mushroomcoyote · 3 years
Really want to test run Bring Me her bones b4 I integrate with my world bc ttrpg city mysteries? Always a fun disaster
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mushroomcoyote · 3 years
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Men: f*ck around > find out
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mushroomcoyote · 3 years
Just bought a mini rpg book called Bring Me Her Bones and read it while tipsy and am just 👀👀👀👌🏾
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mushroomcoyote · 3 years
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The open sea is full of dangers and wonders in equal measure. From dangerous creatures deep beneath its surface to islands filled with ancient treasures, it all can be found out on the ocean’s waves. Is your party brave enough to step aboard and see what the ocean has to offer?
Hey everyone! In response to the overwhelming number of patrons we’ve had ask for follow-ups to the ocean maps in the Mid-Air Dragon Flight pack from last year, we happily present you with our Open Ocean map pack.We’ve made 84 different ocean maps for nautical adventures, from very simple seas of different shading to shipwrecks, desert islands, atolls, icebergs, rocky outcroppings, storms, spells, monstrous sealife, singing sirens, mysterious mermaids, kuo toa religious artefacts, volcanic outcroppings and more! The four above are a small taste of what our Patrons receive for subscribing! To see every scenario we’ve dreamed out, check out our post on Patreon!
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mushroomcoyote · 3 years
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Want to send your players into a Minotaur’s Labyrinth but need some inspiration for the encounter? We got you covered thanks to our wonderful Discord community!
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mushroomcoyote · 3 years
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Arrr ye mateys! This is our pirate tavern, complete with a smugglers cove! The theme was chosen by and voted on by our patrons when we first released this map and we’ve decided to go back through some of our older maps and release some of our variants for the world to see!
This is the ground floor but there’s an upstairs with a clifftop as well as a basement level that allows for a lot of sneaking around (in case you have a rogue in your party who wants to put those skills to use). You can see the full post with the other floors and variations here.
We’ve made a lot of variations for this one in case your party wants to keep returning to this island: several night versions, moonlight with beached mermaid, a ghost ship and cursed treasure chest, a bloody shipwreck with sharks, a sunset, a stormy night, a bioluminescent shore, a nesting Roc and some forgotten Roc eggs on the clifftop above.
If you want to support our work and see more of our hand-drawn maps, don’t forget to check us out on Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/czepeku/posts
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mushroomcoyote · 4 years
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Monster Hunt: The Timid Dragon
“I know this is going to sound nonsensical,  but this is an unorthodox quarry and that requires unorthodox tactics. 
Now….  does anybody know where we can get… like, a lot of cheese? “
Korzal, proffessional dragonhunter
Setup: For decades the dragon Viliraz scoured the countryside, slaughtering livestock whenever he hungered and building his horde through the extortion of  towns, priests, and princes.    Tired of this ceaseless terror, the masters of the realm sent away for Whilhimina the Wondrous, a powerful wizard from a neighboring kingdom famed for resolving such intractable problems. 
Unfortunately, Whilhimina was out on the sort of  Wizard business that befitted a mage of her reputation and power,  and so her apprentice Lyciir (who was in the habit of disguising herself as her mistress in order to solve the problems of minor petitioners) answered the call. Lyciir was a talented enough mage in her own right, but when tasked with the problem of subduing a rampaging dragon and the crowd of powerful people demanding that she solve it as soon as possible…well… Haste makes waste as they say.  
Lyciir intended to transform the dragon into a mouse, but due to an error in her calculations and the mischievous nature of unconstrained magic the dragon ended up switching bodies with the live mouse the apprentice was using as a focus for the spell.  Now instead of one gigantic problems, she’s faced with two smaller, but equally precarious challenges: a VERY bewildered and skittish rodent that’s now in possession of a body that can raze towns, and the former owner of that body, a malevolent predator of fierce intelligence and cunning that desperately wants out of her keeping. 
Adventure Hooks: 
The party is adventuring about when they encounter a group of knights, footmen, and monster hunters attempting to coax a dragon out of a cave in order to engage in battle. The dragon wines and cries piteously, much to the confusion of its pursuers. 
Recently grain silos across the realm have been destroyed and plundered for the past few nights, and the party is hired by a village to make sense of this chaos. Imagine their surprise when a gargantuan dragon comes tip-toeing out of the field, attempting to hide in ditches and otherwise totally unaware
Years after the dragon was said to be “defeated” , the party visits court on an important mission only to have events sidetracked as “Whilhimina” comes screaming through the halls, telling everyone the mouse has escaped. None of the castle servants know exactly WHY they’re no longer allowed to kill mice ( slaying either of the transposed creatures could result in the spell undoing itself, potentially releasing the dragon all over again) , but it’s all hands on deck as a castle wide search begins to round up each and every pest and let the eccentric Whilhimina search for “her” mouse out of the lot. 
Despite the Dragon being Dispatched, no one has ever found it’s horde. The mouse may wish to bargin with the players, offering to guide them to a great store of treasure it “found” in return for its release. 
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mushroomcoyote · 4 years
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Villain: Gloxxi BItterrind, the Bad Seed. 
“ you know what they say: ~one bad apple spoils the bunch~, and with a bunch of bad apples you can make some wicked cider, a mean fritter, or a really evil pie…. I may have lost the metaphor there, but I DID come up with a great way to ruin a picnic.. wanna help? ” 
Adventure Hooks: 
Some strange blight has been running its way through the local wildlife, killing some creatures with a wasting sickness while driving others into a feral rage and possessed of an unearthly strength. Examination of the corpses reveals that all of them have appleseeds and pallid yellow worms squiggling about their guts,  truly unusual given that a good deal of the animals are predatory, and apple trees aren’t native to the region. 
People generally go to great lengths to avoid traveling through the gallowswood, a section of the local forest rightfully known to be haunted after a homicidal baron forced his rebellious brother’s forces into a bloodless surrender and then systematically hung the disarmed traitors from every tree he could manage. With mass execution only the most recent incident in a long and bloody history, its said that wickedness is drawn to the gallowswood, especially an old ruin at its heart that might be worth investigating for a passing band of adventures.   
Half way through a battle with a ruthless ( but otherwise insignificant) bandit camp, their captian breaks off her duel with the party to rifle through her pack and pull out a seemingly innocuous apple . BIting down into the dripping, pulpy fruit fills the bandit captain with unearthly powers, which may turn the tide of the fight but will invariably burn through her body.  Further adventuring reveals more of these apples in the possession of other evildoers, and the temptation to use these volatile boons may increase as the party begins to amass a stash of their own. 
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mushroomcoyote · 4 years
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Villain: Lurius the Taciturn, Commander of the Greydawn Cavaliers. 
“Your ancestors came to us groveling, fleeing a war they started but could not hope to win. I see you’ve learned little from their example of challenging opponents that far outclass you. “
Setup: It would be a mistake to think the cult of Lolth are the only of elvankind that can fall to wickedness. Just as any mortal society can be corrupted by the biases and falts of it’s members,  the high-elvan enclave known as the Greydawn Cavaliers have fallen to the sins of pride and disdainful scorn. 
Lurius was only a young elf when the first of the foreigners arrived, a motley band of non-elvan refugees from some distant land who begged sanctuary from Lurius’s grandmother ( then queen of her kind). The newcomers promised to work the wilds surrounding the elvan enclave and give tribute to their hosts, in exchange for being allowed to settle and rebuild their society in the shadow of the encalve’s towers. 
Centuries passed, the refugee village grew into a thriving city, and the elvan towers grew higher and higher as Lurius’s people sought to “remove” themselves from the affairs of their serfs. Using the dues and privileges of old treaties with the city’s masters, the elves established themselves as the Greydawn Cavaliers, an independent martial order within the city and its surrounding lands. Unaccountable to any non-elvan authority, the Cavaliers pursue the interests of the now distant towerbound overlords, and are on occasion called upon by the non-elvan rulers of the city to mete out some brutal form of justice. 
Adventure Hooks: 
Previously below the notice of the city’s authorities, a successful heist or other criminal caper puts the party squarely in Lurius’s warpath. Hunted through the streets by drakeback, the criminals may need to literally seek shelter underground if they wish to evade this condescending assassin. 
Forgoing normal servitors, the Greydawn elves maintain a large troupe of goblin vassals, generations of the diminutive creatures serving a single elf for most of thier life.. Though oft overlooked, such intimacy gives the goblins knowledge their elvan masters could ill afford to let slip. With a friend kidnapped by one of the Cavaliers and taken to their lofty towers, the party will need to find and befriend one of these servile goblins if they hope to slip into the fortress unnoticed. 
Lurius can be employed as an especially effective villian if the party contains a half-elf with uncertain parentage. The Greydawn enclave permits no “dabbling” between their kind and the lower classes, and part of how the Taciturn captain secured his position (and his epithet) was by silently “dealing” with such indiscretions, namely by quietly and efficiently hunting down the non-elvan partner and any helfbreed progeny and disposing of them without causing a ruckus in the higher city. Perhaps the half-elf’s human parent managed to slip through Lurius’s grasp, one last quarry that he’s eager to put to rites. Alternatively, perhaps their elvan parent was a renegade among the hateful ranks of the grey-dawn, and sacrificed their liberty and honor so that their love and their child might go free. Could this progenitor still be imprisoned in one of the high towers, awaiting the day when they can see their child’s face once more? 
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mushroomcoyote · 4 years
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Adventure: Stonemarrow Gorge 
Setup: Veiled in mist and scattered with orphaned bones, Stonemarrow gorge earned its name and its infamous reputation by being the dumping ground for a tyrannical baron before his crimes were brought to light.  
Thoroughly haunted by a multitude of tormented spirits, ghouls, and other shadowy scavengers, the duke’s darkest secrets still linger in the concealed oubliette at the canyon’s terminus. 
Adventure Hooks:
With the queen’s justice dispatched and the old duke put to death, his replacement is eager to be rid of the ghost stories that fester out of the gorge like a festering wound. Looking to leverage the party’s reputation as trusted do-gooders, the new baroness arranges for them to escort a high-ranking cleric through the desicrated land and finally drive out the evil that roots there. 
A bard approaches the party with hat in hand. His brother was a political agitator in the time of the old baron, spreading word of the wicked noble’s crimes and rallying a resistance against his abuses of power. For the crime of sedition, the bard’s brother was quietly disappeared one night never to be seen again. The bard never had any word of his brother’s demise, and is willing to lend his talents to the party’s service if they would search through the Stonemarrow Oubliette . Imagine the party’s surprise when they discover the brother still alive…. or atleast still captive. Long weeks of torture and being left to die have transformed the brother into a vampire, half feral and subsisting off the rats that creep into his cage. Will the party rescue their charge or put the prisoner out of his misery ? 
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mushroomcoyote · 4 years
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Setting: Varussha, Land of the Thwarted Fleet.
Background & Enviroment: The wreckage of empires litter the chilly beaches of Varussha, tossed up by the tide in the decade or so since the northern sea played host to the battles between three marauding armadas. Considered little more than a backwater tribute state by the great powers of the current age, Varussha has seen a steady wave of immigration as castaways, pirates, and refugees seek somewhere safe from the constant struggle of the maritime empires.  
These emigres settle along the shores and waterways, using the flotsam of their former vessels to construct makeshift settlements and harbors, eeking out what existence they can as fisherfolk and traders as they slowly make their way inland. The upriver highlands of Varussha are mostly the grazing ground of woolly cattle, presided over by fortified villages and old clan chieftains, who all owe fealty to a king elected by the different clans. The current king, Edralf,  has welcomed the newcomers and has taken personal interest in the resettlement process. Though his nation may be small, and his people may chafe at being forced to share it with a horde of outlanders, Edralf sees the potential in infusing the stagnant culture of his realm with new ideas, as well as opening his harbors to the profits their piracy provides. 
Mood: Darkwater horror, stone circles and thunderstorms.  A tenuous arrangement between a former viking culture and a currently unsettled pirate populace. 
Adventure Hooks: 
Our party starts their adventure in one of Varussha’s newly established freeports. Once little more than a trading village on a well traveled river, the town has exploded with newcomers and their rough and tumble ways. The party can escape the bustle of town by joining up on an “expeditionary” vessel, or help outsiders and villagefolk navigate the challenges of adapting to this new world together. Success in these matters may find them called upon by kin Edralf himself, who’s interested in having agents who can help him bring his particular vision of Varussha’s future to pass. 
With a hold full of hard won ( ill gotten) goods, the party park their boat in a Varusshan harbor just as the last of the autumn storms turns to freezing chill.  Wintering in a pirate cove may not be ideal, but it will give them plenty of time to count their spoils, get to know the crew, and stretch their-land legs after a few months at sea.  Hopefully the icy waters and biting winds will cool the wrath of those the party as wronged before the thaw sees them on their next adventure. 
One of the most ragged and ill-reputed settlements along the shore has turned full pirate, propping up a pirate known as “The Drowned Admiral” as their leader and freely engaging in raids among other settlements and attacks on any vessel they can find.  Everyone wants the Admiral and her  tossed back in the drink, most especially the crown, who know that such renegades can only cause division at home, and draw the attention of the great powers who put up with only so much of Varussha’s pirate harboring Antics. 
Not all of Edralf’s people believe in his choices, or welcome his “new friends” to their ancestral land. Though the king is able to sway most of the holdouts with promises of piratical income, many of the staunchest and most traditionalist voices whisper of ousting Edralf and the newcomers, and electing a new king more dedicated to “The Old Ways”.  Radical agents of these holdouts shout propaganda in the market square, paint graffiti with seditious call to arms in the street, and attack advocates for integration when they believe no one’s looking. 
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mushroomcoyote · 4 years
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Ancient Tree Roots Battle Map
Need a big, mysterious tree in your life? I have just the battle map to scratch that itch, fresh off the press today. 
Check out my new Ancient Tree Roots battle map below: 
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mushroomcoyote · 4 years
Troy’s “How To Run an Island Adventure” article is now up on our 2-Minute Tabletop blog! It’s a one-stop shop for seafaring/island encounters and our suggested (free) battle maps. 
Read more: https://www.2minutetabletop.com/how-to-run-an-island-adventure/
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mushroomcoyote · 4 years
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From the closet of Black Sails: Captain Flint’s shirt and waistcoat, seasons 1 & 2.
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mushroomcoyote · 4 years
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Antique Embroidery Scissors.
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mushroomcoyote · 4 years
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Copper and brass Art Nouveau scissors, 1900.
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mushroomcoyote · 5 years
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Mortimer dress ups!!
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