering the length of time it had been since he had one, and instantly regretted it. His jaw seized up and his eyes watered as the sour candy overtook his mouth. He coughed trying to regain his composure when he heard a chuckle come from across the table. His heart stopped in his chest. He looked up at her, the tingling in his mouth long forgotten as he saw the smile that spread across her face. In that moment everything became clear to him, like the dark cloud that permanently hung over Azkaban had lifted.
It was worth it, all of it, to see her smile. Even if I’m here forever, I don’t care, she’s safe; and it’s a hell of a lot better than whatever place I’ve sent him to.
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mommastanberry-blog · 9 months
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Esthetic board for my 2nd fic.
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mommastanberry-blog · 9 months
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Finally got my esthetic board done. Wish I knew how to put this on my fic on ao3. Ugh lol.
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mommastanberry-blog · 11 months
Five weeks. Five weeks since the night of the Yule ball. Five weeks since he had first kissed Hermione. Five weeks since…
          “How is she this morning?” McGonagall’s voice broke his trance, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder.
          “No change. Madame Pomfrey came by about an hour ago and said she hopes within the next couple of days the pressure in her brain will finally be down low enough that she can close up the gap in her skull and begin waking her up.”
          He rubbed his face with his hands and stood up. He wasn’t sleeping, mostly living on invigorating potions and coffee. Madame Pomfrey had threatened to dose him with Dreamless Sleep, but they came to an agreement that he would attempt to sleep if she would transfigure his chair so he could sleep in it.
          “Have you slept today, Mr. Malfoy?”
          “About an hour when Pomfrey was here doing her cleansing charms and administering the potions.”
          “What about the last time you ate?” Her hand was still on his shoulder. Whether it was for his comfort or her own, he didn’t know.
          When did I eat last? Was it when Theo brought him toast?
          He honestly couldn’t remember. He hadn’t had an appetite since this all started.
          “Go get some breakfast. I’ll sit here with her until you return.”
          “I’m not really hungry.”
          “Be that as it may, Mr. Malfoy, you need to be taking care of yourself. How can you expect to be there for her when she wakes up if you put yourself into a state?”
          She was right. He ran his hands through his hair, sighed and stood up. He turned towards his headmistress, and she gave him a sympathetic look.
          “Have you felt any more change to your tether?”
          “It's steady but weak.”
          For the past couple of weeks, McGonagall had been working with Draco to see if they could use the tether to try and help Hermione’s healing. The only progress they made was reestablishing a constant connection, but it wasn’t strong.
          “I would like for you to get some good sleep tonight, and tomorrow we can try the legilimancy idea you mentioned last week. Mr. Nott has already agreed to sit in your stead, but you must go up to your dorm and sleep in an actual bed. I will not allow you to do any poking around Hermione’s head unless you have a full night’s rest. Poppy agrees and she has a dose of Dreamless Sleep for you, when you’re ready.”
          He nodded his head and leaned down to place a kiss to the top of Hermione’s head. As he walked passed McGonagall she reached out and squeezed his arm.
          “Justice will be served Draco, I promise.” He nodded his head in understanding, turning to walk away.
          As he walked to the Great Hall, his mind wandered, images of Hermione lifeless on the floor flashed in his mind. His heart pounded and his chest tightened. He stuck his arm out to catch himself against the wall as he tried to steady his breathing.
          She’s safe. She’s alive.
          He repeated the mantra in his head over and over, but his breathing refused to slow.
          “She’s alive.”
          He was frozen in place as he watched Theo, Pomfrey, and McGonagall circle Hermione; each of them simultaneously casting healing charms. His eyes were glued to her chest, watching it raggedly rise and fall. He heard a distant voice through the ringing in his ears.
          “DRACO!” He jumped snapping his head up. “Dittany. 2 bottles. Back of the top shelf.”
          He raced to the potion cabinet behind Pomfrey’s desk. Grabbing the bottles, he rushed back to Hermione’s bedside.
          “4 droppers full onto the fracture at the back of her skull, 2 on her orbital, and then we will need to pour the rest of that bottle down her throat.”
          Draco followed their orders and watched as slowly but surely the red flashing diagnostic bubble that floated above Hermione’s bed changed to a deep amber.
          “Fantastic job Mr. Malfoy. We can take it from here. If you would, I’d appreciate it if you and Mr. Nott would go wait out in the hall for the Aurors to arrive. They will likely want your statements first.”
          “I’m not leaving her.” Draco said, unwilling to take his eyes off Hermione for fear she would take a turn for the worse.
         “I will not let anyone near her Mr. Malfoy, and while I understand your desire to protect her, Madame Pomfrey and I are going to have to examine her in a more intimate way that I’m sure she would not be ready for you to be a part of yet.”
          “Drake. Come on. She’s safe. She’s alive. Let them do their job.”
          “Drake!” Theo’s hand on his shoulder jolted him from the memory.
          Gasping and collapsing to the floor, Draco covered his face in his hands. Acting quickly, Theo pulled a vial of Calming Draught from his satchel. He handed it to Draco, but he shook his head
          “Pomfrey and McGonagall are forcing me to take Dreamless Sleep tonight so we can try that legilimancy theory tomorrow, can’t mix the two.”
          “Do you think its going to work?” Theo asked cautiously, leaning back against the wall beside him.
          “I don’t know. They think that she will wake up on her own anyway, but McGonagall and I are both worried about what might happen to the tether if her mind is fractured.” He said rubbing his eyes, “If I can get in through the tether using legilimancy techniques I might be able to guide her through it and bring her out more safely.” Theo nodded his head in understanding.
          “Well, come on Drake, let's get you some nutrients and get you to bed. You’ve got a big day tomorrow.” He stood and offered his hand out to Draco.
          He was sitting next to Hermione’s bed, holding her hand in his own. The diagnostic bubble still floating above her head had turned a steady yellow. Thousands of thoughts floated through his mind. He had tried occluding, but whenever he attempted it, his tether would shudder like it wanted to snap in half. It made him fearful that if he succeeded it would break his bond to her, and so he was forced to face them head- on.
          “Mr. Malfoy, you really need to get some rest. You can’t help her right now.”
          McGonagall’s motherly aura was not something he had really appreciated before now. He always saw her as someone who looked down on him, judged him for his choices, the true embodiment of what Gryffindor stood for. He knew now that he had been wrong, that it was he who had judged her.
          “I am not tired, headmistress.” He hadn’t let his eyes leave Hermione.
          “I know you are afraid. I know what it means if she dies, but she isn’t dead Mr. Malfoy, remember that. She is alive, and healing, all thanks to you. You did your duty to her, now let us do ours.”
          She said nothing else, squeezing his shoulder before walking out the door. He understood her, but it did nothing to ease his guilt. If he had just been faster, or followed her from the very beginning, maybe she wouldn’t be in here now, unconscious. He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her hand, pleading the universe for forgiveness, pleading for her to wake.
          "Granger, I don’t know if you can hear me, but I need you to wake up. Please. I’ve only just found you; I can’t lose you, not now, not ever. Please.” He reached a hand up to run through her wild locks. Tears burned his eyes, threatening to escape.
          He crawled up in bed beside her and pulled her into his arms. Maybe if he got the tethers closer together they would help her heal.
          Vulnerable. That’s what I need to be. That’s how it happened before.
          He pulled her in closer, buried his face into her curls, and began to sing.
          “If I ever were to lose you, I’d surely lose myself,” he started barely above a whisper, “Everything I have found, dear, I’ve not found by myself. Try and sometimes you’ll succeed, to make this man of me. All my stolen missing parts; I’ve no need for anymore.” Tears were flowing from his eyes, as he tried to pour all his heart and soul through the tether. “I believe; and I believe, ‘cause I can see, our future days; days of you and me.”
          He felt a soft pluck in his chest. It was light, but he was sure he felt it. He pressed a kiss to her head and continued singing. “Back when I was feeling broken, I focused on a prayer. You came deep as any ocean, did something out there hear? All the complexities and games; no one wins, but somehow they’re still played. All the missing crooked hearts, they may die, but in us they live on.”
          The feeling was growing, he scooted down, turning to face her. He ran a finger across her jaw and pressed his forehead to hers. He paused for a moment just taking her in.
          Come on Hermione, I’m right here.
          The feeling was fading away, so he kept singing. “All the promises at sundown, I’ve met them like the rest. All the demons used to come round, I’m grateful now they’ve left. So persistent in my ways. Hey, angel, I am here to stay. No resistance, no alarms; please, this is just too good to be gone. And I believe; and I believe, ‘cause I can see, our future days; days of you and me. You and me. It’s just you… and me.”
          He jolted from his sleep, the tether thrumming strong in his chest. Draco jumped out of bed and bolted out the door to his dorm. Fast as his feet would carry him, he ran, desperate to get to the hospital wing. When he burst through the door moments later, he saw a horde of people surrounding Hermione’s bed.
          McGonagall turned first and smiled. She gestured for him to come forth, but his feet were suddenly glued to the floor. When the rest of the group parted, he was greeted with the weak, but very much awake face of Hermione. She looked at him curiously before offering a gentle smile.
          “Hello Draco.”
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mommastanberry-blog · 11 months
Draco was very familiar with the holding cell of the DMLE. Concrete walls and no door; the Aurors were taught the spell to make one appear when they needed in and out, same as Azkaban. He never thought he would be back here, and yet he had decided on his own to turn himself in.
For Granger.
He tried to rationalize the rash decision he had made, but more often than not, the truth was less sexy than fantasy. He saved Hermione Granger, because he hadn’t saved her before; not that he could have, he would have been killed. This time he had a choice, and he wanted it to be the right one, no matter the consequences.
“Mister Malfoy.” A voice said, startling him from his thoughts.
“Auror Dawlish.”
“Would you care to explain to me what happened tonight?”
“I was driving home from my office, when I saw a figure on the road. I nearly hit her cause the rain was so heavy and she was wandering down the middle of the road. I stopped to help, could tell she had been through something because she kept flinching when I would try to help.”
“Maybe it was just because it was you, Malfoy.”
“I don’t think she even saw my face. She had her hood pulled down so far, and refused to lift her head to look at me.”
“What happened next?”
“She was panicked and trying to get away, but I was afraid she was going to get injured or killed being out on the road in this storm, so I reached out to grab her, and accidentally caught her hood, pulling it down. That was when I noticed it was Hermione Granger.”
“Granger? What was she doing out there in the middle of the night?”
“I had that same question, until I saw her face. She had been assaulted. So I did everything I could to calm her down so I could get her to let me apparate us to the Manor.”
“Is that where she is?”
“She should be, its where I left her once she told me it was Weasley who did it.”
“Weasley? Ronald Weasley?”
“Then what did you do Mister Malfoy?”
“I killed him.”
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mommastanberry-blog · 11 months
I have been posting snippets from my fic on here for a while. I'm now to a chapter that contains serious subjects, including assault, so if that triggers you, please be mindful of reading this particular snippet.
“I figured you wouldn’t come back tonight.” She tried to keep her tone level, hoping to keep them calm.
“Well it’s a good thing I did, isn’t it?” He spat, “What do you think you’re doing dancing with Malfoy?”
She rolled her eyes, he had no right to question or be jealous of anything she did. He had been given multiple opportunities to do something about the kiss that had happened between them the night of the battle, but he never did.
“Its honestly none of your business Ronald.”
“IT ABSOLUTELY IS MY BUSINESS!” They had now garnered the attention of the entire room.
She felt a pulse of rage in her chest, and turned to look behind her. Malfoy’s eyes were blazing, and Theo was doing his best to hold him back. Could she feel his emotions? Hermione took a deep breath and tried to calm her thoughts, she hoped that the feeling would be felt by him the way she felt his rage.
“It isn’t. You didn’t ask me to go with you. You didn’t ask me anything. You kissed me in the Chamber of Secrets the night of the battle and then nothing ever came of it!”
Hermione franticly looked around at all the eyes watching her.
“Keep your voice down.” She whispered.
“Why don’t we go talk outside?” he said with a sudden coolness that sent a chill down her spine.
“Fine, just please stop yelling, everyone is watching.”
She followed him out the door, but was struck with a crushing squeeze in her chest. Fear coursed through her body. Malfoy was losing his mind, she figured.
I’ll be okay
She repeated the sentiment over and over in her head, hoping he would hear it. The doors closed behind her, and Ron suddenly grabbed her by the wrist, pulling her down the halls.
“Let go of me!” Hermione said, wrenching her hand out of his grip. “I agreed to talk to you alone, you do not get to grab me!”
He paused for a moment and then snatched her upper arm while throwing a silencing charm at her. Hermione reached for her wand, but he wrenched her arm up until it felt like it would snap out of place. She kept screaming, but it went unheard, clawing at his arm with her other hand.
Through hall after hall he dragged her, further away from any prying eyes. She eyed the Marauders Map, trying to figure out where they were going. He turned a final corner slamming her up against the wall, pinning her arms above her head. He pressed himself up against her, reaching down and running his hand up her leg, lifting her dress in the process. She struggled beneath him, trying to pull her arms free. His hand found the leg holster that housed her wand and pulled it free, tossing it down the hall.
“You think you can just throw yourself all over that death eater? HUH? You think you can turn your back on us? ON ME?”
He had ahold of bother of her hands with his left while his right explored across her body. He grabbed his wand and placed a sticking charm to her hands so he could let them go.
“YOU WANNA BE A PATHETIC DEATH EATER WHORE? I WON’T ALLOW IT! YOU’RE MINE!” He paced for a moment tugging at his hair, before rounding on her again.
He reached up and grasped the front of her dress and yanked, ripping it with ease. It fell to the ground, and she struggled against the sticking charms trying to cover herself. He pressed himself against her again, running his hand down her stomach, the other gripping her neck. His hand slipped beneath her knickers, and into her folds.
His fingers slipped inside her and tears fell down her cheek. She fought against him pleading with her body not to respond to his touch.
“You see, your body wants me.”
He pumped his fingers in and out of her a moment longer. When he pulled his hand free, he stepped back and undid his trousers. He used her fluid on his hands to lubricate his cock, and positioned himself back between her legs.
“No one will love you the way I do ‘Mione. I know you just wanted my attention. Well I’m here now. I’m going to make it all better.”
He forced his lips against hers as he reached down and tore her knickers off. When she felt him at her center, she bucked to get away, causing Ron to slip. The break in concentration ended the sticking charm and her hands were suddenly free. She cried out, and this time, her voice bellowed through the halls.
“HELP! SOMEONE! MALFOY!” It was instinct to call for him, like the tether was forcing her words, pleading with him to find her.
Ron regained his footing, and attempted to grab her again but she kicked her leg out and made direct contact with he crotch. When he crumpled to the ground she turned to run, but he reached out and caught her foot. Her head hit the ground with a resounding crack and stars erupted in her vision. The world was spinning, but she knew she had to get up. She pulled up to her knees and attempted to stand, but Ron grabbed hold of her and flipped her over. She brought her knee up to hit him again, but he pushed it back down.
She looked up at Ron and saw nothing of the friend she once knew in his eyes. His pupils were blown so wide, all traces of blue gone. He looked like an animal, feral and vicious. She cried out again.
A fist collided with her cheek stopping her cry. The force of it knocked her head back again the stone floor. She reached up to cover her face but felt another blow hit her brow. Fear like none before flooded her veins. He was going to kill her. Another blow… her ears were ringing. Another blow… she couldn’t see. Blackness enveloped her as she fell into the void of unconsciousness.
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“Everything all right, Granger?” He said as she took the outstretched hand.
“Yes, I just um… McGonagall had something she needed to talk to me about, sorry, I didn’t expect it to take so long.”
“Its fine, don’t worry about it. Want to go back inside?”
“Sure.” She said forcing a smile.
He let her hand go and placed his gently on her lower back, leading her through the atrium and back into the Great Hall. Once they were back onto the main floor, he pulled her into his arms for another dance.
“You sure that you’re all right?” His concern sounded genuine.
What should she say? Should she tell him about what McGonagall had told her; or did he already know? He must have, she thinks, maybe that’s why he showed her that memory.
“Did you know?” She asks, not able to fully make eye contact with him.
“Not for a long time. I wrote it off as teenage hormones amplifying emotions.” He shook his head, “It wasn’t until you were brought to Malfoy Manor that I knew something was different.”
Hermione shuddered at the memory and the scar on her arm began to throb.
“I’m willing to tell you about it, but not tonight, please? I just want to have a good time.”
She nodded her agreement and let him carry them around the dance floor once again.
She had so many things running through her head. Things she felt she should say, but all of them felt wrong…empty. She was struggling to process this idea of her soul deciding who she was with. She wanted to openly defy it, push Malfoy away and never speak to him again just to prove that she had free will.
But I do still have free will. If I can decide to push him away…
“Granger, you’re doing it again.” He said pulling her back to reality.
“I’m sorry. Really, I am. I want to just let it go and talk about later, but I am fighting against proving my free will.”
“Why do you think you don’t have free will?”
“Because my tether chooses, I don’t!” she spat out, frustrated that he didn’t understand.
“You think you don’t have a choice?” He looked amused. “Granger, I don’t know how much McGonagall was able to tell you, but you most certainly have a choice.”
“We have known each other since we were 11 and 12. Did you ever feel yourself being forced to like me before? No, because that’s not how the tether works. People who are soul mates can hate each other in the right environment. The tether will only join when the two ends open themselves up to each other. When they are both willing, vulnerable, and reach out to each other as equals.”
He was right, how had she not considered the fact that they were “enemies” before now? Then again, tonight had been crazy, with too much to process, things can easily be looked over accidentally.
“So, when we kissed?”
“Our tethers connected.”
She tensed slightly and his face fell.
“If it makes you feel better, the tether can be broken; it’s hard and painful, but if it’s what you want, I’ll help you do it.”
What did she want? She didn’t know. She was still recovering emotionally from the war. She was still attending school and deciding what she wanted as a career. She was too young to have something so monumental decided for her, but if she looked at her life, it seems like everything was decided for her a long time ago. She didn’t believe in divination, but she couldn’t help the coincidences that surrounded her life.
She looked up, and silver met gold. The tether pulled taught and she thought for a moment just how selfish she was being. This wasn’t just her that was affected, it was Malfoy too. Looking at him, she shook all the negative thoughts away, they would figure this out. She realized she had been quiet too long.
“I don’t.” she said, suddenly.
“Don’t what?”
“Want to break the tether…I don’t think so at least. I don’t know. It’s just a shock and I need to process it all. It’s nothing to do with you really.”
“You don’t?” he said, barely above a whisper.
He was vulnerable with you, he offered you a way out, be vulnerable back.
She shook her head. She was making the decision to give Malfoy a chance, be it of free will or pre-destined fate. She noticed him hesitate, like he had wanted to kiss her, but didn’t want to do the wrong thing.
She lifted her hand and placed it on his cheek. He took the cue, leaned down, and pressed his lips to hers. The tether pulled so tight she almost couldn’t breathe.
All her senses were overwhelmed; the feel of his lips, the smell of his cologne, his fingers tangled in her hair. She was soaking up so much of Malfoy, she didn’t notice the chaos that had erupted from the other side of the room.
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“I still don’t understand,” she said. “What was it from that memory that caused you to stop using mud…” The fire in his eyes made her cut herself off.
He sighed. “That night, when I realized what my father had meant by celebration, I felt this tug in my chest. You saw it, I was just about to touch the portkey when it happened. I didn’t know what it was, I didn’t know where I was going. I just knew my feet needed to take me somewhere. It wasn’t until I saw you that the tugging stopped. I was so confused. I was about to grab you and take you with me and the portkey, but Arthur Weasley showed up and got you out. I was so relieved, not that I knew at the time that that was what the feeling was, it took weeks of sulking in my room trying to figure out why I had done that to come to that conclusion.”
Hermione looked at him with wide eyes. He had been scared for her safety. He risked himself to ensure that she had made it out. She tried to find the words to speak, but she didn’t know where to start.
“Say something, Granger.” Draco looked nervous. She forced out a smile, but it did nothing to comfort him.
“I usually know exactly what to say.” She said finally, “I am the girl everyone goes to when they need all sorts of words, but right now, I can’t even find one.”
“Sum it up then.” He said, but he could tell that made it worse, “One word. Think of one word to describe it all”
“Have you lost your mind Malfoy? How could I possibly sum anything up in one word?”
“Try,” he said as he smiled.
Draco resumed their dancing. He carried them across the floor with grace, clearly learned from a private teacher growing up. She had so much to say, how could she possibly begin to wrap it all up into one word for him?
She thought back to earlier. All the pretty words he dropped on her; how she deserved more than what her two friends could ever offer her. She was upset at what he said, but she couldn’t deny that he was right. They never cared about her unless it benefited them, she had just complained about that herself before the ball.
He was waiting for her response, but she still didn’t understand his angle. She hadn’t really spoken to Draco since he thanked her for testifying on his behalf at his trial. He wasn’t mean to her or anything, they just didn’t really interact with each other. The 8th years all shared a dorm together, and there were many nights where it would be just the 2 of them up studying side by side on a couch. But they didn’t speak, it was just a companionable silence, the old animosity gone.
She looked into his eyes again, searching for something. She felt that pluck in her chest once again.
What is that? Is it Draco trying to enter my mind? Draco? Draco?? When did he become Draco?
“Why don’t you give me a word then, if you’re so clever?” she blurted out.
“I have a word; I’m just waiting on yours.” He smirked. He was enjoying this.
She rolled her eyes. She dug deep, thinking of all the words she could.
Fun, nice, different, shocking, happy….
Hermione looked around and noticed the entire room watching them. They weren’t staring, they were likely too worried about being noticed, but she could see their eyes darting to them whenever they could.
She brought her gaze back to Draco, felt the tug, and instantly knew there was only one word that she could say to him. One word that would encompass her confusion, her enjoyment of the night, and her gratefulness for him noticing the real her.
“I have run through every word I can think of, and no word in the dictionary can possibly describe my feelings.” She said, smiling up at him.
“You couldn’t possibly have gone through all the words in the world in that small amount of time, even with your big brain.”
“I’m not finished.” She said cutting him off. “And for the record, I did run through all those words. That’s how I realized that it isn’t a word at all. Not really.”
“What is it then?” he asked with a pleading look in his eyes.
She let go of his hand and lifted her arms around his neck. She could feel his pulse pounding against her wrists. He placed his hands on her hips and slowed their dancing down to a gentle rocking. She steeled herself and locked her eyes with his. The plucking sensation was vibrating intensely like it wanted to burst from her chest.
With a smile, she leaned forward and whispered it in his ear, “Draco.”
Before Hermione could register his reaction, his lips were on hers.
The pulse exploded from her chest, and the world fell away. She ran her fingers through his hair while Draco’s arms tightened around her waist and lifted her up till she was just barely on her toes.
The world around her felt warm. Like lying out by the lake in the summer sun. She opened her eyes and swore she saw a flash in Draco’s eye.
He leaned down, and just as she had done to him, he whispered into her ear.
They said no other words. They just rocked back and forth to the rest of the song.
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“Dance with me,” he said so quietly she almost didn’t hear him.
She couldn’t answer; she was speechless. The Hermione Granger unable to form words. She kept staring at him, looking for some sign as to what he was playing at. But when she caught his eye, she saw something. A spark of genuineness that she had never seen before.
Take his hand. What’s the worst that could happen?
She reached for his hand and he pulled her up and into his arms.
He guided them out of the atrium and back into the great hall. They began to dance through the crowd of collective gasps. As they danced, Hermione looked Draco in the eyes, searching for that glint again. He noticed her examining him. She had to speak or who knows what he might start to think.
“Why?” Hermione asked. She had to pry that one word from her throat.
What is wrong with you?
He didn’t answer right away. Hermione could see him clench his jaw and tense his hands. He was nervous.
“I couldn’t just let you sit there like that Granger.” He managed to say.
“Why?” She said again.
Great, now you sound like a broken record.
“Do you want the long or short answer?” He asked catching her eye with his.
She didn’t answer. Draco sighed.
“They will never be good enough for you.” He said, “Either of them. They can’t see you. They never have and they never will. They are too selfish… and blind.”
“Some think I am not good enough for them.” She said with enough venom to easily infer what she meant by that. Her blood.
He tore his eyes from her looking around the room as he steeled himself, but when his eyes snapped back to hers she saw that they were filled with rage.
“You listen to me Granger. You are beyond them. And you shouldn’t settle just because you think that it’s what you’re supposed to do. Do you hear me? You do not be with anyone who isn’t 100% worthy of you. You do not let those two dictate your life. Take control of it. Because you deserve someone who will pick you first. Someone who never thought once of anyone else but you. Do you understand me?”
Her heart was pounding in her chest. His eyes locked with hers. She shook her head, still struggling with words. Draco slowed their stride long enough to remove his hand from her waist. Gently but with conviction, he wiped a tear from her eye.
“Answer me Granger.” He pleaded.
“Yes. I understand.”
He smiled down at her and gave her a twirl. She returned his gesture with a sad smile. She still didn’t understand this game he seemed to be playing. She needed to know more.
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