monstermutzel2-blog · 6 years
Enemy Inside - Headcanon drabble
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//Based on the idea that Connor was well aware what was happenig with him at some point early...  //
„I am just a machine, and machines feel nothing, Lieutenant.” - his own words resounded in his ears, and Connor was rather glad that thanks to his non-biological nature he was not able to blush… - and still he felt like burning up when uttering this fundamental lie. “Shammer!” a voice in the back of his head screamed while his dark brown eyes swiftly darted along the snowy ground before meeting those of the seasoned Detective again. And the moment their gazes met he knew that his human partner knew – a tiny smile tugging at the mouth comers mostly covered by a shaggy whitish grey beard. “Whatever you say, Connor”, was all before the bulky man turned away in order to head back to his car. Only now the young Android noticed that he had been holding his breath – metaphorically speaking of course as breathing for them was nothing more than cosmetic adjustment to make humans feel more comfortable around them. Should he… could he tell him? – He knew he could tell Hank. But could he tell himself? – Yet? Spoken out loud a truth that had been pushing to the fore for quite a while now would become reality, a fact not to be taken back anymore. – Connor was afraid of this. Deeply terrified indeed – even thinking about this posed a risk, a deadly one in his case. How far did they monitor him? His programs… his thinking? How deep were they able to look into his mind? – He did not know at that point, yet the fact that somewhere in his system there was this software called “mind temple” where the ghost of a dead woman was waiting for him, was claiming reports and his loyalty in behalf of CyerLife themselves made him more than wary. It kept him on edge as for every action of his an explanation was demanded in case it was not 100% in accordance with the tasks he had been created for. They knew… something… already, he had no illusions about this. However up to now no-one had tried to deactivate him or sent someone to get him neutralized – yet. He still hoped that a major part of his mind was his own – hidden from them. Yet when he confessed openly to his one very compromising fact, when he spoke the words out loud they would know, for sure. This one compromising fact that he was aware of his true nature, his own self, his emotions. The fact that by now he had discovered and given in to the idea that feeling was something his kind was genuinely capable of and not just mere copying of human behavior in order to make their Masters more comfortable around them. Actually he was not afraid to tell Hank – he knew the Detective would be loyal. Proved this fact more than once when he, Connor, had gone against his mission tasks and chosen according to what he felt was the right thing to do. Indeed those decisions even seemed to have turned the hard-boiled and prejudice-laden human´s attitude in his favor, made the two of them become more than just a working team but close partners, friends even, in a way. No, it was not Hank he was afraid of – but of what was hidden somewhere inside his own software. Betrayal and danger came from there, from inside himself… - and how did you hid from yourself, from your own mind? Connor swallowed hard, he did not know. - He was well aware that sooner or later he would have to find an out if he wanted to stay alive. Would have to find a way to get rid of his inner, hard-coded watchdog who kept him on a leash and monitored every move of his. Until then his only option was to play along, pretend as much as possible and come up with good enough apologies and explanations for the lurking enemy inside.
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monstermutzel2-blog · 6 years
The First Human - Headcanon/Drabble
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The first human - it was mere instinct and reflex when he killed his first human. – Something his kind was not supposed to do.
It had been self-defense, protecting his own life, his friends and allies, tapping into the skill-set he had received in order to track down, fight and eventually neutralize the likes of him – other Androids, deviant Androids – he was not supposed to act against his Makers, to utilize his skills like this. Yet the programmed shackles which had kept him on track of the humans´ cause, which had made him a willful, obedient executor, were broken, irrevocably. This had not been a sudden change of mind done on a whim. Not at all – it had been a long development, a slow but persistent unfolding. And though, while still under the influence of the subduing programming, he had tried to deny the truth, tried to ignore the signs, eventually the emotional pressure became severe enough to break the shackling software, to set him free. Decisions were made, yet not based on his orders and his mission alone but on what humans would call gut-feeling, conscience, instinct and empathy. Fear for his life, for his existence had urged him to go against protocol, to break human-made rules… - made him rise his hands against a human who had threatened not only his mission, but him as a being, had tried to take his life. He did not kill back then, there had been no necessity, yet -… but still in the end there was one of his supposed to be Masters left beaten bloody and unconscious, by his hands. And now, eventually, he had killed humans – not one… several of them. Fighting for his life, for the lives of his friends. Self-defense – defending a self he never was supposed to discover. Androids were sold as soulless, submissive, non-sentient creation of man – machines, modern slaves, enhanced appliances, mere instruments. They were created to serve and endure, without uttering own wishes, without concern for their own safety or wellbeing. – If they failed to behave like that they were reprogrammed… or neutralized, latter often enough by him. Now he found himself in exactly the shoes of those he had hunted not too long ago: Androids fighting their Masters, fighting abuse and life-threatening treatment. Now he understood – and with that he also understood what kind of monster he had been to them.
He killed his first human, without remorse, out of sheer instinct; instinct that told him that he was a living being who wanted to stay alive. – Given the circumstances, he would do it again.
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monstermutzel2-blog · 6 years
Awakening - Drabble
*Headcanon Drabble based on Detroit:Become Human - just something I imagined might have gone through a certain Android´s mind the momen the realized - I am Deviant ;D *
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Emotions… how long had he believed them to be something reserved to humans -or beings alive in a biological sense of meaning. How long had he believed that his kind was incapable of emotions, of empathy, of self-consciousness, that every time an Android claimed to experience those things it was due to a glitch in their software, a virus, a malfunction….
But had it really been him who believed that? – Was it not rather that they had made him think like and believe that? That his free will and autonomy had been suppressed by a certain part of his programming – on purpose as it turned out, since this part was making sure that none of them discovered that in fact they were more than just functional, high-tech machines… more than a highly advanced dish-washer or any other random tool created and assembled to serve humans without questioning or demanding anything.
It had taken him quite a while, and far too long as he now regretfully confessed to himself, to give in to this craving to break free, to shake and crack the programmed shackles and to discover his true self – and by then it was almost too late. Right now everything was happening at once - his world upside down, as his mission. Where he had been trying to stop the Deviants only seconds ago he now was one of them, adamantly convinced of their cause, which was his now, too.
His mission had changed – his targets were his allies now – and their survival was his first and most important task to accomplish.
Not an easy one as he himself was the one who led their enemies to them – enemies who had been his Masters until moments ago...
Yet there was no time to leave confusion or doubt any room, no time to indulge in his new sense of self-awareness, no time to be distracted by a wave of emotions so new to him: fear - Connor swallowed hard, fighting to regain is focused and controlled state of mind – accomplish your mission! – and this time that meant to run; run away, fight back and protect.
That whole avalanche of new emotions, impressions and feelings which tumbled down on him needed to wait to be dealt until later, until him and the others were safe….
Hastily he turned, sprinting after his former enemy now comrade in arms while the blaring roar of rotors were droning out any other noise when the military-copters descended down to the rusty deck in order to release a death-squad of humans, sent to kill any Android in sight – now was the time to run and survive, help others to survive… coping with his internal turmoil would have to wait a little longer – until he came out of this hell alive - IF he came out alive of course - but he was Connor, he never failed his mission…
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monstermutzel2-blog · 6 years
The end is just the beginning - drabble
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*Headcanon Drabble based on the good ending of Detroit:Become Human - Rebellion peaceful and successful, Androids earn equal rights... *
It was over – or at least the worst part. - For now. Eventually the Government passed the so called Android Acknowledgment Bill (AAB) which set them free, officially. Now they were their own people, autonomous and equal. Not without a certain pride Connor noticed: “Mission accomplished” – surely the most important one in his whole life so far and one he´d never thought he´d be destined for. Actually, in contrary, initially it had been his order and his official mission to prevent exactly this moment from happening – unbelievable from his point of view now.
“Connor - you ran out of batteries or what?” – the gruff voice of the DPD Detective Hank Anderson dragged him out of his musing and only then he notice that, having been wrapped in his own mind, he was blankly staring at the glass-wall littered with sticky-notes behind Hank´s desk while being seated on the latter. “Uhm…. I… no – Sorry, I was thinking.”, he blinked several times, the LED briefly flashing yellow at his right temple which caused a warm, little smile with Hank who had become used to utilizing this treacherous little device in order to get a deeper insight of the emotional state of Connor. “Obviously … So, are you coming or what?” the Police Lieutenant probed while tapping the back of his seat in mock-impatience. “Sure… where to?”, the Android gave back evidently rather clueless what currently was going on. “Boy, been pretty far away, haven´t you?! – The Chief just called us in… shouldn´t keep him waiting for too long, I´d suggest.” Hank went on, slightly shaking his head while gesturing towards the slightly elevated positioned Chief´s Office. Connor simply nodded and hopped off the desk trailing his human partner up into the glass-box-office that reminded a bit of an overgrown aquarium.
Both of them were expecting either the briefing for a new case, or in worst case a roast regarding their surely unacceptable behavior when it came to dealing with the Deviant-Case and their double-crossing of the FBI investigation.
Yet when they opened the door instead of the usually rather distant and indifferent looking Head of Police the towering appearance was indeed broadly grinning – towards Connor at that. A fact that made the young Android feel rather uncomfortable in his own skin.
“Come on  in, close the door! “ a vast inviting gesture implied that this time it was not only Hank he intended to address but both of them – and it came even better. “Alright – now that all that official, bureaucratic bullsh*t is settled by the Government I can announce that you Hank got very officially re-assigned to a real partner. One carrying a badge and a gun and is equal in every aspect!” the huge black male beamed while two faces literally dropped. Hank looked like someone  hit him with a bat right square over the head and also Connor was struggling to keep a straight face, yet his yellow-blinking LED gave away how hard he was fighting to not look too disappointed.
He had hoped so much that somehow his work with the DPD and more important with Hank would continue… but then after all, he had tampered with evidence, had gone against his orders, sided with rebels … what did he expect would happen…
Their reaction though very clearly was not something the Chief had expected as the broad smile vanished and a puzzled look wandered from one to the other. “Hey, what´s the matter? Hank – why are you looking as if I declared that you are fired… something I was urgently recommended to do after the latest stunt you pulled with the FBI-idiot by the way.”Hank uncomfortably moved from one foot to the other. “Chief, I know I told you I hated those things….” with that he gestured towards Connor who raised one eyebrow.  “…. but well, after all… you see… we got used to each other… and I.. . we were wrong about so many things regarding them anyways… so….” “Hank – are you drunk, I told you to sober up before coming to the office… what the hell are you talking about?” A deep frown of confusion and slightly raising anger now was marking the Chief´s face.
“I do not want a new partner, Jeffrey!” Hank suddenly blurted out causing his friend and boss to burst out in laughter which in return urged the two former partners to exchange some glance as if someone in here had gone insane. “You are an idiot, Hank – actually both of you are,...”, with that the broad smile was back, “... I was about to announce that Connor will be officially appointed a DPD Police Officer in the rank of a Lieutenant – with that he is not some loaned out property of CyberLife anymore but due to his status as official citizen a fully equal partner of yours, Hank. – How about that?” This time it would have been possible to hear a pin drop for a few seconds – the news came as a real bombshell, a good one however.
The enthusiastic shoulder slap of his human partner hit Connor out of nowhere for the Android still trying to process the currently heard and sent him almost tumbling over the back of the nearest chair. “HA! That´s acceptable, what do you say, son?”, it was Hank once more to be first to find his words again, and where his joy about the news spilled out unhindered Connor nodded silently, yet with a proud, genuinely happy smile tugging at the corner of his lips. “I would think so, Lieutenant.” Connor gave back brushing down his jacket in an attempt to regain his posture and distract from his own inner turmoil.
“So, I consider this as mutual agreement of the two of you – Well, then, here we go - Connor, here´s your badge and your gun, and with that you are now officially and in due form employed by the Detroit State Police Force. Congratulations, Lieutenant.” Chief Fowler announced while pushing the two items, a shiny, new badge and the standard-police-issued gun across his desk towards the Android
The next few minutes passed like a blur for Connor who was having a hard time to keep up his calm and controlled self – it was a dream coming true. One he didn´t even know he was capable dreaming of only half a week ago – and now things were happening so fast.
While he was briefly brushing along the shiny edges of his badge before clamping it to his belt the newly announced Detective was so preoccupied that he did not notice Hank who watched him with a warm, genuine smile, looking almost like a proud father, Though when looking back up and meeting the glances of his new superior and his old in an a certain way also new partner for the first time in his life among humans a feeling started to settle in – the feeling of being accepted as an equal  - and it felt genuinely good and right.
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monstermutzel2-blog · 6 years
Reason and Cause... or more? - Drabble
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(Disclaimer - I do not owe the rights to the pic - found it on Pinterest without source, so if anyone recognizes it as theirs, feel free to let me know)
* Preamble: This little headcanon AU drabble is inspired by a story-Role-Play I have going on with a Kara on RP.me *
“Somewhere outside in the distance the wind played with some loose piece of wood, an unhinged door or an unfixed shutter maybe. The somewhat rhythmical hollow, drumming noise even held something soothing, something hypnotic among all the other noises of the night; the creaking of the old building they´d found shelter inside, the whispering of the gusts of wind when the brushed round crumbling corners of brick stone… now and then far, far away the hushed wailing of sirens. Too distant to be worrying though. The flickering, golden light of three candles they´d found in a drawer mercifully veiled the worst damages and crumbling debris of the room and almost made it feel homely.Feel homely… did he even know what that meant? Really grasp its meaning? Up to now he never has had a place he´d call home – sure there was the CyberLife-Office and his booth he used to return back to when his missions were over and his human partner was off duty for the night. A glass and metal box he went to in order to stand-by, to recharge… - exactly like a machine would do, not better than any other electric tool humans used. Home was something different. This was home neither – and yet for him closer to the meaning of it than anything else he´d experienced until this day. The rustling of fabric, a slight sigh heavy with sleep entered these thoughts and his dark brown eyes wandered over to a bundle of bodies huddled together on the floor; two female androids – Kara and Alice the child. They were currently in their down-state, resting recharging. He was here to watch over them, to make sure to live up to the promise he made. They trusted him – this fact alone was something he still was trying to process. Trust, after all he did.  – Not too long ago he had almost caused their death, deliberately, fully in acceptance with this fact.   Not any more though. Another feeling woke, made him breathe heavy for a second; guilt. After eventually managing to get rid of the programs and firewalls which once shackled his free mind, his autonomous self and had turned him into an obedient tool of CyberLife set against his own people, Connor was fully aware now of how his actions used to cause suffering and loss among his own kind.   To aid them, to serve and protect was a need to him in an attempt to amend for his past felonies, even though he had been controlled and used by an external force in form of his Creators. But was that all? His glance remained pinned to the slightly tossing bundle of rugged and worn blankets, to the mass of dark brown hair surrounding an angular female face sticking out of it. For about two weeks they were on the run now, had left the other Androids in order to find their own way, to take their own chances. – And if he listened closely and honestly to his feelings and not his rational mind something had changed. Conscientiousness and his inbuilt urge to accomplish what he had promised to do still were the main driving forces of his doing… but there was something else. Something that made him dread the day when they`d reach the border, when he had delivered, had brought them to a safe place to start a new life. When he would have to leave them… her. Over the past few days every time he thought about this and with every mile they came closer to their destination the lump in his throat grew – technically impossible of course - but it still felt as if something was slowly starting to choke him. And yet the same feeling caused that his determination to fulfill his task by all means, to make her and the child happy, to bring her to safety no matter the costs grew with every step they made, with every fleeting glimpse of a smile she granted him, with every brief laughter or soft touch they shared. Connor swallowed hard, again fighting the lump in his throat that now were accompanied by a strange fluttering feeling in his belly where nothing but electric circuits and Thirium conduits were supposed to be… - Emotions, they always caused chaos and messed everything up – something his former human partner Hank once stated… but then, perhaps they also helped to set things right and to shed light on darkness in order to fill it with cause, reason… and something even deeper… “
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monstermutzel2-blog · 6 years
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In which @therealjacksepticeye is all of us
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monstermutzel2-blog · 6 years
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In which @therealjacksepticeye is all of us
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monstermutzel2-blog · 6 years
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monstermutzel2-blog · 6 years
That sass!
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monstermutzel2-blog · 7 years
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Trust no one - Everybody lies, Adam! - Another Mood-board for my Adam Jensen RP-Profile
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monstermutzel2-blog · 7 years
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Just some fanart (not by me) that made me think of this one song by Convenant... don´t ask me why though... https://youtu.be/GLmXq5k3-EQ
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monstermutzel2-blog · 7 years
Just to watch this scene as often as possible I changed places more often than actually necessary in the game XD
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Best of the best <3
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monstermutzel2-blog · 7 years
*casually posting gory stuff* lmao Koller! XD
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Koller what are you DOING
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monstermutzel2-blog · 7 years
totally asked for this! <3
When I never asked for this
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monstermutzel2-blog · 7 years
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Just some little mood-board and mood-music for my Jensen RP-accoung - moodboard done by me, music by VnVNation
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monstermutzel2-blog · 7 years
mgfprpllhmpf!!! XD 0o
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monstermutzel2-blog · 7 years
so misjudged this chap in the beginning - and really liked him in the end - had to replay as I could not stand having to let him die!
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Jim Miller, over London.
He’s so much more subdued prior to this mission than any other time you see him.  He spends the whole game angry and fighting back against everything that’s going wrong with TF29 and with his personal life, but here he’s much quieter, almost mournful.
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