musicmanic00 · 10 months
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musicmanic00 · 11 months
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musicmanic00 · 11 months
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Hey Kingtrashraccoon, why is your reply from 59min ago on the day 7/4/2023 above 2 replies from 01/29/2022?
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surely this is a good idea that doesn’t have the capacity to end real fuckin badly
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musicmanic00 · 1 year
Venmo is @addisonteach
How about we just have like... hey trans people, post your pay links or wishlist or whatever you got. No limits, no trans excluded, intersex welcome, any and all genders off the social conventions included. I'll just reblog em a bunch.
I need a reblog to share your info, please use those, not comments or tags. I try to reblog immediately every instance I see between 10am and 10pm, everything else goes into the queue.
Additionally, Reddit is known to have further donation resources, some of which are outlined and linked in this post.
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musicmanic00 · 1 year
how nude can a clown be before it ceases to be a clown? is the makeup enough?
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musicmanic00 · 2 years
Reblog to give a nonbinary person a warm cup of soup.
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musicmanic00 · 2 years
mutuals do this
take care of yourself
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musicmanic00 · 2 years
The person I reblogged this from deserves to be happy
I tried to scroll past this. I really did
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musicmanic00 · 2 years
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Here we go:
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musicmanic00 · 2 years
This will never NOT be funny
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musicmanic00 · 2 years
My favorite thing about this is Bruce calling him a 4/10 when canonically in multiple comic universes they look nearly identical to the point Clark can pretend to be Bruce
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@sharkchimedes and I were joking around and we realized Connecticut Clark and Malfina would work with Clark and Bruce and I finally got around to making it. this took three and a half episodes of The Batman to make enjoy
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musicmanic00 · 2 years
Just a tip!
If you're in a place, mentally or physically, where you only have the spoons to take care of yourself in one way, I HIGHLY recommend taking care of your teeth.
Acne goes away. You can always start working out later. Stink is easily fixed with a single shower. Hair can be brushed and cut.
Issues with teeth are expensive, painful, and overall suck. Your teeth health can have an impact on other things, too, like jaw issues.
If you're faced with the choice of either taking a shower or brushing your teeth, I highly recommend brushing your teeth. Whatever tools help you to do that, disposable floss picks/toothbrushes, kids fun-flavored toothpaste, soft bristled brushes, anything is better than nothing.
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musicmanic00 · 2 years
Some people deserve a slow and excruciatingly painful death
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musicmanic00 · 2 years
The cats shadow is cast the opposite direction of the trees shadows and that makes me uneasy
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Miho Ichise "The Last Sunbathing of the Day"
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musicmanic00 · 2 years
Even my therapist doesn't see any end to this. All he could say is he hopes one day I can come to a session without having to say life's gotten worse.
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musicmanic00 · 2 years
I can't pay rent this month... And I've got bills on top of rent to pay as well. Half my friends in a grippy socks vacation, I keep getting fucked over by jobs. My physical health keeps declining and my mental health is at one of the lowest points it's ever been, with active trauma currently happening and exponentially growing that I can't afford the gas to get to therapy to resolve. I don't know how I'm going to survive the next few weeks, and even if I manage to, I'll be so far behind on everything that I won't be able to pay April's rent either. I've never been this financially screwed. I've always been able to find a way to pay rent. Until now.
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musicmanic00 · 2 years
Am I an asshole for not thinking it's a good idea to reach out? The last year with my adoptive family has been rough to the point I was kicked out and threatened. I distanced myself and told them if they stop antagonizing me and address the problems that's the only way to reconnect because they spent 6 months gaslighting me trying to pretend theyve done nothing while telling me I've done nothing but cause them pain the decade they've been part of my life, while simultaneously I'm a terrible person for not wanting to be part of their life. I still care about them cause for the first 9 years it was good, and I wouldn't be here without them. But a year of being treated like I don't exist, and being told I'm nothing but suffering to them, it's better to not be in their lives, and the threats ended up being the last straw.
Well yesterday my brother (well I guess not my brother anymore since I was told in not part of the family) apparently got in a real bad wreck. (The speed limit is 20pmh where it supposedly happened but was going fast enough to flip several times) a friend who knows why I distanced myself told me about it, that he shattered both hips and his lungs collapsed among other injuries. I'm worried and know how bad the wreck can be because I was in a similar wreck as a passenger, that severed my spine and left other lifelong injuries. But as worried as I am about him and his mom, how they are doing, and as much as I hope he recovers quickly and completely, I'm too scared to reach out. They made it clear over the last year that I'm worthless if I have feelings, and they don't care that they hurt me, I should just forget about it and pretend it never happened. I don't see any way to reach out that doesn't either invalidate myself and have me pretend they didn't spend a year degrading, gaslighting, and threatening me, or me still acknowledging that stuff and the threats getting worse. Like I hope for his recovery but if it's smart for either side for me to reach out... 2 of my close friends checked into mental hospitals last week cause they couldn't keep going, another close friend spiraling, I've been drowning in stress for so long that I haven't had a chance to come up for air in too long, and the last year combined with this I'm losing it. If he dies while estranged idk how to handle it but this accident doesn't undo him telling all my friends that watched him threaten me, that I was the one threatening him, and that hess keeping a 45 magnum loaded Incase I ever show up. What the fuck do I do
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