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i cant even
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"Heh, bring it on! You won't be able to beat me this time!"
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"Huh? What's going on here-"
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"Prepare your breasts, Kurugaya!"
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"... I think I'll leave you two alone for now..." And cue Kyousuke doing an about-face and quickly running away from the two.
Masato, do me a favor. Can you ask Kurugaya how big are her boobs? I really want to know.
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"Are you nuts!? Do you have any idea what she’ll do to me if I ask her that!?"
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"Oh? But why would she take that as an insult? She seems to talk about her body a lot with the girls, why not you?"
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"Really? Then I’ll go ask her!"
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"Kurugaya-saaaaaaaaan! How big are your boobs?"
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"He’s a dead man."
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Masato, do me a favor. Can you ask Kurugaya how big are her boobs? I really want to know.
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"Are you nuts!? Do you have any idea what she’ll do to me if I ask her that!?"
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"Oh? But why would she take that as an insult? She seems to talk about her body a lot with the girls, why not you?"
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"Really? Then I’ll go ask her!"
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"Kurugaya-saaaaaaaaan! How big are your boobs?"
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"He’s a dead man."
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"Now how often do you get the chance to explore inside a manga? That's every boy's dream!"
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"My dream is to be the strongest."
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"My dream is to live life the way I want."
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"Every boy's dream!"
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... This isn't some manga world, is it? Surely the three of them must be inside the basement of their school, right? Of the boys, Kyousuke would know where he would be since he's read quite the panoply of manga out there, ranging from comedy-drama to action-packed fantasy. But after wandering through the mystical town, even he doesn't know where he's at.
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"It looks like we're lost," Kengo said while shaking his head. "Best if we turn back and try to go back to where we came from." The others nodded and were about to turn around, but not before a woman approached them and greeted them, supposedly welcoming them to this mysterious new location. The three of them simply stared at the woman, batting their eyes in disbelief.
"Magnolia... Juvia... why does this all sound familiar...?" Kyousuke uttered as he pondered for a bit. If this were a manga, they would have no choice but to comply to the world's rules... Whatever they were. Then it hit him.
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"That's it! We must be in the 'Fairy Tail' manga!" he exclaimed. "And if I'm right, we must be in front of the Fairy Tail Guild! This is great!"
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"You seem awfully excited to be in a manga," Kengo said, shrugging off his yelling.
Musclesswordsandbaseballs started following you!
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Juvia was walking down the cobblestone street with several sewing materials in her bags along with lots of fresh veggies and fruits she had picked up after her last job. She was truly beaming, proud of herself for completing a mission all on her own. Her smiling gaze stopped and turned to a curious one as her eyes fell upon a group of…odd men standing out the Fairy Tail guild.This made the water mage quite curious.
Slowly the young woman walked up to them and tapped the the red-head of the three, the least threatening individual. "Excuse me," she started, "But are you new to Magnolia?" she tilted her head to the side and blinked as she looked up at them and smiled brightly.
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"No matter what, Juvia is really glad to see new people to her town!" she continued to beam at them "…wait, are you perhaps wishing to join with Juvia’s guild…?" she asked slowly
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It took me a while before I finally wanted to admit that….KYOUSUKE IS SO CUTE!!!
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Question for Kyousuke-senpai, the man who climbed Mount Everest. What's it like up there, and how did you do it?
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"Ah, now this I can answer. You see, the top of the mountain is like looking at a painting by the artist Da Vinci. The moment I can see the sunrise is a wonderful moment indee-"
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"Kyousuke, did you send this to yourself?"
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"Of course not, what makes you say that?"
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"You forgot to click on the 'anonymous' button, see?"
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"You really have gotten desperate, haven't you?"
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"It's too quiet around here. There's nothing going on."
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"He's got a point there."
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I was always small and worried. But when I was with you, all my worries and sadness would just disappear. I want to keep following you.
You can't always rely on me. Riki, you're not as small as you think. You're simply unaware of the scale of the things that you have done. But I know. You've worried for others as much as they did. You helped them overcome their hardship and saved them. It was something only you could do. The Little Busters consist of people that you gathered. I'm not as amazing as you make me out to be. You can't follow me forever. You need to surpass me, Riki. Become stronger.
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This was not the direction Kengo went to, and Kyousuke knew that perfectly well. The look in her eyes said she wasn't just looking for Kengo, she wanted to play her role and apprehend the stalker. But how? Would she search for a police officer? Would she find witnesses as to where the stalker's location may be? Kyousuke attempted to predict what she would do based on her usual behavior. Despite being a master of planning, what would happen next would be way out of his calculations.
The next moment, he is now looking at Komari at an intersection, but she isn't moving? Her eyes are simply wandering all over like a hawk catching its prey, only her eyes look a tad fearful. Could this be her plan...? Wait, stopping at an intersection meant she would be in public view, and anyone could see her from a mile away from that position. No... it can't be...
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"She's using herself as bait...!?" Kyousuke clenched his fist at the thought. Never would he have guessed that she would think of such a plan. No, it's simply inconceivable. Why would she risk herself like that? Does she not realize the danger she could be in? If it were anyone else, they would be able to fend themselves without any worry, but this is Komari...
If he tried to stop her now, his cover will be blown and her plan would be ruined as well. Unable to do much else, Kyousuke kept his distance from her, somewhat following along with her plan. He knows very well Komari is not fragile, but it's better to be safe than sorry. "When that man comes... I'll come right after him... He isn't getting away with this..." he uttered.
Still, he can't help but worry... Where is Kengo when you need him...? And is Masato really going back to the clubroom instead of going off and finding Kengo? If all else fails, it'll be up to him to take the man down.
... And there he is, right across from Komari. He would come charging right now, but he held himself back. If that man knew he would be following from behind, he'll get away along with what may be the album. He clenched his fist tighter, waiting for this situation to unfold, and for Komari to at least remain unharmed. The moment he would try to go for her, expect Kyousuke to chase after him.
No information about Masato can be obtained at this time.
Contrary to what everyone may have thought of her earlier action, the blonde was not being unnecessarily moved by her emotions and had recklessly dived into a situation never in a million years she expected herself to be in.
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" This may be by a long shot…but I’m pretty sure he may be here somehow…Maybe I should go somewhere more open so that he’d be able to see me easily…"
Komari’s plan was quite simple. The stalker was after her, and as of the moment, there was a large chance that he was with Kengo, or at least, will lead him to her. In order to take ahold of the criminal, she needed to for him to appear in the open; to reveal himself before her. The easiest way to do that is to make it known to the former that she, Komari- was now alone and unguarded. Thus, pseudo-creating an opportunity for the stalker to seize.
To put it in layman’s terms, she was going to use herself as bait to lure him out.
Azure orbs drifted from one direction to the other as she stopped at at an intersection. Her heat was beating wildly against her ribcage that she could hear it hammering from deep inside. Her breathing had become uneven; constricted. It was getting harder and harder to breath. She was so nervous she felt like she was about to die from the tension.
But still she persevered. All for Kengo’s smile. 
" Ah"
Komari’s breath hitched in her throat.
There, at the opposite side of the street, was the man who had been taking pictures of her.
The stalker. 
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Valentine's Day
" Ah...I wonder where senpai and the others are..." Komari looked around the clubroom, a worried expression on her face. "...I should wait for them...but I'm running late for my next class. Oh right!"
Komari took out a piece of paper from her bag, and scribbled in neat handwriting:
" Happy Valentines Day! I hope you'd enjoy this chocolate cheesecake I made. Tell me what you think of it later okay? :3 
- K. Komari"
She placed the cake on the table and slipped the paper underneath the plate so that it won't fly off and went off on her way.
In her hurry, she forgot to address to whom the chocolate was for. Namely, for all of them. 
Well...they'd figure it out.
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"Phew... that was quite the training..." Masato walked in to the clubroom having just finished his muscle training. Putting down his weights, Masato noticed a cake laying on the table of the clubroom. He sniffed it for a moment before licking his own lips. "Oh man... that cake looks delicious..." he said with his stomach growling. He was about to take a slice for himself, but held back for a moment. He didn't even know whose cake it belonged to. Oh well, he shrugged. Time for him to dig in!
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"Oh...? Is that cake over there?" Kengo walked inside from behind after having finished up his baseball training. Eyeing the cake, he put his equipment down and walked over to the cake, ignoring Masato. "Ah! It looks good!" he exclaimed before trying to take a slice...-
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... But not before Masato interrupts him by slapping his hand. "Oi! I was here first! Back off!" he shouted at Kengo.
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"No way buddy, the cake's been staring at me the moment I stepped in," Kengo responded while his stomach too, growled.
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"You wanna go at it?"
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*Masato and Kengo proceed to get into another fight*
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While the two of them were brawling outside, Kyousuke casually slips by and enters the clubroom. He too, noticed the cake inside. "Ah, this sure is a well-made cake," he said. He noticed a note below the cake and snatched it to read what it said. After he read the note, he nodded and smile. "Alright, time to dig in." Kyousuke grabbed a fork nearby along with a slice (The clubroom has forks apparently) and proceeded to chow down on the cake.
Masato and Kengo were still fighting when they stepped back in, shouting things like "This cake is mine!" or "You're going down!" But the moment they saw Kyousuke eat the cake, the two of them looked at him with their mouths wide open.
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"Hey! What are you doing!?"
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"Eating cake. Didn't you read the note?" Kyousuke handed the note to Kengo for both of them to read. "Apparently the cake's from Kamikita-san. It's pretty good."
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"But she never said who the cake belongs to..."
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"Okay then, think about it like this. If Kamikita-san is the one to have brought the cake and left a note, why would she leave it for only one person? Knowing how she is, she wouldn't be so selfish as to leave a whole cake for simply one person. If I'm right, this cake belongs to all of us."
... Silence. It became so quiet that you could practically hear tumbleweed outside. They never read the note, so they couldn't have possibly known that.
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