monstermasterv · 5 years
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Y’know, I never knew until I checked, but this weirdo depiction of the Greek Scylla from Castlevania is surprisingly accurate to the original...or is it?
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Those aren’t tentacles, they’re SNAAAAAKES!! And you fight them in a completely different room!
Even without the tentacle snakes, this is a really bizarre form, isn’t it? A humanoid woman, with a mass of tentacles/snakes and dog heads for a lower body...the Greeks were pretty weird, but it’s my kind of weird!
Rating: 7/10: Favorite
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monstermasterv · 6 years
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The cipactli is a reptilian or amphibious monster of Aztec origin, but I’m particularly of the adaptation designed for the Pathfinder RPG! Massive, and massively powerful, it’s only a proper foe for the strongest parties, and has the ability not just to devour the bodies of those consumed in its many mouths, but survivors may find that the creature has devoured several of their abilities, skills, or even languages! Scary!
All said, I’m a sucker for aquatic creatures and those with weird anatomy, and the extra mouths are an interesting feature, even if they should logically compromise the creature’s structural integrity.
Edit: 7/10: Favorite
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monstermasterv · 6 years
Hardened Armed Dragon
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This curious creature is from the famous Yu-Gi-Oh! card game. I’m...really not sure what thought process goes behind creating a skinless, bone-covered dragon-bird with crazy bone...finger...wings? And what’s that face? My difficulty describing this thing is a testament to its creativity!
Verdict: 7/10: Favorite
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monstermasterv · 6 years
Another shortie.
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Hailing from the Siralim series of indie monster collecting rpgs, the Apocalypse is technically a family similar (palette-swapped) monsters, all bearing the same general design. They all possess the interesting ability to buff their team with increasing potency each turn.
Anyway, I’m a sucker for multi-headed monsters, and the bizarre two-legged, serpentine anatomy of the creature combined with its eerie eyeless beak-faces helps it stand out.
Verdict: 8/10: High Favorite
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monstermasterv · 6 years
Taur Demon
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This is gonna be a short one. The Taur Demon is a “middle stage” monster, in-between its weakest and strongest forms. It’s from the Puzzle & Dragons mobile game, and is of the wood element. There’s really not a lot to it, but I like the more goatish flavor on what would otherwise be a winged minotaur.
Verdict: 7/10: Favorite
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monstermasterv · 6 years
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Aaah, it’s Plessie! Appearing in Super Mario 3D World, Plessie is a helpful ally who allows the heroes to ride on their back down high-speed slides of water or even sand! Every bit as friendly as they look, they even give you a cute little wave when you hop off at the end of these sections! As one would expect from a creature in a Mario game, Plessie’s design is fairly simple, somewhat bringing to mind a more aquatic Yoshi, with only a scarf and a little tail frill thingy for decoration. Still, cute is cute.
Verdict: 7/10: Favorite
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monstermasterv · 6 years
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Another Pokémon! This is the Water-type Frogadier, the middle evolution of one of 6th gen’s starters! Unlike most people, I actually prefer him to his evolution, Greninja. There’s just something about the logistics of using your own tongue as a scarf that I can’t get over. Frogadier is largely the same minus that, and I love that smug look of his.
Verdict: 7/10: Favorite
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monstermasterv · 6 years
Beast from the Sea
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Sadly, there’s not much to say about this mysterious sea serpent (and I do like a good sea serpent.) It only seems to have appeared in the Dragon Quest Monsters spinoffs of the Dragon Quest series, and even then only appearing in two of the Japan-exclusive games! As such, there’s very little information I can easily access! Such a travesty!
As for the creature itself, it’s a bit on the unremarkable side, standing apart from its kin only through its weird water fins. Still, even an unremarkable design can be a good one!
Verdict: 7/10: Favorite
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monstermasterv · 6 years
Crystalwing Dragon
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Whoah, just what is this now? This curious creature comes from a card game called “Cardfight Vanguard,” a game I know pretty much nothing about! Nevertheless, I looked through its thousands of monster cards and in hindsight, I’m glad I did!
I’m rather partial to fairy-like dragons, and boy does this take the cake! In particular, I feel the pink petals beautifully compliment the smooth white skin, and...I must say that aside from the weirdly weird toes, all the creature’s features come together in a fairly unique, if a bit cluttered, aesthetic.
Verdict: 9/10: Super Favorite
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monstermasterv · 6 years
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This cute thing is Driblee, an enemy/partner debuting in the recent Kirby Star Allies. Unsurprisingly, this creature grants Kirby the Water power when eaten. The enemy version lacks the crown, while the partner version comes in yellow, red, and green varieties.
While the cute and smooth tadpole-esque design would grant this guy a spot on my favorites list on its own, if you look closely, you might notice...bubbles! That’s right, this guy is actually only semi-solid, if at all! He’s like a weird slime!
Verdict: 7/10: Favorite
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monstermasterv · 6 years
Oh hey, a Fakemon!
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Royjibiv is a Normal/Dragon type Pokémon from the fangame  Pokémon Sage! It’s a neato serpent dragon, one of my favorite kind, with a fun gimmick! His special ability lets him automatically change his Normal typing to another type depending on the COLOR of its opponent! If they’re mostly red, he’ll become a Fire type, if they’re brown, he’ll become Rock type, and so-on! Pretty cool, huh?
His name is clearly based on the mnemonic device used to remember the order and colors of a rainbow: Roy G. Biv.
Verdict: 8/10: Strong Favorite
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monstermasterv · 6 years
It’s a Digimon!
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Peckmon is a “Champion” level ‘mon, known as “Adult” in Japan.  It’s a crazy ninja ostrich in a weird bodysuit! Normally I have trouble taking ostriches seriously, but the determined anime eyes and lack of baldness really do help.
Sadly, Digimon tend not to have the level of unique individuality that Pokemon do outside of the anime, and aside from its fun design, the only thing that sets Peckmon apart is his signature move, which throws kunai hidden in its wings. A shame, but a fun design, nontheless!
Verdict: 9/10: Super favorite
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monstermasterv · 6 years
Let’s see...random.org suggests the next monster be...
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Oh, hello there, Bunyip! This critter here is named after an Australian swamp monster, but that’s not what I’m reviewing. This guy’s from the PSX game Chrono Cross. This twin-tailed, vaguely amphibian cutie is actually associated with the fire element, and uses appropriately fiery magic! While the basic design is rather cute in its simplicity, once your party does enough damage to it...
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Whoah! It suddenly spews out a huge shadowy cyclops, and becomes dark element...or perhaps this thing was the bunyip’s true form all along? Sadly, the game provides absolutely no lore as to this creature’s nature, so at the end of the day, any theories are just theories. Still, it’s a fun idea for a two-stage boss fight!
Verdict: 7/10: Favorite
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monstermasterv · 6 years
I suppose I should begin with a monster rather dear to me...
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Pokémon should need no introduction, and I’m quite fond of it. While it certainly has its failings, it still provides a consistently interesting and varied menagerie of creatures with each generation, and I’ll be hearing none of that “they’re running out of ideas lol” nonsense.
For those less in the know, Milotic here, also known as the “Tender  Pokémon,” is a Water-type monster introduced in the series’ third generation. It evolves from the meek Feebass in a sort of parallel to better-known Gyarados from the first game.
In-universe, Milotic is often said to be the “most beautiful Pokémon.” They may be a bit hyperbolic, but I certainly see an elegance in its design that makes it one of my favorite Pokémon of all time. I’d say the real capstones of its look are in the smooth, soft-looking skin, the calm crimson eyes, and the lovely mosaic of scales. The only complaint I have about it really is that goofy-looking head-bump!
Verdict: 10/10: Absolute Super Favorite
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monstermasterv · 6 years
Welcome to the blog of me, Monster Master V! Needless to say, I am a monster aficionado, and this is where I’ll show and comment on some of my favorite monsters, from the most known and beloved Pokémon, to creatures from obscure sources such as the Magi-Nation card game! Typically, I’ll just be showing my favorites, but if anybody wants to suggest a creature, or better yet, a franchise or other monster source I might not know about, I’ll definitely consider those too!
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