morphinekisses · 3 months
Just once...
Just once I wish you'd look at me the way you look at him...
Just once, to hear you say you want me...
Just once...
To be a part of your life,
Not an afterthought you forget exists...
For just a brief moment, I wish...
Just once...
That you could love me,
The way I love you.
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morphinekisses · 3 months
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Introducing Dollie, my self insert for the Hellaverse! All info can be found on their page, but I'd love to answer questions about them if anyone has some ^^
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morphinekisses · 3 months
Hihi! You can call me Angel (they/them). Welcome to my selfship blog! You can access my pages easily enough via my blog layout, but for those that prefer them here are some browser links:
Rules/DNI | About Me | My Ships | My Self Inserts
I’d love to make some friends here, so feel free to reblogs this if you’re comfortable with that.
Updated: March 13, 2024; 06:30 CST
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morphinekisses · 8 months
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morphinekisses · 1 year
when he holds you tighter as he fucks into you and his thrusts are getting faster and desperate snd erratic and his face is buried in ur neck and he's got a fistful of your hair and he can't stop telling you your tight, warm pussy is his and only his in needy growls
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morphinekisses · 1 year
oh to be tied up, wrists bound behind my back. sat firmly on a fat, pulsating cock. being pumped into so slowly that it's agonizing. edged for hours. hands wandering my body as i remain helpless, gracing over my swollen clit, playing with my happy trail, tracing up and down my waist and thighs. uncontrollably dripping and seeping all over their lap. mind going fuzzy. hole tightening and twitching around them. their full balls pressing against me each time they push in their entire length. it's so embarrassing to feel so desperate.
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morphinekisses · 1 year
me personally? i die every night and come back wrong every morning but no one notices because i've been doing that for a long time so it's just kinda par for the course
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morphinekisses · 1 year
u should think abt ur fo sitting on your lap actually. holding them close; letting them rest their weight on your thighs while you wrap your arms around their hips. their arms leisurely wrapped around your neck, face inches from yours, reveling in the intimacy and the warm breathing that tickles your faces. you can kiss eachother, trailing lips along eachothers cheeks as they scoot closer and press their chest to yours, your arms pulling them closer as they circle around their back
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morphinekisses · 1 year
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Space Shroom for getting so high, you’d be out of the exosphere ⭐🌟✨
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morphinekisses · 2 years
Then... Please, think of me when you're lonely... Imagine my tiny hands caressing your cheeks and reassuring you that I'm here for you... I will never forget you.
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morphinekisses · 2 years
Somehow the reality that I've had a steady job for almost a year, and that my partner and I have had our apartment for 3 whole months now... Hasn't fully set in. Everything we have now, is ours... The car, the house, the cookware, the bath sets... I still can't believe that we made it this far together.
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morphinekisses · 2 years
I need to know, what do you think Kanato's first time making love to his doll would be like? Not just carnal sex, but once her realizes he loves and cares them. - 🎎
Hmm, I love this question, thank you for sending me such a sweet mood. I think for this one I'll repost a short fic from my old blog.
CW: NSFW, not very explicit, but still 18+ MINORS DNI, NO EXCEPTIONS, I'll block you. Contains slightly possessive lovemaking, and a bit of roughness, but overall on the sweet side (especially for Diabolik Lovers content)
[1.803 words]
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a Night with Kanato Sakamaki, your Lover🔪
His knees buckle and he just falls forward to bury his face in your stomach. With his arms around your middle, he trembles in fear that you will shove him away, like he always is. He cannot even speak anymore, there’s just feral sounds when you press his head against your body in acceptance.
It’s jarring and enchanting at the same time: His whole body convulses when you run your fingers through his hair and gently massage at his scalp. There’s that urge swelling up in his chest to dig his nails into your back so you can never leave. But what if you got mad? You feel his insecure hands flex at the small of your back, they dampen the fabric of your clothing with sweaty fear. He’s ashamed and suppresses a whine. You will laugh at him now, isn’t that true? A scream is stuck in his chest, he’s so confused by himself.
What is this feeling?
You crouch down instead of laughing and hug his head to the crook of your neck. His arms just fall to the side, he’s completely frozen. What if he moves a way you don’t like and you will stop hugging him close? His fears are earned paranoia, and you do your best to make him understand your honesty with kisses on his hair and a singsong hum of his name right into his ear.
He just can’t let you go, this is way too nice! He simply must bunch his hands in your shirt and close his legs around your hips to hold you tight. His face burns in shame at his neediness and when you can’t help but chuckle, he growls and pulls your face back by your hair. His eyebrows are drawn together above round pleading eyes, a mask of pouty anger to hide the open raw heart underneath.
He wants to ask why you laughed, wants to scold you for being so mean… and your gentle smile just begs to be ruined… but he is so tired. When you start rubbing his chest, his mouth just falls slack and his eyes blink heavily, it seems suddenly he just forgets what he meant to say. With a sigh he sags forward to lean against your hands and put his forehead to yours. You sink deeply into the purple hue of his eyes until he has to close them. His long lashes tickle your cheek when he nuzzles against you, lost in the pleasant touch of your hands against his chest. It’s almost too much, his breathing grows heavy, he can’t help it.
Trembling fists uncurl at your back to slip underneath your shirt and feel your heart thump through your back. So slow it beats, not in wild panic, but relaxed. He feels the sound through his hands and the tickle of your breath on his lips.
Without warning he bursts into a string of pleading, all carefully hidden behind instructions to follow. Hug me closer, I know you want to be comforted, my doll. Show me your throat, I will kiss you there, that is what you wanted after all, isn’t that true?
Of course he only says this so everybody knows it is not he who begs. Why would you think that?! Is this begging when he makes you sit still and silent so he can touch you all over to reward you for being so good? Is it begging when he makes sure that you make a pleased face when he rubs your chest back like you did before? When he tries to memorize your expression so he can show it to you later mirrored on his face? When he reminds you to bite back your moans so he can hear himself better, to make sure this is real, he is feeling good and it’s no lie?
It’s always the same with him, he just likes cuddling so much. Soon he will rut against you with all parts of his body to enjoy your body heat and mark you everywhere with his scent. Cooing noises slip past his lips and sweet shudders wreck him all over until he can’t take it anymore and starts rambling of all the things he feels. It’s overwhelming to feel all that happens simultaneously, he wants to bind the moment with words to appreciate every second and feel one thing after the other.
It’s a battle that is destined to be lost. He demands you to lie still and watch in silence as he hugs himself close and plays with your warm, limp hand. If you left him now, he would shatter, so lie still and just watch. At first he asks you where he should touch, always paired with a suggestion for his favourite places. He likes the look of anticipation on your face and how he can see himself get closer in the reflection of your eyes.
The way his breaths deepen tells you he smells the sweetness of your blood. His fingertips trail your veins all the way up your arm. Quicker his breaths follow to match the pace of your heart which he seems to hear through your skin.
A quick glance to your face is all you get for a warning before he pushes you down to climb into your lap and presses himself flush to your body. You’re so relaxed that his fangs feel like daggers in your neck. Sharp and deep they pierce and make you whine in pain. His dick pulses pressed between your bodies at the sounds you make. You don’t care what he will say, you just have to wrap your arms around his back to push him closer and hear him whine from pleasure in return. He doesn’t even seem to notice that his hips began moving to find a bit of tender friction until he groans in discomfort from being trapped in his snug panties. For a moment he is busy reaching between your bodies to tug himself free and you seize the opportunity to rub his back with just a bit of scratching nails. He moans at this, face buried in your hair, and his dick springs free to slap against your naked belly. Just a bit he pushed your shirt up, to snuggle his length in between the warmed fabric and your skin. But there’s no conscious purpose to it except for feeling you closer.
He seems a bit lost for a moment, doesn’t know what he wants. So he licks at your bite wound and ruts aimlessly against you. Emboldened you ask for a kiss and see him blush and scoff at your blunt question. Of course he will indulge you. And how! The sweetest, softest kiss you have ever felt on your lips, like a butterfly suckling lightly on a freshly bloomed flower it is. He’s never kissed you like that before. It’s assertive and sets the pace yet clearly yearns for more, faster, harder without taking it.
You want to know what this means and dare to suck his tongue into your mouth. It makes him moan shamelessly and buck his hips until his dick drops a bit of icy cold precum onto your belly. He kisses and kisses you, more forceful this time. In between he moans your name and runs his hands all over your chest, feels your hard nipples through your shirt and slings your arms around his neck. He seems ashamed when you bury your hands in his hair and tuck just a bit, since the sounds he makes in reaction are high pitched and raw. Even he seems surprised and blushes pink to his ears.
Suddenly he rolls you around, so you lie on top of him. Again he bites into your neck, right into the same spot as before and you jolt at the pain which makes him whine and reach between his legs. Just a bit, a tiny bit and he will be gone already. He barely can hold it back, the weight of your slightly struggling body on his is almost enough. Now he begs a please, followed by your moan contorted name.
There is something you whisper into his ear, just for him alone, which makes him cum into your lap, trembling and whining until he slacks lifeless to the floor with a sleepy gaze.
You decide to clean him up before he gets uncomfortable. By the time you licked half of him clean from barely warm cum, he is half hard again and grabbing at your arms to pull you back on top of him. This time around he is all shamelessly touching and is only happy when you have tied your bodies together in a complicated embrace. It’s just sigh after sigh from each one of your touches. Goosebumps all over and rolling on his back to give you access to all parts you like to touch, he just enjoys your attention. Every few pets his resolve to just let you roam free crumble and he just has to reach out and pull you close for an fang laced kiss before he sinks back again and squirms in his spot under each of your touches.
He’s so needy and sensitive and never satisfied. It can’t be helped, you’ll never be allowed to stop. So you have to go on until he pulses again from just a slight scratch over his nipples. You lick him clean over and over until his tip is red and swollen and any stimulation makes him flinch and whine. But you’re not allowed to leave still. To pacify him, you have to wrestle him down, he’s all whiny and claws at you, can’t form any words anymore except for please, please, please. Please don’t leave, please more, please longer, even though he can’t take it.
So you let him trap you in an embrace you could never physically break. Your back trapped to his chest, you let him slide his dick into you to stretch you open all night. You wake sore and exhausted with scratch marks all over your arms and chest where he held you close with a frantic fervour. The tops of your thighs are equally wounded where he held on in desperation to angle you and fuck in deeper when you dared to drift into an exhausted sleep.
But that angelic smile on his blood smeared sleeping face is why you don’t care. When he wakes he will lick the wounds all away and draw a bath to clean you from head to toe accompanied by the sweetest kisses. And when you are pretty and pampered and smile at him happily again he will ruin you once more. That’s just who he is. He needs to taste every flavor you have to offer and will dig deep to unlock them all.
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morphinekisses · 2 years
Your very presence makes me feel complete... I'm so sorry you feel dreadfully; please, rest yourself with me and I'll make it better for you, my love.
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morphinekisses · 2 years
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morphinekisses · 2 years
Hello! I really like your blog! Could you please make some fluff headcanons about kanato cuddling with his s/o? Like would he ask to cuddle?
Hey there dear anon! I hope you know whose blog you are on and that I don’t like writing headcanons without context that makes it more believable to me. If not, well…! 😏 Let me compare the mood of this post to a piece of Kanato shaped candy. It starts with a bit of a technical wrapper that lists the most important ingredients. Underneath you’ll find some sickly sweetness that makes your eyes water, until you finally reach the core which turns out to be rotten and kind of makes you regret you ever opened that thing. Unless! You delight in the taste of sugar coated graveyard dirt. And I assume you do, why else knock at the door of my lair? ;> Also this is hard candy, so prepare to suck on it for a while haha :’D
While this post focuses on analysis and non-explicit headcanons, there are some content warnings I want you to pay attention to:
Cw: description of manipulation; Cw: mention of torture; Cw: mention of sexual assault; Cw: mention of dub/noncon; Cw: mention of selfharm - There are no graphic descriptions of any of this, I just talk about these topics. Still I ask only people age 16+ to read. Thank you.
This is your last warning to turn away unless you are interested in a deep dive into the topic of
Cuddling with Kanato Sakamaki
[~3000 words] – essay/headcanons under the cut
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In canon we bear witness to the absolute cuteness of Kanato patting Yui’s hair as a reward when the player successfully beats a minigame that determines whether or not you are able to flee from a colony of bats. (Beats me if that was in Vandead Carnival or Lunatic Parade tho, my memory is foggy~)
A pat on the head is a gesture one may grant a pet or child. It’s a little top-down, even patronizing, with little stimulation for the person who pats. Instead of an overly intimate act, it’s the kind of social gesture that is less about relief and more about recognition. Since we are analyzing a work of fiction I dare to pick this single event and try to generalize it as a hint to his personality and values. With Vampires like Kanato who are born as demons and not man-turned-monster, nothing is a given. So where pointing this out would seem rather trivial if noted about an average human, I’ll try to sell you the following thesis as a great discovery:
Kanato deems touch valuable.
Duh! Right? Well, when I looked at the topic of cuddling Kanato with a less lusty and more science-y pair of eyes, I made some interesting discoveries I’d like to share with you all, o anonymous masses, today.
Let’s go a step further for a grant opening: Kanato values touch. Yes, yes, you already said so! What else?? Well, let me cite another example from canon: In the “Care for Vampire” special Kanato explicitly states that being allowed to look at his body and touching him however we please is a reward for caring for him. Not only does he offer touch when he gets little out of it besides abstract social bonding, he also assumes touching others without being touched in return is satisfying enough to be offered as a prize. Paired with the fact that he is a character who is notoriously plagued by a mortal fear of loss of control that does in fact imply some interesting facets about his personality.
Touching fulfills, at least in some key cases, functions to him that have little to do with sensation and everything with company. But what he seeks is the fusion of these two aspects that have been separated in his life. He wants to be touched because he is loved. And he wants to earn love by giving care. It’s simple, really. But all the more tragic to realize that this is the content of his aching heart, yet so corrupted, perverted and fucked up beyond all recognition that there is little hope. (Unless? Cue all one million “I could fix him”-memes simultaneously haha)
The motif of having a doll collection you tend for without getting the satisfaction of reaction to your care illustrates his state of mind – he has no reason to expect someone would touch him, it doesn’t happen in his life usually. So he is used to initiate and will do so without compromise. His usual company of dead dolls is not able to say no and requires physical upkeep regularly to not rot away and leave him alone and abandoned like he fears deep in his heart. Kanato is touch starved and afraid to give his partner enough leeway for them being able to attempt to leave him.
From that sickly sad baseline, what could we expect of cuddling with Kanato?
Let’s mix some headcanons with further observations!
🩸Kanato finds reasons to touch you all the time. And he does so without thinking a second about it. He is not used to ask for consent, since it would be pointless anyway, and wouldn’t begin to even if you pointed it out to him. So that strand of hair that’s annoyingly out of place at your scalp? That ruffle of your skirt that’s just too cheeky to sit neatly where it’s supposed to? Before you have a chance to even notice yourself, he reaches out to fix your appearance– just to feel your warm body beneath that unruly costume.
🩸Things escalate to cuddling all the time. Kanato is greedy and hard to satisfy. Concerningly specific fantasies of swirl through his daydreams and fuel his urges. It excites him how you react when he interacts with you since the dead cannot. But it is also frustrating that you can react wrongly and thereby destroy his wish fulfillment quest of chasing after his little daydream scenarios. Therefore cuddling is a risk for him that stresses him out in concept already. Not trying despite having the opportunity is out of the question. He must have what he wants. So his toxic little compromise is training you to be the perfect cuddle buddy.
How Kanato trains his cuddle doll
At first we have to be real here: he kinda sucks at this. He’s a cuddling virgin. For the sake of our own fantasies let’s assume we are the one doll that is destined to survive him. Meaning: Whoever got to cuddle him before us has met their untimely demise for not satisfying his demands and tragically paved a way for us. Nothing’s well in the Sakamaki household.
What a good doll does and doesn’t do:
Don’t move! Actually – play dead! At first that is everything he can think of to minimize his frustration with you. Why can’t you read his mind and touch him back exactly how he wants you to? You should feel what he wants, you should know him better! “Do you love me… not?”The initial phase of cuddling is a series of unfortunate events. You are not reacting enough? You are reacting too much? You fail to tell him what you want? About that-
He always asks to inspect if he has your undivided attention and, even though he would never admit this to himself, he has no idea what to do to make you feel good enough so you’ll do the things he wants you to. In the end it’s always about him feeling insufficient and suffering for it “deservedly”. He is a pleaser that is afraid to fall short. To not flinch in anticipation of punishment (abandonment) he makes sure to stay in control of all aspects of the other.
Whatever goes wrong in his eyes, it is always your fault. So when he brushes your hair and his hands linger on your neck while he decorates you with jewelry, when he caresses your cheeks while putting on your makeup, when he ties an elegant bow on your shoes and trails your ankle, pictures of bound limbs in his head, his touches are always unnecessarily intimate, invasive even. A bit too high on your thigh, or directly touching your toes and your fingertips so sometimes you can’t help but flinch at the intensity – that’s exactly what he speculates on.
He takes it as an invitation. Not that he needs one, he owns you, but he likes how you are a doll that can call him to play, it’s like you initiated the intimacy he seeks. It’s like you want this. Him. He is so tragically lonely and oblivious to the concept of consent that he stylizes all your given off expression, be it intentional or not, to a communicative act of “””asking for it”””. Which is, I dearly hope I don’t need to tell you, extremely fucked up and toxic victim blaming rhetoric. Thank Satan this is fiction and doesn’t matter at all for our own kinky fantasies lol!
In this early phase of your cuddling relationship, Kanato still feels provoked even when he should be pleased with all the effort you put into your show, for fucks sake! :’D You broke your silent doll protocol! Do you want to anger him or what? There’s a dissonance between the meaning of your actions he hopes to find and the meaning he is emotionally ready to actually read into it. So instead of cuddling you earn a less gentle touch that makes him feel in control, powerful. He punishes you with pleasure and pain. At the beginning of your relationship, there is no cuddling. Only sex.
Later on, if your training is progressing to Kanato’s liking, opportunities for softness arise.
If you manage “to get to know him better”, meaning you learn from the subtlety of his tone, body language and general mood of the day what his words are actually supposed to tell you and act accordingly, he will praise and reward you. He calls you a good girl/boy/doll and performs the care gestures he would also use on a dead doll: Combing your hair with his fingers, making sure your outfit sits comfortably, kissing your forehead, cheeks and the tip of your nose like a prized award or a dumb but very cute pet.
The turning point
Is the Care for Vampire-Situation: He will ask you to touch him as a reward. Prepare to get flustered.
Contrary to you, his good doll, he is the dollmaker. There is no need for him to hold back in his mind and he lacks the control to moderate his actions generally.
He moans at your slightest touch. Any sane person would not take advantage of this, it must be a trap to lure you into a really bad fuckup so he can act out his favorite sadistic punishments scenarios. Right? But we are not sane, that’s why we survived thus far.
In fact, we’ll discover that Kanato is not fucking around when he offers you a treat like this. He knows no shame and no limits as long as he feels in control. And seeing you blush pathetically about him is arousing him on all levels of existence. So if you reached into his pants the first time he offers you (command you, that is) to take your treat and look and touch how you please… he will let you. Which is not to say he won’t make fun of you and try to increase that bashful expression on your face until you melt just from touching him. But why would you try if you didn’t hope for him to do exactly that.
After all, this trust and snippet of role reversal he offers you is to celebrate that you begin to know each other quite well. To know is to love they say – so cuddling after that formative shared experience looks like this:
How Kanato cuddles
His hands are caressing long strokes over the whole line of your limbs and torso, always lingering on your vulnerable joints, your knuckles, your fingers, the curve of your neck, searching for your pulse. He loves to feel it quicken.
That’s why he will pull you onto his lap to lay his ear against your heart, while feeling for the contractions of your lungs under his hands that rest on your back, fingertips dancing on your ribcage.
He likes your frailty, the fact that you are alive when you could drop dead any second. When he holds you like this, he feels so deliciously powerful. He imagines how your organs move in his arms, he would reach under your skin to feel you most intimately if he could. (We know canonically he envisions Yui’s organs when he bites her. Yeah, he is just like that.)
Speaking of – the touch of his fangs is an important part of cuddling Kanato. Once he admits to himself how much his soul needs the unmistakable attention of touch, he will enter one of his “phases”. I imagine he’s the kind of person to get morbidly obsessed with new discoveries. When he finds a candy bar he likes, he will celebrate it like christ’s third coming and eat nothing else for three weeks straight. After he finds the joy of cuddling, he will drag you into inhuman full body caressing sessions. You need to eat? To sleep? Hell, to piss?? Are you mad?? We are CUDDLING!!
Depending on Kanato’s mood he will react differently to your discomfort. Sometimes he is vulnerable and reads it as rejection. Which will lead to a fight. He will cry, but the scariest way, the honestway. No screaming and dramatic sniffling but silent tears with no end and an apathetic stare while his digits dig bruises into your flesh and his fangs sink into you over and over until you pass out. You’ll wake to an empty bed.
When he’s in a less vulnerable state, he will read it as an uncalled for challenge. After the usual punishment and “make it up to me” routine in which you promise to bake for him until you faint if he let’s you go to take a leak please, he will mark you with a rich helping of his scent before he let’s you go begrudgingly. And pouts for days, all while making the most unreasonable demands for literally everything.
What cuddling can reveal about Kanato
Kanato sometimes actually likes to try new things that stimulate his lonely mind and body. New flavors in the candy store get him high and new fabrics with interesting textures are also not bad. He likes to sew thrilling to touch dresses that combine different textures. Sometimes he will dress you in especially soft or scratchy creations which can both be a sign of him being in need of a cuddle session.
Sometimes he wants to feel like hugging a blood and vanilla scented fluffy cloud and will hug you from behind in the kitchen while you try to bake for him in your obnoxiously puffy dress. Then he’ll rub his cheeks to your back and practically start stimming with the fabric’s folds while sighing contently every so often, so that your heart melts into a puddle and you can hardly concentrate. It may even seem like e enters a trance or dives into deep and mysterious thoughts, at least. He will stop talking, reduced to an animal state of only noises and instinctual movements. You need to reach for some sugar? He hisses at your movement and crushes you in his embrace. “Kanato… the cake has finished baking 30 minutes ago. Don’t you want to take a bite? I baked for two hours…” -Distant, eyes squinted shut, he sits on the floor with his arms around your middle and his face buried in the fluffy bunched skirt in your lap. He will stay like this until you touch him – which makes him flinch and teleport away hastily, as if he’d been caught in bad misbehavior. Only very rarely he allows you to pat his hair in that motherly way, to massage his scalp behind his ears which sends shivers through his body as if he is sobbing.
When he dresses you in scratchy things, it can also indicate various states of his mind. But they all speak of vulnerability. It’s dangerous to be around him then, more than ever. When he ruts against you until his knuckles, cheeks and tip of his nose are chafed red. Bunches his hands in your skirt for dear life, uses every little excuse to scoff mean things at you, while also grinning with that coldness in his eyes… you know something is not quite okay. More than usual. Most times it’s his sleep schedule getting out of hand again, nightmares, PTSD, anxiety or problems with his brothers or at school. All things combined, usually. In any case – it is your problem now.
You’re no idiot, by now you recognize this behavior for what it is. He hurts himself in ways he can control because he cannot process the abstract pain he is experiencing. He feels out of control and alone, once again. Despite you. Again. Se he dresses you in scratchy things and makes you sit uncomfortably. He wants to see you suffering and share your sensation. He wants to see you cry because he cannot. He wants to control and hurt you because he is powerless when it comes to himself. By projecting his own state onto you, he abuses you as a human made doll on a stage to make things visible that are not. And because this is a story we can stylize this whole complex process to a cry for help and punishment.
“Mother, I punished myself for being so needy and worth of being ignored and unloved. I have undone it this way – please love me!” These nights of painful cuddling can lead to very vulnerable, maybe even emotionally healing moments since Kanato allows you to move so closely to his soul that you can really touch him. Essentially that would look like the “cuddlefucking” post I had on my old account (let me know if I should repost it here).
The alternative is straight up torture. He’d never admit it, not even to himself, but he hopes for you to break protocol and fight back, to beg him to stop in earnest so he can feel like a powerful monster that may not be loved but at least feared and respected – worshipped even. And because he wants to hurt, but not for relief. To destroy himself.
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morphinekisses · 3 years
pastel goth Kanato 🥺
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(pls click for higher quality...💕)
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morphinekisses · 3 years
I don't know what to think anymore... I want you to cling to me, I want to help you understand that I love you. But it hurts so terribly seeing you cry...
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