must--be--a-weasley · 4 years
Spot the Slytherin
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This really didn’t seem like enough people to me, so I did the math. It would take 124 minimum people harvested to make roughly one pound of iron. You take the iron and turn it into steel, which depending on the heating processes and alloying metals (if any) were added there could be a margin of change; for the sake of argument let’s say the metallurgy stays a 1:1. My sword of choice would be an Ulfbert, which is about 4 pounds of metal. Without going down the rabbit hole of smithing and sword type vairiables it would take around 500 people to forge a sword from the blood of your enemies. Which for some reason still doesn’t seem like enough.
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must--be--a-weasley · 4 years
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Or perhaps in Slytherin you’ll make your real friends, those cunning folk use any means to achive their ends
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must--be--a-weasley · 4 years
Sirius is Eugene, James is Maximus and Remus is Pascal. Ready to fight
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must--be--a-weasley · 4 years
Lets take a minute to talk about Draco & Moaning Myrtle
So the most common knowledge of this pair is that Draco spent some time in his sixth year confiding in Myrtle. But prior to that back in COS Draco (probably unknowingly) mentions Myrtle, when he says “the last time the chamber was opened a mudblood died”. That “mudblood” was Myrtle Warren, aka Moaning Myrtle. Is that foreshadowing or just ironic? Back to sixth year. We aren’t certain Draco is aware she was Voldemort’s first muggleborn victim he once spoke of, but as much as Myrtle likes to recall her death story, it’s likely he learned. So here is the ghost of a girl who was bullied for her blood status and appearance and here is Draco who has bullied people for just those reasons, yet she is the one who he confides in, who he feels understands more than anyone even though she was a victim of the master he is attempting to serve. Myrtle speaks kindly to Draco in a way that suggests he speaks kindly to her. How deep did their conversations delve? Perhaps this is the moment Draco’s prejudice starts slipping, perhaps he regretted his thoughtless words about “hoping Granger is next” after seeing the product of real murder in the ghostly form of an innocent muggleborn youth. Maybe he sees a little of hermione in Myrtle, their similarities in blood status and intelligence (Myrtle was in Ravenclaw) and opens up to her in a way he never could to Hermione. Perhaps Myrtle is Draco’s transitioning point. I can’t quite figure out how this directly relates to or supports my Dramoine case, but Draco/Myrtle is very significant and I’m surprised it’s not talked about more. Can anybody add to this theory?.
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must--be--a-weasley · 4 years
excuse me, but where can I sell my soul to get Harry Potter written in the perspective of Draco Malfoy?
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must--be--a-weasley · 5 years
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must--be--a-weasley · 5 years
Hogwarts Houses at Night
Hogwarts Houses at Night
Gryffindor: watching “just one more” episode / spamming social media / getting everything ready for the next day / actually trying to sleep / re-thinking conversations / setting 50 alarms to wake up
Slytherin: facetime-ing friends / watching conspiracy theories / listening to music / thinking up things they want to dream / re-decoring their room / having an existential crisis
Hufflepuff: getting midnight snacks / looking at memes / sending texts for people to wake up to / random self-care / drawing people you saw that day / doodling whatever pops into their head
Ravenclaw: falling down an internet hole / calculating how much sleep you would get if you fell asleep now / orginizing everything for no reason / procrastinating on homework / google-ing everything that pops into their mind / listening to podcasts
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must--be--a-weasley · 5 years
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Hogwarts Houses! 
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must--be--a-weasley · 5 years
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Summer, fall, winter, spring
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must--be--a-weasley · 5 years
can I request female ravenclaw law student?
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must--be--a-weasley · 5 years
Hi could you do a theatre based one for a slytherclaw? Please :)
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must--be--a-weasley · 5 years
Hi! Could you do a moodboard of a bookworm ballerina hufflepuff please?
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must--be--a-weasley · 5 years
Hiya! I was wondering if you could do a 1980s themed Gryffindor with a stag patronus moodboard? Please and thank you! (ps: love your stuff ♡)
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must--be--a-weasley · 5 years
Incorrect Harry Potter #49
Slytherin: If the moon is made of cheese and Saturn is 6, how many pancakes could you eat on Mars?
Hufflepuff: Yellow.
Slytherin: The correct answer is peanuts.
Gryffindor: Oh I see, because you carry the 2 and-
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must--be--a-weasley · 5 years
Incorrect Harry Potter #50
Gryffindor: *waking up in a cold sweat* What the fuck IS the moon???
Hufflepuff: *sleepily* A chicken nugget.
Gryffindor: *now at peace* I see.
Ravenclaw: *entering the room* Excuse me?
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must--be--a-weasley · 5 years
Sirius: BEHOLD!
Sirius: *shoves photo in Peter’s face*
Peter: It’s… a picture of Remus smiling?
Sirius: I didn’t fucking ask you to caption. I asked you to behold.
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must--be--a-weasley · 5 years
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I’m hat 5, broom 5. What about you? 🦇🖤🍂
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