mrgallegos13-blog · 7 years
A Midsummer's Night Dream - Embracing the uncomfortable and the Godfather of Theatre, Shakespeare
A Midsummer’s Night Dream – Embracing the uncomfortable and the Godfather of Theatre, Shakespeare
“Life … is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing.“
– William Shakespeare
SHAKESPEARE is one of those icons that everyone has heard of but never really learned much about. There is a reason why he is so renowned.
He was a poetic genius.
He understood human nature and what made us interesting
He made it a point to be a rebel and
As one of the first Shakespeare plays I…
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mrgallegos13-blog · 8 years
Dearly Beloved - Surround Yourself with Success
Dearly Beloved – Surround Yourself with Success
“Acting is a question of absorbing other people’s personalities and adding some of your own experience.” – Paul Newman
Success is such a underestimated word.
It could mean getting that job you wanting for years.
Or finally asking out the girl of your dreams.
It could even mean making it through a tough day with your head held high. Whatever your successes are, live in those moments and know that…
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mrgallegos13-blog · 8 years
My Imaginary Pirate - Stage Combat, Young Audiences, and Real Magic
My Imaginary Pirate – Stage Combat, Young Audiences, and Real Magic
  ” I love acting. It is so much more real than life.” – Oscar Wilde
The wonderful stage holds precious moments and memories for me. One such occasion was being a part of a children’s pirate musical. Over one summer a few good friends of mine decided to put on a children’s play.
This type of show was the ultimate kid attraction: Sword Fighting, Music, and Pirates. (or at least I liked all those…
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mrgallegos13-blog · 8 years
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#reignpoor #lafilmprize #film #acting @amywicke
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mrgallegos13-blog · 8 years
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I'm 24 and I know exactly what I want to do with my life. Not many people can truthfully say that. I am beyond thankful for all the birthday wishes and love. Can't wait to see where I take myself in the next year. #birthday #acting #film #lifeisgood
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mrgallegos13-blog · 8 years
Oklahoma - Hugh Jackman, Accents, and Comedy
“Comedy is acting out Optimism” – Robin Williams
Another musical. I know, I know. It’s theatre. I swear it’s like 80% musicals.
This show is about country people in…. Oklahoma..(obviously).
FUN FACT: Hugh Jackman has played the lead role in “Oklahoma”… and he can sing.
Our version wasn’t the BROADWAY spectacle that has been done before but it was still…
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mrgallegos13-blog · 8 years
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This looks like something out of a comic book! Awesome @hcsprawls
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mrgallegos13-blog · 8 years
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Do not ever act in a black suit in the Louisiana summer #filmnight #acting #actorproblems
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mrgallegos13-blog · 8 years
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#reignpoor #lafilmfest #acting
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mrgallegos13-blog · 8 years
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Thanks @bigtallasian for the awesome bts of #reignpoor #lafilmfest
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mrgallegos13-blog · 8 years
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@bigtallasian day one of #lafilmfest almost over!
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mrgallegos13-blog · 8 years
  “In spite of my great admiration for individual splendid talents I do not accept the star system. Collective creative effort is the root of our kind of art. That requires ensemble acting and whoever mars that ensemble is committing a crime not only against his comrades but also against the very art of which he is the servant.”
– Stanislavski (the guy with a lot of great quotes)
For anyone unfamiliar with what an ENSEMBLE is in theatre I am specifically referring to
a group of supporting entertainers, as actors, dancers, and singers, ina theatrical production.
Also, for anyone unfamiliar with this play “Sunday Night in Manhattan”, it follow the story of Billy Sunday. If you are of the curious nature
From early on, my acting consisted of any classes I could take and whatever roles I could audition for and get. Ensemble acting was my only option at this point. Luckily, I was giving the valuable opportunity of acting and contributing to a work of art.
The baptist college I attended relished in any production closely relating to religion and the successes of God. This story is about Billy Sunday, a baseball player who eventually became a well known preacher in New York. Although the play it self centers mostly on Billy preaching, seeming more like a Sunday service, it was a worthwhile story of finding a place in the world. My perspective of theatre was sightly altered as well. These are some things I learned while rehearsing and performing.
(although I have said this before) There are no small parts. Note that I will say that a lot because at the end of the day, the audience only sees the big picture, and if someone seems off in the production it can have a effect on how it is viewed. One tiny background ensemble actor out of character can change so much of a performance.
Ensemble acting teaches you to collectively sustain an emotion or a feeling throughout a scene. You have the ability to lift another actor up who is not fully invested during the show.
You also have the power to bring people down in the production, be conscious of the “baggage” you bring into a theatre.
I can not do a New York accent to save my life… But I am working on it.
Watching and reacting to the lead actors is great practice for any actor. I was able to draw many ideas and habits by studying actors and reacting to them on stage.
MOST important lesson: we all want to be a part of something more, even if we don’t believe it. Purpose is the root of our subconscious. Whether it be a show or a group or a band or a family, we strive to a place and a purpose. So any decisions you make toward finding your purpose are the right choices to make.
At the end of the day, jump at every opportunity that is laid before you. While I didn’t particularly want to be a background performer, I definitely grew as a actor and don’t regret a single decision I have ever made (acting wise).
We are servants of the art. Film or theatre requires a level of humbleness to the collective creative effort. So go be creative. Be GREAT.
Until Next Time,
Sunday Night in Manhattan – Ensemble Experience "In spite of my great admiration for individual splendid talents I do not accept the star system.
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mrgallegos13-blog · 8 years
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#doitforthevining #blessthismess #combiningvining
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mrgallegos13-blog · 8 years
@ the range
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mrgallegos13-blog · 8 years
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This is what Day 4 did to my face #blackfaceshortfilm #film #periodpiece
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mrgallegos13-blog · 8 years
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Day 3 #film #blackfaceshortfilm
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mrgallegos13-blog · 8 years
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#films #behindthescenes #periodpiece
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