mostribelle · 3 years
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You're Dean Winchesters teenage daughter who is trying to have a fun night out with some friends, but it never seems to go how its supposed to go...
Gif not mine, credit to owner.
Warnings: mention of alcohol
Words: 2604
The brunette swayed to the loud beat of the club as people passed by her. Tonight was her one night off from hunting and she was ecstatic. Her dad and uncle were back at the bunker, just having a relaxing night in with Castiel and her grandpa. Being seventeen and having a dad who does illegal things such as fake IDs was great. She could get into any club she wanted since she had the classic Winchester look. Now, of course, she hadn't told them she was headed here, or else her dad would for sure ground her for life. So she lied and said she was going over to Kallies house- which wasn't entirely a lie since she was there and they did get ready together. She never told them that's where she was staying. So as she ran her hand through her long hair, she felt a hand grip her waist and she turned to look over her shoulder and snickered when it was her friend's older brother.
Kallies older brother, Damon, was twenty-one and their DD for the night. He made sure not to let the girls out of his sight, or else his mom would kill him. Bailey turned around as she swung her hips side to side, "Thought you were supposed to be watching your little sister," she wouldn't lie. He was insanely attractive- but never did anything despite her friend saying it would cool to have her bestie and her brother together. Then again, Kallie was into cliches and all she read were books on Wattpad.
Damon grinned like a Cheshire cat as he lowered his hands so they rested on her hips. "-Well, if you paid any attention in the last fifteen minutes, you would have noticed that she is sitting down with one of her besties in the corner." He smirked at her crestfallen expression. The brunette paused her dancing to glance for her friend and when she spotted the girl snoring in the corner with one of Damons friends, she smacked the man's chest.
"You ass! I-I thought she actually found someone else here.." She tried to frown, but when he gripped her chin so she was forced to look up at him, she smiled shyly.
Damon's black hair shone purple as the lights changed and an older song came through the loudspeakers. He chuckled with a shake of his head. "Sorry baby, just thought to shake you up a little." He grinned when Everybody by the Backstreet Boys came on. The girl's eyes widened as the song came on and she immediately dragged the man out to the center of the dance floor. She started grinding her hips all over and tensed a little when he stepped closer so she ground on him. When he bent down to her ear, he whispered, "S'okay Bails... Just go with the flow of the music and if you feel uncomfortable, tell me alright?" He backed up a little when she nodded in understanding.
The music grew quieter she swore as he grabbed her softly. She would usually never be like this, but she blamed the alcohol that she had consumed. She was so into the music that she hadn't noticed her phone ringing in the dress pocket. Damon felt something buzz and when he looked down, he saw a light emitting from the small slit and he reached down to grab it. Panic rose in her chest and she tried to pull away but he gripped her tightly to his chest as people danced around them.
"Damon! W-what are you doing?" She turned around just in time to see him raise the phone to his ear and answer. He heard Dean on the other hand and inwardly cursed. The man held his finger up to silence her and that's when she noticed it was her phone and it was probably her dad. "Fuck!" She cried out and pulled him away through the crowd and into a dark hallway. With an extra push, she opened the exit door and they stood outside.
She watched Damon's facial expressions twitch every so often as if Dean was going off.
Damon nodded, "Sir she's fine. We are in the basement with a few other of my friends and hers-"
Silence until the man nodded again.
"Yes, do you want to talk to her?" He shot her a curious look to which she waved her hands as no. Her dad would know for sure she was drunk. She could never lie to her daddy. Before Damon could say she was busy, Dean immediately said yes. He shot her a knowing look. "Uh okay, she's right here-"
The phone was passed to her and she inwardly cried. This would not end well.
In a sickly sweet voice, "Hiya, daddy!" She winced at her loud voice. He either ignored it or already knew she was wasted.
"Hey baby girl, you busy at the moment? Damon seemed out of breath." Eyes wide, she slapped the man's arm and he cried out 'what did I do?'
"Ah, no way! You crazy old man-" she hiccuped and bit her lip quick after. "I'm totally fine. He just came down the stairs and you know him, outta shape." She joked lightly.
Dean sighed into the phone. He rubbed his eyes before glancing at his dad and brother. The three men in the room all shared a knowing glance. "Baby girl?" He received a small 'yeah' before responding, "Where are you really. I know you're drunk so tell me where you are." He heard her swear loudly which made him chuckle. He was pissed. But he knew she just wanted to have a little fun and he wouldn't be so harsh on her.
She mumbled her coordinates and heard Dean curse.
"You're at Lights?!" The girl winced at his loud tone but meekly answered him. She heard a voice in the background before he spoke again. "Look, just stay with Damon and Kallie... I'm on my way." He hung up and she felt terrible.
She not only lied to her dad but also went to the club where she had gone missing one time during a vampire case. Damon wrapped his arms around the crying girl, she just sobbed. Her makeup was smeared, her heels were off and she wore his jacket as they stood in the front of the club. It had been fifteen minutes since she heard from her father and now she was scared. Damon told her that Kallie was just with a few friends of hers and their boyfriends so she relaxed.
"I'm sure it'll be okay. He's just worried and it didn't help that you lied," he tried to joke but she was so deep in her thoughts she hadn't noticed. 
The girl heard a familiar rumble of Baby and she tensed up. Damon rubbed her arm soothingly as if it would help but she was so terrified of what her father would say. These were the times she wished her mother was still here. To calm down her dad when she did stupid teenage rebellion things. When the car came into view, she gently pushed away from Damon and walked to the edge of the curb. The door slammed shut and out walked her dad, she peeked into the car and saw her uncle in the passenger side with pursed lips. Bailey's bottom lip quivered when he neared her. She went to open her mouth to say how sorry she was but turned around to vomit. Damon backed up and frowned as she cried.
Dean rushed over and wrapped his arms around her but not before wrapping his flannel around her shivering body. The sobs wracked her frail body as she turned into her father's chest. Dean's harsh glare found the eldest Fritellie's eyes and mouthed to leave them. With one last glance, Damon walked back into the building and the door shut behind him. Dean's temper eased as he was left alone with Bailey. The young girl mumbled apologies to her father but he just shushed her and ran his hands through her hair.
Dean could see how the nightmares affected how she behaved. She had been withdrawn from her whole family since she was kidnapped. That was three months ago. Sam and John had just brushed it off as her being a rebellious teenager. Dads know best.
Slowly but surely, she grew tired and rested her cheek to his heart. Dean bent down a little at the knees to pick her up bridal style and carry her to Baby. Sam saw the pair come closer and he got out to open the door. Dean kissed her forehead before letting her down and onto the seat. She turned into the flannel and yawned before letting herself fall back asleep.
Shutting the door quietly, Dean turned to rub his face when Sam opened his mouth. "I think she should see someone, Dean. This- This was okay for the first week but now it's going on three months. Three, Dean." At his brother's words, the elder Winchester scoffed and kicked the dirt.
"Ya don't think I know that Sammy?! Of course, I do. I was there when she was found goddamnit," he sighed and placed his hands on his hips and pondered over the next move. "I'll talk to her in the morning about it. I ain't forcing her though. Maybe Cas can help her." He said the last part more for himself than Sams.
The pair stayed silent all the way back to the bunker.
Dean drove into the garage and parked Baby before getting out and picking up his baby girl. She groaned a little but nuzzled into him again. John was in the den with a cigarette and a bottle of beer when the door opened and he heard heavy footsteps. Dean walked by with Bailey in his arms and Sam turned into the room. The younger Winchester sibling sat down with a sigh and shook his head at his dad.
"She's not well. Dean says he sees it, but he hasn't done much to help her. Maybe I should just-"
John cut him off with a glare. "You will not be doing anything, boy. Bailey is your niece and his daughter. You know how your brother is. He will do something on his own terms. That's how he's always been." He grumbled into the beer. Sam huffed out in annoyance for his dad taking his side.
Inside Bailey's room, were polaroids of her and her friends hanging on the walls. A family picture hung above the teen's bed along with some tickets to concerts she had been to with her dad. Dean had taken off her shoes and threw them onto the ground as he tucked her under the covers. He grabbed her hand and sat on the edge of her bed, watching over her. He wished his mother was here to help him out. He knew his little girl felt lost without a mother figure in her life, but he also felt that if he did find someone, she'd think he was replacing her.
Dean loomed over her before placing a chaste kiss on her head and walking to the door. He closed the door softly, before walking to his own room. He would have gone back to the den and sat with his dad and brother but he was angry at Sam for telling him what he already knew.
Dean took off his clothes, climbed under the blankets, and closed his eyes.
His mind wandered to if he'd been a terrible dad lately, causing her to rebel and sneak off without his permission. Or lie straight to his face at your whereabouts. He never really believed in God until he met him, nor did he really ever pray. But he now silently asked the heavens what to do to help his little girl out.
Sleep caught Dean in its warm embrace and his dreams were plagued with what to do with Bailey.
Sam stood by the counter with his earbuds in as he mixed his early morning post-run drink. John sat at the kitchen table across from Dean, both had coffee mugs in front of them- one laced with whiskey. The eldest Winchester kept his gaze on the newspaper, looking out for any new hunts or leads for one. The trio heard light footsteps come down from the hallway and towards them. Bailey entered the silent room and walked over to the coffee pot. Reaching up she grabbed her favorite mug- it was a family picture along with Cas.  She poured some creamer into the mug before the coffee.
John was the first to speak. "Have fun last night, baby doll? Sure seemed like it when we called you." Dean shot his dad a quick glare but just shook his head.
Bailey looked down into the mug with shame in her soft eyes. "I'm sorry pops. I-I have no idea what went through my head when I disobeyed you guys," she mumbled out and stirred her coffee before speaking quieter, "I'm up for any form of punishment."
At her words, Sam set down his smoothie and ripped out his earbuds. "Sweetheart, you do not deserve to be punished for being a teen." John shot his youngest son a confused glance, for last night he was up to damage. Sam must've noticed because he spoke again, "I felt different last night but I then realized that you're a teen. Hell, when your dad was your age he was ten times worse!" They all share a small laugh except Dean who rolls his eyes. Sam continues with a softer tone, "I- We all know how hard it's been since the incident... You're only seventeen, baby girl. We are worried about you." When he finished, Dean released a sigh and scooted his chair back so Bailey could sit with him. The girl plopped herself down onto her father's lap and sipped her coffee before setting it down.
Dean wrapped one arm around her waist and began to speak, "Even though we were very upset last night, not for the reason you were there, but the fact that you lied straight to my face. I know how it is baby, you're young. You've never done that before, not that I know of," he muttered the last part soliciting a laugh from Bailey.
"Let me cut this shit short- we are all worried as hell about you baby doll. You're our everything. Our main goal in this short life is to make sure you live it to the fullest. You can't do that if you're dead at the bottom of a ditch." John was straight to the point, and it scared Bailey. She had never seen her pops this serious. The brunette reached her hand out to wrap it around his own.
John squeezed it with a tightlipped smile.
"You should see someone baby girl. I know it will suck at first, but if you won't talk to us or your friends about it, it will never go away. Trust me. It haunts you forever. Please baby, for me?" Dean spoke sadly and watched as his little girl nodded before a tear slipped down her cheek.
The girl continuously nodded, which made her dad wrap his hands around her tighter. He kept mumbling "I love you" into her ear, resulting in her sobbing into her father's shirt.
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mostribelle · 4 years
Reblog if you write fic and people can inbox you random-ass questions about your stories, itemized number lists be damned.
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mostribelle · 7 years
Reblog if you're black tumblr.
You don’t have to be black, it just means you support us, you stand by us and you’re for us.
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mostribelle · 7 years
Damon Salvatore Imagine
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Imagine you and Damon were lovers after he became a vampire and have been since 1901. But now that Elena is in the picture, you have been feeling a little bit self-conscious. 
Gif not mine, credit to owner.
Words: 907
Warnings: Self doubt? Major Fluff and a few swear words. Mentions of sex.
AN: Well I’m out of ideas so if any of you have some, please feel free to send them in! Thanks and enjoy! -Karen
song: jealous by Labrinth
You and the scooby doo gang sat in the living room of the boarding house as Damon and Stefan went over a plan to save Elena from Klaus. You twirled your hair around your finger not really caring about what happens to the doppelganger. Damon took a seat by you and wrapped his arms around your form.
“Alright how about this, we give her someones blood so if it doesn’t work, she’ll still be alive?” Damon suggested with a growl since Stefan has said no to every other idea. Stefan groaned, pulling at his hair as Elena put her arm on his.
“That’s a great plan Damon, Stefan I don’t see what the problem is.” The brunette questioned her boyfriend but made eye contact with yours. You rolled your eyes even though deep down it hurt you. It hurt you that for the past week, him and Stefan stayed up late to find out a way for her to live. It hurt you that she always popped up in the conversation, he’d been going over to her house lately also. Sometimes alone.
She’s human, human and young. She’s gorgeous and kind. She’s the girl everyone loves.
Whereas you’re a vampire. Old, pretty and not that kind. Shaking your head, you shook those nasty thoughts out.
But you knew and trusted him, after so many years you knew if he was lying. Some self doubt washed away.Checking the time on the clock, you saw it was eleven so you told them your good nights and headed up to your guys’s shared room. As you changed into your pajamas you laid on the bed watching the rain slide down the window.
You felt drops fall down your cheeks but didn’t make a move to wipe them off. Turning off the light you watched the clocks numbers change until it was around two and that’s when you heard the door open and clothes falling off.
Not long after, you felt strong arms wrap around you as he snuggled closer. “I love you (Y/N), so much that it scares me,” he paused or a few seconds before continuing. “I wish you could feel my heart and how fast it pounds when you’re next to me each night. Or how happy I get when I just see you smile.”
All the self doubt you were feeling earlier had gone away and was now replaced with love. You turned around slowly to face the love of your life. Your hand caressed his face while he sighed in content.
“Damon, I love you so much and I wish that you could feel my heart beat whenever you walk into the room. Or how angry I get when you always bring Elena up in the conversation.” You stopped to see his face turn from content to confused real quick.
So you continued, “When you started courting me, we promised to tell each other everything. Even if it hurt us. I’m telling you I know about your little meet ups with the doppel bitch, without Stefan.” He shot up and looked at you with wide eyes. Shutting your eyes tightly you thought that the look was one of admittance. A look that he was with her and not for friendly reasons.
You watched the rain fall down again as tears burned your vision. Damon’s heart broke when he saw you crying so he decided to do it now and say fuck it to when he was supposed to do it.
Grabbing your shoulder, he made you face him as you both studied each others face’s.
“(Y/N), i’ts not what you think. Seriously, I would never hurt you like that. There’s a reason behind everything and I suppose I should tell you right now.” The vampire grabbed your hand and placed it over his heart.
“(Y/N) I love you to the moon and back, the reason I’ve been going to Elena’s at night without Stefan is because.. Is because I had to ask her about the preparations.” he trailed off looking down. You placed a finger under his chin to have him keep taking.
“What preparations?” He pushed the covers off and gestured you over to the edge of the bed where he knelt on the wood floors. Your eyes widened as your hands went to your mouth.
“When we first met I thought you were the most gorgeous woman I’ve seen in my life. I may have been just a boy but I knew you were meant to be my woman one day. You’re perfect in every way, I fell in love and accepted all of your flaws as you did mine. I love the way your nose crinkles when you read a sex scene in a book, the way you cook pancakes and dance to aerosmith in my shirt, the way your eyes twinkle when you see puppies or sunshine. Everything you do makes me love you even more.”
By now, you’re in full tear mode as he grabbed a blue box out from under the bed. “(Y/N) (L/N), will you do the honors of making me the happiest man on earth?” You jumped into his arms saying yes over and over again.
Kissing him all over his face he laughed in joy and set you down on the bed. Sliding the ring on your finger you leaned against him.
He pulled back to rest his forehead against yours as he mumbled a sentence that made your smile grow.
“Not even death can do us part.”
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mostribelle · 7 years
Father Material (Lucifer Morningstar)
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Pairing: Father!Lucifer Morningstar/Child!Daughter!Reader Words: 1400 Warning(s): Uh child reader gets lost, das it. A/N: I think I’ve only written one other fanfic (not on here) with a child reader, so this was really different to write :D. Also I love that gif^ Request: Can I have a child reader with Daddy Lucifer Morningstar like when he’s alone with his daughter he’s just the best daddy ever and when she gets hurt he becomes a worry wart but doesn’t show his worries.
Keep reading
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mostribelle · 7 years
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TV SHOW REMAKE  ⋙  F.r.i.e.n.d.s
The one where Eric says “Ariel”.
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mostribelle · 8 years
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I don’t know what to say.
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mostribelle · 8 years
“Trump Won. Who’s fucked?”
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mostribelle · 8 years
Damon Salvatore Imagine
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Imagine getting your teeth pulled and Damon taking care of you.
 Gif not mine. 
 Words: 945
 Warnings: Few swear words 
. _______________________________ 
“Y/N there are no such things as goatee hamsters. Where the hell did that even come from?" Damon blurts out as he drives you back from the dentists. You had just gotten your wisdom teeth pulled and were high off the gas. Damon being your boyfriend had offered to pick you up and drive you back. "Listen listen listen Damon, you don't know how thish worksh." You slur, not being able to pronounce your S's correctly. He rolled his eyes and rests his hand on your thigh.
"When we get home you are going to take a bath. Get that.. dentist smell off you." He mumbles to himself once he notices you babbling out the window. He stops at a stoplight and you open your door.
“Woah. Y/N stop!” He reaches over and shuts the door before you can fully open it. He locks it after you pout and cross your arms.
“That was mean. You stink. I hate you. I bet Stefan would have taken gooder care of me.” You trail off looking out the window sadly. He chuckles but drives on.
“Gooder isn't even a word and if you hated me, then why did we make love?” He questions. You turn your head towards him so fast you get whiplash. Gasping you whine out.
“Dammon.. We didn’t do that.” He nods and pulls up to the boarding house.
“Let's go sweetie.” He opens your door and picks you up bridal style. You struggle in his arms. “Damon, I’m bleeding again. I think I need new pads.” He looks at you and quirks a brow.
What the hell does she mean by pads? Is she on her period. No, I would know. After a few seconds he makes an aha noise.
“You mean cotton puffs? Your gums are still bleeding?” He sets you down on the sofa and runs towards the bathroom for them. When he returns he sees no sight of you in the room. “Goddammit Y/N, where the hell did you disappear to now.” He curses out and tries to hear your heartbeat but he can’t seem to focus.
Hiding in the basement under the cot in the corner cell wasn’t the best idea. You hit your head on the bottom and somehow fell asleep. Damon sped to the basement and heard a faint beat in one of the rooms. He rounded the corner and found you under the cot.
“The hell..?” He trailed off as he noticed you drooling blood all over the ground. “Damn it Y/N.” He rushed over and picked you up not really caring about the ground. He sets you down on your guy’s bed and he changes the gauze in your mouth. He throws the bad stuff out then lies down next to you running his hand through your hair.
“God how did I end up so lucky.” His statement/question thingy would of made you blush if you weren't passed out drooling all over. Eventually he falls asleep with you in his arms. You wake up and snuggle into the warmth that's emitting from next to you.
"Damon." Silence. You sit up slowly, trying not to wake him up and hop out of bed to go to the bathroom. After rinsing out your mouth you take some ibuprofen and admire yourself in the mirror.  Peeking into her room you see that he is still sleeping so you run out and close the door quietly. There's movement downstairs and you assume it's Stefan back from Elena's so you just strut downstairs only to find some strange man raiding your fridge.
Before the fear creeps in you are angered that someone is raiding your food. Your  food. Not theirs, so you do what you would do if it was Damon or anyone else. You charged them. A war cry rings out as you tackle the man to the ground and start throwing punches left and right only to be stopped by them and pinned to the wall.
"What the fuck?!" Yells out a british accent. He stops and looks you up and down then smirks. "Well well well, what do we have here?" He lets go of you and you push him back.
"Don't touch my food you prick. That shit is for me, not you." Huffing and watching him carefully you decide not to attack since he is a vampire. "If you so much as lay a hand on me I'll scream." Crossing your arms you grin as you see Damon creep around the corner.
"Enzo? What are you doing here?" He questions and comes to stand next to you. You sink into him and look up at the man named Enzo. Enzo miles a the sight of you guys and changes his stance to a more 'friendly' one. "Was in the neighborhood and thought I'd make a stop by. Is this the famous Y/N? She's a feisty one if I may say." He winks at you and you feel your face flush. Damon notices and pulls you tighter against him.
"Yes. She's my girlfriend. Why are you here though In Mystic Falls?" You guys walk into the main room and take a seat on the couches. "Like I said, just going through town." You snuggle into Damon and close your eyes as the sounds of the crackling fire around you lull's you to sleep. As the guys talk Enzo see's you passed out. He nods to your sleeping form and Damon picks you up and vamp speeds to your room. Placing you on the bed he kisses your forehead and goes back to Enzo.
"She's a keeper mate. Don't let that one go or I might have to take her." His expression turns serious then he laughs.
"Yeah, she is." Damon says and his eyes twinkle.
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mostribelle · 8 years
Stefan Salvatore x Reader
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Hi! If you have anytime could you possibly write another Stefan x reader where Stefan takes you to the Mikaelson ball with the notion that you’ll simply distract him from Elena for a while. When he takes the time to get to know you, he wonders if he picked the wrong sister. 
 Thanks anon for the request, I hope this is up to your expectations. (: 
 Gif not mine 
 Words: 795
 Warnings: none?? 
You ran into the guy once, and suddenly you guys start chatting and hit it off. You moved here after the death of your aunt Jenna. Elena called you and said that there was something weird going on here and you thought why the hell not take a trip out there. Stefan was the guy's name. And the name of your sister's ex at the moment. They remind you of one of those high school relationships that are on and off and it bothers you. You don't know him that well but after tonight you hope that you will get to know him better. He asked you to go to the ball that was being held at the Mikaelson's mansion this evening and who were you to say no to his gorgeous face. Your dress hugs your body perfectly, the gold detailing just makes it look more elegant and leaves you feeling like a queen. You hear your little brother Jeremy yelling for you and you head downstairs.
Stefan awaits you in a black tuxedo with a huge smile fixated on you.
"Wow, Y/N you're looking.. amazing." You blush at his compliment and he offers his arm, which you gladly take.
"You're looking rather sharp too Mr. Salvatore. So what's the plan for the night." You ask as you take a seat in the car. He runs around to the other side and gets in and takes off.
"Thank you milady, and I just want to enjoy this night with a beautiful woman and forget about everything." He looks around and pulls into the driveway. You groan because he wants to forget Elena for the night. You are just a distraction you think.
As you enter the place, you spot everyone dancing to a song and it makes you smile since its Ed Sheeran's Thinking out Loud .  You pull him over to the floor and you get into the dancing position.
"Dominant are we? You must be a fireball in bed." He says and winks at your red cheeks. Deciding to play along you start to speak when his attention is focused elsewhere.
"Stefan?" He snaps out of the gaze and half smiles.
"It's nothing, don't worry. Thought that I saw someone I knew." he mumbles and you nod, secretly wanting his attention back on you.
The evening goes on and he asks about your old life and why you moved here. He brings you outside to the garden to take a little stroll.
"So Y/N, what do you want your future to look like?" The vampire hums as you take a seat on the stone bench basking in the midnight moon.
"Hmm, I want someone who will cherish me in every way possible, as long as I have someone then I'll be happy." You finish off and stare at the rose in your hand. Stefan looks down at you appreciatively but you don't see it.
Stefan's thoughts go to Elena, his ex. As he has gotten to know you more he thinks to himself that maybe he picked the wrong sister. Of course he didn't know you back then but boy he wished he did. The night continues and it's time to take you home when you stop him by the car.
"I had a great time tonight Stefan. Would you like to uh hang out soon?" You ask quietly. His eyes seem to sparkle at the thought of seeing you again and he nods.
"I'd love that. And I had an amazing time with you so yes Y/N, I'd love to." There's a comforting silence until he speaks again. "Shall we go home now? Or is there anywhere else you want to go?" You shake your head and continue to get in the car.
You reach the Gilbert house and hop out to make your way to the porch. He turns to you and takes your hand in his large one.
""I guess I'll see you tomorrow then." You kiss his cheek and back up. You would love to kiss him but he's just on a break with your sister and will probably be back with her tomorrow. Your mood turns sour at the mention of that.
"Goodnight Stefan." You let go of his hand but he grabs you and pulls you into an embrace. He inhales and closes his eyes. "Are you smelling me vampire boy?" You feel a deep vibration in his chest and you chuckle too.
"Maybe I am. I'll see you tomorrow sweetheart." His lips touch your forehead and he vamp speeds away into the night. Your heart races as you sink against the door and let out a huge sigh.
"Wow. What a night." You go up to your room and lie down, slowly falling asleep.
~The end.
I will admit I found it hard to capture his character so it won't be spot on but thanks for reading. (:
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mostribelle · 8 years
Hi! If you have anytime could you possibly write another Stefan x reader where Stefan takes you to the Mikaelson ball with the notion that you’ll simply distract him from Elena for a while. When he takes the time to get to know you, he wonders if he picked the wrong sister.
Hello anon! Yes, I have already started it and it should be up by the sixth. Thanks for the request and I hope it will be up to your expectations. (:
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mostribelle · 8 years
Steve Rogers Imagine FT. Avengers
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Imagine your boyfriend Steve hanging out with the rest of the Avengers and you show up. He tries to impress you with picking up Thor’s hammer but isn't able to. Tony’s attempt at flirting with you leaves Rogers a little bit sad. 
Gif not mine.
Words: 691
Warnings: Sad Steve? Is that even considered a warning. 
“You can try, but you will not succeed.” Thor's mighty voice rings out in the room. Nat, Clint, Pietro and Wanda are around the couch and Tony sits at the counter. Bruce confidently walks up to the hammer and looks around at the faces of everyone. Clint snickers as he watches Bruce struggle to pick it up. Jarvis annonces that you arrived and is on your way up. Tony straightens himself and Steve glares at the genius's motives. Steve leans against the railing and waits for you.
“Don't even try it Tony. She doesn't like when you constantly flirt with her.” He snaps. Tony grins and stands up.
“Oh sounds like Captain Rogers is a little annoyed.” You say while walking into the room, into his arms. Steve grins down at you and wraps his strong arms around your waist.
Tony glances you up and down while Pietro smacks him and speeds to the kitchen for god knows what. You lean into him and shake your head at Tony. “Tony, eyes up here.” His gaze looks up and he puts on a handsome smirk.
“Say, Y/N, why don’t you ditch this old man and come learn something new.” His flirtatious smile doesn't phase you as you have no feelings for him. Steve's grip tightens and you chuckle slightly at the other man's antics.
Thor beckons you over and whispers something in your ear. Your eyes light up and you turn your head towards Steve. “You lifted Mjölnir up!” You point at the hammer. Steve's mouth opens and slowly nods. “Yes, but that was a week ago.” he mumbles out. Thor beckons for him to go to the hammer.
“Why don't you try it. See if you can impress Y/N.” Steve frowns but smiles quickly when you look at him. He places his hands on the handle and pulls up. You all stare at his few attempts to pick it up. It doesn't happen. You can hear tony’s laugh in the back and the others snickers. Thor’s brows furrow at the team's laughs. You frown and walk over to him placing your arms around him.
“How about we uh go to the balcony.” You say and sharply turn your head towards the others, shooting them a nasty glare. Their heads drop in shame.
The cool night air flows around you and seeps into your bones. Steve notices you shiver and pulls you close as you two gaze out to the city. “Steve look at me.” Your slender fingers pull his chin to look down at you. “Why are you so bummed? So what if you can't pick up Mjölnir? I don't care and it’s not a big deal. The only person who can is Thor.” You trail off and lean closer to him. His chin rests on your head and his fingers comb through your hair.
He clears his throat. “I don't know. I just felt that if I showed you I was able to pick it up, you’d think I’m special.” You pull away and burst out laughing. His eyes darken and stand up, going to the railing and looking at the stars. You control yourself and walk over to him.
“Steve.” No response. “Steve.” Nothing. You turn him around roughly and crash your lips onto his. He pulls away after a while to get a breath.
“Why did you laugh.” He turns away again but this time pulls you close. “I laughed because what I found funny was the fact that you don't think you're special to me. You’re the most important person to me." He leans down and puts his forehead against yours.
“I love you Y/N. So much.” You smile, loving to hear these words. Walking back inside you see Tony holding the hammer, with Thor's help though. You laugh and it startled Tony.
“Y/N! Hey there.” He yells to you. You wave him off and grab Steve's hand. Giving him a soft kiss goodbye you wave at the others and make your way downstairs.
“See you guys later.” You shout to the people upstairs. You get in the car and head home with a huge smile on your face.
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mostribelle · 8 years
Being a writer can be lonely.
It can be exhausting.
It is asking your friends, is this stupid?
It’s late nights,
it’s spending hours searching for just the right word.
It can be disappointing when people don’t react the way you hope they will,
and encouraging when they react in a way you didn’t expect them to.
Sometimes, you can feel like you aren’t good enough.
Like your words are fruitless and pointless.
But writing is also rewarding.
It’s moments and ideas coming to life in your words.
It’s friendship with other writers who encourage you.
It’s sharing your heart and soul with your readers. 
It’s people telling you how much your words meant to them.
And so, I remind you that even through your valleys and weaknesses-
you are a writer.
If you get one note, or hundreds.
You are talented.
You are breathtaking.
You are art.
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mostribelle · 8 years
i’m a writer
person who mostly daydreams and never actually finishes anything (via thewarlocksbitch)
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mostribelle · 8 years
Kol Mikaelson Imagine
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Imagine Kol being your husband and after a year of marriage or so you find out you’re pregnant. You go to see Rebekah and ask her how to tell him since you’re slightly scared of his reaction since vampires aren't supposed to procreate. 
gif not mine
words: 924
warnings: I think a few swear words but really just fluff.
You are sat on the toilet seat while staring at the white stick. After a few minutes you cry out in joy then you slip the test in the garbage can. Running out to your purse on the counter you grab the keys to your car and drive to Rebekahs. Sensing someone's here she opens the door and greets you with a smile.
“Come in Y/N. This is a surprise.” She says as you walk in and take a seat on the couch. You nod at how ironic that phrase is.
“It is isn't it. Listen I have to tell you something but you can’t mention this to anyone okay? Not even Matt.” You say sternly at the older vampire. She grins and scoots closer. “Nobody is here right?” She shakes her head and urges you to continue.
“Rebekah I’m pregnant.” You wait for some sort of an expression to cross her face but you see none. After a few seconds she glares and that's when you realize that it doesn't sound right. Quicky you say something. “No on no, it’s not what you think. It’s Kol’s but that’s wh-” She quietly squeals and hugs you. Shocked you pat her back slowly.
“Oh my Y/N that’s great! Wonderful news! I’m going to be an auntie and buy the best clothes and babysit all the time, not to mention I'm also going to spoil him or her so much.” You giggle at her ramblings but let her continue. She stops and gives you a puzzled look when she notcies you frown. “You don’t seem excited? Do you not want this?” She waits for a response.
“I’m just confused as to how this happened. Vampires aren't supposed to yanno...” You awkwardly trail off and motion with your hands even though you’ve had sex plenty of times. She slaps your hand down and grins.
“Who the bloody hell cares. You’re having a baby Y/N, not many vampires can say that. You’re a lucky bitch.” You lean forwards and hug her. Your phone buzzes in your pocket and you take it out.
Kol-  Are you at home love? I just bought the chinese food. Heading home right now.
You smile and text back then turn to her. “I need to tell him but what if he assumes the worst and then takes off before I can say something.” You worry and rub your hand subconsciously over your stomach. She rubs your shoulder.
“Hun, if he’s waited five years to marry and bed your bloody ass then he will possibly wait a few more seconds to hear great news. Now go get em tiger.” She ushers you out the door and you wave her off. You drive home and walk slowly to the door. It opens and Kol greets you with open arms and a huge smile.
“There's my lovely wife. Where have you been? The food is cold but I can heat it up if you still want it.” He trails off as he sees your smile falter.
“Kol we need to talk.” You notice how his face drops and you quickly run towards him and kiss his cheek. “It’s good news babe. I can promise you that.” At your words he grins and pulls you into the warm house and sits you on the couch. You turn to face him and run your hands through his soft hair. “Okay. Uhm Kol I'm pregnant.” You feel him tense but it is quickly replaced with joy.
“Really? We’re having a baby!” He stands up with you in his arms and swings you around. You laugh as he shows off his winning smile. “I don’t know how this happened but I’ve never been so happy.” You give him a look. “Except.. when I married this beautiful ass woman.” He sets you down as you two laugh. Leaning against him he wraps his arms around you.
“I didn’t know how you would react. I wasn’t sure if you would say it's impossible and run out or if you’d wait for me to finish.” He kisses your forehead and pulls you closer.
“Darling I’ll always wait. We are having a baby together. God I’ve never been so happy.” he repeats himself and you laugh lightly. He runs a hand over your stomach and coos. You lie together for a while until he sits up fast. “The chinese food.” He runs into the kitchen and comes back with a fork and your rice.
Thanking him you eat it and sigh. “Just so you know, theres going to be a lot of you running to the grocery store at midnight or anytime of the night.” You see him frown in realization but then  he grins up at you.
“I don’t care love. As long as my queen and princess is satisfied then I’m satisfied.” You gaze up at him.
"What makes you think it's a girl?" He chortles.
"It? She sure isn't an it. I guess you could call it a.. father's intuition." He smirks and you push his chest.
"Whatever loser." You softly kiss him and then go back to lying down. Drifting off you hear him mumbling cute words to your stomach, you let out a very soft giggle and it all fades to blackness. Picking up your sleeping form he carefully brings you to the bedroom and places you on the bed while draping a comforter which has his picture printed on it over you. Chuckling he kisses your forehead.
"Always and forever love." He runs out of the room and calls his family to tell them the great news.
-not sure if I like this one. Thanks for reading (:
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mostribelle · 8 years
Damon Salvatore imagine
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Imagine after a hard day at work and missing your Mystic falls family you return to your home in New York all sad. Damon calls you but you don't pick up so he goes there to cheer you up. 
gif not mine.
words: 908
warnings: None
Your new boss hated you for some unknown reason so she made it her goal to make you uncomfortable throughout the whole day. She teased you, threw you papers which since you're clumsy you dropped them and tripped on the garbage can. She then assigned your office to be in the old janitor's closet which smelt like poop and chemicals with no windows. You groaned in frustration when you made it to your new unfamiliar apartment. You hated this. You missed Bonnie and her silly little spells that made you laugh, you missed Damon -your boyfriend of three years- and how he always made you smile. You had moved here because there was a job opening in the field you love and you knew you had to take it. Damon was sad but told you he'd visit all the time and maybe even move in with you when you got situated. You throw your phone on the sofa and run up to your bedroom and slowly fall asleep with a few tears streaming down your face.
Mystic Falls.
Damon frowns when he notcies you don't pick up. He tries again and again until Stefan walks in. "What are you doing?" Damon looks up from the phone and gives him a look.
"Attempting to call Y/N but she isn't picking up." A flash of worry passed through his eyes. He runs upstairs and comes back down within a minute. Grabbing his car keys he waves Stefan off. Stefan grins knowing he's going to see his beloved and maybe something more.
New York
What should of been eleven hours to get to your new apartment only took him three. You are sound asleep as he sneaks in and watches you sleeping soundly. He grimaces when he sees tear streaks on your cheek. Someone hurt his baby girl and once he finds out who it is, they won't be alive to see the next day. He slips under the covers with you once he takes off his shirt and puts on sweatpants. Not knowing what you're doing, you snuggle closer to the new source of warmth. He smiles and closes his eyes as he falls asleep to your steady heartbeat.
You wake up in warm strong arms and sit up quickly but once you see raven black hair you smile sheepishly. Damon moved his head into your lap and beamed up at you, flashing you his perfect smile. "Surprise baby girl." You chuckle and run your hands through his hair.
"I love you being here but uhm why are you here?" You question the vampire. He sits up and pulls you to his chest.
"You weren't answering your phone so I thought you were either in trouble or something happened. I'm glad I came though." You blush and tap his chest.
"How long will you stay? If it's possible do you want to uh yanno-" You stammer before he cuts in.
"I'd love to move in with you Y/N L/N. That way I can kiss you anytime I want, wake up next to your beautiful face and scare away any men that look at you." He finishes off with the famous Damon smirk. You jump up and run downstairs to the kitchen looking for something. He follows and sits on the barstool. "What are you loo-"
"Ah hah! Found you you little bastard." He jumps slightly at your yell. Turning around you hand him a key. "I made an extra because I kinda knew that one day you'd move in with me." He remembers something and you then sit next to him. "What's with that look mr. grumpy face?" You boop his nose as he grabs your hand and gazes into your eyes.
"Why were you crying last night? Better yet, who made you cry." You look down but his fingers pulls your chin up. "Y/N, please tell me." He pleads. Not being able to resist those eyes you sigh.
"It's really nothing I am just a whiner. But if you must know it was my boss. She doesn't like me for some reason. She went out of her way to make my day miserable. So it's really nothing but hey, what can you do." You finish off with a sad smile. His brows furrow and he gets up and speeds towards his bag and changes in front of you.
"Oh dear lord stop! For my eyes have sinned." You cover your eyes at his nakedness. He rolls his and walks over to you.
"Baby girl you've seen me naked plenty of times, as have I you. Remember that one night we fuck-" You cover his mouth with your hand.
"Yes yes yes. Oh boy do I." You mumble the last part. He catches the words and smirks. "Anyway, where are you going?" He puts on his shirt much to your dismay and saunters to the counter to grab his keys.
"To go talk to this boss. I'll show her whos boss. Wanna come with and watch her become a smoothie?" He jerks his head towards the door and your eyes widen.
"Damon freaking Salvatore no. Get your ass back here!" You run but he zooms out and closes the door. After a few minutes you sigh and lie down awaiting for the love of your life to return. In all you smile at the way he is and close your eyes thinking to yourself how lucky you are.
The end.
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mostribelle · 8 years
Damon/Stefan Salvatore one shot: strictly platonic
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gif not mine. Credit to the creator.
Imagine you being taken in by the brothers when you were three. Through the years you grew up they took care of you like you were their own sister. You have a big fight with them after they turn you and you leave vowing to never come back. After ten years you return on christmas morning and surprise them.
_Words: 1285
warnings: Angst, platonic fluff
It’s been ten years since you’ve last seen the brother’s who so kindly took care of you. You guys got into a silly fight which led to you leaving after throwing words at them. Hurtful words. The look on their faces were miserable. Your mother left you on their doorstep and left with a dunkard to have a ‘kid free life’. You knew all about them and what they were but you payed no mind to that. They were your only family, and you left them. Being on your own wasn’t as hard as it should be but that’s just because you were able to compel and eat people. Free everything. But you decided to go back tomorrow and celebrate christmas with them. You’re scared that they might shut the door on you, but the other part of you knows that they wouldn’t do that.
Fight Night Flashback;
“I hate you Damon! You guys ruined everything. I- I don’t want to be a vampire. I never wanted to be one. I told you many times about how I’d rather die than become one!” You screamed at the tired vampire. At the mention of death he frowned and sped towards you and held you against the wall.
“Don’t. Ever say that.” He spit out each word. Stefan decided that now was a good time to intervene. Pulling Damon off of you he sighed. In all Damon was closer to you. Stefan was close but he decided that Damon needed you more. 
“Damon, Y/N stop fighting please. Lets sit down and talk like the composed adults we are. Now Damon, tell her why you decided to feed her blood.” Damon growled at the words and walked to the liquor table. Pouring himself a drink he then sat down.
“Klaus threatened to kill you if we didnt come through with our part of the deal. So after hearing that I decided you can’t be human with that monster here, I then made a wise decision since he did kill you. You should be fucking thanking me instead of yelling at me.” He chugged the bourbon down then threw it at the fireplace. You scowled and sped up to your room and packed a bag.
Running downstairs you spotted the brothers in a heated conversation. Stefan sees the bag and speeds over to grab your hand. 
With a sad expression he frowns. “What are you doing Y/N? Please don't leave.” Damon walked in and scoffed. 
“Y/N running away from her problems again eh? Gotta say I’m getting used to it.” He chuckles at his words. You glare and walk towards the door when a gush of air stands in front of it. 
Arms crossed he smirks. “Where are you going to go huh? You have no one else. Just me and old Steffie boy.” He smiles and you wince at the nickname you had given Stefan back then. 
“I’m leaving you and I’m never coming back. You took away what I strived for. I wanted to grow old with someone I love, have kids and get an old country house with a pond and view of the mountains. You took all of that away from��me. I hate you Damon Salvatore. You’re a monster.” You spit the last words out and push past him towards the car. 
Stefan follows with a heartbroken look. Damon follows you and shoots you a dirty look. “A monster huh? That’s what I am? Well you know what Y/N, I don’t care about you. In fact I never did. I only took you in because I fet pity for you. An orphan on the streets was embarrassing. I never loved you.” He spares you one last glance and storms in the house shutting the door behind him. Stefan walks forward and wipes away your tears.
“He meant none of that Y/N. He’s just angry at the thought of losing you. Don’t leave. We can work through this.” He pleads. You shake your head and wipe your tears. “I can’t Stefan. Not this time. I love you, tell Damon I love him too. May we meet again.” You used the phrase of your guy’s favorite show. You drove away not looking back.
As you drove up the driveway you drove ten years go but in the opposite direction you felt tears pricking in the corners of your eyes. The brothers sat in the living room with a few of their close friends, opening presents. They hear a car pull up and frown. Looking at each other they get up and make their way towards the door. Elena frowns when she see’s the brothers tense up. You  knock on the door and take a huge intake of air. After a few minutes the door opens revealing a brunette who smiles at the girl.
Shocked at seeing a female open the door she frowns but puts on a  fake smile. “Uhm I was wondering if Stefan and Damon Salvator still live here? I’m a close friends of theirs.” You sputter out. She nods and opens the door inviting you in. You snicker inwardly. As you walk in two figures push you against the wall. You cry out and fight back. Now you switched positions. 
“Y/N? Is that really you?” Stefan steps forwards and gapes at you. You turn around and grin, no wait, you beam at them. He opens his arms and you run into them. Tears of joy spring out of your eyes as you hold each other tightly. He lets you go and wipes away the tears you’ve shed.  You look around until you see someone on the stairs. Damon blinks a few times and walk slowly down the stairs.
“Y/N..Oh my god. Y/N i’ts really you.” He shouts out and speeds towards you pulling you into a bear crushing hug. Damon feels tears trickle down his face onto your head. You are shocked at him. In all the years you’ve known him he hasn't shed a single tear. The gang behind them watches in unison. Damon freaking Salvatore is crying. He doesn't let go after three minutes. You force yourself out of the hug and stare at him. He hasn't changed at all. Same raven black hair, tall muscular figure, same blue eyes that would light up when he’d get you to smile. “Where have you been?” You shrug and sit down as do the others. Damon and Stefan sit beside you and wrap their arms around you. 
“Mostly Washington, but I’ve also been to Athens. Compelling my way through  life.” You chuckle dryly as they kiss your forehead. You look around to the people who stare at you in shock. “Mind introducing me?” You titter. They swallow and nod.
“That’s Elena, her brother Jeremy, Caroline, Tyler, Matt and Bonnie. You nod and smile at them. 
“Thanks for taking care of these two jugheads. Can I talk to you in the kitchen Damon.” He gets up and you follow him into the kitchen. You lean against the counter and look down. “I want to say how sorry-”
“No Y/N, I want, no I need to say how sorry I am. You didn’t deserve those words I threw at you.” He stares into your e/c eyes and you can see the sincerity in them. 
“Damon, we both need to apologize. Our actions that we took were wrong and completely out of proportion. We acted on our emotions and that’s never a good thing. I should have never called you a monster, I never hated you, In f-fact I loved you the most. The best older brother I’ve ever had.” By the end you both were balling like little babies. The rest of the day went on with you guys chatting up and hugs were shared.
The end.
Feedback is always appreciated. How was my first oneshot? Too long? Cringy? Please tell me and I will make it better. Thanks guys!
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