moonstoneandmugwort · 4 years
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I defeated 82% of players
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moonstoneandmugwort · 4 years
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moonstoneandmugwort · 4 years
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moonstoneandmugwort · 4 years
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A Dried Herb Knowledge Test on Amino!!! Got 100% but only did better than 73% of player soooo idk but ima take it as a win....
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moonstoneandmugwort · 4 years
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THIS! Feminism also gives men the right to choose! Go to work! Be a stay at home dad! Crochet! Collect axes! Wear super long sparkly earrings! Do whatever is best for you and yours. Be honest and true to yourself and encourage others to be the same.
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moonstoneandmugwort · 4 years
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Hello, Ms. Diana! I know that today there will be a pink moon and I'm curious if you know any spells I can possibly do?
Wish Upon a Supermoon Spell
The moon at its fullest is the moon at its strongest. And yet in its supermoon state, like tonight, it further doubles in might.
STEP 1: Copy this on paper.
Assaylemath, assay, Lemeth, Azzabue, Azzaylemath, Lemath Azacgessenio, Lemath, Sebanche, Ellithy, Aygezo
This old prayer implores a divine source, in this case, the moon, to increase whatever one is lacking.
The paper must be something that on one side, already has your writing. A page from your diary or journal. Anything that is dear to you. Any pen will do.
STEP 2: Bathe in moonlight.
With your written spell in hand, go where the light of the supermoon can reach you. This could be indoors, with a window open, or outside in your garden.
STEP 3: Mimic the moon.
Crumple the paper into a ball. Hold it between the moon and your eyes, in such a way that the crumpled sheet and the moon align, looking like they are the same size.
Then say in your native language, “With this, I absorb your light. May it refill what I require.”
STEP 4: Ask yourself what is lacking.
Choose one small item that represents whatever you believe to be insufficient in your life.
If you think it is self esteem, grab a mirror. If you think it is money, find a coin purse. If you think it is cleverness, get a pen.
STEP 5: Refill what is missing.
Find a tin can or a wooden box. In it, store together your moon-empowered crumpled paper and your chosen item. Leave them inside the whole night.
At sunrise, throw away the paper. Your item has by now absorbed all its power.
Between now and the next full moon, use your talisman every day. If it is a mirror, look in it daily. If it is a coin purse, keep it in your pocket.
Within the same amount of time, you will find that whatever was lacking has arrived and started thriving.
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moonstoneandmugwort · 6 years
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tea elements
green tea - water
rose rooibos - fire
lavender grey tea - earth
chamomile calendula - air
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moonstoneandmugwort · 6 years
New Moon candle, herbs, and incense correspondences
New moon correspondences 
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Use this time for magic of banishing, cleaning, divination and meditations.
Gold, Lavender, Yellow
Uranus, Neptune, Mercury
Frankincense, Sage
Mugwort, Anise
Release Negativity:  
Black, Silver, White, Purple
Saturn, Moon, Neptune, Pluto
Fennel, Holly, Rue
Indigo, Black, Grey
Mars, Saturn, Pluto, Neptune
Cypress, Myrrh, Patchouli
Rue, Mullein, Nettle
The following can be used for either the full moon or new moon:
Indigo, White, Silver
Moon, Neptune, Pluto
Hyacinth, Jasmine, Nutmeg
Benzoin, Chamomile
Psychic Power: 
 Purple, Black, White
Sun, Neptune, Moon, Pluto
Anise, Heliotrope, Sandalwood
Mace, Mugwort, Vervain
Spirit Contact:  
Black, Indigo, Purple
Pluto, Neptune, Saturn, Mercury 
Bay, Frankincense, Basil
Orris Root, Dittny, Mace
Blessed Be.
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moonstoneandmugwort · 6 years
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Basil is a wonderful and easy to get herb! You can grow it, buy it fresh, or get it dried from the spices isles at your grocery store!
It has many useful properties and is a staple in many folklore practices.
Other Names: St. Joseph’s Wort
Sign: Scorpio
Planet: Mars
Deities: Mars, Ares
Use For: Warding, Astral Projection, Travel Spells, Love Spells, Purification, Protection, Money Spells, Beauty Spells and Exorcisms
Spell Idea: Settling into a new home? Place a basil plant in the home during the house warming period to attract peace, prosperity and protection to your new home.
Theft ain’t cool kids! Reblog don’t repost!
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moonstoneandmugwort · 6 years
According to the Old Ways, if any butterflies accidentally cross your path, a divine omen of transformation & change is presented to you, for good or for ill. Prophets of the Old Relifion used to ‘translate’ butterflies, as signals of heavenly intervention & upcoming change - the question is, what kind of omen is this? Moreover, ancient Greeks & Druids believed that sometimes, the butterfly is a disguised human soul, wandering around in a different form & travelling to other realms. Hence, persistent sights of butterflies might be a sign that the dead are trying to speak to you or that a deceased love one is trying to contact you. Here is some insight when it comes to butterflies as omens, & their colours & meanings when you spot them.
🦋 ORANGE BUTTERFLY - spotting an orange butterfly is usually a sign that we need to stay active & optimistic. an opportunity or change is coming & we have to conjoure all our enthusiasm to get the most out of this situation. this could be a new job, a new romantic partner or a new friend. grab this opportunity.
🦋 YELLOW BUTTERFLY - yellow butterflies are not easy omens, as they predict sudden life change. sailors spotting a yellow butterfly - or for other traditions, any butterfly at all - prior to embarking, was a sign that this will be their last journey. however, yellow butterflies are not omens of death, but more a sign to wake up because a new life is awaiting! you need to conjoure all your mental clarity as you are going to have a challenge which will require alertness & creativity.
🦋 GREEN BUTTERFLY - a green butterfly is an omen of good luck, abundance & growth. it tells you that you are on the right track. moreover, if a green butterfly is flying over your head making circles, wealth & healing is on its way. if green butterflies are spotted indoors, then good luck will also come to the one(s) who love there. green butterflies may also mean a promotion, success or unexpected good news such as marriage or pregnancy.
🦋 RED BUTTERFLY - according to the native american tradition, spotting a red butterfly by chance is an omen of very important, life changing news - something huge is coming towards you. red butterflies also symbol souls of the dead & a red butterfly is a very powerful spirit watching over you. therefore, red butterflies demand respect & if treated in a bad way, bad luck will come to the person that harms it, according to some eastern traditions. be careful!
🦋 BLUE BUTTERFLY - blue butterflies are believed to grant wishes & make dreams come true - however, there’s a catch! one should not give up. difficulties may present themselves & you may seem lost, but if you insist, things will change rapidly so do not despair! a blue butterfly will also grant you protection over evil magick & malicious spirits!
🦋 BROWN BUTTERFLY - brown butterflies are an omen of important - usually good - news. most likely, a delayed & long awaited answer will come to you. something you’be been awaiting for too long. this will help you flourish anew & signify a new beginning. patience is required.
🦋 PURPLE BUTTERFLY - purple butterflies are rare & if spotted, a powerful omen has become clear. a very powerful, or rich, or enlightened being will come you way - they may even have a royal origin. these butterflies imply a divine intervention & a release from ones burden.
🦋 BLACK BUTTERFLY - usually interpreted as an ill omen, black butterflies tell us to turn inwards. theirs is magick at work here - either for good or ill. these butterflies are a harbinger of magickal energy, usually coming from Dieties or Witches related with storms, thunder & lightning. moreover, when spotted, change should be anticipated - an end of an era, a break up, a change of heart(s), relocation etc. if you see a black butterfly it’s time to turn inwards, practice some magick & define this energy.
🦋 WHITE BUTTERFLY - these butterflies usually imply the presence of a deceased loved one who is here to protect & guide you. these creatures symbolise life & death, hence, different traditions advise us to do consult our dead ancestors for whatever they may be trying to tell us. some also believe that white butterflies are omens of death, others believe they are omens of independeve & good luck. however, all agree that white butterflies signify a very powerful change related to our legacy & our ancestors. devote something to your dead ancestors asking for guidance. make peace.
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moonstoneandmugwort · 6 years
Could you please reblog this if you are a witch who isn’t Wiccan?
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moonstoneandmugwort · 6 years
witchy-woman’s spell jars.
Y’all are requesting spell jars I already have, and i realized they are properly buried in my blog so here’s what we have so far (plus the other posts like recipes and tutorials) 
Updated – February 20th 2017
“I Can Do This!” Motivation Jar
No More Nightmares Jar
Anti-Anxiety Jar
“Quiet My Mind” Focus Jar 
Protection Jar
La-La-Love Jar
Happy AF Jar
Broken Hearted Jar
Clean & Cleanse Jar
Prosperity Jar
Creativity Jar 
Divination Jar
Samhain Jar (letting go and setting new intentions)
Self Love Jar
Lucky Star Jar
L G B T Q  S E R I E S
“I appear more masculine” masterpost (including spell jar) 
“I appear more feminine” masterpost (including spell jar)
O T H E R  P O S T S 
“Where Do You Buy All Those Tiny Jars???” list with links.
How I Seal My Spell Jars tutorial
Sweet Tea recipe/tutorial
Homemade Yeast Bread recipe 
Witchy music playlist (spotify link included)
Grimoire Organization (my personal favorite post, honestly.)
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moonstoneandmugwort · 6 years
As unique a stone as they come, opal does not actually possess the crystalline structure associated with minerals, making it a mineraloid! This organic gem supports people who break away from convention as well, stimulating freedom of thought and expression. It’s an ideal stone for anyone who needs help breaking the mold and embracing what makes them unique!
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Energy ~ Both Projective & Receptive
Element ~ Earth, Water, Fire, Air
Planet ~ Mercury
Deities ~ Cupid, Cardea, Persephone, Chirakan-Ixmucane, Ixchel, Cyhiraeth, Dana/Danu
With an amorphous structure composed of about 20% water, opal requires special care to not begin to crack or fissure. There’s more than one kind of opal, and not all are iridescent! Each one has its own special energy that you need to familiarize yourself with to make the most of it. Make sure to not expose your opal to too much heat, be wary of letting it get chipped or scratched, and consider storing it in water when not in use.
Opals are formed by filling the cavities in sedimentary rocks or in the veins of igneous rocks.  It is also known to replace organic materials in fossils, wood, and shells, as well as bone. Aborigines believed the opal to descend from the heavens as a rainbow to proclaim peace among mankind, while some Greek legends attest that opals were formed from Zeus’s tears of joy at his victory over the Titans! This connects with beliefs among nomadic cultures of Arabia that opals were magical stones filled with the power of lightning that fell during thunderstorms in the desert.
Revered by ancient cultures for its ability to open the mind to greater cosmic awareness, opal was prized by astrologers and others specialized in divination. In addition to aiding in divination and being ideal for scrying, opal can be used to bring a deep sense of calm and wellbeing, with its strong water aspect also serving to amplify deep emotions and desires that may have been forgotten. This same water elementalism is utilized in feng shui by pairing opal with deep colors of black and blue to augment a space for contemplation, helping one to tap into water’s formlessness and serenity.
As a talisman, opal is believed to promote good vision and help one to distinguish their friends and their enemies. Medieval magicians believed that an opal amulet would go pale around someone who meant the wearer harm, and blush red with pleasure when in good company! This crystal also carries a distinct essence of transformation, helping us to reshape ourselves and our lives into what it is we desire most.
Opal set in gold and worn on the right index finger makes a good talisman for those who must work with other people. It enhances foresight, empathy, and confidence, and helps the wearer influence people to his point of view. On the flip-side, opal also aids in invisibility spells and can be worn as a talisman for this very purpose!
Housed within opal is the power of all the elements, and as such, it can be used for nearly any magical operation. It’s said to boost the energy of both the spell and the spellcaster, but exercise care and respect while using it! Opals can be kind of unpredictable. Opal is also a fantastic crystal to stimulate imagination and creativity, but it also magnifies emotions, so it might not be best to wear it all the time.
I know this is a long post, but I discovered that opal is my power stone in the Celtic Zodiac, and it excites me to no end! I think I’ll actually do a post on the Celtic Zodiac for my 750 Follower Special, so look forward to it!
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moonstoneandmugwort · 6 years
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This is an awesome specimen of Azurite and Malachite from Morocco! This particular one, along with 2 others are available for purchase here.
Since this piece is essentially two crystals (Azurite and Malachite) living together as one, it embodies and combines the healing properties of both.
Azurite is very helpful for change in the way that it works with the mind. It helps the wearer expand their mind to promote a better, clearer picture of life. It is great for people searching for a new perspective during a time of change and is AWESOME of ridding yourself of old beliefs to make room for new ones.
Malachite, aside from being stunningly beautiful, is an incredibly powerful stone. It’s green color represents the deep, healing source of nature and it embodies all the green life we see around us.
One of it’s main properties is that of protection. It’s a great protector of children and adults alike, and is said to protect the wearer from accidents and protect you during travels. I always travel with my personal Malachite crystal in my suitcase!
The most powerful property of Malachite in my opinion, is one that definitely warrants knowledge and caution! This stone is sometimes called the Mirror of the Soul. It’s EXTREMELY good at reaching the inner feelings and thoughts of the wearer and reflecting and amplifying it out into the universe.
This can be great for days where you are harboring positive energy, but on days of negative energy you should be wary of wearing Malachite! It will always be reflective of your emotions, thoughts, and feelings– good or bad.
So basically in a nutshell… when we combine the properties of these two healing stones, we end up with a crystal with a very, very powerful energy. It has both the ability to reveal hidden or forgotten feelings and ways of thinking, as well as the ability to cleanse and heal them!
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moonstoneandmugwort · 6 years
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Here are a few examples of Unakite.. one of my favorite crystals! The rough piece is an example of one I found while hiking in Colorado!
Unakite is also called Epidote, which comes from the Greek word “epidosis.” This means “Growing Together.” It’s actually a combination of Red Jasper and Green Epidote that have slowly and strongly grown together. It’s thought to symbolize that when things come together they belong together. That being said, it’s a wonderful crystal for relationships!
Unakite has a very calming energy. It gently promotes self-love to grow. This allows you to see the beauty in your own soul and radiate it out towards others. It also helps you see the goodness and beauty in others.
It promotes feeling of connectedness, peace, and love… What a beautiful energy to expose yourself to! I think everyone should own a Unakite crystal!
It’s a great crystal for working on balance, as it balances emotions and the spirit. It also helps release conditions that are inhibiting your spiritual and emotional growth. An added bonus!
I try to keep a couple pieces always stocked in my shop, as it’s one of my favorite crystals to share with others!
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moonstoneandmugwort · 6 years
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Deep, dark crystal energy! Astrophyllite (great for chakra alignment and new beginnings), combo Smokey Quartz and Tourmaline (grounding, protection, negativity zapper), and Black Moonstone (new beginnings, inner reflection).
These three beauties are now available here.
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moonstoneandmugwort · 6 years
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Some of my favorites I’ve been working on… Included in today’s shop update! Which is your favorite?
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